Please stop closing threads that request reasonable information

kondors Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2011 in General Discussion
This is the fourth time of asking. No tasking for ANYTHING unreasonable and the constant closing of threads without a satisfactory response serves only to illustrate the disgusting customer service policy currently employed.

How dare we as customers request to know when GM's are available, on which servers and request a viable and guaranteed method of contact?

Thats the sum conclusion of the disgraceful responses received so far.

Incidentally, the ONLY official responses have been from FORUM moderators and Frankie who failed to read properly what was being asked for.

the last closure form KrittyKat is illustrated below:

Originally Posted by Kalirin - Sanctuary
Personally I really dont see why they cant answer as to when a GM can be contacted. Support tickets take weeks to answer and live chat never works so things that should be dealt with quickly never are. Lack of customer support in this game amazes me as i have played online games for many years and have never come across such poor support in any other game. As people have been saying for a very long time they just dont seem to care as long as people are spending real money on the game.

Support tickets take between 3 to 5 days to be resolved. If you send another ticket in on the same subject before your ticket is resolved, the old ticket is scrapped, along with its place in the queue, because the new ticket could hold further information that could be of help with the solution. I have personally had to submit tickets a few times, and every time have gotten a satisfactory response within a week. Before you start saying, "But you're a mod, of course you'll get better service", that was on an account in no way associated with the account I am using now. There was no way for that support worker to know that I work on the forums. Just give the GMs and support staff a chance to deal with your ticket in a reasonable amount of time, and they'll do it.

Also, @ kondors - GMs aren't going to answer to every thread that comes up asking for information on how to contact them, because doing so would cause people to contact specific GMs to try to get their way. With the current way of doing things (i.e., submitting tickets), it's a blind submission. You'll rarely have the same person work on a ticket twice in a row, and it's unlikely that one person will deal with every ticket on a certain subject. This makes it easier to regulate players, since a punishment won't be softened because you know which GM to go to.

With what I have said in mind, I'm going to close this thread, as it serves no proper purpose.


A request of this nature ONLY serves no purpose when no one has the guts, manners and decency to respond in a satisfactory way to the more than reasonable request.

3-5 days response for a ticket is blatantly inaccurate... try reading the thread that was raised regarding the password resets. Oh and don't try saying that it was exceptional circumstances because I am certain there a whole host of others.

Use some common sense too for gods sake.
If someone is stuck in scenery do you intend them to stay there for 3-5 days waiting for a ticket response?

You are heaping problems on yourselves in a bizzare, blinkered and downright ridiculous way.
Apparently you are unable to provide as speedy a resolution as you would like because you are snowed trying to respond to all the tickets, many for inappropriate matters.

So now your suggestion is... send more tickets please?
Are you insane?

You state that GM's are not going to answer every thread asking for contact info...
How about answering JUST ONE?
The forums are not littered with threads requesting this information... after all... if they were, your forum moderators would simply combine them or close some to end up with just one thread.

ONE THREAD... please dont exaggerate the circumstances as an excuse for doing nothing... again.

The "blind submission" process you describe is destined for failure from the outset.
Having to explain a complex situation to 14 people on 14 occasions because there is no continuity just drags things out and increases your staff workload.

As for appealing to a known GM regarding a ban.. pathetic excuse...sorry.
If there is an appeal process, let the appeal be considered by an appointed individual (blind to us if you need that so badly), or a panel of randomly selected GM's.

I am talking about getting customer issues and problems resolved, not appealing punishments.
Dont get me wrong, I am more than aware that largely that is ALL the GM's seem to do, but maybe that is also something that is a problem with your prioritisation.

The methods of contact you suggest do not work satisfactorily, do not work even as you claim they will and importantly the y do not ensure ANY accountability.

Someone needs to own a problem and see it through to conclusion. There is no incentive for your customer service agents to resolve any genuine issues because they have the opportunity to remain anonymous, unaccountable to the customer, unknown to the customer.

This is not in any way customer service. The live chat kicks you out of the queue after 20 minutes so you never get to the front of that queue.
Not speculation... FACT... been there, done that.
If you are going to create a queue then serve the dam queue.
It is just a means of making people with genuine problems and concerns reach their point of despair and give up.

If, as the vast majority of players feel, you are majorly interested in making money from your player base, doesnt it make sense to respond to their needs, requests and queries?
Happy customers are repeat customers, and recruit more customers for you by word of mouth.

Sad that I have to even point this out to you.. your customer service is almost non existent, uncaring , non functional and you dont understand even the most simple aspects of it.

Incidentally , not that KrittyKat's first attmept to exemplify why accountability is a bad idea involves a hypothetical case of a GM handing out a punishment.
Just shows that this is the first function that springs to mind when people, even company people, consider the role of a GM.

Surely the primary function of a GM should be to serve and help the community?
Try employing people to do the job that care about customers, not people who just want to seem big and important by beating people with big sticks.

Customer care, not ego building for internet bullies, has to be the order of the day.

You will close the thread again with no adequate response again I know.

So why do I bother?
Because I actually care about customer service, do not want to be surrounded by angry players constantly, do not want to see your forums filled to the brink with unresolved issues that mostly dont get read properly , if at all.

Odd... sort of sounds like an attitude a customer service person ought to have.

Again I maintain that I have asked for nothing that is unreasonable... sending more tickets as requested... enjoy.

(so many idiots, so few hand grenades)
Post edited by kondors on


  • Hideori - Lost City
    Hideori - Lost City Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    yeah, let us QQ more!!

    btw nice textwall dude!
  • Veri - Lothranis
    Veri - Lothranis Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    yeah, let us QQ more!!

    btw nice textwall dude!

  • Ikarium - Dreamweaver
    Ikarium - Dreamweaver Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    kondors wrote: »

    (so many idiots, so few hand grenades)
    I found it funny that right after stating you do not want to be surrounded by angry players, you followed it up with this angry statement of violence. b:angry
  • Veri - Lothranis
    Veri - Lothranis Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Sup /The Lower Depths/ ! I have been wondering for a while why does this place suck so much ?
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    We are the 99%!!!!!!!!!
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Valirah - Sanctuary
    Valirah - Sanctuary Posts: 522 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Just gonna chime in with my recent experiences with PWI's "customer service".

    Been trying to resolve an issue I had since the 2nd of October. First dreadfully inadequate reply took over a week, basically just reiterated what I had already told them that I knew in my initial ticket. Second reply, also over a week, not much better than the first reply.

    It's complete BS that one has to stretch a conversation asking for assistance over the course of a month just to get a simple matter rectified. Live Chat would have been ideal, except that it's just a facade, it's never available, just there to make the appearance that one can get some real time assistance in this game.
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I found it funny that right after stating you do not want to be surrounded by angry players, you followed it up with this angry statement of violence. b:angry

    What can Fuzzy do but agree with that.....
    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • Veri - Lothranis
    Veri - Lothranis Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    What can Fuzzy do but agree with that.....

    Fuzzy could also move this thread so i wont look like an idiot b:thanks
  • Lawlass_war - Heavens Tear
    Lawlass_war - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    i'm fairly certain that sending in more tickets will only make it take longer. that little factoid i know for certain is true based on past experiences.

    anyway, after 4 threads, i really thing the OP should just give up. even though he makes good points, lets face it, no one has the power to actually MAKE these demand com true, unless you some how get everyone to stop playing for a long perid of time.

    this is a F2P game, i have yet to find a F2P game what has good customer service. GW don't count to me since you need to pay to get the game in the first place. i'm not even sure if you can call the players (of pwi) customers since they never really bought the game.
  • Tallain_ - Heavens Tear
    Tallain_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    some of them have paid so much they could buy the game 500 times over........ /facepalm

    Anyway ya..... again.... i agree with everything he said. Hell i had ONE problem on here all this time i bothered trying to get help for. What should've taken a few DAYS, TOOK TWO MONTHS. They kept trying to tell me it was my fault their game design sucks. Basically I lost my wraithgate medals from 8 runs, the gold medals. I knew channeling cape was in Aux section, so i picked defending ... thought the INT one was in there (was for my sin and later seeker too).... nope (even though that would make sense since it's a melee cape)...... Oh and lo and behold..... the way the idiotic devs designed it.... the menu takes your medals when u pick a section of capes to LOOK AT, not when YOU ACTUALLY PICK A CAPE. >.<

    After two months of tickets (one a week) trying to point out how moronnic they were being trying to blame this on me and w/e (ya maybe i should've got on the DATABASE site and looked up the "quest chain" to make sure which section the int cape was in.... but then again i wouldnt' expect the menu to be designed so badly either and not everyone even KNOWS of, a GM FINALLY pops up in arch next to my sin a couple months ago. Then guess what........ i had to explain it all AGAIN. meh... so i did, she looked back into the logs in like 2 MINUTES (remember this this hapened like two MONTHS b4 she popped up by me), saw i trashed the quest when i had no way to get the int cape, and promtly agreed to give my medals back in the next maint. (which wasnt' for another 2 freaking weeks either..... >.<)

    Ya that was hell....... fix the god damn button so we can talk to u when we need to, and get things resolved IN A TIMELY MANNER, NOT HALF A DAMN YEAR (little exaggeration there on mine, it was two months, but it's not for some people). AND FIX YOUR DAMN LIVE CHAT. HIRE MORE PEOPLE< YOU GET ENOUGH FRACKING MONEY!

    Oh here's the kicker, they even said they'd FIX the trophy mode menus so it wouldnt' take the medals till u actually PICK a cape.... yet to see that lmao

    Edit: o get this..... they didn't agree to fix this till i basically said in the final ticket maybe they should do the right thing for once or i'd take my money elsewhere......... LOL losing money possibly and they reacted...... *cough*
  • Hideori - Lost City
    Hideori - Lost City Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    OP, you should write a book about your complains. consider this, you have a talent.
  • SteamyFish - Lost City
    SteamyFish - Lost City Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    eh each time i send in a ticket i get a reply within 4-6 hours :S
  • konuk
    konuk Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    For the person that decided amongst all the valid points, to whine a bout the "violent signature"
    Was that an angry face smiley you finished with you pathetic hypocrite?

    Consider too that maybe eventually straws break the camels back, and the angry environment becomes contagious... seems to have been exemplified in your whine.

    Maybe too, the posts are lengthy because even the very basics of service and what is reasonable need to be explained since the excuses for not providing a service keep bleating on about being unable / unwilling to supply personal information etc etc. when there was never asny asked for.

    The actual original request was a small paragraph at most.

    Its just more evidence and proof that no one bothers to take ownership of an issue, so it has to be explained again and again.

    No accountability, no service, no conscience, no consideration.

    Even the posts that criticise the issues mentioned serve only to prove their validity. No doubt, in rare cases, people get good timely assistance from well meaning staff. For all we know all the staff are hard working well meaning people.

    Fix the system for dealing with issues... thats whats being asked for.
  • Kalirin - Sanctuary
    Kalirin - Sanctuary Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Originally Posted by Kalirin - Sanctuary
    Personally I really dont see why they cant answer as to when a GM can be contacted. Support tickets take weeks to answer and live chat never works so things that should be dealt with quickly never are. Lack of customer support in this game amazes me as i have played online games for many years and have never come across such poor support in any other game. As people have been saying for a very long time they just dont seem to care as long as people are spending real money on the game.

    Support tickets take between 3 to 5 days to be resolved. If you send another ticket in on the same subject before your ticket is resolved, the old ticket is scrapped, along with its place in the queue, because the new ticket could hold further information that could be of help with the solution. I have personally had to submit tickets a few times, and every time have gotten a satisfactory response within a week. Before you start saying, "But you're a mod, of course you'll get better service", that was on an account in no way associated with the account I am using now. There was no way for that support worker to know that I work on the forums. Just give the GMs and support staff a chance to deal with your ticket in a reasonable amount of time, and they'll do it.

    Is this a joke 3-5 days lol..... been trying to deal with so called support for hmm lets see 6 weeks regarding what I would call a very serious matter and Oh guess what its still Work in Progress. How much time are we meant to give them seriously you dont think 6 weeks is a bit of a joke. Think most they dont even bother to look at let alone do anything.
    You ask players to do your job by sending in screenies of these damn gold spamming idiots people have an issue with anything it takes weeks if they even bother getting a reply at all. Is it really too much to say well GMs are available from X to X and can be contacted in X manner.
    Personally think they wont reply cos they have none if any that actually bother working on pw anymore

    Sanct - 100 Sage Cleric
    Sanct - 100 Demon Bm
  • TolanSky - Heavens Tear
    TolanSky - Heavens Tear Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    kondors wrote: »
    The "blind submission" process you describe is destined for failure from the outset.
    Having to explain a complex situation to 14 people on 14 occasions because there is no continuity just drags things out and increases your staff workload.

    Funny, because almost every single company that uses Internet Based Customer Support Services in this day and age, also uses a very similar blind submission service to the one used by Perfect World Entertainment for their customer support services. Some even use the very same bulletin board software to facilitate these services.

    I would say that based on this information that the blind submission customer support services seems to be working for most companies that use this method, even if it may not be the best method by which to accomplish Customer Support (face to face customer support is by far the best method but probably not the most efficient).

    Also, why would you have to explain your situation 14 different times unless you were submitting 14 unique tickets... which kind of defeats the purpose of the whole time frame statement of 3 to 5 days for getting a ticket resolved in the first place.

    So far I have submitted several tickets ranging from minor issues to major issues, and each one of them has been successfully resolved within the specified number of days give or take a few extra days in one rare case that I will allow them a little leeway on. How have I been so successful in this regard? I don't submit Umpteen Billion Tickets on the same topic as my original ticket while waiting for them to respond to my original ticket. I give them the time they need to formulate a response to my ticket themselves, which usually comes within the time limit they specified if not sooner.

    So I fail to see what all these complaints about the games customer service are about. Are you all really that impatient with the Customer Service that you feel the need to submit 14 different tickets on the same subject?

    The only thing that disapoints me about this game's Customer Support is that while it theoretically has a Live Chat Service... it does not have a phone number people can call to get technical support or customer service handled by a person over the phone if that kind of need arises. Oh and I am absolutely certain that a desire for such a phone number does and will exist as such phone numbers are present in almost every other major MMO on the face of the planet. Additionally it wouldn't hurt to actually list the time zone that the Live Chat Service is listed in alongside of the Hours that it runs during. Without knowing the Time Zone it makes it really hard to actually effectively contact the Live Chat Support.
    Acc 1: TolanSky ~ ● Seeker / Daearena ~ Mystic / ThornLily ~ Veno
    Acc 2: Veilana ~ Sin / QueenBlubrry ~ Cleric / Lemondrop ~ Psychic
  • Kalirin - Sanctuary
    Kalirin - Sanctuary Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Tolan I submitted One ticket on 19th September for what I would call a major issue which they still havent resolved and like many it will probably stay that way for alot longer. This isnt the first ticket I have sent in and I have never spammed with endless tickets on the same subject yet none have ever really been resolved properly. They tend to reply with something not even relevent to the topic in hand.

    It just sucks big time that when something major happens there is no way to contact anyone for support. All games Ive played prior to PW I have never had these issues with. They have people available to help and deal with email etcs pretty quickly.

    Sanct - 100 Sage Cleric
    Sanct - 100 Demon Bm
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    May the force be with you (support #5 needs it since his really good and nice)b:cute
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    This thread depresses me. >_>

    Not because of the content of the OP... not even because of our joke of a support system (though that's a close second).

    No, what I can't believe is that some of the replies here are just trolls. Trolls who, most likely, became as cynical as they are in part due to the support system the OP is ranting about. They, along with everyone else, should be supportive of this effort.

    I'm not saying the OP is going to succeed in any of this. And I sure as hell don't hold out any faith in PWE at this point. But nobody here has any business bashing the OP for actually trying to call them on their **** ("grenade" comment aside), instead of sitting back with the rest of you going GAME IS DEAD LOLOL.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Hideori - Lost City
    Hideori - Lost City Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    This thread depresses me. >_>

    Not because of the content of the OP... not even because of our joke of a support system (though that's a close second).

    No, what I can't believe is that some of the replies here are just trolls. Trolls who, most likely, became as cynical as they are in part due to the support system the OP is ranting about. They, along with everyone else, should be supportive of this effort.

    I'm not saying the OP is going to succeed in any of this. And I sure as hell don't hold out any faith in PWE at this point. But nobody here has any business bashing the OP for actually trying to call them on their **** ("grenade" comment aside), instead of sitting back with the rest of you going GAME IS DEAD LOLOL.

    yeah, you're right, game is dead lolol. lets find a new game and make him as bad as this one with our cash!
  • konuk
    konuk Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Funny, because almost every single company that uses Internet Based Customer Support Services in this day and age, also uses a very similar blind submission service to the one used by Perfect World Entertainment for their customer support services. Some even use the very same bulletin board software to facilitate these services.

    I would say that based on this information that the blind submission customer support services seems to be working for most companies that use this method, even if it may not be the best method by which to accomplish Customer Support (face to face customer support is by far the best method but probably not the most efficient).

    Also, why would you have to explain your situation 14 different times unless you were submitting 14 unique tickets... which kind of defeats the purpose of the whole time frame statement of 3 to 5 days for getting a ticket resolved in the first place.

    So far I have submitted several tickets ranging from minor issues to major issues, and each one of them has been successfully resolved within the specified number of days give or take a few extra days in one rare case that I will allow them a little leeway on. How have I been so successful in this regard? I don't submit Umpteen Billion Tickets on the same topic as my original ticket while waiting for them to respond to my original ticket. I give them the time they need to formulate a response to my ticket themselves, which usually comes within the time limit they specified if not sooner.

    So I fail to see what all these complaints about the games customer service are about. Are you all really that impatient with the Customer Service that you feel the need to submit 14 different tickets on the same subject?

    The only thing that disapoints me about this game's Customer Support is that while it theoretically has a Live Chat Service... it does not have a phone number people can call to get technical support or customer service handled by a person over the phone if that kind of need arises. Oh and I am absolutely certain that a desire for such a phone number does and will exist as such phone numbers are present in almost every other major MMO on the face of the planet. Additionally it wouldn't hurt to actually list the time zone that the Live Chat Service is listed in alongside of the Hours that it runs during. Without knowing the Time Zone it makes it really hard to actually effectively contact the Live Chat Support.

    Firstly, You say: "the purpose of the whole time frame statement of 3 to 5 days for getting a ticket resolved in the first place."

    Lets get it right shall we? We are told 3 to 5 days to get a response.. which as far as I am aware is most often an automated message informing you that they actually received the ticket in the first place. In my particular experiences the time for a response to a first and single ticket, was in excess of a week, and then was the automated message.

    Also to be honest, not sure where it states what the resolution time is supposed to be, but in honesty I may have missed it somewhere in the ticket submission process.

    As for which companies use what methods, or whether they use blind submission or not, once a customer service has taken up a ticket, issue, or whatever name you care to give it, whats wrong with saying for example, "fred" has now begun work on your isssue and please refer any further information or contact to him?
    Here is the thing... at least then you know that someone is taking ownership of the issue.

    If customer service staff are doing a good job and providing a service that customers are happy with, what possible reason would they have for not wanting to be identified as the "person dealing with Mr A. Person's repeated crash problems" ?

    Consider that , as was stated before, customer satisfaction here is neither known, asked for , or able to be commented on.
    It is in the interest of the service provider to know if for example they have a staff member who is particularyl adept at customer facing, problem resolution, or any of the other skills you would seek in a customer service staff member.

    If GM1 happens to be particularly good at resolving program crash issues in a speedy and timely manner, would you not want them to firstly, pass on what they do differently from other people, secondly, deal with these issues before other GM's when work load allows, and thirdly maybe you would want to consider them for a raise, promotion when the time is right.

    This company doesnt canvass customer satisfaction or needs / wants.

    This being the case it is not even possible to assess how good (or bad) a service they are providing.

    Of those who speak up in forums etc, the majority of people express dissatisfaction, but to be honest people will always be faster to complain than to praise. There are a few complimentary comments but no one here actually has an accurate perspective of the percentage of the player base that is unhappy with the service.

    Failure to communicate, lack of response and the failure of even the advertised issue notification methods contribute to this massively.

    Again, what is the point of a 'live service' that puts you in a queue for response (when it works at all), only to throw you out of the queue 30 minutes later , to start the process anew?
    It is a tactic to buy time, to evade customers, and to make people so fed up that they give up trying.

    A well known communications company had a service department with a complaints line. If you visited the company for any reason you would be treated to the sound of a constantly ringing telephone surrounded by a yellow tape barrier. Upon asking I was told, ahh yes, thats the complaints line.. no one answers that or they will be ther all day answering issues.

    Many of us experience the telephone automated services that play elevator music all day long whilst you wait in vain for the chance to talk to a real person.
    This is no different.
    Have the decency to be honest and say that there is no service. better than lying and wasting peoples time.

    Still think that 3-5 days is adequate response time for people stuck in game scenery?
    Bear in mind that it isnt a resolution time at all... its a response time.

    Quick question on that too...
    What do you have to do to slow an automated response email system down to the extent that it takes that long to respond?
    Curious because most autoresponders manage it within minutes... IJS
  • konuk
    konuk Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Perfect World User
    Join Date: Oct 2011
    Posts: 75# 1
    10-16-2011, 09:22 PM
    Ive sent them a complaint over 2 months now regarding my anni prize. They told me to send in a picture. i Did that and tey havent sent or notify anything to back to me yet. its been 2 months. What do i do?

    Ive also had this problem where i bought a prepaid card. Tried to put in the code and it didnt work. I sent in a ticket. They responded. I responded back and they simply havnt anwsered this was about a year ago.

    Last edited by KrittyCat; 10-17-2011 at 03:37 AM. Reason: Double post

    Found this a couple of pages in on the general forums.
    Apparently it has been edited because it was posted twice. Seems the guy has waited a shade longer than the 3-5 days.
    Doesnt look like he submitted a swathe of tickets that reset his waiting time, just the one... as advised constantly and annoyingly as being the ultimate and dependable way of getting things done.

    I also note from the forums that time frame withing which you can get your anniversary rewards is closing soon, or has closed.

    Good job this customer got a timely response using the exact prescribed methods that the advocates of system keep insisting are so reliable.
    Oh...wait... he didnt. Probably , if he gets any response at all, he will get one the day after the window closes on receiving rewards.

    Still... at least he knows the name of the person intended to be resolving the issue, right? so that he can contact the person and remind them of his issue.
    Oh wait... thats right... its a blind system... so now the customer has no idea who, if anyone, is responsible for addressing this.

    Still, despite the fact that on this (rare?) occasion, the system isnt working out for the customer, at least he has had clear advice and a peocedure to follow as a next step, right?

    Oh wait... thats right, if the ticket remains unanswered, unresolved then other than the live system that works so well... there is NO follow up method for our poor customer.

    Never mind, at least he can submit another ticket right?
    Oh wait... no he should not do that... we keep getting told that if you submit another ticket on the same subject then you reset the whole waiting a response process.

    Ah... silly me... he has a perfectly viable solution... he can post a thread on the forums, right?
    Oh dear... seems he was a smart cookie and he did just that... not once but twice apparently.

    As we can see... that did the trick because KrittyKat got right onto it... within 24 hours of him posting it...woooot.
    Oh wait... what was actually done for our customer? Ahhh i see... they removed the second post because the forums are already full of annoying customers wanting help.

    Still... at least this meant his post got a response to aid him with his issue , right?
    Oh wait... like heck he did...

    Well done KrittyKat and all you splendid people serving the customers at PW.

    You have FAILED.. on every single count where this customer is concerned. Still.. you got your priorities clearly sorted out...
    WTG on removing the double post....
    That could have been a major customer issue after all. As for the trivia of providing even the service you CLAIM to have working...

    What a shameful illustration of incompetence and complete disregard for this customer.
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    u kow, u can UPDATE your ticket.... instead of submitting a new one. Keep updating it, spam em with updates till they freaking respond for once. Took me TWO months to solve the only damn issue i had but hey.... finally got my **** back.
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited October 2011
    konuk wrote: »
    Perfect World User
    Join Date: Oct 2011
    Posts: 75# 1
    10-16-2011, 09:22 PM
    Ive sent them a complaint over 2 months now regarding my anni prize. They told me to send in a picture. i Did that and tey havent sent or notify anything to back to me yet. its been 2 months. What do i do?

    Ive also had this problem where i bought a prepaid card. Tried to put in the code and it didnt work. I sent in a ticket. They responded. I responded back and they simply havnt anwsered this was about a year ago.

    Last edited by KrittyCat; 10-17-2011 at 03:37 AM. Reason: Double post

    Found this a couple of pages in on the general forums.
    Apparently it has been edited because it was posted twice. Seems the guy has waited a shade longer than the 3-5 days.
    Doesnt look like he submitted a swathe of tickets that reset his waiting time, just the one... as advised constantly and annoyingly as being the ultimate and dependable way of getting things done.

    I also note from the forums that time frame withing which you can get your anniversary rewards is closing soon, or has closed.

    Good job this customer got a timely response using the exact prescribed methods that the advocates of system keep insisting are so reliable.
    Oh...wait... he didnt. Probably , if he gets any response at all, he will get one the day after the window closes on receiving rewards.

    Still... at least he knows the name of the person intended to be resolving the issue, right? so that he can contact the person and remind them of his issue.
    Oh wait... thats right... its a blind system... so now the customer has no idea who, if anyone, is responsible for addressing this.

    Still, despite the fact that on this (rare?) occasion, the system isnt working out for the customer, at least he has had clear advice and a peocedure to follow as a next step, right?

    Oh wait... thats right, if the ticket remains unanswered, unresolved then other than the live system that works so well... there is NO follow up method for our poor customer.

    Never mind, at least he can submit another ticket right?
    Oh wait... no he should not do that... we keep getting told that if you submit another ticket on the same subject then you reset the whole waiting a response process.

    Ah... silly me... he has a perfectly viable solution... he can post a thread on the forums, right?
    Oh dear... seems he was a smart cookie and he did just that... not once but twice apparently.

    As we can see... that did the trick because KrittyCat got right onto it... within 24 hours of him posting it...woooot.
    Oh wait... what was actually done for our customer? Ahhh i see... they removed the second post because the forums are already full of annoying customers wanting help.

    Still... at least this meant his post got a response to aid him with his issue , right?
    Oh wait... like heck he did...

    Well done KrittyCat and all you splendid people serving the customers at PW.

    You have FAILED.. on every single count where this customer is concerned. Still.. you got your priorities clearly sorted out...
    WTG on removing the double post....
    That could have been a major customer issue after all. As for the trivia of providing even the service you CLAIM to have working...

    What a shameful illustration of incompetence and complete disregard for this customer.

    I had planned on making the post a little more concise, but my browser had other issues and considered the backspace button a hotkey for "Back". That means that I'm just going to get what I can posted while I can, and worry about the rest later.

    One thing you don't realize is that the poster you are so worried about was a troll who posted numerous threads about pointless stuff, all to get attention. Boy who cried wolf, much? All I did was combine his two posts (one within minutes of the other, mind you... a serious breach of forum rules) into one post, which is completely within my purview. I have no control over the support a fellow player receives, and that's because I am simply a volunteer player/moderator. My job is to monitor the forums, and submit any major issues to frankie to review. This issue was submitted to frankie, and where it went from there is no longer my issue.

    Therefore, I would appreciate it if you would kindly remove the derogatory remarks about myself in your message. I did nothing wrong; rather, I do everything I can to ensure that every single player on these forums receives the help they need in a reasonable amount of time.


  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    um this guy's not a troll buddy, he's got valid arguments that even i agree with. So do alot of people whther they're respondig or not. The wait time (if u actually GET anything freaking resolved in the first place) on here is absolutely pathetic....... granted u can't give out when specifc GM's are online... but the rest of what he asked for....
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited October 2011
    um this guy's not a troll buddy, he's got valid arguments that even i agree with. So do alot of people whther they're respondig or not. The wait time (if u actually GET anything freaking resolved in the first place) on here is absolutely pathetic....... granted u can't give out when specifc GM's are online... but the rest of what he asked for....

    I wasn't referring to kondors or konuk as a troll, I was applying that term to the player who supposedly had the issue that konuk was quoting, iamllam.

    Apologies if that wasn't clear enough.b:surrender
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    well that last thing was posted by Konuk...... looks like he pasted Iamw/e's stats hell i read it i'm not sure who wrote it... cept the fact it say "posted by Konuk"... rofl

    unless u were referring to the tiny bit in the top looks like iamw/e wrote... hell idk that quote's confusing i'm sleepy....
  • TolanSky - Heavens Tear
    TolanSky - Heavens Tear Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    konuk wrote: »

    The Automated Message that you get when your Ticket is first created should at least in theory arrive within a few minutes to within a few hours of when you first submitted the ticket. That message taking a full 3 to 5 days means something is broken in the system's message delivery programing to begin with and that would need to be addressed by the programers who developed the software, and it would thus not be perfect world entertainment's fault or responsibility to resolve in the first place.

    As far as I know, most companies tend to state who in the customer support service is working on your ticket, and while I agree that it would be helpful if Perfect World Entertainment followed this practice, it is not absolutely necessary that they do so as there is no requirement in business law that says the customer needs to know the name of the customer service representative that is assisting them.

    Then there is the actual reason for using the blind submission method. There is probably a much smaller workforce than even we realize allocated to the customer service department at "Perfect World Entertainment - California" Thus if every customer knew how to get ahold of every single Customer Service Rep whenever they wanted to, no work at that department of the company would ever get done in the first place. It would be chaotic beyond all belief. The fact that the GM's are now making their presence known in the game alone speaks volumes to the increased emphasis on Perfect World International, but that in and of itself may not be enough to ultimately stop the complaints people have about the game.
    Acc 1: TolanSky ~ ● Seeker / Daearena ~ Mystic / ThornLily ~ Veno
    Acc 2: Veilana ~ Sin / QueenBlubrry ~ Cleric / Lemondrop ~ Psychic
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited October 2011
    well that last thing was posted by Konuk...... looks like he pasted Iamw/e's stats hell i read it i'm not sure who wrote it... cept the fact it say "posted by Konuk"... rofl

    Either the thread he took it from was closed (likely) or he doesn't know how to Quote a post, cut/copy the text, and then paste it in a reply on another thread. Either way, the post was originally made by iamllam, and "quoted" by konuk. Confusing, yes.

    The Automated Message that you get when your Ticket is first created should at least in theory arrive within a few minutes to within a few hours of when you first submitted the ticket. That message taking a full 3 to 5 days means something is broken in the system's message delivery programing to begin with and that would need to be addressed by the programers who developed the software, and it would thus not be perfect world entertainment's fault or responsibility to resolve in the first place.

    I have personally never had to wait more than 24 hours for the automated message to show up in my inbox. I don't know if it's because I hit their support system at the right time or something, but that's just my personal experience.
  • TolanSky - Heavens Tear
    TolanSky - Heavens Tear Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    from my experience across all the other customer support sites that utilize the same software that Perfect World International's website uses.... the automated message should usually arrive almost immediately, but it should almost never take more than 24 hours to arrive. But that is based on my own personal experience across several different companies using the same basic software framework for their customer support bulletin board, so take it as you will.
    Acc 1: TolanSky ~ ● Seeker / Daearena ~ Mystic / ThornLily ~ Veno
    Acc 2: Veilana ~ Sin / QueenBlubrry ~ Cleric / Lemondrop ~ Psychic
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited October 2011
    from my experience across all the other customer support sites that utilize the same software that Perfect World International's website uses.... the automated message should usually arrive almost immediately, but it should almost never take more than 24 hours to arrive. But that is based on my own personal experience across several different companies using the same basic software framework for their customer support bulletin board, so take it as you will.

    I generally experience a slight delay, but never does the message take more than 30 minutes to arrive. I was just presenting the 24 hour time frame as a maximum frame which people could reasonable expect the automated message to arrive. Also, keep in mind that the 3 to 5 days is business days, so if you submit your ticket on a Friday, it could take up to a week to get a non-automated response.