Dear Sheeps of LC



  • sparklyee
    sparklyee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Just spend your incredible wealth from oil on hookers. Simple and straight to the point.

    l0l. Touche.
    Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?
  • Elayne - Lost City
    Elayne - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    ok so i will 'correct' myself.... maybe Essence does not dismiss it's allies because it truly doesn't have any... what it has is a few factions that will help in open pvp against others and in return Essence will not attack them when out of safezone...

    an example would be what happened with Yakuza... they actively supported Essence in open pvp and still do

    But where was Essence when Yakuza was summarily being wiped off the map before the last reset?... no help for them then.. in fact Essence took at least one of thier lands to complete it's map domination... so much for not wanting crystal walks.

    If you look at the current map.. Essence is in position again to put both Yakuza and KageBushi in a corner where it becomes quite clear that both these guilds will become targets for alot of other guilds at the same time or by Essence later on.

    I am not looking for balance in TW because sadly it will never happen, and please read the other posts on the forums... I have always tried to be fairly objective and have said a number of times before that yes, Essence does deserve respect for what they have accomplished as a guild. It is just sad that people lose sight of the fact that if guilds continue to help the obviously unbeatable juggernaut in TW bids each week that this map will very quickly become one color again.

    also sad that because they are the dominant guild that ev1 still wants to join Essence instead of looking for a challenge and either joining a different guild to try and defeat them, or staying in thier current guild and trying to build itself into a factor that might actually be able to provide the type of TW's alot are looking for.

    As for those saying that having alot of guilds bidding on Essence will actually not help in setting up that Vengeful/Instinct dbl that is currently the only way to have a chance at beating Essence...quite frankly I don't care about that.. I would just like to see more people willing to stand up to Essence instead of cowering in a corner and hoping someone else will be able to do something about it.

    As it was when CQ was dominant and Essence before last reset... it seems all people want to do is complain that TW and the game is boring and QQ about one guild being so dominant instead of trying to do anything about it... better to stay off Essence KoS then to try and fight back... come on people it is just a bunch of pixels.. what the hell is ev1 so afraid of?

    Actually, Trel you've got it all backwards and perhaps the server is smart enough to realize this...let me spell it out for you so you'll get it like I think most of the server already does.

    1) Essence only attacks small / medium size factions when it has no other choice. The land we took from Yakuza in the previous incarnation was to get at Plume City and it was a fun TW with Yakuza, not an unannounced stab in the back. The same is true with Kamisama, Daikoku and I had an agreement to not attack each other until everyone else was gone. That is what we did, unless otherwise agreed with Midnight (he took over for Daikoku).

    2) As for the current incarnation of the TW map perhaps the server has considered this (and this is the big one)... They may have land on the map and if they don't help Instinct and Vengeful win then eventually Essence may come for them. No one will deny this fact BUT guess what? IF they help Instinct and Vengeful out then when Essence is gone they lose their lands twice as fast because there's two guilds attacking them for their lands instead of one. Right now as long as Instinct and Vengeful are stalled against Essence then they can continue having their equally matched TWs against other guilds of relatively the same size.

    3) Vengeful has been an RPK faction for ages. This has made you many enemies who will not forgive past wrongs...and why would they most occured only yesterday. Furthermore, it is not in the smaller factions best interest to side with two RPK factions against the guild who kills your two guilds off at PK spots (yes we lose as well sometimes).

    4) Vengeful and Instinct don't want balance, you never have. Spectral made that clear back when Essence, Kamisama and Spectral were more evenly matched. I will not trust Spectral or whatever incarnation your guild comes up as to want balance. You want crystal walks, if you wanted real TWs you would merge with Instinct and have long TWs against Essence. Don't try to fool the server with your long drawn out posts.

    In closing, stop assuming the leadership of the small to medium sized factions don't know what they are doing. You give the other players of this game far too little credit in your blind attempt to get the server to unite against Essence. I am sure many of them have thought through similar thoughts and come to a similar conclusion as what I have listed above. People can see the facts as well, and your attempt to distort Essence and make us out to be the bad guys is laughable coming from an RPK faction. Essence has its faults but it's a lot better than being all out RPK and destroying what there is left of the server.
  • Trelmanor - Lost City
    Trelmanor - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    LOL Elayne... everyone sees the gameplay differently and through thier own Rose-Coloured Glasses... even you....

    I never called Essence the bad guys of the server... read the post and see where I said you guys should be congratulated on your accomplishments.....

    To be perfectly honest... I don't really care too mush about any of it anymore... a dead game is a dead game.... there is no meaningful content left and TW's suck balls

    And no I don't blame Essence or anyone else that plays for the state of the game today..

    there are a number of reasons for the sad state of things.. but the game truly has not been the same and probably will never recover after the release of the original anni packs and the subsequent release of the Tideborn classes

    Too much time and effort was put into some peoples chars only to feel betrayed by the gm's and dev's for making it way too easy for others to get to the same point.

    that being said... there really is no reason to play the game anymore... good luck with all of you hopefully for those that still are hoping for better TW's and stuff you can find it...
  • Channman - Lost City
    Channman - Lost City Posts: 491 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    give me your bm lol
  • Calvin - Lost City
    Calvin - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited May 2011
  • Trelmanor - Lost City
    Trelmanor - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Actually, Trel you've got it all backwards and perhaps the server is smart enough to realize this...let me spell it out for you so you'll get it like I think most of the server already does.

    1) Essence only attacks small / medium size factions when it has no other choice. The land we took from Yakuza in the previous incarnation was to get at Plume City and it was a fun TW with Yakuza, not an unannounced stab in the back. The same is true with Kamisama, Daikoku and I had an agreement to not attack each other until everyone else was gone. That is what we did, unless otherwise agreed with Midnight (he took over for Daikoku).

    2) As for the current incarnation of the TW map perhaps the server has considered this (and this is the big one)... They may have land on the map and if they don't help Instinct and Vengeful win then eventually Essence may come for them. No one will deny this fact BUT guess what? IF they help Instinct and Vengeful out then when Essence is gone they lose their lands twice as fast because there's two guilds attacking them for their lands instead of one. Right now as long as Instinct and Vengeful are stalled against Essence then they can continue having their equally matched TWs against other guilds of relatively the same size.

    3) Vengeful has been an RPK faction for ages. This has made you many enemies who will not forgive past wrongs...and why would they most occured only yesterday. Furthermore, it is not in the smaller factions best interest to side with two RPK factions against the guild who kills your two guilds off at PK spots (yes we lose as well sometimes).

    4) Vengeful and Instinct don't want balance, you never have. Spectral made that clear back when Essence, Kamisama and Spectral were more evenly matched. I will not trust Spectral or whatever incarnation your guild comes up as to want balance. You want crystal walks, if you wanted real TWs you would merge with Instinct and have long TWs against Essence. Don't try to fool the server with your long drawn out posts.

    In closing, stop assuming the leadership of the small to medium sized factions don't know what they are doing. You give the other players of this game far too little credit in your blind attempt to get the server to unite against Essence. I am sure many of them have thought through similar thoughts and come to a similar conclusion as what I have listed above. People can see the facts as well, and your attempt to distort Essence and make us out to be the bad guys is laughable coming from an RPK faction. Essence has its faults but it's a lot better than being all out RPK and destroying what there is left of the server.

    OK so just to reply cause you seem to be asking for one LOL

    @ number 2 --- please re-read my post... one of the things said was that it is too bad that some of the guilds still think it is in thier best interests to help you guys in TW bidding to try and break up the dbl against Instinct and Vengeful--- by doing this then what really happens is that Essence gets to gain a land each week and neither Vengeful of Instinct gain ground.... in fact if you are bidding on Vengeful each week then soon Vengeful dissappears from the map. If ppl don't actually break up the dbl then the scenario seems to play out like this... you will take a land from Vengeful each week, but in exchange for perhaps losing a land to one of the 2 guilds you need to dbl defend... so in fact then you stay static in terms of number of lands on the map... (at least for the time being) and those other guilds can continue to have thier own TW's against similar size guilds

    @ number 3 Vengeful is not an RPK guild... they have 3 spots where they allow open pvp... other than that it is not allowed unless it is KoS and yes I would agree that maybe they made too many enemies at the outset but w/e it is at the pvp areas anyway (that is why people go to those spots lol)

    @ number 4.... never said that either guild wanted balance... cause it will never happen there will always be one dominant guild... but maybe ... just maybe it would be nice if the balance of power was not so way out of whack..... a few decent TW's would be nice before a guild controls the whole map again.

    So to sum it see things your way... others see things a different way... that is what forums are all about.... discussion... not who is right and who is wrong... so don't try to fool the rest of the server with you long drawn out posts either

    Vengeful may have it's faults as a faction as well but they are also not full of complete a-holes and idiots as most people try to make them out to be.... there are alot of good people in the guild that are just trying to find some way to have a bit of fun while playing a game that currently is severely lacking in that department
  • angellicdeity
    angellicdeity Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    For someone who doesn't care about the game it took you 1 post to say you dont care + one more to show you care.
    @ number 2 --- please re-read my post... one of the things said was that it is too bad that some of the guilds still think it is in thier best interests to help you guys in TW bidding to try and break up the dbl against Instinct and Vengeful--- by doing this then what really happens is that Essence gets to gain a land each week and neither Vengeful of Instinct gain ground.... in fact if you are bidding on Vengeful each week then soon Vengeful dissappears from the map. If ppl don't actually break up the dbl then the scenario seems to play out like this... you will take a land from Vengeful each week, but in exchange for perhaps losing a land to one of the 2 guilds you need to dbl defend... so in fact then you stay static in terms of number of lands on the map... (at least for the time being) and those other guilds can continue to have thier own TW's against similar size guilds

    If your referring to KageBushi, they werent intentionally trying to break up bidding. They were trying to spite Instinct for being such asses to them. If anyone is to blame, its your alliance who thinks they're big-shots now and can be asses to the other smaller guilds out there.
    @ number 3 Vengeful is not an RPK guild... they have 3 spots where they allow open pvp... other than that it is not allowed unless it is KoS and yes I would agree that maybe they made too many enemies at the outset but w/e it is at the pvp areas anyway (that is why people go to those spots lol)

    This is a really dumb thing. Nothing stopping the guild from declaring "every spot" open. Need to RPK more? Add a few more spots to the world map. You've ruined your good standing with other guilds over this. This is why all spectral reincarnations fail horribly.
    @ number 4.... never said that either guild wanted balance... cause it will never happen there will always be one dominant guild... but maybe ... just maybe it would be nice if the balance of power was not so way out of whack..... a few decent TW's would be nice before a guild controls the whole map again.

    A few Decent TWs? Its rather easy to have them. Go merge with instinct. Only Kelbin and the majority of your RPK-loving faction cant handle their extreme PvE'ness. Once you join instinct your members will suddenly be accountable for being asses to other guilds - they may not like it.
    So to sum it see things your way... others see things a different way... that is what forums are all about.... discussion... not who is right and who is wrong... so don't try to fool the rest of the server with you long drawn out posts either

    Vengeful may have it's faults as a faction as well but they are also not full of complete a-holes and idiots as most people try to make them out to be.... there are alot of good people in the guild that are just trying to find some way to have a bit of fun while playing a game that currently is severely lacking in that department

    The majority of the server doesn't see vengeful as a guild with nice people in it. May be due to the fact you ruined your good standing.
  • Trelmanor - Lost City
    Trelmanor - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    For someone who doesn't care about the game it took you 1 post to say you dont care + one more to show you care.

    If your referring to KageBushi, they werent intentionally trying to break up bidding. They were trying to spite Instinct for being such asses to them. If anyone is to blame, its your alliance who thinks they're big-shots now and can be asses to the other smaller guilds out there.

    This is a really dumb thing. Nothing stopping the guild from declaring "every spot" open. Need to RPK more? Add a few more spots to the world map. You've ruined your good standing with other guilds over this. This is why all spectral reincarnations fail horribly.

    A few Decent TWs? Its rather easy to have them. Go merge with instinct. Only Kelbin and the majority of your RPK-loving faction cant handle their extreme PvE'ness. Once you join instinct your members will suddenly be accountable for being asses to other guilds - they may not like it.

    The majority of the server doesn't see vengeful as a guild with nice people in it. May be due to the fact you ruined your good standing.

    Just because I have an opinion doesn't mean I give a Rats azz about the game anymore lol...

    and plz.. get over yourself.... the guild did have a few of it's hard core pvp'ers that wanted to "expand" it's areas of free pvp.. but most in the guild including it's officers did not far as killing in those 3 areas are concerned... that is why people go there... FOR SOME PVP ACTION... and don't tell me that there are not people in other guilds like KB and a few others that don't abide by factions rules while at silverpool, HO and w gate because I have seen people from other guilds attacking people who were not KOS while there.. in fact both my chars while guildless have had to defend themselves in these areas frequently.

    as far as a merger with instinct goes... 2 reasons why perhaps that does not happen...

    1. would be nice if both these guilds could actually develop themselves into guilds that could provide a TW challenge for Essence instead of being just 1 guild

    2. if they did merge and still did not provide a challenge then what is the point? they would be called fail and asked to merge more.... that has already been seen so whether people like it or not.. the state of the game is a product of your own making and time to just live with what it is

    as far as caring about the game... ask my guildmates or anyone that may have been on my FL if I have even bothered to log lately or sign for TW.... as I said not really any reason to is terribad atm with lack of content.... boring beyond words tbh.

    but forums sometimes do provide some interesting banter
  • KedgeSniper - Lost City
    KedgeSniper - Lost City Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    and plz.. get over yourself.... the guild did have a few of it's hard core pvp'ers that wanted to "expand" it's areas of free pvp.. but most in the guild including it's officers did not far as killing in those 3 areas are concerned... that is why people go there... FOR SOME PVP ACTION... and don't tell me that there are not people in other guilds like KB and a few others that don't abide by factions rules while at silverpool, HO and w gate because I have seen people from other guilds attacking people who were not KOS while there.. in fact both my chars while guildless have had to defend themselves in these areas frequently.



    Any character that you see out there.. its 99% an alt of someone.

    Who really cares about the game anymore though b:shutup

    D i a b l o 3 B e t a. b:cute
    Face the fear. Face a war. Face the world.
    Leeching CQ salary since 09'
    Many names, Common Faces.
  • Angarika/ - Harshlands
    Angarika/ - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    th1s g4m3 b3 s3rbzn.
  • Bictorr - Lost City
    Bictorr - Lost City Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Help us and lose your land later, help them and lose your land now.
    Sounds like a lose lose situation.
  • Virile - Lost City
    Virile - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Vengeful is the most fail faction i have ever seen. I really wonder how they manage to hold on to good players like xalana, korren, devline, questro,yoshiki. Oh my, i'm out of names! Thats all the non fails Vengeful hasb:surrender.

    Fail faction is failb:shutup
  • SilverCleric - Lost City
    SilverCleric - Lost City Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I find it funny how, if any new guild get on the map and starts taking land they get trolls making fun of them or talking smack about them in some way....


    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

    ★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★

    ✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰
  • paralleogram
    paralleogram Posts: 596 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Vengeful is the most fail faction i have ever seen. I really wonder how they manage to hold on to good players like xalana, korren, devline, questro,yoshiki. Oh my, i'm out of names! Thats all the non fails Vengeful hasb:surrender.

    Fail faction is failb:shutup

    the return of rukhmath. we've missed your troll posts.
    Here we go again....
  • angellicdeity
    angellicdeity Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    as far as a merger with instinct goes... 2 reasons why perhaps that does not happen...

    1. would be nice if both these guilds could actually develop themselves into guilds that could provide a TW challenge for Essence instead of being just 1 guild

    2. if they did merge and still did not provide a challenge then what is the point? they would be called fail and asked to merge more.... that has already been seen so whether people like it or not.. the state of the game is a product of your own making and time to just live with what it is

    They cant develop themselves into guilds that could provide a challenge 1 on 1.

    Instinct is far superior to vengeful in TW abilities to-date. The problem is the people who are in instinct participating in TW are people who have repeatedly quit the game. In the long-run its difficult to keep people like this.

    Vengeful has been handed numerous defeats 1 on 1. So much so that it has become sport to see how fast Essence can beat Vengeful. Its clear vengeful is lacking with no prospects of growing due to its damaged reputation as an RPK guild.

    RPK guilds only really attract Assassins nowdays. Anyone who PK's knows an under-geared sin can take on well geared anything of other classes. Vengeful failed to realize that the classes that make a difference in TW are likely not to be PK'ers now-days. Anything other than a sin is mostly interested in PvE. So when you feel the need to RPK them at your RPK spots, your robbing yourself of potential candidates.

    This puts vengeful at a disadvantage recruiting classes that actually matter in TW.

    Vengeful is damaged, stunted. Unless it changes its appearance drastically it has reached the peak of its growth.

    Even if the merger doesn't bring you up to par with Essence - you'll be much closer than if you continue to separate yourselves.
  • Bictorr - Lost City
    Bictorr - Lost City Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Or log off and go outside in the sun!
  • kingfoolish
    kingfoolish Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Help us and lose your land later, help them and lose your land now.
    Sounds like a lose lose situation.

    which one has more benefit though?
  • Trelmanor - Lost City
    Trelmanor - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Vengeful is the most fail faction i have ever seen. I really wonder how they manage to hold on to good players like xalana, korren, devline, questro,yoshiki. Oh my, i'm out of names! Thats all the non fails Vengeful hasb:surrender.

    Fail faction is failb:shutup

    LOL who the *** are you that makes you think you can call people you don't even know fail.

    It is this kind of simpleminded mentality that makes forums like this laughable.

    Maybe you can use broad terms and say that a guild 'fails' because it cannot beat another 1 v 1.

    Or maybe you can say that a guilds leaders strategy in TW etc. fails... but the only person that truly fails is the one that constantly needs to stroke his/her own e-peen by calling others fail because maybe they don't fall into that 'elite' player category.

    Everyone plays the game for his/her own reasons.. some like to pvp, others play for the pve, while others play for the social aspect of it, and then there is the hybrid which incorporates more then one.

    Just because people may not be as good as others in one aspect of the game does not mean they are fail.. (but then again I guess you are too shortsighted to see this).

    Remember that there are actual people behind the characters and while I realize that the majority of people that play this game are arrogant, little children , it does not give you the right to try and belittle a persons efforts ...for some, thier character represents alot of time, patience and effort..

    Try and remember... you may want to achieve greatness in this game but fairplay and some level of respect for others is not a bad thing.