Flying and Pking in Secret Passage



  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I think people need to look at this from another perspective.

    Announce you are running through for a quest and that you *will* be taking screenshots of whomever kills you. Of course, this means, you'll definitely be killed.

    But think of the number of people you can ban with this method! All those jerks you don't like? Factions that you are jealous of? World chatters that need to learn the art of silence? Well, they may not all be there, but chances are you can get someone banned, eventually.

    And if you want to really make it legitimate, just level a new alt to the 40s. Then you can claim you're trying to do a BH when some sucker^H^H^H^H^H^Hjerk responds to your announcement and kills you.

    I mean, can you think of an easier way to get people banned?
  • Gia_onna - Archosaur
    Gia_onna - Archosaur Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I was taking a faction member through their BH39, it was crazy: lvl 40 cleric was killed twice before I got there. He didn't understand what was happening. The offensive thing was seeing ppl in R9 gear pking, disgusting. I mean to say, what is the point? What can a lvl 40 cleric do against that; there is no challenge in the pk.
    I got a SS of s/one right as they were attacking me, with the words: secret passage overhead. Hopefully, he will be banned.
    Everyone knows when you login: "PK in Secret Passage instance is not allowed".
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Oh when I think of all the people I'd love to get banned from the game...
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Hideori - Lost City
    Hideori - Lost City Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I have "Was killed by xxx" messages. Don't know where you're pulling your info from, lmao.

    those massages worth nothing if screens taken not in SP. how can you prove that "someone" killed you in SP not in any other area if you dont have screen of yourself lying dead in there (in SP)?

    oh and stop those jokes about "all those ppls I can ban" 'they' will not ban half of population of customers.
  • _River - Heavens Tear
    _River - Heavens Tear Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    those massages worth nothing if screens taken not in SP. how can you prove that "someone" killed you in SP not in any other area if you dont have screen of yourself lying dead in there (in SP)?

    You said yourself take a video. Someone actually had SP above their heads when they died. I'm sure Fate's was the same. If you're quick enough on the screenshot taking, you can easily catch it before you die. Even if you couldn't snap a screenshot like that, you can take a video, like you said. I'm sure there were plenty of people doing so.

    @Elenacostal- I watched that happen so many times :( People would walk through and ask for squads for bh29 and get one shot by the higher 100+ R8/R9/Full Nirv people
    _Jaysun_'s Wife
    Heaven's Tear--

    For all those that told me Lunar Gold wasn't worth the hassle of farming... but now have the Nirvana versions... I laugh at you. Hypocrites.
  • Hideori - Lost City
    Hideori - Lost City Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    You said yourself take a video. Someone actually had SP above their heads when they died. I'm sure Fate's was the same. If you're quick enough on the screenshot taking, you can easily catch it before you die. Even if you couldn't snap a screenshot like that, you can take a video, like you said. I'm sure there were plenty of people doing so.

    Im sure nobody doing so. yes it is posible to caught death moment, even take a video, but who would actualy bothering to do that? and to be more clear, dont think pkers really afraid of those bans. they're just not. at least here on LC.
  • Arjunro - Heavens Tear
    Arjunro - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited August 2011

    all i have to say even if it is allowed by the game its still unintentional.
  • nightmarejack79
    nightmarejack79 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    yea i got pked in there and i was blue named it was crazy. but its ok Im 99 and fully bound and waitin outside secret passage b:chuckle
  • Kanetsidohi - Archosaur
    Kanetsidohi - Archosaur Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I was pked twice in less than a week! I choose a pve server because I dont like pk, if they were going to change the rules at least they should have told us.

    I never thought I've reach a point where pwi was not fun, and I'd feel like not playing anymore. b:sad
  • VenoMKII - Harshlands
    VenoMKII - Harshlands Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    ****ing hilarious.

    I logged in for more than 2 hours for the first time in 2 months today. Its been great b:laugh

    ~While I do feel a little sorry for the BHers (Who could just ****ing teleport in, but you know, brains + new people + nowadays = nonexistant) I dont care enough for their loss compared to my fun, and I dont think anyone else will either. I mean seriously, penalty free PVP and I ticked 400k off my charm with 0 risk to my gear shattering :D

    Both PWE and me are happy, im ticking charm (PWE is happy) and im not losing my **** (Im happy).
  • Kanetsidohi - Archosaur
    Kanetsidohi - Archosaur Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I just want to do my quest but the moron is still there pking. b:sad
  • Kerona - Sanctuary
    Kerona - Sanctuary Posts: 1,771 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    TBH I think this game needs an open riskless PVP zone (aside from Theater of Blood which is underpopulated and overpopulted by 5.0 Sins).
  • CheetahWoods - Raging Tide
    CheetahWoods - Raging Tide Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Already have people abusing and breaking the rule on Dreamweaver shock shock. Lets hope they do some enforcing of the no PK unlike the way they ignore the reports of people Pking in room one of the cube.

    ^this, just replace "dreamweaver" with "raging laundry detergent"..errr i mean "raging tide"
  • CheetahWoods - Raging Tide
    CheetahWoods - Raging Tide Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    .....[that evil smile emote goes here]...

    i have a L38 farmer veno who still needs quingzi ["need" being the total lie, yet valid excuse lol.]

    [killer bee voice]
    " "We dohn need no steen-king quests, we are dee kill-air farmers"
    [/killer bee voice]
  • Cytte - Harshlands
    Cytte - Harshlands Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    ****ing hilarious.

    I logged in for more than 2 hours for the first time in 2 months today. Its been great b:laugh

    ~While I do feel a little sorry for the BHers (Who could just ****ing teleport in, but you know, brains + new people + nowadays = nonexistant) I dont care enough for their loss compared to my fun, and I dont think anyone else will either. I mean seriously, penalty free PVP and I ticked 400k off my charm with 0 risk to my gear shattering :D

    Both PWE and me are happy, im ticking charm (PWE is happy) and im not losing my **** (Im
    Best Patch Ever
    I just want to do my quest but the moron is still there pking. b:sad
    okay, Listen carefully, I will show you how to get past this,
    You don't HAVE to do whatever quest it is at this very moment in time, go do something else, whether in RL or in game.
    I <3 A lot of people
  • CheetahWoods - Raging Tide
    CheetahWoods - Raging Tide Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    hmmm, was just wondering: can you pk on nightscream? it seems these "public" instance areas are pk susceptable (SP and the cube]
  • Hera_aether - Sanctuary
    Hera_aether - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Sounds like everyone is having fun. Let's hope the GMs take that into account when crafting rules.

    Looking right past the posts from people who are being pk'd out of the blue by high levels out for a good time?

    On PVE servers, if you want a place to pk each other to your hearts content, then fine. But it's a bit chilling to hear "as long as you don't harass low levels" as the only restraint, as if people would restrain themselves anyway.

    Higher levels go in for a lot of reasons, including escorting lower levels through for quests. Many of us are not interested in a PK environment, hence the blue names and our choice of a PVE server. So harrassing higher levels is fine?

    And I love how this comes from one of the most well known goon glitchers on the forums, by the way. Gooners just wanna have fun.
  • Atrocious - Heavens Tear
    Atrocious - Heavens Tear Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Dear concerned person.

    May I please refer you to this Guide~ Secret Passage Access for Scared People.

    Hope it helps.
    Veteran PWIer.
    Trolled by PWI for 5* years and counting.
    You have gained the status: Immune to trolls.
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Looking right past the posts from people who are being pk'd out of the blue by high levels out for a good time?

    On PVE servers, if you want a place to pk each other to your hearts content, then fine. But it's a bit chilling to hear "as long as you don't harass low levels" as the only restraint, as if people would restrain themselves anyway.

    Higher levels go in for a lot of reasons, including escorting lower leves through for quests. Many of us are not interested in a PK environment, hence the blue names and our choice of a PVE server. So harrassing higher levels is fine?

    And I love how this comes from one of the most well known goon glitchers on the forums, by the way. Gooners just wanna have fun.

    Open PK is not haunted by evil spirits. And if you saw how much fun everyone was having, It is nice really, and it adds to enjoyment of the game. Besides, it is still a pve server, it is not like everywhere is pk, what's so scary about dealing with the( reportable) noob pkers a for the few days that that one may have quests at low levels in there, especially with no threat of dropping items?

    On a different note, I wouldn't expect anything I say to be taken seriously or considered valid if I padded it with personal attacks. Maybe something to keep in mind, eh?
  • Hera_aether - Sanctuary
    Hera_aether - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Dear concerned person.

    May I please refer you to this Guide~ Secret Passage Access for Scared People.

    Hope it helps.

    I don't think it's appropriate for people to have to beg for free passage in a low level questing environment, or have to repeatedly threaten to take S/S just do go about their business.

    I don't think its appropriate to ask low levels to pay the freight of a stone port into bh just because high levels are bored.

    FFS people, PK in SP is bannable for a reason. To all the high levels on PVE servers who think it's fun to get in a few kills of the unwilling, go reroll on a PVP server.
  • Hera_aether - Sanctuary
    Hera_aether - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Open PK is not haunted by evil spirits. And if you saw how much fun everyone was having, It is nice really, and it adds to enjoyment of the game. Besides, it is still a pve server, it is not like everywhere is pk, what's so scary about dealing with the( reportable) noob pkers a for the few days that that one may have quests at low levels in there, especially with no threat of dropping items?

    On a different note, I wouldn't expect anything I say to be taken seriously or considered valid if I padded it with personal attacks. Maybe something to keep in mind, eh?

    I'm not afraid, I'm annoyed. I have no interest in PK and many others don't either. If people were only "playing with their (willing) friends" it'd be a different matter. But they aren't, and it isn't. Why don't YOU take on the task of reporting offenders if it's so important to you to have the issue reconsidered? Maybe if people COULD show some restraint, we could have a different discussion. Unfortunately, as you and others have so frequently pointed out, you feel rules are made to be broken. So now we're supposed to give you a bye on responsibility and just believe you'll play by the rules from now on?

    Re: Asterelle, it's not a personal attack, it's a statement of fact, and it's quite germane to the topic at hand. When one violates the ToS so obviously, swaggers about it (105orGTFO ring any bells?)and then discusses yet another bannable offense as if it's just fine and dandy, one runs the risk of someone pointing out the error of her ways.

    If she didn't want to be treated as someone who has no respect for the rules of the game, she shouldn't have broken them.

    The GMs may have chosen not to ban her for whatever misguided reasons they may have, that doesn't mean she deserves any respect from the rest of us.
  • Atrocious - Heavens Tear
    Atrocious - Heavens Tear Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I don't think it's appropriate for people to have to beg for free passage in a low level questing environment, or have to repeatedly threaten to take S/S just do go about their business.

    I don't think its appropriate to ask low levels to pay the freight of a stone port into bh just because high levels are bored.

    FFS people, PK in SP is bannable for a reason. To all the high levels on PVE servers who think it's fun to get in a few kills of the unwilling, go reroll on a PVP server.

    It would be absolutely wonderful if all good people had nothing but good things happen to them and all bad people had nothing but bad things happen to them. It would be lovely if there were never any mistakes, no one ever had to do extra work or go the extra mile to get things done. However, that world does not exist. Here is the truth about PERFECTION: there is no such thing. We aim to achieve but must settle for progress. Not willing to put in effort? Expect far less than perfect.

    You have a situation on your hands that actually exists, is real, effects people here and now, and cannot simply be wished away. I wrote a realistic way people can ACCOMPLISH what they need to accomplish. Effort must be put in to overcome obstacles. This is how life works. If all obstacles simple moved aside for you and begged your forgiveness for being in your way, +1 to you. For the rest of us, we have to learn how to actually deal with problems.

    So, in the effort of being useful rather than wishing it were different, take the steps necessary to accomplish your goals. Sorry that there's an extra step in the way, but really it's not that big a leap. Eventually the shiny newness will wear off and the trolls will stop bothering the low levels and stick to each other. That or the trolls will be banned because of people who actually followed the steps I suggested.

    Veteran PWIer.
    Trolled by PWI for 5* years and counting.
    You have gained the status: Immune to trolls.
  • Hera_aether - Sanctuary
    Hera_aether - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    So, in the effort of being useful rather than wishing it were different, take the steps necessary to accomplish your goals. Sorry that there's an extra step in the way, but really it's not that big a leap. Eventually the shiny newness will wear off and the trolls will stop bothering the low levels and stick to each other. That or the trolls will be banned because of people who actually followed the steps I suggested.


    Your guide is very appropriate as an interim measure until this gets fixed, which hopefully will be as simple as a roll back.

    Still, it really makes me sad to see players expressing how it affects them to try to play their game, and have them bullied to the extent that they don't even want to play anymore. And having to tell them to beg for passage is pretty sad as well.

    Unfortunately, as you point out, this is the PWI environment, Maybe if more people expressed how inappropriate a bullying environment is, instead of branding the bullied players as QQrs, we could gradually change that.
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm not afraid, I'm annoyed. I have no interest in PK and many others don't either. If people were only "playing with their (willing) friends" it'd be a different matter. But they aren't, and it isn't. Why don't YOU take on the task of reporting offenders if it's so important to you to have the issue reconsidered? Maybe if people COULD show some restraint, we could have a different discussion. Unfortunately, as you and others have so frequently pointed out, you feel rules are made to be broken. So now we're supposed to give you a bye on responsibility and just believe you'll play by the rules from now on?

    Re: Asterelle, it's not a personal attack, it's a statement of fact, and it's quite germane to the topic at hand. When one violates the ToS so obviously, swaggers about it (105orGTFO ring any bells?)and then discusses yet another bannable offense as if it's just fine and dandy, one runs the risk of someone pointing out the error of her ways.

    If she didn't want to be treated as someone who has no respect for the rules of the game, she shouldn't have broken them.

    The GMs may have chosen not to ban her for whatever misguided reasons they may have, that doesn't mean she deserves any respect from the rest of us.

    This thread is not titled "THINGS THAT ARE WRONG WITH ASTERELLE" therefore you bringing that up when it is completely unrelated and unprovoked is a personal attack.

    As for me,I judge the relevance and suitability of rules I encounter for myself. I would not run headfirst off a cliff just because there is a rule saying I must do so, because that mentality is frankly the most **** pos mentality a person could have stuck on them. This is a game, the rules for SP Pk are tentative as they are. Also, I do believe you sound frightened of PvP, as you are blowing the severity of this noob Pk issue far out of hand, without taking into consideration the factors which would reduce noob pk in SP, if it were to be allowed... again.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    This function was not intended, and will be fixed as soon as they figure out what went wrong. Until that time, neither of these bugs should be exploited.


    Unless something new has changed, I thought that you needed to modify client files to do this... or is this a new issue?

    EDIT: Nice to see this thread bringing up PKQQ. More please. b:pleased.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Hera_aether - Sanctuary
    Hera_aether - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    This is a game, the rules for SP Pk are tentative as they are. Also, I do believe you sound frightened of PvP, as you are blowing the severity of this noob Pk issue far out of hand, without taking into consideration the factors which would reduce noob pk in SP, if it were to be allowed... again.

    Please do explain how the rules for SP PK are tentative.

    "PK in Secret Passage Instance is not allowed" and

    "Attacking other players in the Secret Passage instance (567, 743) is not allowed under any circumstance. It's a bannable offense, and if you get attacked by another player, please submit a ticket with a screenshot of the incident (and ideally the chatlog showing the attack).


    What part of this are you not understanding?

    Again, I'm not frightened of PvP. I'm simply not interested. That is my right, I'm on a PvE server. I expect to be able to go about my business without being annoyed by what I consider to be a display of "mine's bigger than yours". No value to me whatsoever.
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Please do explain how the rules for SP PK are tentative.

    "PK in Secret Passage Instance is not allowed" and

    "Attacking other players in the Secret Passage instance (567, 743) is not allowed under any circumstance. It's a bannable offense, and if you get attacked by another player, please submit a ticket with a screenshot of the incident (and ideally the chatlog showing the attack).


    What part of this are you not understanding?

    Again, I'm not frightened of PvP. I'm simply not interested. That is my right, I'm on a PvE server. I expect to be able to go about my business without being annoyed by what I consider to be a display of "mine's bigger than yours". No value to me whatsoever.

    Doesnt have to be "mine is bigger than yours", some people actually just want to have fun.
    And What I meant was the rules are subject to change, they can and they have before.
  • Hera_aether - Sanctuary
    Hera_aether - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Doesnt have to be "mine is bigger than yours", some people actually just want to have fun.
    And What I meant was the rules are subject to change, they can and they have before.

    If the majority of PWI players could distinguish "having fun" from annoying other players, we wouldn't have to be discussing this. Sadly, PK is more often a case of "mine's bigger" than not.

    If people want to get together with their friends and have fun, they can go to a quiet corner of the map and knock themselves out. There are plenty of quiet corners out there. No need to burden other players with it.

    Or keep pressing PWI to get the developers to give you your own instance. You'll probably get yours before I get my goon fix.
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If the majority of PWI players could distinguish "having fun" from annoying other players, we wouldn't have to be discussing this. Sadly, PK is more often a case of "mine's bigger" than not.

    If people want to get together with their friends and have fun, they can go to a quiet corner of the map and knock themselves out. There are plenty of quiet corners out there. No need to burden other players with it.

    Or keep pressing PWI to get the developers to give you your own instance. You'll probably get yours before I get my goon fix.

    A penalty free open PvP instance with flight enabled is something we've been lacking for a while, the instance is fine this way.

    Can't say I could ever agree with you on what you said above, Just isn't objective enough.
  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    man the people tht are for this i just wnt to strangle themb:angry
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle