TheDan's End Game Blademaster PvP Guide



  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thanks for the post count Dan baby

    Creepy, you posted less than a minute after me... lol.
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Creepy, you posted less than a minute after me... lol.

    Creepy, you noticed I posted less than a minute after you less than a minute after I posted less than a minute after you.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I used to have the same two issues; so I went with a 100 magic genie for mass PvP, it's helped me loads in terms of survivability and sustainability in group PvP. Sage BMs have caught up a lot since the re-balancing without a doubt, but there's always genies for both cultivations to make up for what the other lacks.

    I guess my guide doesn't touch as much on group PvP because there are so many variables, but my videos speak for themselves I suppose.

    i currently have a 100 str genie with 60 magic, ill give 100 magic genie a try, maybe magic/vit genie will help me survive longer.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thanks for the post count Dan baby

    zanryu >< i actually used my first post on the forum ever just cuz i did learn some stuff from watching all dans videos, every bm's playstyle is different and not many is willing to share xD and bms videos are entertaining
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    zanryu >< i actually used my first post on the forum ever just cuz i did learn some stuff from watching all dans videos, every bm's playstyle is different and not many is willing to share xD and bms videos are entertaining

    Indeed. It's always nice to see other's playstyles and compare yours to them, and even better when you can learn something from it. I've recently started making videos myself, more for learning from watching myself than anything else though. It's helping me get back into the swing of things.

    Yay more post count.
  • Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Don't worry Zanryu, your videos will get more views than mine ever will. I think it's just my music choices, lol.

    I should do one with just commentary. Here's a post count for you Zanryu. : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hey, the genie skill Mantle ripple of death, does it only work in TW/NW?? cause it doesn't work when i tried it out.
    Find the solution to Laplace's equation at X=2, Y =3, OR bend over b:cry
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hey, the genie skill Mantle ripple of death, does it only work in TW/NW?? cause it doesn't work when i tried it out.

    Answered you in your other thread
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What's up BMs?

    Anything new? Did they add any new skills? Any new tactics for my gxs when pking?
    Superfeng - Level 101 Lost City Blademaster, retired.
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Completely updated my guide to include r9 3rd cast and added a few sections with genie set ups and how to deal with 3rd cast r9 casters.
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Grazed your update. Haven't thought of specifically using BT for casters but that's a great point that it wouldn't proc. However, considering they get a pretty permanent holy path proc it seems that most of them would just kite away from you pretty quickly, and since it doesn't crit or zerk it doesn't seem enough to get you there. I'll have to try it out.

    How are you using Bane? Crit is nice, but half damage sucks. Are you sparking off the debuff? Apoth? Cleric? Or just saying go at it with half damage and 57% crit?

    I've told you my go-to strategy being lock with seals like Smack, Reel-In, and Shadowless Kick to an extent, and combo Blade Hurl with your stuns to get a solid lock. Then I Glacial Spike + Tangling Mire and hope for a few crits. The stacked Mire+Glacial debuff is usually more effective than HF and combine that with a self crit proc. However you will often have your own GS+TM combo purged in a few hits. Darn 98% proc rate on purify.

    Lastly, I'm not experienced with chi suppression in pk, but I see its uses against many classes. Casters don't seem to be as chi dependant as BMs, Sins, Barbs, Archers... I mean, Essential Sutra is only a 2 spark skill and they can easily CE and get near 2 sparks. That's more effective than almost any double spark skill or triple spark option. What's your opinion?
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Grazed your update. Haven't thought of specifically using BT for casters but that's a great point that it wouldn't proc. However, considering they get a pretty permanent holy path proc it seems that most of them would just kite away from you pretty quickly, and since it doesn't crit or zerk it doesn't seem enough to get you there. I'll have to try it out.

    How are you using Bane? Crit is nice, but half damage sucks. Are you sparking off the debuff? Apoth? Cleric? Or just saying go at it with half damage and 80% crit?

    I've told you my go-to strategy being lock with seals like Smack, Reel-In, and Shadowless Kick to an extent, and combo Blade Hurl with your stuns to get a solid lock. Then I Glacial Spike + Tangling Mire and hope for a few crits. The stacked Mire+Glacial debuff is usually more effective than HF and combine that with a self crit proc. However you will often have your own GS+TM combo purged in a few hits. Darn 98% proc rate on purify.

    Lastly, I'm not experienced with chi suppression in pk, but I see its uses against many classes. Casters don't seem to be as chi dependant as BMs, Sins, Barbs, Archers... I mean, Essential Sutra is only a 2 spark skill and they can easily CE and get near 2 sparks. That's more effective than almost any double spark skill or triple spark option. What's your opinion?

    It only gives you half weapon damage, not half of your physical attack in the same way a Cleric's Silent Seal reduces their weapon damage rather than magic attack.

    You can see this here in my screenshots:

    Before Dragon Bane

    After Dragon Bane

    You lose a few k phys attack but gain a very large amount of crit rate, enough to offset the loss of physical attack and allow for higher damage output for the duration.
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It only gives you half weapon damage, not half of your physical attack in the same way a Cleric's Silent Seal reduces their weapon damage rather than magic attack.

    You can see this here in my screenshots:

    Before Dragon Bane

    After Dragon Bane

    You lose a few k phys attack but gain a very large amount of crit rate, enough to offset the loss of physical attack and allow for higher damage output for the duration.

    Wth, its been years since I looked at the skill and it was never really important since I always use DB->triple spark purify, but I swear it was effected attack power, not weapon damage. I tested it out when I first got it at level 79 around 3 years ago and it was damage/2 not damage-1/2(weapon damage).

    Time to go retest, lol.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wth, its been years since I looked at the skill and it was never really important since I always use DB->triple spark purify, but I swear it was effected attack power, not weapon damage.

    According to the skill description it does, but it affects weapon attack not physical attack.
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Zanryu is right, and it has always been that way.
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Lol, Tested and he is right but I swear I remember testing it out just with damage numbers on the first boss in FCC years ago and my damage was almost perfectly cut in half (went from 8k to 4k dph or something). Maybe I was just halucinating.

    Feel pretty dumb for thinking it was the other way around for all this time >.<
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Lol, Tested and he is right but I swear I remember testing it out just with damage numbers on the first boss in FCC years ago and my damage was almost perfectly cut in half (went from 8k to 4k dph or something). Maybe I was just halucinating.

    Feel pretty dumb for thinking it was the other way around for all this time >.<

    Were you using axes? It could be that you got a high end of the spike damage before then a lower end after Dragon Bane. If you were using non-zerk fists then boo I aint got a clue I think you done gone mental.

    Why would you test when I provided screenshots, do you not believe me? Am I not good enough for you? Why must you strike me down at every opportunity? My masculinity has been forever damaged.

    Oh well, anyone up for a few drinks?
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Were you using axes? It could be that you got a high end of the spike damage before then a lower end after Dragon Bane. If you were using non-zerk fists then boo I aint got a clue I think you done gone mental.

    Why would you test when I provided screenshots, do you not believe me? Am I not good enough for you? Why must you strike me down at every opportunity? My masculinity has been forever damaged.
    Oh well, anyone up for a few drinks?

    Wasn't using axes. Had just gotten DB and was experimenting with it with either tt80 Buddha's Fists or Deicides. Prolly just mental.

    And it's always best to test things for yourself just to verify. I have alot of opinions but I don't expect anyone to take them at face value. I was wondering if somehow (I know this doesn't go along with game dynamics) the weapon damage was halved so that the 500% spark damage became only 250% spark damage. Just had to verify and indeed its as stated. 50% weapon damage, not an overall attack power reduction.
    Oh well, anyone up for a few drinks?

    Cheers :D
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Added a new advanced TW tip for those that weren't aware of it yet, but it's been done so pretty commonly on my server. In fact, so commonly that I forgot to mention it earlier.

    You can see it demonstrated here:
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  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Amazing Guide!!

    Thanks for posting this man really good!
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Whirlwind: Must have skill, it aoe paralyzes people for 1 second and you need to close the gap on people before you can roar or bash so this is the best way to do it from a distance. This may change as soon as the reckless rush is available for BMs in the future

    Wondering if Reckless Rush, or the additional stun of Flame Tsunami, made you reconsider this skill of if its still one of your go-to skills.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Reckless rush = 50chi and puts it on CD for some tough enemy with lots of defense levels and under 50% HP (i.e. charm ticked)

    Whirlwind = nearly free

    I gotta ask about whirlwind though. I hit it in an FC pull and it pretty much killed the cleric because the animation caused my computer screen to freeze and my BM to go pell-mell all over the place

    Anyone else have problems with that?

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  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Wondering if Reckless Rush, or the additional stun of Flame Tsunami, made you reconsider this skill of if its still one of your go-to skills.

    It came across my mind at first, but after testing a few PvP battles without it, I ended up still keeping whirlwind as it can be used simultaneously in conjunction with smack, whereas the reckless rush costs 50 chi, has a long cooldown and can't really be used effectively to lock with smack. I tend to use reckless rush as an execution instead of a lock atm.

    Flame Tsunami is nice, but too situational based off of % HP.
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  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I didn't see anywhere were you mentioned about the necklace/belts/rings. Perhaps you have replied to someone with a question similar to this... and if so maybe if you have room, fit it somewhere in the guide?


    I noticed you did in fact mention r93r/g16 lunar full HA, but would you suggest a elemental resistance belt/necklace, AND magic rings (specifically the Seal Of Eternal Solitude) to help lessen the blow of magic attacks. or perhaps just the necklace, and belt, and keep the rings "physical" based.. or even vice versa?

    EDIT: Also what about the shards? Is it best to have magic resistance based shards in the gear, or hp shards (assuming you can't afford the best gems in the game? (def lvl +2)

    EDIT 2: Nvm you mentioned about shards in your guide... human moment. :$

    I don't see many bms doing that at all on the server, I see the difference in pve, but I must admit I haven't pvped much with it, I find it to be too annoying to play in mass pvp. (I am not saying its an easy one shot, I just still find it irritating how difficult it is to close the gaps + stay alive long enough to feel of any use to my team mates... not to mention I have seen what the exact same gear + original built in skills do for Barbs, Seekers, and even comparable gear ona sin do for each of them first hand... the bm as you already know is by far the most annoying... and I do understand I wont always live... but still I hate how often I die before I even land a hit on someone.) Though after reading your guide... I do have some ideas about a genie.... still feeling like I have to go to extraordinary lengths to make my bm viable in mass pvp is just so not appealing... and I really do love the class.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I know you're 'the genie guy' right now and still enjoy experimenting with them and I've had a thought lately.

    Years ago I had Reflect Aura on my genie for TW and while it did occasionally create some awesome moments I rarely used it because it didn't directly help defensively.

    Nowadays with 15k+ casters who have 28k pdef and purify proc, many of them will stand and trade blows with you like they're a barb and watching their channeling is much easier. You also have seekers who have easy to spot channeling and usually preempt it with QpQ combos so you know its coming. I've been considering putting Reflect Aura back on my genie as a 1v1 skill. My DD does huge chunks of damage to a caster but its a punch for punch thing and while I spam axe attacks they're busy spamming 700 magic -62% channeling r9t3 magic attacks on me -.-

    So I was wondering if I its time to put RA back on the genie. I figured if they do half (more than half) the damage to themselves then it wouldn't be too hard to Drake's Ray->Reckless Rush them into a finish.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I know you're 'the genie guy' right now and still enjoy experimenting with them and I've had a thought lately.

    Years ago I had Reflect Aura on my genie for TW and while it did occasionally create some awesome moments I rarely used it because it didn't directly help defensively.

    Nowadays with 15k+ casters who have 28k pdef and purify proc, many of them will stand and trade blows with you like they're a barb and watching their channeling is much easier. You also have seekers who have easy to spot channeling and usually preempt it with QpQ combos so you know its coming. I've been considering putting Reflect Aura back on my genie as a 1v1 skill. My DD does huge chunks of damage to a caster but its a punch for punch thing and while I spam axe attacks they're busy spamming 700 magic -62% channeling r9t3 magic attacks on me -.-

    So I was wondering if I its time to put RA back on the genie. I figured if they do half (more than half) the damage to themselves then it wouldn't be too hard to Drake's Ray->Reckless Rush them into a finish.

    Do you mean 1v1 as in PK? or specific instances in TW / NW where you're in an isolated incident? RA does not work in open map PvP so if you were getting it for that I would scratch the idea completely. It works in TW, but not sure about NW. I would assume it would work in NW, but you wouldn't be doing very many 1v1s there.

    I think the concept behind it could work, but if I were you I would test the mechanics of it first. For example, check if RA will proc their purify weapon or not. Then also check if the maximum of 100,000 damage returned is raw damage or magic attack damage returned.

    In all honesty, now that I think about it more... it would probably make more sense to use it in TW/NW if you're tanky enough. Use it when you're pressing the front lines or behind enemy lines. Use a Blade Tornado or Ironguard to move in, then once you're in and EVERYONE is focusing on you, and you expect to die, use RA. The only thing that completely prevents the skill from being OP would be the 100K return cap, which I'm still not sure how that works exactly. The only thing in NW though is you can't use genies if carrying flag, so probably more effectively used in TW.

    I think I may advise a few of the BMs in my faction to try putting RA on for a few TWs and see what happens.
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    hey sorry if interrupted but i need help i think pwi has i virus but im not sure .... im newbie and ive already downloaded the game and when i clicked the launcher my antivirus (avira) pop up and said it found an unwanted malware or virus and i think its pwi pls reply fast cause i dont know what to do ..... pls need help cause i really want to play this game
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited November 2013
  • Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    Superfeng - Level 101 Lost City Blademaster, retired.


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