Will They Ever Change The Debuff Immunity Sins Have?



  • kawaiijen
    kawaiijen Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Jen what do u mean by P2P Tideborn.??

    The Chinese Pay2play Tideborns have COMPLETELY different skills. And are FAR more balanced then ours.

    See screenshots uploaded by bubbles HERE
    Ty Fon for the sig <3

    GM Support * Contact Me * Have a Suggestion?
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    1st time the panda has seen his class included in a QQ

    More importantly he named the wrong classes somehow. :U

    Seeker and Psy are the ones that hella **** with sins, not wiz and barb. Sure maybe they won't go for a barb but the barb can't do jack either. And while the teleport break-stun is nice for wizzies, sins literally have two teleports and god knows how many stuns.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Altairego - Heavens Tear
    Altairego - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    KawaiiJen wrote: »
    The Chinese Pay2play Tideborns have COMPLETELY different skills. And are FAR more balanced then ours.

    See screenshots uploaded by bubbles HERE
    the skills looks completely differentb:shocked or is that the psychic skill tree?
  • kawaiijen
    kawaiijen Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    the skills looks completely differentb:shocked or is that the psychic skill tree?

    Both classes skill trees are in there if that's what you're asking.
    Ty Fon for the sig <3

    GM Support * Contact Me * Have a Suggestion?
  • U_Sasuke - Sanctuary
    U_Sasuke - Sanctuary Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    developers on our server were probably having a saturday-all-night party while designed Sins and Psy. thats what u get when u work while u are drunk ppl xD, 24/7 control skills, 24/7 hidding, 24/7 free movment b:pleased
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    developers on our server were probably having a saturday-all-night party while designed Sins and Psy. thats what u get when u work while u are drunk ppl xD, 24/7 control skills, 24/7 hidding, 24/7 free movment b:pleased

    far some reason the devs as they dont play the GAME themself think LA mean sht deffense when your +12 full josd so they gave sin all kinds stuns to make them wanted plus its when they let aps become a big factor.

    before i remember we hade those ppl whole liked using fist but they where few and squeshy
    as hell for bm.

    it was mostly for the animation and the lil extra chi gain wish was nice not like today.

    i think the chi factor should be removed using normal attacks or just remove sparks all together would pretty much fix this fiasco especially in pvp ooh and for god sake make bramble work like it does in TW.