The history of iAmSoPrO

Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
Posts: 1,619 Arc User
It all started over 2 years ago, when Antigone made the faction of iAmSoPrO. He was there with ToffeeApple and together they set out to conquer the map (not really).
The journey was short lived, as soon after Antigone and ToffeeApple quit the game. But, there was a glimmer of hope! ToffeeApple and Mystic-Night had a conversation, and a level 3 cleric was invited to the faction, and lead was handed over to this cleric.
ToffeeApple said her last goodbye's to this beloved faction, and left soon after, to not ever be seen in PWI for over 9 months.
The faction of iAmSoPrO had remained hidden under radar for nearly 23 months. Nobody knew what they were waiting for, but people who knew of the iAmSoPrO legends, knew that something drastic was arriving soon. People's worst fears had come true, as not long after the TW map had reset on the 23rd month, iAmSoPrO made a shocking appearance into the TW scene, placing a firm bid on Mount Lantern. Silence had taken place at the time of bidding being complete, and all of Heaven's Tear was staring in wonder and awe. The legend was true! It's real!
Nobody was quite sure of who was in this mysterious faction, and people wanted to know right away. Who could have brought this legend back to life..? Shortly after, their new leader had appeared in broad daylight. All of Archosaur halted at the very sight of him. A very dazzling and superior being known as, Mystic-Night. Breaths were taken away as people were astounded of what they were seeing. Could this person solo an entire PvE TW? Can this person live up to this astounding reputation of iAmSoPrO in the past?
The time for the first TW of iAmSoPrO came, and Mystic-Night set off on his adventure, wandering alone in uncharted lands. He was greeted by many strange looking creatures. Not phased one bit, he charged into battle and slaughtered his foes with quick striking and excellent maneuverability. His buffers and friends outside of the TW, Boysie, Zorantinez, OnTheEdge and more listening to his reactions on ventrilo, were eagerly anticipating something drastic to happen, and change the course of TW entirely.
Mystic-Night had a remarkable surge of power flow through his body, and he attempted to slay 25 monsters at one time. His amazing strength and magic defeated every last enemy infront of him, with not a single scratch on him. There was however, one monster remaining, running away in the distance towards the other cluster of monsters. The great Mystic quickly beheaded this creature before anything happened..but it was too late. Not aware of what that creature was doing, he set forth to slay the next 4 sets of monsters. What Mystic was not aware of, was that that running creature had warned the others of what was taking place. Mystic was overwhelmed with attacks and could not prevail against the next wave of monsters. He..had been slain in battle..
But whatever he just went back to town and got rebuffed. A great powerful frenzy struck him from the PWI gods before he returned to combat, and Mystic was rejuvenated and ready to go. He set course to return to the very same group of creatures who had previously slain him, only this was personal. He dashed and lunged through his enemies and slowly but surely, defeated them all, with nothing else in sight. He later set course for the left path. Mystic was feeling great about himself, being full of energy and chi, he thrust through his enemies and pulled more than he ever had before. Little did he realize..that the last set of mobs immobilized! ( -_- ) His demon summer sprint and ironguard was nothing to be matched with the awesome power of those creatures, and he had been killed again. (Side note, PWI please make charms tick after 10 seconds, not 12 seconds, as you got this guy killed with your crappy glitches, thanks.)
The great Mystic was forced out of the battle. He quickly got his buffs back and went back into battle, taking on the sets of creatures slowly, and gingerly, clearing the left path completely. He then went on to the fearful right path. However, he quickly realized that the GM's of PWI are not very creative, and had the same mobs as the other paths, so he breezed through it quickly.
The time came to face the inside of the enemy headquarters. There was a tough task for Mystic ahead of him, but he was not frightened in the least. As if something had hit him on the side of his head and struck him with stupidity, he decided to lure the entire base, containing over 45 monsters.. (wtf was I thinking..) The almighty Mystic-Night got absolutely facerolled with constant interruptions of his parasitic nova and noxious gas. He went out for buffs again, and was told that he should not do that again because it is simply stupid. So, he took out the base in 2 separate parts successfully.
The end of the battle was near, and Mystic had his eyes set on the last thing standing in his way of total domination of Mount Lantern, Hellsmite Carrier. The battle began swiftly, and quickly, as Mystic's Phoenix ('s awh0re) held hatred towards this enemy, and took the blunt of the damage from this great beast. An untimely channeling debuff and heal pet interrupt had caused Mystic's long time perish half way through this fight. Mystic was completely defenseless against this foe, until he resurrected his companion. The amazing channeling debuff was too much for Mystic, and he was forced to fight this great beast toe to toe, with melee attacks. It wasn't long after the fight began, that this fight was nearing its end. 100k health..75k..50k..25k..1k..dead.. The great Mystic-Night had defeated all of the creatures in Mount Lantern, and had captured its land. The legend of iAmSoPrO had all been true, and the prophecies had come to life.
----1 week later----
iAmSoPrO's reputation had been wide spread now, and had struck fear in the eyes of everyone in the land of Heaven's Tear, except..for PhoeNyx. As if out of pure boldness, they had placed a strong bid on Mount Lantern, in an attempt to take away the land of Mystic-Night. He was not worried about the fight, and asked them to bring it on.
Only a few days later, this seemingly legendary battle had begun. With scouting assistance from the English man, Steopie as a scout, Mystic set forth to defend his righteous land. It was early on in the fight, and all of PhoeNyx, with their heads held high, had soon been struck down by the amazing strength of Mystic-Night. 1 by 1, he slayed them all with no mercy, making chew toys out of his foes and forcing them to retreat to the high grounds. A full 30 minutes went by and PhoeNyx had no idea how to overcome this force from iAmSoPrO. They attempted to split up their trebuchets throughout the battle field. Half way down the path they went, with no resistance at all, until..their worst fears had come true..Mystic was barreling down the path towards them, and with a seemingly act of God, cut through them with force, and dashed their hopes. He quickly cut over to the far side of the map and tore down the other opponents trebuchets before any damage could be done. All hope seemed to have been lost for PhoeNyx.
The leaders of PhoeNyx had come up with a daring plan. They all pushed down the left path, and slowly, very slowly, got themselves latched onto the left gate towers. It took them only 2 pushes to demolish them both, and make haste inside Mystic's base. A long, gruesome 30 minutes went by, as bit by bit, their trebuchet crews tore down his defenses, and eliminated his crystal, at the 1.5 hour mark. A surely, great fight given by the great Mystic, conquering nearly 30 enemies for such a long time. His work had been completed, and he laid back for his next fight..against Yakuzas.
Mystic was well prepared for his fight against Yakuzas, only this time, he needed to win by defeating the enemy crystal. With help from his companion Jenguin as a scout, he set off on his mission to defeat this Yakuza's faction. Almost exactly like the beginning of the PhoeNyx fight, Yakuza members seemed helpless against his raw power and could do absolutely nothing against his might. Mystic had taken down the last few catapults the enemy had sent towards him, and took a chance at striking their crystal. He picked up a catapult and heaved towards the enemy base, where he was confronted by a wall of Yakuza members. He was not to be made a fool of, and dashed into the enemy base with his demon summer sprint activated. He got a grip on the enemy HQ and with multiple towers barraging him, this is where he learned the bramble hood did not help against towers (sad right?). He had fallen after 2 minutes of combat, and 2m off the enemy HQ.
His enemies bombarded him with catapult attacks, and just when he thought the battle was falling apart, he heard from his scout: "Yea, that barb pulling the catapult just got killed by your towers". Laughter quickly erupted into the vent channel, and adrenaline had struck Mystic giving him a well needed boost. Attack after attack of enemy catapults made it near impossible for Mystic to push forward for his own attack. His hopes however, had come true. The enemy had sent 3 catapults down his left path, and he used this chance to push forward with a catapult of his own up the left path. One, two, three catapults quickly destroyed by the power of Mystic, and towards the enemy base he went. He laughed at the enemy's burst towers and squeezed through them. He got in the base undetected somehow, and got a hold of the left crystal tower. Enemies quickly bombarded Mystic, but there was nothing they could do. His defensive skills were no match for the enemy at this time. Quickly the enemy fell to his feet with his bramble hood activated, along with a series of anti stunned ironguards. Mystic had gotten 400k off the enemy tower before he was beaten.
Mystic quickly disposed of the enemy catapults approaching his base, and headed back up the left path, and with a combo set almost identical to his previous attack, he managed to take down the left crystal tower. Mystic was still in range of the other enemy crystal tower, and was forced to attempt to destroy it before he could take on the crystal again. Smoother than last time, he quickly destroyed the second tower inside Yakuza's base and set his eyes on their crystal. Hope seemed to have been lost in the Yakuza faction, as there seemed to have been a few people leaving the battle, and pm's being sent to the scout with death threats and pure hatred. Mystic had evidently won the battle as with only 500k left on the crystal, the force of Yakuza's had left the battle as if to avoid the Defeated sign in front of them, and it came true, when the crystal had taken its last hit, and fallen.
World chat quickly erupted in a cheering frenzy as all of Mystic's supporters had banded together in glory and joy, to celebrate the hard fought victory. Mystic, had soloed 25+ people, and taken down an enemy crystal.
----1 week later----
Mystic had risen more evil reputation for iAmSoPrO, and seeked revenge on PhoeNyx for what they did to him the week before. He recruited some of the strongest and most feared player's alternate characters to the faction: thehate as TaiDai, Steopie as Layzeh (wtf?), Jenguin as Sapphra, SmexyKitten_ as Ladyofreal, Ehmi as LiveDead, and ouka__ as ouka. They were all keen on returning the favour to PhoeNyx, and were well prepared to defeat them. Bidding time came, and time slowly passed as the end of bidding approached, this is when Mystic sneaked a bid on his previously owned land of Mount Lantern. He soon learned that his dream of getting his revenge on PhoeNyx was not possible this week, as he had been outbid by Infini. He had also been attacked by a swarm of two foot tall eWoks! Which were quickly defeated in 5 minutes a few days later in TW -_-
Another week had passed, and he had another shot at getting to Phoenyx. Only this time..he held his breath deeply until the end of bidding came, and he instantly became sick to his stomach, as he got out bid by Radiance's alternate faction (you're getting kill farmed for this!). He had also expected PhoeNyx to place a bid on his new land of Shining Tidewood, but was quickly deceived by an odd bid from Titans. This was unexpected for him and truly angered him, as he would not get his revenge fight with PhoeNyx.
Preparations for the Titans fight had begun only 10 minutes before the fight was scheduled to start, and with difficulties finding a suitable entry spot so that their outside of TW barbarian buffer could teleport to, it came down to the wire with preparations. Finally, they had agreed on a meet spot of Hidden Heroes Village and the barbarian buffer flew to the area with almost no time to spare. The iAmSoPrO crew was rudely interrupted by a swarm of GoldDiggrz exiting from their TW and surrounding them making it difficult to hand out tower money. With only seconds to spare, the faction was ready for combat and the TW had begun.
A new scout (carvela) had made haste towards the enemy base going undetected, and gave excellent feed back of enemy catapult movements, making it difficult for them to get around our outstanding defensive positioning. The first 20 minutes of the TW had been spent with Titans flooring themselves down B path with attempts at the iAmSoPrO crystal. The enemy catapult barbarians (Lucafer, Korsov, and Ulfrednar (where did you come from?)) had been quickly disposed of by the defense of iAmSoPrO, and all seemed to have been going well for the crew. Titans began to spread their catapults around the battlefield, splitting the iAmSoPrO forces thin. Mystic had sent himself down left path to deal with a catapult, as another went down right to defend, as the rest stayed on B path to hold the enemy off. All catapults had been accounted for and destroyed.
Soon after, Titans got scared and began to take down the B lane towers of iAmSoPrO, and took them down in 2 pushes. It was not long after that, only 15 minutes or so, that the tides had turned and it became harder for iAmSoPrO to defend the onslaught of enemies approaching them. Titans had bombarded the base and ended the TW in the blink of an eye, taking down 11m off the crystal unexpectedly. (I blame Jenguin for having to leave!! -.- )
iAmSoPrO had defended 25~ Titans members with 6-7 people for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Surely a great accomplishment for the crew, living up to their death defying reputation. However, they had been officially wiped off the map.
----1 week later----
Places to bid were scarce for iAmSoPro. There were only a few options, and not many lands left had been unbidded on. He took a daring chance at bidding on TheLegend's land of The Harshlands! He knew he had won the bid as soon as the hour hit, as he had been the only one to bid on it, and bidding for that land had been closed.
Almost amazingly, Mystic had quickly realized he had gained an attacking advantage with DimSum and EvilTree on TheLegend's lands. The time slots were perfect to the last detail. iAmSoPrO had a chance at regaining their spot on the TW map.
Saturday night came sweeping in slowly, and Mystic was eating a sandwich, and then it hit him..OH **** TW IN 20 MINUTES! He rushed upstairs to check on his faction status with members online, and soon realized it was only him and one other person (really?). 10 minutes until the battle commenced, and only one other person showed up. Mystic-Night, LiveDead, and ouka, needed to fight for iAmSoPrO's honour, on their own, missing more than half of their expected roster. EvilTree's fight began on TheLegend, and soon after, it was iAmSoPrO's turn. With the three brave warriors pulling catapults up the B path hoping there would be little resistance, they were shocked when they saw more than 10 people infront of them. And then it happened..jimbo popped up on their T menus ( T___T). TheLegend had sent almost their full force of 20 people to fight iAmSoPrO! The warriors needed to react quickly but were much too overwhelmed by the brute force of TheLegend. They regrouped, and managed to take out 2 enemy catapult barbarians before entering the base.
All hope seemed to have disappeared with little time to hold them off, so that DimSum could squeeze an easy win in. It was all up to those 3 hold off such a force, was almost impossible in a human's eye. The task began of taking out the remaining 2 catapult barbarians, jimbo being one of them, and they swiftly removed the other catapult puller virtually undetected. jimbo was being a hassle, and with 2 clerics around him (one BB'ing) there was not much to be done. Mystic commenced a bold moved and flew up high high high into the air and send his trusty Phoenix companion to stun the BB's down from drionna and AuroraRune, who had put one up as well. He managed to take down both BB's within 20 seconds, and the work of taking down jimbo had commenced. They acted fast as ouka and LiveDead slapped jimbo, as Mystic took care of the two clerics.
LiveDead yelled in vent "Haha got him!" Cheers flew out in vent as the task had been completed, and there were no other catapult barbarians in sight. They quickly got killed by TheLegend's DD squads after jimbo's death, and soon discovered that jimbo had been resurrected x_x. They had to get him down quickly, as DimSum had still not won the battle, and with only 5m left on iAmSoPrO's crystal, time was running out. Seemingly easier than the time before, the brave warriors eliminated jimbo once again, and only to be resurrected again by a cleric flying into the base.
Could it be done, three times consecutively? DimSum's TW had just been won, and the task was as complete as it could have been. With only 2m left on iAmSoPrO's crystal, they went after jimbo one more time, and masterfully took him down again! At that point, the enemy catapult barbarians had rejoined the fight, and the battle was over soon after.
iAmSoPrO takes full credit in causing the loss of 2 lands of TheLegend, and surely silences any speculations of their worthiness on the battle field. Three people, had caused such a massacre in TheLegend's fights.
----Present day----
It is quiet in iAmSoPrO. With few members online, and no new territory on the map, it seems as though it is time for this legendary faction, to come to a rest. Until next week!
All of Heaven's Tear waits anxiously to see where iAmSoPrO will strike next, fearing that perhaps their faction will be hit by them, and are already preparing for the worst.
Who, will be next?
The End
Yea, wow, I was bored, to a new level. Hope everyone who took the time to read this enjoyed it as much as I did writing it haha.
Edit: I don't have any screenshots (hard to do when soloing..) of these fights, and I tried recording the Yakuza fight but it didn't go well. I wish I could have had some video analysis of this thread but *sad face*
The journey was short lived, as soon after Antigone and ToffeeApple quit the game. But, there was a glimmer of hope! ToffeeApple and Mystic-Night had a conversation, and a level 3 cleric was invited to the faction, and lead was handed over to this cleric.
ToffeeApple said her last goodbye's to this beloved faction, and left soon after, to not ever be seen in PWI for over 9 months.
The faction of iAmSoPrO had remained hidden under radar for nearly 23 months. Nobody knew what they were waiting for, but people who knew of the iAmSoPrO legends, knew that something drastic was arriving soon. People's worst fears had come true, as not long after the TW map had reset on the 23rd month, iAmSoPrO made a shocking appearance into the TW scene, placing a firm bid on Mount Lantern. Silence had taken place at the time of bidding being complete, and all of Heaven's Tear was staring in wonder and awe. The legend was true! It's real!
Nobody was quite sure of who was in this mysterious faction, and people wanted to know right away. Who could have brought this legend back to life..? Shortly after, their new leader had appeared in broad daylight. All of Archosaur halted at the very sight of him. A very dazzling and superior being known as, Mystic-Night. Breaths were taken away as people were astounded of what they were seeing. Could this person solo an entire PvE TW? Can this person live up to this astounding reputation of iAmSoPrO in the past?
The time for the first TW of iAmSoPrO came, and Mystic-Night set off on his adventure, wandering alone in uncharted lands. He was greeted by many strange looking creatures. Not phased one bit, he charged into battle and slaughtered his foes with quick striking and excellent maneuverability. His buffers and friends outside of the TW, Boysie, Zorantinez, OnTheEdge and more listening to his reactions on ventrilo, were eagerly anticipating something drastic to happen, and change the course of TW entirely.
Mystic-Night had a remarkable surge of power flow through his body, and he attempted to slay 25 monsters at one time. His amazing strength and magic defeated every last enemy infront of him, with not a single scratch on him. There was however, one monster remaining, running away in the distance towards the other cluster of monsters. The great Mystic quickly beheaded this creature before anything happened..but it was too late. Not aware of what that creature was doing, he set forth to slay the next 4 sets of monsters. What Mystic was not aware of, was that that running creature had warned the others of what was taking place. Mystic was overwhelmed with attacks and could not prevail against the next wave of monsters. He..had been slain in battle..
But whatever he just went back to town and got rebuffed. A great powerful frenzy struck him from the PWI gods before he returned to combat, and Mystic was rejuvenated and ready to go. He set course to return to the very same group of creatures who had previously slain him, only this was personal. He dashed and lunged through his enemies and slowly but surely, defeated them all, with nothing else in sight. He later set course for the left path. Mystic was feeling great about himself, being full of energy and chi, he thrust through his enemies and pulled more than he ever had before. Little did he realize..that the last set of mobs immobilized! ( -_- ) His demon summer sprint and ironguard was nothing to be matched with the awesome power of those creatures, and he had been killed again. (Side note, PWI please make charms tick after 10 seconds, not 12 seconds, as you got this guy killed with your crappy glitches, thanks.)
The great Mystic was forced out of the battle. He quickly got his buffs back and went back into battle, taking on the sets of creatures slowly, and gingerly, clearing the left path completely. He then went on to the fearful right path. However, he quickly realized that the GM's of PWI are not very creative, and had the same mobs as the other paths, so he breezed through it quickly.
The time came to face the inside of the enemy headquarters. There was a tough task for Mystic ahead of him, but he was not frightened in the least. As if something had hit him on the side of his head and struck him with stupidity, he decided to lure the entire base, containing over 45 monsters.. (wtf was I thinking..) The almighty Mystic-Night got absolutely facerolled with constant interruptions of his parasitic nova and noxious gas. He went out for buffs again, and was told that he should not do that again because it is simply stupid. So, he took out the base in 2 separate parts successfully.
The end of the battle was near, and Mystic had his eyes set on the last thing standing in his way of total domination of Mount Lantern, Hellsmite Carrier. The battle began swiftly, and quickly, as Mystic's Phoenix ('s awh0re) held hatred towards this enemy, and took the blunt of the damage from this great beast. An untimely channeling debuff and heal pet interrupt had caused Mystic's long time perish half way through this fight. Mystic was completely defenseless against this foe, until he resurrected his companion. The amazing channeling debuff was too much for Mystic, and he was forced to fight this great beast toe to toe, with melee attacks. It wasn't long after the fight began, that this fight was nearing its end. 100k health..75k..50k..25k..1k..dead.. The great Mystic-Night had defeated all of the creatures in Mount Lantern, and had captured its land. The legend of iAmSoPrO had all been true, and the prophecies had come to life.
----1 week later----
iAmSoPrO's reputation had been wide spread now, and had struck fear in the eyes of everyone in the land of Heaven's Tear, except..for PhoeNyx. As if out of pure boldness, they had placed a strong bid on Mount Lantern, in an attempt to take away the land of Mystic-Night. He was not worried about the fight, and asked them to bring it on.
Only a few days later, this seemingly legendary battle had begun. With scouting assistance from the English man, Steopie as a scout, Mystic set forth to defend his righteous land. It was early on in the fight, and all of PhoeNyx, with their heads held high, had soon been struck down by the amazing strength of Mystic-Night. 1 by 1, he slayed them all with no mercy, making chew toys out of his foes and forcing them to retreat to the high grounds. A full 30 minutes went by and PhoeNyx had no idea how to overcome this force from iAmSoPrO. They attempted to split up their trebuchets throughout the battle field. Half way down the path they went, with no resistance at all, until..their worst fears had come true..Mystic was barreling down the path towards them, and with a seemingly act of God, cut through them with force, and dashed their hopes. He quickly cut over to the far side of the map and tore down the other opponents trebuchets before any damage could be done. All hope seemed to have been lost for PhoeNyx.
The leaders of PhoeNyx had come up with a daring plan. They all pushed down the left path, and slowly, very slowly, got themselves latched onto the left gate towers. It took them only 2 pushes to demolish them both, and make haste inside Mystic's base. A long, gruesome 30 minutes went by, as bit by bit, their trebuchet crews tore down his defenses, and eliminated his crystal, at the 1.5 hour mark. A surely, great fight given by the great Mystic, conquering nearly 30 enemies for such a long time. His work had been completed, and he laid back for his next fight..against Yakuzas.
Mystic was well prepared for his fight against Yakuzas, only this time, he needed to win by defeating the enemy crystal. With help from his companion Jenguin as a scout, he set off on his mission to defeat this Yakuza's faction. Almost exactly like the beginning of the PhoeNyx fight, Yakuza members seemed helpless against his raw power and could do absolutely nothing against his might. Mystic had taken down the last few catapults the enemy had sent towards him, and took a chance at striking their crystal. He picked up a catapult and heaved towards the enemy base, where he was confronted by a wall of Yakuza members. He was not to be made a fool of, and dashed into the enemy base with his demon summer sprint activated. He got a grip on the enemy HQ and with multiple towers barraging him, this is where he learned the bramble hood did not help against towers (sad right?). He had fallen after 2 minutes of combat, and 2m off the enemy HQ.
His enemies bombarded him with catapult attacks, and just when he thought the battle was falling apart, he heard from his scout: "Yea, that barb pulling the catapult just got killed by your towers". Laughter quickly erupted into the vent channel, and adrenaline had struck Mystic giving him a well needed boost. Attack after attack of enemy catapults made it near impossible for Mystic to push forward for his own attack. His hopes however, had come true. The enemy had sent 3 catapults down his left path, and he used this chance to push forward with a catapult of his own up the left path. One, two, three catapults quickly destroyed by the power of Mystic, and towards the enemy base he went. He laughed at the enemy's burst towers and squeezed through them. He got in the base undetected somehow, and got a hold of the left crystal tower. Enemies quickly bombarded Mystic, but there was nothing they could do. His defensive skills were no match for the enemy at this time. Quickly the enemy fell to his feet with his bramble hood activated, along with a series of anti stunned ironguards. Mystic had gotten 400k off the enemy tower before he was beaten.
Mystic quickly disposed of the enemy catapults approaching his base, and headed back up the left path, and with a combo set almost identical to his previous attack, he managed to take down the left crystal tower. Mystic was still in range of the other enemy crystal tower, and was forced to attempt to destroy it before he could take on the crystal again. Smoother than last time, he quickly destroyed the second tower inside Yakuza's base and set his eyes on their crystal. Hope seemed to have been lost in the Yakuza faction, as there seemed to have been a few people leaving the battle, and pm's being sent to the scout with death threats and pure hatred. Mystic had evidently won the battle as with only 500k left on the crystal, the force of Yakuza's had left the battle as if to avoid the Defeated sign in front of them, and it came true, when the crystal had taken its last hit, and fallen.
World chat quickly erupted in a cheering frenzy as all of Mystic's supporters had banded together in glory and joy, to celebrate the hard fought victory. Mystic, had soloed 25+ people, and taken down an enemy crystal.
----1 week later----
Mystic had risen more evil reputation for iAmSoPrO, and seeked revenge on PhoeNyx for what they did to him the week before. He recruited some of the strongest and most feared player's alternate characters to the faction: thehate as TaiDai, Steopie as Layzeh (wtf?), Jenguin as Sapphra, SmexyKitten_ as Ladyofreal, Ehmi as LiveDead, and ouka__ as ouka. They were all keen on returning the favour to PhoeNyx, and were well prepared to defeat them. Bidding time came, and time slowly passed as the end of bidding approached, this is when Mystic sneaked a bid on his previously owned land of Mount Lantern. He soon learned that his dream of getting his revenge on PhoeNyx was not possible this week, as he had been outbid by Infini. He had also been attacked by a swarm of two foot tall eWoks! Which were quickly defeated in 5 minutes a few days later in TW -_-
Another week had passed, and he had another shot at getting to Phoenyx. Only this time..he held his breath deeply until the end of bidding came, and he instantly became sick to his stomach, as he got out bid by Radiance's alternate faction (you're getting kill farmed for this!). He had also expected PhoeNyx to place a bid on his new land of Shining Tidewood, but was quickly deceived by an odd bid from Titans. This was unexpected for him and truly angered him, as he would not get his revenge fight with PhoeNyx.
Preparations for the Titans fight had begun only 10 minutes before the fight was scheduled to start, and with difficulties finding a suitable entry spot so that their outside of TW barbarian buffer could teleport to, it came down to the wire with preparations. Finally, they had agreed on a meet spot of Hidden Heroes Village and the barbarian buffer flew to the area with almost no time to spare. The iAmSoPrO crew was rudely interrupted by a swarm of GoldDiggrz exiting from their TW and surrounding them making it difficult to hand out tower money. With only seconds to spare, the faction was ready for combat and the TW had begun.
A new scout (carvela) had made haste towards the enemy base going undetected, and gave excellent feed back of enemy catapult movements, making it difficult for them to get around our outstanding defensive positioning. The first 20 minutes of the TW had been spent with Titans flooring themselves down B path with attempts at the iAmSoPrO crystal. The enemy catapult barbarians (Lucafer, Korsov, and Ulfrednar (where did you come from?)) had been quickly disposed of by the defense of iAmSoPrO, and all seemed to have been going well for the crew. Titans began to spread their catapults around the battlefield, splitting the iAmSoPrO forces thin. Mystic had sent himself down left path to deal with a catapult, as another went down right to defend, as the rest stayed on B path to hold the enemy off. All catapults had been accounted for and destroyed.
Soon after, Titans got scared and began to take down the B lane towers of iAmSoPrO, and took them down in 2 pushes. It was not long after that, only 15 minutes or so, that the tides had turned and it became harder for iAmSoPrO to defend the onslaught of enemies approaching them. Titans had bombarded the base and ended the TW in the blink of an eye, taking down 11m off the crystal unexpectedly. (I blame Jenguin for having to leave!! -.- )
iAmSoPrO had defended 25~ Titans members with 6-7 people for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Surely a great accomplishment for the crew, living up to their death defying reputation. However, they had been officially wiped off the map.
----1 week later----
Places to bid were scarce for iAmSoPro. There were only a few options, and not many lands left had been unbidded on. He took a daring chance at bidding on TheLegend's land of The Harshlands! He knew he had won the bid as soon as the hour hit, as he had been the only one to bid on it, and bidding for that land had been closed.
Almost amazingly, Mystic had quickly realized he had gained an attacking advantage with DimSum and EvilTree on TheLegend's lands. The time slots were perfect to the last detail. iAmSoPrO had a chance at regaining their spot on the TW map.
Saturday night came sweeping in slowly, and Mystic was eating a sandwich, and then it hit him..OH **** TW IN 20 MINUTES! He rushed upstairs to check on his faction status with members online, and soon realized it was only him and one other person (really?). 10 minutes until the battle commenced, and only one other person showed up. Mystic-Night, LiveDead, and ouka, needed to fight for iAmSoPrO's honour, on their own, missing more than half of their expected roster. EvilTree's fight began on TheLegend, and soon after, it was iAmSoPrO's turn. With the three brave warriors pulling catapults up the B path hoping there would be little resistance, they were shocked when they saw more than 10 people infront of them. And then it happened..jimbo popped up on their T menus ( T___T). TheLegend had sent almost their full force of 20 people to fight iAmSoPrO! The warriors needed to react quickly but were much too overwhelmed by the brute force of TheLegend. They regrouped, and managed to take out 2 enemy catapult barbarians before entering the base.
All hope seemed to have disappeared with little time to hold them off, so that DimSum could squeeze an easy win in. It was all up to those 3 hold off such a force, was almost impossible in a human's eye. The task began of taking out the remaining 2 catapult barbarians, jimbo being one of them, and they swiftly removed the other catapult puller virtually undetected. jimbo was being a hassle, and with 2 clerics around him (one BB'ing) there was not much to be done. Mystic commenced a bold moved and flew up high high high into the air and send his trusty Phoenix companion to stun the BB's down from drionna and AuroraRune, who had put one up as well. He managed to take down both BB's within 20 seconds, and the work of taking down jimbo had commenced. They acted fast as ouka and LiveDead slapped jimbo, as Mystic took care of the two clerics.
LiveDead yelled in vent "Haha got him!" Cheers flew out in vent as the task had been completed, and there were no other catapult barbarians in sight. They quickly got killed by TheLegend's DD squads after jimbo's death, and soon discovered that jimbo had been resurrected x_x. They had to get him down quickly, as DimSum had still not won the battle, and with only 5m left on iAmSoPrO's crystal, time was running out. Seemingly easier than the time before, the brave warriors eliminated jimbo once again, and only to be resurrected again by a cleric flying into the base.
Could it be done, three times consecutively? DimSum's TW had just been won, and the task was as complete as it could have been. With only 2m left on iAmSoPrO's crystal, they went after jimbo one more time, and masterfully took him down again! At that point, the enemy catapult barbarians had rejoined the fight, and the battle was over soon after.
iAmSoPrO takes full credit in causing the loss of 2 lands of TheLegend, and surely silences any speculations of their worthiness on the battle field. Three people, had caused such a massacre in TheLegend's fights.
----Present day----
It is quiet in iAmSoPrO. With few members online, and no new territory on the map, it seems as though it is time for this legendary faction, to come to a rest. Until next week!
All of Heaven's Tear waits anxiously to see where iAmSoPrO will strike next, fearing that perhaps their faction will be hit by them, and are already preparing for the worst.
Who, will be next?
The End
Yea, wow, I was bored, to a new level. Hope everyone who took the time to read this enjoyed it as much as I did writing it haha.
Edit: I don't have any screenshots (hard to do when soloing..) of these fights, and I tried recording the Yakuza fight but it didn't go well. I wish I could have had some video analysis of this thread but *sad face*
Post edited by Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear on
You were not joking about being bored.
RAWR! I'm a tiger[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
"Saturday night came sweeping in slowly, and Mystic was eating a sandwich."
By far, my favorite part of this story LOL"there is a majority of people I can't here stand anymore. The skill level in TW has decreased dramatically. Frankly I am tired leading a TW of a bunch of idiots and morons. I outlasted my patience for them. I just can't waste anymore time here." ~Ehmi's leaving post.0 -
made my day if anything b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
crappy school project promotion:
Hmm... I has a cookie... and I ated it b:chuckle
Retired0 -
I like the part where you were eating a sandwich.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
SkyKoC - How long is yours?0 -
Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear wrote: »he instantly became sick to his stomach, as he got out bid by Radiance's alternate faction (you're getting kill farmed for this!). QUOTE]
this is my favorite part.
btw i fail at quotes today. :P too lazy to fix it*insert awesome siggy here*0 -
o_o such a long post but nice story[SIGPIC][SIGPIC]0
Damn mystic that's gotta be the most entertaining thread I've read in a while.
(and wtf Ulf lol)I can see what you see not,
Vision milky, then eyes rot.
When you turn, they will be gone,
Whispering their hidden song.
Then you see what cannot be,
Shadows move where light should be.
Out of darkness, out of mind,
Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.0 -
OMG, long read but very well written; good times.Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy0
i can't believe i just read all that...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Originally posted by LShattered - HeavensTear
Ohhh...I am dumb b:shutup0 -
you got talentb:laugh0
That. Was. Amazing.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
☆Heavy Armor Venomancer since level 1☆
Previously known as _Surreal_b:avoid
Sig by me.
[=><=]0 -
Retsuko - Shifong
Karmapwi.com0 -
Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear wrote: »Wall of Text
yea way too long and who cares really lol[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." ~ Thomas Jefferson0 -
That was very well written and had me laughing. Good job keeping the reader intrigued.I look forward to the next chapter of 'iAmSoPrO:the legend behind the legend'mmmmmm tacos mmmmm
Retired for good.0 -
Bale - Heavens Tear wrote: »yea way too long and who cares really lol
Bored readers read what bored writers write.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Retsuko - Shifong
Karmapwi.com0 -
Bale - Heavens Tear wrote: »yea way too long and who cares really lol
People who care enough to quote the whole thing. b:chuckle
Was a good read as well.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower
-Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
-Certified Barbarian Master-
-You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
-Master of Coffee-0 -
Bale - Heavens Tear wrote: »yea way too long and who cares really lol
Quote again cut u i will b:cute[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Crazydan - Heavens Tear wrote: »Quote again cut u i will b:cute
strong the force this one is.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Disarmonia_X - 101 Cleric
Shadows_Muse - 100 Wiz; Ω
b:heartAneurysmal/MetalPenguinb:dirty0 -
Solara_craft - Heavens Tear wrote: »YODA!!!!!
strong the force this one is.
Strong with the force this one is b:cute[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear wrote: »Wall of Text
b:cry stop it shelly, if he gets to troll so do i QQragefart[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." ~ Thomas Jefferson0 -
Man...Radiance has been grumpy lately. *shoves more rainbows up their butts* That help?"there is a majority of people I can't here stand anymore. The skill level in TW has decreased dramatically. Frankly I am tired leading a TW of a bunch of idiots and morons. I outlasted my patience for them. I just can't waste anymore time here." ~Ehmi's leaving post.0
Bale - Heavens Tear wrote: »yea way too long and who cares really lolBale - Heavens Tear wrote: »b:cry stop it shelly, if he gets to troll so do i QQragefart
Your a Tool b:shutupouka - 101 HA veno - " Squeek, I'm A Fox!"
ouka__ - 103 vit barb- "Nom Nom I'm A Panda!"
People need to learn how to control their stupid0 -
Thanks for the the responses, and I'm glad people enjoyed it. Got a lot of nice feedback from it in pm's.
Coming soon..The history of Enrage?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Evanera - Heavens Tear wrote: »Thanks for the the responses, and I'm glad people enjoyed it. Got a lot of nice feedback from it in pm's.
Coming soon..The history of Enrage?
History of EvilTree after History of Enrage plzouka - 101 HA veno - " Squeek, I'm A Fox!"
ouka__ - 103 vit barb- "Nom Nom I'm A Panda!"
People need to learn how to control their stupid0 -
Zaphael - Heavens Tear wrote: »Man...Radiance has been grumpy lately. *shoves more rainbows up their butts* That help?
No.. stop trying to troll and make Dan stop his yoda act b:cry[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Retsuko - Shifong
Karmapwi.com0 -
Shifong - Heavens Tear wrote: »No.. stop trying to troll and make Dan stop his yoda act b:cry
But I like his Yoda act b:sadouka - 101 HA veno - " Squeek, I'm A Fox!"
ouka__ - 103 vit barb- "Nom Nom I'm A Panda!"
People need to learn how to control their stupid0 -
Zaphael - Heavens Tear wrote: »Man...Radiance has been grumpy lately. *shoves more rainbows up their butts* That help?
Rainbows tickle they do b:cute[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ouka - Heavens Tear wrote: »But I like his Yoda act b:sad
He's been doing it on rad forum too almost in each post... Next will be on vent b:shocked
And zaph, you mean like this? b:cute[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Retsuko - Shifong
Karmapwi.com0 -
that was unexpected shifong....b:victorymmmmmm tacos mmmmm
Retired for good.0 -
Shifong - Heavens Tear wrote: »He's been doing it on rad forum too almost in each post... Next will be on vent b:shocked
How can you hate it yoda is so adorableouka - 101 HA veno - " Squeek, I'm A Fox!"
ouka__ - 103 vit barb- "Nom Nom I'm A Panda!"
People need to learn how to control their stupid0
This discussion has been closed.
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