BLOODMYSTIC killed by fun-sucking vampires . . . .

Posts: 1,842 Arc User
I write here to comment briefly (stop snickering) on the TW this weekend between Nemesis and Rescind.
Rescind won, and Nemesis lost. Big whoop. It was 30 minutes of fun. Big whoop. To my mind, it was premature. But so be it.
That said, I for one am completely over Nemesis.
I can't get it up at all anymore for Nemesis.
Er, strike that.
Like little fun-sucking vampires, I've come to realize that they pretty much suck the fun out of everything. They come out to pk once every 3 months, they lose 3-4 times, they leave. Or they bring more, win 2-3 times, we bring more, they lose 2-3 times and leave.
Rescind has SOME kind of TW of any length, and its a little fun, but they rage QQ about fake bids afterwards. First, I didn't know about any fake bids, and alot of people in Rescind didn't, I am quite certain. Second, even if there were fake bids (and I have no idea), the fact of the matter is given Nemesis's history of using fake bids to DENY factions TW, using them to AVOID a fight with who Nemesis perceives as a more dominant faction, I quite frankly don't blame Rescind for doing that even if they did. They didn't gank Nemesis. They didn't force Nemesis to defend multiple TWs. All they did was keep Nemesis from knowing which bid against them was Rescind's, so that Nemesis couldn't use its old dirty tactics of avoiding a TW they thought they would lose.
So, I am officially retiring from the whole stupid endeavor. Nemesis doesn't want to do anything to encourage fun TW. They want, in fact, to do everything they can to AVOID fun TW, and not just for them, for the whole server. The evidence is there. If there is anyone left that can't see it, well, I am tired of trying to point it out to you. When they have 80 rank 9 in TW, it will be too late to stop them. TW will be dead on this server as it was on all the others. I thought that was a shame, but not anymore. I simply feel like that is what this sleepy server deserves. Nemesis and the Arch server DESERVE each other.
The names of the good players that have left this server are LEGION. Lesser in number, but still by the dozens, are the good players that have dropped off the TW radar of Nemesis and Rescind almost completely. I won't name them here, but many of us know exactly who they are. For the longest time, I didn't get it. I literally LIVE for TW. And the thought of 3 hour tws again was something that I thought would be fun.
But I now realize that
(1) Nemesis will NEVER allow TW with Rescind (or anyone else) to stand at 3 hours for long (and I am not counting the phoney Nemesis/Immunity TW, for while that was fun once, and maybe twice, that type of patronizing TW is the highest form of condescension), since 3 hour TWs of necessity mean that an opponent is somewhat evenly matched. Nemesis won't allow that. They will avoid those TWs for fear they may lose. They will form alliances with other factions to force multiple defenses. They will actively recruite, not people they enjoy playing the game with, but any ranked player without a faction (and some with), to simply get an edge. They will arrange for another faction to attack them as well, so that they are "forced" to choose which to fight, inevitably opting for another Immunity scrimmage over any real competition.
(2) Even if they are dragged into a competitive TW, by accident, or by being out foxed, or, as in this weekend, by turning their own tactics against them so that they are basically out dirty tricked, they will find SOME way to suck the fun out of even that. It's not their fault, its in their nature. They are little "fun vampires", sucking the enjoyment out of everything they touch.
Maybe some of these others figured all this out before me because I have some friends in Nemesis. But I realize now that they are the vast minority, and regardless of why (I am sure the reasons are many and varied), they are comfortable where they are regardless of all of this.
So, after a very brief hiatus, BLUEMYSTIC is returning. Beloved by all, blindly loyal to none. Donning my garlic necklace, bathing in holy water, and looking forward to TW against ABN (anybody but Nemesis) until such time as they learn how to have fun TWs.
Rescind won, and Nemesis lost. Big whoop. It was 30 minutes of fun. Big whoop. To my mind, it was premature. But so be it.
That said, I for one am completely over Nemesis.
- I can't get up for beating them because I hate them (never did, but alot of other people did so that kept it kind of interesting).
- I can't get up for beating them to help keep TW competitive on the server when they do all they can to keep that from being the case. With TW pay back - not mention rank 9 medals, map domination is inevitable - the financial rewards are too great to expect people to not consolidate in one faction to get their piece of the pie. Moreover, the last time we hit the reset button on the map dominating faction, the server went back to their own little worlds and simply allowed it to happen again.
- I can't get up for beating them because, quit frankly, they aren't fun anymore. They are just annoying.
I can't get it up at all anymore for Nemesis.
Er, strike that.
Like little fun-sucking vampires, I've come to realize that they pretty much suck the fun out of everything. They come out to pk once every 3 months, they lose 3-4 times, they leave. Or they bring more, win 2-3 times, we bring more, they lose 2-3 times and leave.
Rescind has SOME kind of TW of any length, and its a little fun, but they rage QQ about fake bids afterwards. First, I didn't know about any fake bids, and alot of people in Rescind didn't, I am quite certain. Second, even if there were fake bids (and I have no idea), the fact of the matter is given Nemesis's history of using fake bids to DENY factions TW, using them to AVOID a fight with who Nemesis perceives as a more dominant faction, I quite frankly don't blame Rescind for doing that even if they did. They didn't gank Nemesis. They didn't force Nemesis to defend multiple TWs. All they did was keep Nemesis from knowing which bid against them was Rescind's, so that Nemesis couldn't use its old dirty tactics of avoiding a TW they thought they would lose.
So, I am officially retiring from the whole stupid endeavor. Nemesis doesn't want to do anything to encourage fun TW. They want, in fact, to do everything they can to AVOID fun TW, and not just for them, for the whole server. The evidence is there. If there is anyone left that can't see it, well, I am tired of trying to point it out to you. When they have 80 rank 9 in TW, it will be too late to stop them. TW will be dead on this server as it was on all the others. I thought that was a shame, but not anymore. I simply feel like that is what this sleepy server deserves. Nemesis and the Arch server DESERVE each other.
The names of the good players that have left this server are LEGION. Lesser in number, but still by the dozens, are the good players that have dropped off the TW radar of Nemesis and Rescind almost completely. I won't name them here, but many of us know exactly who they are. For the longest time, I didn't get it. I literally LIVE for TW. And the thought of 3 hour tws again was something that I thought would be fun.
But I now realize that
(1) Nemesis will NEVER allow TW with Rescind (or anyone else) to stand at 3 hours for long (and I am not counting the phoney Nemesis/Immunity TW, for while that was fun once, and maybe twice, that type of patronizing TW is the highest form of condescension), since 3 hour TWs of necessity mean that an opponent is somewhat evenly matched. Nemesis won't allow that. They will avoid those TWs for fear they may lose. They will form alliances with other factions to force multiple defenses. They will actively recruite, not people they enjoy playing the game with, but any ranked player without a faction (and some with), to simply get an edge. They will arrange for another faction to attack them as well, so that they are "forced" to choose which to fight, inevitably opting for another Immunity scrimmage over any real competition.
(2) Even if they are dragged into a competitive TW, by accident, or by being out foxed, or, as in this weekend, by turning their own tactics against them so that they are basically out dirty tricked, they will find SOME way to suck the fun out of even that. It's not their fault, its in their nature. They are little "fun vampires", sucking the enjoyment out of everything they touch.
Maybe some of these others figured all this out before me because I have some friends in Nemesis. But I realize now that they are the vast minority, and regardless of why (I am sure the reasons are many and varied), they are comfortable where they are regardless of all of this.
So, after a very brief hiatus, BLUEMYSTIC is returning. Beloved by all, blindly loyal to none. Donning my garlic necklace, bathing in holy water, and looking forward to TW against ABN (anybody but Nemesis) until such time as they learn how to have fun TWs.
"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
Post edited by BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur on
Were we in a different TW or something? Because I distinctly remember getting our butts kicked in under an hour by your faction. You don't think Rescind is going to keep taking land or something? I don't get it. Seems like some (not all) but some of the things you accuse Nemesis of Rescind is or will be doing quite soon. And why do you think we would not feel the need to have to go and defend our other lands that your faction orchestrated fake bids on? There is always going to be drama between our two factions I have no doubt. Many of us have friends in Rescind and Rescind members have friends in Nem but I have finally learned to accept the fact that there is going to be TONS of drama between two rivalry factions and in fact it probably adds to some of the fun. Yep, some people take it too far but again, not going to be avoided. I just try to have fun now and enjoy the whole experience, lol.0
nemesis had you know who *OUT* bid it's opponents already-placed bid with an alt faction, distinctively different than what rescind did. now, the question of whether or not you know who would've just done it by himself or talk to you know who #2 about it and get approval (obvious to me and blood, maybe not others) is an old argument and not worth rehashing, but the point is this:
rescind had elusive bid on you guys so to bait any potential fake out bid (that has actually happened before) as pointed out by bluemystic. it did not trump any previously placed bid, and it did not send anything into the TW that would've required you to commit resources to it.
not only that, but you know it was me and i'm probably 1 of 2 people of this server of 100s that has stuck to his word since day 1 and I told you guys you could've just let the timer expire as nothing was going to be in the TW. just because you chose to ignore that advice, or you relayed it to you know who #2 and he conveniently dismissed it so to have a back up plan for an excuse for a war you guys weren't confident in, doesn't make what happened shady by any stretch.
as far as Ieaz bid with his faction I don't know. but I'd he hard-pressed to believe anything was in that war either, or that it would've been hard for you know who #2 to just ask proc and confirm its real purpose and that there didn't need to be any nemesis resources commited to the tw, like in the case with mine.
and blood, when you say you can't get up do you mean out of bed or in your pants? TEHEHE0 -
Kattanyia - Archosaur wrote: »Were we in a different TW or something?
NopeKattanyia - Archosaur wrote: »Because I distinctly remember getting our butts kicked in under an hour by your faction.
You lost. I think I said that. "butts kicked" is a matter of opinion.Kattanyia - Archosaur wrote: »You don't think Rescind is going to keep taking land or something? I don't get it.
Keep taking land? I would assume so. Nemesis land? I quite frankly have no idea, but the point of this thread, since you've missed it, is I don't really even care.Kattanyia - Archosaur wrote: »Seems like some (not all) but some of the things you accuse Nemesis of Rescind is or will be doing quite soon.
This has been addressed in a prior thread. I sincerely doubt that anyone would do half the things Nemesis has done. But that is fortune telling. The FACT is, noone so far in the history of the server HAS done those things. From locking up apoth, to fake out bidding (perhaps a better descriptor than merely fake bidding) to avoid tw with a particular faction, cutting deals with this faction or another to the detriment of the other factions, etc., etc., etc. The list is long.Kattanyia - Archosaur wrote: »And why do you think we would not feel the need to have to go and defend our other lands that your faction orchestrated fake bids on?
As proski stated, he told you there would be no attack. And thus far, I am unaware of him being dishonest.
Moreover, given that everyone knows who is in elusive (or rather, who isn't), Nemesis could have sent a scout to verify it if they, being so used to deceiving others, chose not to believe him.
And by the way, "your faction orchestrated fake bids on" - good for the goose being good for the gander, I take this as an admission that Mango knew about the fake bidding last time, in fact "orchestrated" it, contrary to your red faced assertions.Kattanyia - Archosaur wrote: »There is always going to be drama between our two factions I have no doubt.
Not "our two factions". I'm over it. I will find the last faction on the server that has nothing to do with Nemesis until the day it finally achieves the oh so accomplished goal of taking the map. On a dead server. Where noone give a ****. One thing you can say about Nemesis: they shoot for the sky, don't they? Empty goal for a vacuous faction. Fitting.Kattanyia - Archosaur wrote: »and in fact it probably adds to some of the fun.
No, what would add to the fun would be to cut the ****. But since it doesn't seem like nemesis will, at least have the shame to not rage at someone defending against that very same deceit by Nemesis as though you have some moral high ground on the subject (of fake bidding) from which to judge.
And you weren't having fun after that TW. We spoke, remember?Kattanyia - Archosaur wrote: »Yep, some people take it too far but again, not going to be avoided. I just try to have fun now and enjoy the whole experience, lol.
And what I am saying is this - Nemesis all had to qq cry baby about faking bidding to save face after the loss. The fact is, however, Nemesis has no basis to do so, based on its prior actions.
And again, you come here defending that which I specifically said I was no longer going to concern myself with, let alone attack. We give Nemesis something to do in TW beside have a land of make believe experience with Immunity, and just because Rescind beat Nemesis, Nemesis is gonna make excuses and get mad that Rescind was successful in bringing the fight to Nemesis because they did it in a way that Nemesis couldn't thwart.
"Have fun now and enjoy the experience"? Again, you weren't having fun then and enjoying the experience after tw. I understand exactly why you were mad, though. And I understand exactly why mango was "allegedly" yelling in pms and everything, calling various Rescind members traitors and the like (I told one person to screen shot it, anticipating your denial on his behalf, but again I honestly can't be bothered to deal with this). I get it. What do you think I was referring to by "fun vampires"? Yea, you all want to have fun, you all want to have everyone elses fun for dinner.
My point is, I don't want to understand it anymore. I don't want to even hear about it anymore. Nemesis deserves the Arch server, and vice versa."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Proski - Archosaur wrote: »not only that, but you know it was me and i'm probably 1 of 2 people of this server of 100s that has stuck to his word since day 1
Give it up, proski. The duplicitous don't value that in a person. First, they don't believe a person can have a character trait that they themselves don't possess. Second, even if they do, they view it as a weakness, not a strength.
I just feel sorry for the jonny come lately add ons to Nemesis. All went there this weekend expecting a good tw next week. Meh, we'll see . . . .
But, as I've said, even a good TW, when Nemesis is involved, won't last long."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
I have 3 chars spread out among the smaller factions... Being a vampire, sucking up the fun of 2-3 hour TWs while it last..
Eventually all the sheeple will graze the lands dry, and no more fun...b:cry0 -
I have 3 chars spread out among the smaller factions... Being a vampire, sucking up the fun of 2-3 hour TWs while it last..
Eventually all the sheeple will graze the lands dry, and no more fun...b:cry
Lookout, I'm coming for ya, whoever you are"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
fml.. won't let me paste from Word, so i'll have to type.
your post is mostly BS man. We neevr avoided any TW knowingly. The fake bidding never came from teh officers and we were PISSED when it happened. You gotta stop ASSUMING man.
And how are we avoiding fun TW's? And we are ruining TW for the whole server? Really? Once again, it's only you complaining, and you are not the whole server.
I don't see how we are not allowing 3hr TW's. You have to be kidding here! Rescind kicked our arses. I'm sorry we are not equally matched to them so YOU can enjoy the game. We'll try harder to amuse you.
And you complain we don't allow fun TW because we don't have the power to fight Rescind, but you also complain about us recruiting? If you must know, we don't invite anyone into teh faction. And it's not a matter of how good their gear is. In fact the last person i brought in was a lvl 90 with lvl70 legendary gear. I don't care about how well geared they are. It's teh person behind the char that gets invited to Nemesis.
Bottom line is, the only one that is making such a big deal out of everything is you. I still had fun in that TW, even after getting 1 shot over and over by you. We just weren't a match for Rescind. Hey, it happens. We'll try to get stronger and try again.
I'm getting tired of hearing **** about Nemesis. You have no idea what goes on in here or how I deal with stuff or what I say here. You just assume. It's not Nemesis' job to amuse you, old man.
I'd really appreciate you'd stopped attacking Nemesis. We have a lot of good ppl here, that I enjoy playing the game with. That's why I stay, as you were wondering. I have fun in the faction, and have friends here. Some of which I've been playing this game with for over 2 years.0 -
-.- b:surrender0
3 hour TW = not fun
Purpose of TW's and having lands = trying to gain all of those lands (or else we would just have an seperate instance, like an arena or something..hold on, we do!)
Possability of when a faction takes all lands = noTW's and hence people will possibly leave due to not having TW's???
Fake bids = always happen, is an unfortunate yet strategic part TW (as I see it)
No Nemesis - No Rescind? = Change the names and persononell and you still have the same thing, a strong guild/s and others that are less so.......
New 'Alliances/Guild Bases' = full ramifications yet to be seen but I can see this changing the makeup of TW's/Guild interaction when fully introduced.
Fun being sucked = State of mind0 -
Might have won the battle, but the war is still onb:bye0
Wait...What Warb:shockedb:shocked0
AriesWood - Archosaur wrote: »fml.. won't let me paste from Word, so i'll have to type.
Delete special characters - particularly quotes and apostrophe's, they f up the formatting.AriesWood - Archosaur wrote: »your post is mostly BS man. We neevr avoided any TW knowingly. The fake bidding never came from teh officers and we were PISSED when it happened. You gotta stop ASSUMING man.
No assumptions here. And, by the way, that's in essence saying there is no proof, which is the CLASSIC defense of a criminal who is in fact guilty but doesn't believe he can be caught. Its far different from saying "we knew nothing about it". Still to your first line. Its more convincing.
A. I never said it was the "officers". I may have implied it was AN officer, but you can't really fault me for that without talking to Kat, because . . . .
B. Katanyia in her post did say the officers "orchistrated", so you all should talk strategy before coming against BLOODMYSTIC on his forums, ijs
C. Even if it was a rogue actor, its shows the quality of people you recruit, and what their motivation is, and what conduct you tolerate in your members. That "rouge actor" still a member, no? mhm, thought so. Tell me who you loaf with, I'll tell you what your like.AriesWood - Archosaur wrote: »And how are we avoiding fun TW's?
By trying to out rank 9,+12, etc. by a factor of 4 to 1 everyone on the server, regardless of who they are or what they do. As you've said before, who are you to deny them membership. Uh huh. Again, tell me who you loaf with, I'll tell you what your like.
And you tolerate fake bidding to avoid a fight.
and you qq ***** and moan about alleged fake bidding that ENSURED at tw.
And that is to say nothing about the **** thats been detailed in these forums repeatedly, like locking up 1k apoth. But I forgot, you need it for pve b:chuckleAriesWood - Archosaur wrote: »And we are ruining TW for the whole server? Really? Once again, it's only you complaining, and you are not the whole server.
No, I am not. And as I have said, you are on track to ruin it just like narla ended up doing. But no, you are not "ruining it for the whole server" (did I even say that?) because, as I've said, the whole server doesn't give a hoot about doing anything about it when the opportunity is now. They are going to go into their sleepy factions and AVOID you. NOT attack you. Which is, incidentially, EXACTLY what you want.
What do you think I meant when I said Nemesis deserves the Arch server and vice versa?AriesWood - Archosaur wrote: »I don't see how we are not allowing 3hr TW's. You have to be kidding here! Rescind kicked our arses. I'm sorry we are not equally matched to them so YOU can enjoy the game. We'll try harder to amuse you.
The whole purpose of the thread is that you no longer amuse me. And the problem with the TW wasn't that it didn't last 3 hours, it was that you had to qq cry baby about the alleged fake bids that allowed it to happen, and draw a moral equivalency between those and what you all did (I won't distinquish, as proski did, between you and "you know who", that **** is tiring and it is a curtesy that, oddly, the people who demand it do not show to others). In essence, you suck the fun out of that.
And further, regarding 3 hour TWs, read the post again. I have no doubt that you WON'T allow 3 hour TWs at all, and certainly not for long. You will fake bid, dodge, set up multiple attacks so you can no show us, set up multiple defenses so you don't have to fight us. You have done, and will do, anything to avoid that. In the history of this server, there has never been a period of more than 2 or 3 weeks of 3 hour TWs between the dominant factions - hmmm, I wonder why.
Actually, I don't wonder, I know why. Its because Narla/Nemesis did everything in its power to avoid them, putting the map above fun and fair competition.
But again, all this has been said before. I am done with it. This is my last post talking to a wall.
Whatever shall I do with my time . . . .AriesWood - Archosaur wrote: »And you complain we don't allow fun TW because we don't have the power to fight Rescind, but you also complain about us recruiting?
Show me where I complained about Nemesis' lack of power to fight Rescind?
And my complaint isn't about you recruiting to build your ranks - but when you try to do it at all costs, regardless of who, as long as they will dominate in TW, and especially if they might be able to cripple another factions chances against you . . . . Well, again, I am not even complaining about that. I am explaining why I am done with Nemesis. Its just irritating.AriesWood - Archosaur wrote: »If you must know, we don't invite anyone into teh faction. And it's not a matter of how good their gear is. In fact the last person i brought in was a lvl 90 with lvl70 legendary gear. I don't care about how well geared they are. It's teh person behind the char that gets invited to Nemesis.
uh huh. I have had no less than 5 people since I posted this pm me in game telling me how phony they thought you all were trying to recruit them. They knew you were only doing it because of their rank 9 gear, etc. Maybe YOU didn't do it, but again, I am not drawing distinctions.AriesWood - Archosaur wrote: »Bottom line is, the only one that is making such a big deal out of everything is you. I still had fun in that TW, even after getting 1 shot over and over by you. We just weren't a match for Rescind. Hey, it happens. We'll try to get stronger and try again.
Then tell your faction to stop qq'ing in WC over alleged fake bids, and your director in pms for that matter, that allowed your "fun" to happen. Or don't. It doesn't really matter to me anymore.AriesWood - Archosaur wrote: »I'm getting tired of hearing **** about Nemesis. You have no idea what goes on in here or how I deal with stuff or what I say here. You just assume. It's not Nemesis' job to amuse you, old man.
Awesome! I am getting tired of seeing Nemesis' ****.
And "how I deal with stuff or what I say" - I know what dogs you lie with. Don't blame me if I assume you have fleas.AriesWood - Archosaur wrote: »I'd really appreciate you'd stopped attacking Nemesis. We have a lot of good ppl here, that I enjoy playing the game with. That's why I stay, as you were wondering. I have fun in the faction, and have friends here. Some of which I've been playing this game with for over 2 years.
You call the post bs, but you apparently haven't read it as the whole point has been to explain why I am done with them. They suck the fun out of everything. Maybe YOU don't, but they do. And this "don't paint me with the same brush" can only work so long, and only go so far."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »
A. I never said it was the "officers". I may have implied it was AN officer, but you can't really fault me for that without talking to Kat, because . . . .
B. Katanyia in her post did say the officers "orchistrated", so you all should talk strategy before coming against BLOODMYSTIC on his forums, ijs
Kattanyia: And why do you think we would not feel the need to have to go and defend our other lands that your faction orchestrated fake bids on?
Huh? Where did I say any officer's orchistrated anything? What I said was Rescind orchestrated fake bids. What are you talking about? Stop trying to change any meaning of what I have said.
I still have not figured out how you got this:
BLOODMYSTIC:And by the way, "your faction orchestrated fake bids on" - good for the goose being good for the gander, I take this as an admission that Mango knew about the fake bidding last time, in fact "orchestrated" it, contrary to your red faced assertions. from what I said about us feeling the need to defend our lands that Rescind orchestrated fake bids on. Read what Proski said: (rescind had elusive bid on you guys)He flat out says Rescind orchestrated it. When or where did I imply anything about our leader or even your leader for that matter, at all or our officer's for that matter knowing anything? They didn't. You can shout all you want and make as many assumptions as you want but the officer's did not know anything about it and we were all upset and disappointed at the time. The fact you choose to believe what you want is certainly your perogative but stop trying to imply I knew something about it when I most certainly did not!
And stop acting like I raged at you forever in pm's about the fake bidding. Yeah, I pm'd you pissed off. Said something like gratz on the win but I don't see why you guys had to fake bid you could have won easily without it. You said something back defending why it was done or w/e and I said I thought it was bs and then I logged off. I didnt pm a bunch of people, I pm'd you because we are friends and we have always gone back and forth about **** we don't agree on and we do it even when we are pissed off. I actually owe you an apology and I won't do something like that again.0 -
Batini - Archosaur wrote: »3 hour TW = not fun
EXACTLY my point. You have some officers that don't believe me, but thank you for confirming it.
The problem is, those officers, some of whom are friends, would say things that would make me think they thought differently, then the factions conduct wouldn't match up.
I don't HATE nemesis. I am disappointed in them. Best of luck in conquering an empty map on a deserted server.Batini - Archosaur wrote: »Purpose of TW's and having lands = trying to gain all of those lands (or else we would just have an seperate instance, like an arena or something..hold on, we do!)
Again, thank you. totally different philosophy than what I and not a few others have, and what some of your officers have espoused, but fine. I don't tell others how to play the game. Do what you like, I always say. But be honest about it, as you have done here, not try to smoke screen it with "I like 1k apoth for pve" and all that bs.
I nominate Batini for most honest post by a nemesis member on the subject in months. Do I hear a second?"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
XPuLsEoFHeLL - Archosaur wrote: »Might have won the battle, but the war is still onb:bye
Not for me. I'm Audi. 5000*
*Note for the kids: Its something cool hip hop artists 2 or 300 years ago used to say - meaning I'm leaving, I'm outta here, etc."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
3 hour TWs no fun?
That must be truelly comeing from the "right click and win" mentality that seems to always accumulate into one ball of no fun.
Into the third hour is the hour of endurance.... This hour is when things could change course, leadership starts to fail. POTs are used up, charms are dead, people are tired, groups are not as tightly formed.. It can be the hour that makes you or breaks you... But to me its the most rewarding..
....Hey! lets hurry up and TW in less then 1 hour, so we can go sit in west for 4 hours wishing there was PK!0 -
Kattanyia - Archosaur wrote: »I actually owe you an apology and I won't do something like that again.
This is yet another reason why I am done with Nemesis. It constantly puts you or me in the position of feeling like we have to apologize to each other. Its just stupid. I'm done. Fun 3 hour TWs would be worth the hassle, but I am convinced those will never happen with Nemesis more than 2-3 times every 8-12 months."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
3 hour TWs no fun?
That must be truelly comeing from the "right click and win" mentality that seems to always accumulate into one ball of no fun.
Into the third hour is the hour of endurance.... This hour is when things could change course, leadership starts to fail. POTs are used up, charms are dead, people are tired, groups are not as tightly formed.. It can be the hour that makes you or breaks you... But to me its the most rewarding..
....Hey! lets hurry up and TW in less then 1 hour, so we can go sit in west for 4 hours wishing there was PK!
ssssssssssssssssssssh, they are fun sucking vampires - don't try to reason with them. your betters (b:bye) have tried and failed."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Yes.... But maybe, just maybe we could study them.. And there could be a chance we breed some hybrids>?
We could take a being that enjoys hours of actual fun PK, and breed it with a being that spends thousands to have no fun.... So they may take that investment and go where the fun is, instead of harboring it in the financial beehive that endorses no fun atmospheres.
BUT... we would have to make them all wear dusty panties... so that they avoid interbreeding, and reversing the work accomplished.
i know would still be a fail Scientology in PW0 -
Yes.... But maybe, just maybe we could study them..
BUT... we would have to make them all wear dusty panties...
Careful, you could be making me a fan b:victory"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Kattanyia - Archosaur wrote: »from what I said about us feeling the need to defend our lands that Rescind orchestrated fake bids on. Read what Proski said: (rescind had elusive bid on you guys)He flat out says Rescind orchestrated it.
ok lol, i guess this is what you wanted? just know I didn't bring it up first or mention names. but as rhianna would say, do you know what you started? I just came here to party, but now we're on the dance floor actin naughty.
kat, you hate generalizations.. but then stretch the truth as you know it to be just so to make false equivalence for an argument you can't defend. you know by rescind that I meant 1 person (proc) because I told you. you also know you didn't need to send anything into the tw, yet you still act like you had to defend it here on the forums. you even told me "sigh, this is just going to act as an excuse now for our nemesis members to say they had to defend a gank, I didn't want that" ...yet you're doing exactly that?
I only find it funny because despite actually knowing the truth, you can still so quickly say rescind 'orchestrated' it, but then not concede the possibility that banana, being mangos boy, at least mentioned his real fake out-bid to him once. seriously?
hell, I don't even like proc that much, but I still helped. now I wonder if banana, self-proclaimed jockey rider of mango, would go against his IDOL and dodge a war on behalf of ALL of nemesis on his own doing. I mean, surely, the guy would know what mango wanted. if mangos honorable principles were so... honorable, and obvious, why would banana do such a dishonorable thing? I mean, he can move an entire server just to be with the guy, but do something so opposite of what his idol stands for? thats... hilarious
this isn't drama, this is shooting fish in a barrel. a no contest..... I almost feel bad. wait, are you guys masochists? b:shocked0 -
XPuLsEoFHeLL - Archosaur wrote: »Might have won the battle, but the war is still onb:bye
sorry this made me laugh. i don't know if for the fact that to win the war we know all nemesis has to do is just recruit mizandrys veno, or for the fact that you are saying it as if you're going to make the difference, or that anybody even cares about what happens between rescind / nemesis anymore0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »No assumptions here. And, by the way, that's in essence saying there is no proof, which is the CLASSIC defense of a criminal who is in fact guilty but doesn't believe he can be caught. Its far different from saying "we knew nothing about it". Still to your first line. Its more convincing.BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »B. Katanyia in her post did say the officers "orchistrated", so you all should talk strategy before coming against BLOODMYSTIC on his forums, ijs
I don't need to talk strategy with anyone, because what I say in the forums is what I believe and I speak only my mind, no one elses.BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »By trying to out rank 9,+12, etc. by a factor of 4 to 1 everyone on the server, regardless of who they are or what they do. As you've said before, who are you to deny them membership. Uh huh. Again, tell me who you loaf with, I'll tell you what your like.
And you tolerate fake bidding to avoid a fight.
and you qq ***** and moan about alleged fake bidding that ENSURED at tw.
As I said before, I don't recruit ppl because of what their gear is like. I don't even ask the people I interview what their gear is like, mostly cause i'm not interested in that. But then again, I'm not the only one recruiting in Nemesis.
I don't tolerate fake biddings. I raged in faction chat when that happened. But it's not my place to do anything, cause I'm not the leader.
I never qq nor moaned... I had fun. Did the TW, talked to Proski some and then went to bed cause I had class teh following day.BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »And that is to say nothing about the **** thats been detailed in these forums repeatedly, like locking up 1k apoth. But I forgot, you need it for pve b:chuckle
You keep saying over and over we locked 1k apoth when we didn't. Narla did. Again, we are NOT Narla. Are you tired of hearing that yet? well, start to realise it and I won't have to say it anymore. We never told our members to keep the apo to themselves. In fact, I used to make 1k apo for my friends all the time, and will do so for as long as teh faction I'm in holds 1k.
And I don't see why you need to make an ironic statement about the way I play the game. I like PVE better. I've always said that. And yes... i use 1k apo for PVE.BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »(I won't distinquish, as proski did, between you and "you know who", that **** is tiring and it is a curtesy that, oddly, the people who demand it do not show to others)BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »But again, all this has been said before. I am done with it. This is my last post talking to a wall.
I'm sorry you feel you are talking to a wall. I'm listening and answering. I have always agreed with you when you were right, but I won't shut up and say you are right when I don't think you are. I don't care if that makes me a "wall" to you.BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »And my complaint isn't about you recruiting to build your ranks - but when you try to do it at all costs, regardless of who, as long as they will dominate in TW, and especially if they might be able to cripple another factions chances against you . . . . Well, again, I am not even complaining about that. I am explaining why I am done with Nemesis. Its just irritating.
But I never tried to recruit Pulse till he made SoHot.BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »uh huh. I have had no less than 5 people since I posted this pm me in game telling me how phony they thought you all were trying to recruit them. They knew you were only doing it because of their rank 9 gear, etc. Maybe YOU didn't do it, but again, I am not drawing distinctions.BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »And "how I deal with stuff or what I say" - I know what dogs you lie with. Don't blame me if I assume you have fleas.0 -
there should be an expiration date on drama, cause this shietttt has honestly become so boring
everybody apply to archosaur's pvpers club: archosaur.mmoguildsites.com0 -
I suppose I better have my say in all this, firstly; b:victory
Next comes this whole fake bidding and what came of it. Given Narla/ Nemesis past they have no right what so ever to even argue on this matter. As Blood pointed out before Narla used alts guilds to overbid to avoid TW's were as the bids last week by you know who was done to ensure it. Coming from the lack of morale I saw on your forums and the terrible TW statistics, and Proski being Proski I would have bet 100m coin on Nemesis attempting a fake bid over what they would assume was Rescinds Bid.
The issue of lack of fun is a big one TBH, come TW I was expecting a good two hour plus war, even Blood was certain Rescind would of failed, were as this is still ok I see and shares his point on Nemesis new recruitment style as to if your a factor join regardless, lets just say the new recruits ive personally heard being trash talked by officers in nemesis but now Nemesis is no longer the superpower its welcome back.
As for keeping TW fun and alive at least for everyone but Rescind (depending on how they feel) ive made sure what I plan on doing with the guild as a whole doesn't step on others finding there position on the TW map such as Treason, Darkside, Endgame est., because this I would expect to see people dropping guild for other TWs. I would call them 'exciting' but I really dont see why 101 R9 people would drop TWs vs. people at there own level, strength to fight 8x, 9x with no gears or CS foothold and one-shot them for "fun"
Lastly I suppose would be how Nemesis reacted after there loss. Quick to find a reason other then a plain loss was the fact of the fake bid (even though a "fake-bid" is a bid over an official bid for the purpose of preventing a TW) also how I went about planning it but what I found most amusing was Geo's reaction to ex-nemesis who left on good terms for Rescind only to find a mouth full of abuse;[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Resistance is futile!
♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT0 -
i was waiting for a you're fired0
I can almost guarentee that SS you have there is from Astona/Azoiya. Honestly, if it is and that is all Geo said to her I'm shocked. I would not have been near as restrained!!! Leave on good terms my a$$!!0
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »EXACTLY my point. You have some officers that don't believe me, but thank you for confirming it.
The problem is, those officers, some of whom are friends, would say things that would make me think they thought differently, then the factions conduct wouldn't match up.
I don't HATE nemesis. Best of luck in conquering an empty map on a deserted server.
Again, thank you. totally different philosophy than what I and not a few others have, and what some of your officers have espoused, but fine. I don't tell others how to play the game. Do what you like, I always say. But be honest about it, as you have done here, not try to smoke screen it with "I like 1k apoth for pve" and all that bs.
I nominate Batini for most honest post by a nemesis member on the subject in months. Do I hear a second?
I am not and never will be in Nemesis - Please check the 'Valorian' name above my head next time you see me. Now I will continue reading the threads from this point.0 -
Ok my summary oif this thread
Blood QQ's/Trolls (again) about something to do with TW and how other people are doing this to him
People bite
Blood continues to have his enjoyment
Others enter debate
Blood uses the quote button another million times
We all get bored of it and continue to do what we were doing in the first place0
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