TW Schedule 23-25 September



  • Scrubby - Heavens Tear
    Scrubby - Heavens Tear Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    My name may not be kyanelle but i do have video proof of killing onion boy O.O. "Cough cough" died 2x with 3 spells from my squad *Facepalms*. Mind you he res'd for the free stat booster and tyvm for that.

    IF people want the laugh at his fail moment I can post my tw video link here in teh near future when i upload it :>.

    BTW all bms learn from his mistake, do not res with r9 wizzies around and no support.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Scrubby your avatar is blond. I've discovered that wizards are in fact super saiyans. Apparently they hit really hard after they spend a day and a half charging up their attacks and turn blond when they hit max level.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Scrubby - Heavens Tear
    Scrubby - Heavens Tear Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Scrubby your avatar is blond. I've discovered that wizards are in fact super saiyans. Apparently they hit really hard after they spend a day and a half charging up their attacks and turn blond when they hit max level.

    What else do people do during the week?
  • Kyanelle - Heavens Tear
    Kyanelle - Heavens Tear Posts: 562 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    LOL...I must disappoint you and let you that you got no kill sugar. But I'm glad that you are proud on how "long" Rad lasted in that war. I was honestly pissed that we lost vs Enrage that fast day after. But's nice to see that little things make you happy, if you want to >>try<< to get SS of me dead by your hand pm me in game and i'll makeit possible for you.

    Last time I checked, I sit in my chair when I post here...but yeah LOL

    Yeah very nice thread, it is so nice to see that EnRadiance is back in game and ganking together again...hahahahahahahahahahaha
    Problem is that RAD is so weak that every time they gank with someone they get no profit out of it LOL...then massive QQ starts !!!
    But thank you so very much for getting back together with Enrage guys, I really felt extremely uncomfortable (milder term to describe it) while you were on our belong with Enrage !!!

    Kyanelle my dear, I see that you constantly repeating and pointing out how I'm the problem on this forum...and that is great, but if I was not here why do you even bother to mention it ???
    It seems like you're obsessed with my character and work, that is very funny.

    Since you have missed me so much, the least I can do is to pay you a very happy song so that we celebrate my comeback...

    So from me to you , I hope that you will enjoy it dear.

    Firstly DO NOT CALL ME SUGAR - Who The F*&K do you think you are? b:angry

    Secondly, get your head out of your *** - I stated in my post how wonderful it was without 2 certain people posting. I didn't mention anyone by name. As far as anyone knows I was talking about Duckingtiger and the man on the ****ing moon.

    Karma will get you when you least expect it. What goes around comes around.

    It's called Karma and it's pronouced "haha f you"
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Firstly DO NOT CALL ME SUGAR - Who The F*&K do you think you are? b:angry

    Secondly, get your head out of your *** - I stated in my post how wonderful it was without 2 certain people posting. I didn't mention anyone by name. As far as anyone knows I was talking about Duckingtiger and the man on the ****ing moon.

    Don't mind him, he's self-centered like that, although I don't know why considering how fantastically insignificant he is.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • MsEvilness - Heavens Tear
    MsEvilness - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Your first mistake is even reading his posts at all.
    Originally posted by LShattered - HeavensTear
    Ohhh...I am dumb b:shutup
  • Vallenion - Heavens Tear
    Vallenion - Heavens Tear Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Look who came back flaming b:sad

    Flaming ??? Now this is funny, everytime I say something is considered as flaming...but you know what I'm so used on that now so I really don't care.
    Well, I was going to wait for a good time to post this for when Val makes himself look stupid..then I realized "Hey, that's almost every post of his!"

    Enjoy one of his faction members insulting him b:chuckle

    LOL, I know 110% who that person is, and I could write tones of fail remarks about her skills in TW but after I saw this squading with Enrage, there is really no need for me to add anything about her. Atleast I'm not a coward and I publicly say what is on my mind. Does that involve me %"$%/&%%$$##$/()=/(&%$% in Croatian when we fight Enrage, yes it does since I'm a man of passion and only way to offend me here is to lose against Enrage in TW. But that does not kill my morale. So give my best regards to your friend.
    Firstly DO NOT CALL ME SUGAR - Who The F*&K do you think you are? b:angry

    Secondly, get your head out of your *** - I stated in my post how wonderful it was without 2 certain people posting. I didn't mention anyone by name. As far as anyone knows I was talking about Duckingtiger and the man on the ****ing moon.

    Hey Sugar chill out. Why do you flame so much, keep this thread peaceful like it was till now. b:kiss

    You are right you never mentioned my name, you posted the pic of me that you have on your desktop LOL, just pm me in game if you wanna try to make better one.
  • MsEvilness - Heavens Tear
    MsEvilness - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    hmm another big block of text, time to ignore.
    Originally posted by LShattered - HeavensTear
    Ohhh...I am dumb b:shutup
  • Vallenion - Heavens Tear
    Vallenion - Heavens Tear Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    hmm another big block of text, time to ignore.

    No one forces you to read it LOL... after all that is what I do with you text too, so feeling is mutual dear.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Flaming ??? Now this is funny, everytime I say something is considered as flaming...but you know what I'm so used on that now so I really don't care.

    LOL, I know 110% who that person is, and I could write tones of fail remarks about her skills in TW but after I saw this squading with Enrage, there is really no need for me to add anything about her. Atleast I'm not a coward and I publicly say what is on my mind. Does that involve me %"$%/&%%$$##$/()=/(&%$% in Croatian when we fight Enrage, yes it does since I'm a man of passion and only way to offend me here is to lose against Enrage in TW. But that does not kill my morale. So give my best regards to your friend.

    Hey Sugar chill out. Why do you flame so much, keep this thread peaceful like it was till now. b:kiss

    You are right you never mentioned my name, you posted the pic of me that you have on your desktop LOL, just pm me in game if you wanna try to make better one.

    Her? I think that's a dude...
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Vallenion - Heavens Tear
    Vallenion - Heavens Tear Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Her? I think that's a dude...

    Nope, its a chick...but don't worry about it.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Nope, its a chick...but don't worry about it.

    I know who said it and it's a dude, unless it's a girl playing a dude character b:laugh
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Vallenion - Heavens Tear
    Vallenion - Heavens Tear Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I know who said it and it's a dude, unless it's a girl playing a dude character b:laugh

    LOL, my only guess is one person that I know for sure that she is working with Enrage and maybe (but big maybe) two and that other is a guy...but it really does not matter at all, it's sad enough that she squads with Enrage and i'll leave it on that.
    Who knows maybe no one said anything and you just made this up in order to "provoke", it is very possible since you colored the name of person in the chat, I honestly don't care. I don't trust Enrage absolutly nothing that comes out of their mouths, that is why I can only LOL on this. My faction can b00t me every day if they want to do that, since for last 10 months no one even indicated anything like that why would I stress over SS that came out from Enrage member. If you actually showed the name of that person it would be different story.
    Like this I can only LOL...
  • Alphanei - Heavens Tear
    Alphanei - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Nope, its a chick...but don't worry about it.

    In order to spare the whatever poor girl you're wrongly blaming, Vallenion, I'll tell you that the person blacked out in the screenshot is a male toon. As for how I know, look at the screenshot, I was in the squad.
  • Vallenion - Heavens Tear
    Vallenion - Heavens Tear Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    In order to spare the whatever poor girl you're wrongly blaming, Vallenion, I'll tell you that the person blacked out in the screenshot is a male toon. As for how I know, look at the screenshot, I was in the squad.

    In order to prove your point next time do not hide stuff...LOL
    And who said that I'm blaming anyone, person that squads with Enrage deserves nothing from me...not even a blame. Only thing that I really find crappy in that chat is discussion with the enemy about details pertaining to our faction. That is all that I find wrong in this, nothing else !!!
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    LOL, my only guess is one person that I know for sure that she is working with Enrage and maybe (but big maybe) two and that other is a guy...but it really does not matter at all, it's sad enough that she squads with Enrage and i'll leave it on that.
    Who knows maybe no one said anything and you just made this up in order to "provoke", it is very possible since you colored the name of person in the chat, I honestly don't care. I don't trust Enrage absolutly nothing that comes out of their mouths, that is why I can only LOL on this. My faction can b00t me every day if they want to do that, since for last 10 months no one even indicated anything like that why would I stress over SS that came out from Enrage member. If you actually showed the name of that person it would be different story.
    Like this I can only LOL...

    Lol I don't care if you stress over it. It's just sad that you think some poor girl is out to get you when you really have no idea how little people in general respect you. I don't care either if you believe me or not. I just know for a fact you have no idea who it is.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    In order to prove your point next time do not hide stuff...LOL
    And who said that I'm blaming anyone, person that squads with Enrage deserves nothing from me...not even a blame. Only thing that I really find crappy in that chat is discussion with the enemy about details pertaining to our faction. That is all that I find wrong in this, nothing else !!!

    Lol that's what's sad about GD. You'll never see me take **** from anyone in enrage about my squading with GD friends. You must really have no friends if you QQ so hard about other people having them.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    This thread (and by "thread" I mean the village idiot) makes me laugh. Thanks for the good job, everyone.
  • Vallenion - Heavens Tear
    Vallenion - Heavens Tear Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Lol that's what's sad about GD. You'll never see me take **** from anyone in enrage about my squading with GD friends. You must really have no friends if you QQ so hard about other people having them.

    So if I hate Enrage and refuse to have friends with an Enrage logo above their heads, I automaticly have no friends ??? LOL interesting way of thinking...don't you worry I have lots of friends and none of them is Enrage thank God.
    I don't QQ and if they have friends in Enrage, that is their private problem, but to talk about our TW squads, tactics and God knows what else with an enemy (and Enrage is our No.1 enemy) sucks big time...ijs

    And who said that someone in GDz would take **** for squading with Enrage LOL, there is lots of us that hate Enrage and refuse to squad or have anything to do with them, and there is some who will squad and be friends with them. It's a private choice of every individual, just as good or bad opinion about someone from your faction is also a private choice of the person and he/she can feel free to share it with anyone you want, but to betray your faction by giving info away sucks big time, even for Enrage standards...oh wait those are Enrage standards, my bad LOL !!!
  • sundaymonday
    sundaymonday Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    welcome back b:laugh
  • Mayatheia - Heavens Tear
    Mayatheia - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    welcome back b:laugh

    I like your siggy better. b:cute
    When people walk away from you, let them go... your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you.. and it doesn't mean they are bad people.. It just means that their part in your story is over...
  • Hojuken - Heavens Tear
    Hojuken - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    And who said that someone in GDz would take **** for squading with Enrage LOL, there is lots of us that hate Enrage and refuse not to squad or have anything to do with them, and there is some who will squad and be friends with them. It's a private choice of every individual, just as good or bad opinion about someone from your faction is also a private choice of the person and he/she can feel free to share it with anyone you want, but to betray your faction by giving info away sucks big time!

    bump for truth.

    lots of us have friends in Enrage, myself included, and nothing's wrong with squadding up with them every once in a while. most of us prefer to squad up with only guildies, especially during 2x, but heck, nobody denies anybody the right to squad up with whom they'd like to squad up with.
    Well, I was going to wait for a good time to post this for when Val makes himself look stupid..then I realized "Hey, that's almost every post of his!"

    Enjoy one of his faction members insulting him b:chuckle

    oh well, wasn't going to actually use this, but since you're so set on trashing him, have fun with this one:
    there are no stupid questions, just a lot of inquisitive idiots.
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Let's have a moment of silence for we have lost our dearly treasured, peaceful, forums.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • Evanera - Heavens Tear
    Evanera - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,423 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Doesn't really bother me, especially considering how terrible my lag in TW is, of course I will suck at times.

    People say you suck and should not even play a barb, but I think you're a good barb, so. =P
  • Hojuken - Heavens Tear
    Hojuken - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Let's have a moment of silence for we have lost our dearly treasured, peaceful, forums.

    R i P.
    there are no stupid questions, just a lot of inquisitive idiots.
  • Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,216 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    it was about the yugoslav b:chuckle and no, it wasnt me :)
    scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
  • Vallenion - Heavens Tear
    Vallenion - Heavens Tear Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    welcome back b:laugh

    Thank you very much "kind" mister. I do "like" your siggy, it's so very insultive toward Croatians...but I hope that atleast you have a blast about it.
    If you have more material to offend my country, please feel free to share it with everyone here !!!

    Let's have a moment of silence for we have lost our dearly treasured, peaceful, forums.

    R.I.P. ...oh and a question for you, DID I DO THAT ??? b:pleased
    it was about the yugoslav b:chuckle and no, it wasnt me :)

    Thank you so very much for calling me "Yugoslav" (correct spelling on that would be Yugoslavian...ijs) and same thing goes for you sugar, if you have more material to offend my country, feel free to share it with everyone. No one protects me here and I will never ever report anyone.

    So shoot with all you got...lets hear it LOL
  • sundaymonday
    sundaymonday Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Thank you very much "kind" mister. I do "like" your siggy, it's so very insultive toward Croatians...but I hope that atleast you have a blast about it.
    If you have more material to offend my country, please feel free to share it with everyone here !!!

    You provide enough materials. For without you, I wouldn't even know that's a country. I have heard of Yugoslavia though. Plus these words are just to describe the guy in the picture, I don't know why you get so upset about.
  • Vallenion - Heavens Tear
    Vallenion - Heavens Tear Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Thank you very much "kind" mister. I do "like" your siggy, it's so very insultive toward Croatians...but I hope that atleast you have a blast about it.
    If you have more material to offend my country, please feel free to share it with everyone here !!!

    You provide enough materials. For without you, I wouldn't even know that's a country. I have heard of Yugoslavia though. Plus these words are just to describe the guy in the picture, I don't know why you get so upset about.

    Upset...hahahahaha, I just encuraged you to keep up, I want to see more from you but do it with correct Croatian spelling if its possible, I heard that last time you used words from Albanian language and claimed that is Croatian, that is so fail even for your standards...ijs !!!

    Word of advice, good troll's always check what they post before they post it.
This discussion has been closed.