Share your techniques/Venos are NOT useless!!!



  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited January 2011


    Roid knows what he's talking about because he has a pro veno

    pro at UGLY! :D
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Tearle - Dreamweaver
    Tearle - Dreamweaver Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Lol, I like that comment! b:laughb:victory

    Do you have a char on Lost City server tho? That's where Aly and I are. I don't play on any other server. I would love to help you with you FB/BH. =] 59 will be a peace of cake for Aly. After all, she's an OP lvl 93 Tabby Plumdrop. x3

    Kinna I have a char on Lc thats almost ready for fb29. You should come run it for me and my friend with your epic kitteh. b:nosebleed
  • X_Castgurl_X - Dreamweaver
    X_Castgurl_X - Dreamweaver Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    Anybody that saids venos are useless should GTFOKTHXBYE

    Now, anyway,

    Had a freaking blllast reading this thread. And yesh, it's hard finding very skilled venos, or the ones that "know what the hell they're doing" but anyway,
    A veno without a herc is as damned good as a veno with one. Shesh what is wrong with some of you? "**** you need herc or you go die, goo GOOO"


    That's the vibe I got from some of the posts on here. b:shocked har har har

    Wanna know something?
    My tanking pet for 85 (yes, 85) levels was a freaking Neolithic wolf....then jumped to a Cragrock Warrior at 85...lawl I remember all the endless whining from the squads..

    Person: Casty?
    The Other Person: Chi pl0x
    TOP dies
    The Other Person: ...that ****** pet...
    Person: X_x
    X_Castgurl_X: mhm? o.o
    Person:...could you stow your pet please? X_x
    Other Person: It keeps getting in the #*$&ing way :X
    X_Castgurl_X: >_>..

    Yes I had people nagging coooonstantly because I didn't have a herc, or even a damned piece of raggly azz rock huffing and puffing behind me.
    But I still got invited to squads for, man from TT, to Gammas...the works.
    How and why? Proved to them that it isn't the facking pet that makes the damned veno; it's the person playing it. A veno can have a huge behind Cragrock Warrior (The big thingy with the purple sword near Land of Burning Heart...yeah THAT big guy) and can kick major *** + be a damn good support for the party members. Then you might run into the ones that catshopped to get a herc because they're supposedly needed that fall back into the "*yawn*, go go gadget HERC!" **** and do nothing else afterwards -.-
    Or it can be the other way around for both...just depends lol.

    As for the veno pulling with Zeal:
    Yesh I've done it. -.- Now go QQ and call meh fail if yah like. I only use the damned thing when my herc is going to be the primary tank in let's say a 20/20/20. Most of the peeps in the squad never been in the fb69 instance unwined...I rather do the pulling with a zeal then a nub veno doing it with a pet...just faster that way lol. Other than that, I use my handy-dandy armored bear or wolfie for pulls :p

    @ Kinna



    QQ makes me regret the 2 months I spent farming for mi hercy...when I could've pimped out my...well I dunno, my wolfie or something LOL xD lawl.

    Venos FTW <333333333333
    Just saying ;o
    A Fantasy is something that one should enjoy.
    Although a Fantasy is harmless, it is only that in the eyes of the blind.
    Although a Fantasy is enjoyable, it can become repetivie and sickening to the mind and soul.
    When one gets sucked into a Fantasy, one day they wake up;
    They wake up and's time to awaken from the Fantasy.
    - - - Woke up from this Fantasy on Oct. 2010 - - - b:bye
  • Necare - Harshlands
    Necare - Harshlands Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Lol, I like that comment! b:laughb:victory

    Do you have a char on Lost City server tho? That's where Aly and I are. I don't play on any other server. I would love to help you with you FB/BH. =] 59 will be a peace of cake for Aly. After all, she's an OP lvl 93 Tabby Plumdrop. x3

    If I didn't have a char on LC I'd have said "Too bad I can't drag you to FB59", instead of "gonna drag you to FB59".

    Also, they should make Nivastok Shieldbearer an all-class pet, I'd trade my brother for it.
    Once upon a time I was stuck in Hall of Deception.
    The Devs felt sorry for me having to smash lowbies all day, so they decided to promote me.
    I then rerolled a Psychic.
  • Kinnacat - Lost City
    Kinnacat - Lost City Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    @ Kinna



    QQ makes me regret the 2 months I spent farming for mi hercy...when I could've pimped out my...well I dunno, my wolfie or something LOL xD lawl.

    Venos FTW <333333333333
    Just saying ;o

    Lol, thanks. ^.^ Aly's feeling very proud! =3

    Don't regret it, now that you have a herc, you can farm HH and make money for the skills and overpower your wolf. b:victory
  • Kinnacat - Lost City
    Kinnacat - Lost City Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Kinna I have a char on Lc thats almost ready for fb29. You should come run it for me and my friend with your epic kitteh. b:nosebleed
    If I didn't have a char on LC I'd have said "Too bad I can't drag you to FB59", instead of "gonna drag you to FB59".

    Also, they should make Nivastok Shieldbearer an all-class pet, I'd trade my brother for it.

    Okies, I can do that! I mean, we can do that... x3 To anyone that wants to see Aly in action, just pm me in game, my name is kinnacat, all in small letters, Lost City Server. Don't ask me to do blackhole in oht, kong, etc... I tried that, lets say Aly doesn't want to do it again... Unless there are 2 healers. *Aly in the background: DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT KONG!!!b:shocked* Even then, she only says maybe... b:surrender

    And lol @ Necare for the second part of his/her post. b:laugh

    Off topic: I want tiger/kitty smilies for the forums! D:<
  • Yulk_owns - Lost City
    Yulk_owns - Lost City Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    This thread should have never been made honestly....

    I have told tweakz she should have been a wiz or cleric , or psy or something. Pure mag veno is like arcane barbs. b:spit
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • boen39
    boen39 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Hey Guys, I wanna ask for my herc and nix skill if anyone can help if i do somethng wrong thx.
    i put Roar to my herc couse when my fac barb still low i'm the tank in there only few boss i can't tank like pole, Jewel, krimson and some that idk yet, so is that skill is good for my herc? couse all my friend that has herc put bash on it, and i still have 1 skill more for my nix what is the best skill for nix or i should change skill for my herc?

    and where can i found that strong pet skill book couse i think if i have that skill on nix that will be great :p

    me,herc and nix allready lvl94

    pls is anyone has any suggest contact me at Boens_Wong (arch server)
    arcane veno lvl94 but now wanna try go for 5k hp without barb buff and all my gear shard with phys def

    my regrats
    Boens_wong ( EliteSoul )
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    This sort of newbie question really belongs in the veno forum, not here. Still:

    Roar = Take aggro instantly, but not very MUCH of it, it's easy for others to steal it back. Since a herc has pounce (probably take aggro, and REALLY instantly I MEAN IT) roar isn't a good choice.
    Bash = Constantly build aggro. Which means you can keep it if you can get it, but if you can't get it then tough.

    Strong is a rare book, found in the dragon-temple weekly event. Translation: You can't have it, check catshops and AH.

    The traditional skill to add to the nix is flesh-ream because of the hideous things it does in PVP. In PVE the nix usually kills faster with normal attacks than with skills anyway.

    And I think a thread of "Here's what your venomancer should be doing" is quite useful.
  • ClericMD - Lost City
    ClericMD - Lost City Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Dont hvae to much time for read all but only will say this:

    They have pet, can lure safely, have bramble, have amplify damage, have a very good magic damage, give sparks!!! what more you need? who the hell say that a veno is useless?

    In my opinion they are the best DDs fo boss in games, pets make extra damage, bramble help a lot to barbs get agro, amplyfy damage + spark is glory, i cant count the ocassions that a veno have save the squad just for give me a extra spark for BB.

    I prefer have a veno in squad that any other class, and they dont need a herc for be usefull.

    PD: sorry for my bad english.
  • X_Castgurl_X - Dreamweaver
    X_Castgurl_X - Dreamweaver Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Dont hvae to much time for read all but only will say this:

    They have pet, can lure safely, have bramble, have amplify damage, have a very good magic damage, give sparks!!! what more you need? who the hell say that a veno is useless?

    In my opinion they are the best DDs fo boss in games, pets make extra damage, bramble help a lot to barbs get agro, amplyfy damage + spark is glory, i cant count the ocassions that a veno have save the squad just for give me a extra spark for BB.

    I prefer have a veno in squad that any other class, and they dont need a herc for be usefull.

    PD: sorry for my bad english.


    A Fantasy is something that one should enjoy.
    Although a Fantasy is harmless, it is only that in the eyes of the blind.
    Although a Fantasy is enjoyable, it can become repetivie and sickening to the mind and soul.
    When one gets sucked into a Fantasy, one day they wake up;
    They wake up and's time to awaken from the Fantasy.
    - - - Woke up from this Fantasy on Oct. 2010 - - - b:bye
  • X_Castgurl_X - Dreamweaver
    X_Castgurl_X - Dreamweaver Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    "And I think a thread of "Here's what your venomancer should be doing" is quite useful."

    Yes it would be...someone should totally make that :D I would jump on it with replies and hints, the works in a heart beat..but if I was making the actual thread, well it might go a lil something like this...

    Okie chu ****, so you dunno how to play yah veno eh? Been hyper grinding chu booty to 100 eh?
    OKAY! Here's my no sweat guide to being a beasty veno b:victory 100% proven to make chu pro long lonnnng time b:dirty

    1. Not be fail

    1.5 NOT BE FAIL

    1.9....Just don't be fail ><;

    2. Have your pet out DD'n (extra damage ftw!)

    3. KEEP CHU TANKIE POOH BRAMBLED. Oh and the melee DD people and the crazy knife using fishies too...yeah they need that o.o

    4. Don't pull the "OU GEZZ I GOT MEH A HERCY WURKY, WEEE PEW **** PPPPEEEW I DUNT NEED TO DO #$%^ MAAAAN" nonsense...

    5. Amp the bossies

    5.5 Time the ampy with a bm's heaven's flame (it blows through hp like WOAH DAMN O-O)

    6. Purge the bossies if needed

    6.5 Time the purgies with the other veno if 2 venos are needed...if the other veno isn't getting it, swap her across the face with a slegehammer, kthxbye.

    7. Use your chi banking skills and pass chi to people (barb and cleric get first dibs)

    8. DD the bossies (yes, you, you with the ears and tail and cute face, DD!)

    9. Just um...keep doing the above o.o kk...

    GO, GOOOO! D:<

    A Fantasy is something that one should enjoy.
    Although a Fantasy is harmless, it is only that in the eyes of the blind.
    Although a Fantasy is enjoyable, it can become repetivie and sickening to the mind and soul.
    When one gets sucked into a Fantasy, one day they wake up;
    They wake up and's time to awaken from the Fantasy.
    - - - Woke up from this Fantasy on Oct. 2010 - - - b:bye
  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I read some of the OP's posts and I gotta say I agree that a lot of veno's are lazy out there. As a sage veno, I have a lot of the supportive sage skills like lending hand, purge, amplify, (No soul degeneration yet tho b:surrender) among other ones. Some of the things I can remember to write here that veno's can do in instances are:

    -When a cleric puts BB, I transfer them Chi
    -When I have 2 BM's in a squad, I always transfer chi to the one with less aps
    -When I see a barb use Alpha Male, I bramble them back quickly
    -Purge constantly in pvp/tw or anything that's needed, cant think of anything in particular
    -Herc has bless so I can lure without worrying about pet rezzing all the time
    -Cloud eruption in the genie in case I don't generate enough chi to pass

    --Always amp Increased Life mobs that have over 400k HP and good defense (Warsong, etc.)
    --Depending on squad composition, I'll amp certain resist mobs. For example, If more physical attack people are in the squad, I'll amp the increased defense mobs. Vice versa with magic resist mobs.

    Hope those tips helped.

    P.S. I'm not a fan of fox skills other then myriad rainbow, purge, & amp so yeah don't hate lol >.<
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • X_Castgurl_X - Dreamweaver
    X_Castgurl_X - Dreamweaver Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I read some of the OP's posts and I gotta say I agree that a lot of veno's are lazy out there. As a sage veno, I have a lot of the supportive sage skills like lending hand, purge, amplify, (No soul degeneration yet tho b:surrender) among other ones. Some of the things I can remember to write here that veno's can do in instances are:

    -When a cleric puts BB, I transfer them Chi

    -Pets- good veno :3

    -When I have 2 BM's in a squad, I always transfer chi to the one with less aps

    Hm when that happens, I just go "Neenie, Meenie, Mighty...erm I'll give chi to the cuter one" LOL >.>

    -When I see a barb use Alpha Male, I bramble them back quickly


    -Purge constantly in pvp/tw or anything that's needed, cant think of anything in particular


    -Herc has bless so I can lure without worrying about pet rezzing all the time


    -Cloud eruption in the genie in case I don't generate enough chi to pass

    Too epic, I'm in tears b:sad -Mkay not really lol but the above should help out any veno-
    --Always amp Increased Life mobs that have over 400k HP and good defense (Warsong, etc.)

    >.> I see Increased "blah blah blah" and I go straight to foxform to amp...better to kill the sucker faster lol x.x;

    --Depending on squad composition, I'll amp certain resist mobs. For example, If more physical attack people are in the squad, I'll amp the increased defense mobs. Vice versa with magic resist mobs.

    Hope those tips helped.

    P.S. I'm not a fan of fox skills other then myriad rainbow, purge, & amp so yeah don't hate lol >.<

    lmfao >->; Don't worry you're not the only one..xD
    A Fantasy is something that one should enjoy.
    Although a Fantasy is harmless, it is only that in the eyes of the blind.
    Although a Fantasy is enjoyable, it can become repetivie and sickening to the mind and soul.
    When one gets sucked into a Fantasy, one day they wake up;
    They wake up and's time to awaken from the Fantasy.
    - - - Woke up from this Fantasy on Oct. 2010 - - - b:bye
  • ClericMD - Lost City
    ClericMD - Lost City Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    OMG I forget they have purge, very usefull against some boss, and a curse against us clerics we cant use iron in pvp vs venos. Well I still loving venos.
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I end up burning through my chi in instances like frost and GV half the time. I see a hoard of mobs being pulled to a waiting squad and a cleric with a BB up only to freak when most of the the mobs go after the cleric. I do a quick parasitic nova (lvl 10) followed by a nox gas (lvl 11) to cause them to go chaotic for 8 sec. That gives the squad time to do AoE DD and keep them away from the poor cleric. Usually with all us nuking the mobs are dead before the chaotic debuff wears off.

    As for Bramble the melee DDs that's a no brainer. I refuse to bramble squishies though because I don't want them to hold aggro if I can help it. ** And a little note to other melee classes that like to have bramble in instances, When the bramble wears off I see it and I do my best to buff you again but the vast majority of you melee people just run off to the next mob - boss - etc. before I get a chance to target you to buff. Forcing me to chase squad members down halls in instances to buff them is a pet peeve of mine. I am feeling that if you run off before I get a chance to buff you with my bramble that I suppose that buff is just not that important so maybe I shouldn't make that effort anymore when I can be doing something there more productive.

    And I like to be the first to hit a boss with sage soul degeneration to take that 20% hp then I amp damage. I then use whatever chi I have on the bosses. I ask clerics before I start the instances if they need chi for BB when we need it and most say no so I don't bother. And I only pass chi to the tank who lures mobs when s/he asks for it. Nobody has complained about the way I handle my chi so I just keep doing what I'm doing as it works fine. Also since I'm a heavy armor (or rank 8 arcane((since I'm statted and geared to be able to use both b:chuckle)) against mag mobs)with a rank 8 refined weapon I can do considerable damage using my own chi and getting aggro from several mobs is not an issue with me near a BB anyway. It's just a judgement call on what I think is the most effective way for us to deal the best DD we can as a group on my part.

    Some seem to think I'm a chi w***e but I tell them who I give prioroty to and they don't really need it anyway. Who the hell dragons on harpies in Frost anyway? LOL. Just that one crazy BM I guess.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn