Pack Attack: What is it killing?



  • nakhtuul
    nakhtuul Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    f*ck packs. and f*ck the GM's and marketing team for making fun of their player base because of packs.

    not cool, bro.

    Perfect World International Alumni
    Closed Beta 2008 - Present
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    LOL wut? I'm sorry but DW is competitive in TW. No one in a respectful TW faction has 3* or mold gears. And a lot of people even in smaller factions are packs addicts. If anything I think DW maybe just have either more demand or less supply for LGWT or people are farming it via lunar trophy mode on HL.
    i totally thought DW was just packed full of late cashshoppers that wanted to rise to the top on another server ...hence why all that condensed 'competition'

    on another note
    sanc gold was 1,275,000 give or take this morning :s
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Dear Sir Or Madam,

    im a lvl102 wizard in the supposedly dominating TW faction on our server
    and i are wearing 3star Booty

    me haz this gear proof:

    tank qu

    Hex is a troll :(

  • OggoKing - Sanctuary
    OggoKing - Sanctuary Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    nakhtuul wrote: »
    f*ck packs. and f*ck the GM's and marketing team for making fun of their player base because of packs.

    not cool, bro.

    How are they making fun of the player base? Packs give tokens, weapons, and great stuff, so no problem for me b:laugh Gold high? why care? dragon orbs and charms should be expensive, game is more fun without, because its more difficult! b:victory
  • FiDollaYou - Sanctuary
    FiDollaYou - Sanctuary Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    nakhtuul wrote: »
    f*ck packs. and f*ck the GM's and marketing team for making fun of their player base because of packs.

    not cool, bro.

    Hmmmm. Sounds like someone opened a bunch of packs and got nothing but tokens...
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hmmmm. Sounds like someone opened a bunch of packs and got nothing but tokens...

    300 packs and nothing but tokens here b:bye

    Yes, imad b:angry
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    well in all honesty i think we need a pack break

    maybe a good-sale break for the players and the economy to recover

    by times i check gold every 10 minutes and there should be movement (fresh gold sold every 10 minutes) well it used to be, while on some days lately there was no movement at all for hours, thats just not right >.<

    Tuesday for a few hours we had only like 30 ridiculously overpriced gold in the yellow part

    we need stuff that can only be obtained ingame to make cashers sell gold in AH
    if gold is sold in AH, the non cashers keep playing
    if they keep playing the cashers have people they can dominate with superior gear
    if they can do that they keep charging gold....
    and if they keep charging gold i dont need to charge gold to compete halfway

    SO, you have real money? you are lazy and wanna get to your goals fast?
    CHARGE GOLD and SELL it in Auction House
    buy the items you wanted to get from packs -> is cheaper for 99% of people

    there are only a very few extremely lucky people who actually make profit opening packs
    and those luck streaks have an end too - they end up buying more packs negating all profit again

    i like potato
  • FiDollaYou - Sanctuary
    FiDollaYou - Sanctuary Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    300 packs and nothing but tokens here b:bye

    Yes, imad b:angry

    Come to Vegas, please. We need more people like you. Gaming revenue is down, so our wonderful legislature is starting to talk Personal Income Tax again...

    I prefer them taxing people who are bad at math.
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Come to Vegas, please. We need more people like you. Gaming revenue is down, so our wonderful legislature is starting to talk Personal Income Tax again...

    I prefer them taxing people who are bad at math.

    Been to Vegas, not for gambling, and no thanks, it's way too freaking hot there.

    You'd think out of 300 packs I would have had at least one measly plat charm, wouldn't you? LOL
  • Zeyar - Dreamweaver
    Zeyar - Dreamweaver Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    well in all honesty i think we need a pack break

    maybe a good-sale break for the players and the economy to recover

    Didnt we have that few months ago ? Tokens were 17~18k and everybody was begging on their knees for moar packs b:laugh

    but seriously, y would someone care if u dont gamble on packs and lost ?
    Not happy with cheap Charm, HP/MP food, Shards, Wine, Hypers and everything else that is token related ?? there is all the necessities a normal player can want made available with cheap tokens.. Even the high end stuffs r cheaper when packs r around

    y complain abt gold price ? do u need gold that urgently to buy moar packs ? b:laugh
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Didnt we have that few months ago ? Tokens were 17~18k and everybody was begging on their knees for moar packs b:laugh

    but seriously, y would someone care if u dont gamble on packs and lost ?
    Not happy with cheap Charm, HP/MP food, Shards, Wine, Hypers and everything else that is token related ?? there is all the necessities a normal player can want made available with cheap tokens.. Even the high end stuffs r cheaper when packs r around

    y complain abt gold price ? do u need gold that urgently to buy moar packs ? b:laugh

    i want cheap gold to buy great amounts for the next sale obviously

    have enough charms to cover my own use till December probably
    likewise tokens and everything i make with tokens :o

    whats a normal player?

    ...high gold price is **** everything

    those who sell gold can pay more for the same stuff with same input money
    driving prices of the good-pack-drops up

    lunar glade wing trophy hitting 60 mil during this sale

    +10mil price

    merchants and farmers stay at about the same coin-income-volume
    so a high gold price is a pain for the playerbase with ambition
    those who actually intend to improve and compete without just blowing money on the game nor opening those stupid packs
    i like potato
  • Manostra - Harshlands
    Manostra - Harshlands Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hmm someone wrote you have about 97% of all Time 15 Token of Luck in these Packs. If you use the best buy you pay 36 Silver for 1 Pack = 2,4 Silver per token = 41,7 Token per Gold.

    41,7 * 10 000 Coin = 417000 Coin

    So all the Stuff from the PWI Exchange Agent is available for whooping 417K Coins/Gold

    Cheap Hypers, Wines, Teles, MP/HP Food ect you name it.

    Not to forget the "Lucky Looser" Prices like cheap Mounts, cheap FC Weapon/Ornaments ,
    even for noobs affordable LG Weapon, Ornaments.

    Future not to forget : All the good Gems come from Packs, The most Cube Ornaments also, your nice level 5 Tome is from a Pack and and and.

    Without Packs all the Cash Shoppers would have this Stuff too BUT free to play Users would Pay more than 417k Coins for all the nice stuff above. They had due rarety of above items no chance in hell to get competive since the prices for nice gear would off limits for normal Player.

    Good Traders can be equal to Cash Shoppers given the fact they need just a lot more time.
    Without Packs that would certainly harder.

    Also, Packs inflate cheap Coins into the market. Best Luck is mostly exchanged for a 10 mil Note. Normal Tokens are exchanged to Wedding Wine --> Triumph Monney when the Supply is significantly higher than the deman wich is the case right now.

    This + TW Rewards inflate the Coin supply and the prices will raise. Face it next Year we pay 2.4 Mil for 1 Gold in AH and at some Point we will hit the 10 Mil Coin per gold hard Cap.

    Adapt, exploit the given Situations to your best and remember that pwi is an endless circle. All whats need to keep the market alive is introducing new, better Gear wich will happen in the future. The day 3.4 flyers or 12 speed Mounts come out all previous Stuff will become worthless (or at least cheap) for example.
    I hate Room 38
  • Zeyar - Dreamweaver
    Zeyar - Dreamweaver Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    whats a normal player?

    I dont think u'd see one in Regen tho

    a normal player is who doesnt charge Zen or only charge minimal amount per mth or
    not someone 5aps with Vit/DoT stones sharded in the **** too or
    a someone who doesnt solo FC, duo Nirv, solo TT in 30mins
    do not go to TW every week in, week out .. all these players need is cheap necessities which cheap tokens can supply

    as Manostra just pointed out, u will have to spend alot more if u wish to get Premium items without packs around .. tried calculating how much it would cost to make Cube of Fate Necklace ? or Lunar Glade Robe ? LG weapon ? Warsoul of Earth/Heaven ?

    u can still be a competitive player with ambitions without actually blowing a fortune, IF u r competence, my RL friend is a 5aps sin without spending a single dollar and only playing abt 2~3hrs a day, i m sure there r many more players like him around

    i dont see any better or comprehensive in-game money making guide than this

    Other than Tokens of Best Luck, packs r pretty much fine.. ToBL inject too much coins into game .. the rest of the other stuffs r only helpful to the player base.
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    haha according to warrens guide im a "Type IV "
    cant seem to get past 250
    noobie hex is always spending coin on stuff b:sad
    fish needs gear D:<!
    hex needed skills
    i like potato
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I don't know how it works on PvP servers, but some things i do know on DW :

    1. packs came out > Gold price went up, that's usual.

    2. Players who made a lot of money ingame with double drops are now using that same cash to either make more profit OR invest in packs (selling/opening).

    Result :

    Because there are a LOT of people opening packs, it also shows more "Duke" announcing of ToBL, thus giving the "impression" that there are a lot of drops, which makes people buy more/open more packs AND increases the gold price accordingly.

    Those who sell gold make a LOT of cash > they are willing to pay more for "good" or "rare" items like mounts/wings/Capes/scroll of tome....etc etc, therefore increasing the price of those items, which in turn makes players buy/open more packs because they get the impression that one drop from packs may make them more cash.

    A simple example : if you have citrine gems which sell usually for 20 mill, but you can see them selling for 25+ mill, you will also want that much for it. So, prices increase.

    And because those prices increase, you get the impression that packs can give you a lot of profit when a good item drops >increasing yet again, the demand for packs > increase in gold sale > increase in gold price >increase in ingame price of "good" items.

    It is what you might call a "vicious circle" : "a complex of events that reinforces itself through a feedback loop toward greater instability".

    Adding one last thing :

    A number of players, because of this instability, have already taken a "break" from the game, or have left alltogether. New players are very rarely infused into the server (new accounts/toons = usually "alts"), thus making the playerbase split more and more into 2 main groups :

    - those that buy gold > infusing more cash into the game > increasing prices

    - those that don't > those usually move over to the first group or "give up" in some kind of way, either temporary or permanently.

    The longer packs stay on the "menu", the more of the second group will leave. I've seen several of my friends goto either other games, like FW (me included for the most part), or plainly "give up" alltogether on pwi. Very few , and i do mean wayyyyy less, have spend more cash on the game.


    Quite a lengthy and incorrect response.

    Items are gaining in price because of the lack of people buying packs. And there is a lack of people buying gold to sell in the Gold Trader. The problem is a lack of people spending money, a lack of people opening packs and too many people with lots of coin trying to buy gold as soon as it's put in the Gold Trader.

    When packs first came out, people were buying and opening so many there were almost more items available than the market could handle. This is called saturation. Every successive attempt at pack sales introduced less items due to smaller chances of getting those items and less packs being open, however most of the people already had the items they needed.

    Now, there is more demand from newer players and alts for those items but not enough people opening packs and getting those items. That's why the price has soared on all of the desirable items.

    Simple, eh?
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.