make bp less powerfull?



  • Submariner - Lothranis
    Submariner - Lothranis Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Your bet mean nothing.

    That just show to everyone the typpe of person you are
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    no... don't remove bp :/ better modify it to be casted on any kind of toon, then ima love it b:pleased
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Zalm - Dreamweaver
    Zalm - Dreamweaver Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Here it is

    touche sir
    you win this round
    I don't see people begging for Assassins to come save them.
    I don't see people spamming for BM or Archer buffs in Archosaur.
    I don't see people asking to be revived by Barbs, Seekers, or Psychics.
    You know what I do see?
    'Any clerics nearby that can buff me?'
    'Can you rez me? I need a rez.'
  • Submariner - Lothranis
    Submariner - Lothranis Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    merci :)

    and i have nothing against no chars in this game... each char is important... but you only see how strong the others are, and how weak you are... you forget the others are weak also and you can be strong.
  • Krarenka - Raging Tide
    Krarenka - Raging Tide Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    So the fact is : people want assassins out of the game . Pro tip : instead of finding out EVERYTIME something about sins to cry about ( firstly stealt, then 5 APs, now LOL even BP) , why don't u guys just write a petition and ask devs to permabann sins users and remove that class from the game?

    Really, did the caster nirvana FIX (not nerf, hell it was fixing a glitch) make you all so rage-blinded?
    You should just enjoy the game a bit more and stop being ridicolous on forums.
    QQ BP ! come on, it's literally useless in PvP ( demon BP gives nice evasion tho) and in pve, as people stated, if u don't have good gears, u still die, and a lot. Before reaching 5 aps, with BP .... lol i was trash . Now pick the money i spent to be 5 aps, use it on a "non-BPed-APS-Nabs" as u call them and come back here to talk .
  • ShadowIH - Raging Tide
    ShadowIH - Raging Tide Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    .... Before reaching 5 aps, with BP .... lol i was trash ...

    You mean, that you would be healed by Cleric ?

    So all other DD trash now ?
  • Zalm - Dreamweaver
    Zalm - Dreamweaver Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    You mean, that you would be healed by Cleric ?

    So all other DD trash now ?

    BAM...face...Clerics FTW
    I don't see people begging for Assassins to come save them.
    I don't see people spamming for BM or Archer buffs in Archosaur.
    I don't see people asking to be revived by Barbs, Seekers, or Psychics.
    You know what I do see?
    'Any clerics nearby that can buff me?'
    'Can you rez me? I need a rez.'
  • Prophete - Dreamweaver
    Prophete - Dreamweaver Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    You mean, that you would be healed by Cleric ?

    So all other DD trash now ?

    Damn that means he would have to squad with other people, eeewwwwwww
  • Maniacphysco - Lothranis
    Maniacphysco - Lothranis Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Nerf bp? Make BP self casting only?

    Are you guise on crack?

    BP is not quite of a "life saviour" and we know that. High healing ability with bp is only possible through high refine levels and high aps gear, even though we still use **** meats to keep hp stable.

    BP only reduces the amount of extern heal needed. Also: Sins, BMs and Seekers are the most addicted to **** meats and charms through all the game, if you other classes used as much **** meats as we use, you would probably have the same survival index.

    The point is: You wizzies rely only on buying mp food, hence why you die that much. If you had same lvl refines & shads and used to consume as much **** meats as we do, you wouldn't be complaining here.

    b:victory exactlyb:laugh
  • ZoracGallant - Raging Tide
    ZoracGallant - Raging Tide Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Ok so whats this really nerfing BP and removing it? why to **** over melee classes? i have Dubbles of every class in game different culti's and i can see a logical reason to nerf blood paint. Let me just state a few facts....

    1. most casters have self heals that do not require sparks as with melees like barbs and bms they do

    2. my R9 psy solos caster nirvy with hardly a tick with self heals, why does it need bp same with wizzy demon R9 self heals.

    3. sins them selves have no heal skill other than blood paint, another thing sins are light armor which makes them alot more squishy than your heavy armor barbs bms and seekers to begain with. thus they actually need blood paint.

    4. another fact about day to day quests, if your a caster and mobs are hitting you alot during your average quests, your doing somethign wrong. every caster in this game has a knockback or stun skill most have a seal or freeze skill also.

    I probably wont reply to anything else you all say, but ill closs with this, they already nerfed 5.0 and yes its if very noticable on bm and sin, whats with the QQing about blood paint now? i mean really before it was nerfing aps now that they weakend 5.0 you want them to take away blood paint? talk about a load of **** you people always got something to cry about roll another class and see, BP doesnt save every ones life like you all think, how about try playing a class before you talk about nerfing it or making something else stronger.

    I found it funny you think sins don't have a heal other than bp. They do it's a 79 skill and a constant heal that can restore thier hp to full pretty quick, true it would be insane to use during combat, but bp is not the only sin heal skill.

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I found it funny you think sins don't have a heal other than bp. They do it's a 79 skill and a constant heal that can restore thier hp to full pretty quick, true it would be insane to use during combat, but bp is not the only sin heal skill.

    Healing Trance is a constant channel skill. It's pretty much a glorified Meditate. And it's also pretty much useless outside of Cube, where it can be used in 100 second stand rooms.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • ToneiLuL - Heavens Tear
    ToneiLuL - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Okay, Fine make BP less and Make light armor better than Heavy armor... and remove all melee healing skills
  • RyuTiger - Raging Tide
    RyuTiger - Raging Tide Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Okay, Fine make BP less and Make light armor better than Heavy armor... and remove all melee healing skills

    Na I have a better idea. Delete the cleric character, no healers, no bp, barb can only buff hp himself, no vortex at seeker, blademaster just use axe (no fist), 3 aps max, psy delete the voodoo skills, mystic cannot heal, archer dont have aoe anymore, wizard no aoe, delete hp/mp herbs that made with tokens, stop hyper in FC, delete genie and delete resurrect at mystic too. b:victory Now this game will be perfect! b:laugh
  • ToneiLuL - Heavens Tear
    ToneiLuL - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Na I have a better idea. Delete the cleric character, no healers, no bp, barb can only buff hp himself, no vortex at seeker, blademaster just use axe (no fist), 3 aps max, psy delete the voodoo skills, mystic cannot heal, archer dont have aoe anymore, wizard no aoe, delete hp/mp herbs that made with tokens, stop hyper in FC, delete genie and delete resurrect at mystic too. b:victory Now this game will be perfect! b:laugh

    Best ideal i heard all day lol b:laugh i agree completely with you lol
  • Zalm - Dreamweaver
    Zalm - Dreamweaver Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Okay, Fine make BP less and Make light armor better than Heavy armor... and remove all melee healing skills

    I wouldnt MIND a reduction in the effectiveness of BP down to 1% and 2%, but whats this with making LIGHT armour better than HEAVY armour? its Light for a reason, means you move faster...or in this game means you have more elemental resists than heavy. if you dont like having low defence, make a high str Sin and wear heavy armour, squishy problem solved. And I'm not sure what you mean by removing all melee healing skills. Personally, I like BP nonetheless, its helpful keeping Sins whole steal aggro alive a little longer before they inevitably die and give aggro back to the real tanks, the Barb/BM. BTW...when I heal, I heal the tank....means in a boss fight, I'm healing the Barbs, not the sin. Scream all you like noobs, your not a tank, so don't steal aggro, and you wont die.
    I don't see people begging for Assassins to come save them.
    I don't see people spamming for BM or Archer buffs in Archosaur.
    I don't see people asking to be revived by Barbs, Seekers, or Psychics.
    You know what I do see?
    'Any clerics nearby that can buff me?'
    'Can you rez me? I need a rez.'
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I wouldnt MIND a reduction in the effectiveness of BP down to 1% and 2%, but whats this with making LIGHT armour better than HEAVY armour? its Light for a reason, means you move faster...or in this game means you have more elemental resists than heavy. if you dont like having low defence, make a high str Sin and wear heavy armour, squishy problem solved. And I'm not sure what you mean by removing all melee healing skills. Personally, I like BP nonetheless, its helpful keeping Sins whole steal aggro alive a little longer before they inevitably die and give aggro back to the real tanks, the Barb/BM. BTW...when I heal, I heal the tank....means in a boss fight, I'm healing the Barbs, not the sin. Scream all you like noobs, your not a tank, so don't steal aggro, and you wont die.

    And what exactly makes a BM more of a tank than an Assassin?

    Then again not that I care, the only thing clerics do for me is allows me to use Windshield because of their BB overriding the reduction of my Sage spark.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • CrusherJam - Dreamweaver
    CrusherJam - Dreamweaver Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    :thread closed:

    not really but ... :-)
    19k Hp and rising my goal is 20k unbuffed (would love 25k )
  • Zalm - Dreamweaver
    Zalm - Dreamweaver Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    And what exactly makes a BM more of a tank than an Assassin?

    Then again not that I care, the only thing clerics do for me is allows me to use Windshield because of their BB overriding the reduction of my Sage spark.

    A BM is more tank than Sins because they have the wonderful NATURAL use of Heavy Armour, something necessary for Tanking. More Def, less dmg, less needs for heal. Pretty simple. And that's if you get with a cleric who uses BB...When I have a tank I don't need to BB, I can keep him alive by spamming IH and tapping Purify if needed, because I know what I'm doing, if the tank is at least HALFWAY decently equipped. Meaning lvled gear, not bought from an npc. No refines needed, no BP needed, no TT or gold equips needed. 2* or 3*, doesn't matter. So long as its leveled, built right, and decently skilled, I don't need to BB, which means Sins die when they steal aggro, and don't get a revive till after the fight, unless a mystic prebuffed. Why? Cuz if I decided to take a six second break from healing to rez you, we get squad wiped...and its your fault for dying, yet my fault for stopping heals. So I forgo my blame by keeping the heals up, and letting you QQ till you rage quit.
    I don't see people begging for Assassins to come save them.
    I don't see people spamming for BM or Archer buffs in Archosaur.
    I don't see people asking to be revived by Barbs, Seekers, or Psychics.
    You know what I do see?
    'Any clerics nearby that can buff me?'
    'Can you rez me? I need a rez.'
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    A BM is more tank than Sins because they have the wonderful NATURAL use of Heavy Armour, something necessary for Tanking. More Def, less dmg, less needs for heal. Pretty simple. And that's if you get with a cleric who uses BB...When I have a tank I don't need to BB, I can keep him alive by spamming IH and tapping Purify if needed, because I know what I'm doing, if the tank is at least HALFWAY decently equipped. Meaning lvled gear, not bought from an npc. No refines needed, no BP needed, no TT or gold equips needed. 2* or 3*, doesn't matter. So long as its leveled, built right, and decently skilled, I don't need to BB, which means Sins die when they steal aggro, and don't get a revive till after the fight, unless a mystic prebuffed. Why? Cuz if I decided to take a six second break from healing to rez you, we get squad wiped...and its your fault for dying, yet my fault for stopping heals. So I forgo my blame by keeping the heals up, and letting you QQ till you rage quit.

    What you say is only true on rather low levels. Low levels when BP is pretty much just for show rather than being actually useful. Low levels where you don't have the kind of DPS where you will take aggro off a barb unless you let them do their thing for about a minute.

    I know for sure that my sin got pretty good at 80+. Even more so on 89, 92, 99 and finally 100.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Zalm - Dreamweaver
    Zalm - Dreamweaver Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    What you say is only true on rather low levels. Low levels when BP is pretty much just for show rather than being actually useful. Low levels where you don't have the kind of DPS where you will take aggro off a barb unless you let them do their thing for about a minute.

    I know for sure that my sin got pretty good at 80+. Even more so on 89, 92, 99 and finally 100.

    If you hold aggro and don't get killed, why are you in a squad....go be forever alone in solo fc, TT and Nirvy...I got my squad to have fun with...later.
    I don't see people begging for Assassins to come save them.
    I don't see people spamming for BM or Archer buffs in Archosaur.
    I don't see people asking to be revived by Barbs, Seekers, or Psychics.
    You know what I do see?
    'Any clerics nearby that can buff me?'
    'Can you rez me? I need a rez.'
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    If you hold aggro and don't get killed, why are you in a squad....go be forever alone in solo fc, TT and Nirvy...I got my squad to have fun with...later.

    Why would I want to solo FCC? I don't need the coin nor the spirit.

    TT isn't my thing, plus it's wrecked after all the 2x.

    Nirvana is boring.

    I go to squads with things that just aren't soloable, e.g. Delta and Warsong. Well, Warsong is soloable if you got ridiculous gear, which I don't.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.