:O omg i said it



  • TreeHugs - Harshlands
    TreeHugs - Harshlands Posts: 368 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    ive played on the Malaysian server old school way before they even got hypers there. yes, that means daily stone, world quest, and punish-reward repeatable all the way to 101. they had bounty hunter on there for a few months before they took it away. so i know how old school grinding is.

    my veno on here, i leveled her via daily stone, world quest, bounty, normal quests, and punish repeatable till about 85-ish until i started fc, which i actually leveled her to 99 yesterday XD

    on my mystic on the other hand, i quested and did dailies till 75, then fc'd to 100, which i got the other day. i wanted to level faster on her because ive played this game forever and i really enjoyed the new class.

    i agree i do miss the old days playing, well maybe not specifically the grinding but the fact that everyone leveled the same way. but now who has time for that? people dont want to play grindy games anymore. people just want to play. and to some, playing is exploring new areas, questing, ect, and to others its getting to 100 fast to explore end game content.
    TreeHugs - Lv. 101 Demon Rank 8 Mystic
    vixter - Lv. 101 Demon Heavy Rank 8 Venomancer
  • HeavensRage - Raging Tide
    HeavensRage - Raging Tide Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    This thread is new and exciting.
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    hydrolace wrote: »
    I've met more bad people who leveled their char "the old fashioned way" versus the "new way."

    Furthermore, I don't give a damn how you level your character but I dislike people who automatically assume because you leveled it one way or the other, that you suck. I've had powerlevelers say everyone else fails because they can't power level and and i've had "old school" levelers say everyone who power levels sucks. No, it doesn't work that way.

    What decides if you 'fail' or not is behind the character, not how the character levels.

    you conveyed what i wanted to say in my pervious post MUCH better than i did lol 1+b:victory
  • Axions - Heavens Tear
    Axions - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Is it bad that I leveled an assassin the old fashioned way till level 93. I went sage but got bored of it and started a new sin :) im power leveling it cause i dont have 5 months to level it all over again. So does that make me a noob? im preatty sure after leveling a sin to 93 the "old fashion" way doesn't make me a "noob" :D
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Is it bad that I leveled an assassin the old fashioned way till level 93. I went sage but got bored of it and started a new sin :) im power leveling it cause i dont have 5 months to level it all over again. So does that make me a noob? im pretty sure after leveling a sin to 93 the "old fashion" way doesn't make me a "noob" :D

    ROFL i dont blame you I would have done the same with my cleric (plvld the new one up to 60) if i liked Plvling but i just didnt.

    I didnt call people Fails or Noobs

    I think peopel may have got the wrong end of the stick. This thread wasnt necissarily supposed to be "all Plvlers are bad players" in fact ive met some very good ones. I have also said repeatadly that just because somebody Plvls that doesnt mean im saying they are a fail player. Ive also said repeatadly that WHETHER OR NOT somebody is a GOOD player or BAD player, if they plvld im still like meh...
    Even though "fail player" means powerlvled toon in 99% of the cases, that doesn't mean powerlvled toon = fail player.

    yeah kinda like that XD

    Yeah there have been some fail experiences in squads etc, but at the end of the day ive had bad experiences in BH with people who havnt plvld too. This wasnt my main point. I wanted to know if anyone still thought this way...that Plvling was kinda like, you know...cheating. Or in some way ruining the Game idk. I even said before i have a lvl 60 cleric and i was goign to Plvl a new one to 60 because somebody had a similer name to her. This wouldnt make me any less good at beign a cleric, but that WASNT THE POINT. This thread wasnt started to offend anyone or JUDGE anyone as such i simply wanted to know what people thought which i think is pretty harmless in a section of the forums called "General Discussion"

    I know people are sayign "why do you care " and "i hate when people have a go at plvlers" and blah blah blah but hey chill voice your opinions but dont get all deffensive its fine we alll good
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    This thread is new and exciting.

    Your post is original and thrilling.


    I've got the opposite experience. Most players who have power leveled don't take the time to get good gear, skills, or even bother to learn how to use what skills they do bother with getting.

    There are people who are fail who don't powerlevel their characters. But... At least, when you level the 'old fashioned way', you get a chance to develop your own style of play, and figure out what you want to do with your build. >_>
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Flickerfae - Sanctuary
    Flickerfae - Sanctuary Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The other day, I ran an fb 19 on my barb alt. The tabber was a 4x barb who had FCCed up, and was just then getting to his fb.

    He liked to pull entire rooms and drag them back to our party, where a high-level veno was waiting with a herc. The problem?

    He didn't have roar.

    Told me he didn't have the spirit. Yeah, okay, if you hypered up, then of course you don't have the spirit. Get the spirit. If we had a cleric, they'd be dead as soon as they tried to heal your dumb power-leveled behind. I constantly had to roar to catch the mobs he pulled before they latched onto the squishy Veno.

    Not all powerleveled people are like this. But more power-leveled people are like this than non-powerleveled. This is why I hate it. You decided to take the fast-track, and that means we have to suffer? No thank you. Level a character the old way first, so you know the game, please.

    -Ignoring my main for alts since early '09
  • Asone - Raging Tide
    Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I don't really care much for power leveling myself. It makes the game end too fast for me. I didn't join the game till earlier last year, but being console gamer for 10 years of my life, I prefer the older way.

    People can do what they want with their alts, I guess I don't care with it being only an alt they are power leveling. But if its player brand new to the game, that would be a different story. I'd much rather they learn first.

    I get asked to power level people with FC, and I don't do that for the simple reason that I don't know if it is a main or an alt that I'm dealing with. I've helped friends a few times with power leveling their alts, but they've been in the game a long time with their mains and know how the other classes work.

    I don't power level any of my alts myself. I'd rather just learn from my own experience, but at least I know what to expect this time around.

    But I've had my fair share of run-ins with bad players as well. I have a high rate for tolerance, but it will only go so far sometimes. My main annoyance is constant wining and yelling at the cleric what to do. Even a pro cleric will have problems once and awhile.

    Example: One of my pro cleric friends who is very good at what he does, was in FC and was having a hard time healing a lv90+ barb because he only had 8k HP. I checked his stats.........he had a portion of his stat points going to MP.........

    Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
  • Purge - Raging Tide
    Purge - Raging Tide Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I'm with the OP on this. Powerlevelling seems to me to be no better than acquiring cheat codes for games. I'd feel I was only cheating myself and would be disappointed in myself for doing it. Now that I'm well into the levels for FC I still don't do it, simply because I find it about the most boring instance :(
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The other day, I ran an fb 19 on my barb alt. The tabber was a 4x barb who had FCCed up, and was just then getting to his fb.

    He liked to pull entire rooms and drag them back to our party, where a high-level veno was waiting with a herc. The problem?

    He didn't have roar.

    Told me he didn't have the spirit. Yeah, okay, if you hypered up, then of course you don't have the spirit.

    .... wut?

    you get the same spirit from hypering 100k EXP as you get from questing and grinding it the old fashioned way. Only way to gain more spirit either way is to either die or dump XP into a genie and how you level won't change that.

    Personally, I don't care how someone leveled IF they're able to play competently. I don't really bother with it much for the lower levels since those fly by anyways, but at higher levels where it's a grindfest? If you can actually play properly, go for it. I'm not really a fan of it but your time/playing experience so up to you how you do it.
  • Yuniryu - Raging Tide
    Yuniryu - Raging Tide Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    ive played on the Malaysian server old school way before they even got hypers there. yes, that means daily stone, world quest, and punish-reward repeatable all the way to 101. they had bounty hunter on there for a few months before they took it away. so i know how old school grinding is.

    my veno on here, i leveled her via daily stone, world quest, bounty, normal quests, and punish repeatable till about 85-ish until i started fc, which i actually leveled her to 99 yesterday XD

    on my mystic on the other hand, i quested and did dailies till 75, then fc'd to 100, which i got the other day. i wanted to level faster on her because ive played this game forever and i really enjoyed the new class.

    i agree i do miss the old days playing, well maybe not specifically the grinding but the fact that everyone leveled the same way. but now who has time for that? people dont want to play grindy games anymore. people just want to play. and to some, playing is exploring new areas, questing, ect, and to others its getting to 100 fast to explore end game content.

    Yeah :C.

    I wish i played pwi a few years ago, it sounds alot more fun then now.
    Well anyways doesn t matter can t force people to not plevel, what matters is xD just playing the game cansual at my pace.
    b:victory i am enjoying my 1 level a week :). :D might do some sight seeing.b:pleased
  • SinfuINature - Harshlands
    SinfuINature - Harshlands Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I miss the days when 80 was such a big deal that people got World Chat shoutouts for turning 80...cause it used to be an acheivment. Unbeleivable but true

    i lvled a barb to lvl 80 w/o hpyers or FC... moved to another server and lvled my sin to lvl 77 w/o hypers or FC... but im not going to run quests where you have to kill 80 of this and 80 of that then fly here then fly there... o ok now fly back to turn it in and while you fly there stop and find 5 of this herb and 10 of that herb... HELL NO... I know to play my class simple as that... im not going to quest for 20mill exp to go from lvl 95 to 96... i want end game for TW and PVP and Niv to make coin... yea i will be selling heads and mobs for coin... wait i already do b:victory

    btw if you want to heat up food do you use a mircowave or an oven or better yet a fire? what im tryign to say is that some ppl dont want to wait for the oven to heat up when they can be eating in a fraction of the time with a mircowave...
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    btw if you want to heat up food do you use a mircowave or an oven or better yet a fire? what im tryign to say is that some ppl dont want to wait for the oven to heat up when they can be eating in a fraction of the time with a mircowave...

    Depends on what I'm heating up and how I want it to be. Some things are far better stovetop or oven heated than with the microwave, and other times, it just doesn't matter while being too hungry to care. b:chuckle
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    What's a Bloodpaint? b:puzzled
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    btw if you want to heat up food do you use a mircowave or an oven or better yet a fire? what im tryign to say is that some ppl dont want to wait for the oven to heat up when they can be eating in a fraction of the time with a mircowave...

    Oven unless io really HAEV to use microwave XD i feel taking time to cook properly makes for better food ROFL
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • SinfuINature - Harshlands
    SinfuINature - Harshlands Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    Oven unless io really HAEV to use microwave XD i feel taking time to cook properly makes for better food ROFL

    you get what im trying to say right? if you enjoy questing and all then keep going with quests... i hate questing... just me...
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I'm with the OP on this. Powerlevelling seems to me to be no better than acquiring cheat codes for games. I'd feel I was only cheating myself and would be disappointed in myself for doing it. Now that I'm well into the levels for FC I still don't do it, simply because I find it about the most boring instance :(

    +1 this guy understands
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    btw if you want to heat up food do you use a mircowave or an oven or better yet a fire? what im tryign to say is that some ppl dont want to wait for the oven to heat up when they can be eating in a fraction of the time with a mircowave... [/COLOR]

    lol i understand whay your trying to say when you ask this but remeber, some things are just better in an oven rather than a microwave:P like...... TURKEY!!!! or PIZZAAAAA or even better RIIIIIIIIBS *starts drooling profuselyb:dirtyb:dirtyb:dirty
  • SinfuINature - Harshlands
    SinfuINature - Harshlands Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    lol i understand whay your trying to say when you ask this but remeber, some things are just better in an oven rather than a microwave:P like...... TURKEY!!!! or PIZZAAAAA or even better RIIIIIIIIBS *starts drooling profuselyb:dirtyb:dirtyb:dirty

    a deep fried turkey is the best... have you tried it? i love turkey... well for lunch i only have left over pizza... i guess ill go heat it up inthe microwave lol b:surrender
  • unnknow
    unnknow Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Plvlers suck.if you want to test lvl 100 go play on a fvkin private server.pwi should make ff for lvl 80+ and they are ruining our gameplay experience.once again,pwi is the game of all posibilities.greedy company
  • Lesthar - Heavens Tear
    Lesthar - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,045 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    First of all, thanks Dorset for your thread. I have been disliking powerleveling a lot since I joined the realm of MMORPGs and I guess I am ready to give you my conclusions.
    Please note that these are my own opinions and are general assumptions. They may not fit everyone and of course, I don't really care about people practicing that, making profit in proposing services out of that or benefitting (?) out of it.
    And please, no tl;dr trolling, people. Don't like long lectures, don't read it. Thank you.

    There are different kinds of powerlevel reasons, allow me to go through them one at a time. Ready? Go:

    - First of all, the kind of powerlevel I hate the most is the one targeted towards newbies, those who really never played the game before... Why is that? Because they have been introduced to the game by their friends and are enticed/pushed/manipulated in getting levels as soon as possible so the newcomer and the veteran can quest together.

    This is counterproductive and extremely dumb. Why? Because the charm of a new game is also for the newbies to discover all through difficulties...
    Those who are given all on a silver platter, will only end frustrated when they are not helped (for various reasons), and only grow dependant and never appreciate the game (and possibly will end as noobs).
    What is worse is when they have spent money in the game.
    P.S.: At least there is FF in this game. I play another MMO and powerlevelers use mobs needed for quests to level their alts/friends... Stealing mobs I need before my very eyes... Ticks me off to no end.

    - Secondly, the veteran who doesn't like to go through the same stuff over and over (alts and all). This case was encountered many times in this thread and is quite understandable. That said, mastering a new class in my opinion also requires one to know what spell/skill to use in one situation and not another, through quests and grinding.

    For example, I've learned fast and easily that kiting as my wizard, cleric and psychic is a must, and to use knockback when it is possible. I have seen a psychic tanking a magic resistant Skeleranc Craftsman once and it was a total disaster. I could beat those easily via kiting without being hit once.
    I then am quite proud (no other term in mind) that I have learned to use all classes so far with positive results. I rarely die and I do not depend on others or stuff like apothecary items or charms... or even super sharded equipment. Powerleveling sure would be convenient, but I prefer to do it alone, so I have a precise idea of steps to go through for each character. And then, there is always something to do, which makes the game still enjoyable.

    - My third point is for those who are tired to get stuck and use powerlevel to catch up to others, or finally reach the next levels. Once again I understand the idea, but addiction is right around the corner and they will have to upgrade in terms of skills and equips.

    - And finally those who absolutely don't care about playing the game (graphics, music, lore or the tidbits of backstory). When I witnessed people having their seekers and mystics leveled to 100 in two days, if not even less, I shook my head and shrugged. what did the devs worked for then?

    Even if they were given shells of classes (no backstory, no new mobs, no new regions, no new music and sounds, etc.), meaning only new skills and equipements, they would take it. The most blatant example of this madness is the assassin.
    I will never understand this last category of people.

    Anyway, to complete my post, here are the pros and cons to powerleveling:

    *Less hassle and frustration;
    *Fast ceiling reaching;
    *It is a good underground source of revenues to some. Is it partly responsible of an active game economy too? Dubious statement.

    *You can get broke easily, using cash can end as a way to meet needs;
    *Some people will brag for something they did not do themselves, just financed or got assistance for. Gladly they are not all like that, but again, modesty is a virtue;
    *Powerlevelers can be total pricks (ksing mobs that others may legitimately need) and not be sorry about it;
    *Some people will always be behind as they won't be able to get endgame gear/skills, unless they fork real money out;
    *Boredom and ragequitting, including calling the game makers and PWI itself fail;
    *Being addicted for good until they hit the ceiling and act like one or several of the possibilities stated above.

    Quite long eh? Thanks for reading!
    Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
    - When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
    - Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
    - New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
    - When will we get new content? QQ
    - Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
    - I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
    - *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
  • Hhlolz - Harshlands
    Hhlolz - Harshlands Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    90% of the ppl playing now probably dont know the really oldschool way of lvling...
    zhen/butterfly crashing ftwb:surrender

    didnt like fish cuz no nix >.<
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
  • hydrolace
    hydrolace Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    90% of the ppl playing now probably dont know the really oldschool way of lvling...
    zhen/butterfly crashing ftwb:surrender

    didnt like fish cuz no nix >.<

    This, is an extremely good point. A lot of people say bh/cs is "old school" but zhenning, that is truly old school leveling.
    I remember doing rebirth gamma for days just to hit 89, then leveling my nix up and searching for zhenners to crash.

    I remember when crazy stone was considered power leveling.. ha.
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    hydrolace wrote: »
    This, is an extremely good point. A lot of people say bh/cs is "old school" but zhenning, that is truly old school leveling.
    I remember doing rebirth gamma for days just to hit 89, then leveling my nix up and searching for zhenners to crash.

    I remember when crazy stone was considered power leveling.. ha.

    This is very true. I've seen people talk about BHs as old-school when, in reality, there was a time when we didn't even know how to do rebith and zhenning on EXP scrolls was as amazing as it could get.

    Or being an archer grinding fishies in sea of isolation until you hit 89, then grinded in Heaven/Hell, then got your TT90 fish armor as your totally awesome proof of being a high level.
  • Elviron - Dreamweaver
    Elviron - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    A MMORPG evolves over time and so do the methods.

    To me power levelling and the old-school way of zhenning are just two different paths to reach the same destination. People choose whichever path they find more entertaining and/or convenient.

    Also I'll pose a similar question, if I were to give you a choice to make 1 million coins in 1 hr (new legitimate method) and 100k coins in 1 hr (old school method ), which would you choose? If I call making 1 millions in 1 hr cheating because you are able to afford more things faster, would it be fair on my part?
  • esotericsoul
    esotericsoul Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I Dislike Plvling and i Dislike the fact that people would preffer to do that than actually lvl their chars

    legitimatly. Maybe im just old School, but the whole thing feels like cheating, whether you can create a char as good as a non plvld one or not.

    Back in the Day...

    That is all.
    Just wondering if there is anyone out there who still shares my opinion.....or does this make me Old fashioned XD

    What's really disappointing is that no one is out in the world anymore. They're all locked up in instances, or shouting for BH, FCC, etc. chasing their levels.

    ...you met people along the journey doing quests throughout the game. After playing a year on the Malaysian server before PWI even existed, and being here since day one, I remember how wonderful it was to go almost anywhere and find squads for a variety of things along the way, and now it seems to be reduced to cheap one-night-stands in BH or FCC.

    ...the first 2 weeks saw a flood of people in the new area, then it became empty as World Chat was inundated with P-lvl shouts.

    ...it's hard to even find a squad for this brand new instance because as soon as it got released, the forums were inundated with complaints about how little reward/experience you get compared to FCC. Doesn't anyone want to do something different for a change?

    ...it's sad that few people don't get to see the whole game since most are only focus on their level counter. This game has a vast world with so many things to do, but the developers might as well have made it the size of Archosaur with one instance the way the people are playing. Or just forget Archosaur, simply make a chat room where people shout for FCC or BH - why bother with the perfect world at all?!?

    But I do hope the developers continue to make new instances and new areas, because I, for one, stick around for that and hope to find similar folks out there. I do thank the developers for continuing to give us new content and do want them to know that at least some of their player-base always looks forward to trying it out!
    I have walked among you since the beginning. You may not know me, but I know you.
  • Lesthar - Heavens Tear
    Lesthar - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,045 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    A MMORPG evolves over time and so do the methods.

    To me power levelling and the old-school way of zhenning are just two different paths to reach the same destination. People choose whichever path they find more entertaining and/or convenient.

    Also I'll pose a similar question, if I were to give you a choice to make 1 million coins in 1 hr (new legitimate method) and 100k coins in 1 hr (old school method ), which would you choose? If I call making 1 millions in 1 hr cheating because you are able to afford more things faster, would it be fair on my part?

    Of course 1 million is the better option. That said, was it not a sum that was defined and agreed upon by powerlevelers?
    What's more, I think the topic's about people being powerleveled, not the powerleveling 'business' in itself. By the way, the ones offering such services... They should be in majority those who spend a lot of cash in this game... What would be the point for them to gain little coins (in their view not mine, heh) out of that?

    Anyway. If there is demand and that people don't complain about it, and that it's not changed or shut down by management, I see no problem... This is why I shrug and don't QQ about it, even if I am not participating in it nor am a partisan of it at all.

    To esotericsoul: A wise, unbiased analysis of what the community of PWI became over the years. Of course, exceptions to this concept exist, or I'd have quitted long ago and moved to something else.
    Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
    - When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
    - Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
    - New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
    - When will we get new content? QQ
    - Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
    - I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
    - *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I leveled my barb the old fashioned way. Wouldn't want to do it again.

    I power leveled my sin to 94. I play my sin exactly in accordance to how I built it: to tank. Before I even set out to level her, I combed the assassin forums for any and all information relating to different builds to see what was best suited for my intentions of solo farming.

    I occasionally do squad activities with her, and not once have I caused a squad wipe "because I sux0rz". Quite the opposite, in fact.

    I just really need to stop being lazy and get her to 100 so I can start farming better instances....
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • esotericsoul
    esotericsoul Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    To esotericsoul: A wise, unbiased analysis of what the community of PWI became over the years. Of course, exceptions to this concept exist, or I'd have quitted long ago and moved to something else.

    (Thanks. Me, too, obviously .... still here since Jul 2008)
    I have walked among you since the beginning. You may not know me, but I know you.
  • _Nuriko_ - Lost City
    _Nuriko_ - Lost City Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I leveled my Veno and Assassin to 84/80 before i activated hypers ever >_>. Now i cant justify doing bh's cs and quest when i can solo a frost and hand it off to my alt. I have a BM, Mystic, Archer all power leveled. I know how to use all there skills effectively, everyone has nice gear for there level. I made sure all there hh70 is 3 socket at least +2 refinment with flawless citrines. Just because you met some pathetic people who cant read a skill and know when to use it. Doesn't mean we all shouldnt.

    Almost sounds to me like OP cant power level, so no one else can either?
    Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry
This discussion has been closed.