Complete Reset.

Sagek - Sanctuary
Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
edited April 2012 in General Discussion
I am just curious what your opinion would be if PW said they would be willing to make fixes and take care of the things that we are all QQing about, BUT the kicker would be it would mean a complete reset. You and all your Alts go back to zero, you lose everything.

Would you be willing to do that if it ment the game could be updated and bettered?

As far as reimbursement is concerned in your post mention what you would want back or in exchange for losing what you had.
Post edited by Sagek - Sanctuary on


  • Flamespirit - Dreamweaver
    Flamespirit - Dreamweaver Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    If they gave meback half of the us dollars I have wasted on this game....I would take the money an run an be so happy......
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Heck to the no. I just spent 6 months going from 102-103. I still maintain that those of us who did NOT use the glitch should get 1 free level to use at any time. For me, that would fix it in my eyes.

    But I'm not willing to have a reset to make pwi better. It was better in 2008.. was still good in 2009.. since then its all went to ****. But its still a decent F2P game.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    No. Why should innocent people be punished for the actions of adults who should be held accountable for their own terms-of-service violations. Which are contracts, by the way. This whole "we shouldn't punish people for not honoring the contact they signed" is stupid. If that's the case, why make it bannable in the first place? Why not just consider glitches part of the game and let everyone use them? I think it's unfair some people got banned and some people didn't as well. They should've either take the time and went through the logs and banned all the glitches. Or banned no one at all. But life isn't fair. Que sera, sera.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    ok set aside the hot-topic right now(FC Glitchers)

    The senerio is, the only way they could actually fix the things we wanted was too go in and do a complete overhaul . Now during this process with all the new changes the old backup files of each and everyone of our Chars became obsolete. Thus we all lose everything.

    BUT in return we get a game with a complete bug fix, adjusted economy set back to zero, prices readjusted for NPCs, Instances re-evaluated and made more or less harder for the lvls they are designed for but more rewarding in return. basicly we get what we have been screaming for.

    Would it be worth it to you?
  • Danno - Lost City
    Danno - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    No. I would not like that unless they made it possible for me to get gear of equal value for when i leveled. I am fine with starting from zero again and enjoying the ride back to the top, but after the investments of money and time if that went away i would say that iwould be going too.
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    No. I would not like that unless they made it possible for me to get gear of equal value for when i leveled. I am fine with starting from zero again and enjoying the ride back to the top, but after the investments of money and time if that went away i would say that iwould be going too.

    Ok so what if they gave you gold that equaled up to 65% of your complete inventory value? (based on current prices in your server)
  • Danno - Lost City
    Danno - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Then i'd be fine with it. Everyone would be starting on equal ground and there would be life in the map again which i would just love. I miss having squads in the open map. Now its all instance instance instance. :(
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Ok so what if they gave you gold that equaled up to 65% of your complete inventory value? (based on current prices in your server)

    They'd have to give me enough gold to equal all the ZEN I've charged for me to be okay with it.
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    They'd have to give me enough gold to equal all the ZEN I've charged for me to be okay with it.

    would 65% of what your purchase history shows in core, be sufficent?
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Personally, No one would ever ask that of them in a serious manner & They would Never even bother too offer it themselves........b:scorn


    1- they'd Fully loose all the players Both 'Glitchers and Innocents'.....

    2- They'd likely end up Liable! For one Hell'uv'A!! (Class Action~Lawsuit) where they'd likely be forced too give up and Refund! Atleast, some of the coin we all gave them, in purchases overtime B4 they did that Inexcusible Breech, of their own User contracts.......

    3-They'd likely loose all {Business Liscences} and future (Business Opportunity's) in all the Nation's & Marketing Areas, in which they are currently allowed too run their games in..........

    & Last but most definately Not the LEAST 2 Reasons!!!

    4-It would be easier for them too just Shut Down Completely! And claim High Costs' & Low Productivity for their excuses, and hope that everyone believed that....b:bye


    5-Why **** it up & Fix IT!
    If the CASH COW JuNkIeZ!!!!b:avoid___Still Ain't REALIZED YET! DAT ITZz BROKEN!!!!! DERrr HAUSS!!!!!b:dirtyb:laugh
  • AshenSkies - Heavens Tear
    AshenSkies - Heavens Tear Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I would be happy to go back to the way the server was pre anni packs and pre TB. Have none of that introduced and work up again.

    If they gave me the ****loads of cash I spent on this game as gold for the boutique.
    Thank you Silvychar for my siggy :)
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    seitori wrote: »
    Personally, No one would ever ask that of them in a serious manner & They would Never even bother too offer it themselves........b:scorn


    1- they'd Fully loose all the players Both 'Glitchers and Innocents'.....

    2- They'd likely end up Liable! For one Hell'uv'A!! (Class Action~Lawsuit) where they'd likely be forced too give up and Rebate! Atleast, some of the coin we all gave them, in purchases overtime B4 they did that Inexcusible Breech, of their own User contracts.......

    3-They'd likely loose all {Business Liscences} and future (Business Opportunity's) in all the Nation's & Marketing Areas, in which they are currently allowed too run their games in..........

    & Last but most definately Not the LEAST 2 Reasons!!!

    4-It would be easier for them too just Shut Down Completely! And claim High Costs' & Low Productivity for their excuses, and hope that everyone believed that....b:bye


    5-Why **** it up!
    If the CASH COW JuNkIeZ!!!!b:avoid___Still Ain't REALIZED YET! DAT ITZz BROKEN!!!!! DERrr HAUSS!!!!!b:dirtyb:laugh

    1. I doubt it, I think there are a large amount of people who would be ok with this as long as they are reimbursed in someway for the money they spent.

    2. No legal action could be taken against them, no one was forced, mislead, deceived, maliciously mislead, etc. So no law is being broken.

    3. what? no they wouldn't. I'm not sure why you would have even mentioned that, that makes no sense.

    4. Easier maybe, but worth while no. You need to consider the long term in choices like this. It hurts at first but gets better in the long run. Those are the choices PW needs to start making, long term and not short term.

    5. they would make more money in the long run if they invested in upgrading the game to a new engine.
  • _RockHard_ - Lost City
    _RockHard_ - Lost City Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Only way I'd be ok with a reset is if I got every single red cent I put into this game back in gold when the servers restarted and coins = the current items I have within my inventory on my server on top of that also roll back to where frost was a gear instance nerf aps (by nerfing I mean actually nerfing putting a cap at 2.5 or sumthing) and dun let sins have stealth and nerf a few other of their skills and if no nerf leavem outta game entirely game has been so broken since tb expansion its ridiculous hell even go far enough to go back to b4 genie's and players had to know when and what to do in an instance and play their part.
  • dog10250
    dog10250 Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I am just curious what your opinion would be if PW said they would be willing to make fixes and take care of the things that we are all QQing about, BUT the kicker would be it would mean a complete reset. You and all your Alts go back to zero, you lose everything.

    Would you be willing to do that if it ment the game could be updated and bettered?

    As far as reimbursement is concerned in your post mention what you would want back or in exchange for losing what you had.

    Never. Not just because of all the over $500 I've spent on this game but also because of all the people I've met and great friends I've made. Friends are MUCH more important then getting all your $$ back.
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    dog10250 wrote: »

    Never. Not just because of all the over $500 I've spent on this game but also because of all the people I've met and great friends I've made. Friends are MUCH more important then getting all your $$ back.

    Are your friends being kicked out of the game or banned?

    I'm just saying everything would be reset as far as lvls and economy and stuff along those lines... So your friends being there wouldn't really be an issue, unless they left because of the reset.

  • dog10250
    dog10250 Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Are your friends being kicked out of the game or banned?

    I'm just saying everything would be reset as far as lvls and economy and stuff along those lines... So your friends being there wouldn't really be an issue, unless they left because of the reset.


    Many would be pissed and leave this game. Some feel different about it this...some love playing the characters they made, some have 10+ chars, and so on......Each person entitled to their own opinion would rage quit for some different reason. Hence same thing as "deletion" afterwards. The worst will be the farmers, like on my server Dreamweaver a long time ago a sin named Poetic was +10 all, i talked to him one day and he said he made he's character not from gold/zhen...but from farming TT. PWI can't calculate just how much coins we've farmed on 1 char, nevertheless multiple characters if some purely farmed and never spent zhen.
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    1. I doubt it, I think there are a large amount of people who would be ok with this as long as they are reimbursed in someway for the money they spent.

    2. No legal action could be taken against them, no one was forced, mislead, deceived, maliciously mislead, etc. So no law is being broken.

    3. what? no they wouldn't. I'm not sure why you would have even mentioned that, that makes no sense.

    4. Easier maybe, but worth while no. You need to consider the long term in choices like this. It hurts at first but gets better in the long run. Those are the choices PW needs to start making, long term and not short term.

    5. they would make more money in the long run if they invested in upgrading the game to a new engine.

    1-not as large as you think, (The games already anciently into its lifespan) who'd want to try and redo chari's to the 100th lvs again, when its likely the game will be closed by PWE in the next year or two, anyways......

    2-You'd be suprised, how easy it is that: A simple set of Petitions, from a mass of disenchanted people about any business, sent B4 the right eyes.. Can lead too many Unwanted 'Law Suits' or even 'Possible Suits' nowadays... (Even the threat of that happening could ruin (PWEs) reputations, in the Business World; heaven help them if it actually did happen, because No One in the businesses, would want to touch them with a 10-foot pole (Even for Advertising), let alone ever want too work with them "if all they could expect of it, would be Possible future legal troubles."b:shocked

    3-If a law suit did show up and they lost against it, many Nations would never allow them a ZHEN~(trading/purchasing) market option, too get any Money from their citizens, if they have that sort of sorded history, in the worlds eye's... Since they themselves, would only be seen as being (1-step) short of being a Scam Office & Pyramid Scheme 'Quasi-Business' themselves; in the eyes of the many of their formally marketing nations, at that point... (Hard too even keep business liscences, let alone ReUp & Renew Them; let alone ever get any New~1s after that, at that point of reputation......)b:avoid

    4-By just shutting it down, theres a good chance many of the players, would just switch too their newer games, (Nice, Clean & Sweetly Simple) with minimal loss to their player base, hopefully; under the best chances there.........b:pleased

    5-Why perfume a ****, and expect everyone to call it an ORANGE, let alone SEE It as 1 & EAT IT?!?!???? The only way too make more money, is to take their {Player Base} more seriously; and not their Own Personal Take Home Amounts, that they get on their own Paychecks, while they continue to find new ways on how not too do there jobs, at every giving time they have to prove it.......b:fatb

    I mean seriously, they sold out their own {ToS/Rules} for a bunch of Cash shoppers, and basically told 88% of everyone else to go F*** OFF & D*E!!!, Multiple Times Now, everytime those (Violating) Cash Shoppers are at risk; they apparently just like to say Ta H**L! with everyone else then..... Even though the Majority of the Cash that They Get, comes from (Non-Violating) Players..............

    The only way they can show themselves, as a (Viable & Trustable) Business Entity now by the majority of their players; is to stop thinking with their Checkbooks! And how Good They'll Look with Our Money!!! And start thinking about what they used to be known for in (YEAR-1) of the Game ~ And that was that they thought about their Customer Bases SATISFACTION.....b:flower

    A reset, as you propose here; would only end up Pissing Off!! Alot of Peaple at Them!!! That they Don't need (Nor Want) too get Pss'D Off at them.....

    It would only turn their already low ratings, in (Customer Satisafaction) Into an ever Downwardly Spiraling FURBALL.... And No Business Likes their Reputation that Badly Talked about by the masses.....

    TOODLE'S -v^'
  • Euthymius - Heavens Tear
    Euthymius - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Thats quite a tough call...

    While it could be worth it in the long run, the initial effect it would have would hurt them severely. While there would be some who would stick around, I'm not sure how many players would like to see their hard work (or coin/zen) suddenly disappearing with little to show for it.

    Personally, if they fixed the bugs, nerfed APS/Sins, modified instances, quests, the combat system, ect then I would stick around at first to see how the game would feel and play(and to enjoy the rage/QQ on the forum about it) before deciding if I would stay.

    Also, while fixing/upgrading/balancing the game would be great, I would think that they should do something about their line of communication with us. It takes way too long to get an answer to key issues (and worse, fixes for them) and it generally feels as though we're being ignored.

    If they ever did all of that, I would certainly consider trying it out again.
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  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I think they should just make PWI2 or something. Start all over again with better graphics, with a coding made by themselves that they can actually edit and know what they are doing etc.

    As for me, I'd probably quit. I'd stay around for a while to see how things are but I'd quit. I've spent too much time as well as some money and I don't want to see that gone. I'm aware that one day the servers will die (the game can't live forever) but when that day comes I'll probably be too busy irl to be around.

    But thing is, most of the problems we have here are our version's fault. As far as I know PWCN still goes strong (no packs, no hyper frost etc.) and content wise we depend on them.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • MyuMyu - Harshlands
    MyuMyu - Harshlands Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Just do the same like PWCN, make 2 versions, keep this f2p, and make another p2p server with all the p2p privilege, no Genies and all that stuffs.
  • Azizsixer - Raging Tide
    Azizsixer - Raging Tide Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Seriously, FIX + PWE in the same sentence = Not Fix x **** it up even more.

    I've been playing this game for 3 years, pwe isn't the kinda a company to refund on such a large scale, heck to get a single item respawned in game because of some glitch or the other is rare far less for this.

    I'd be against a server reset like this x.x

    Oh and I bet they'd reset all charas and gear and STILL have some game breaking glitch lol
  • Instanced - Lothranis
    Instanced - Lothranis Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    They could do a Valve and give everybody who bought gold already some exclusive hat to wear. Of course, anybody who bought gold from then on would also get the hat...
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] ☆Emerald Soulsphere. Because that's how I roll.
  • Aowenn - Archosaur
    Aowenn - Archosaur Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    oh wow, so people spending $5000 for example get a pixeled hat. Wow, i wouldn't be able to contain my excitement of the thought.

    I don't know why this is actually a topic. No one here would get their money back on what they spent because PWI are in the business to MAKE money, not give it away.

    They can shut down the game & just reset, thats totally up to them, it'll just show what type of people run this game.

    Or, they can actually sort this game out ( blessings, glitches, rubberbanding in Morai etc ) and make people FEEL like they want to play this game
  • John_Smith - Harshlands
    John_Smith - Harshlands Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    You might be better phrasing it as a new version.

    In much the way PWI follows CN, a new version with it's own playerbase, optional to move but if you do it within x amount of time you get to keep some stuff (% of gold charged Account stash enabled for free, reserved character spots (I.E made when you register to move, get a month or so to take your name before it's released to be used by anyone) all at level 1 and stuff).

    I'd roll with that. Quite happily.
    I've quit excluding TW for my faction. But I still hang around to help out those who still enjoy the game under PWEs horrific handling and to have fun in the forums. b:cute
    #Shame about PWEs absolutely craptastic handling of the goons glitching. Remember kids, there's no punishment for breaking the rules here!#
    If you make a valid complaint, your thread will disapear. Don't post it here, post it on other sites where PW can't hide it.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited April 2012
    I just fired up an old PC and loaded it with a private server. If I ever plan to have more than 10 people playing it, I'll need to get a blade but for now it suffices for an escape from the current community while still being able to play.

    And truly, that is what the real issue is with PWI right now. It's not so much the crappy sales, the broken economy, or the long list of things that need to be fixed and haven't. The real issue with the game right now is the community in the game. Sure, PWE is at fault for making it easier for the failed community to foster, but in the end, it's the people that are causing the issue, not the company.

    We have lost a lot of good players over the years simply because they (PWE) made it so easy for any brainless noob to start playing and hit high levels. Then all they have to do is throw some money at it and they're "pro" overnight. This has created a place where achievements don't matter. Respect is what you get when you can gank everyone in sight and no one can get through your uber gear. The fact that I play normally, don't hyper-level and don't blow my entire paycheck on gear now makes me a failure as a player in the eyes of the community. Never mind that I probably know more about classes and game mechanics than some of the current GM's. Never mind that I've been playing this for over three years and have a lot of knowledge to share. I'm not R9 with 5.0 APS so I'm a complete fail noob in the eyes of the community.

    That, is what's wrong with the game. A reset won't fix it, and it just hurts PWE's bottom line in the long run.

  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    would 65% of what your purchase history shows in core, be sufficent?

    Not even f'ing *close*.

    130% of my total zen purchase history, *minimum*. I made plenty of zen purchases long before "Core" ever existed.

    ****, the money it took 2 years ago to buy my wife's Herc and Nix, or my Daughter's R8, or the R8 on the 2 chars I have... something like this would be fatal for some dumb SOB at PWI headquarters - someone who lost 100+ levels and several thousand dollars and 2-3 years of time that lives in California would *absolutely* go postal on that place - without a doubt.

    Besides, you can do exactly what you are suggesting right now - on a private server. Older version of PWI ("Before it was *ruined*"), ability to instant level - all of the above.

    Very Bad Move (even by PWI standards) to do something like this.
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • ZoracGallant - Raging Tide
    ZoracGallant - Raging Tide Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    something like this would be fatal for some dumb SOB at PWI headquarters - someone who lost 100+ levels and several thousand dollars and 2-3 years of time that lives in California would *absolutely* go postal on that place - without a doubt.

    Exactly what I was thinking doing something like this would make for a serious real life situation for all those *unstable* players that we have, oh yes they are out there

    Now if they made a NEW server that was "fixed" I might consider starting up again, but I've worked too freaken hard to get to where I am now and I have a long way to go still so of course I don't want to start from scratch.

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • marmor2
    marmor2 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I am just curious what your opinion would be if PW said they would be willing to make fixes and take care of the things that we are all QQing about, BUT the kicker would be it would mean a complete reset. You and all your Alts go back to zero, you lose everything.

    The European customer had this. The official Perfect World EU Servers closed approx 1,5 years ago after they was approx 2 years online. And approx. 10 month ago started again official European Servers.

    What happened at the new server:

    Approx. 50% of the hardcore gamers from the older servers started at the new server too. Near nobody from the fun gamers started at the new server. But in the meanwhile the most from the hardcore players stoped already playing. After 1 month we had already much level 100+ players. 2 or 3 month after server start they had already near full equip and near all +12.

    Yes, I think PW made much profit with the server newstart, but if you search through the Internet you can find in the most forums angry players that are worried about the happening. So I think it was not the best for Perfect World.
  • jimbillybob46310
    jimbillybob46310 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I for 1 can say without a doubt i WOULD NEVER start over from lvl 1 again.
    ESPECIALLY any server run by PWE!!!!
    Reset and give you some in game coin........people would **** flip.
    My issue is they can reset and start over and introduce the same **** again to try to get people to re-buy the same chit they already had.
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Some very good points.

    As far as having a new version, I think thats what some of their other games are, like FW or JD. I could be wrong on this, but it seems like thats what they are. The problem with that is people won't want to leave their $3000 char in a game they never play.

    And for those that mention PWE losing money or taking a hit on their bottomline have to realize companys make drastic choices like this everyday just because they lose money on a choice does not mean it's a bad choice. I understand Businesses are in the market to make money, but how many businesses in your life time have you seen recall an item to fix it or pushing a release date back because of issues with the specific product? most of those companys are still around and doing fine.

    I have to agree with Sty about his community comment, but fixing that can only happen after fixing the things the community thinks need to be fixed. PWE will never regain the faith of the community untill they do some thing more drastic than adding new content or some nifty sale. Thats why I was thinking a long the lines of a reset.