Lol Vicious? Meet the best.



  • Shield - Raging Tide
    Shield - Raging Tide Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Belle <3
  • Boartracker - Raging Tide
    Boartracker - Raging Tide Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    This goes beyond TV wrastlin'. If this doesn't become a new Reality TV show, they making cartoon reality shows now so you all have a chance. b:laugh

  • Breannak - Raging Tide
    Breannak - Raging Tide Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    What happened to Mr. Beaker thread?
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Handbags at dawn! b:shutup

    Nice vid, love the song! b:chuckle
  • anonymousposter
    anonymousposter Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    What happened to Mr. Beaker thread?

    Are you an annoying person because you are a teenage girl who needs attention or because you do not understand how annoying you are so you aren't aware you annoy everyone?
  • Breannak - Raging Tide
    Breannak - Raging Tide Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Are you an annoying person because you are a teenage girl who needs attention or because you do not understand how annoying you are so you aren't aware you annoy everyone?

    Do you need a tissue because you have a issue? I don't see anything which I posted above as annoying just a normal question! Personally Anonymousposter quit hiding behind and alt, grow up already, please and thank you. b:cuteb:bye That is all I'm going to say about it.
  • anonymousposter
    anonymousposter Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Do you need a tissue because you have a issue? I don't see anything which I posted above as annoying just a normal question! Personally Anonymousposter quit hiding behind and alt, grow up already, please and thank you. b:cuteb:bye That is all I'm going to say about it.

    Usually tissues for issues involve QQing. I am not QQing because you are an annoying person. I just wondered if it is possible that you could ever stop being annoying. I also wonder if you are aware that you annoy so many people. Even people in QQme are annoyed by you.
  • Breannak - Raging Tide
    Breannak - Raging Tide Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited May 2012

    Usually tissues for issues involve QQing. I am not QQing because you are an annoying person. I just wondered if it is possible that you could ever stop being annoying. I also wonder if you are aware that you annoy so many people. Even people in QQme are annoyed by you.

    The Breakdown

    1. Wonder all you like I'm not change anything of who I'm.
    2. What people do you speak of, can you back your statements up?
    3. What people in QQme names please, don't be shy now?

    Make me eat my words, show me something to prove your logic. Picture's, quotes I wanna see it especially the one that is number 3.
  • Vicialchemis - Raging Tide
    Vicialchemis - Raging Tide Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    The Breakdown

    1. Wonder all you like I'm not change anything of who I'm.
    2. What people do you speak of, can you back your statements up?
    3. What people in QQme names please, don't be shy now?

    Make me eat my words, show me something to prove your logic. Picture's, quotes I wanna see it especially the one that is number 3.

    brea , never believe in the words of a anonymous persons.
    Dr. Phil's viewpoint is:What is the pay-off for trolling?

    Attention and recognition even if negative,The emotional release of venting ,Power (the power to disrupt), Vandalism,The thrill of breaking social conventions,Sabotaging groups the troll dislikes and Immaturity.
  • anonymousposter
    anonymousposter Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    fail caster's forum alt is funnnay
  • Vicialchemis - Raging Tide
    Vicialchemis - Raging Tide Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    fail caster's forum alt is funnnay

    boogie panda Oo
    Dr. Phil's viewpoint is:What is the pay-off for trolling?

    Attention and recognition even if negative,The emotional release of venting ,Power (the power to disrupt), Vandalism,The thrill of breaking social conventions,Sabotaging groups the troll dislikes and Immaturity.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    So she claim ty be the best on your server and say no one can kill her....
    If she's the best of you, i don't wanna seee the worse. XD
    No one of you can beat her?
    Post video, i want a proove she can be beat. :D

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Hurrdurr - Lothranis
    Hurrdurr - Lothranis Posts: 1,468 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    So she claim ty be the best on your server and say no one can kill her....
    If she's the best of you, i don't wanna seee the worse. XD
    No one of you can beat her?
    Post video, i want a proove she can be beat. :D

    lol dead pvp server trying to say they're good.

    Archosaur has more PvP than you. b:bye
  • LuciferV - Raging Tide
    LuciferV - Raging Tide Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Are you serious....
    And some pro replies...
    Wow that was completely horrible.

    You killed 2 afk people, then one shot a bunch of under-geared people standing amongst R9's, then get rofl stomped and call yourself pro?

    ^this b:laugh if thats what you call pro your server is in big trouble.

    dont worry, we dont call it pro but he needs his ego so we let him have it. would be boring for us if he were to just go cry in a corner and leave us with nobody to laugh at.

    Your ego is huge and matches your gear. Completely cash shopped. No skill to base it on.

    Is it just me or do all the heavy CSers always have the worst graphics settings in game? Stop buying gear and get a new computer..

    "ooooh, look at me...I have full R9 and I can beat sins..."

    do that with tt99 and I'll believe you're pro, as of now, you're just the average cash-shopper

    lol why is this posted in lost city threads and all it looked like was alot of killing ppl standing around

    and a wtf@Elijah on pwi fourms guess being banned on pwv fourms wasnt good enough

    And then brag some more here...

    and of course...

    stop that your making us look like fools by posting on all server sections b:surrender we already have 1 goddessnoa SZ pvper

    truekossy wrote: »
    It's clearly a tutorial on how not to play cleric.

    Lol this is funny

    Killls 2 afk players, dies, releases, chases a player into SZ. Trash talks the whole time. Pro video.

    Yup, thats Mav

    Lol, because PK is all trash talk and oneshotting afk people...

    Oh man, Noa is more skilled than this. .-.

    This video doesn't do you any good since you're r9 +10 at least, I dunno about the sharding. One shooting less geared afk people is just a non sense.
    Post another video with some fights against r9 +10 and it will be relevant.
    And I mean players fighting back.

    Omg, such brag in the video, calls everyone noob who isn't "as good as her" and sht.
    While you just killed 2 afk players and it looks like you were to fly away cuz of the group PvPers before you died there.

    this makes me LoL

    +10, +12, whatever.
    Considering your gear, you should show some real pk video against equally geared opponents.

    Of course not

    Why did you go sage if you wanted to metal mage? Sage is absolutely terrible when compared to demon for metal maging. Nevermind how bad the video is overall.

    If we're linking cleric PVP vids though, I made one. >.> It is still, admittedly, rather boring though. Also, not the best cleric ever.
    I'd argue the cultis equal enough in MMM. Sage clerics can at least heal themselves in MMM and have longer sleep/seals.

    ...This, basically...

    No offense, but killing 2 afk people, as a +10/+12, partially jaded R9 geared cleric and doing what seems to be bragging about it, as well as biting off more than you can chew, dying, and then running feeling that your power ran a R9, fully jaded, +12 archer away kind of looks bad on your part. You really didn't have any competition in the video, and for the most part...people were either afk or running from you. I don't doubt that you're capable of a great deal...but this video does a very poor job of advertising that.

    any cleric can... something about pking afk players and SZ pking.

    The best? The vids you posted have more to do with the complete lack of skill of your opponents, or them being afk, rather than your skills. Post a vid of you in TW doing your OP roflstomping and we might take your next posts seriously. Untill then youre about as handy in a squad as a sin in caster nerdvana


    Your attitude is pretty disgusting.

    lol.. so sad

    I don't really care about my attitude. If I wanted friends I'd go outside lol. I don't play PWI to be your bff and omg care about you so much! No lol, I play to 1 shot you, send you to SZ, and laugh at you because you can't afford to CS what I have.

    Yes, you do son!

    LMAO. Oh wow. That's so cute of you. You must be so proud. Trying to sound tough by not bothering to read my post...not that I really care. b:laugh

    Here. Let me respond to this in a way that even you can understand.

    *I don't care what class you thought you picked.

    *I don't care enough to make you look bad. You're doing that yourself with the video and your own pitiable posts.

    *Your skill isn't showcased. You don't look good in your vids.

    *You're NOT the best...though you may think you are.

    *Gear is NOT a replacement for skill or talent.

    *I'm quite glad that I'm not you. I'd rather play my level 100, TT90 armored, and TT99 green geared, +3 cleric than your level 105, rank 9, +10/+12 geared cleric any day. You have to come on here, and gloat about how great you are in a hope to recognized as such. I have people tell me that without me asking. Others have had people tell them that without asking. I've seen level 30 clerics that I'd rather stand beside than you. Honestly...I've seen level 1 clerics that I'd rather stand beside. You want to be on your high horse, then ride on,...but don't come to me proclaiming to be so great, or I'm going to tell you just how much you really aren't. There is so much more that I could say, but I don't want to give you too many words at once.

    This put me in tears :x

    Coming from an adult: It's just sad. To me you are just one big spoiled brat with a really awful attitude towards others. I'd be ashamed if you were my daughter.


    Well... I tried to give you the chance to be a decent human've been failing at it, but I figured that I'd at least give you a sporting chance. I did say that I'd end this all with this next without further delay...let your evisceration commence... Mrs_Mav...

    *You don't read my posts because you suffer from being illiterate.

    *You have NO skill.

    *Your gear that you're so proud of is an inhibitor.

    *You suck as a cleric, and from your posts, you probably suck as a person.

    *You think that you're the best, but you're much closer to the worst.

    *You fail as a cleric.

    *Even if you did go outside, you wouldn't make a friend with your attitude...let along a single acquaintance.

    *You solo every instance because no one deems you worthy enough for a squad...not even a random one.

    *You suck so badly that you had to come on here to the forums to try to get attention, and try to get approval, and you still couldn't get any...further cementing the fact that you absolutely truly suck.

    *Your video is the worst thing present on youtube and the forums. It sucks in every manner.

    *Your responses are pitiful, and embarrassingly bad.

    *Your cleric is a lie.

    *Your supposed life is a lie.

    *You wish that you were as good as a cleric who is still in the process of character creation, but you sadly aren't and somehow managed to advance backwards.

    *The archer didn't run from you> The archer had a severe allergic reaction to the immense and great deal of FAIL that you emit.

    *You're undeserving of the character that you have, and if this is your true personality...the life that you lead could use some work too.

    *Your claim to fame is a tempest to AFK people and professing to be great.

    *Your cleric could only advance better if you pressed the delete button, and then uninstalled the program...following by burning the computer that you played it on.

    *No one wants to be you, and I'm quite glad that I'm not you.

    *I would say that you were and are simply wrong, but you aren't deserving of such a simple statement. ...and that's how a lot of us feel about it.

    ...and as Elanxu said... I wonder if there is even an insult that is bad enough to describe you....but i figured that I'd give it an honest try.

    Good luck to you Mrs_Mav. You need all the luck that you can get...even against level 1 mobs...and that's sad considering that you're R9, +10/12. From adult to child/adolescent/other adult/whatever you are supposed to be, I strongly encourage you to change your state of mind...or you will have a much harder time in your life.

    After this .. i dont even quote anything else...

    "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

    Lol, guys, calm down. It's just a game you know right? A game I obviously am better at in every way, shape and form. I'm sorry everyone is fighting and butthurt, but why be mad at me? Because I'm confident on a video game? Because I spend money on a video game? Because I have no want or need to have any respect from another person on a video game? Look, PWI is all in good fun, I don't take pot shots at anyone's IRL or anyone's personal lives. I just give everyone something to do. Keep on your toes Vicious. Mrs_Mav is gunna come for you when you least expect it ;) Pewpew *throws $100s at Vicious members* I make it rainnnnnn!

    PS! Video editing skills? Idc about these. It's the fact that I'm the only one putting out videos of Vicious getting roflpwnd by my mom's pocketbook that matters. End Point.

    Mrs_Mav - #1 on highscores and #1 in your hearts.
    IKR Mav, Its a game!
    Just another delusional player that can't take their own advice and takes the game way too seriously...

    But at least you're getting the attention you crave so much. So congratulations, I guess.
    Don't F. with me, I F. back ;)
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Ken, mav must have really got to you if u went through all that trouble with the quotes. I guess my hate for vicu is much much lower since i rarely spend time quoting ppl. Ken, just care less.
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • anonymousposter
    anonymousposter Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Ken, mav must have really got to you if u went through all that trouble with the quotes. I guess my hate for vicu is much much lower since i rarely spend time quoting ppl. Ken, just care less.
    I doubt Ken cares as much as you do. You spend your whole life on these forums. Ken shows up once in a blue moon? Quit trying to make yourself look better at the expenses of others. You are still a sad little man.
  • Odizeus - Dreamweaver
    Odizeus - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Big post!

    I was waiting for this post since mav doesnt take ur challenge yesterday... b:chuckle
  • Vicialchemis - Raging Tide
    Vicialchemis - Raging Tide Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ken post was cocococoooommmboo breakeeeerrr b:shocked
    Dr. Phil's viewpoint is:What is the pay-off for trolling?

    Attention and recognition even if negative,The emotional release of venting ,Power (the power to disrupt), Vandalism,The thrill of breaking social conventions,Sabotaging groups the troll dislikes and Immaturity.
  • Mrs_Mav - Raging Tide
    Mrs_Mav - Raging Tide Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    Don't hate the player. Hate the fact you can't afford to be as good as my mom can make me.
  • MansVisa - Raging Tide
    MansVisa - Raging Tide Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited June 2012
  • Vicialchemis - Raging Tide
    Vicialchemis - Raging Tide Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Dr. Phil's viewpoint is:What is the pay-off for trolling?

    Attention and recognition even if negative,The emotional release of venting ,Power (the power to disrupt), Vandalism,The thrill of breaking social conventions,Sabotaging groups the troll dislikes and Immaturity.
  • Mrs_Mav - Raging Tide
    Mrs_Mav - Raging Tide Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm famous O:!

    Don't hate the player. Hate the fact you can't afford to be as good as my mom can make me.
  • Aasimar - Raging Tide
    Aasimar - Raging Tide Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm famous O:!

    totally, from now on you shall be known as Sarah Palin.
  • Mrs_Mav - Raging Tide
    Mrs_Mav - Raging Tide Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Woo! I'm famous AND a political pun and/or figure. I have to thank some people for getting where I am today. Firstly, my mom, for CSing so much for me. And secondly, myself, for being awesome at making all of you butthurt because I own so hard.

    #1 on highscores and #1 in your hearts.

    Don't hate the player. Hate the fact you can't afford to be as good as my mom can make me.
  • MansVisa - Raging Tide
    MansVisa - Raging Tide Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    #1 in ego and #1 at fappin to Miss Piggy

    Fixed b:bye
  • Yamahabanche - Raging Tide
    Yamahabanche - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Weener lips you lied on wc today idk how many times ,you did not kill an entire squad by yourself ,especialy not me ,luciferv and nekela ,no way in hell. b:chuckle

    Second Weener lips we still didnt finish our fight we got 18mins done ,6 more hours to go wtf are you waiting for. b:angry

    AND THIRD MEEP b:laugh
  • Harrydresden - Raging Tide
    Harrydresden - Raging Tide Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I break apples n hearts
  • Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide
    Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Time for a harry youtube pk irl video?
    i hope so :P
    Attacking at the speed of Suck since 2009
  • BloodTyrant - Raging Tide
    BloodTyrant - Raging Tide Posts: 581 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    i miss harry's cleric in pk b:cry even his cleric was better than beakerb:surrender
  • Harrydresden - Raging Tide
    Harrydresden - Raging Tide Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    i am making new youtube vids, but sadly not pwi related. jus needa edit as ive filmed the first one =)

    and id try to pk again, but i have no gear XD