Complete Reset.



  • hunterspy1
    hunterspy1 Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    If they credited my Account with Zen equal to anything and everything I have ever spent + they credited me with Zen equal to my in game inventory, safe inventory, cupboard inventory, Rare drops / gifts / charge rewards equal to current gold value on server + added in 1000 Zen for every month I have played I would happily give up All progress for a complete over haul, Removal of LAG LAG LAG And fixing All issues

    But if they add to that a bonus gift of Hyper stones valued at 5 per day since ya started playing and they removed hyper CD for 1 month or even just turned on X 12 XP / Spirit / Drops for 1 month I am sure Most everyone would be satisfied

    But that would depend on PWI offering players a little more than they had... And that would mean someone would have to go through PWI inventory and see what each item is worth opn average at gold costing bout 1.4M Average.... then convert it to Zen values

    Then a compensation package for All players for while the game is going through the over haul equal to maybe 100 zen a day... No one would complain I think.... Many would start playing again

    Make certain instances harder ( FF Of course ) And slightly change the token pack % drops of the good stuff for a month or so....

    And for those with High Crafting skillz free crafting skill packs............

    But it would have to be well thought out so the player base felt like they were getting a good deal.... And it would have to be consulted on a MUCH higher scale.... Like an ingame mail with a link to a thread with a poll.....
  • Umivee - Dreamweaver
    Umivee - Dreamweaver Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    dog10250 wrote: »
    Many would be pissed and leave this game. Some feel different about it this...some love playing the characters they made, some have 10+ chars, and so on......Each person entitled to their own opinion would rage quit for some different reason. Hence same thing as "deletion" afterwards. The worst will be the farmers, like on my server Dreamweaver a long time ago a sin named Poetic was +10 all, i talked to him one day and he said he made he's character not from gold/zhen...but from farming TT. PWI can't calculate just how much coins we've farmed on 1 char, nevertheless multiple characters if some purely farmed and never spent zhen.
    Veins doesn't play anymore. b:quiet
  • Fintan - Lost City
    Fintan - Lost City Posts: 1,245 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    would 65% of what your purchase history shows in core, be sufficent?

    BWAHaHAHAHAh I stopped reading here. Core's horrifically broken, both underreporting and overreporting. Trusting something like that is akin to just rolling the dice. That question undermined the rest of the pages of the thread, in and of itself.
    MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory