Most Fail Moments in BH Runs



  • SteelStar - Heavens Tear
    SteelStar - Heavens Tear Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    It's never been my fault, it was always theirs!
    It's a game and I'm proud to be a stupid fail demon barb!
    My EPIC Fail Demon Barb has 40k/48k HP and my stat points are as follows:
    VIT 552 STR 310 DEX 60! b:surrender
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I remember doing a FB19 human some time ago with a level 100 barb, a 100 cleric, the tabber (who has a 100+ main), and his wife who was also 100+. The barb gathered up the entire dungeon and brought all the mobs back to the door. That would have been great if it wasn't for the fact that the barb died when he got to the starting area. Needless to say, everyone just stood there laughing and asking what the f*** happened.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • HellWariorB - Raging Tide
    HellWariorB - Raging Tide Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I remember when i was lvl 6x doing bh51 Zimo had a crappy cleric who didn't knew what IH is and caused 2 squad wipes(she was 7x). After the second one she left saying these boss is to hard for a lvl 6x barb - i was having 8k hp at the moment and i canceled 90% of Zimo magic attacks.
  • Zeronion - Sanctuary
    Zeronion - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Mine was on my assasin when he was only lvl 21 and it was when is tarted playing... walked into firecrag and started killing luckly i got past the first two and then went into the first room i didnt know they where eliets and attacked and when i hit one about 5 others came with of course i wasnt familiar with the place so i ran the wron way heading into the cave and finaly ariving at the end.. to relize somthing was wrong... oh yea... i had the whole place on me.... all my stuff was destroyed... epic fail on me b:sad
  • Yhumy - Dreamweaver
    Yhumy - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Yesterday on my mystic, me and my bro were doing a bh 59, we started clearing mobs etc to the boss and had 5 of 6 ppl there. 6th person said he didnt need boss so we started hitting it. at half way he said that he was wrong and we decided to start pulling boss to entrance so that 6th person could get kill as well. As we were pulling, some of the mages were not holy pathing so they were a bit slower, me and barb were ahead of pack at entrance with boss just tanking it dealing no dmg. 6th person comes in and just nukes the boss from 25% to 0 with everyone telling him to stop. he told us not to worry since that was the only boss he needed and left leaving 3 of the members of the squad missing their bounties.

    Whats worst, zimo dropped a mold and the 6th person got it.
  • Healforwimps - Heavens Tear
    Healforwimps - Heavens Tear Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    The usual,watching countless sins take agro from barbs in 69 on pole and die because they are too....stupid?stubborn?to stick chill of the deep on,or a bow.

    Sometimes they'll get a revive,and a min later be lieing dead again.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Dang Yhumy that sucks, I personally tell people to stop attacking and I'll keep the tank up while the person hurries their butts up. I hope it was a thunderking seal that thing doesn't sell well anyway. :P Hope it wasn't anyone in the dragons lair b:lipcurl
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Waterfal - Sanctuary
    Waterfal - Sanctuary Posts: 2,723 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Hmm.. most of the fails I experienced were in bh69..

    Pole... all goes well untill the cleric is a lil bit too late with purify.. the barbs hp drops and he dies. Cleric doesn't react at all.. doesn't heal, ress, didn't run into the water...
    The archer takes agro, runs off and dies a few seconds after. The psy goes right after.
    Everyone's yelling at the cleric to move into the water.
    The sin is in the water by now and it's just me and the cleric being alive. I grab agro on pole, cast brambe hood, go fox and run for my life.. or well.. more for the clerics life who finally started moving again.

    The barb is now yelling at me to get into the water, that I'm crazy and that I can't tank pole anyway. (like I don't know that)
    The cleric finally seems to notice what the hell is going on (after about half a minute after the tank died) She runs into the water and I die. (YUSH THE CLERIC LIVES!b:victory )
    The barb started raging on me that I didn't go into the water.
    Told him I decide how fast I die and that I was trying to save our clerics ***... after all if she dies she'll have to go to town while we get a ress... b:surrender
    rest of the run went smoothly... xD
    Thanks Silvychar for the awesome sig :3

    waterfal - lvl 90 demon ferrari veno
    Hazumi_chan - lvl 9x sage seeker
  • Yhumy - Dreamweaver
    Yhumy - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    thing is, 69 is not that hard to tank if your cleric is on the ball. u only need 4k hp with light armor and you can tank 69 easy peasy. only reason u would fail is cleric is missing puries or the dds decided to juggle agro.
  • Waterfal - Sanctuary
    Waterfal - Sanctuary Posts: 2,723 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If the barb cancels the aoe/debuff (which is ever 7 attacks from pole if I'm not mistaken) you can do it without needing purify or aoe heal... xD
    So yeh.. he isn't even that hard... you just need people that know what they're doing...
    Thanks Silvychar for the awesome sig :3

    waterfal - lvl 90 demon ferrari veno
    Hazumi_chan - lvl 9x sage seeker
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Meh my barb can time it so that I can cancel every debuff... but it is entirely up to the party whether or not that works. One aggro switch, and his debuff pattern is changed (and people don't bother trying *not* to take aggro; hell, I see people brag that they will try). Sin uses rib strike and it messes it up also for some reason. And in too many squads I've been in the cleric has not been ready to purify if something went wrong... which is why I stopped doing BH69 on my barb altogether and just FFed to 90 eventually.

    And people wonder why it is hard to find a tank for BH69.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT?
  • Waterfal - Sanctuary
    Waterfal - Sanctuary Posts: 2,723 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Oh brag too that I'm going to take agro... but only when helping in the fb of guildies... and I know I can tank the boss without needing heals... b:surrender

    remember so much agrofights on quingzi with friends while helping people... everyone running in and sparking right away trying to get agro... b:laugh

    and ah well.. half a fail half fun...
    bh51. Cleric wasn't ready yet and barb rushes into wyvern. the barb dies.. right UNDER wyvern... x____x" 2 veno's in squad.. I used a crappy tankpet (untill I got my herc.. which was way later)
    Anyway, she had a shadou cub. Cleric ress the barb, who ofc can't get up yet. I knew my pet wouldn't be able to survive a hit or 2 from wyvern, so the cub had to keep wyvern busy.. 2 veno's healing. Barb gets up, gets healed and buffed up, cub dies, barb grabs agro and we did wyvern without further problems b:laugh
    Thanks Silvychar for the awesome sig :3

    waterfal - lvl 90 demon ferrari veno
    Hazumi_chan - lvl 9x sage seeker
  • _Zaku_ - Heavens Tear
    _Zaku_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i was in fb59? fighting one of the five bosses in there with a squad of 4 or 5. the cleric we had was healing people with full health instead of the one who had agro, so.. the one who had agro died and the boss went to the next person, and the next, etc. all while the cleric revives the first one that died, then the cleric died and the one that was revived ran away.. we really needed a cleric that knew what he was doing...
    -=Noble Leader=-
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    ok well i was on my cleric (lvl 73) in fb 59

    i actully soloed bh 59 on my cleric unwined at lvl 70. (well sorta, i got halfway down gluts path b4 the instance reset) but i enteredit again and finished it. Took hella long becase i had to spend so much time spamming ih on myself i wasnt able to dd much. went through about 500k in mana potsb:shocked, should haved waited to do it at 75 when i get my cheap mana food anyways not goanna do it again though)b:surrender

    but anyways back to the story So i get in a wined bh sqaud lvl 69 and 59 sin, and 72 seeker.
    and me as a 73 cleric with another 76 cleric.

    well the other cleric bails. so i have to solo heal.

    so the sin goes in an aggros zimo b4 im ready and dieds. and the other attcks as well and dies and the seeker hits the damn thing as well and i know i cant save him so i spam ih on myself so i can survive when zimo turns on me.

    once she does i spam ih till i get 2 sparks and then spam sparked ih on myself so i have time to res. eveutally i res and buff everyone while stilling tanking zimo. and i manage to get the sin to take aggro back and keep him alive spamming ih.

    zimo finally dies after 30 min.

    ok so we go in to odfis. the seeker tries to pull but ends up falling in the hole and dieing. so i res him. then we tank him in the hole till eventually odfis randomly 1 shots the sin which is tanking and then proceeds to kill the seeker and other sin.

    so then odfis turns on me. so i end up having to spark heal myself while so i can res them all. once thier all res i buff them all while still tanking and move in closer so i can use cromatic healing beam.

    well apperntly i entered odfis melle range and he 1 shot me with his phy attck. and with me dead the squead wiped and odfis reset.

    so i use my res scrool. get up and res everyone then just tell the sins to controll dd and i solo odfis like i did back at lvl 70

    at this point a lvl 75n veno with a herc joins the sqaud who we meet at qinaji

    now having a veno with a herc in the sqaud i let her tank qianji. expect the sin steals aggro and dies, and then for some reason the veno stops helaing her herc and it dies. and then the last sin dies so qinaji is on me.. so i spark heal myself and res all of them.

    and then go in closer to do a cromatic. expect i make the same bloody mistake as last time in end up walking in qinzji's melle range so she 1 shots me just like odfis did.

    well res scroll is on cooldown, and the veno starts calling me an idoit for dieing sayer her herc cant keep aggro from the sin. and says lets go find a non-noob cleric. and to solo these bosses myself like i did last time. so i exlaim that if i do that im ganna need to keep aggro on myself and its ganna take a long time. then she calls me a liar saying that i cant solo it. (even after i solo rezed and buffed the whole sqauding whiling tankning qianji) so i pretty much say " fine go ahead" and i leave the sqaud and return to town.

    i dont know how that run ended.
    the fact that the veno called me a noob cleric after what i did just pissed me off
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • EmeryFlower - Dreamweaver
    EmeryFlower - Dreamweaver Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    ok well i was on my cleric (lvl 73) in fb 59
    i dont know how that run ended.
    the fact that the veno called me a noob cleric after what i did just pissed me off

    I would have worshipped the ground you walk on ... but then again I wouldn't be stupid enough to die during bh59 so much. >< Don't those sins know they have shadow escape for a reason?

    Happily forum married to Zannie again. >:O Haters gonna hate
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I would have worshipped the ground you walk on ... but then again I wouldn't be stupid enough to die during bh59 so much. >< Don't those sins know they have shadow escape for a reason?

    For initial conflicts, sure... but if I was on my sin, the main tank died, and the squad was wiping quickly, I wouldn't shadow escape initially. I'd go ahead and grab the aggro and stall with the boss so that the cleric can res. If things start going south, then, and only then, I'd take the boss for a little walk and shadow escape once I was far away enough from the squad for it to reset.

    That veno was a moron, though.
  • Nuku_Nuku - Raging Tide
    Nuku_Nuku - Raging Tide Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    failed 3 times in a row helpin in bh 59 because of that lovely offline fest we had Saturday.
    after that i took a break on doin bh until things get back to the same good old aby-normal PWI style we all grown to love.b:chuckle
    The many sides of a Venomancerb:victory
  • mistabwandyy
    mistabwandyy Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I world chat for BH Metal/Fire squad, and get invited to a squad already waiting with the timer going.
    Squad Leader; Mista, do you have lvl 11 rez?
    Me; No, I don't. Don't need it for Warsong anyways.
    About 10 seconds after, I'm kicked from the squad.
    I PM the squad leader and asked why he kicked me. His response? He didn't want to lose exp.
    He then world chats, calling me a fail cleric for not having level 11 rez, and asks for one for Warsong that does.
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I dont have fail bh's. I only do bh's with APS sins. Especially no casters, they all fail. Barbs arent needed. Clerics arent needed because we have sage BP. Yup.

  • Ladrimali - Heavens Tear
    Ladrimali - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    My worst bh fail? ha! easy.

    So i'm on my Cleric in bh39 with a sin, a seeker, veno, and a mystic.
    we are all about 45 besides the veno who was 72.
    i kept thinkin to myself, this is gonna be easy. but boy was i wrong. Everything started just fine going through. The Seeker & Sin must of had a death wish because they kept trying to tank -.- and i just did my job as a cleric and healed them. I kept my mouth shut.

    Well, it came to a point where i needed to sit and get back some mana. I mentioned i needed a "mana-break" but the sin and seeker along with the mystic just kept going. The Veno through a fit because they kept going and the mystic (who was trying to keep the Seeker and the Sin healed, or as i put it TRYING TO TAKE MY JOB) who was with them died. so with about 300 mana left i followed them, and downed a pot and rez'd the stupid Mystic.

    This kept going on until we reached the first boss. Where the AoE was bad. the Seeker died because i was too busy keeping me and the Sin alive. He started yelling at me saying why did you let me die ect. ect. After we managed to kill the boss i gave him a little piece of my mind. I told him, "you listen to me. I'm the Cleric. if you want your stupid *** healed wait for me. You are not a tank so stop trying to act like it. And when i say we need to stop for mana, we need to, or you won't get healed"

    The Veno after that PM'd me and congratulated me for finally making him listen. we continue with a few arguments, onto boss 2 and then on our way to boss 3. Right before we got to the third boss, the Mystic Leaves. The veno Got DC'd about 4 times as well, until she just didn't log back on. So here i am with a Seeker and a Sin. The sin refused to continue without a "better" cleric. so he left squad. At this time i'm pissed. the seeker then trys a "tank-like" move. He runs into the room filled with 7+ elite mobs, gathers aggro and as i'm trying to IH him as much as i can. He dies instantly. Then they came after me and i died. All he can say is " You are such a fail cleric, lol you are supposed to keep me healed." I then PM'd my faction and got a 79 cleric and a 67 barb to help. the second they got in squad, He said, "wow actual help". Right after that My Cleric Friend completely lets him have it then kicks him out of squad.

    I now will never be a cleric for a squad that disrespects their cleric.b:victory
    b:victory b:cool
  • ArchSaber - Sanctuary
    ArchSaber - Sanctuary Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I dont have fail bh's. I only do bh's with APS sins. Especially no casters, they all fail. Barbs arent needed. Clerics arent needed because we have sage BP. Yup.


    Lol dude. I'd have at least a sage veno and 1 or 2 demon BMs, then the rest sins. Demon HF + sage amp + sage subsea + BMs/Sins 5.0 ZOMG so sexy
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Arshies - Sanctuary
    Arshies - Sanctuary Posts: 666 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Lv100 BH Metal. I'm sage veno with all the sage skills!
    Something like rainbow sqd, demon fist barb with like WTF! 10k hp on tigger with full, bm, cleric, buffs (/facepalm)............-> At Snakefist bossy: I adviced that the bossy can easy 2 shot the barb............Attack: sage soul, amp, HF, genie skills.........going fine then Boss goes on frenzy, I purge, again boss goes frenzy, purge on cd, barb dies, of course......the full squad die.........barb started to blame me: 'You should purge' Cleric was mad wasting her HP/MP charms...............3 tryings................of course all Failed ones, ............ we kicked the barb and reinvite a real tank ...............Snakefist dies, bh done all happy!!
    Arshies - Sanctuary
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Lol dude. I'd have at least a sage veno and 1 or 2 demon BMs, then the rest sins. Demon HF + sage amp + sage subsea + BMs/Sins 5.0 ZOMG so sexy

    Or just stealth to the boss and kill it in 5 seconds.
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Or just stealth to the boss and kill it in 5 seconds.

    Woeno, don't you have puppies to eat.....or FC's of mine to solo?

    So, on my Psychic, I decided I was sick of dailies, so I went out and bought a few wines for 69. I get a squad, consisting of two mystics (both in Rank gear, only 5k rep apparently) two venomancers, a cleric, and me.

    We finally get into the instance, and I wine the run, when suddenly...
    Yes, Dodds attack.

    So we come back after about half an hour, after finding everybody, and we clear the remaining mobs all the way to Pole. The first Venomancer INSISTS her Warbear can tank Pole with healing from the other Veno and the Mystics. The Mystics argue back that they could easily tank with Chiyu, while the Cleric and I facepalm ourselves thinking: "WTF were we thinking inviting these guys?"

    Eventually, the cleric and I tell them to just god damn tank. The warbear goes out, the squishies follow, and the cleric shouts: "Guys, don't get too close, he AoE's."
    Not a minute later, everybody is dead except for (you guessed it) the cleric and I.

    Try 2:
    Now the mystics try to tank. They do the exact same thing. Cleric almost dies IHing dumb Mystics. Pole AoE. Near squad wipe. Bubble of Life. Mystic dies. Second Mystic dies. Squad wipe.

    So now, the highest level Mystic complains that this is way, way harder than doing FC. The cleric DARES to ask exactly how many BH runs he'd done. The mystic replies that this is the first time ever he's done an instance. Ever. (He didn't even know FC was an instance.)

    Thus, I volunteer myself to tank. I ask the Mystic to summon Salvation to give me that nifty little absorb buff while I empower, bubble, and get IH spammed by the cleric.
    I go out, I pull pole, and guess who doesn't have Salvation out?
    Squad wipe...except for, of course, that one Mystic who caused it.

    We ventured further. I asked him if he could summon Craiglord. He didn't answer me for like 20 minutes. By the time we asked the leader of a prominant faction to come tank the boss, at the very end, the Mystc (who is 90 now) asks me what the hell I'm talking about.

    So by the end of the run we had:

    a few coins of profit.
    A mold (I got for wines)
    the vague idea that MAYBE someone should put a level cap on FC to prevent spawning of more imbiciles.
    Huge Charm ticks.
    1 agitated cleric
    and about 5% shaved off of our exp.
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • EmeryFlower - Dreamweaver
    EmeryFlower - Dreamweaver Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    truekossy wrote: »
    For initial conflicts, sure... but if I was on my sin, the main tank died, and the squad was wiping quickly, I wouldn't shadow escape initially. I'd go ahead and grab the aggro and stall with the boss so that the cleric can res. If things start going south, then, and only then, I'd take the boss for a little walk and shadow escape once I was far away enough from the squad for it to reset.

    That veno was a moron, though.

    You could look at it that way I don't really play a sin so I don't know what I would do in those instances. xD But I was thinking shadow escape until it's just cleric left and then hold the boss maybe while cleric res's the rest of the squad... or the main tanker at atleast.
    Your way would be easier ><
    Woeno, don't you have puppies to eat.....or FC's of mine to solo?
    the vague idea that MAYBE someone should put a level cap on FC to prevent spawning of more imbiciles.


    Happily forum married to Zannie again. >:O Haters gonna hate
  • Omea - Lost City
    Omea - Lost City Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Not really fail since only one Mystic died from ninja-Fushma, but...

    When people have no ****ing plans whatsoever to do FB-bosses in order, and THEN expect me to tab Wyvern because he is first that day so they get everything and I get nothing afterwards.
    How come, if someone asks a question in a forum, at least 13/20 posts answers the question in the same exact way, 5/20 word the exact same answer differently and 2/20 say something completely unrelated to both life and death?
  • Kurerikku - Dreamweaver
    Kurerikku - Dreamweaver Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    yay can finally post here b:victory ran bh51 with a level 101 wizzy tank, all was going fine till wyrven, wizzy pulled, pulled 2 other adds with it too, ignored the 2 other adds, was healing wizzy, then adds turned and attacked me since they were being left alone, so I switched heals to myself trying to save myself while wizzy shouted at me to go heal the other team members who had been hit by one aoe and wern't being attacked anymore and only some were attacking/doing something. End result: I died because plume shell disappeared, then wizzy died then the psy died, so I had to release, wizzy did too (assumed she had GS on her), then while flying back had to listen to psy shout at me for a res for a minute then was kicked before I could res psy because I wasn't able to heal everyone while being hit by 2 physical range mobs while being stunned and hit by wyrven's aoe. definently my fault b:chuckle

    and yes I was potting myself, and no I didn't have crab meat (because who really expects to need that for bh51), and chromatic would have taken too long to cast and most of the squad was too far away from it.

    and for other reasons: you would have to have been there and be me b:chuckle
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]True clerics go HA! b:chuckleb:victory
  • /Hysteria/ - Dreamweaver
    /Hysteria/ - Dreamweaver Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    As funny as this story is, its also pretty damn sad at the same time so here we go, last night in bh 69 things start decent and squad seems pretty damn pro, we hit one little snag so i tell the barb to roar, what insued was pure WTF.

    Me: Barb, you could roar you know???
    Barb: Yeah cept im not a BM
    Me: No ****, so like i said, you can roar you know?????
    *Rest of Squad laughs*
    Barb: What do you mean?
    Me: Roar??? a skill most barbs have??????
    Barb: oh i just checked skill list i only have that at lvl 1 and i never use it ever
    Me: WTF???
    *Sqaud laughs and says wtf fail noob, etc*

    Good times man good times....b:surrender
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    As funny as this story is, its also pretty damn sad at the same time so here we go, last night in bh 69 things start decent and squad seems pretty damn pro, we hit one little snag so i tell the barb to roar, what insued was pure WTF.

    Me: Barb, you could roar you know???
    Barb: Yeah cept im not a BM
    Me: No ****, so like i said, you can roar you know?????
    *Rest of Squad laughs*
    Barb: What do you mean?
    Me: Roar??? a skill most barbs have??????
    Barb: oh i just checked skill list i only have that at lvl 1 and i never use it ever
    Me: WTF???
    *Sqaud laughs and says wtf fail noob, etc*

    Good times man good times....b:surrender

    Looks like someone leveled a little too fast.

    I was in a BH 69 run and this barb aggroed a bunch of mobs but then preceded to hit just one of them. What followed was a some stupid. Didn't use any aggro skill or anything.

    Barb: Hill!
    Me: aggro them
    Me: aggro, quick!
    Barb:...hill (dies) WTF fail cleric
    Sin: LOL you should have hill him, fail cleric
    Veno: LOL your heal was so late. Stupid cleric.
    Me: ....(rezzes barb)
    Barb: Why you didn't hill me
    Me: Because there were 3 mobs that were attacking you that you didn't aggro. It would have switched to me
    Barb: I had aggro, i ran up them and they chase me. Thats why i run around.
    Me: Okay but you have to maintain aggro, otherwise i get heal aggro and die
    Barb: There is no such thing as heal aggro
    Sin: Stupid cleric
    Veno: you only get heal aggro in BB. FAIL CLERIC LMAO

    (VenusArmani has left the squad)

    Barb whispers: WTF?!?!
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Toxie - Dreamweaver
    Toxie - Dreamweaver Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Looks like someone leveled a little too fast.

    I was in a BH 69 run and this barb aggroed a bunch of mobs but then preceded to hit just one of them. What followed was a some stupid. Didn't use any aggro skill or anything.

    Barb: Hill!
    Me: aggro them
    Me: aggro, quick!
    Barb:...hill (dies) WTF fail cleric
    Sin: LOL you should have hill him, fail cleric
    Veno: LOL your heal was so late. Stupid cleric.
    Me: ....(rezzes barb)
    Barb: Why you didn't hill me
    Me: Because there were 3 mobs that were attacking you that you didn't aggro. It would have switched to me
    Barb: I had aggro, i ran up them and they chase me. Thats why i run around.
    Me: Okay but you have to maintain aggro, otherwise i get heal aggro and die
    Barb: There is no such thing as heal aggro
    Sin: Stupid cleric
    Veno: you only get heal aggro in BB. FAIL CLERIC LMAO

    (VenusArmani has left the squad)

    Barb whispers: WTF?!?!

    And people wonder why clerics don't like random squads. b:surprised
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