Where did PWI go wrong? (Goodbye Thread)

FateMakerr - Heavens Tear
FateMakerr - Heavens Tear Posts: 953 Arc User
edited May 2012 in Off-Topic Discussion
All good things must come to an end, and it seems that PWI's end is approaching. What with the impending release of a handful of highly anticipated MMOs, PWI's community is preparing itself for an exodus of sorts.

This is why I dedicate this thread to those whom want to let PWI know: Where did PWI go wrong?

It can be any reason:
-Reputation in Boutique
-Customer Service...etc.

If you plan on departing this community, please feel free to leave your pre-emptive farewell, along with why specifically you made your decision. Keep in mind, forum rules state you cannot "name" other MMOs/game names, so be discrete with your destination.

If you plan on staying right where you are in PWI, you are also more than welcome to chime in with what could be changed to make people stay.

That brings us to the point of this thread. Overall for a lot of us, too many bad decisions were called that are ultimately pushing us away from this game. However, this is not to say that through an overhaul of sorts, this game could thrive once more and reach the peak that it was at 2-3 years ago. Learn, Listen, and Understand your community PWI. This is the public forum of your customers, and they deserve more than blind eyes and deaf ears.
Semi Retired Psychic of Radiance faction//Entering full retirement upon the release of ĠuildẂars2 or an otherwise drastic change in PWI management.
"Exploiting a glitch is a violation of the ToS under User Conduct:
(l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players"-frankieraye ............guess he changed his mind.
Post edited by FateMakerr - Heavens Tear on


  • JackofHearts - Raging Tide
    JackofHearts - Raging Tide Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I wouldn't necessarily say PWI went wrong. The game has been out for a 3 1/2 years withholding beta, and they had to make money somehow. All the sales helped keep the game going, and keep people playing. I've played one other game in this genre, and although MASSIVELY more successful, you had to pay a one time fee to play it. PWI had given the option to not pay that fee.

    There are 2 real downfalls; One is the game got boring for many people. It's the work of a game to be entertaining...and no game is fun forever. Those who would have tried it, tried it and moved on. The Perfect World developers could add an expansion every 6 months, and the game would still get boring because that's just a small amount of unfamiliarity added. The other reason this game will fall is the same reason it lasted so long. This game has a community with deep ties to one another...and once those ties are broken...people move on. Sure they may pop in to say, "hi," but that's not real an active community willing to spend money.

    As for me, I don't know, I've lost interest in games like these. I might check out the sequel to the game I mentioned earlier that is coming outt very soon, but even that's unlikely.
  • _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver
    _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 753 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    It can be any reason:
    -Reputation in Boutique
    -Customer Service...etc.

    All of them.b:angry
    I Miss the old days of PWIb:surrender
  • Bloody_Howl - Sanctuary
    Bloody_Howl - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Hmmm Let's see.

    1. Assassin class as a whole - Stealth = massive Q.Q Bloodpaint = allowed aps people to solo just about anything with good enough gear. Massive DPS = Sins are new tanks on all bosses, an aps barb would possibly be able to hold from BM's but sins it's not possible.

    NOTE: Aps was always ingame, just wasn't popular right away.

    2. Rank 9 and rep sales etc. - Basically u allowed people to BUY POWER.... Figured MMO's was supposed to be about playing the game and obtaining stuff and now all of a sudden people who played 2+ years are immediately outgeared by alot by those that chose to swipe a credit card.

    3. Packs - Gambling money sinks....these are nothing more then ingame slot machines and Again people able to buy power... these also allowed for easy aps gear aswell furthering the aps craze.

    4. Customer service - Have known many friends that got the "We'll look into it" statement and recieved no help on many many different issues. You haven't stood by ur word on bans, fixing things etc. Tons of ingame bugs....list is very long on this one.

    5. Lack of GM/other sort of presence ingame - There is no monitoring going on that I can see...People who advertise Gold sites, scammers, people breaking all sorts of ingame rules, botters etc. nothing is ever done. I mean I'm constantly seeing or hearing of hackers etc.

    6. Game Balance - Not much has been done to balance out things imo...few band aids here and there and the new expansion helped some but it's a bit too little too late and frankly doubt it even helps.

    7. Lack of content - Let's face it...most things ingame are pretty much ignored anymore...it's mainly "How can I FCC" for leveling then Vana or PK/TW or whatever. Nobody bothers with quests anymore...go look..the entire map barren except cities. Nothing had been added for ages until this last expansion.

    8. Player Attitudes as a whole - When this game first began, people were friendly and eager to help each other and squad up. Now it's more and more becoming a game filled with those who have egos and are out for themselves and people would rather solo a dungeon then squad with "FCC babies"/ Hyper noobs. Seems majority of people getting unpleasant to say the least on many aspects.

    Side Note: I still do have friends ingame and meet friendly people here and there but just seems as a whole the game is attracting a different sort of people then it began or just has changed people's attitudes towards others in the community.

    I'm sure I could think of more but don't care to. I will be moving on as soon as some other games get released.
  • Euthymius - Heavens Tear
    Euthymius - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    While I dont plan on quitting entirely, I'll definitely go on a long hiatus to try out the newer games. I also agree with the OP's reason list, but the biggest factor of those to me was them implementing end-game gear through the boutique both indirectly (packs) and directly (R9).

    I would also add powerleveling to that list since it killed much of the activity in the outside world as well. While high APS is not the worst of those issues (to me at least) on its own, it (along with insane gear/refines) is still one of the reasons why a class designed to tank can no longer fulfill its role, and high-end instances that were meant to be run in a group are done solo/duo.

    Its highly unlikely that PWE will go through the trouble of overhauling the game at this point, because they would have to shake the very foundations of its structure to even hope to balance or correct anything.

    This game has lost just about all of its challenge, and one's accomplishments are just about worth nothing, seeing how anyone with a credit card can easily buy what you've acquired and more in record time.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|
  • Elemental_w - Heavens Tear
    Elemental_w - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    It truely is sad to see such an old, and active player leave us. Especially on Heavens Tear, where everyone basically knew eachother.

    Perfect World screwed up by not patching the glitches in this game, that have been around since the beginning of the game..

    Allowing Goons to continue on as they did for such a decent amount of time..

    Brining Rank 9 Into the game for the biggest gear-gap I've ever seen

    And constant sales.

    b:sad Why PW?
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I wouldn't necessarily say PWI went wrong. The game has been out for a 3 1/2 years withholding beta, and they had to make money somehow. All the sales helped keep the game going, and keep people playing. I've played one other game in this genre, and although MASSIVELY more successful, you had to pay a one time fee to play it. PWI had given the option to not pay that fee.

    There are 2 real downfalls; One is the game got boring for many people. It's the work of a game to be entertaining...and no game is fun forever. Those who would have tried it, tried it and moved on. The Perfect World developers could add an expansion every 6 months, and the game would still get boring because that's just a small amount of unfamiliarity added. The other reason this game will fall is the same reason it lasted so long. This game has a community with deep ties to one another...and once those ties are broken...people move on. Sure they may pop in to say, "hi," but that's not real an active community willing to spend money.

    As for me, I don't know, I've lost interest in games like these. I might check out the sequel to the game I mentioned earlier that is coming outt very soon, but even that's unlikely.

    Truth in this.

    I'm gradually growing apart from my PWI friends, and once enough are gone, I too will leave for another MMO.

    There are other MMO's that have been around for 7+ years now, and are still doing fine. They don't have to reinvent themselves every 6 months, but instead, provide content that is far above PWI's, both in terms of quality, quantity, and versatility.

    I'm not planning on leaving PWI yet, but when I do, I'm going to delete everything. I may keep gear, coins, and stuff like that on a banker character, but most likely, no.

    Good luck to anyone who wants to leave, hopefully some of these upcoming MMO's will last 7+ years as well.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Elemental_w - Heavens Tear
    Elemental_w - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    With all of the bull- that is happening in the community on my server, affected by the Goons and all these other things that PWE's pulling, I am considering leaving PWI aswell, maybe not at once.. But once my friends are gone, there will be one more face no longer on this game.
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I'm not planning on leaving PWI yet, but when I do, I'm going to delete everything. I may keep gear, coins, and stuff like that on a banker character, but most likely, no.

    Why bother deleting everything? Why not just stop logging in and uninstall the game?
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    aps whas what got me down i mean i remember ppl did try to be ninja at old times
    but imo was mostly to play ninja but with high interval a weak refined armor can still do better then a +10 r9 armor becouse of aps +bp+spark burst.

    and not to mention how it still is done in pk i mean commen on idk who was the idiot who invented the idea but nowdays if you dont have a int char to farm you aint gona make much coin farming.

    low **** hp +charm is like woot last a weeek or two while my barb with 28k my charm last me 4 hour at most if i was to stay in pk or grind intense so **** it.

    you still have the random seeker who try to achive aps on his seeker why do you think so cos aps give the money when it come to farming and easy way to pk and good boost on ego.

    r9 cost banana but why even get r9 when you can get 5aps for 1/5 of the price and be pve god and even do well in pk and isnt that what ppl aim in a pvp server COUGH vana COUGH.
  • Zalislia - Lost City
    Zalislia - Lost City Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    R9 for bms is a waste cus they mostly use fists and aps for INTERVAL
  • Vindrael - Lost City
    Vindrael - Lost City Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    - Tideborn and Rank 9 in the boutique.
    - The Jones blessing item glitch (you think everyone actually paid for their R9 +12? LOL)
    - The goon glitch
    - The empty promises over and over again
    - The failure to do anything about the recent rampant cheating

    It's obvious the company doesn't really care all that much about this game anymore. With the new MMOs being released this year, there is absolutely no reason for anyone to stay. It's sad in some ways, but fortunately the ties I made with people here are largely carrying over with me to one of those new MMOs (starts with a G and ends with a 2).

    Over the next couple of months there will be an exodus from this game unlike anything PWE has ever seen... b:sad
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Where did PWi go wrong?

    -APS craze was probably the first thing. As a Barb, it sucked, and I lost the essence of being a "Tank" class. I didn't want to roll a BM or Sin to be APS, so I did what a few Barbs did and converted to APS, I did it to adapt because I was not a cashshopper as well, but I needed a way to make coin aside merchanting. Thanks to Nien Event for making that happen...

    -Rank 9, enough said. It's stupidly OP for PvE, nice psychological catch on those who have the urge to be an "elite".

    -Tideborn, the race where cashshopping can greatly improve the character, aside refines and sharding. A Psychic's soulforce is influenced by refines, you mostly get your refines from Orbs in the boutique.

    -PWi Staff on this game. Need examples of poor/prolonged communication? DQ compensation/FC glitch/Lack of activity aside Maint notices, and the legendary "Soon" response.

    -Powerleveling, the moment someone new to the game hears about it, they will most likely try it once, then get addicted to it. This kills any activity, outside Culti and Chrono quests.

    Minor Annoyance Issues:

    -Events based on Contribution from Damage. I can do pretty well in such events, but I disagree with the fact that APS rules the event for the most part.

    -Suggestion Box, its soooooooooooooo pointless, they never implement any ideas we give. Give me an example where something from the Suggestion Box forums was implemented.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • scarfaceclaw
    scarfaceclaw Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    and it seems that PWI's end is approaching.


    I swear this game dies at least a few times a week
    What kind of fool pays for a free game.
  • MadameFrost - Heavens Tear
    MadameFrost - Heavens Tear Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Where did pwi go wrong? Where to start.... lol
    I really can't say that 1 specific problem was the reason the game ended, sure the Packs was probably the first sign of the game beginning to ruin pwi since it ruined economy, which led to the downfall of the game. I mean I understand pwi needs to make money in order to keep the game alive, but there are other ways to do it rather then ruining the game. The Sole Purpose of a Game is to have fun and to work hard to get to the end. But what is the point of a game where you can buy your gears. I mean The gap in between working and playing to have fun to getting your gears is the purpose of a game, cash shopping sort of took that concept out. I admit I cash shop, who hasn't? Not blaming cash shoppers, just saying the game in general by providing this ruined it for me.
    I mean Remember the time when Rare pets were such an Obsession for All venos. I mean every day at the same hour over 20 venos waiting with channeling pots trying to catch rare pets? Well believe it or not, I actually see Almost all the rare pets Wonering around with no venos in sight. I actually caught all the rare pets in 30 minutes a few weeks ago since every rare pet was wondering around at the exact locations without any venos or anyone there. My point is, the actual things that made pwi fun and alive is being ignored due to the items pwi provides through cashshopping.
    Like I said I am not blaming cash shoppers for buying it, even I cash shop. But what I am saying is Pwi didn't really experiment or Forshadow what could happen when they Implement something in game.
    Even Assassins and Psychics, Assassins and Psychics are the 2 OP class in the game due to their skill, like I said I am not QQing or anything. Just stating a fact. And it did in fact upset many people, but yet PWI did not respond to people's response. If pwi wants to stay alive, it needs to listen and read it's complaint box. Not saying do something based on 1 person's complaint, but rather Think about it.
    All in all, I think I wrote too much and dount anyone would read all this lol.

    But either way I would say many things ruined the game due to PWI not Testing or Forseeing what the possible outcomes would be, they might have done this but only saw the $$$ outcome rather then game results.

    As for me, I admit I quit the game for 2 months, and decided to come back, but not planning to dedicate my life into this game lol. I am just going to play it for fun, and if I decide to quit, I will.

    2 of my special friends I miss fromt he Old Days are Rekara and FoxyFelicia, if you see this, I truly miss you 2 <3
    Bow Down to me, your Queen. For it is Me that brings the Lustrous beauty of winter among Perfect world, without me, There is no Perfection in the world
    -MadameFrost b:heart
  • MarshaI - Lost City
    MarshaI - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    mmkay see ya!

    This game is fun.
  • ponyduck
    ponyduck Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Bloody_Howl pretty much got it all right, imo.

    I've read so many times, ppl saying the game is dead, and I never really paid much
    attention. But recently I've been playing some low-level alts I haven't messed with
    in a long time. So I was just doing normal quests, etc.

    I was shocked--I can play for 3-4 hrs, doing quests around Sirry Wine, Dragon's End, etc.
    (LOL--y'all remember those places), and NEVER SEE A SINGLE PLAYER THE WHOLE TIME.
    I went to Town of Arrivals several times, and there was NOBODY there. And I mean
    literally--I saw not a single other player the whole time. That's when it hit me--those ppl were right. The game IS dead, or rapidly dying.

    I remember when I first started about 3 yrs ago, there were enough random players
    around all those places, and you could get a squad for just about any normal quest by
    inviting the players in the area.

    Only way to fix it now is what someone else previously wrote--the fixes they need will
    have to go into the foundation of the basic game, and I don't know if the ppl in charge of
    content now have the ability, much less the will, to undertake such a thing.

    Just adding on a big new chunk of isolated stuff every now & then is not gonna fix it.
    In fact, I believe one thing that would help would be an effort to get players OUT of
    instances, and back into the world scene again. Not saying do away with instances
    by any means, but make it where the majority of players' time is spent out in the

    One thing that would help tremendously (and this will never happen I'm sure), is to get rid of Frost. OK, maybe not get rid of it, but make it where NO ONE could solo it.
    Wouldn't it simply be a matter of increasing the HP of all mobs/bosses in there?

    Get rid of all stuff in boutique that allows players to cashshop their way easily to

    Make the BH's more varied & interesting.

    Make normal quests more rewarding, give players an incentive to do them.

    Etc, etc.

    And yes, the players themselves are VERY different now. I don't know of any other
    way to say this, but it seems the general maturity level has dropped dramatically.
    I don't know how else to describe it. This may seem silly, but I think it shows up
    in something as trivial as character names. Used to be everyone had a NAME name,
    if you know what I mean. Now, it seems all names are either verging on nasty, or
    are a play on words (usually nasty, lol)--and what sin does not have a** or sin
    worked into their name somehow, lol.

    I'm not a prude--it's not that I'm offended by stuff like this. I'm just disappointed
    in the lack of imagination/creativity it displays.

    World chat, the same. I remember times when I laughed to tears at the convos
    held in WC. Truly witty stuff. Even the trash-talking was hilarious, because it
    was done in good fun, and you could tell. Now WC is nothing but ads for selling
    Frost, etc., and any conversation tends to be of the lowest common denominator
    type--sexual innuendo.

    Anyway, enough. But I finally see that this game may not be around much longer,
    and it makes me sad. It could be fixed, but I honestly don't know whether the
    devs really care that much about saving it. Only time will tell I suppose.
  • OriginalSinX - Heavens Tear
    OriginalSinX - Heavens Tear Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    the place i will go rhymes with ild ors ooo
  • MagicEmpress - Lost City
    MagicEmpress - Lost City Posts: 795 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Where did PWI go wrong?

    50 gold for a 10 star...? b:bye
  • Xae_ - Archosaur
    Xae_ - Archosaur Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    This game isn't going anywhere. All of you are just choosing to move on. It's entirely up to you. I've played since beta ended on 6 servers, with many accounts. Spent a fortune on a server I'm not even playing on anymore (Dreamweaver), but I've made friends that I will know forever and even though I've gone through spells of only coming back in PW to do MQ on all the characters who are married in my army of alts, I do always come back and play full force again. There are just some things in PW you can't find anywhere else. And I have played more MMOs than I care to say trying to find those things elsewhere. This game is chop full of problems and imperfections. We like to say its an "imperfect perfect world". But for me and those I know best, its home.
  • MagicEmpress - Lost City
    MagicEmpress - Lost City Posts: 795 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I remember when I first started about 3 yrs ago, there were enough random players
    around all those places, and you could get a squad for just about any normal quest by
    inviting the players in the area.

    Only way to fix it now is what someone else previously wrote--the fixes they need will
    have to go into the foundation of the basic game, and I don't know if the ppl in charge of
    content now have the ability, much less the will, to undertake such a thing.

    Man your right. I made a barb the other week (level 31 now) and the N00B areas are dead. Save for a few sins when I went to tides to do the adventure quests (lvl 12 and 19). Also met this BM doing the level 20 quests outside west gate, got a lot done that afternoon us two. But it's really dead now with everyone frosting. The only chance for questing is to take the XP/Spirit rewards for quests above level 30 and 2X them, 3X them above level 50, 5X them above level 70, and 10X them above level 80. There aren't that many to do above level 80 so it wouldn't be all that much but at least there would be a reason to do them. Who the heck wants to go kill 80 freaking mobs, especially if they are flying or magic casting, and turn it in and get 1-2%? *Phooey on that*
  • Toliman - Raging Tide
    Toliman - Raging Tide Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    ... Who the heck wants to go kill 80 freaking mobs, especially if they are flying or magic casting, and turn it in and get 1-2%? *Phooey on that*
    Casters ?
  • Chilpod - Raging Tide
    Chilpod - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Where did PWi go wrong?

    -Powerleveling, the moment someone new to the game hears about it, they will most likely try it once, then get addicted to it. This kills any activity, outside Culti and Chrono quests.

    Totally true, but there are players (like me) who do not like powerleveling. I like to play all quests, reading the little and sometimes sad stories. It's the main reason why I like PWI. The few things I don't like:

    • rep : buying reputation in this game. You have to earn it, not buy it!
    • morons : dudes that sell heads or 'hard to kill' mobs. Let's all do what PWI is for: play!
    • lazy peops : someone asking for coins or stuff in game. Would blacklist them. XD

    So... 1 negative point for PWI, 2 negative points for the players. According to this I think I will play PWI for another couple of years. b:laugh
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Easy! They went wrong in many way's........b:scorn

    1-They sold us Out on A Number of times, for the ALMIGHTY! Dollar........

    2!!-They forgot when they sold us out! That Alot of the People that they did sell out! against!!! Were the MAJORITY! of the CS'rs that Payed their Wages Too BEGIN WITH!!!!_b:faint__With Our Purchases!!!!! And Not their Minority Glitchers! (Who even though they Dumped alot of money into the game, were still unfortunately for {PWE} NOT! THE PRIMARY FINANCEERs of the game "As there gonna find out very soon now, Anyways!!" b:dirty
    As we Real 'Long Term~Payers' now either, pull out of this game completely, or just simply, No Longer! Bother!! Too Put Anymore Money into this Game At All Now!!! "Since they've now shown themselves, to No longer be trustable enough, Too Bother to Spend anymore money on them (And that means all of {PW Entertainment} Games, for most of us... You can Tell this too the {DEVs} frankie...

    "Why should We Trust a Company, who's only proven: That they Don't give even the slightest D***, About their own Player Bases (General Public)? or ({ToS} Contracts) 4 that matter!!!!) Because, If the 'Board of Directors' Decides that Passing Orders too (1-game) within their 'Companies' Holdings, Too Sell Us ALL! OUT!!!! For A handful of F'ing "Massively! Multiple Count!!" Violator Crybaby's!!! "Because of their Credit Cards!!!?" Is their Chosen Point of VIEW! & Reality!! Then We Now KNOW!! That the Board! will **** Us Over! Any Old time they want, in the ANY Of the Other Games NOW! Too.....(Take That 1, To Heart!)" b:bye

    3-They Never fix their games glitches.....

    4-They continuously, chose too not allow x2 drop's lately even during x2 everything else...

    5-They were Too Lazy To Add! (New Content) for anyone else other then High Lvs (Past TBs & EG's Introduction's)

    6-They, began to spend our money, that we gave them! On other Games improvement, rather then hire a competent crew, to enhance this 1 instead.....

    7-They never, realized that their 'Boutique Fashions' Were Mostly Overpriced (And that they Never! Lowered the Outrageous Number! of Dyes!! That many pieces needed to change the Color)

    8-Their Ticketing system, ended up becoming a Joke.....

    9-Rather then realize that their {Flagship} was loosing Players for a number of reasons (Such as Its Dated Looks, Overpriced stuff, Laughable Drop Rates, Even More Laughable Percentage chances of winning something good from any variant of the {Boutique Packs} that they sell! Or even the fact that they began too give certain item's like the {Stash Box Weapons} for instance! A limited time frame that they could be used in And as such took away the Permanent 'timeframe' those 'Excellent Weapons' used to Have! which Many Players loved! Since those affore Mentioned Players, usually had a Real lives to live! And either Worked or Went to school! And couldn't be on constantly {24/7; 365 Days a Friggen Year} and were just happy too know, that they had a good set of 'weapons & items' that they could return too! When they could get back on.....

    10-they added Way Too Many! {Servers} and dissolved the 'Player base' amongst them; too the point, that it began to become Ghost towns, on Many {Servers}....

    11-When the Populace began too Noticingly thin out! They didn't Merge {Servers} too keep it lively and active....

    12-Their {GMs} Turned Cold towards the Masses, Rather then be like they used too be (in year-1) (With all the little games they used to come up with and announce for us on WC, so we could come in and join in on all the fun, that they used to come up with for us) "Take Usagii's, All Veno Gate Party, for instance (I Still got Pics of that~1)

    And now for the {Bakers Dozen} Special 1.......

    13!!!-By quite simply, not regulating the in Game Inflation! & {GOLD} or the {RARE ITEMS} Markets!!!!! So it became obnoxiously Over priced for d*mn Near! Everything out there.......

    14-They Added Way too (Over Powered) Classes which Imbalanced the game.....

    15-They Constantly Made EMPTY Promises (to the Masses!) And also gave false 'Timelines' on Fixes; Then Expected us to Forget about those times (Like we were a Bunch of GOLDFISH! With 1~Minute Memories)


    16!!!!-They Rarely ever listened to any, of the Many! (Good Ideas!) That Many of the 'Players' came up with on the {Forums} & as such Lost the Most Important {Cog! of their Businesses Wheels!} They lost the Players!!!! By Pretending that we: 1/ Were apparently Stupid "And as such, thought that we didn't Matter." & 2/pretended like They! Were the 1s! Who had made them all that money (Like it Came Outta thin Air!?) And not the PAYING Player Base!?!! That Kept 'Them! and Their Jobs!!' ALIVE & KICKING!! /And/ AFLOAT!!! & In ACTION!!!!

    Well, There's my List, Of the Most ANNOYING THINGS!! That They Did! Where It All! Went Wrong..........b:surrender
  • HealzNoFoolz - Archosaur
    HealzNoFoolz - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I remember the great days of my characters on Sanctuary, the old nef-leg days. Grinding with friends, questing with friends, truly happy to get levels past 80 lol. Then packs came out, people fled the game, at least the ones i cared about...

    I played private servers for a long time, came back and now i have made a toon of every class... played them to 90 and 100+, but does no good, cause I spend some money, but my family comes before gear and refining the way most of my friends have. I find myself left behind as I am not wanted or needed in their squads not being epic-ly geared.

    I always respected clerics, but never wanted to play one as not my style, and i found myself yesterday making this one lol. Out of sheer boredom. That is kinda all i needed. (Remember in Big Bang Theory when Penny gets hooked on MMO's and in the end realizes in horror what she is willing to do (hang with Wolowitz) and then has an epiphany and pushes the computer way away from her??... that was me today lol)

    Have been playing many other MMO's the past few weeks trying them out, and with new ones being released, once again i will take my leave of a game that had the ability to be fun, but now has become a boring round of instances and BH's trying to find a squad that will accept a non-CSed toon.

    I won't be lonely though as I am now playing with friends elsewhere and even making new ones!! And guess what PWI I am actually having fun again.

    Don't even get me started on the last $20 i spent on this game, their webpage fooked up and i waited well over a week to get my gold... by then i didn't care anymore. And the CSers that are allowed to toss aside the TOS and continue playing after flagrant violations OVER and OVER, think that was the last straw for me. Watching flagrant abuses for many months and nothing being done. When you realize you don't matter at all, that all the advertising you do for the game (jones blessing/facebook), the money, though not a tremendous amount, and all the time and effort you put in being thrown back in your face, well lol time to go have FUN again!!

    buhbye PWI and as heard in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail... "I **** in your general direction"
  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Man your right. I made a barb the other week (level 31 now) and the N00B areas are dead. Save for a few sins when I went to tides to do the adventure quests (lvl 12 and 19). Also met this BM doing the level 20 quests outside west gate, got a lot done that afternoon us two. But it's really dead now with everyone frosting. The only chance for questing is to take the XP/Spirit rewards for quests above level 30 and 2X them, 3X them above level 50, 5X them above level 70, and 10X them above level 80. There aren't that many to do above level 80 so it wouldn't be all that much but at least there would be a reason to do them. Who the heck wants to go kill 80 freaking mobs, especially if they are flying or magic casting, and turn it in and get 1-2%? *Phooey on that*

    damned pterosaursb:chuckle

    on topic? not going anywhere. believing that a company -any company- cares for their product and not their profits is, at least, naive. ofc a company may find ways to generate profit without displeasing (a lot) of players and probably the first months will be perfect too; but would be fun to see anniversary packs after a year or two: please come back and qq hereb:chuckle
    you only purge once #yopo
  • Namari - Dreamweaver
    Namari - Dreamweaver Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Casters ?

    Nope, I've done it more than enough times on 2 chars, don't care to do it again on this one.

    I took a long break from PWI (not the forums, because the QQ is entertaining to read between baby feedings) and recently came back for the expansion. I was excited. But after I finished the Morai questline, I found no reason to go back in there. Besides, someone said it'd take like 2 months or sommat to get enough prestige in one order to get a skill? Yeah...no.

    I already decided not to spend anymore money in game, but I'm starting to question my existence in game now since I no longer TW, which was my primary reason for coming back in the first place. PvE has been dead for a long time, especially for casters, unless they rolled a sin or APS BM, and yes I have a sin, but I'd prefer to farm on my better geared psychic (caster does not count). If you want to start an alt and level sans Frost, you're SOL. Had it been two years ago, I would have recommended this to more friends. However, it's not newbie friendly anymore. They'll do a few quests, realize that they can't get something killed because of lack of low level squads, and quit. However, there is always gonna be a sucker to spend money on this game, which is why it won't die as quickly as many think.
    Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.

    My main is Ivy_. I'm better known as Destini. Also known as _Yvi. Yes, I have an identity crisis. b:chuckle

    Looking for a signature for this character. Wanna make me one?
  • Fintan - Lost City
    Fintan - Lost City Posts: 1,245 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Some may have noticed I've been playing less and less again. The game's just less interesting now. They keep trying to "easy mode" it, which just makes it even less "fun".

    I mean, I love the new Morai content, and there's lots that can be done there to greatly increase the amount of available "end game" content. Also, the rewards there require actual effort to obtain. (Which just feels even more out of place since they seem hellbent on making it desirable to get from 1-100 in a week these days... "What then?")

    I've avoided the whole Frost craze. I'm 101, with no actual content left. That's right, all I have in my available quests is repeatable stuff, and that's pretty dead too at the end of the day.

    I've been around since the beginning, and played the previous English-language Perfect World. It's rather sad to see Perfect World poorly monetized by two different companies. It would have been entirely possible for them to foresee that Frost is intrinsically "broken" in terms of game progression and would lead to the original "whales" leaving (if it didn't directly cause the remaining ones to leave, it can't have hurt their decision at all).

    I mean, think about it... Frost == buying hypers and charms so that you can use rep. The players don't have any emotional buy-in to the game anymore. I can look back and be immensely proud of my achievements of the almost-four-years since I started playing. There are plenty of people who have been playing less than a month, and have "better" stuff. But they can't say "I earned this through many hours of work in-game."

    So if there is any one thing which broke the game, it was "new Frost". It enabled the other things people complain about to happen. And, it's still fixable. Yes, it'd cause lots of people to rage and moan. Yes, it would be some culture shock. Yes, long term, it'd make the game churn reduce. None of these things is intrinsically bad.

    In fact, their stock is still on a downward trend, which indicates that the market doesn't think they're doing things right. Perfect World International is their namesake game. If they can create buzz for it again, that would help a lot, surely. A good way of doing that is to reduce churn and get people talking about the game again for long periods of time.

    As other people have noted, the world map is pretty much devoid of player activity these days. Making Frost the 75-85ish experience instance it looks designed to be (and not allowing those in who haven't yet obtained the Frost quest chain and greatly nerfing the experience of those above the level range, a la almost every other instance) would be a great start. Packs would start to "matter less" as the demand for their contents naturally diminished, as would rep sales.

    That one change alone would do a lot to repopulate the world map (at least for < 75...) and would hinder the rapid level progression enough that people would start feeling emotional ties to the game again, due to the amount of time invested in their characters' progression.

    As a side effect of all this, from one simple change, we would see more people doing the things that provide the items people spend tokens on now, simply because tokens will increase in value as fewer people buy packs as the "big" items packs can contain will be less desirable as there will be more saturation for those items. So, Cube would have people doing it for the necklaces and crab meats again, people would farm the world for Utimate Substances again, people would farm the 89 instances for Apocalypse pages again, people would start cash shopping things again (teles, dolls, teleport stones, etc.). They would have to make some of the items more easily obtainable via non-token methods, but that's not game-changing more than anything else they've already done...

    They would get bonus points in my book if they also brought back "Old Frost" in some form. It could possibly be available via a quest chain once the Chronoworld Map 1 chain and the extant Frostcovered City chains are done. That would have the bonus benefit of tying together content that otherwise wouldn't tie together at all, even. (As it stands, many of the instanced parts of the map have little influence away from the map section where their entrance is.)

    If such an approach proved popular, they could start doing it for other quest chains with new instances. Make the things in our Quest Items inventory useful. We don't need the "Token of the Seven" or "Way of the Celestials" or such otherwise. Turn them into the keys that unlock future instanced content.

    Basically, give us a reason to play. Sitting there swiping your credit card gets old fast. Make long-time players who cash shop regularly in small amounts. They'll spend more long-term and help the game's reputation.

    (It's 1AM so my ranting may be a bit disjointed and nonsensical. I apologize. Hopefully my core thread of thought remained intact.)
    MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory
  • Vyvyan - Dreamweaver
    Vyvyan - Dreamweaver Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Why is everyone complaining 100+ ? It's because you're done, it's called end game for a reason, time to move on.

    And you all miss the real reason where PWI went wrong, it's Shrunchkin Warlocks. Those little B*st*rds eat through a Spirit charm faster than a Wizard on steroids. b:chuckle
  • Aurores - Heavens Tear
    Aurores - Heavens Tear Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I came back to PWI after having a friend bug the hell out of me to come back for 3+ months after I left, I figured that I might as well try the expansion while I'm at it. 2 and a half month later that same friend doesn't even speak to me unless its to stroke his e-peen over how he farmed nirvana for 10+ hours straight and made this x number of millions of coins, or link his +10 or whatever R8 recast gear (which I don't even bother to look at).

    The community is still the same as it was over 5 months ago, if not worse; you are still judged by your gear and refines, plvl noobs that have no clue what they are doing are easier to spot now, and the petty WC dramas are still entertaining to read. And as always, arrogance is everywhere you look. Anyone who denies that there is anything wrong with the ingame community has either not been playing for long or they're contributing to the reason the community is in the shape it is now in one form or another and just don't want to admit it. There are still some good things too, for like the new skills, armor and new instances where every now and then you'll find some cool ppl to chat with.

    Oh, and about the company failing to enforce their own rules, making frequent empty promises, and hardly any interaction with the player base...*sigh* I'm not even going to get started on that.

    With that said, I will be going on vacation this weekend to Tyria. I heard their famous Lion's Arch-style bacon is very delicious because they use draconic meat, I've got to try some.
    Retired b:bye
  • rom1
    rom1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Don't remember the last time I posted on the forums, but I've been around since the beginning. Reason I stopped: money=power.