still no EGs rank 9



  • breeeezy87
    breeeezy87 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    This is useless it comes out when it comes out jeez.
    You need to understand this is out of the GM's hands, they need to wait for the patch to be sent from China (translated, modified and whatever). I bet they want to release the r9 for EG (to make money from the addicts), but just cant right now.

    PS: lol 1400 USD is a **** load of money for a game, not including all the sharding and refines you need for a worthy r9. If you claim you farm it, you are a no-lifer, even less merit there >>. IJSb:laugh, personally idc when or if it comes out. (If you claim and you f2p,did not spend much time either AND have r9, just stop lying to yourself, do us a favor)

    Merched full r9 mats within the first 4 months of playing this game, spent the next 2 months merching g15 cube neck, head, cape, ring 1/3 of needed JoSD's and enough coin to +10 set and +12 weapon with 500m leftover, and i've never farmed a single thing. This game is really easy to aquire top end game gear, how about you stop lying to yourself.
  • Cytte - Harshlands
    Cytte - Harshlands Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Lol. Over rage?

    And Im not jelous of rank IX, I think it breaks the game and makes it pointless. I just feel sorry for people with it, they dont get challenged any more.

    ^This, Though I feel even worse that the PWI felt it necessary to sell it in the CS, instead of having it like before where only the "hardcore" could get it b:surrender
    I <3 A lot of people
  • Retsuko - Heavens Tear
    Retsuko - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,016 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    Next week we will get an announcement, so we won't get r9 next week either.

    Also the announcement is about recast. I sure hope that r9 won't come out with recast. Would mean we'll have to wait another 2 months if not more. In that case i'm done waiting :P

    playing Faction Wars Again.
  • TolanSky - Heavens Tear
    TolanSky - Heavens Tear Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    Next week we will get an announcement, so we won't get r9 next week either.

    no, but from the looks of the third screenshot in that promotional content.... unless I am seriously missing something that red armored figure looks very very much like a Rank 9 Armored Seeker. Which means that we will likely be getting the Earthguard Rank 9 Gear the day that this 9 Trials comes out, whenever that happens to be. Fortunately we will know exactly when that happens to be as of sometime next week.

    EDIT: should be noted that by clicking on the screen shots in the promotional advert you can see larger versions of them in a new tab.
    Acc 1: TolanSky ~ ● Seeker / Daearena ~ Mystic / ThornLily ~ Veno
    Acc 2: Veilana ~ Sin / QueenBlubrry ~ Cleric / Lemondrop ~ Psychic
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
  • Retsuko - Heavens Tear
    Retsuko - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,016 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    no, but from the looks of the third screenshot in that promotional content.... unless I am seriously missing something that red armored figure looks very very much like a Rank 9 Armored Seeker. Which means that we will likely be getting the Earthguard Rank 9 Gear the day that this 9 Trials comes out, whenever that happens to be. Fortunately we will know exactly when that happens to be as of sometime next week.

    EDIT: should be noted that by clicking on the screen shots in the promotional advert you can see larger versions of them in a new tab.

    That's the problem, if it comes out at the same with recast we'll have to wait much longer still, 2 or 3 months.

    So basically, we're getting patches from july till september in one batch. That's just screwed up.

    playing Faction Wars Again.
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
  • TolanSky - Heavens Tear
    TolanSky - Heavens Tear Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    That's the problem, if it comes out at the same with recast we'll have to wait much longer still, 2 or 3 months.

    So basically, we're getting patches from july till september in one batch. That's just screwed up.

    wait what? Why would we have to wait 2 or 3 months if both the Rank 9 Earthguard Armor and the Rank 8 / 9 Recasted Gear come out simultaneously? Unless you are saying that PWE would be stupid enough to release the Rank 8 and 9 Recast for every race BUT Earthguard for the simple reason that Earthguard currently does not have Rank 9 Armor?

    Do you realize how bad for their business that move would be?
    Acc 1: TolanSky ~ ● Seeker / Daearena ~ Mystic / ThornLily ~ Veno
    Acc 2: Veilana ~ Sin / QueenBlubrry ~ Cleric / Lemondrop ~ Psychic
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
  • TolanSky - Heavens Tear
    TolanSky - Heavens Tear Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    could you stop spamming emotes and post actual content now that we know that the Earthguard Rank 9 is going to in all likelyhood be officially announced for release sometime next week along with the rest of the 9 Trials update.
    Acc 1: TolanSky ~ ● Seeker / Daearena ~ Mystic / ThornLily ~ Veno
    Acc 2: Veilana ~ Sin / QueenBlubrry ~ Cleric / Lemondrop ~ Psychic
  • Mingkeey - Lost City
    Mingkeey - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    is it really? wtf i want my gawd damn r9 already ffs i dont wanna wait anymore!!!b:angry
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    could you stop spamming emotes and post actual content now that we know that the Earthguard Rank 9 is going to in all likelyhood be officially announced for release sometime next week along with the rest of the 9 Trials update.

    Yay you get to know what its like to be unchallenged by 95% of the playerbase and 99% of the game?

    Otherwise :

    b:chuckle lul it took aaaaages.
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Are you guys ****? They announced 9 trials, not EG r9 specifically. EG r9 has been in plenty of screenshots, in fact Frankie even posted a picture of EG R9 and R8 on forums not long after the EG expansion. How long was that ago?

    And you are seriously expecting that "surprise" to be something that maybe only 10-15% of the playerbase would care about? (EG R9, i mean).

    It's entirely possible for them to release recast and not EG R9.

    Good luck.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Mingkeey - Lost City
    Mingkeey - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yes waiting for my rank9 gear/weapon has caused me to go ****.I been waiting 3-4 potatoes for my r9.b:tired
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
  • Mingkeey - Lost City
    Mingkeey - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    b:thanks ty for bumping this thread every 10mins TrollDeterioratelolupoor
  • TolanSky - Heavens Tear
    TolanSky - Heavens Tear Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Are you guys ****? They announced 9 trials, not EG r9 specifically. EG r9 has been in plenty of screenshots, in fact Frankie even posted a picture of EG R9 and R8 on forums not long after the EG expansion. How long was that ago?

    And you are seriously expecting that "surprise" to be something that maybe only 10-15% of the playerbase would care about? (EG R9, i mean).

    It's entirely possible for them to release recast and not EG R9.

    Good luck.

    they did not verbally announce Earthguard Rank 9 alongside the 9 Trials announcement. Of this you are correct. HOWEVER in this image you will see a guy wearing red armor and carrying a claymore. This is believed to be the Earthguard Rank 9 Armor and Weapon. And this image is one of the screenshots that was in the 9 Trials announcement made earlier today. In short it is believed that the Earthguard Rank 9 Armor will be released during the 9 Trials content update.
    Acc 1: TolanSky ~ ● Seeker / Daearena ~ Mystic / ThornLily ~ Veno
    Acc 2: Veilana ~ Sin / QueenBlubrry ~ Cleric / Lemondrop ~ Psychic
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    b:thanks ty for bumping this thread every 10mins TrollDeterioratelolupoor

    b:thanks No problem mingcantwincospatheticplayerwithoutr9key
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I think I have an idea for a new Mc Donalds commercial.

    The chances of PWI implementing EG r9 before the year is over? 1 in 2,000,000

    The chances of you winning at the Mc Donalds monopoly prize give away? 1 in 4.
  • CessiI - Dreamweaver
    CessiI - Dreamweaver Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    b:thanks No problem mingcantwincospatheticplayerwithoutr9key

    so jellous, sorry we dont want to walk around in gear that is bellow our potential b:bye
  • DeathenShada - Archosaur
    DeathenShada - Archosaur Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    New Rank 8 Armor pics:


    Rank 9 EG armor is the same as all other Heavy r9 armor idiot proof right


    Atk. Level +30
    God of Frenzy: A blessed frenzy warrior! Has a higher chance to deal double damage. Costs 5% Max HP.
    Strength +10~11
    Critical Hit Rate +2%
    Vitality +10~11

    Sorry couldn't find anything and to lazy to look more

    Feel free to stop trolling and just go to ecatomb and look into the future :O
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    they did not verbally announce Earthguard Rank 9 alongside the 9 Trials announcement. Of this you are correct. HOWEVER in this image you will see a guy wearing red armor and carrying a claymore. This is believed to be the Earthguard Rank 9 Armor and Weapon. And this image is one of the screenshots that was in the 9 Trials announcement made earlier today. In short it is believed that the Earthguard Rank 9 Armor will be released during the 9 Trials content update.

    If those are GM-made screenies, well, they can wear whatever they want. They've been able to wear R9 armor since EG's were released, it doesn't really prove anything.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • TolanSky - Heavens Tear
    TolanSky - Heavens Tear Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    If those are GM-made screenies, well, they can wear whatever they want. They've been able to wear R9 armor since EG's were released, it doesn't really prove anything.

    I suppose this is true. But then these images are supposed to be promotional images for the 9 Trials Content Update. What kind of promotional image doesn't actually have content from the actual thing it is promoting in the image? Thats just downright bad Press Management.

    EDIT: Also, if you look at the Rank 9 Sword that DeathenShada linked, and then look at the image I linked. The Sword the red armored figure is carrying (and heck the Armor too) is identical save for the angle.
    Acc 1: TolanSky ~ ● Seeker / Daearena ~ Mystic / ThornLily ~ Veno
    Acc 2: Veilana ~ Sin / QueenBlubrry ~ Cleric / Lemondrop ~ Psychic
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I suppose this is true. But then these images are supposed to be promotional images for the 9 Trials Content Update. What kind of promotional image doesn't actually have content from the actual thing it is promoting in the image? Thats just downright bad Press Management.

    EDIT: Also, if you look at the Rank 9 Sword that DeathenShada linked, and then look at the image I linked. The Sword the red armored figure is carrying (and heck the Armor too) is identical save for the angle.

    I suppose you're free to think what you want, but just know that PWI has proved the optimists wrong time and time again, while the pessimists have numerous victories notched on their belt b:victory

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Cytte - Harshlands
    Cytte - Harshlands Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    so jellous, sorry we dont want to walk around in gear that is bellow our potential b:bye

    b:chuckle you know its a C$hopper when anything under R9 is "not up to their potential"
    See, most of us don't need r9 to be a threat, and have surpassed having potential and moved onto greater things without the use of op/broken gear. But please keep paying for a free game, maybe one day all that money will wake your "potential" and you can catch up to the rest of us. Cesqqicantwincospatheticplayerwithoutr9siI

    also, Why are the people on PvE servers getting R9?
    I <3 A lot of people
  • Mingkeey - Lost City
    Mingkeey - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    we should make china read all these posts on this thread.I sure cant wait till it comes out. so this topic can die..annnnnny day now...b:sweat
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    we should make china read all these posts on this thread.I sure cant wait till it comes out. so this topic can die..annnnnny day now...b:sweat

    Theyed see b:laugh b:chuckleb:laughb:laugh and assume we were happy not having it.

  • CessiI - Dreamweaver
    CessiI - Dreamweaver Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    b:chuckle you know its a C$hopper when anything under R9 is "not up to their potential"
    See, most of us don't need r9 to be a threat, and have surpassed having potential and moved onto greater things without the use of op/broken gear. But please keep paying for a free game, maybe one day all that money will wake your "potential" and you can catch up to the rest of us. Cesqqicantwincospatheticplayerwithoutr9siI

    also, Why are the people on PvE servers getting R9?

    have fun with your cheap rank 8 glaive,

    btw, if you think im spending 2k of my own hard earned money in this sjitty game you sir, are verry, verry wrong.

    your talking to +3 year old vet here, i know my way around this game and its markets, plus having a 5.00 char. been farming for rank 9 almost 5 months, so

    before you acuse me and being downgraded towards me, think

    and YES, if im able to gather everything i need for rank 9, then why should i not do it

    jellousy imo.

    ~ edit, to catch up to you? dont make me laugh. least peaple on my server know who i am, and i always where able to beat players who outgear me, and no, not on a sin , its on my bloody barb.

  • Cytte - Harshlands
    Cytte - Harshlands Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    have fun with your cheap rank 8 glaive, Supposed +3 year vet saying I use a R8 glaive. /facepalm

    btw, if you think im spending 2k of my own hard earned money in this sjitty game you sir, are verry, verry wrong. I don't know you, nor do I know what you'd spend money on.

    your talking to +3 year old vet here, i know my way around this game and its markets, plus having a 5.00 char. been farming for rank 9 almost 5 months, so TBH when I read the glaive comment, the thought of you bieng a +3 year vet baffles me.

    before you acuse me and being downgraded towards me, think Like I said I dun know ya,

    and YES, if im able to gather everything i need for rank 9, then why should i not do it because it proves nothing, and is a ridiculous set of armor that should only be used in tourneys

    jellousy imo. No, just ashamed players feel the need to get a broken set of gear to feel good about how they can 1-shot most of the server population

    ~ edit, to catch up to you? dont make me laugh. least peaple on my server know who i am, and i always where able to beat players who outgear me, and no, not on a sin , its on my bloody barb.


    -cool bear wave-
    I <3 A lot of people
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011

This discussion has been closed.