Drop stealers



  • StabbyCakes - Heavens Tear
    StabbyCakes - Heavens Tear Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Archers/ranged classes are the only pkers at a real disadvantage here. Pretty much if you know you're about to kill someone spam the pickup key. How often do pkers do this? Not as much as the blue names that tail them around.

    Also if you're pking in a region where there are tons of blue names- YOU KNOW THE RISK. Take actions to prevent it. (Kite them into the air/where no one else is) then BAM. You got at least a few secs to get your precious drops.

    It's pretty much your own fault if you can't use strategy/skill to get your prey's drops. Plan your kills out better.

    I know certain circumstances are different because you get ganked/are ganking someone so you'll get a cluster of people together but it's like any good TW squad- you should have a plan and work together. If your pking buds are stupid and kill people at random in groups of blue names.. well... it's kinda good that they get punished and don't get their drops.

    PK is about skill. Being elite. Strategy and awareness and sharp senses. Why should we make it any easier?
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    All this dropping gear is exactly why I dont pk lol.

    That being said, there should be the same timer on the drops as there are on pve mobs. Or the bluename picking up the drops should automatically go white and be fair game for leeching off the action.
  • Malego - Heavens Tear
    Malego - Heavens Tear Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    again you dont understand the issue he isnt dropping ppl he kill are dropping and blue names take drops lrn2read plox b:bye

    What they said still applies. If they would just use guardian scrolls this would not even be an issue. This entire topic is based on stupid players that don't know how to

    1: Use saftey lock
    2: Use guardian scrolls
    3: Not pk
    I am a barb that does not powerlevel, nor cash shop. I may not be the highest level, nor have the best gear. However unlike others, I know how to play.b:pleased
  • _Bloody_Fox_ - Lost City
    _Bloody_Fox_ - Lost City Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    LOL! I am making a blue name alt for this exact purpose. It sounds fun and easy but also really boring.
    EX Legendary on Sanctuary
    Moved to LC to PK
  • madrock4
    madrock4 Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Archers/ranged classes are the only pkers at a real disadvantage here. Pretty much if you know you're about to kill someone spam the pickup key. How often do pkers do this? Not as much as the blue names that tail them around.

    Also if you're pking in a region where there are tons of blue names- YOU KNOW THE RISK. Take actions to prevent it. (Kite them into the air/where no one else is) then BAM. You got at least a few secs to get your precious drops.

    It's pretty much your own fault if you can't use strategy/skill to get your prey's drops. Plan your kills out better.

    I know certain circumstances are different because you get ganked/are ganking someone so you'll get a cluster of people together but it's like any good TW squad- you should have a plan and work together. If your pking buds are stupid and kill people at random in groups of blue names.. well... it's kinda good that they get punished and don't get their drops.

    PK is about skill. Being elite. Strategy and awareness and sharp senses. Why should we make it any easier?

    nonesense. i have an archer and a bm.i lose drops on both;why?the moment they see a fight they are probably holding the pickup key.ie.chances are,when something does drop, seeing the been spamming it for so long, they will more likely than not get the drops over you.

    have you eever done anything on your computer repeatedly tapping or holding 1key whilst doing it?you should try it and see how effectively you complete that task. for a heads up im telling you you will be less effective. we should not have to resort to this to retrieve something we've essentially worked for.

    you are right!pk is about stratergy and luring ppl an so on, but one, in most cases doing as u suggested will get you killed. besides, since when does your opponent do exactly what you want them to? every fight you ever think about, no matter how well stratergized relies on preperation and reaction, not mind control(impossible).

    back to the point of this thread. in the event that a drop does fall, bluenames should not be able to pick it up...
  • madrock4
    madrock4 Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I do get that and I am neither a "troll" nor a "dumbass", and have given my opinion thereto. I do, however, have the intelligence and maturity not to resort to name-calling.

    Thank you, truekossy, for your clarification. I'm not pathetic enough not to admit when I am mistaken. I was given to understand that GAs protected you full stop and indeed have never seen my cleric friend drop anything when he was killed. He must have been very lucky thus far not to drop the GAs themselves as I didn't realise that they could be, thereby negating protection.

    sry that names started flying and i may have seemed to support that in one of my responses i think, didnt mean to.

    whilst dolls would solve the problem, can you please send complimentary dolls to everyone on all pw servers to solve all our issues? can u give everyone the resources(CSing) or time to get the resources(farming) to purchase an endless supply of dolls? they get expensive i believe, im happy for those who can afford it.

    but supposing everyone did have an endless supply of dolls 1 major problem could come:
    1)pvp could be ruined (use your imagination)
    id imagine less ppl wanting to play pwi for its intricate pvp system. there is still the wow factor of getting drops, its still motivating for quite a few players i think
  • madrock4
    madrock4 Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    What they said still applies. If they would just use guardian scrolls this would not even be an issue. This entire topic is based on stupid players that don't know how to

    1: Use saftey lock
    2: Use guardian scrolls
    3: Not pk


    safety lock is one of the largest inconveniencces in the game. not to mention the fact that you might sometimes forget and drop anyway! i think having a pvp server suggests that it is geared toward pvp...why should such a server ever put forth the idea that its members inconvenience themselves beyond the rules of war??

    *** previously mentioned, can you afford to give everyone on all pwi, pvp servers free dolls forever? you will make everyone happy apparently, devs and gms since they will have a never ending cashflow, and possibly us since this would "no longer be an issue" i think people arent using them for a reason...not to mention, the suggested never ending supply of dolls( which would lead to no pk drops ever) will probably bring its own problems (like ruining the unique pvp system)

    and just for fun, not pk!?to even suggest that to a pvp server memeber is taboo...come on my server lemme pk u!lols. no, not an option, the point of this thread requires that understand we are clearly on pvp servers.
  • madrock4
    madrock4 Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited August 2011


    the point of the thread is, in the event of the issue at hand(something dropping in pvp combat) what should happen to the drops.

    the point is not what would prevent dropping all together...

    feel free to argue whether or not bluenames should be able to get the drops or not, but dont negate the entire event from happening because the reality is, THE EVENT OCCURS EVERYDAY!!

    thank you...
  • LilNai - Harshlands
    LilNai - Harshlands Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    My gawd some people are ****ing ****...
  • Malego - Heavens Tear
    Malego - Heavens Tear Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    If my understanding of pvp is correct, you only get a red name when you pk someone, not pvp them. The easy way around this is to pvp and not pk. This entails the other person getting the chance to fight back, now I know you are mostly cowards that are terrified of taking a hit but if you want to avoid dropping things then this is what can be done. Players in jade dynasty do this and it works very well.

    It again comes down to players being stupid.
    I am a barb that does not powerlevel, nor cash shop. I may not be the highest level, nor have the best gear. However unlike others, I know how to play.b:pleased
  • madrock4
    madrock4 Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    If my understanding of pvp is correct, you only get a red name when you pk someone, not pvp them. The easy way around this is to pvp and not pk. This entails the other person getting the chance to fight back, now I know you are mostly cowards that are terrified of taking a hit but if you want to avoid dropping things then this is what can be done. Players in jade dynasty do this and it works very well.

    It again comes down to players being stupid.

    are you aware of r9s?you know what a oneshot is? are you aware of the military? you think they taunt their enemies first? have you ever fought in real life? your response is appauling on every lvl. in any sort of fight, the asset is suprise. whilst some may tell their opponents they are about to atk them, most do not cause:1shots, 2some people want to be rednamed, 3the element of suprise is an asset in battle.

    for your information, if you knew about pvp and pk, you would know that even in the situation you described, you can still drop....

    so even in your situation, the original issue still persists
  • GoodStart - Dreamweaver
    GoodStart - Dreamweaver Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I am beginning to laugh hysterically at all of these responses. What thread are you ppl reading!?

    I think if they were to implement such a change, the best solution would be to allow only players with red names to pick up dropped gear. The spoils might not always go to the appropriate victor, but they would only go to those participating in PK.

    If they simply did not allow blue names to pick up drops, then we would just see white named players picking up drops. Basically, all the effort would be for naught.

    If they added a time limit where only the PK victor could pick up the drops, we would then open entirely new arguments. Who deserves to pick up the drops… the person that did the most damage? the person that landed the final blow? That is a bunch of QQ I personally can do without, thank you. Additionally, players would just quickly PK the original victor, and pick up the dropped loot while that person respawned. This wouldn’t always happen, but I’m sure it would be frequent enough that it would be the next complaint to arise.

    So again, my solution is only to allow players with “blood on their hands” to pick up dropped items. It isn’t 100% fair, but it seems like an acceptable improvement.

    p.s. Using safety lock to avoid dropping loot is a glitch, and should be a bannable offense. I guarantee PWE did not implement safety lock so it could circumvent the use of cash shop items such as guardian scrolls or binding charms. :P
  • madrock4
    madrock4 Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited August 2011

    I think if they were to implement such a change, the best solution would be to allow only players with red names to pick up dropped gear. The spoils might not always go to the appropriate victor, but they would only go to those participating in PK.

    If they simply did not allow blue names to pick up drops, then we would just see white named players picking up drops. Basically, all the effort would be for naught.

    If they added a time limit where only the PK victor could pick up the drops, we would then open entirely new arguments. Who deserves to pick up the drops
  • starfever
    starfever Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Lolz this thread is an absolute hoot b:laugh

    So what if blue names pick-up drops? You brave pkers dont kill just for drops SURELY?? :chuckle

    Look, if you pk-ing low-lives are stupid enough to play your silly pew-pew games in front of opportunistic blue names then tough!
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    #3 The discussed situation requires no action

    they chose to PVP. Dont expect it to be fair.
    Reminds me of the QQ of low lv pple being hunted down in PvP servers while they chose to go that path.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    madrock4 wrote: »
    are you aware of r9s?you know what a oneshot is? are you aware of the military? you think they taunt their enemies first? have you ever fought in real life? your response is appauling on every lvl. in any sort of fight, the asset is suprise. whilst some may tell their opponents they are about to atk them, most do not cause:1shots, 2some people want to be rednamed, 3the element of suprise is an asset in battle.

    for your information, if you knew about pvp and pk, you would know that even in the situation you described, you can still drop....

    so even in your situation, the original issue still persists

    Now you are just being stupid. A game is for fun, and fun is not killing someone in 1 hit. Fun is a fight that goes on for awhile, both players having a hard time not dying. Surprising someone is also pretty dull. Where is the fun in fighting someone who can't fight back?

    If you pvp to prove you are better than the other guy, then killing them before they can fight back is entirely pointless since it proves nothing.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • SilverCleric - Lost City
    SilverCleric - Lost City Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I don't get it, you guys complain that low lvl noobs stealling your drops and you guys say that PWI should change the way pk drops work, knowing that PWI won't do anything about it. If you guys don't want your drops stolen everyone should pk in a were no low lvl noob can steal you items like the Sage and Demon worlds or OHT instead of pk in areas that you know low lvls do their quest at, like wast arch, silver pool, hidden orchid, and orchid temple.

    So you guys start pking in areas where low lvl's aren't at you won't have this issue... ijs. lol

    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

    ★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★

    ✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰
  • madrock4
    madrock4 Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    #3 The discussed situation requires no action

    they chose to PVP. Dont expect it to be fair.
    Reminds me of the QQ of low lv pple being hunted down in PvP servers while they chose to go that path.

    whilst i dont expect it to be fair, i expect that for the very least, we can stop other people from taking drops that ought to be ours. we simply cannot stop bluename.we cant kill them. they stand through the most powerful aoes waiting for drops.

    that is much past unfair, it is a flaw. generally, flaws in systems operating in this world are fixed instead of being left to persist.

    if your statement that it reminds you of the past is justification for your answer, maybe you should rethink. it is not very convincing.
  • madrock4
    madrock4 Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    starfever wrote: »
    Lolz this thread is an absolute hoot b:laugh

    So what if blue names pick-up drops? You brave pkers dont kill just for drops SURELY?? :chuckle

    Look, if you pk-ing low-lives are stupid enough to play your silly pew-pew games in front of opportunistic blue names then tough!

    have you ever played pw?

    they follow to anywhere that's considered a "pk hotspot"
  • madrock4
    madrock4 Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I don't get it, you guys complain that low lvl noobs stealling your drops and you guys say that PWI should change the way pk drops work, knowing that PWI won't do anything about it. If you guys don't want your drops stolen everyone should pk in a were no low lvl noob can steal you items like the Sage and Demon worlds or OHT instead of pk in areas that you know low lvls do their quest at, like wast arch, silver pool, hidden orchid, and orchid temple.

    So you guys start pking in areas where low lvl's aren't at you won't have this issue... ijs. lol

    in the real world, the capital city of a country is exactly that, the most important city to that country. so i am sorry that we thought that pking in such areas to be convenient, after all, archosuar and its surrounding areas are central to the game, as well as cconvenient. on pvp servers, we should not have to go to great lengths to have rules thought to be fundamental to pking/pvp kept fair. the entire map should be pvp/pk fair and friendly, not just areas where bluenames cannot go.
    in reiteration, it is a pvp/pk server, not a avoid bluename so that they cant leech off of you server
  • vampirenites
    vampirenites Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    madrock4 wrote: »
    are you aware of r9s?you know what a oneshot is? are you aware of the military? you think they taunt their enemies first? have you ever fought in real life? your response is appauling on every lvl. in any sort of fight, the asset is suprise. whilst some may tell their opponents they are about to atk them, most do not cause:1shots, 2some people want to be rednamed, 3the element of suprise is an asset in battle.

    for your information, if you knew about pvp and pk, you would know that even in the situation you described, you can still drop....

    so even in your situation, the original issue still persists

    Using your own argument, the Bluenames are using the element of surprise to take your drops. Personally I think it is fair game on a PVP server where ther are no level restrictions on PvP. It irritates me that people like you go around one shotting weaker chars then QQ when you lose your drops. Somewhat immature don't you think?
  • LilNai - Harshlands
    LilNai - Harshlands Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Using your own argument, the Bluenames are using the element of surprise to take your drops. Personally I think it is fair game on a PVP server where ther are no level restrictions on PvP. It irritates me that people like you go around one shotting weaker chars then QQ when you lose your drops. Somewhat immature don't you think?

    Theres a level restriction. LEvel 29 and below cant PVP, yet they can steal drops. Its ****ing **** b:bye
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited August 2011
    I'm for option 2. Items dropped from PvP need to have the same drop timer protection that applies to the drops from mobs. The only person able to get the drop for 30 seconds is the one that inflicted the most damage in the fight.

    Yes, I know, I'm on a PvE server, but I do PvP and I used to play on Lost myself. The current system is stupid and we've mentioned several times that it needs to be fixed.
  • LilNai - Harshlands
    LilNai - Harshlands Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I'm for option 2. Items dropped from PvP need to have the same drop timer protection that applies to the drops from mobs. The only person able to get the drop for 30 seconds is the one that inflicted the most damage in the fight.

    Yes, I know, I'm on a PvE server, but I do PvP and I used to play on Lost myself. The current system is stupid and we've mentioned several times that it needs to be fixed.

    I just had a thought on that. Theres potential for the game to have to do a lot of messing around to track who did the damage. I mean, charm ticks mean it cant be measured easily. When does the counter for that player "reset"? IF they got into a 20 minute fight earlier and escaped, but then got killed in 4 seconds about 10 seconds later, are the drops going to the person who was beating on them for 20 minutes, or the new person who 2shot them?

    I know it seems unfair, but if they were locked it might have to be the one who deals the final blow who gets it :/
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I just had a thought on that. Theres potential for the game to have to do a lot of messing around to track who did the damage. I mean, charm ticks mean it cant be measured easily. When does the counter for that player "reset"? IF they got into a 20 minute fight earlier and escaped, but then got killed in 4 seconds about 10 seconds later, are the drops going to the person who was beating on them for 20 minutes, or the new person who 2shot them?

    I know it seems unfair, but if they were locked it might have to be the one who deals the final blow who gets it :/

    Simple solution: Person who did the most damage during current combat mode gets it. So if you got into a 20 minute fight earlier but escape, combat mode would fade, then new person to 2-shot you would get drops. Of course, this may get complicated in massive open-world PK since people can come and go and depending on how good you are, you have the potential to spend large amounts of time alive and in combat mode... but how often do those really happen nowadays?
  • StormChimera - Lost City
    StormChimera - Lost City Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    i'm a west gate blue name (only cause right now i have no motivation to quest) but i don't stay there for drops, i stay there to watch the fights. if i happen to pick up a drop its only if the person who killed them is far away and i pick it up away from the drop stealers and try to give it to the pker. only time i ever kept a drop is when said pker has said no its fine keep it. usually they thank me for offering and i just sit back down and watch more pk.
  • hiddenmonkey
    hiddenmonkey Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    When you say responsible for the killing...

    Do you mean:-

    A: The person who did the most damage to the killed player

    B: The person who got the final blow on the killed player

    I feel and don't understand why this is not true that pvp drops are not treated the same way as monster drops are treated. As the person/squad who does the most damage to the target
    is entitled to the drops for the set duration before it becomes free for all.

    Likely its too deep in the coding for the new Chinese devs to fix.
  • madrock4
    madrock4 Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Using your own argument, the Bluenames are using the element of surprise to take your drops. Personally I think it is fair game on a PVP server where ther are no level restrictions on PvP. It irritates me that people like you go around one shotting weaker chars then QQ when you lose your drops. Somewhat immature don't you think?

    using my own argument, they do not participate in the war. in my argument, the element of suprise is essential to fighting...not drop stealing...in my argument, it would only be relatively fair if we could kill them, and as linai mentioned, there is a level restriction, 29 and under. play the game...experience the issue.

    again, using my argument, they are not using the element of suprise, they are simply camping, which one of my ingame friends said is bannable for killing, but apparently not for stealing drops...

    and again, using my own argument, where did i say i 1shot weaker characters? O.o keep your descriptions of me to yourself, no one else needs to read them..especially when they are inaccurate.
  • starfever
    starfever Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    madrock4 wrote: »
    have you ever played pw?

    they follow to anywhere that's considered a "pk hotspot"

    lolz - you say this then in a later post you say its 'convenient' to pk in archo etc ...?

    well its also 'convenient' for blue names to take drops in archo too b:chuckle

    They're only stealing something that you want to steal anyway, they just do it in a different way!

    Bottom line - if you P(athetic) K(iller)s want to keep your ill-gotten gains then do it somewhere blue-names can't take advantage. That must be obvious even to a pker?

  • LilNai - Harshlands
    LilNai - Harshlands Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    starfever wrote: »
    lolz - you say this then in a later post you say its 'convenient' to pk in archo etc ...?

    well its also 'convenient' for blue names to take drops in archo too b:chuckle

    They're only stealing something that you want to steal anyway, they just do it in a different way!

    Bottom line - if you P(athetic) K(iller)s want to keep your ill-gotten gains then do it somewhere blue-names can't take advantage. That must be obvious even to a pker?


    Sometimes I just facepalm. And then I do it again.

    Why are people such dumbasses?...