QQme is afraid of Vicious?



  • Atuhm - Raging Tide
    Atuhm - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    But then again Atuhm has always hated QQme and Vicious members, regardless of who they are.

    Trollers gonna troll.

    thats what ive been waiting for, friends come to help b:chuckle

    ty skai for clarifying who i am, without ever seeing me b:chuckle

    knew that im a vicious member ? and im just a little pissed about how big headed some english speakers are with their language, not here to attack any certain social groups or fight that qqme/vicious fight, just sad about how proud you are of being able to speak your own language ;)

    and yes, pick up that english isnt my first language, point out how smartass i am for speaking more than that, though i tried to avoid that topic but had to bring "logic" into your ignorant minds by explaining the process of learning a language.

    but go ahead with your insults now, turn around every word i said, criticize my sentence structures. you rule the worlds #1 language, dont you ? :)
  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Big-headed? You assume that everyone speaking proper english here is an arrogant english-speaker? You sure are narrow-minded (small minded, one-way thinking, etc)

    And I've ran into you more than on one occasion. First one I remember was in CoA. Us Vicious members were dominating the room with two melee-able pole/nob mobs, as well as the other one off the side, and you were flaming us. Your famous words were "gratz on becoming the new qqme :)"

    Yeah, we know english isn't your first language, but that's the main language that's spoken here.

    If you don't understand it, then don't post. Simple as that.

    If you don't like us "big-headed english-only speakers that are ignorant and arrogant about their language", then don't post. Simple as that.

    If you don't like Vicious members, don't post. Simple as that.

    If you don't like QQme members, don't post. Simple as that.

    If you don't understand the main language spoken here fully, then don't post. Simple as that.

    If you don't get it by now, don't post. Simple as that.

    But I know you are going to post again.
    [SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
    Vicious's Brony. Brohoof!
    youtube.com/user/SkaiPW - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    ok, keep talking about language skills b:embarrass

    ...that person "communicated" with you, it failed on your end to "understand" = receive. communication = sending and receiving msges, but if the reply isnt grammatically correct, no communication can take place ? funny how i "dont communicate" outside of this country then, not being able to speak any of the languages i meet b:chuckle

    Incorrect grammar =/= illiterate. The brunt of you flaunting your stupidity is the fact that no one understands what soccerball says. Grammar is secondary to being understood. You obviously can't differentiate the two, and I can't blame you. Stupidity does that.
    but teach me more about your ways of debating :)
    ofc you can win any debate with "that argument is false, because you cant even put it in a proper sentence"


    fun to argue with you :)

    ..oh yes, and pls dont come up with logic again, keep bringing up new distractions like "communication" now. i think theres a coined expression for that way of "debating", called the "chubacca defence" b:chuckle

    You are stupid. You are the one going off about languages. What are languages for? Communication. Thank you for driving in the point how stupid you are. b:thanks

    knew that im a vicious member ? and im just a little pissed about how big headed some english speakers are with their language, not here to attack any certain social groups or fight that qqme/vicious fight, just sad about how proud you are of being able to speak your own language ;)

    That's typical. This is an English forum. You speak English on an English forum. If you don't like people speaking English, go to a forum of your language.

    and yes, pick up that english isnt my first language, point out how smartass i am for speaking more than that, though i tried to avoid that topic but had to bring "logic" into your ignorant minds by explaining the process of learning a language.

    but go ahead with your insults now, turn around every word i said, criticize my sentence structures. you rule the worlds #1 language, dont you ? :)

    I love how you think your arguments (if you can consider them that) have any semblance of logic whatsoever. I've disproved every bit of "logic" you have presented, but you ignore that of course, and try to bring up new points that you think make you look smart.

    It isn't working out for you, thought you should know.
  • Atuhm - Raging Tide
    Atuhm - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    Yeah, we know english isn't your first language, but that's the main language that's spoken here.

    If you don't understand it, then don't post. Simple as that.

    If you don't understand the main language spoken here fully, then don't post. Simple as that.

    If you don't get it by now, don't post. Simple as that.

    But I know you are going to post again.

    im sorry skai, but are you serious ? not gonna go down to your level of "are you too stupid to understand you own language?" b:chuckle

    have you read anything about understanding =/= speaking ? im rly tempted to start playing your game b:chuckle
  • Atuhm - Raging Tide
    Atuhm - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    now read aries post, so let me bring it to you closer:

    we know chewbacca. chewbacca is a wookie from the planet kashyyyk. but chewbacca lives on the planet endor.

    hm... thats only partially the way you debate... gotta change that.

    we know chewbacca. you probably dont cuz youre stupid. chewbacca is a wookie from the planet kashyyyk, cuz youre stupid. but chewbacca lives on the planet endor, and if you werent so stupid he wouldnt.


    yep, where you run out of arguments, just put in nonsense and call your opponent stupid b:chuckle

    thx for the fun guys :)
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    now read aries post, so let me bring it to you closer:

    we know chewbacca. chewbacca is a wookie from the planet kashyyyk. but chewbacca lives on the planet endor.

    hm... thats only partially the way you debate... gotta change that.

    we know chewbacca. you probably dont cuz youre stupid. chewbacca is a wookie from the planet kashyyyk, cuz youre stupid. but chewbacca lives on the planet endor, and if you werent so stupid he wouldnt.


    yep, where you run out of arguments, just put in nonsense and call your opponent stupid b:chuckle

    thx for the fun guys :)

    Hypocrisy incarnate.

    Nice try avoiding the main points and trying to shift the attention. Common to those unable to come up with a decent rebuttal.

  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    It is quite pathetic.

    But also quite amusing.

    Yes, Atuhm, please stoop down to my oh-so-low level of stupidity, such that I can understand your greatness, your highness. I am quite eager to hear what you have to say in such a way that matches my stupidity. Please, indulge me in your vast knowledge.
    [SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
    Vicious's Brony. Brohoof!
    youtube.com/user/SkaiPW - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!
  • Atuhm - Raging Tide
    Atuhm - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    my point is proven, thank you for your short temper and no arguments after a false premise, we can safely go back to my first post and forget everything inbetween :)

    oh and aries, pls look up sarcasm before you emberrass yourself more :)
  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Neither Aries nor I are actually raging at all Atuhm. We're just baffled at how.. unique, you are, to put it in the most sincere way.

    Nonetheless, I want to know why you can't "stoop down to my low level of stupidity".
    [SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
    Vicious's Brony. Brohoof!
    youtube.com/user/SkaiPW - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    my point is proven, thank you for your short temper and no arguments after a false premise, we can safely go back to my first post and forget everything inbetween :)

    oh and aries, pls look up sarcasm before you emberrass yourself more :)

    Of course, blame it on sarcasm. Next you will say that you're just trolling.

    And I think you meant embarrass* b:bye

    Also, please look up "sarcasm", you don't seem to know what it means.

    /Last post, I think my point has been successfully proven.
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    This thread needs less "ur stupid" posts and more ponies.
  • Whitestreak - Raging Tide
    Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    is all ur life about suck? is that ur best?
    u need more than 10 to gank here and u fail too b:bye

    so when i say the truth that mean i want somthing from cody?

    You don't have ethics and principles
    in your dirty life
    im sure your family is Sewer rats


    You damn Necro.....This was dead for over 2 weeks and now bc of your necro skills we get trolls

    Necroing is BAD=Green
  • Revenge - Raging Tide
    Revenge - Raging Tide Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    gotta say, athum is a genius at one thing.... ignoring what somebody says just to call them stupid for "only speaking one language". i mean aries did say he speaks german and mandarin, yet he claims hes only an "ignorant English only speaker" kinda funny.

    anyway fact is, green worrior doesnt understand english, he talks in horrible grammar yet tries to belittle everyone else for being ignorant, (which by deffinition is the act of not knowing) when he truly knows nothing of what hes speaking on and spews random nonsense. he gets called out on it and now athum comes trying to be the white night calling others ignorant and whatever else. ignoring any sense of true debate and goes for the "your the stupid one here not him" while at the same time calling people out for calling others stupid. thus the hypocrisy.

    im jusy saying here but, trust me when i say aries and skai speak more than one language a piece. so try to learn more about who your calling a one language only person. or atleast dont ignore them when they tell you they speak more than one and then call them an idiot for speaking only one. only makes you look even more stupid for not fully reading what they say.

    Spell_Caster: "+1 Revenge or should I say...Nuff_Said?

    I troll worse than a blonde... and for your information, blondes are pro trolls."
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    5aps should be nerfed in pvp.
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    5aps should be nerfed in pvp.

    Sins in general should be nerfed in pvp. 5 aps bm isn't too bad, but 5 aps sin? b:spit
  • Jenisky - Raging Tide
    Jenisky - Raging Tide Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    This is ridiculous; I have a few things to just clear up in these posts.

    so try to learn more about who your calling a one language only person. or atleast dont ignore them when they tell you they speak more than one and then call them an idiot for speaking only one. only makes you look even more stupid for not fully reading what they say.

    That German and Mandarin part was added in with an edit-- if I remember correctly it was not there when Atuhm originally replied to the post.

    2. Reference that went over your heads. b:surrender

    What is communication? The interaction between two or more individuals. When one receives the message but is unable to send one back, that is not communication.

    My four years of studying communication makes me want to headdesk. Sending a message without a receiver is still communication, it's just one-sided. It's simply one conversational turn without another turn in reply.

    4. Resorting to calling people stupid just means you've lost the argument... it really should have stopped before that. Shouldn't have happened at all, actually, there is no need for you all to be worked up and insulting over something as frivolous as language. :/ Bit silly, really.


    Join Leviathan! - apply at leviathan.guildlaunch.com
  • Dedz - Raging Tide
    Dedz - Raging Tide Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    My four years of studying communication makes me want to headdesk. Sending a message without a receiver is still communication, it's just one-sided. It's simply one conversational turn without another turn in reply.


    lol /facepalm
    I don't think that four years of study helped you understand the definition of communication yet. Perhaps an additional two years of intense study will help. XD

    Also, I disagree with everything you said except the fourth one.

    You will never catch me. But if you do, someone else will take my place. b:chuckle
  • MansVisa - Raging Tide_1329322996
    edited December 2011
    This is ridiculous; I have a few things to just clear up in these posts.

    Why are you attacking your own faction members b:sad

    Last I saw your mystic was in Vicious b:chuckle

    try removing your head from Atuhm's rear
  • Jenisky - Raging Tide
    Jenisky - Raging Tide Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I have no disrespect towards anyone in Vicious, it's a great faction :) Just disagreed with an opinion, it was not my intention to "attack" anyone, sorry if that's the vibe my post gave off.


    Join Leviathan! - apply at leviathan.guildlaunch.com
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    This is ridiculous; I have a few things to just clear up in these posts.


    That German and Mandarin part was added in with an edit-- if I remember correctly it was not there when Atuhm originally replied to the post.

    "Clarifying"? I can assure you, it was there all along. the edit was for a grammatical mistake I later saw. If you don't believe me, that's your problem. But don't you dare call me a liar.

    -Edit- Go look at the post again. My edit on the post was at 5:32am. Atuhm replied at 5:35. How was this, then, edited in after? Nice "clarification" there.

    2. Reference that went over your heads. b:surrender


    My four years of studying communication makes me want to headdesk. Sending a message without a receiver is still communication, it's just one-sided. It's simply one conversational turn without another turn in reply.

    That is a matter of subjectivity. If you consider 1 way communication communication nonetheless, that's your opinion. I was on the basis that only 2 way communication can be considered effective and successful communication.
    4. Resorting to calling people stupid just means you've lost the argument... it really should have stopped before that. Shouldn't have happened at all, actually, there is no need for you all to be worked up and insulting over something as frivolous as language. :/ Bit silly, really.


    Again a matter of subjectivity. I point out stupidity where I see it, and I don't care to sugar coat it.

    Like your absurdly shallow post, for example.
  • Atuhm - Raging Tide
    Atuhm - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    b:chuckle b:embarrass

    cant say more or ill get kicked out of vicious for contradicting an officer b:chuckle
  • Revalen - Raging Tide
    Revalen - Raging Tide Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    b:chuckle b:embarrass

    cant say more or ill get kicked out of vicious for contradicting an officer b:chuckle

    All should fear Aries' mighty Banhammer b:angry
  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Contradicting? All I saw was you insulting members of Vicious Atuhm.
    [SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
    Vicious's Brony. Brohoof!
    youtube.com/user/SkaiPW - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    b:chuckle b:embarrass

    cant say more or ill get kicked out of vicious for contradicting an officer b:chuckle

    Oh dear, we wouldn't want to give a TW fac a good reason to get rid of a dagger fish b:avoid