TheDan's End Game Blademaster PvP Guide



  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Will there ever be more vids? b:cry

    Of course, just got a new computer and working with new video editing software; should be in better quality too. :)
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Posts: 2,561 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    if reflect reflects magic damage could it reflect damage from condensed thorn?
  • Posts: 757 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    if reflect reflects magic damage could it reflect damage from condensed thorn?

  • Posts: 2,561 Arc User
    edited June 2012

  • Posts: 1,497 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    This is a very complicated and absolutely amazing skill for stun squad TW BM as long as you have a genie built specifically for it and if it suits your play style. I've had dozens of casters reflect one shot from it. It's also highly annoying, but you really need good timing... my genie gives 4 seconds of reflect.

    After rushing deep to the backline and amping, stunning and/or running out of chi, when you're on your way back out is the best time to use it. It's effectiveness depends on you surviving your initial rush, how many people you've hit and whoever is in your range that has tab targeted you.

    This skill passively adds to your long term survivability. In longer wars, or against opponents that you regularly fight... if you get a few well timed reflects you tend to get tabbed past by many casters. After a half-hour or so into a TW, depending on how well you've managed to use the skill, most casters nervously tab past you.

    It's a skill that certainly requires skill and timing to use and it's benefits aren't something you can directly see any benefit from. The first time I had a factor mage whisper me wondering how the f**k I one shot killed them without even being near them made me love this skill. So many complaints and accusations that I'm hacking. lol It annoys the hell out of casters.

    It's also great because after the amp/stun push deep, you have the backline focused on your retreat while your front line has an easier push forward and all that reflect damage is occurring as your front line is attacking them. Each reflect is one less hit that your DD squad had to take and one less they'll need to kill as well as giving them a few extra seconds before they're targeted.

    My TW genie has HP, RA, WW, AD and CE. AD and WW are probably the two least used... I could probably do better dumping AD and WW and go with Fortify or something else, but I use reflect and holy path the most.

    Then again, I'm just a simple and effective TW stun BM... I'm just there to confuse and frustrate my opponent's back line, but I wouldn't give this skill up for anything.

    Every time I go into TW I feel like I'm trolling the enemy's casters. b:pleased

    I took this to heart this weekend in two TWs.

    Results on 10+ attempts:

    1 time I misjudged and got annihilated by archers (Bale saying "Hi!")
    1 time it killed two wizzies (one was R9).
    1 time it almost killed a R9 psy (whom I finished off with Drake Ray)

    Other times I didnt see much as I was running like a ***** or they were too far off to notice. I really need to setup a better section with damage logs and remember to FRAPS this weekend.

    I love it for TW. Love love love it. I kinda wanna make a STR genie so it lasts longer. Unfortunately it's got enough VIT to make things work, and the rest in MAG for regen. Im not sure I wanna lose the regen.

    Currently in TW I'm utilizing CE, HP, RA, AD, WW and Fortify. Fortify is nice when Will is on cooldown.

    I'm debating redoing my mistake TW genie (has Faith, every anti stun and anti seal useless) and working on a straight up chi-killer/attack genie vs a defense genie and see how it works out. /
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I took this to heart this weekend in two TWs.

    Results on 10+ attempts:

    1 time I misjudged and got annihilated by archers (Bale saying "Hi!")
    1 time it killed two wizzies (one was R9).
    1 time it almost killed a R9 psy (whom I finished off with Drake Ray)

    Other times I didnt see much as I was running like a ***** or they were too far off to notice. I really need to setup a better section with damage logs and remember to FRAPS this weekend.

    I love it for TW. Love love love it. I kinda wanna make a STR genie so it lasts longer. Unfortunately it's got enough VIT to make things work, and the rest in MAG for regen. Im not sure I wanna lose the regen.

    Currently in TW I'm utilizing CE, HP, RA, AD, WW and Fortify. Fortify is nice when Will is on cooldown.

    I'm debating redoing my mistake TW genie (has Faith, every anti stun and anti seal useless) and working on a straight up chi-killer/attack genie vs a defense genie and see how it works out.

    It seems like a good skill, but because of the affinity costs I would find it difficult for myself to find other skills that would go well with it. Will update this on the guide as a medium to high priority skill depending what other skills you can get to go with it.
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Posts: 1,497 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    It seems like a good skill, but because of the affinity costs I would find it difficult for myself to find other skills that would go well with it. Will update this on the guide as a medium to high priority skill depending what other skills you can get to go with it.

    I really feel its a style and situational thing. I find myself in the "mount me" position quite often with Casters, so its useful for me. But with the archer issue, it becomes not as useful as other skills. Kinda depends on the force you're facing, and if you have the space in your genie. /
  • Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I am a Sage BM ever since i hit lvl 92 and now i feel like i am cornered at some point.
    I curiously try to find my ways out from this issue as i am a full APS sage BM.
    (TT99+TT100 fists are +12)

    People like me in PvE squads as i can do lots of tanking here and there and keep aggro from many sins (but not the ones which are over +10)

    Considering the fact that i have a poopy comp but i shall get a better one, i guess PvP/TW will be my next option.

    So, i guess i shall shoot some of the questions before i start doing anything.
    1) Does it matter what kind of genie i have for TW/PK (I mean, Zeal or whatnot?)
    * I do have a PVE Zeal right now which is 81/100. Its working well and its mostly str built and has PvE skills on it.

    2) How should i concentrate on my gear/skill setup for PK/TW?
    * Back in the days, i heard that Sage BM's were pretty decent in R9 gears for TW, but now i see only more and more Demon BM's in PK/TW. Maybe that's how Sage and Demon differ from eachother? Sage for PvE and Demon for PvP? Who knows..

    3) Should i stick to Sage and modify my gears? Get R9 axes and chest piece and def shard them?
    * I do have GX's ad +10 with 2 Perfect Garnets in them but they are, you know - worn out already. As i have mostly build this BM for full str he has like 420 str with TT100 fists at +12 refine. I dont really want to give it away since it rawks in PvE (and there is more str/dmg coming up even)

    I read most of the Guide, i do value players who open the eyes for the grou of players who find this class fun to play. I am one of them, BM is the most favorite class since it IS the hardest to play, due to it's functional abilities - There are lots of them.

    I'll be waiting for your response with respect.

    Over and out.
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I took this to heart this weekend in two TWs.

    Results on 10+ attempts:

    1 time I misjudged and got annihilated by archers (Bale saying "Hi!")
    1 time it killed two wizzies (one was R9).
    1 time it almost killed a R9 psy (whom I finished off with Drake Ray)

    Other times I didnt see much as I was running like a ***** or they were too far off to notice. I really need to setup a better section with damage logs and remember to FRAPS this weekend.

    I love it for TW. Love love love it. I kinda wanna make a STR genie so it lasts longer. Unfortunately it's got enough VIT to make things work, and the rest in MAG for regen. Im not sure I wanna lose the regen.

    You should FRAPS it just so you can see the reflects that you get which are sometimes hard to see. The funny thing about this skill, when it becomes uneffective due to overuse, your survivability has already gone up greatly, so I don't see that as a detriment.

    And, if you're rushing in mmarrowed and spamming def charms, casters are almost always recieving more damage than they hit with unless they crit on you and don't crit on themselves.

    I haven't tested it out, though it's possible that if you have zerk weapon, reflect has a chance to zerk. Reflected damage can crit and I have had highly refined R8 and R9 casters one shot themselves. Especially fun if you see an opponent casting BIDS and if you know you're in the aoe area....

    It's a fun skill because casters just do not expect it. And when they do, they often nervously tab away.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 1,497 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You should FRAPS it just so you can see the reflects that you get which are sometimes hard to see. The funny thing about this skill, when it becomes uneffective due to overuse, your survivability has already gone up greatly, so I don't see that as a detriment.

    And, if you're rushing in mmarrowed and spamming def charms, casters are almost always recieving more damage than they hit with unless they crit on you and don't crit on themselves.

    I haven't tested it out, though it's possible that if you have zerk weapon, reflect has a chance to zerk. Reflected damage can crit and I have had highly refined R8 and R9 casters one shot themselves. Especially fun if you see an opponent casting BIDS and if you know you're in the aoe area....

    It's a fun skill because casters just do not expect it. And when they do, they often nervously tab away.

    I ended up with a shoddy fraps from two weekends ago and saw SOME of it. I don't know why, but my computer doesn't like fraps and I end up with like 60 small videos instead of 1 big one.

    It's not a direct reflect of the damage. I wanna say it's reduced by their MDef....or something. I got hit for 12k, it did like 600 to the psy. I got hit for 8.5k, and the wizard took 3k. No seemingly direct correlation.

    I really do like it still, as if I have the genie energy its a great thing as I'm doing my inevitable rush on a squad of casters. Every damn bit of damage helps. /
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I ended up with a shoddy fraps from two weekends ago and saw SOME of it. I don't know why, but my computer doesn't like fraps and I end up with like 60 small videos instead of 1 big one.

    It's not a direct reflect of the damage. I wanna say it's reduced by their MDef....or something. I got hit for 12k, it did like 600 to the psy. I got hit for 8.5k, and the wizard took 3k. No seemingly direct correlation.

    I really do like it still, as if I have the genie energy its a great thing as I'm doing my inevitable rush on a squad of casters. Every damn bit of damage helps.

    Usually it reflects about 25-50% of the damage. In a few instances, I've had 10k+ reflects. I reflect one shot a few highly refined R8 and R9. I reflected one R9 mage 14k and I only took about 6.5k of damage... so I'm not sure how it exactly works, but yeah, I've also seen only 200-400 point damage reflects when I'm taking 2-4k.

    The better geared your opponents, the more damage it seems to reflect. I've also been in wars where I've seen up to a dozen reflects....

    I've found that most of my recent wars weren't 'factor' type wars, and the reflect's usefulness has diminished quite a bit. In brutal 3 hour type wars, it's very effective. In 20-30 minute wars where I'm double defending, it doesn't seem as useful.

    Then again, I'm always spamming mmarrow, pots and mdef charms when I'm using reflect...

    I have a triple defense tonight. I'll pay a bit more attention and see how it's working for me these days...
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    so, im a new bm , should i go for ur stat build? like 0 vit?

    new bm = lvl1 = no money

    or should i go for the standart bm build?
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    so, im a new bm , should i go for ur stat build? like 0 vit?

    new bm = lvl1 = no money

    or should i go for the standart bm build?

    You generally don't go 3 vit until after your gears are done because you don't have gears to back up the STR build.

    I'd recommend going 3 str 2 dex and allocate extra points into vit based off the minimum reqs of your weapons/armor until you can sustain yourself in PvP with good gear.
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Nice guide! I have learned a great deal. I want to add a few things:

    1. Against barbs or any other class alike, if I use physical marrow, I actually take more damage. The reason is that the barb has poisoned fang, and some will use fire pills = massive elemental damage added. I would only spam demon bell.

    2. Against seeker, I have magic marrow up constantly; otherwise they'll do something like sacrificial slash + ... + ionspike + heartseeker and crit zerk for 20k+. I'm not very familiar with seeker combos but that's all I could remember. Later I tried use magic marrow and that combo only hits me for about 5-6k crit.

    3. I am thinking of using soul of fire against wizards. They like to use spark undine combo, then a simple immunity to fire can counter that.

    Happy BMing! :D
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Nice guide! I have learned a great deal. I want to add a few things:

    1. Against barbs or any other class alike, if I use physical marrow, I actually take more damage. The reason is that the barb has poisoned fang, and some will use fire pills = massive elemental damage added. I would only spam demon bell.

    2. Against seeker, I have magic marrow up constantly; otherwise they'll do something like sacrificial slash + ... + ionspike + heartseeker and crit zerk for 20k+. I'm not very familiar with seeker combos but that's all I could remember. Later I tried use magic marrow and that combo only hits me for about 5-6k crit.

    3. I am thinking of using soul of fire against wizards. They like to use spark undine combo, then a simple immunity to fire can counter that.

    Happy BMing! :D

    #1 I disagree with; if they triple spark you, they gain 500% physical weapon dmg, whereas the elemental damage doesn't scale from triple spark. Same with zerk crits.

    #2 Works with demon bell and magic marrow.

    #3 Not a bad idea in a 1v1 situation, but the affinity reqs of soul of fire make it hard to be compatible with a lot of STR genies. Law Breaker is also a good alternative if you are limited on affinity points.
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I laugh when I see reflective aura.

    The highest damage ive ever taken from its is ~2k. (granted my dmg output is lower then standard r9 wiz)

    A giant fking green dragon appears that lets me know 'it might not be a great idea to nuke them now, instead just freeze/sleep/seal and kill a few sec later...

    can argue that if enemy is not hitting you skill has accomplished its purpose, better ways of spending that energy imo. is annoying as ** trying to kill dan in TW whos leaping/running around antistuning/marrowed/mdef charms/apo etc <_<
    full r999 91% chan wizzy b:kiss

    Current build:
  • Posts: 1,497 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I laugh when I see reflective aura.

    The highest damage ive ever taken from its is ~2k. (granted my dmg output is lower then standard r9 wiz)

    A giant fking green dragon appears that lets me know 'it might not be a great idea to nuke them now, instead just freeze/sleep/seal and kill a few sec later...

    can argue that if enemy is not hitting you skill has accomplished its purpose, better ways of spending that energy imo. is annoying as ** trying to kill dan in TW whos leaping/running around antistuning/marrowed/mdef charms/apo etc <_<

    I'm not playing against the smartest opponents with that kind of patience. Hence it's a useful skill. I will say a few of them ARE getting smarter with that, and I am about to switch it out if the trend continues.

    Funny enough your issues with Dan aren't genie related. /
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Updated to include some TW / NW analysis
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hi everyone
    Superfeng - Level 101 Lost City Blademaster, retired.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    is it possible to build
    blademaster aspd 5
    without using demon sparkled?
  • Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    is it possible to build
    blademaster aspd 5
    without using demon sparkled?

    Hell yes. If you have the time to merch or the money to make your Sage BM 5 aps i think :3

    But demon is cheaper O_o
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hell yes. If you have the time to merch or the money to make your Sage BM 5 aps i think :3

    But demon is cheaper O_o

    thanks for the info
    I told some of my friends but they argued WR can't be in aspd 5 without demon sparked
    I told them to recast the armor of 200k reputation..
    they still dont believe it..
  • Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thanks for the info
    I told some of my friends but they argued WR can't be in aspd 5 without demon sparked
    I told them to recast the armor of 200k reputation..
    they still dont believe it..

    I have nothing to say on this. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thanks for the info
    I told some of my friends but they argued WR can't be in aspd 5 without demon sparked
    I told them to recast the armor of 200k reputation..
    they still dont believe it..

    Here is a cheaper way to do it.

    I hijacked mal's build in the signature.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    i have been watching dan's video for awhile, and learn a few things from dan's guide and video, ty dan for that. i want to share a few things from my experience as a demon bm as well.

    1. heavens flame in tw/nw: im not a big hf person, for the first 8 month in a tw faction back then, i always try to blow apoth go in hf, then ad try to run away and most time end up dead after, later on i realize with 2 sparks i can run around and stun a lot more times rather than hf and die.

    2. Chi issue: as a demon bm even though we have better stuns, longer hfs, but if you only have 1 spark sage bm can roar 4 times and demon bm can only roar twice and in 4 years of playing bm i have never seen a sage bm miss roar, i envy sage bm just for their roar and more solid base dmg
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    i have been watching dan's video for awhile, and learn a few things from dan's guide and video, ty dan for that. i want to share a few things from my experience as a demon bm as well.

    1. heavens flame in tw/nw: im not a big hf person, for the first 8 month in a tw faction back then, i always try to blow apoth go in hf, then ad try to run away and most time end up dead after, later on i realize with 2 sparks i can run around and stun a lot more times rather than hf and die.

    2. Chi issue: as a demon bm even though we have better stuns, longer hfs, but if you only have 1 spark sage bm can roar 4 times and demon bm can only roar twice and in 4 years of playing bm i have never seen a sage bm miss roar, i envy sage bm just for their roar and more solid base dmg

    I used to have the same two issues; so I went with a 100 magic genie for mass PvP, it's helped me loads in terms of survivability and sustainability in group PvP. Sage BMs have caught up a lot since the re-balancing without a doubt, but there's always genies for both cultivations to make up for what the other lacks.

    I guess my guide doesn't touch as much on group PvP because there are so many variables, but my videos speak for themselves I suppose.
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thanks for the post count Dan baby


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