Fly With Me Nomore: How PWI use to be tribute video



  • _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver
    _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 753 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Here is the dwnld link to the mp3 file #Perfect world - Fly with me#

    I Miss the old days of PWIb:surrender
  • Yami_ - Dreamweaver
    Yami_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Lol i'm from the time when the theme song was that music:

    "Welcome to the perfect world
    A place where you can be free!"

    I can't find this song anywhere, I guess that everyone hated It lmao! b:laugh

    Well the the devs are responsable for turn the game into a PVP turf, It's very hard to work with people from China because they have a different culture, for them It's irrational for us, players to complain about their service and demand better changes, again It's cultural.

    Since everyone here like to twist the words of the others let me justify now, I'm talking about the chineses here in terms of company, I worked for them one time and I have other people that can justify what I typed too. They are very hard to deal with, but if they want to work in the occident they should be able to learn to be more flexible.

    Everyone here knows what the game lacks and what need to be removed, It's up to them for fix It.

    PS: I just loved your video b:dirty
  • Sympathi - Archosaur
    Sympathi - Archosaur Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Since everyone here like to twist the words of the others let me justify now, I'm talking about the chineses here in terms of company, I worked for them one time and I have other people that can justify what I typed too. They are very hard to deal with, but if they want to work in the occident they should be able to learn to be more flexible.

    Everyone here knows what the game lacks and what need to be removed, It's up to them for fix It.

    PS: I just loved your video b:dirty

    There is only actually afew small changes and couple big ones that could be implemented to give the game a more backwards step into how it was. Its not like the game needs an entire workover b:chuckle
    :: :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • Kweer - Sanctuary
    Kweer - Sanctuary Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    There is only actually afew small changes and couple big ones that could be implemented to give the game a more backwards step into how it was. Its not like the game needs an entire workover b:chuckle

    The boy speaks the truth.
    b:nosebleed ಥ_ಥ PWI Follower since Jan '08 ಥ_ಥ b:nosebleed
    RisenPhoenix - 100 - Demon- Cleric - Sanctuary
    Ceshiari - 100 Barbarian - Sage - Sanctuary
    Nakhtuul - 100 Blademaster - Demon - Archosaur
    Nakhtuul - 8x Seeker - Sage - Archosaur
    Kehrendorh - 100 Archer - Demon - Archosaur
    /\pollo - 7x Cleric - Future Sage - Sanctuary
    Kweer - 7x Assassin - Future Demon - Sanctuary
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Remember the old FC, were Thunderclaw was up the top of the first runway and he just destroyed everyone. b:chuckle

    Pssh. We did old fc runs at 8x nbd.
  • Martin - Harshlands
    Martin - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Pssh. We did old fc runs at 8x nbd.

    105 or GTFO.
    PvE = F2P PvP = P2P
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    105 or GTFO.

    What percent are you?
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I played on LC back in the day...

    PvP was amazing. Just think about it- if you wanted to level, you either had to solo grind at the best mobs, or zhen grind at the best spots. The amount of mobs and spots was limited, so factions would battle eachother for position.
    In other words, you had to not only work harder for your exp, but you had to earn the right to level up by beating other players. Skill was hugely important because everyone was around the same level. Gear was still a factor, but being 1 shot didn't happen nearly as often. Plus there was no sins, so every class had a chance against eachother. Even though archers probably did the best in pvp, they were beatable.

    But nowadays? In PvE servers nobody enters PvP mode unless they're OP geared. In PvP servers, nobody pks unless they have OP gear, or are a noob that doesn't know about FC heads/dailies and don't know any better than questing.

    It's just sad...
  • Sympathi - Archosaur
    Sympathi - Archosaur Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Pssh. We did old fc runs at 8x nbd.

    We tried it @ 92 on Harshlands with Taboo tanking, Me and Frost tank chain bbing as he stunned. He just HFed Taboo and killed him in one hit lol we was like **** RUN.
    :: :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • alvadimarco
    alvadimarco Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    So the fact that I'm a new player playing a new class, combined with the fact that I dislike all this Hyper EXPing, goon glitching, credit-carding, OP-gear-soloing business means I'm kind of unusual? Or...?

    Currently Lv41, doing all the quests and dailies and stuff. The whole world is so.. empty.. Whenever I need to kill things for a quest, I usually have the whole area to myself. Only exceptions are when I'm killing for a culti.

    Nice to see there's a group I kinda-sorta fit in with, even if you're all on the wrong server.
  • Sympathi - Archosaur
    Sympathi - Archosaur Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    So the fact that I'm a new player playing a new class, combined with the fact that I dislike all this Hyper EXPing, goon glitching, credit-carding, OP-gear-soloing business means I'm kind of unusual? Or...?

    Currently Lv41, doing all the quests and dailies and stuff. The whole world is so.. empty.. Whenever I need to kill things for a quest, I usually have the whole area to myself. Only exceptions are when I'm killing for a culti.

    Nice to see there's a group I kinda-sorta fit in with, even if you're all on the wrong server.

    Video is not aimed at different sorts of "groups" of people, and neither is it saying its wrong to play differently then how the game use to be, its just to highlight what old players use to do back then and whats changed since.

    Just got to remember people who still play now who also played back then when this video is trying to represent probably also Hyper FC, probably charge allot more then they did back then (i know i have) play more solo probably made a sin, and i wont speculate but gooned too.

    Gooning wasn't the only EXP glitch to happen to this game too, who here remembers 1st & 3rd Past OHT map overlay glitching b:chuckle
    :: :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • BloodyNero - Raging Tide
    BloodyNero - Raging Tide Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Yeah the game used to be good back in the day. But really i don't blame the devs much. I mean it's business to them and they're exploiting our addiction to the game (deny all u want, but denial ain't gonna help ya). They're not angels to feel happy when we're happy. they're just happy when they make money to feed their family and kids give them the best life and so on.
    It's really the players' fault that the game changed like this. We let them change the game like this. Well they implemented the change, we had a few initial squabbles and then accepted what they did. They introduced rep sale, many got angry, some of them quit the game and then the rest of the community eventually accepted the game. The ones who did quit CAME BACK and accepted the rep sale and then started CSing themselves(because the game is addictive). End Result PWI made money.
    Let's assume a different tide of events here. PWI introduced rep sale, we all quit and the player base got so low that the game would shut down or the devs would rethink their strategy and remove it, to pull in more players.
    This basically needs to be done to all mmorpgs. i.e. we need to bring the game back to our control, not just let the devs become devs and put down conditions for us.

    Plus, the well the mmo world is still in it's early stages of development so it's gonna be a while b4 serious competition among mmorpgs happens, when players will run to the more friendly game in terms of economy and so on. Although i do see a game that's gonna be released soon which is a one time pay and then free through out.; some of u will already guess which game that is. The moment that game is out i'm jumping ships along with a bunch of ppl saying adios PWI unless change happens to PWI
  • gyroki
    gyroki Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I played on LC back in the day...

    PvP was amazing. Just think about it- if you wanted to level, you either had to solo grind at the best mobs, or zhen grind at the best spots. The amount of mobs and spots was limited, so factions would battle eachother for position.
    In other words, you had to not only work harder for your exp, but you had to earn the right to level up by beating other players. Skill was hugely important because everyone was around the same level. Gear was still a factor, but being 1 shot didn't happen nearly as often. Plus there was no sins, so every class had a chance against eachother. Even though archers probably did the best in pvp, they were beatable.

    But nowadays? In PvE servers nobody enters PvP mode unless they're OP geared. In PvP servers, nobody pks unless they have OP gear, or are a noob that doesn't know about FC heads/dailies and don't know any better than questing.

    It's just sad...

    Thats just trash talk. I was there too. I'm playing since beta. Many venos with nixes stalked every1 and no1 could handle them (only in their wannabe memories). Archers stalked clerics which had no chance. No barb had a chance to fight back to any lvl, to any class and were used for pve at bosses only. 95-99% of the gamers didnt play any other mmorpg before and didnt join a pvp server intentionally. I by myself thought (like many many others ) TWs r only available on PVP servers. There was no description for pw when game started. Most of us played offline RPGs before and thought u have to deal with real consequences when have a behavior of a primitive uneducated tard with sexual problems.

    I lol always so much about wannabes like u who have to compensate their sad rl so badly. Now every1 can avoid idiots like u very easy, its so nice :)

    Look at the pvp rankings, its a list of toons which belong to ppl with fail lifes. Thats the only and final truth. Ppl only cry like babies when i tell them this truth cz they dont want to hear the truth.

    95%+ on LC server where white names and didnt pvp - i was in many factions, had hundreds of ppl on fl, i know how games worked. White names never had a chance to fight back. In games like pwi the aggressive tard who starts to fight wins the battle. White names dont have dolls or charms, most even didnt know what CS is. And when they fight back they lose the game - they just drop their inventory, gear and weapon when they get killed (and thats extremly likely. there is not only 1 person who stopped the game after a view weeks/months cz of this).

    Btw, u even dont need stealth in this game to play unfair. Have u ever played with 2 clients? Just make a race with both chars and ull c - on one client is the one toon 1st, on other client its the other. Its called server lag. When some1 enters area and just runs to some1 this person even dont c the rpker before the 1st hit.

    The classes were NEVER balanced, RIGHT FROM THE F***** BEGINNING!!!. E.g. a barb was never able to fight back. The only way for a barb to get on top of pk list was to kill way lower white names. Thats the final and only truth. Every honest person knows that, ppl just cant be honest to theirself. Other classes on top of list ofc also pked lower lvls (at least 95% ppl they killed were lower and worse geared).

    Ppl CSed RIGHT FROM BEGINNING to be op. They lvld by aoe grinding (extreme charm **** and esos were expensive too) , by doing gv (extreme charm **** at this time, gold charm did cost 4 gold) and cube (EXTREMLY expensive at this time, mirages cost 35-40k each and were rare, there was no other way to get dice tickets). When frost changed (frost was a complicated single run before the change which dropped cards to summon bosses in squad mode which dropped mats for frost weapons) they plvled their toons in frost. This was an extreme charm **** too, 1 run for pro teams took 1h+ and they had to pay 4-8 dollars per run, 2-4 runs per day were normal for those ppl who wanted to be "the best").

    The final and only truth is, the game has never changed, it was alwas the same, only the level changed. It was ALWAYS, at any second, about money (=skills (yes they r very expensive too!!) gear and weapon. I know enough ppl who spent 2-4k us dollars just to become 99/100 fast - with just HH90 gold/+5 gear. Now u can get r9 for this price. The final and only truth is that no person EVER earned something in this game or lvld faster than others cz some1 is a way better gamer than others. Some ppl just want to believe this cz they want to be proud on something cz they cant be proud on someting in their sad rl. And when its just to be proud to be a tard in a mmorpg. U like the truth? If u dont like it i know to which category of frustrated gamer u belong.
  • Sympathi - Archosaur
    Sympathi - Archosaur Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    gyroki, you sir, are an idiot b:victory

    1) Nixes were OP, but they were manageable, i did just fine on my cleric, you just needed to know how to play your class and abit of skill. i guess you didn't have that, and you raged every time you got bled.

    2) You've just written 8 paragraphs on a comment response, and you think they have no life? lol look in a mirror.

    3) Most PvP rank kills come from TW, you don't need to be on 24/7 to achieve that, but i guess since you care about the PvP ranks you've tried to make a name for yourself, and failed so now you just troll others.

    4) Stealth its self is fair, but its the way people can use stealth which is unfair. in most MMO's were stealth is an option its either timed or anything removes stealth. You think its fair a sin can come up behind you, frenzy for +20 attack, 2 spark for 200% weapon damage or whatever is it, wind shell for more APS and you would have no clue what so ever there even there? Sounds fair, right? at least with nixes you could see them a mile off. I'm assuming your toon is a sin.

    5) Classes were much closer to being "balanced" back then then it is now, its not the development of the classes that changed the imbalance its the easy access to gear.

    6) This games designed to be CSable, true people CS'ed from the beginning and the difference was PWI had a steady if low income from sales, were as in today's game its bulk sales and no steady income. This sales tactic has damaged the PWE branch and they know it, they've made attempts at restoring the sales pattern but the damage from the spot sales and bulk items has been done that no-one was interested in slow steady sales.

    7) Read point 6.

    again gyroki, your an idiot. b:surrender
    :: :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    gyroki wrote: »
    95%+ on LC server where white names and didnt pvp - i was in many factions, had hundreds of ppl on fl, i know how games worked. White names never had a chance to fight back. In games like pwi the aggressive tard who starts to fight wins the battle. White names dont have dolls or charms, most even didnt know what CS is. And when they fight back they lose the game - they just drop their inventory, gear and weapon when they get killed (and thats extremly likely. there is not only 1 person who stopped the game after a view weeks/months cz of this).
    b:puzzledb:puzzledb:puzzled i bet i can pick out some more weird stuff
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    gyroki wrote: »

    I see you in every thread spewing your ignorant opinion about the "old days of LC." Care to share your character name? Or were you a 4x who got ganked one too many times? Or did you even play PW before nov 2010?
  • Sympathi - Archosaur
    Sympathi - Archosaur Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I see you in every thread spewing your ignorant opinion about the "old days of LC." Care to share your character name? Or were you a 4x who got ganked one too many times? Or did you even play PW before nov 2010?

    i wish i never deleted Ascii :( i made a new account because my old one was on 2 warnings and i deleted ascii to stop me going back to HL and spending like mad to catch up lol, now it shows me 2011 forums QQ
    :: :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear
    Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited December 2011

    Hi Even! Butterflies and Fishing... how many times did we run into each other at those on our original mains? (Butterflies usually resulting in my death fishing in yours). Some of that is the result of the game aging on its own sadly, the questing was always bound to die down as this game aged, especially since leveling beyond 60 couldn't even be done half purely by questing, at which point we all tended to shift towards zhenning for a couple levels then catching our quests up because we felt they were necessary due to the original format of the game. Still as a reminder of those days I tend to quest from 1-20 whenever I start a new character fully intending to do so to the 50s then deciding I hate doing the arch quests every time and start either running myself through FF or hiring others out of laziness.

    Economy if progression hadn't been influenced by packs would probabably have 600-750k gold on the oldest servers and Gold would still probably be around 300k on the newest servers if not less. But eh, if gold wasn't the price it is, and packs had never come into being, Nirvana would still be an OMG you have amazing gear instance.

    Things that have degraded the current state of the game:
    Rank Sales
    Hypers (only because of FF)
    BH40-99 (has pluses and minuses)

    Things that have benefitted the current state of the game:
    New classes
    New Lunar

    Lypiphera 101 Cleric
    Incompetance 100 Blademaster
    MetalPenguin 101 Seeker

  • Sympathi - Archosaur
    Sympathi - Archosaur Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Hi Even! Butterflies and Fishing... how many times did we run into each other at those on our original mains? (Butterflies usually resulting in my death fishing in yours). Some of that is the result of the game aging on its own sadly, the questing was always bound to die down as this game aged, especially since leveling beyond 60 couldn't even be done half purely by questing, at which point we all tended to shift towards zhenning for a couple levels then catching our quests up because we felt they were necessary due to the original format of the game. Still as a reminder of those days I tend to quest from 1-20 whenever I start a new character fully intending to do so to the 50s then deciding I hate doing the arch quests every time and start either running myself through FF or hiring others out of laziness.

    Economy if progression hadn't been influenced by packs would probabably have 600-750k gold on the oldest servers and Gold would still probably be around 300k on the newest servers if not less. But eh, if gold wasn't the price it is, and packs had never come into being, Nirvana would still be an OMG you have amazing gear instance.

    Things that have degraded the current state of the game:
    Rank Sales
    Hypers (only because of FF)
    BH40-99 (has pluses and minuses)

    Things that have benefitted the current state of the game:
    New classes
    New Lunar


    You know who i miss? Hong, and RoC. Them guys was legends, remember when chips were impossibly insane to get, the 89 mold 5% hp made you a god, and calamity axes made you insanely powerful. I remember fighting Hong at butterflies when he got his calamitys, he zerked me for 1.5k and i was like WTFFFF OPPP.

    Now its just like 2.05m chips for R9 please ty.
    :: :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • Yami_ - Dreamweaver
    Yami_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    gyroki is telling the truth, you people that are angry because of what he wrote and can't see the meaning behind his words.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I think the problem is simply that questing and grinding is outdated. I mean, killing x mobs is cool on one char, but it's no longer so cool again, and again, and again, and then to repeat that on different chars on top of that. I like how the new quests make you kill 15-20 mobs even for 9x chars, whereas old quests for 9x would make you kill at least 90. More old quests simply need to be updated like that. For example: stop making people kill 50-60 dot mobs at 5x, that's not fun or time efficient especially since there's no one to freaking squad with anymore. So a BM or barb goes through utter hell and it's better to just not bother. Just make the kill count 20 or something to get people to understand how to interrupt or chain stun, and that's good enough.

    Maybe start introducing better quest rewards in the form of level-appropriate gear. Maybe quests can give 3star equips with set bonuses for people to collect. Fun to have, but it's not like people wouldn't have to gear up at end game either. AH used to be filled with low-mid level gear that people have obtained with cool bonuses, now it's completely empty because nobody plays those levels anymore. It's really lame for any starting toon now. You make all these mobs on the world map, and no one is touching them. How lame is that?

    More people on the world map questing makes things more interesting and just makes playing through the game more fun.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Sorry but I think PWI needs to take a page out of Lineage2 and their new expansion, now don't get your pants in a twist PWE, you can hardly call it advertising another game when that game has been out since 2003...

    Anyway, with their GoD expansion, they have totally revamped their quests, money, SP and gear gaining abilitys and I think it was a damn clever way to help people into that game as it was damn hard before, quest exp used to be pretty much **** before, it would take quite some grind to level up, now there is new main story quests and other alt quests that are new and they give an absolute **** ton of EXP so leveling doesn't seem tedious, especially at the start, oh also the SP you get is really great as well so you can level up all of your skills so far without having to wait till god knows what level when you're at the low/mid stages to finally level them up.

    You get some good cash as well to help you along the way and you also pretty much get free good gear which is bound to that character on specific level milestones, (they also have 1 month timed gear on those specific levels which is better then the bound gear, which you get from their website transfered to your characters mail.)

    Now I say this would be a good idea for PWI because tbh, power leveling through seekers vortex from 1-59 and then/or FC last room power leveling to end game is all that's happening, if we could at least get quests like what I mentioned above, to at least level 75-80, then perhaps world questing will be viable again, instead of BH+FC.
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • Sympathi - Archosaur
    Sympathi - Archosaur Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Sorry but I think PWI needs to take a page out of Lineage2 and their new expansion, now don't get your pants in a twist PWE, you can hardly call it advertising another game when that game has been out since 2003...

    +1 b:surrender
    :: :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • U_Sasuke - Sanctuary
    U_Sasuke - Sanctuary Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    This thread is too emotional and emo for me to comment on. b:pleased
  • Sympathi - Archosaur
    Sympathi - Archosaur Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    This thread is too emotional and emo for me to comment on. b:pleased

    thank you for commenting b:kiss
    :: :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • Xyleena - Heavens Tear
    Xyleena - Heavens Tear Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Your video is great and all.. .but nothing of what you really listed was PWE's fault for it going away. It was the very playerbase that complains about it now. We could all go back to the way it was if we wanted to.

    I personally have embraced every change with stride and as such I have had many epic memories even AFTER all of that. In fact if I wasn't still having fun I wouldn't be here.

    Xyleena | 102 Demon Cleric | Radiance Faction : Main
    Gwendolynne | 101 Sage Venomancer | Heavens Tear
    Delecroix | 101 Demon Assassin | Heavens Tear
    Anatoxin | 8x Future Sage Psychic | Heavens Tear
    Diva | 92 Sage Blademaster | Dreamweaver : Retired
  • Sympathi - Archosaur
    Sympathi - Archosaur Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Your video is great and all.. .but nothing of what you really listed was PWE's fault for it going away. It was the very playerbase that complains about it now. We could all go back to the way it was if we wanted to.

    I personally have embraced every change with stride and as such I have had many epic memories even AFTER all of that. In fact if I wasn't still having fun I wouldn't be here.

    The fact PWE made options that vastly outgun traditional methods of leveling, purely for income, available i would say puts them more to blame then the player base. Sure everyone COULD go back to how it was, but then them who don't decide to and use methods such as x12 exp FC would gain a huge lead over those who don't which is imbalance.

    Did you know in the Chinese version, you cannot activate hypers in FCC, think about that! b:chuckle
    :: :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • Yami_ - Dreamweaver
    Yami_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    +1 to Quilue and Renza, PW It's a outdated game, but I belive that It still have room for improvement, I'm too very bored of games that asks for us to kill 50 wolfs, 50 dragons, 50 birds and etc, but It's not PW fault, since the game was built for work in that way.

    Personaly I get bored when I reach lv60, because I need to have a squad and start to farm for my equips and I can't see the fun in doing this.
  • Martin - Harshlands
    Martin - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Pssh. We did old fc runs at 8x nbd.

    I had to login, got me curious. 13.5%. You?

    Saw the map, not as colorful as I thought it would be. Now release a PvP server identical to pre-genie's but keep the genie's it brought more flavor to pvp.

    Since this won't happen, I will continue to be a forum dweller as I wait patiently for an mmo that hopefully can keep my interest as pwi once did.
    PvE = F2P PvP = P2P
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    a long lower level side quest like a chrono quest would be nice. With capped instances.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan