So, why the change on PK rules in SP?



  • DrunkWizard - Lost City
    DrunkWizard - Lost City Posts: 523 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Why was Secret Passage even popular for PK to begin with?

    well back in the days i used to play and pk :

    1- you can aoe and see pretty amount of dmg log.
    2- theres a SZ nearby to go afk.
    3- theres mobs to get chi
    4- is not a huge map like west archo where ppl kite for long distances (like from the gate to the boss on the mines distance)
    5- no Air pvp in SP (i loved ground pvp)
    6- some archer noobs attacked glitching the walls but was fun tho since you can sometimes spoil them
  • Yulk_owns - Lost City
    Yulk_owns - Lost City Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Maybe because you are a pile of fail mr.fist assassin?

    Why would you be in secret passage instead of land of the buried bones? That is a perfect place for PKing...
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    The rule only changed because Frankie originally mispoke about the rule, after speaking with other staff (presumably frankies boss), editted to the current rule of under no circumstances is PK allowed in SP.
    If what Frankie originally said, PK in SP was ok as long as not stopping cult was misspoken, that means it was already illegal to PK in SP back then? If "PK was OK" wasn't the rule but a mistake, then it means PK wasn't ok in SP. As far as I recall, no one ever said PK in SP wasn't ok before Frankie did on 9/28. How can "PK was OK in SP" be a misspoke about the rule if "PK wasn't OK in SP" was never stated as a rule previously? If that was a misspoke of the rule then they never bothered to tell us that PK in SP wasn't allowed? Think before you post.

    Normal PK that does not interferer with questers in there was allowed until 9/28/2010. Hence the change of rule. If it was Frankie's boss that made the choice, or a team of GM or whoever, great. I was just wondering who did and for what reason.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If what Frankie originally said, PK in SP was ok as long as not stopping cult was misspoken, that means it was already illegal to PK in SP back then? If "PK was OK" wasn't the rule but a mistake, then it means PK wasn't ok in SP. As far as I recall, no one ever said PK in SP wasn't ok before Frankie did on 9/28. How can "PK was OK in SP" be a misspoke about the rule if "PK wasn't OK in SP" was never stated as a rule previously? If that was a misspoke of the rule then they never bothered to tell us that PK in SP wasn't allowed? Think before you post.

    ... lol
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  • Gannayev - Lost City
    Gannayev - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    The point is - PWE staff doesn't give a damn about the players, and they never will. Actualy I believe they would rather bankrupt then do somehting for the players or something that would make more sense than wiping an *** with a banana.
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    My answer to the rule change? Ignore it. Keep PKing in SP, and move on.

    This version has got so many stupid and arbitrary rules, that I simply ignore most of them. PWI doesn't need to treat itself more special than CN/MY/RUS versions. And I won't either.
    Some people risk to employ me

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  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    since when has SP been a PK area in a PvE server? yeah, there are always jackasses would pull bosses into areas of the dungeon where lots of other players are, but that h was banned as harassment.

    low level players have a hard enough time dealing with their quests, without higher levels shooting them. and just what does a high level player have to gain, by PKing bunches of lv30s? oh, look at the big bad level **, can kill players lower than him. anyone who does that is stupider than a steaming pile of b:fatb

    So it was first said here that

    Can't PK in Secret Passage if you're keeping players from doing their Cultivation Quests.

    Other than these two instances, I believe PK is fine as long as it doesn't become harassment, which would involve following a specific character through multiple zones, pk-ing relentlessly.

    But now it's changed to

    "Killing players in Secret Passage is not allowed, no matter what the circumstances are."?

    Because enough wana-be tough guys on PvE server end up getting owned then QQ about it? So if a level 100 red runs into Secret Passage out of SZ, they have a GM given protection? You might as well make that place a SZ then.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • IHazNutz - Dreamweaver
    IHazNutz - Dreamweaver Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If what Frankie originally said, PK in SP was ok as long as not stopping cult was misspoken, that means it was already illegal to PK in SP back then? If "PK was OK" wasn't the rule but a mistake, then it means PK wasn't ok in SP. As far as I recall, no one ever said PK in SP wasn't ok before Frankie did on 9/28. How can "PK was OK in SP" be a misspoke about the rule if "PK wasn't OK in SP" was never stated as a rule previously? If that was a misspoke of the rule then they never bothered to tell us that PK in SP wasn't allowed? Think before you post.

    Normal PK that does not interferer with questers in there was allowed until 9/28/2010. Hence the change of rule. If it was Frankie's boss that made the choice, or a team of GM or whoever, great. I was just wondering who did and for what reason.

    Actually spoons had stated the same thing long before frankie took over, thanks for trolling....
  • Zenorx - Harshlands
    Zenorx - Harshlands Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Shuddup Nutz

    mmmmmmmmm nutz
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    ok, whoever said that SP is a PK zone must be on a PVP server. i just spent several hours in there, helpng my daughter with quests, and didnt see any, not even any duels, which was rather surprising. j

    ust one crazy BM who wanted to hold a fox (me) to get chi b:chuckle kept on kissing meb:cute guess he likes a mouth full of fur and wet fox noses!
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Sparc - Harshlands
    Sparc - Harshlands Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You might as well make that place a SZ then.

    They *cannot* do so. They can make this rule and 'enforce' it, but they cannot make a major modification like that to the game. PWE (perfect world entertainment) does NOT own this game. Basically put, it's LEASED from PW Beijing, and ALL *development* takes place in Beijing. So far the only things I have figured out that it does appear PWE has 'free reign' over -- or at least close to 'free reign' -- is the Boutique, and it would appear they are allowed to modify sys. messages (ie. notice how any time there's a major update -- the Duke spam comes back in full force, and they eventaully remove it again because they know WE do not like it)... Same in regard to horns. Horns were *never literally* removed from the game (they've always been in the CN version -- still can be purchased in the cash shop in CN version) However PWE agreed with us, in that they needed a 'filter' -- So ... PWE EFFECTIVELY removed them by removing them from the cash shop. Well now as you probably know there is A horn in Supply-Stash, same concept -- they can do NOTHING about that, supply stash is a Quest, or something that is fully controlled by the developers, over in Beijing...
  • Sparc - Harshlands
    Sparc - Harshlands Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I know I started to stray there, but seriously, PWE cannot change something like what is and what is not safe zone.

    I just think that if this is going to be a rule; we need to accept it. Even to respond to the inquiry about 'would self defense be allowed?' -- no, because then 'there's your loophole' -- "oh well I was just defending myself" (since I have hard of 'defenders' getting banned as well)...

    So like I said, if this is and is going to be a rule, we NEED to just ACCEPT it and move on (there are rules everywhere in life, even in a video game!) Next time someone begins attacking you in SP don't hit the attack button -- press print screen and "submit ticket" (unless you do want to risk getting banned for participating in PK in SP). People will eventually learn that PK is not allowed in SP, even those non forum readers...

    I am not even saying I am for or against this rule. I am just saying it needs to be accepted if this is how it's going to be -- so call me a QQ p****, but the next time someone attacks me in SP -- it's gonna be 'PRINT SCREEN' not "attack" because I know this rule, and I don't want to risk a ban -- that really doesn't make me a QQer, just someone who is knowledgeable of the rules... and doesn't want to risk a ban over something so stupid!
  • Jenabug - Raging Tide
    Jenabug - Raging Tide Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    When I was on Harshlands, it was you can't pk in SP unless it was a red name, than you could pk the red. But on Raging Tide, you have the choice of going into pvp mode, and I see quite a bit of pvping there, like Harshlands had at Silverpool, Hidden Orchid, or West Gate. This is a rule that is always changing, so I guess the best advice I can give is follow your gut, if you don't wanna get banned. But either way there will always be a player that wants to screenie and threaten you with having you banned, just so you will be to scared to pk them.
  • Sparc - Harshlands
    Sparc - Harshlands Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    When I was on Harshlands, it was you can't pk in SP unless it was a red name, than you could pk the red. But on Raging Tide, you have the choice of going into pvp mode, and I see quite a bit of pvping there, like Harshlands had at Silverpool, Hidden Orchid, or West Gate. This is a rule that is always changing, so I guess the best advice I can give is follow your gut, if you don't wanna get banned. But either way there will always be a player that wants to screenie and threaten you with having you banned, just so you will be to scared to pk them.

    I do understand the whole argument for going into PvP mode on a PvE server -- and it does make sense. Like I said though I'm not even taking sides on the actual argument of -- is it a good rule? yay or nae -- I simply saying if it is (and will be) a rule, it certainly is not worth the risk...

    ..and yea, threatening is lame; don't threaten just SS and submit :p:))
  • Jenabug - Raging Tide
    Jenabug - Raging Tide Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I do understand the whole argument for going into PvP mode on a PvE server -- and it does make sense. Like I said though I'm not even taking sides on the actual argument of -- is it a good rule? yay or nae -- I simply saying if it is (and will be) a rule, it certainly is not worth the risk...

    ..and yea, threatening is lame; don't threaten just SS and submit :p:))

    TBH...I always did love those hate pms I got when I killed somone on Harshlands. Lol good times. But indeed its not worth the risk. :)
  • Sparc - Harshlands
    Sparc - Harshlands Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    TBH...I always did love those hate pms I got when I killed somone on Harshlands. Lol good times. But indeed its not worth the risk. :)

    Although I did figure out, it's most of the people that threaten someone -- that are actually too lazy to follow through. It's the quiet type that you don't even realize are reporting you, that are reporting you :))
  • Sparc - Harshlands
    Sparc - Harshlands Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Kinda like the 'quiet nerd' at school that just one day SNAPS b:laugh
  • Jenabug - Raging Tide
    Jenabug - Raging Tide Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Kinda like the 'quiet nerd' at school that just one day SNAPS b:laugh

    Lol b:laugh
  • Airelon - Dreamweaver
    Airelon - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    QUOTE=Rawrgh - Raging Tide: "No, for cultivation you never need to go into secret passage..."

    On PvE servers, low lvls need Quinzi. Can't get it now when bein' PK'ed everytime ya go in. SO they can never complete it to up their powers. Also, the Painting, wheel of earth, etc. Really bites when I took my low lvl archer in there for his FB and couldn't because hi lvls kept PKin the whole squad I was with! Guess PWE don't want any new players to lvl up past 30 and gain powers. Oh well. No more players? Then PWE's chances of gettin more real $ from new players just Capped off, Enjoy.
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    On PvE servers, low lvls need Quinzi. Can't get it now when bein' PK'ed everytime ya go in. SO they can never complete it to up their powers. Also, the Painting, wheel of earth, etc.

    Qingzi isn't part of the yellow culti chain you need to do to get new skills. On top of that there's a stone teleport inside too...

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  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
This discussion has been closed.