Rumors of Nirvana 3rd cast and Rank9 2nd cast
AuroraTear - Archosaur wrote: »Im not saying both sac strike and GOF, but an upgrade if you dont have the better of the two. For instance Sac strike becomes GOF.
Attack lvls yes, dex yes, range yes. Like R9 R9 gets upgrade, give Nirvana similiar stats +what we already rolled.[/QUOTE
yes this is exactly what this game needs. sins getting more unreasonable damage without any penalty for it. he was joking btw saying what you wanted on your weap was highly unreasonable, and no not because of both sac. strike and gof on the weap, but you are a sin and i completely understand why you would want to do more damage, but face it both in pvp and pve sins do an unnnecessary amount of damage, and also have an extremely overpowered set of skills with very little diminished returns. their morai skills only seem like a joke because their original skill set is way too overpowered. ik i would like chill of the deep, and i would trade all of my morai skills for it =[.
i do agree however that this game needs better instance farmable gear to keep up with the stupid unreasonable amount of damage/tankyness r9 brings into the game. the only content they've added that makes r9 even kinda reasonable pve-wise is guild base trials and even then only in the higher difficulties does it seem even kinda reasonable for a char to be that ungodly powerful. idk about other servers but tws on my server between the top-geared factions are a joke because of how powerful r9 is.
i do think levels and difference in gear are essential to give people who are only in it for the competition a reason to farm and play the game outside of pvp, or at least feed the economy for those who do not want to spend money in the game in which pwi has done really nice with before packs/rank/d.orb sale. i guess d.orb sale has kinda evened it out a bit from before where only ppl with serious cash or time could have highly refined gears all over. but still r9 is too much and ascended more so and this new stuff extremely soo, and yeah i know there will be people who will get it. if it does release its only a matter of time.
i truly hope they release another stage of nv gear, but the r9 is only getting sillier in this game full of op fish, sparking wizards, stealth archers, underpowered tigers, and outdated supports0 -
I dont how people are even motivated towards this rumor, good luck to those who choose to stick by this insanely broken "f2p" game.....Guild wars 2 > pwi Diablo 3 > pwi Pw Vendetta > Pwi.
R9 toon full jades this sits there and mashes buttons, r9 recast sits there laughs drinks a beer before mashing a button, another upgrade on r9 just means you can go shower for 45min...come back and still be alive with absolutely 0 effort; but then again if we have people willing to pay 65mil per DoD like we have on HL, we have people willing to pay big bucks for their "new" gear.0 -
Gin_Tenshi - Lost City wrote: »AuroraTear - Archosaur wrote: »Im not saying both sac strike and GOF, but an upgrade if you dont have the better of the two. For instance Sac strike becomes GOF.
Attack lvls yes, dex yes, range yes. Like R9 R9 gets upgrade, give Nirvana similiar stats +what we already rolled.[/QUOTE
yes this is exactly what this game needs. sins getting more unreasonable damage without any penalty for it. he was joking btw saying what you wanted on your weap was highly unreasonable, and no not because of both sac. strike and gof on the weap, but you are a sin and i completely understand why you would want to do more damage, but face it both in pvp and pve sins do an unnnecessary amount of damage, and also have an extremely overpowered set of skills with very little diminished returns. their morai skills only seem like a joke because their original skill set is way too overpowered. ik i would like chill of the deep, and i would trade all of my morai skills for it =[.
i do agree however that this game needs better instance farmable gear to keep up with the stupid unreasonable amount of damage/tankyness r9 brings into the game. the only content they've added that makes r9 even kinda reasonable pve-wise is guild base trials and even then only in the higher difficulties does it seem even kinda reasonable for a char to be that ungodly powerful. idk about other servers but tws on my server between the top-geared factions are a joke because of how powerful r9 is.
i do think levels and difference in gear are essential to give people who are only in it for the competition a reason to farm and play the game outside of pvp, or at least feed the economy for those who do not want to spend money in the game in which pwi has done really nice with before packs/rank/d.orb sale. i guess d.orb sale has kinda evened it out a bit from before where only ppl with serious cash or time could have highly refined gears all over. but still r9 is too much and ascended more so and this new stuff extremely soo, and yeah i know there will be people who will get it. if it does release its only a matter of time.
i truly hope they release another stage of nv gear, but the r9 is only getting sillier in this game full of op fish, sparking wizards, stealth archers, underpowered tigers, and outdated supports
Sins are op. But I can't find a class who can't one shot me if deaden is on cool down. Sins aren't great in tw.
About op daggers. Nirvana daggers are a random stats daggers. You could get something good. Or you could get ****. I believe and I know hundreds others will. We should keep what we have chanced thousands of raptures on amongst ourselves. I recast my weapon once and got extremely lucky. But there are some who have spent thousands on recasts. Let us keep our weapons. Give us higher damage (g16) and new stats. That is perfectly fair.0 -
AuroraTear - Archosaur wrote: »About op daggers. Nirvana daggers are a random stats daggers. You could get something good. Or you could get ****. I believe and I know hundreds others will. We should keep what we have chanced thousands of raptures on amongst ourselves. I recast my weapon once and got extremely lucky. But there are some who have spent thousands on recasts. Let us keep our weapons. Give us higher damage (g16) and new stats. That is perfectly fair.
Keeping your old stats is fair, upgrading is not.
b:bye0 -
Hurrdurr - Lothranis wrote: »Keeping your old stats is fair, upgrading is not.
Jconsidering its a lottery system..... how is it not fair that just because.some of us are very lucky that we shouldn't keep our old stats+ upgrade? Makes no.sense to me what so ever.0 -
It's not fair because you are talking about gear that is supposed to not be a viable alternative to R9. R9 is end game, it is not supposed to be rivaled by Nirvana gear, not 2nd stage anyway.
There would be no point in making Nirvana weapons on par with R9, then no one gets R9. Same as it is now with Warsoul, only idiots would consider getting a warsoul weapon with R9 available.
However depending on the cost of 3rd cast Nirvana gear, realistically if it's going to be insane numbers and close in price as to getting R9. I wouldn't mind it being on par with R9, I would infact get a set so I can stash it over several characters0 -
ShamandaIie - Heavens Tear wrote: »It's not fair because you are talking about gear that is supposed to not be a viable alternative to R9. R9 is end game, it is not supposed to be rivaled by Nirvana gear, not 2nd stage anyway.
There would be no point in making Nirvana weapons on par with R9, then no one gets R9. Same as it is now with Warsoul, only idiots would consider getting a warsoul weapon with R9 available.
However depending on the cost of 3rd cast Nirvana gear, realistically if it's going to be insane numbers and close in price as to getting R9. I wouldn't mind it being on par with R9, I would infact get a set so I can stash it over several characters
The reason no one bothers with warsoul weapons isn't only because rank 9 is better. Rank 9 is also cheaper. About 6 times cheaper...why get a warsoul weapon when you can outfit 6 characters with rank 9 for roughly the same price?
Also, I can't help but laugh at anyone who says rank 9 is "end game." I suppose you're right, once you get rank 9, there really is nothing left to do but play "one-shot wars" with other rank 9's. My end game? Mine is rank 8/TT99. Possibly throw in a couple pieces of nirvana if I can afford it. And honestly, rank8/TT99 is plenty powerful enough to be considered "end game," at least in PvE.0 -
TT90 is considered end-game for PVE. You can do everything the game throws at you with TT90 gear. Maybe not harpy, but I guess that's the only exception.
Also there's a common misconception nowadays about the "one shot wars". This statement was true when R9 first came out, if you had R9 you could tab > kill easily. But now on HT at least, R9 is only the first step, with the amount of people sporting full R9 with +10-12 ornaments and full JoSD or vit stones it's not as easy as people think it is.
My wizard is full R9 with low refines on armor and a +10 weapon and I can alway tell when I'm hitting some dude with epic refines and good shards and when I hit some random R8 person that indeed does die in about 1 shot.
But now usually the top 1-3 (or top 1-2 in HT's case) field a majority of Rank 9 players, it evens it out. It's pretty much only boring for the non-R9 people but now in this enviremont where they're no longer the majority of the TW field in a war, I guess that point becomes kind of moot.0 -
ShamandaIie - Heavens Tear wrote: »It's not fair because you are talking about gear that is supposed to not be a viable alternative to R9. R9 is end game, it is not supposed to be rivaled by Nirvana gear, not 2nd stage anyway.
There would be no point in making Nirvana weapons on par with R9, then no one gets R9. Same as it is now with Warsoul, only idiots would consider getting a warsoul weapon with R9 available.
However depending on the cost of 3rd cast Nirvana gear, realistically if it's going to be insane numbers and close in price as to getting R9. I wouldn't mind it being on par with R9, I would infact get a set so I can stash it over several characters
I agree. If the 3rd cast doesn't come from the cashop it should not rival r9. It should, however, close the gap a bit between r9 and NV gear.
The best I can hope for is a set that is stonger than NV, but not as strong as r9.0 -
Why are people so worried that 3rd cast might be stronger than an item bought with money? Is farming gear really that hard for you lot b:shocked. You can't imagine a farmed gear being stronger? So what if 3rd cast is cheaper and better than R9? Will it really alter people play this game, i doubt it.
People raged on and on about R9 recast being too expensive for what it gave, but guess what, people still did the whole set. Same with any new set, gear that comes out, those who can't afford it, get it will complain, and those who can acquire it will be on their merry way.
Learn to enjoy the game folks, be happy that there is a farmable gear that puts your average farmer Joe at your level now. More people to have fun with.0 -
End game gear should be farmed. You must all be serious very heavy csers to say what u can buy should be the best. Honestly. There are ppl who've spent way more on nirvy trying to replicate my daggers then on R9. Having good gear in the cs for those that wanna feed pwi should be an option. However the absolute very best gear should be farmed and not just swiped at an ATM. It should come from other players selling the mats, time spent in instances. Everyone q's about all the lvl 102up that don't know how to play because of hypers but there are even more it seems r9 that can one shot poll.won't no skill. What's it matter if they can play if you can just buy the best? Make the best gear farmable. After all. Before the release of r9 nirvy was the best. With warsoul as the exception0
It's funny how these jelly newbs think r9 had to be cash shopped with real money. Newsflash: lots of people farm their r9.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
playing Faction Wars Again.0 -
When will people realize there is no such thing as "endgame" gear, as long as a game is breeding new content (even as lame as pwis) there will always be new end pieces being developed.
What makes this game re-tarded is the fact to keep up with the development you either must spend thousands of dollars to stay ahead of the game, or farm till your eyes bleed. And just as you finally reach your goal, a new announcement is made.
gogo gadget G-w-2, where gear is finally irrelevant.re0 -
Retsuko - Heavens Tear wrote: »It's funny how these jelly newbs think r9 had to be cash shopped with real money. Newsflash: lots of people farm their r9.
no no no you cannot buy goldb:cute
for me it makes little difference if I farm coins and then
a)buy gold and buy mats (ie r9)
b)buy mats from other players (ie nirvy)
c)go to npc and exchange coins+mats (ie warsoul)
d)farm the mats directly
e)grind to get rep
i'm pretty sure that the main reason is that people feel that they spend money when they buy something while they dont spend anything if they farm it themselves; and that's how you get 5aps+10 or higher farming tt1-1 for broken drums to make their alt's only purge once #yopo0 -
This starting to sound like DragonBall Z man. R9 = SSJ 1 - R9 Ascended = SSJ2
Now there's a SSJ3 A.k.a R9 3rd cast HAH!
If this is true, i'll hold up on recasting my r9 for now.0 -
U_Sasuke - Sanctuary wrote: »This starting to sound like DragonBall Z man. R9 = SSJ 1 - R9 Ascended = SSJ2
Now there's a SSJ3 A.k.a R9 3rd cast HAH!
If this is true, i'll hold up on recasting my r9 for now.
And we all saw how many stupid levels of SS there was. Unneeded and over the top. They should have made a storyline around SS1 or 2, considering they were planet destroyers, nevermind SS9 or whatever lol. Abit like they should have stopped at TT100/nirvana gear and created more content around this level of gear and power b:surrender0 -
X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear wrote: »And we all saw how many stupid levels of SS there was. Unneeded and over the top. They should have made a storyline around SS1 or 2, considering they were planet destroyers, nevermind SS9 or whatever lol. Abit like they should have stopped at TT100/nirvana gear and created more content around this level of gear and power b:surrender
The bit in red = This to the max.101 Sage Sin*/Archer
100 Demon BM*/Barb
96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
95 Demon Wiz/
94 Sage Veno
85 Psy/80 Mystic
And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
*Pre RB level0 -
Aubree - Dreamweaver wrote: »They have it, its called nirvana. Then you need recast that.
NV Magic sword is GARBAGE compared to even
All I am seeing in this thread is a bunch 0f fail, and br0ny n0 lifers that sh0uld be c0mbing their plastic p0nies hair.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.0
[SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
Vicious's Brony. Brohoof! - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!0 -
Been meaning to respond to this, but hadn't gotten around to it...Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver wrote: »I can just see the discussion that led to this....
"This rank 9 sale is really popular in the U.S. we've brought in a huge profit this quarter."
"but people are complaining that it's too game breaking"
"well how about we introduce a way to reforge nirvana gear to be as powerful as rank 9? The necessary materials will only be available from packs of course."
"That's great! But the people who already have rank 9 may complain..."
"Not to worry! We'll just let them use the same materials to reforge their rank 9 into gear that's even more game breaking!"
What happened to the dude who suggested that this would cause people who didn't CS R9 to charge to buy uncannys/raps/this-new-stuff from cat shops so they could finally go full recast NV and then do a third cast? b:victory
I mean, really, making it "able" to work on recast R9 while making it actually obtainable for NV wouldn't be such a terrible move. In fact, it'd almost level the playing field without making those who remortgaged for R9 feel like they got ripped off.[sigpic][/sigpic]
MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory
WeAreMuSHRooMS.com0 -
_Skai_ - Raging Tide wrote: »
cause your human garbage thats whyFederation of United Casters Keeping Others From Failing And
Positively Succeeding (Taken from SkogDyr of Lost City)0 -
_Skai_ - Raging Tide wrote: »
I'm hoping because they realized that as a grown man, watching a cartoon about ponies that is geared towards little girls between the ages of 4 - 13 isn't normal.
And kinda weird when the Guy gets REALLLY into it.0 -
Sagek - Sanctuary wrote: »I'm hoping because they realized that as a grown man, watching a cartoon about ponies that is geared towards little girls between the ages of 4 - 13 isn't normal.
And kinda weird when the Guy gets REALLLY into it.
If you ever watched it you'd come to understand that it's not really geared towards girls in that age range. It's one of those cartoons that's supposed to promote children and their parents being able to watch something together. Parents get one interpretation and sense of humor from it, while children get a different viewpoint. Sort of like Ren and Stimpy.
For instance the recent season finale contained an invasion of mutant shapeshifters, force fields, lazer beams, Ursula-esque villain, and a parody of the British royal wedding. For little girls?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Sagek - Sanctuary wrote: »I'm hoping because they realized that as a grown man, watching a cartoon about ponies that is geared towards little girls between the ages of 4 - 13 isn't normal.
And kinda weird when the Guy gets REALLLY into it.
Franchising -- PW did it. What is wrong with ponies doing it. The my little pony series has been going on for 20 years.
Time won't wake/make you wiser, but it will definitely wound you.
b i t . l y /
I was a man of ideas and action, but at the same time a gentleman. -- S a Z T u R
Subtly is never my strong point, but I like to find the gaps in walls and the cracks in bricks.
Are you kind of seeing what I'm saying. b:bye0 -
Kerona - Sanctuary wrote: »If you ever watched it you'd come to understand that it's not really geared towards girls in that age range. It's one of those cartoons that's supposed to promote children and their parents being able to watch something together. Parents get one interpretation and sense of humor from it, while children get a different viewpoint. Sort of like Ren and Stimpy.
For instance the recent season finale contained an invasion of mutant shapeshifters, force fields, lazer beams, Ursula-esque villain, and a parody of the British royal wedding. For little girls?
Thank you.
As the most common reason why haters would be hating it is because they've never seen it yet.
And my "Y U n0" that I did was based off of ResMe's title.[SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
Vicious's Brony. Brohoof! - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!0 -
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|0
Just don't google Rule 34.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower
-Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
-Certified Barbarian Master-
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-Master of Coffee-0 -
I've seen it, and regardless of how grown ups see it in one way and children see it in another. It's still a show about little ponies, if you're a full grown man (or woman I would say) and you simply "enjoy" watching it, no problem. I enjoy watching morning cartoons with my little brother.
But all the grown up folks that become too obsessed with it or pretend to I personally think have a bit of an issue, but that's just my opinion :P0
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