We need an Anti Assassin Skill!!



  • Krarenka - Raging Tide
    Krarenka - Raging Tide Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Sorry but, as someone said, sins are crappy in TW (quite useless , cause as we pop out of stealth we get 1 hitted) . So i see things quite balanced ; we suck in squad PvP and TW, we just rock in 1VS1 and pk . and about 5 APS , BMs and Archers can have that too , even if in PvP 5 aps archers suck . I wanna say, have u all ever thought about sins w/o stealth? we would die just as soon as we go out of SZ.
    Archers? would 2-3 hit us by far
    Wizards? 1 shot
    BM ? better stuns then us , 5 APS and better defense too( death)
    Psychic? same as wizards,read above
    Barbs? well hard enough to kill them even with stealth if same geared
    Clerics? c'mon not the best PKer class , noone expect a cleric to rock in PvP
    If sins wouldn't have stealth, they would be very very useless! what's the point to solo FCs or TT with sins w/o stealth, if a BM would be the same with more Defense?
    I'm not saying Assassins are not strong in 1vs1 (yes 1vs1, not on every kind of pvp), i want just make ppl realize that this class is meant to kill ppl in 1vs1 as our name says. The problem is that a lot of sins are OVERGEARED , everyone talk about R9 sins....well, make a R9 psychic / wizard, go on west archo, use 1 or maybe 2 skills and tell me how many ppl survived that .
    Game is quite balanced : if u want to farm , make a sin/BM or maybe a archer. If u like TWs, stick with archers/mage , for 1vs1 or PK, sin.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Sorry but, as someone said, sins are crappy in TW (quite useless , cause as we pop out of stealth we get 1 hitted) .

    Learn to use deaden nerves.

    So i see things quite balanced ; we suck in squad PvP and TW, we just rock in 1VS1 and pk . and about 5 APS , BMs and Archers can have that too , even if in PvP 5 aps archers suck . I wanna say, have u all ever thought about sins w/o stealth? we would die just as soon as we go out of SZ.

    No you wouldn't. Take off that ****ty interval gear.

    Archers? would 2-3 hit us by far
    Wizards? 1 shot
    BM ? better stuns then us , 5 APS and better defense too( death)
    Psychic? same as wizards,read above
    Barbs? well hard enough to kill them even with stealth if same geared
    Clerics? c'mon not the best PKer class , noone expect a cleric to rock in PvP

    Use pots, genie and skill. Learn to stun lock.

    If sins wouldn't have stealth, they would be very very useless! what's the point to solo FCs or TT with sins w/o stealth, if a BM would be the same with more Defense?
    I'm not saying Assassins are not strong in 1vs1 (yes 1vs1, not on every kind of pvp), i want just make ppl realize that this class is meant to kill ppl in 1vs1 as our name says. The problem is that a lot of sins are OVERGEARED , everyone talk about R9 sins....well, make a R9 psychic / wizard, go on west archo, use 1 or maybe 2 skills and tell me how many ppl survived that .
    Game is quite balanced : if u want to farm , make a sin/BM or maybe a archer. If u like TWs, stick with archers/mage , for 1vs1 or PK, sin.

    Literally the worst sin I've met. Getting 1 shot through DN is an accomplishment.
  • Credence - Sanctuary
    Credence - Sanctuary Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    honestly dun know why u guys complain about our stealth, thats like telling you guys not to use ur bows. anyway less QQ, more PEWPEW and play like u always been :3.. either your adapt or not, only you can figure ur game play style. its a life or death matter~

    Its far from perfect.. its all demolished.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    honestly dun know why u guys complain about our stealth, thats like telling you guys not to use ur bows. anyway less QQ, more PEWPEW and play like u always been :3.. either your adapt or not, only you can figure ur game play style. its a life or death matter~

    At least we don't have to feel ashamed playing our class. It's really embarrassing playing a sin. Especially pk'ing on a sin lol.
    Refining Simulator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/refiningsimulator.html (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/geniecalculator.html - (don't use IE)
    Socket Calculator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/socketcalculator.html
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    At least we don't have to feel ashamed playing our class. It's really embarrassing playing a sin. Especially pk'ing on a sin lol.


    I can't stand playing my sin on HL, I just feel like I'm cheating
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    honestly dun know why u guys complain about our stealth, thats like telling you guys not to use ur bows. anyway less QQ, more PEWPEW and play like u always been :3.. either your adapt or not, only you can figure ur game play style. its a life or death matter~

    Surviving a stealth attack by an assassin is trivial, for a well prepared archer (assuming you are not a one-shot).

    The problem is cooldowns on the skills we use for this. After a stealth attack in a non-TW setting, we have to leave the area for several minutes if we do not have friends nearby. But maybe you think this is supposed to be fun?
  • Lu$t - Sanctuary
    Lu$t - Sanctuary Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    lol a good r9 psy is kinda oped if you think about it xD but yea vs a sin its just...like 50/50 really. if i survive the initial assault and actually have time to cast AD, i usually hit alacrity and run away o.o yea i admit it ill run <_< >_> cuz most sins that pvp are r9 or really well geared and just fcks me up xD in tw its a diff story ofc. even if its 1v1 (going down another path getting back to the action) i can usually pull off surviving. free to play pay to win lol

    Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~
  • KedgeSniper - Lost City
    KedgeSniper - Lost City Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    honestly dun know why u guys complain about our stealth, thats like telling you guys not to use ur bows. anyway less QQ, more PEWPEW and play like u always been :3.. either your adapt or not, only you can figure ur game play style. its a life or death matter~

    You know Sins in PK is Facerolling rite b:embarrass

    TW aint that bad for sins, You can still stealth n atack randomly. You can get all the clerics as fast as you can n stealth again. Its kinda weird to get "AoE" on the enemy side.. unless your next to 2bms. And also easy to just do what bms do.. run in when anti stun on.. n gtfo when its not, Pop imune pots whenever they free n repeat.

    You cant compare the 2 stuns bms have to yours.. for the simple fact that you get free chi. And have like 3 stun, Sleep, silence and immobilize..

    I bet your one of those kids that sucked on "name class" and reroll as a sin cause of herp derp high challenge pvp.
    Face the fear. Face a war. Face the world.
    Leeching CQ salary since 09'
    Many names, Common Faces.
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    i don't think the guy plays anymore but there was an archer who faceplanted most if not all sins on his server. he plays on the Dreamweaver server, his name is DRAGOONZ
    he also cash shop a warsoul weapon. Now probably has a rank9 bow.

    Cash shop > Any class

    But even a cash shop sin can wreck most classes

    Like i said.. Theres never gonna be a balance

    He still plays and he still uses his warsoul.
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Krarenka - Raging Tide
    Krarenka - Raging Tide Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Literally the worst sin I've met. Getting 1 shot through DN is an accomplishment.

    Uhm from what i've seen, u are using interval gears too....so if u say sins are OP, i could answer u the same way u did to me : " get off those crappy interval gears" .
    And, u are suggesting to sins (if they wouldn't have stealth) to use pots / food / geenie etc. etc. By the way i think u are forgetting that other classes can do that too , this means that using those things would not save us. Go out of SZ , maybe use immunity pot, u target one, start to run to him, he start to hit, u use AD , get near him, he use AD too, go far and kill u cause ur genie is in cooldown.... TW ? deaden nerves? lol !!!! have u ever noticed that skill has 3 minutes cooldown? it means, it can save u 1 time, then u'll keep being 1 hitted every time , cause sins are LA users attacking in melee range, which means squishy + need time to get near(don't tell me "use shadow stun/teleport bad sin !" , as i said before other classes use pots and genie too, avoiding those moves is quite easy) : this means that the other DD classes will kill us (TW wise) before we can touch them and HA ones would just kick us cause of better defense (not mentioning that TW is group PvP , so things are worse ) . PvE? still good but w/o stealth i really think every sin would reroll a BM for better AoE and defense.

    Another thing, before judging ppl telling them they are "the worst sin u know" , u should know them before... i don't think u know me, as i don't know u. And try to not offend ppl , noone was telling bad things about u . I was just trying to make ppl see the stealth use from another point of view.
  • Krarenka - Raging Tide
    Krarenka - Raging Tide Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    lol a good r9 psy is kinda oped if you think about it xD but yea vs a sin its just...like 50/50 really. if i survive the initial assault and actually have time to cast AD, i usually hit alacrity and run away o.o yea i admit it ill run <_< >_> cuz most sins that pvp are r9 or really well geared and just fcks me up xD in tw its a diff story ofc. even if its 1v1 (going down another path getting back to the action) i can usually pull off surviving. free to play pay to win lol[/Q

    seen? the problem ( as i said in my first post) is that a lot of sins are really OVERGEARED , which means they win . For QQers about sins in PK, invest the same amount of cash they did on their vana equip , ( at least 400 m not refined) , and tell me what happens. i'm sure a Wiz R 9 with his High defense buff can survive a stealthed sin attack and easily one-shot him .
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    lol a good r9 psy is kinda oped if you think about it xD but yea vs a sin its just...like 50/50 really. if i survive the initial assault and actually have time to cast AD, i usually hit alacrity and run away o.o yea i admit it ill run <_< >_> cuz most sins that pvp are r9 or really well geared and just fcks me up xD in tw its a diff story ofc. even if its 1v1 (going down another path getting back to the action) i can usually pull off surviving. free to play pay to win lol[/Q

    seen? the problem ( as i said in my first post) is that a lot of sins are really OVERGEARED , which means they win . For QQers about sins in PK, invest the same amount of cash they did on their vana equip , ( at least 400 m not refined) , and tell me what happens. i'm sure a Wiz R 9 with his High defense buff can survive a stealthed sin attack and easily one-shot him .
    Uhm from what i've seen, u are using interval gears too....so if u say sins are OP, i could answer u the same way u did to me : " get off those crappy interval gears" .
    And, u are suggesting to sins (if they wouldn't have stealth) to use pots / food / geenie etc. etc. By the way i think u are forgetting that other classes can do that too , this means that using those things would not save us. Go out of SZ , maybe use immunity pot, u target one, start to run to him, he start to hit, u use AD , get near him, he use AD too, go far and kill u cause ur genie is in cooldown.... TW ? deaden nerves? lol !!!! have u ever noticed that skill has 3 minutes cooldown? it means, it can save u 1 time, then u'll keep being 1 hitted every time , cause sins are LA users attacking in melee range, which means squishy + need time to get near(don't tell me "use shadow stun/teleport bad sin !" , as i said before other classes use pots and genie too, avoiding those moves is quite easy) : this means that the other DD classes will kill us (TW wise) before we can touch them and HA ones would just kick us cause of better defense (not mentioning that TW is group PvP , so things are worse ) . PvE? still good but w/o stealth i really think every sin would reroll a BM for better AoE and defense.

    Another thing, before judging ppl telling them they are "the worst sin u know" , u should know them before... i don't think u know me, as i don't know u. And try to not offend ppl , noone was telling bad things about u . I was just trying to make ppl see the stealth use from another point of view.

    I won't even bother sorting through un-organised text. As I said, you're amongst the worst sins I've met.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    What is with all this stupid that has infected this thread?

    Sins are OP, we don't even have to bring Stealth to the table to talk about how OP it is.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Krarenka - Raging Tide
    Krarenka - Raging Tide Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    I won't even bother sorting through un-organised text. As I said, you're amongst the worst sins I've met.

    Maybe tha way u speak makes you feel a nice person, however let me tell you that answering people that way just make u appear a person who doesn't have coerent arguments to deal with .
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I find it ironic that 'coherent' is misspelled. Anyways I'm just passing by.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Krarenka - Raging Tide
    Krarenka - Raging Tide Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I find it ironic that 'coherent' is misspelled. Anyways I'm just passing by.

    Omg guys u really just see the typing ppl use to write? or if someone makes a grammar error writing something? I'm not writing a newspaper article, i don't read 2-3 times what i write , the important is not HOW i wrote it, but WHAT. well, sorry all guys if i bored u with my arguments, i thought forums were made for this ! So , keep saying ur opinions i will never try to say something different from what ppl usually say.
    Maybe i'll make soome threads with QQ too (but after don't say u've had enough of QQers......)

    Best wishes
  • Krarenka - Raging Tide
    Krarenka - Raging Tide Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    OH and sorry, i misspelled another word . It's 'some', not 'soome'
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Omg guys u really just see the typing ppl use to write? or if someone makes a grammar error writing something? I'm not writing a newspaper article, i don't read 2-3 times what i write , the important is not HOW i wrote it, but WHAT. well, sorry all guys if i bored u with my arguments, i thought forums were made for this ! So , keep saying ur opinions i will never try to say something different from what ppl usually say.
    Maybe i'll make soome threads with QQ too (but after don't say u've had enough of QQers......)

    Best wishes

    Your SP&G is poor, you arguments are poor. Stop posting in this sub-forum pl0x.
  • Krarenka - Raging Tide
    Krarenka - Raging Tide Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Omg guys u really just see the typing ppl use to write? or if someone makes a grammar error writing something? I'm not writing a newspaper article, i don't read 2-3 times what i write , the important is not HOW i wrote it, but WHAT. well, sorry all guys if i bored u with my arguments, i thought forums were made for this ! So , keep saying ur opinions i will never try to say something different from what ppl usually say.
    Maybe i'll make soome threads with QQ too (but after don't say u've had enough of QQers......)

    Best wishes
    Your SP&G is poor, you arguments are poor. Stop posting in this sub-forum pl0x.

    My arguments are poor, but u have no arguments
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    My arguments are poor, but u have no arguments

    Your reading is pretty bad too.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Omg guys u really just see the typing ppl use to write? or if someone makes a grammar error writing something? I'm not writing a newspaper article, i don't read 2-3 times what i write , the important is not HOW i wrote it, but WHAT. well, sorry all guys if i bored u with my arguments, i thought forums were made for this ! So , keep saying ur opinions i will never try to say something different from what ppl usually say.
    Maybe i'll make soome threads with QQ too (but after don't say u've had enough of QQers......)

    Best wishes

    As I said, I'm passing by. No need to get your tampons in a twist.

    Little fishies are so touchy about their spelling and grammar despite being horrible at it.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Lu$t - Sanctuary
    Lu$t - Sanctuary Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    lol a good r9 psy is kinda oped if you think about it xD but yea vs a sin its just...like 50/50 really. if i survive the initial assault and actually have time to cast AD, i usually hit alacrity and run away o.o yea i admit it ill run <_< >_> cuz most sins that pvp are r9 or really well geared and just fcks me up xD in tw its a diff story ofc. even if its 1v1 (going down another path getting back to the action) i can usually pull off surviving. free to play pay to win lol[/Q

    seen? the problem ( as i said in my first post) is that a lot of sins are really OVERGEARED , which means they win . For QQers about sins in PK, invest the same amount of cash they did on their vana equip , ( at least 400 m not refined) , and tell me what happens. i'm sure a Wiz R 9 with his High defense buff can survive a stealthed sin attack and easily one-shot him .

    attack level cuts through defense. ijs.

    Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~
  • Krarenka - Raging Tide
    Krarenka - Raging Tide Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Your reading is pretty bad too.

    Uhmm boogie, i wanna let u know that i'll keep posting my ideas until i'll think it will be enough. I won't stop posting just cause a short-minded as u tells me to do it. I'm ready to accept critics about my ideas, with some arguments/different opinions as support, but don't think that i'll go in my bedroom to cry cause a person behind a desktop says i write/read badly. And to have more accuracy, it seems that i'm not the only one who misspells something .... Booogie, it's ' your arguments are poor' , not 'you arguments are poor'. However i don't complain (as u do) if someone writes badly or types in the wrong way. Forums are meant to be a place of discussion , and i'll use them to do that. if u don't agree with my idea, just say that , but don't try to find escamotages in order to make me not to write anymore. U're not a god, neither a mod, neither a GM . I speak whenever i want and i say whatever i want respecting the forum rules.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Uhmm boogie, i wanna let u know that i'll keep posting my ideas until i'll think it will be enough. I won't stop posting just cause a short-minded as u tells me to do it. I'm ready to accept critics about my ideas, with some arguments/different opinions as support, but don't think that i'll go in my bedroom to cry cause a person behind a desktop says i write/read badly. And to be have more accuracy, it seems that i'm not the only one who misspells something .... Booogie, it's ' your arguments are poor' , not 'you arguments are poor'. However i don't complain (as u do) if someone writes badly or types in the wrong way. Forums are meant to be a place of discussion , and i'll use them to do that. if u don't agree with my idea, just say that , but don't try to find escamotages in order to make me not to write anymore. U're not a god, neither a mod, neither a GM . I speak whenever i want and i say whatever i want respecting the forum rules.

    It's coherence and maturity that I'm "critiquing" not grammar and spelling. Your sentences have terrible syntax (I hope you don't talk like that in real life), you misspell at least a word per sentence, which is quite impressive in the not-impressive way, and on top of that you don't seem to read very well either. Also don't give me the "English is not my first language" ****, because almost every mature foreign speaker I met types "you" properly, not "u."
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Krarenka - Raging Tide
    Krarenka - Raging Tide Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    attack level cuts through defense. ijs.

    Yah,that's why i said that the problem is the gear they have . I find out that a lot of sins have better gears than other classes do . Maybe that's a big factor of the so called "OPness" . Finally i found a person who can accept( respect?) other opinions. b:thanks
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I think he's just trolling now.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I think he's just trolling now.

    Nah he's just butthurt. He's spell-checking his posts now.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Krarenka - Raging Tide
    Krarenka - Raging Tide Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It's coherence and maturity that I'm "critiquing" not grammar and spelling. Your sentences have terrible syntax (I hope you don't talk like that in real life), you misspell at least a word per sentence, which is quite impressive in the not-impressive way, and on top of that you don't seem to read very well either. Also don't give me the "English is not my first language" ****, because almost every mature foreign speaker I met types "you" properly, not "u."

    Well, ofc i don't speak this way in real life cause i'm used to speak italian. and Aesthor what i wrote was not for "you" , but for boogie. By the way abbreviations are commonly used by english people too : an example of abbreviations user is boogiepanda who writes plOx and some other things. And tell me if it's not true that NOONE in the game don't use abbreviations. things like ' OFC' , ' cya' , 'tc' can be coomonly found in the chat .
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    In case you haven't noticed, Panda already answered your arguments, and you failed to respond in an intelligent manner.

    Panda said drop the crappy -int gear because it's obvious that your hp and defense sucks balls with them on, so you should work on not being 1 shot first or you should work on refining your -int gear; it has nothing to do with Panda having -int gear.

    As for everyone having genies, you realize sins can go stealth when other people use their genies, and reappear when their genies are in cooldown and their self buffs have run out right? What kind of moron sin start running to his opponent and AD when the opponent starts attacking? LOL YOU BAD?

    As for HA having better defense thus HA > sin, what the **** ever. A lot of people who have much, much more experience than you will say that highly geared sin will beat highly geared BMs more often because of the sheer damage output and because sins are able to win on chi.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Well, ofc i don't speak this way in real life cause i'm used to speak italian. and Aesthor what i wrote was not for "you" , but for boogie. By the way abbreviations are commonly used by english people too : an example of abbreviations user is boogiepanda who writes plOx and some other things. And tell me if it's not true that NOONE in the game don't use abbreviations. things like ' OFC' , ' cya' , 'tc' can be coomonly found in the chat .

    1) wrote
    2) irony