Where did PWI go wrong? (Goodbye Thread)



  • Soul_knife - Dreamweaver
    Soul_knife - Dreamweaver Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Ani packs and when they hired all these people directly from special ed.
  • Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary
    Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    PWI went wrong on a lot of things, starting with the packs.
    I remember enjoying this game a lot more than I do now, and found myself taking breaks of the game, or looking for different games.
    I'll keep playing this game untill at least the summer-vacation, I'll see further then.
    Once it becomes a chore to login, it's time to stop playing it. For now I'm still enjoying myself, and I wanna see vana, fb99, warsong and delta before I quit b:chuckle
  • /ork - Harshlands4
    /ork - Harshlands4 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    For those of you who are all going to "emit dnoces eht rof dliug fo sraw" I will see you there!

    Especially at this upcoming weekends beta =D
  • NescauBall - Archosaur
    NescauBall - Archosaur Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Farewell PWI.

    I had a lot of fun here for a while, even tough I hate what this game became. I hate what the devs did and the lack of concern of PWE...

    However, when I remember of this game in the future I wont remember when it died or why it died.

    I will remember waiting at least 1 or 2 minutes to login because of the music and the way it made me feel.

    I will remember spending 30 minutes trying to make a perfect character, that awesome song that played when we edited our chars was epic and I could listen it forever.

    I will remember doing my level 29 culti with other 5 people on my party, having great fun doing a loooot of quests.

    I will remember it took me a month to reach level 30, I wasant upset cuz of that. It was a wonderful and fun month

    I will remember when I got my first fly at level 30, I flied all over the places to discover the pretty and wonderful places PW had to offer =)

    I will remember being PKed on North Barrier village over and over. When I was on my fly travels I went to there, got killed in PK and couldnt leave the city cuz I had no place to teleport and there was a guy chasing and killing me. Then I Pmed a random guy on world chat asking for help, and he came and killed the archer that was trolling me

    I will remember how the community was full of nice and cool people. Not the ppl we have now.

    I will remember how cool I felt when I first tanked 1-1 on my barb.

    And most important:

    I will remember all the friendships I made here, and how they made me become a better person.

    This game was my home for quite some time, but its now time to move on.
    Have fun everyone, wherever you are going.

    PWI, you will be missed! Not the PWI we have now, but the one we played and loved. This one may survive for years but its nothing but a shadow of what it was before.
  • John_Smith - Harshlands
    John_Smith - Harshlands Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Combination of packs, aps, R9 and fail customer service along with inadiquate enforcement of the rules.

    The games still good, the community that's left and somehow manages to bypass all these problems is amazing (And sad if I'm honest. I mean seriously...). I won't forget the fun I had with this game, but the fact that I enjoyed being here so much is why I hate seeing it fall apart like it has been doing.

    I won't be going anywhere soon, my "gaming" PC is just a little too old to really meet the requirements for the few new games I'm interested in (I meet everyhting except the dual core requirement for minimal QQ b:surrender), but when I get a job and a spare grand or so, I'm making myself a dreamy PC and gtfoing. Till then I'll show up for TW and occasionally do my Morai stuff (Which without all the other problems was a great addition to the game) until I completely go.

    PWI will be a great memory tarnished with a dreadful demise. I'd rather them have simply said 12 months ago "We're shutting down the servers in 3 months." and killed it.
    I've quit excluding TW for my faction. But I still hang around to help out those who still enjoy the game under PWEs horrific handling and to have fun in the forums. b:cute
    #Shame about PWEs absolutely craptastic handling of the goons glitching. Remember kids, there's no punishment for breaking the rules here!#
    If you make a valid complaint, your thread will disapear. Don't post it here, post it on other sites where PW can't hide it.
  • SkogDyr - Lost City
    SkogDyr - Lost City Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Bye PWI...

    I got pulled into here by irl friends... sad to say that they aren't on much anymore.

    PWE, you jumped the shark with your "client instability" mess, r9 in cash shop, marketing **** ups, economy wrecking pack sales and inability to do anything without special permission from Bejing.

    I'll miss a few people in Lost City (yes, even those of you I couldn't stand!) as we all move on.

    If you see a Skog in another game... say hi!

    (and ffs, it is pronounced "Skoog"... long O, Dyr "deer" the way some of you mangle it... makes it sound like a VD!)

    So this EP is out.

    SkogDyr proud leader of the
    Federation United Casters Keeping Others From Failing And Positively Succeeding

  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I'd say the main downfall of PWI would be PWE's negligence to their player community.

    GMs ingame saying lovey-dovey things as if we were little children and ignoring bigger matters where their voice has a better chance of reaching devs than us. A massive glitch abuse where they let the rule breakers slide. They lost about everything trustworthy in a good company. They don't show justice when it's needed, regardless of "how many tickets were spammed", they don't listen to the player community, they give a cold shoulder to posts asking questions regarding a glitch or something relating on that matter.

    The list goes on, but that, in my opinion, will be the downfall of PWI.
    [SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
    Vicious's Brony. Brohoof!
    youtube.com/user/SkaiPW - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!
  • unceuncerave
    unceuncerave Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    +10 to this thread. GL PWE. Perhaps you should change your company name to whatever you deem your new flagship of a game.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] for GD Onion 2012 b:victory
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Sorry guys, farewell threads have always gone to Off-Topic.
  • PatrynRue - Sanctuary
    PatrynRue - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Everyone has their breaking point, for me it's the lack of new players. I enjoyed helping out new players learn how to play.. now all I see is 'this is my alt, may main is 100+' This was the most fun in the game for me.

    It's all about getting the 'alts' to 100+. I played a different game where this same path was taken, less and less advertising to get new players, and the introduction of power leveling. That game shut down about a year later, and the US servers contract is up this year so will be going down too.

    The main player base for PWI will soon be the people who spent enough money here to buy a few new cars.. there are people who have spent that much and more. They are to invested, and don't want to believe the game will end.
  • Nana_PL - Raging Tide
    Nana_PL - Raging Tide Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Hmmm Let's see.

    1. Assassin class as a whole - Stealth = massive Q.Q Bloodpaint = allowed aps people to solo just about anything with good enough gear. Massive DPS = Sins are new tanks on all bosses, an aps barb would possibly be able to hold from BM's but sins it's not possible.

    NOTE: Aps was always ingame, just wasn't popular right away.

    2. Rank 9 and rep sales etc. - Basically u allowed people to BUY POWER.... Figured MMO's was supposed to be about playing the game and obtaining stuff and now all of a sudden people who played 2+ years are immediately outgeared by alot by those that chose to swipe a credit card.

    3. Packs - Gambling money sinks....these are nothing more then ingame slot machines and Again people able to buy power... these also allowed for easy aps gear aswell furthering the aps craze.

    4. Customer service - Have known many friends that got the "We'll look into it" statement and recieved no help on many many different issues. You haven't stood by ur word on bans, fixing things etc. Tons of ingame bugs....list is very long on this one.

    5. Lack of GM/other sort of presence ingame - There is no monitoring going on that I can see...People who advertise Gold sites, scammers, people breaking all sorts of ingame rules, botters etc. nothing is ever done. I mean I'm constantly seeing or hearing of hackers etc.

    6. Game Balance - Not much has been done to balance out things imo...few band aids here and there and the new expansion helped some but it's a bit too little too late and frankly doubt it even helps.

    7. Lack of content - Let's face it...most things ingame are pretty much ignored anymore...it's mainly "How can I FCC" for leveling then Vana or PK/TW or whatever. Nobody bothers with quests anymore...go look..the entire map barren except cities. Nothing had been added for ages until this last expansion.

    8. Player Attitudes as a whole - When this game first began, people were friendly and eager to help each other and squad up. Now it's more and more becoming a game filled with those who have egos and are out for themselves and people would rather solo a dungeon then squad with "FCC babies"/ Hyper noobs. Seems majority of people getting unpleasant to say the least on many aspects.

    Side Note: I still do have friends ingame and meet friendly people here and there but just seems as a whole the game is attracting a different sort of people then it began or just has changed people's attitudes towards others in the community.

    I'm sure I could think of more but don't care to. I will be moving on as soon as some other games get released.

    ^ this. I understand PWE as a company needs to make money somehow, and the game is free to play, so they come up with sales on boutique etc. Noone is forced to spend their real money on the game, so it's a personal choice. That's why I don't think it's the economy's fault that PWI started to loose their members. I totally understand selling stuff like mounts, flyers, fashion, pigments and other useless stuff that supposed to make your toon look cooler in the boutique. The game needs to make money somehow, and let's nto forget that this is free to play. HOWEVER I totally disagree with the idea of buying your power in this game. I am going for r9 soon myself, I've been farming it for the past few months and I'm halfway done, but I'll still end up paying some money propably. But that's not the point, most of good MMOs make you FARM your gear and work hard for it as well as everything else you achieve in this game. Unfortunatelly PWI broke those main rules of MMO games, and instead of farming you can just spend thousend of dollars to become OP, instead of questing or grinding you can plevel your alts in FC and get them to 100 in few weeks. And that leads to another problem, due to too many "OP" people that solo everything in game, we don't have so many squads anymore. People with best gear in game are able to solo TT 3-3, where it's one of the most difficult instances in game. There is no more need for squads, therefore it's harder to make friends and become one big community as we once were. Also.. most of current players' behaviour.. "I'm OP. I can solo anything, I don't need friends, faction or squads". Most of those people spend their time trolling on wc, whining about TWs and faction politics or PKing and killing newbies in Secret Passage to make them feel even more OP.. pathetic. Another reason.. yesterday I was playing my lvl 36 seeker on the other account, doing my 29-39 culti, while killing a moob there was some lvl 70ish guy one shooting what I was trying to kill and called me a "total noob" thn told me to "go *** yourself wh*ore" literally... So even when someone new actually decides to play this game, they never get any help, anyone to squad with and when they actually see someone in one of those newbie areas... they are offended and called a "noob"...

    "You know, they say when you fall, it's best to fall straight to the bottom. And the further you have to crawl back up, the stronger and greater you will become as a result."
  • Yasnani - Archosaur
    Yasnani - Archosaur Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Hmmm Let's see.

    1. Assassin class as a whole - Stealth = massive Q.Q Bloodpaint = allowed aps people to solo just about anything with good enough gear. Massive DPS = Sins are new tanks on all bosses, an aps barb would possibly be able to hold from BM's but sins it's not possible.

    NOTE: Aps was always ingame, just wasn't popular right away.

    2. Rank 9 and rep sales etc. - Basically u allowed people to BUY POWER.... Figured MMO's was supposed to be about playing the game and obtaining stuff and now all of a sudden people who played 2+ years are immediately outgeared by alot by those that chose to swipe a credit card.

    3. Packs - Gambling money sinks....these are nothing more then ingame slot machines and Again people able to buy power... these also allowed for easy aps gear aswell furthering the aps craze.

    4. Customer service - Have known many friends that got the "We'll look into it" statement and recieved no help on many many different issues. You haven't stood by ur word on bans, fixing things etc. Tons of ingame bugs....list is very long on this one.

    5. Lack of GM/other sort of presence ingame - There is no monitoring going on that I can see...People who advertise Gold sites, scammers, people breaking all sorts of ingame rules, botters etc. nothing is ever done. I mean I'm constantly seeing or hearing of hackers etc.

    6. Game Balance - Not much has been done to balance out things imo...few band aids here and there and the new expansion helped some but it's a bit too little too late and frankly doubt it even helps.

    7. Lack of content - Let's face it...most things ingame are pretty much ignored anymore...it's mainly "How can I FCC" for leveling then Vana or PK/TW or whatever. Nobody bothers with quests anymore...go look..the entire map barren except cities. Nothing had been added for ages until this last expansion.

    8. Player Attitudes as a whole - When this game first began, people were friendly and eager to help each other and squad up. Now it's more and more becoming a game filled with those who have egos and are out for themselves and people would rather solo a dungeon then squad with "FCC babies"/ Hyper noobs. Seems majority of people getting unpleasant to say the least on many aspects.

    Side Note: I still do have friends ingame and meet friendly people here and there but just seems as a whole the game is attracting a different sort of people then it began or just has changed people's attitudes towards others in the community.

    I'm sure I could think of more but don't care to. I will be moving on as soon as some other games get released.

    Someone forgot #9 so I'll add it.

    9. QQers - The influx of people who cry about this game makes it unbearable for the rest of us people who just get on with it and keep playing.

    Yes, I was here in the beginning and miss the old way of things but I'm more annoyed with the people that chronically complain about all of this stuff than the people that partake in it. 9 times out of 10, you folks complaining all have R9 chars with a sin on the side that's 5aps. Come on, seriously, without progression games go stagnant. Move on guys, seriously. Without updates and changes to games, they'd go bankrupt.