Dear Sheeps of LC



  • BoatFoot - Lost City
    BoatFoot - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    lets also not lose sight of the fact that they have in the past and most certainly will again, use thier allies till no longer needed then simply dismiss them as if they were a bad disease.

    See this is the bull**** vengeful members keep coming out with that is annoying.

    Can you clarify which allies essence has "dismissed as a bad disease" because I don't recall this ever happening yet its all venge members seem to talk about.
  • Bictorr - Lost City
    Bictorr - Lost City Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited May 2011
  • Maganda - Lost City
    Maganda - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    See this is the bull**** vengeful members keep coming out with that is annoying.

    Can you clarify which allies essence has "dismissed as a bad disease" because I don't recall this ever happening yet its all venge members seem to talk about.

    You're right... it didn't happen. I don't get myself too involved in game unless it's issues pertaining to Essence internally (although I am a subject of ridicule too often times by some members from KOS factions). Anyway, I'm assuming they're talking about how Essence has 'betrayed' Kamisama - their long-term ally - by attacking Kamisama out of nowhere in TW. While many of us do brag about our accomplishment (maybe more than what we should do)... I think most of them is an attempt to get a rile out of other people's reactions... not that we really think we are some powerful entity because we owned the entire map in an online game.

    Anyway, I see all of it as just game mechanics. There will be your guild, friendly guilds, and enemy guilds... Essence is just here to have fun with TW as that is what our main focus is. Just before map reset when Spectral was wiped off the map, the next best opponent was Kamisama. Did you really want NO TWs at all happening during that time? We just wanted to do what we kept on doing and to my understanding, the leadership of Kamisama agreed to it. It greatly surprised me when I heard of bad blood once KOS was stricken but again, I don't delve myself too much with inter-guild related matters as much. We gave credit where it was due... without Kamisama in the beginning, we would have had a harder time beating Spectral. After all, we did share the benefits we got from owning lands with Kamisama back when we were still allies. However, you can't deny how Essence did rise from an incredibly inexperienced, new guild to something so organized and awesome! b:chuckle

    Now some propaganda is going around that Essence will take the whole map by using other guilds at our advantage when all we really want is fun, competitive TWs. We won't get that fighting Yakuza or KageBushi or any other smaller-scale guild. As long as there's a guild willing to put up a fight in the same par, then we're going for it. Crystal walks aren't fun for any of us at all... even if we win. Even if we did attack a land owned by a smaller guild, it was a strategic move for us only to get closer to any of our KOS's lands. We are not that "evil" as many of you might think.

    You want a balanced map? What the hell does that even mean? That would imply that every guild would have to agree on how many lands they should own and everyone would just retreat to their own land. There will be no war at all because if any guild did lose a land then that would make the game imbalanced. Why not even give every guild a land if that's all you want? Even if the lands were dominated by Vengeful and Instinct that would still be an imbalanced map... I say, just take what you can in the best way possible. All this drama bs is so tiring to read because it leads to nowhere... Like how ridiculous is it that you have ~spies~ in vent posting SS of other guildchats? Blowing something that's supposed to be fun out of proportion (unless that constitutes as your kind of fun, but it's certainly not mine). b:lipcurl

    Also, first (and probably last) post in PWI foramz. b:cute b:bye

    Second edit: My post wasn't necessarily directed at Trel... I just wanted to reply w/o wanting to respond to everyone else who posted before me!
  • Trelmanor - Lost City
    Trelmanor - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    ok so i will 'correct' myself.... maybe Essence does not dismiss it's allies because it truly doesn't have any... what it has is a few factions that will help in open pvp against others and in return Essence will not attack them when out of safezone...

    an example would be what happened with Yakuza... they actively supported Essence in open pvp and still do

    But where was Essence when Yakuza was summarily being wiped off the map before the last reset?... no help for them then.. in fact Essence took at least one of thier lands to complete it's map domination... so much for not wanting crystal walks.

    If you look at the current map.. Essence is in position again to put both Yakuza and KageBushi in a corner where it becomes quite clear that both these guilds will become targets for alot of other guilds at the same time or by Essence later on.

    I am not looking for balance in TW because sadly it will never happen, and please read the other posts on the forums... I have always tried to be fairly objective and have said a number of times before that yes, Essence does deserve respect for what they have accomplished as a guild. It is just sad that people lose sight of the fact that if guilds continue to help the obviously unbeatable juggernaut in TW bids each week that this map will very quickly become one color again.

    also sad that because they are the dominant guild that ev1 still wants to join Essence instead of looking for a challenge and either joining a different guild to try and defeat them, or staying in thier current guild and trying to build itself into a factor that might actually be able to provide the type of TW's alot are looking for.

    As for those saying that having alot of guilds bidding on Essence will actually not help in setting up that Vengeful/Instinct dbl that is currently the only way to have a chance at beating Essence...quite frankly I don't care about that.. I would just like to see more people willing to stand up to Essence instead of cowering in a corner and hoping someone else will be able to do something about it.

    As it was when CQ was dominant and Essence before last reset... it seems all people want to do is complain that TW and the game is boring and QQ about one guild being so dominant instead of trying to do anything about it... better to stay off Essence KoS then to try and fight back... come on people it is just a bunch of pixels.. what the hell is ev1 so afraid of?
  • Channman - Lost City
    Channman - Lost City Posts: 491 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    ok so i will 'correct' myself.... maybe Essence does not dismiss it's allies because it truly doesn't have any... what it has is a few factions that will help in open pvp against others and in return Essence will not attack them when out of safezone...

    an example would be what happened with Yakuza... they actively supported Essence in open pvp and still do

    But where was Essence when Yakuza was summarily being wiped off the map before the last reset?... no help for them then.. in fact Essence took at least one of thier lands to complete it's map domination... so much for not wanting crystal walks.

    If you look at the current map.. Essence is in position again to put both Yakuza and KageBushi in a corner where it becomes quite clear that both these guilds will become targets for alot of other guilds at the same time or by Essence later on.

    I am not looking for balance in TW because sadly it will never happen, and please read the other posts on the forums... I have always tried to be fairly objective and have said a number of times before that yes, Essence does deserve respect for what they have accomplished as a guild. It is just sad that people lose sight of the fact that if guilds continue to help the obviously unbeatable juggernaut in TW bids each week that this map will very quickly become one color again.

    also sad that because they are the dominant guild that ev1 still wants to join Essence instead of looking for a challenge and either joining a different guild to try and defeat them, or staying in thier current guild and trying to build itself into a factor that might actually be able to provide the type of TW's alot are looking for.

    As for those saying that having alot of guilds bidding on Essence will actually not help in setting up that Vengeful/Instinct dbl that is currently the only way to have a chance at beating Essence...quite frankly I don't care about that.. I would just like to see more people willing to stand up to Essence instead of cowering in a corner and hoping someone else will be able to do something about it.

    As it was when CQ was dominant and Essence before last reset... it seems all people want to do is complain that TW and the game is boring and QQ about one guild being so dominant instead of trying to do anything about it... better to stay off Essence KoS then to try and fight back... come on people it is just a bunch of pixels.. what the hell is ev1 so afraid of?

    Trelmanor i have said many times if i was lvl 100+ with rank i would join vengeful not essence cause i would want a fight with the best and if i could play like i use to i would be there right now as for KB yes were SL with essence not allies but why shouldnt we vengeful and instinct kosed us lol why would we help a faction who is killing us?
  • HardToThink - Lost City
    HardToThink - Lost City Posts: 967 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Trelmanor i have said many times if i was lvl 100+ with rank i would join vengeful not essence cause i would want a fight with the best and if i could play like i use to i would be there right now as for KB yes were SL with essence not allies but why shouldnt we vengeful and instinct kosed us lol why would we help a faction who is killing us?

    Okay i'm sorry this is a little off topic. Are you yulk?
    Siggy from bellefleurs.
  • angellicdeity
    angellicdeity Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Okay i'm sorry this is a little off topic. Are you yulk?

    Takes a bit of time to digest, its on topic:

    In short:

    Why would other guilds help Instinct and Vengeful when they are KOS'ed or PK'ed by them more than essence?
  • HardToThink - Lost City
    HardToThink - Lost City Posts: 967 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Takes a bit of time to digest, its on topic:

    In short:

    Why would other guilds help Instinct and Vengeful when they are KOS'ed or PK'ed by them more than essence?

    No I was off topic, i want to know if chann is yulk. Which is of topic x.x
    Siggy from bellefleurs.
  • Lulznotwar - Lost City
    Lulznotwar - Lost City Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    Totally sheep for fake bidding on Arch right?

    Guess all your complaining goes out the window right there
    RIP spoons
    The game is dead
  • RayOmaga - Lost City
    RayOmaga - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    sparklyee wrote: »
    Essence will take your guild out too. No worries. We will see a nice ****-colored TW map. b:chuckle

    Ok and so wat if they do they dont rpk us constantly so we got np with em i rather them have the map than vengeful or instinct maybe next time both u guilds wont move ur koses over to a new guild ur making
  • RayOmaga - Lost City
    RayOmaga - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It is not being scared... it is being realistic... both Vengeful and Instinct are smart enough to realize that currently there is NO single guild that can defeat Essence 1 v 1 in TW.
    The only hope that anyone has of preventing a single coloured map again is to continue to try and force them into having to defend multiple territories simultaniously.

    Problem with that is that there are still alot of people on the server that either don't give a **** about doing anything to help, or simply don't care.

    As far as being d0uches of the server.... maybe Vengeful made a few mistakes at the begining by allowing some of it's more bloodlusty members the freedom to rpk at SilverPool, Hidden Orchid and West Gate thus contributing to the annimosity towards it's members, but other then those areas, the only other pk that is allowed is against KOS, so KB and other KoS guilds.. there is no secret that you will be killed when seen outside of SZ

    Do u kno why KB is on kos hmm before Vengeful was together. Unity lead by Morten, Pokerface Lead by Xuanbac or w.e had lead of guild and also ThaClick Lead by dissle all kos us Lmao KB is a Pkk guild u guys get mad cuz we killed yah so when all ur guilds came together and make vengeful Morten Dissle where still Butthut bout us pk em u guys began to pk us at frost gate nd Gbq area soo dont try to say we started it. instinct people mad but u guys kosed us before u made change guild names for kami to instinct but who cares bout instinct they rpk we pkk cant be friends]
  • Lu$t - Sanctuary
    Lu$t - Sanctuary Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    *eats popcorn*

    Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~
  • Trelmanor - Lost City
    Trelmanor - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    lol Ray... never said you guys started the KOS... that post simply said that people see us as the d0uches of the server when perhaps others should wear that title as well.... tbh this game has progressed from some serious but friendly competition to one that now is just about whos' e-peen is the biggest and who can trash talk the best.

    there is no fun competition anymore it is all about hatred toward each other and carrying grudges from long ago.

    too many players on the server have reached level 100 and have nothing better to do, TW is a joke at best and all instances and events are tedious.

    Unfortunately this only gives people one choice...Trash talk each other because there really is nothing better to do it is simply the only form of entertainment left...

    so please keep the phlames alive both here on the forums and in WC... only thing left logging on for
  • RayOmaga - Lost City
    RayOmaga - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    HMmm who carried the grudge we try to stay away from pk sites like west sliver pool and Ho to not get pked by vengeful but Morten wan go off and pk people at GBQ and Frost gate soo we not carried no grudes apparently ur guild was. when guildies were gettin pked by vengeful at pk sites we said there is nuffin we can do but u guys started to pk us everwhere then we WC KAGEBUSHI OFFICALLY ON KOS Offically Quoted by Morten aka Dropzio
  • RayOmaga - Lost City
    RayOmaga - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Imagine This we take SS of Morten pkin show to them. Who is Vengeful Director Jessya and Mortens wife soo where wud our SS go IN THE TRASH I GUESS
  • MageFizban - Lost City
    MageFizban - Lost City Posts: 1,158 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    hahah butthut - best misspelling ever.
  • HardToThink - Lost City
    HardToThink - Lost City Posts: 967 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    HMmm who carried the grudge we try to stay away from pk sites like west sliver pool and Ho to not get pked by vengeful but Morten wan go off and pk people at GBQ and Frost gate soo we not carried no grudes apparently ur guild was. when guildies were gettin pked by vengeful at pk sites we said there is nuffin we can do but u guys started to pk us everwhere then we WC KAGEBUSHI OFFICALLY ON KOS Offically Quoted by Morten aka Dropzio

    Umm...I...How... You make shinzoko look like an English university teacher
    Siggy from bellefleurs.
  • Trelmanor - Lost City
    Trelmanor - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    OMFG Ray again you fail to understand the post... I was not pointing fingers at any one guild about carrying grudges.... just saying that that is pretty much what happens anymore... and *** if it makes you feel better then YES there are members of Vengeful that carry grudges as well... and perhaps they let that affect thier decisions

    Get over yourself.. not everything that is posted here is a direct attack at you or your guild

    (except maybe that last statement)b:chuckle
  • AtIantic - Lost City
    AtIantic - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hi. My name is Atlantic and I`m a cash shopper from Essence . U jelly ? This has always been the opponent`s excuse after losing ,unfortunately . Kamisama/Instinct might not have the same amount of cash shoppers we do in Essence , but they do have VERY well geared people ( cough +12 r9 mages cough ) . However , you Vengeful , need to win Nobel prize for bypassing us in cash shopping . So please , let whoever in your guild that KewKews about " EW NO ESS CS DEY LOLDEYFAIL" stop . You can`t beat us in a 1v1 and it was been proven 3~4 times so far :3

    Your Sincerely , Badzio/Moerten worst nightmare,Atlantic .

  • AtIantic - Lost City
    AtIantic - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Umm...I...How... You make shinzoko look like an English university teacher

    He`s almost not online now cuz he bought an English teacher :D
  • Ninjabat_BR - Lost City
    Ninjabat_BR - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    What "sheep" means in PW ?How my character's name says,I'm brazilian and i dont speak english very well.

    the brazilian venomancer
  • Lu$t - Sanctuary
    Lu$t - Sanctuary Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    What "sheep" means in PW ?How my character's name says,I'm brazilian and i dont speak english very well.

    The context in which sheep is being used is a metaphor. In this case, the original poster is calling the majority/all of the server "sheep" for "allowing" essence to do whatever. Sheep is used because the animal itself is docile by nature, following each other in crowds which of who follows the leader, the sheep herder. I suggest just watching the post thought lol

    *slurps soda and eats popcorn* carry on \o/

    Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~
  • Ninjabat_BR - Lost City
    Ninjabat_BR - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    thank you

    the brazilian venomancer
  • evolution1234
    evolution1234 Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    b:dirtyb:dirtySpliffany is as angry as Maiab:dirty

    second that before someone else b:victory
  • RayOmaga - Lost City
    RayOmaga - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Umm...I...How... You make shinzoko look like an English university teacher

    point is u can read what i write lmao i dont have to write words like What when i can put wat soo Shhhhhhh~
  • Lyuute - Lost City
    Lyuute - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    World domination! b:laugh
  • sparklyee
    sparklyee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hi. My name is Atlantic and I`m a cash shopper from Essence . U jelly ? This has always been the opponent`s excuse after losing ,unfortunately . Kamisama/Instinct might not have the same amount of cash shoppers we do in Essence , but they do have VERY well geared people ( cough +12 r9 mages cough ) . However , you Vengeful , need to win Nobel prize for bypassing us in cash shopping . So please , let whoever in your guild that KewKews about " EW NO ESS CS DEY LOLDEYFAIL" stop . You can`t beat us in a 1v1 and it was been proven 3~4 times so far :3

    Your Sincerely , Badzio/Moerten worst nightmare,Atlantic .


    Ohai Atlantic. Found a new e-love to spend your dolla bills on yet? b:cute
    Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?
  • MageFizban - Lost City
    MageFizban - Lost City Posts: 1,158 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    sparklyee wrote: »
    Ohai Atlantic. Found a new e-love to spend your dolla bills on yet? b:cute

    please be me.

    i could use a +12 min stat coa ring.
  • Bictorr - Lost City
    Bictorr - Lost City Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Just spend your incredible wealth from oil on hookers. Simple and straight to the point.
  • AtIantic - Lost City
    AtIantic - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    please be me.

    i could use a +12 min stat coa ring.

    Sure babe. We make dem all jelly y/y ? b:dirtyb:kiss