5 Reasons Why You Should Stop QQing About CSers

PinkToppings - Heavens Tear
PinkToppings - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
edited February 2011 in General Discussion
Hey everyone. Captain Obvious here. Just thought I'd point out a few things to the players complaining about Cash Shoppers. Enjoy.

1. They make the game free. Obviously the game would not be running without some kind of revenue to pay the developers and keep up the servers.

2. Many of them work hard in real life for their money in the same sense many non-cash shoppers farm on a daily basis. At least real life currency can also be used for things beyond PWI's virtual world.

3. 99% of the people who complain about cash shoppers are simply jealous. You should not even bother being a competitive PVP player if you don't have the time or money and/or don't have the means to merchant.

4. There are other ways besides farming or grinding to make money, but only those with a brain can figure it out.

5. In the end, it's just a game. Relax.
Post edited by PinkToppings - Heavens Tear on


  • zizoun
    zizoun Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Want a medal?
  • Kitamura - Lost City
    Kitamura - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I like CSers, they buy my mats and allow me to have better gear than them b:chuckle
    [SIGPIC]100% F2P Assassin[/SIGPIC]
    Overclocked 100% F2P Assassin (1st lvl105 @ 22Nov2010)
  • Sukinee - Heavens Tear
    Sukinee - Heavens Tear Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    We all know about cashshoppers buying and giving support to PWE...but I think the point is missing here...

    A lot of people who are either "light cashshoppers" or "free to play only" really just have the problem of the cashshop essentially placing in gears that you can buy instead of working on them, essentially defeating the purpose of gaming to earn your gear.

    There really is no "hate" for cashshoppers around here, and those that actually do have a major issue is just taking a silly situation out of hand.

    After playing this game for a couple of years, I have noticed the bigger gap of people that actually play the game to earn gear and people that just buy it. Aside from the Dragon Points system, which is better than nothing for compensation, there really is no help for "the little guy." :'(

    Member of Nocturne and Hikari...spread the light be nice to others!

    "I conform to non-conformity." Join date: November 2008 :D
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I could understand someone being frustrated with a player who immediately CSes every pr0 item whenever it first becomes available and +12 everything immediately, then runs around winning the PVP tournament/PKing like mad/winning the tiger event, basically controlling and/or highly influencing EVERY major community event. Of course that's god damned annoying; someone literally just said "name your price" and paid their way to the very top. It's also discouraging because it leaves others wondering how the hell they're supposed to compete when such a player shows they're willing to LITERALLY spam their credit card to get every new god-like item that could ever possibly hit the market.

    However, these players are incredibly rare. I can't imagine a server having more than 10 of these, tops. So yeah, no real reason to hate on someone for CSing.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • BlaZinBoy - Heavens Tear
    BlaZinBoy - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    1. No the game was presented free to play,Burt they knew of the money they would get..so pls don't give the credit to the cash shoppers.

    2.yeah it's their money they can do what they want.

    3.no not all are jealous..it's just sickening that people can take the easy route..but hey read number 2.

    4.most cash shoppers are 60+% dumb founded o. How to do anything in this game and are always asking for help.

    5.cash shopping for gear,and extreme items and weapons is basically a legal **** lol.

    6.what's the other way of making money..lol what..selling gold because that's the only other way besides grinding and farming for dq,tt,or nirvana...etc.

    7.shut up this topic sucks.
  • Yulk_owns - Lost City
    Yulk_owns - Lost City Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Hey everyone. Captain Obvious here. Just thought I'd point out a few things to the players complaining about Cash Shoppers. Enjoy.

    1. They make the game free. Obviously the game would not be running without some kind of revenue to pay the developers and keep up the servers.

    This is true, have to agree here

    2. Many of them work hard in real life for their money in the same sense many non-cash shoppers farm on a daily basis. At least real life currency can also be used for things beyond PWI's virtual world.

    This is not always true, some rotten teenagers like to steal their parents money for MMOs or games or w/e in general, I have noticed. Not all of them are actually working.

    3. 99% of the people who complain about cash shoppers are simply jealous. You should not even bother being a competitive PVP player if you don't have the time or money and/or don't have the means to merchant.

    I am not going to tell you not all cash shoppers are smart players, some are just ashamed to tell that. Pretty much not much to be ashamed about IMHO. As for competitive PVP players does not exist, higher currency does not mean skill. Would you call a man a successful business man of the Microsoft word company because of his grandfather Bill Gates giving away some money to him?

    4. There are other ways besides farming or grinding to make money, but only those with a brain can figure it out.

    I have always been farming, grinding and TT, it does get boring sometimes, but yeah, best idea for a non-cash shopper, but again, cash shoppers make better profit than these combined, Farming for subs or mats like tough gold shard of armor lessened in value

    5. In the end, it's just a game. Relax.

    Agreed with #5
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • NiightmareXz - Harshlands
    NiightmareXz - Harshlands Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    2. Many of them work hard in real life for their money in the same sense many non-cash shoppers farm on a daily basis. At least real life currency can also be used for things beyond PWI's virtual world.

    Wrong. I'm sure over half of the people that CS use their parent's credit card.
    ˙buoɹʇs ǝq ןן,ı ʇɐɥʇ ɟןǝsʎɯ ןןǝʇ ı os
  • NoXide_ - Heavens Tear
    NoXide_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    1. No the game was presented free to play,Burt they knew of the money they would get..so pls don't give the credit to the cash shoppers.

    2.yeah it's their money they can do what they want.

    3.no not all are jealous..it's just sickening that people can take the easy route..but hey read number 2.

    4.most cash shoppers are 60+% dumb founded o. How to do anything in this game and are always asking for help.

    5.cash shopping for gear,and extreme items and weapons is basically a legal **** lol.

    6.what's the other way of making money..lol what..selling gold because that's the only other way besides grinding and farming for dq,tt,or nirvana...etc.

    7.shut up this topic sucks.

    you sir come under #3:

    3. 99% of the people who complain about cash shoppers are simply jealous. You should not even bother being a competitive PVP player if you don't have the time or money and/or don't have the means to merchant.
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    CSers make me money. I <3 them.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    After i read the first on list i stopped caring of what u were about to say since it clearly states that you dont know anything of pwi.

    do u really think they must use cash shoppers money to keep servers & updates?

    programming comes all from china devs, not from pwi, and i bet that gms and mods here arent even paid enough for their job.

    now, do you barely know how much money do they gained from cash shoppers here?

    prolly less than 5% is used by pwi to keep servers alive, all the rest is spent in coke, chips and hores.
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • Adeacia - Heavens Tear
    Adeacia - Heavens Tear Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I counter with:

    Don't even try to be competitive in pvp if you need to spend cash to win. Cash shopping to win just proves you lack the ability to play your class well enough to win.
  • PinkToppings - Heavens Tear
    PinkToppings - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    After i read the first on list i stopped caring of what u
    were about to say since it clearly states that you dont know anything of pwi.

    Your entire post is full of assumptions, showing you don't know any better than I do. Don't be a hypocrite. You're one of the QQers I'm referring to and if you had read the rest of the list I probably would have seen even more QQ from you.

    do u really think they must use cash shoppers money to keep servers & updates?

    Yes, I do. It might cost money to translate the content from Chinese to English as well. Also, I never said that's where ALL the cash shoppers' money is spent. Of course PWI, as a business, is aiming to maximize their profits. It's common sense for a business.

    programming comes all from china devs, not from pwi, and i bet that gms and mods here arent even paid enough for their job.

    You criticize me for knowing nothing of PWI yet you don't even know that Mods are volunteers, not employees of PWI? Yeah...volunteers aren't paid (in case you didn't know).

    Some of the features in PWI like the DQ Rewards system are not implemented in the Chinese version.

    now, do you barely know how much money do they gained from cash shoppers here?

    What exactly is your point here? I'm sure they've gained a large profit, but you say that like it's a bad thing. Like I said, PWI is a business.

    prolly less than 5% is used by pwi to keep servers alive, all the rest is spent in coke, chips and hores.

    Yet another assumption that shows you know little to nothing of PWI. b:bye

    Blah, blah, blah.
  • PinkToppings - Heavens Tear
    PinkToppings - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I counter with:

    Don't even try to be competitive in pvp if you need to spend cash to win. Cash shopping to win just proves you lack the ability to play your class well enough to win.

    Good point but the sad fact is a wiz in +12 full rank 9 gear will most likely beat a wiz wearing a +5 TT99 Archangel set. If PVP required skill alone there would be less cash shoppers and possibly a more balanced game.
  • Fist_Mama - Harshlands
    Fist_Mama - Harshlands Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Hey everyone. Captain Obvious here. Just thought I'd point out a few things to the players complaining about Cash Shoppers. Enjoy.

    1. They make the game free. Obviously the game would not be running without some kind of revenue to pay the developers and keep up the servers.

    2. Many of them work hard in real life for their money in the same sense many non-cash shoppers farm on a daily basis. At least real life currency can also be used for things beyond PWI's virtual world.

    3. 99% of the people who complain about cash shoppers are simply jealous. You should not even bother being a competitive PVP player if you don't have the time or money and/or don't have the means to merchant.

    4. There are other ways besides farming or grinding to make money, but only those with a brain can figure it out.

    5. In the end, it's just a game. Relax.

    +1 espeicaly about number 2. you cant cash shop if your poor.
  • Fist_Mama - Harshlands
    Fist_Mama - Harshlands Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    After i read the first on list i stopped caring of what u were about to say since it clearly states that you dont know anything of pwi.

    do u really think they must use cash shoppers money to keep servers & updates?

    programming comes all from china devs, not from pwi, and i bet that gms and mods here arent even paid enough for their job.

    now, do you barely know how much money do they gained from cash shoppers here?

    prolly less than 5% is used by pwi to keep servers alive, all the rest is spent in coke, chips and hores.

    i stop reading your post after your first sentance
  • Bellarie - Raging Tide
    Bellarie - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    You are only lvl 14, so unless you are an alt, you really don't know what you are talking about. The evils of the heavy CS focus of this game don't really show themselves much until you hit higher levels, I would say at least lvl 50.
    Hey everyone. Captain Obvious here. Just thought I'd point out a few things to the players complaining about Cash Shoppers. Enjoy.

    1. They make the game free. Obviously the game would not be running without some kind of revenue to pay the developers and keep up the servers.

    2. Many of them work hard in real life for their money in the same sense many non-cash shoppers farm on a daily basis. At least real life currency can also be used for things beyond PWI's virtual world.

    3. 99% of the people who complain about cash shoppers are simply jealous. You should not even bother being a competitive PVP player if you don't have the time or money and/or don't have the means to merchant.

    4. There are other ways besides farming or grinding to make money, but only those with a brain can figure it out.

    5. In the end, it's just a game. Relax.

    1. This argument is pointless, as PWI makes far more money than they need to "keep up the servers and pay developers"(funny, considering PWI doesn't even have developers, as it simply localizes the original Chinese version) With how much money they are making. There are many players who spend upwards of a grand a week or more on this game.

    2. Yeah, charging daddy's credit card is such hard work, right? Anyone who has to "work hard in real life" for their money, isn't going to be able to afford enough gold to be considered a "CSer". They would be a light or casual CSer. I would know, as I myself am a light CSer(I can usually afford 10-20 gold each month, depending on bills)

    3. I wasn't aware that you had the ability to read the minds of people, on the other side of an internet connection no less! Your "jealousy" argument is laughable, not to mention, not everyone who complains even does PvP/TW/Duels. I am stricly a PvE player, yet I find heavy CSing to be a hindrance to the game.

    4. Now you are just being pretentious. Some people have a life, and not everyone can afford a shiny new super computer to be able to handle having two clients up, one of which is in west Archosaur. And the lag has been increasingly terrible everywhere as of late.

    5. As annoying and ignorant your above comments make you look, I have to agree with you wholeheartedly on this. As much as I hate how this game is being run, as much as I hate how the game has lost most of its "free to play" points, as much as I hate how people are all about 5APS, speeding through everything and biased against those who can't afford the best of the best of the best, as much as I hate all the cash shop **** and sales that are constantly being added despite all the bugs that need fixing, blah blah blah...
    To put it simply, despite how badly this game has spiraled into redundancy and competition, I at least can still take the game at face value, and enjoy it for what little of it's goodness remains, as it was intended to be. I do the quests, I lvl slowly, and as a veno, I use pets I actually like
  • PinkToppings - Heavens Tear
    PinkToppings - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    You are only lvl 14, so unless you are an alt, you really don't know what you are talking about. The evils of the heavy CS focus of this game don't really show themselves much until you hit higher levels, I would say at least lvl 50.

    I have two level 100 characters. One on a PVP server and another on a PVE server. I do TW (i'm in the top land-owning faction on the PVE server) and I do PVP, so I'm fully aware of the imbalance that heavy cash shopping imposes on the game. And, I never actually referred to heavy cash shoppers, just anyone that cash shops in general.

    1. This argument is pointless, as PWI makes far more money than they need to "keep up the servers and pay developers"(funny, considering PWI doesn't even have developers, as it simply localizes the original Chinese version) With how much money they are making. There are many players who spend upwards of a grand a week or more on this game.

    If there was no incentive to spend cash in the first place there would be little to no cash shoppers and everyone would just buy items such as charms and d-orbs with in-game coins. Free to play MMOs are designed to make a constant stream of income and like any business, should try to get as high a revenue as possible.

    2. Yeah, charging daddy's credit card is such hard work, right? Anyone who has to "work hard in real life" for their money, isn't going to be able to afford enough gold to be considered a "CSer". They would be a light or casual CSer. I would know, as I myself am a light CSer(I can usually afford 10-20 gold each month, depending on bills)

    Fact: some, but not all, cash shoppers are spoiled rich kids, which is a common misconception about them. I've been in factions with a lot of heavy cash shoppers and many of them are either adults with jobs that make a decent income or adults who know how to budget their money. Some are living on retirement checks and have nothing else to spend their money on.

    3. I wasn't aware that you had the ability to read the minds of people, on the other side of an internet connection no less! Your "jealousy" argument is laughable, not to mention, not everyone who complains even does PvP/TW/Duels. I am stricly a PvE player, yet I find heavy CSing to be a hindrance to the game.

    Believe it or not, tones of jealousy, sadness, anger, etc, either fake or real, are not hard to spot on the written/typed word. Nirvana and TT3-2/3 are the instances I can think of where heavy cash shopping makes the player an OP farmer, yet it is something that can be avoided if you have a good set of friends.

    4. Now you are just being pretentious. Some people have a life, and not everyone can afford a shiny new super computer to be able to handle having two clients up, one of which is in west Archosaur. And the lag has been increasingly terrible everywhere as of late.

    You don't need two clients and you don't need to be at your computer 24/7 (in fact, it's the other way around). You don't even need the game up. But like I said, this is something not everyone can figure out or they refuse to do it because they think it's pointless. I'm not a heavy cash shopper because I'm a poor college student, so I found other ways to make money. I've made hundreds of millions of coins without real life money, farming, or grinding. There have been topics on this before so I'm not going to go into much detail.

    5. As annoying and ignorant your above comments make you look, I have to agree with you wholeheartedly on this. As much as I hate how this game is being run, as much as I hate how the game has lost most of its "free to play" points, as much as I hate how people are all about 5APS, speeding through everything and biased against those who can't afford the best of the best of the best, as much as I hate all the cash shop **** and sales that are constantly being added despite all the bugs that need fixing, blah blah blah...
    To put it simply, despite how badly this game has spiraled into redundancy and competition, I at least can still take the game at face value, and enjoy it for what little of it's goodness remains, as it was intended to be. I do the quests, I lvl slowly, and as a veno, I use pets I actually like

    You're the second person to flame me for being ignorant or not knowing what I'm talking about, yet my post was based on end-game personal experience and all the dislike towards cash shoppers within my faction and FL.

  • sethh
    sethh Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    1. They make the game free. Obviously the game would not be running without some kind of revenue to pay the developers and keep up the servers.

    2. Many of them work hard in real life for their money in the same sense many non-cash shoppers farm on a daily basis. At least real life currency can also be used for things beyond PWI's virtual world.

    3. 99% of the people who complain about cash shoppers are simply jealous. You should not even bother being a competitive PVP player if you don't have the time or money and/or don't have the means to merchant.

    4. There are other ways besides farming or grinding to make money, but only those with a brain can figure it out.5. In the end, it's just a game. Relax.

    LOL b:byeb:pleased
    b:pleasedI'm ignorant :)
  • Conavar - Heavens Tear
    Conavar - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I don't think to many people have an issue with the actual CSing itself . It's the open wallet > open mouth syndrome that get's peoples back up.

    If you want to CS cool just don't brag its made you better than everyone else, when we all know you would suck more than Monica Lewinsky without it b:chuckle
  • Thelas_Carr - Sanctuary
    Thelas_Carr - Sanctuary Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    3. 99% of the people who complain about cash shoppers are simply jealous. You should not even bother being a competitive PVP player if you don't have the time or money and/or don't have the means to merchant.
    IHowever, these [+12 Rank-9 Overpowered] players are incredibly rare. I can't imagine a server having more than 10 of these, tops. So yeah, no real reason to hate on someone for CSing.
    4.most cash shoppers are 60+% dumb founded o. How to do anything in this game and are always asking for help.
    Wrong. I'm sure over half of the people that CS use their parent's credit card.
    prolly less than 5% [of revenues from Zen purchases] is used by pwi to keep servers alive, all the rest is spent in coke, chips and hores.

    "42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot." -- Steven Wright


    I counter with:

    Don't even try to be competitive in pvp if you need to spend cash to win. Cash shopping to win just proves you lack the ability to play your class well enough to win.
    If the game were balanced so that Skill > Gear, most sane people would agree with you, but if you think a Sin with +12 Rank-9 gear can be beaten by any other class with skill while the +12 Sin can simply mash the keyboard and win, then you simlply are naieve.
  • LeFEMME - Lost City
    LeFEMME - Lost City Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I've got my degree, I'm 25...I work n have n excellent wage... Why not cash? Go study...work...n get ur money...

    I think most of QQ ppl are 15-18 yold without job n time enough to farm..so shut^
    n go farm....

  • Conavar - Heavens Tear
    Conavar - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I've got my degree, I'm 25...I work n have n excellent wage...

    But not the nerve to post on a main b:bye .. Obviously money can't buy everything b:chuckle
  • PinkToppings - Heavens Tear
    PinkToppings - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    "42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot." -- Steven Wright


    rofl. Guilty b:surrender
  • LeFEMME - Lost City
    LeFEMME - Lost City Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    But not the nerve to post on a main b:bye .. Obviously money can't buy everything b:chuckle

    This is my main (on LC)
  • NiightmareXz - Harshlands
    NiightmareXz - Harshlands Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    "42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot." -- Steven Wright

    Mine did not have a % in it, and it is true that over half of the people who CS use their parent's cards, because unless you are a multibillionaire who has everything they could ever want and are very content with their lives (Which is funny because you would think those people would not have time for a childish game like this), you simply wouldn't blow money on this game.
    With the economy (Atleast in the US) the way it is, more and more people are not spending their money. They are holding onto it and buying only the essentials. Milk, eggs and bread have gone up in price along with the ever-rising gasoline prices. Between bills, groceries and gas to get to work, the last thing you would want to put your hard-earned money towards is a game. Even if they did, I'm sure the money would only be enough to label them as a casual CSer
    Sometimes I think of spending 10 or 20 dollars towards this game, and then I look at it and realise if I'm going to spend it so frivolously, I should put it towards something like treating my father or mother to a movie or dinner, or buy a new piece of clothing... Why would you invest so much money into a virtual world, when in a few months or years, it will mean nothing to you, and you will have been out of 1k$+ dollars? b:bye

    ˙buoɹʇs ǝq ןן,ı ʇɐɥʇ ɟןǝsʎɯ ןןǝʇ ı os
  • Thelas_Carr - Sanctuary
    Thelas_Carr - Sanctuary Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Mine did not have a % in it
    "half" means "50%"...
    ...and it is true that over half of the people who CS use their parent's cards, because unless you are a multibillionaire who has everything they could ever want and are very content with their lives (Which is funny because you would think those people would not have time for a childish game like this), you simply wouldn't blow money on this game.
    With the economy (Atleast in the US) the way it is, more and more people are not spending their money. They are holding onto it and buying only the essentials. Milk, eggs and bread have gone up in price along with the ever-rising gasoline prices. Between bills, groceries and gas to get to work, the last thing you would want to put your hard-earned money towards is a game. Even if they did, I'm sure the money would only be enough to label them as a casual CSer
    Some people spend a lot of money on this game and some spending nothing. Those that spend money on it are: a) able to afford it; b) spending beyond their means, but I'm not sure you can reliabliy say that > 50% of Zen Purchasers are using a credit card and that the primary card holder is a parent of an authorized card user. I can appreciate the intent of your statement because it's quite likely that the median age of a player in this game is not old enough to hold a card in their own name (although they may have a job to be able to pay for it). However, I think it's a stretch to believe that > 50% of Zen Purchasers are using a parent's credit for a game. Like you say, the US economy is bad for many people and that includes the parents that are under-employed or out of work altogether. Or did you think that 50% of Zen Purchasers are underage but all those underaged chargers are from rich familes that can afford to use family credit cards for gaming pursuits? I'm not meaning to say you're wrong and I'm right--just trying to get you to think about your assumptions some -_^

    Sometimes I think of spending 10 or 20 dollars towards this game, and then I look at it and realise if I'm going to spend it so frivolously, I should put it towards something like treating my father or mother to a movie or dinner, or buy a new piece of clothing... Why would you invest so much money into a virtual world, when in a few months or years, it will mean nothing to you, and you will have been out of 1k$+ dollars? b:bye
    Some people have an entertainment budget... not everyone does but if I have $30 a week to spend on going out to the movies and maybe getting some snacks for the show, why would it be any different than if I spent $30 a week all on a nice dinner, or a new piece of clothing, some sci fi novels, ...or even a game subscription? Entertainment spending is discretionary so people can choose however they like to spend it. Once dinner is eaten you only have a memory; once new clothing is worn out, you only have a memory (and maybe a hand-me-down to a friend or sibling), once a novel is read you only have a memory, once you've moved on from a game for a new one you only have a memory. I just don't see it being any different really.
    Yay! I love civil discussion without flame-throwers! b:pleased
  • Bellarie - Raging Tide
    Bellarie - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    I digress, you are not as ignorant as your opening statement made you appear. Your deeper explanation of your opening statement cleared up some things I obviously misunderstood. so, my apologies, you clarified your points quite well. Perhaps you should add that information to your opening statement to clear up future misunderstandings?

    I still don't see much whining about CSing so much as being due to jealousy; rather than being sour grapes, the negativity seems to be more driven by the fact that PWI has consistently been purposefully ignoring the players concerns, while constantly shoving their cash shop sales down everyone's throat. The packs finally got old enough to where the economy stabilized itself, and prices were becoming more affordable to those who do not CS a lot or grind 24/7. Then they introduce the rep sale, which served to **** up the economy again.
    I can see people's problem with a company that would rather continuously add new sales and FORCE people to endure annoying red spam text about CSed items than fix existing bugs like the Gluttonix issue.
    Then you have the fact that the game has become very CS-oriented; Veno's have it rough endgame if they do not have a Herc; 5aps is preferred to pretty much anything and everything else.
    The GMs and Mods are not the problem, and the devs over in China probably have no clue at all how this game is being run. I doubt they even actually are informed on half the things they have "said no" to. The majority of people in this game now race to be the best of the best of the best; TW is pointless because the biggest CSed faction has enough money and top gear to take over all the land, which in turn pretty much prevents them from ever losing more than a territory or two, and even then, usually only temporarily; endgame squads now are extremely choosy and prefer people that are CSed for specialty; equips that were once obtainable through farming certain mats in a certain 75+ instance are now only obtainable through an item exclusive to pack. The list goes on. I'm sure that there are those who are just jealous. But I doubt that is the case with most.

    You overlooked my closing statement in my previous post. Setting aside all of the vices of the people running the game(As in, the higher ups, not the GMs and mods) the game itself is a lot of fun. You said you, like me, don't exactly have the time and money to grind all the time or spend lots of real moneys on gold. Did you take your time to enjoy the game, do all the quests while feeding your genie and enjoying the vast world of the game? I know I'm enjoying it, aside from the Orchid Temple/Shining Tidewood and Tusk Town/Hill of the Old King quests. I merchant every now and then as needed, I have finally found my specialty, I actually just the past week made enough to buy a decent tome and a set of platinum charms. The game itself is fun, the team running it just needs to get their act together.
    And get rid of the bidding hall or at least let us turn off the red text.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I don't think to many people have an issue with the actual CSing itself . It's the open wallet > open mouth syndrome that get's peoples back up.

    If you want to CS cool just don't brag its made you better than everyone else, when we all know you would suck more than Monica Lewinsky without it b:chuckle

    I cant think of more than one person who was terrible at his class and had terrible gears, and then ran out and got full R9 and now thinks he's the greatest ever.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • WhiteVodoo - Raging Tide
    WhiteVodoo - Raging Tide Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I like CSers, they buy my mats and allow me to have better gear than them b:chuckle

    lmfao, oh and, um, KITA!!!! *glomps kita* nice job at makin lvl 105 ^,..,^

    light armor rules, and JOKERZz are the best. shaff, you meh dogg. Neko, you smexy redhead you, yer my favorite veno out there. Evo, yer straight up crazy. Lillie, thanks fer giving LA cerics a good name. hask, what can't you tank? Kyo, yer wizard biuld sucks, and yer obsession with aps annoys me, but eveni will admit, yer a frackin pro. Chick, our dad's would be great friends in rl, and we'd have so much fun messin with them. fer all the rest of the clan, *salutes* at yer service doggs.b:cool
  • ZoanoAce - Lost City
    ZoanoAce - Lost City Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    He's a guy.
    ●Barb - The "natural" leader. Cool and collected, slow to anger, and typically jovial. Swift to act when friends' lives are in danger, and prepared to lay down his life if the situation calls for it.

    End of lvling, starting of the unimaginableb:laughb:victoryb:coolb:cool