To die or not to die - rezzscroll



  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    The title of the thread made no sense if we are talking about res scroll, ijs.
  • DeadRaven - Sanctuary
    DeadRaven - Sanctuary Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    The title of the thread made no sense if we are talking about res scroll, ijs.

    Unfortunately, the OP falls short of living up to his name in regards to the title of the thread or the contents of his post lol.

    @OP I have no doubt that any cleric would be happy to use a rez scroll rather than run back to the squad....and since YOU consider their cost negligible, I am also going to assume that you will now be personally providing all clerics you run with in the future with rez scrolls since you consider it so important to have them at no significant cost to the purchaser.

    For me however, as a non-cash shop player AND as a person with a real life, I have minimal time to waste mindlessly grinding so ya, 50k is actually a lot of money to me, ESPECIALLY if I was to use one every time a squad got me killed. Even so, my cleric always carries a rez scroll for emergencies or for when I personally **** up but since most of the time I die because someone else made a mistake, I really don't feel guilty about making the squad wait for my return.

    Seriously, why should I pay 50K each time someone else screws up? If they want to provide me with a rez scroll, then I will certainly make use of it should I die, otherwise, have a little patience... it takes me longer than a couple of minutes to grind 50k so you can bloody well wait that long for my cleric to return. Also, you mention that Barbs have repair costs, well, that is why most squads help to pay the tanks repair bill....why should the squad not also help to pay for the cleric's bill which (before mp food came along) was usually just as high if not higher than a bard's repair bill. The introduction of mp food dramatically reduced the cleric's expenses but it is still noticeable to us non-cash shoppers.
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    This isn't as much a QQing then a simple wondering why.

    I understand that some players haven't got the funds for it, but those a high(er) lvl should, to simply buy a REZZ SCROLL.

    It costs 50K, and although that's enough cash for some, it really saves time.

    When i'm in an instance, and the cleric dies, why the hell don't they simply buy a rezz scroll so they can continue playing and not leave the SQ waiting for 15 minutes to get back in ?

    Not everyone has 24/7 time to play, and not everyone likes being kept waiting.

    I agree, the scrolls are pointless exp-wise at first sight, but you SAVE time, thus it leaves you MORE time to kill mobs = more exp which you otherwise don't have.

    In the 10-15 minutes it takes to get back/fly back, you could have regained a good % from the exp you lost. Isn't that Logical ?

    Sp, please, when you can afford it, buy a dam rezz scroll and make life a little easier for the rest of us you're playing with. Thx.

    p.s. not only clerics, other classes you sq with too.

    Are you drunk? or just high? maybe your just a fool, no thats a compliment even for you...
    If you say we wasting your time cause we die release corpse and fly back, then good luck getting a cleric in the future now bro, DONT think YOUR so special to think that us clerics will give you special treatment and buy a res scroll just for YOU, cause you dont have time >.> i dont have time to heal you, i dont have time to res you, i dont have time to buff youb:cute We are not your slaves, if you want us to rise the moment we die then get us a res scroll, we wont rise the moment we die cause YOU were the cause of our death, get real, 50k is nothing to me but i wont use it for people that has an attitude like you , some non clerics wonder why us clerics turn into *******, its cause of peeps like you that think we live to serve you >.>
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    i quite agree with this, as i always make a point of carrying rez and guardian scrolls with me (the only thing my family buys of the gold shop). and that goes for my cleric too...especially my cleric.

    but i wonder how one offers a cleric a scroll before a run...wouldnt they feel it rather insulting to them and their skill? at the same time, a wise and experienced cleric knows there are going to be times when a boss gets out of control, and theres a total party wipe. a res scroll at a time like that would be great. the one big problem with these scrolls is that they have a long cooldown, like an hour, at least. so while it can save your bacon once, its going to be awhile before the same trick can be pulled again. so it could be a good thing to have on a short run of low hazard, to think that it would be of a lot of good on a tough,long run, like the FF, not much help, unless, perhaps used near the end.

    ^If you expect every cleric you squad with to have one, you better be willing to pay for one. Not everyone wants to spend the money for it. For new players especially, it can get expensive and if the cleric dies due to a squad mess up, why should they be the one to pay for it in exp and coins?

    If you demand they get up RIGHT THEN to save your time then at least be kind enough to help out with the money. After all, you can make the money back quickly no?

    also, just carry res scrolls yourself then you don't have to worry bout waiting for that pesky res! Yay problem solved. But you'll lose exp? Oh wait, doesn't the cleric. b:surrender

    Also, unless they're in fc at a big room i'm pretty sure a 90+ cleric can't gain back that ~1% in 10--15 mins but I could be wrong on that.

    tl;dr version- if you expect them to have one, buy them one yourself
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    My cleric always carries res scrolls...

    they have a 1 hour cooldown though

    which ironically show up on a pickax too...
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.