Wiz or Archer for TW??

_SkyBlue_ - Sanctuary
_SkyBlue_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
edited January 2012 in Wizard
Hello b:pleased I just want to know your personal opinions about.. which class would you preffer for tw... A wiz or archer???
I know that this is archer's forum... so.. for that reason i wrote this question in both forums...

I just want to know your personal opinions :P

Thank you for your time n.n b:bye
Post edited by _SkyBlue_ - Sanctuary on


  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I know that this is archer's forum...


    Anyways, I'd say wiz. Our ultimates make us amazing for TW, plus a number of other things you can read up on in the Endgame Wizzy Guide tw section.
  • FiveAps - Dreamweaver
    FiveAps - Dreamweaver Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hello b:pleased I just want to know your personal opinions about.. which class would you preffer for tw... A wiz or archer???
    I know that this is archer's forum... so.. for that reason i wrote this question in both forums...

    I just want to know your personal opinions :P

    Thank you for your time n.n b:bye

    want to kill ppl with arrows and pew-pew really fast from safe distance? Archer. And you can also have some PvE utility with a Deicide or FC fists.

    Want to use skills, kite, teleport , pot, use genie skills and all that shenanigans to kill someone? then make a wiz. Don't expect to be good for pretty much anything in PvE except maybe RB, but seekers are better there anyway, they have more HP and survival with a Sin in squad.

    So yeah...decide yourself.
    BTW, you can be decent with an archer with so/so gear. Wiz needs high refines on weapon/ornaments to be good for something.
    FiveAps - PvE char made from half as.s unbound gear sold by a wizard, doing 18x the damage and 10x the money the wizard was ever capable of. b:laugh . Only in PWI.
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    wizard has a more versatile tw

    when archer uses boa, boa boa - a wizard will have to choose between 4 (4= dragons breath)

    sometimes ur getting killed out of nowhere, the ground is shaking and red meteoroids rain down at your location - its like, oh im dead
    when an archer attack is often several fast attacks (more time to react and go defensive) - given you dont see the attacker

    ideally you have full buffs in tw, wizards get way higher defenses than archers like this

    archers have a slight range advantage, but i think having distance shrink does more than cover this

    as wizard you often are in defensive squads hunting down cata barbs, sometimes taking them down all by yourself with some special tricks or make them waste essential skills before they enter base

    archers go holy path crazy all the time, wizards shrink around
    both follow kinda the same strategy for survival (get in and kite out)
    but in a completely different way

    personally i prefer a clean 11k hit on random archers over 3 4k hits on a wizard

    cause archers love to kill wizards
    and wizards love to kill archers ;D
    i like potato
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hello b:pleased I just want to know your personal opinions about.. which class would you preffer for tw... A wiz or archer???
    I know that this is archer's forum... so.. for that reason i wrote this question in both forums...

    I just want to know your personal opinions :P

    Thank you for your time n.n b:bye

    Which is better with r8? Archer

    Which is better with r9? Archer probably, but its much closer.

    IMO, a wiz is more fun in tw, but archers are just crazy cleric killing machines. If you can gear up a wizard well enough though, they can hold their own with archers in tw AND be more fun.

    As for the other 5-6 days of the week (i.e.: outside of tw), Archer>Wizard.

    Awaits Adroits post telling me why I am not entitled to my own "personal opinion" which after all is what the OP asked for. b:pleased
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If blood rolled an archer he'd be saying the opposite. I guess he still doesn't understand that just because he sucks as a wizard does not mean everyone else has to as well. Archers are not better than wizards, and wizards are not better than archers. Blood on a wizard < average archer.. and blood on an archer < average wizard.

    Anyway, wizards and archers are very well balanced imo, you can't really go wrong either way.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    want to kill ppl with arrows and pew-pew really fast from safe distance? Archer. And you can also have some PvE utility with a Deicide or FC fists.

    Nirvana was the only minor advantage in PvE for archers and that's changed drastically. They weren't the most desired for traditional nirvana because they're not great at melee if they're good archers, and they can't use BP. I don't think casters are going to desire them either.
    Want to use skills, kite, teleport , pot, use genie skills and all that shenanigans to kill someone? then make a wiz. Don't expect to be good for pretty much anything in PvE except maybe RB, but seekers are better there anyway, they have more HP and survival with a Sin in squad.

    kite, teleport, pot? - too ambiguous to mean anything substantial. Wizzies can tank RB making survival a non-issue, and their operating costs are lower. The critical times in RB is during stuns where BP would be a non-issue.
    BTW, you can be decent with an archer with so/so gear. Wiz needs high refines on weapon/ornaments to be good for something.

    I think the difference is that archers are a tad more idiot proof, but more expensive for pve in general. It's a trade between immediate costs and investment.

    When it comes to tw; just go with what suits you.
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If blood rolled an archer he'd be saying the opposite. I guess he still doesn't understand that just because he sucks as a wizard does not mean everyone else has to as well. Archers are not better than wizards, and wizards are not better than archers. Blood on a wizard < average archer.. and blood on an archer < average wizard.

    Anyway, wizards and archers are very well balanced imo, you can't really go wrong either way.

    Please preface your opinion with "I have never pvp'd against BLOOD, so I have no idea what I am talking about".

    And well balanced? I think I said that as well, assuming both have full r9. So again, who is even sure we disagree? But alas, I tire of continuing to correct your weak reading comprehension.

    Assuming your faction doesn't have NO* wizards in it (in which case a wiz is probably better than a 12th or 13th archer, its true), the fact is, a rank 8 archer these days is WAY more advantageous to have in TW than a r8 wizard.

    This being the wizard forums, I wouldn't be surprised if my view here is in the minority. That said, its 100% true.

    I TW on sanctuary too with regicide, legendary, all the big uns. There are plenty of R8 archers that people in even the biggest factions qq about. And there are some r9 wizards that people pay attention to. But rank 8 wizards? Sure, sometimes maybe. But by and large? No so much. In fact, I can't think of one.

    Now, on Arch server? A R8 CAN still be a factor, I suppose. But again, since every wiz pretty much has rank 8 now, its very hard for them to stand out.

    *Yes, I know this is a double negative, but it seems to be the best way to communicate what my point is. Deal.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Please preface your opinion with "I have never pvp'd against BLOOD, so I have no idea what I am talking about".

    And well balanced? I think I said that as well, assuming both have full r9. So again, who is even sure we disagree? But alas, I tire of continuing to correct your weak reading comprehension.

    Assuming your faction doesn't have NO* wizards in it (in which case a wiz is probably better than a 12th or 13th archer, its true), the fact is, a rank 8 archer these days is WAY more advantageous to have in TW than a r8 wizard.

    This being the wizard forums, I wouldn't be surprised if my view here is in the minority. That said, its 100% true.

    I TW on sanctuary too with regicide, legendary, all the big uns. There are plenty of R8 archers that people in even the biggest factions qq about. And there are some r9 wizards that people pay attention to. But rank 8 wizards? Sure, sometimes maybe. But by and large? No so much. In fact, I can't think of one.

    Now, on Arch server? A R8 CAN still be a factor, I suppose. But again, since every wiz pretty much has rank 8 now, its very hard for them to stand out.

    *Yes, I know this is a double negative, but it seems to be the best way to communicate what my point is. Deal.

    I love this attitude you have where you'll say "from my experience wizards suck" and then go on in the next thread to offer advice to other wizards. Who wants to learn from a wizard that can't hold his own against the other classes? Maybe blood should preface all of his posts with a "Hey I'm a terrible wizard and I struggle against everything because I suck.. but listen to me anyway.. I'm a self proclaimed wizard expert".
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • SwiftXShadow - Harshlands
    SwiftXShadow - Harshlands Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If blood rolled an archer he'd be saying the opposite. I guess he still doesn't understand that just because he sucks as a wizard does not mean everyone else has to as well. Archers are not better than wizards, and wizards are not better than archers. Blood on a wizard < average archer.. and blood on an archer < average wizard.

    Anyway, wizards and archers are very well balanced imo, you can't really go wrong either way.

    wait what, u honestly say that Wiz and Archers are a blanced class?

    for wiz

    Our lvl 100 skills are just about useless... and lets be honest , we have A LOT of useless skills.

    We have sum really good skills but i woulnt call our class balanced, just cuz after u get top class gear , MASSIVE experiance and skill in pvp and then finally manauge to kill ppl... dun make us balanced.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    wait what, u honestly say that Wiz and Archers are a blanced class?

    for wiz

    Our lvl 100 skills are just about useless... and lets be honest , we have A LOT of useless skills.

    We have sum really good skills but i woulnt call our class balanced, just cuz after u get top class gear , MASSIVE experiance and skill in pvp and then finally manauge to kill ppl... dun make us balanced.

    The only useless skills I find are glacial embrace and pyroshell (and the 100 skills). Other than that, I use just about every other skill we have depending on the situation. Gear and skill are required for any character/class to manage to kill people (besides fish I guess).. not sure why you single us out in that. I hate it when lowbies talk about end game like they've experienced it. Get back to me when you aren't a lowbie.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I love this attitude you have where you'll say "from my experience wizards suck" and then go on in the next thread to offer advice to other wizards.

    Reference me again to all those videos of you "holding your own" against an archer, or a sin, or a psychic for that matter (which psychics for the most part I haven't had much trouble with until some r9, ijs, even +12 lunar wasn't much of a problem). Hell, for all your video posting, we've never even really seen you kill an equally geared nix veno 1 vs 1. Think it a coincidence that the only thing memorable we've seen you post is 1 vs 1 against an uncharmed bm with your 91+ lp genie? I don't.

    And oh, don't think I forgot when I put up a poll on LC forums asking your peers whether you could beat an equally geared archer more than 50% of the time. To my memory, you didn't (or barely) cleared 50%, and even then only after you were busted red handed voting for yourself!!!!!!!

    Egomaniac wiz is egomaniac.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    wait what, u honestly say that Wiz and Archers are a blanced class?

    for wiz

    Our lvl 100 skills are just about useless... and lets be honest , we have A LOT of useless skills.

    We have sum really good skills but i woulnt call our class balanced, just cuz after u get top class gear , MASSIVE experiance and skill in pvp and then finally manauge to kill ppl... dun make us balanced.

    shhhhhh, Adroit quit this game after rank sale fall of 2010. This must be an imposter. Or the original adroit a qq cry-baby liar.

    I'll let the reader decide.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Get back to me when you aren't a lowbie.

    Yes, because levels are truly a sign of skill. I know we aren't the only ones with instant 105 r9 wizards on our server.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • HardToThink - Lost City
    HardToThink - Lost City Posts: 967 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Blood have you asked adroit to marry you yet? Or are you already married that's why you two bicker so much?
    Reference me again to all those videos of you "holding your own" against an archer, or a sin, or a psychic for that matter (which psychics for the most part I haven't had much trouble with until some r9, ijs, even +12 lunar wasn't much of a problem). Hell, for all your video posting, we've never even really seen you kill an equally geared nix veno 1 vs 1. Think it a coincidence that the only thing memorable we've seen you post is 1 vs 1 against an uncharmed bm with your 91+ lp genie? I don't.

    And oh, don't think I forgot when I put up a poll on LC forums asking your peers whether you could beat an equally geared archer more than 50% of the time. To my memory, you didn't (or barely) cleared 50%, and even then only after you were busted red handed voting for yourself!!!!!!!

    Egomaniac wiz is egomaniac.

    Oh, if you can't kill archers on an endgame wiz reroll please.
    Siggy from bellefleurs.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Here we go again..

    1) You may want to rewatch my videos before talking about them. I kill archers/venos/sins as well as charmed Calvin a few times. Again, if someone needs to make a video to back up every claim they make.. you would have nothing to back up anything you say. My videos were just for fun, they were not intended to be used as evidence to back up what I'm saying almost a year later.

    2) my genie is not 91+

    3) lol @ thinking a poll on the forums means anything whatsoever. Besides the fact that you were asking an opinion, you do realize that there is no restriction as to what server posted (you might realize over half those that voted didn't even play LC) and there is no limit on the number of characters/accounts you can use to vote on the same poll. What a joke.

    4) Being an experienced wizard requires high levels, although being a high level wizard does not necessarily mean you are experienced (you would be a great case & point). I know you are IQ challenged, but I didn't realize it was this bad.

    5) I need to come up with a new nickname for you that includes something about logical fallacies. Anyone have any ideas?
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Who's BLOODMYSTIC? I've heard of this Adroit before, but that other guy just seems to be a nobody b:shutup
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited September 2011
    i'd say archer is the easiest pick-up-and-play char. it's a 2 skill class, and that's all it needs to be good lol it's surprisingly easy to kill anything with just normal attacking after quickshot.

    however, while archers are out laying waste to the opponents defense, the mages are back killing the only thing that matters in tw: the cata pullers.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    thumbs wrote: »
    Nirvana was the only minor advantage in PvE for archers and that's changed drastically. They weren't the most desired for traditional nirvana because they're not great at melee if they're good archers, and they can't use BP. I don't think casters are going to desire them either.

    kite, teleport, pot? - too ambiguous to mean anything substantial. Wizzies can tank RB making survival a non-issue, and their operating costs are lower. The critical times in RB is during stuns where BP would be a non-issue.

    I think the difference is that archers are a tad more idiot proof, but more expensive for pve in general. It's a trade between immediate costs and investment.

    When it comes to tw; just go with what suits you.

    advices like this should be penalized with 7 days ban on forum.

    are you for real?

    They weren't the most desired for traditional nirvana because they're not great at melee if they're good archers

    really? really? wow. well, i can tell you this: 5 aps sage archer with lunar claws or tt100 fists comes almost to par with BM damage. why? i won't explain that since you won't understand anyway.
    dps? meh...about 5 times bigger with fists that with any kind of bow.
    so yeah, if you're a good archer, you better bet your sorry *** that you will be a claw/fist build just because of the insane dps you get out of it. And the fun fact? beside fists/claws you strive for that -int gear anyway as archer. so why not add a 50 mil claw and have at least 5x more dps? can your brain process that?


    u can search for more, he has i think all the TTs soloed plus a few good things.

    so , please care to explain, how archer doesn't have pve advantage over wizard?

    yeah, the only place where we could have a discussion is TW because archer and wizard have such specific and important roles in the tw mechanics.

    please just gtfo forum next time when u even think to post.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Who's BLOODMYSTIC? I've heard of this Adroit before, but that other guy just seems to be a nobody b:shutup

    If I had a mouth as big as Adroits with an ego to match, you'd have heard of me too. And in fact, nice try, but check the forums. You've heard of me. Many times. As you admit here.
    shh, you gotta be careful when you mention you-know-whob:quiet

    And since it seems like you have a toon on Arch server, there can be no doubt you've heard of me. Level it up and lets party. I'll even put some of my tt90 gear on for you - R9 1 shotting people with stone rain is little fun.

    And for the person that posted this
    I agree with everything Adriot says.

    I'll make sure to read his post later

    We know, we know. Another follower. Just keep your posts this simple. It suits you better.

    Hey Adolt, can you correct your noob follower. He needs some serious help.
    If you want max killing potential with that combo, I'd do...

    FoW > undine > sage divine pyrogram > spark (genie skill) > BT

    undine lowers enemy fire res by quite a bit, then sage dp lowers it a little more . . . .


    Since I appreciate at least the effort, I am resisting the urge to go through this dude's guide, but posts like this make it difficult. Hopefully Adolt will weed out the more glaring stumbles.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Here we go again..

    1) You may want to rewatch my videos before talking about them.

    And "Here we go again" all you want, lol. You are the one that is obsessed with me. I took my leave of these forums and you constantly bring up my name. So I am back, for now. I expect that I will grow weary of you soon enough. But spare me the "here we go again" as though you don't want this when you've several times of the past few weeks have been BEGGING for it.

    And no, I shall not watch those played out vids. There wasn't all that much remarkable in them the first time. Proficient in the class? Sure. Anything close to showing that you can beat a well played, equally geared archer more the 50% of the time? Uh, no.
    2) my genie is not 91+

    90+ dex or whatever, who cares what its precise stats are. Fact is, its a damn good genie. Better than I had at the time and probably better than I have now - although mine are getting there . . . .
    3) lol @ thinking a poll on the forums means anything whatsoever.

    If it meant so little, why did you have to try and sneak votes in for yourself?

    And I never said it was scientific, or the be all end all of anything. But its a hell of alot more relevant to show what people on your server think of your self-professed superiority, than what you think of me across servers.
    4) Being an experienced wizard requires high levels, although being a high level wizard does not necessarily mean you are experienced (you would be a great case & point).

    It also requires, for pvp, a certain level of pvp kills, and you just recently barely passed haiz, who quit what? Two years ago?

    Experience would also seem to imply that you pvp, however noone on lost city server pk areas sees you. Ever. So go ahead, pretend for your followers. Just don't expect anyone who actually does their homework to be fooled.
    5) I need to come up with a new nickname for you that includes something about logical fallacies. Anyone have any ideas?

    You commit ad hominem fallacies every post. Please tell me more about logical fallacies.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    And "Here we go again" all you want, lol. You are the one that is obsessed with me. I took my leave of these forums and you constantly bring up my name. So I am back, for now. I expect that I will grow weary of you soon enough. But spare me the "here we go again" as though you don't want this when you've several times of the past few weeks have been BEGGING for it.

    And no, I shall not watch those played out vids. There wasn't all that much remarkable in them the first time. Proficient in the class? Sure. Anything close to showing that you can beat a well played, equally geared archer more the 50% of the time? Uh, no.

    90+ dex or whatever, who cares what its precise stats are. Fact is, its a damn good genie. Better than I had at the time and probably better than I have now - although mine are getting there . . . .

    If it meant so little, why did you have to try and sneak votes in for yourself?

    And I never said it was scientific, or the be all end all of anything. But its a hell of alot more relevant to show what people on your server think of your self-professed superiority, than what you think of me across servers.

    It also requires, for pvp, a certain level of pvp kills, and you just recently barely passed haiz, who quit what? Two years ago?

    Experience would also seem to imply that you pvp, however noone on lost city server pk areas sees you. Ever. So go ahead, pretend for your followers. Just don't expect anyone who actually does their homework to be fooled.

    You commit ad hominem fallacies every post. Please tell me more about logical fallacies.

    While you're criticizing my videos without knowing whats in them, why don't you go review some movies you have never watched. Doesn't make much sense does it?

    I didn't sneak anything on that poll, I just voted for the lulz. I took a look at the results, saw like 10 votes total (3 from LC) and laughed.

    And I passed haiz in kills close to a year ago, if you call that recent.. I dunno what to say. And I can't believe you are bringing up pvp kills when I have more than you (5269 vs 3711).. wtf are you trying to prove? That I'm more knowledgeable than you?

    What a joke. Come up with something of some substance, I'm falling asleep reading the same old garbage you failed at last time. It's the same old ****. Yes we all know you are bad, we all know I made videos a while ago, we all know I have an 88/100 genie.. we all know I have more pvp kills than you despite quitting several months ago.. we all know you're perma butthurt.. *sigh*
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited September 2011
    i was ready to stop reading these forums again due to the mass amounts of ******* here, but watching you 2 ***** at each other over random **** is hilarious

    also, rank doesn't mean anything about skill or knowledge of the game; look at viet. he has a competition with his other fail guild members to see who can 1 shot the low levels running by doing their culti/quest.
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I took my leave of these forums and you constantly bring up my name.

    The same could be said of Yulk. When people only reference your name as a metaphor for stupidity and failness, they really aren't obsessed with you...
  • Lenestro - Sanctuary
    Lenestro - Sanctuary Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    ahhh i needed a good ol fashioned BLOOD vs adroit romp. (grabs popcorn)
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    While you're criticizing my videos without knowing whats in them, why don't you go review some movies you have never watched. Doesn't make much sense does it?

    Wrong again. I gave DETAILED criticism when you posted them. Its still all in the threads.

    Really, stop lying. I am growing tired of reposting old threads to prove you wrong.
    I didn't sneak anything on that poll, I just voted for the lulz. I took a look at the results, saw like 10 votes total (3 from LC) and laughed.

    In the thread, when I called you out on it, you said you wondered how long it would take anyone to notice. Sounds like you were trying to sneak something by to me. And even if you aren't, voting for yourself is lame. Egomaniac wiz is egomaniac.
    And I passed haiz in kills close to a year ago, if you call that recent.. I dunno what to say. And I can't believe you are bringing up pvp kills when I have more than you (5269 vs 3711).. wtf are you trying to prove? That I'm more knowledgeable than you?

    Firstly, as of 2/26 you were still behind haiz. See . . . .


    so yea, another lie.

    And its odd that after I post that you pass him up while apparently "working off your last 2 charms" because you were quitting this "dead game" after the rank sale.

    another lie.

    And pvp kills? You on a server how much older than mine? You on a pvp server vs me on a pve server? You self professed pvp god to me total fail? 5269 vs 3711 - you shoudl be ashamed of yourself.

    I won't tell you how many kills I have on my wizard on sanctuary - the margin gets much, much smaller, ijs.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The same could be said of Yulk. When people only reference your name as a metaphor for stupidity and failness, they really aren't obsessed with you...

    Just keep using undine behind force of will and expecting divine pyro to further debuff fire resist after undine.

    Do I have to repeat those posts where you said that? Or will you admit it here?

    Tell me more about stupidity and failness, follower.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Wrong again. I gave DETAILED criticism when you posted them. Its still all in the threads.

    Really, stop lying. I am growing tired of reposting old threads to prove you wrong.

    In the thread, when I called you out on it, you said you wondered how long it would take anyone to notice. Sounds like you were trying to sneak something by to me. And even if you aren't, voting for yourself is lame. Egomaniac wiz is egomaniac.

    Firstly, as of 2/26 you were still behind haiz. See . . . .


    so yea, another lie.

    And its odd that after I post that you pass him up while apparently "working off your last 2 charms" because you were quitting this "dead game" after the rank sale.

    another lie.

    And pvp kills? You on a server how much older than mine? You on a pvp server vs me on a pve server? You self professed pvp god to me total fail? 5269 vs 3711 - you shoudl be ashamed of yourself.

    I won't tell you how many kills I have on my wizard on sanctuary - the margin gets much, much smaller, ijs.

    1) Your criticism was always baseless. HERP DERP watch this 2 second segment (AND ONLY THIS ONE).. Adroit is killing a lowbie! That's all he does.. what a fail lowbie killer! Just don't watch the other 10 mins of video, because that'd make me look like a tool! <Insert QQ here> <insert more QQ here> <insert baseless insult> <insert more QQ> <call Adroit a liar> <QQ s'more> /end post

    2) I'm still laughing that you think I was trying to hide my vote in a non-anonymous poll.

    3) Sorry but quoting yourself making a claim doesn't count as real evidence. Besides, even you should know the rankings didn't update for months at a time. Not only is there no way to prove what you are claiming, but you are trying to change the subject. You bring up that a knowledgeable wizard needs pvp kills (and suggest that I'm somehow lacking?).. when I have more than you.. not that pvp kills are some sort of a benchmark for skill anyway. I'm sure you need a summary so.. an experienced wizard needs pvp kills, having alot of pvp kills does not necessarily mean you are experienced/talented, I have more pvp kills than you, you cried about it.

    4) Changing my mind =/= lie. It was not some promise that I'd quit, it was my current plan.

    You bring up the same flawed points over and over and over. You must be the most desperate/mentally challenged moron I've ever argued with.. most of the idiots change their approach after it has been proven flawed.. but you are the exception. You keep using the same flawed logic over and over and over.. I'm assuming it is because you aren't capable of coming up with anything new?
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Just keep using undine behind force of will and expecting divine pyro to further debuff fire resist after undine.

    Do I have to repeat those posts where you said that? Or will you admit it here?

    Tell me more about stupidity and failness, follower.

    Where did I say that? I know someone misunderstood one of my combos as being that before, but I've never done that in pk.

    http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=992692 -oh and here's solid evidence of your stupidity. Just read through the first couple pages and you'll realize why you're associated with failness.
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=992692 -oh and here's solid evidence of your stupidity. Just read through the first couple pages and you'll realize why you're associated with failness.

    Adroit has a stream of consciousness thread showing he has spent way, way to much time looking at genie skills, and it means I'm fail? Ugh.
    Where did I say that? I know someone misunderstood one of my combos as being that before, but I've never done that in pk.

    Here's where you say DP further debuffs after undine and recommend a combo following force of will with undine strike:


    see your post #8

    In your words, "That's why you are associated with failness". The fact that I didn't bring it up when you posted your guide (the way Adunce posted on my guide before it was even posted) shows my graciousness. However, if your going to come at me, you better come correct - and make sure you don't have this kind of **** posted on these forums.

    The sad thing is, thats just what I remembered seeing a day or two before. God knows what I could find if I actually went looking for it.

    Adolt says I'm fail because I say light armor used to be viable and elemental shell and hail storm for wizards isn't terribly useful before endgame. Thats my opinion. You? you don't even know what the skills do or how to use them.

    Tell me again how I am "associated with failness" please, its amusing.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    Then please read post 13. That's actually what I was addressing in my last post, but w/e.

    If you really want to, please roll on RT and ask around how often DaKillanator does that. People will testify that I use spark, but I don't try to stack it.

    And I've actually seen you in action. I find it funny how you talk like you're anything great. You play on the most dead server which is full of scrubs. I played there on my psy, PurpleMamba, for a while. He was in Nemesis and Immunity for a length of time.
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