Are Wizzy's Still Wanted?

Mage_Up_Ass - Sanctuary
Mage_Up_Ass - Sanctuary Posts: 21 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Wizard
Sadly i've heard many ppl say wizzys are unwanted now...... I wonder if PWI is going to make wizzy's just a bit more useful than before...seeing that aps are taking over Wizzy's
usual job of DD.
Post edited by Mage_Up_Ass - Sanctuary on


  • _Hysteria_ - Dreamweaver
    _Hysteria_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    for alot of stuff yeah were still wanted, probly not nearly as much we used to be though, guess really it depends who u run with, with randoms, probly not, with freinds and faction theyll probly take u more.
    Marshal of the Lvl 3 Faction SubZero on DW server, pm me in game!!!b:victory
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    We are wanted in TW.. and that's pretty much it. We can hold our own in pvp (except vs good sins), and really the only pve related thing we are still wanted in is GV. From nirvana to HH to end game frosts and just about any instance you can think of, we are nearly useless.
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  • fatestayjedi
    fatestayjedi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    No you're useless go roll another class

    Haha i was just joking man,calm down...

    or was i?...
  • Pearlwood - Lost City
    Pearlwood - Lost City Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    We are wanted in TW.. and that's pretty much it. We can hold our own in pvp (except vs good sins), and really the only pve related thing we are still wanted in is GV. From nirvana to HH to end game frosts and just about any instance you can think of, we are nearly useless.

    Disagree as to Frost. Frost is perfect for arcane wizards...just perfect. In fact, in my experience, high frosting comes very close to art beauty. Good barbs love good wizards and visa versa. It's amazing to see a talented squad of barb, bm, sin, sin/archer/veno, cleric, and wiz in frost.

    I simply cannot understand why so many master wizards believe they are useless in frost.

    There are some requirements for the wizard though. CE and Holy Path are two. Frost is a chi eating machine. If you cannot manufacture enough chi in frost, then you really will be useless. If you cannot run the halls to stay with, or ahead of, the front line, you will be compromised. I would also recommend that you carry a couple of speed powders for those times when you need Holy Path but your genie is recharging.

    Always use those inactive moments to rebuild your chi for the ult aoe. When you are obliterating a barb's mob mass before the cleric arrives, then you will understand what I mean. When a master 102 barb says he is no longer a tank but a lawn mower, then you will know what I mean.

    Fortify on your dungeon genie is also a plus. There will be moments when your ult will not wipe out all mobs and you will draw aggro. A fortified ironguard is the solution to this problem. It gives plenty of time for the squad to arrive and dispose of the remainder before you get into trouble.

    Now I recognize the 5 aps issue and the fact that a small squad of these well geared bm's and sins can buzz through Frost np. It's cool to watch. And, usually all I have to do is However, there is nothing in the PWI world (that I've seen) that matches a master dungeon barb at work in Frost. Just nothing can compare. And, a good Wizard let's that kind of barb operate to the utmost of his/her potential without huge repair bills at the end.

    Peace out you crazy wizards. :)
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited January 2011
    I'm a commander(rank under director, forget pwi term) of my guild.

    I'm the leader of 5-mage party(and 1 veno) in tw.

    I 1-shot just about everythig.

    I've solo'd fully buffed, 40k hp barbs, in tw.

    I stun on a level near-equelevant to bms, because I'm dark.

    I am a 'wizard'; and I do believe I am wanted.
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    prof wrote: »
    I'm a marshal (rank under director, forget pwi term) of my guild.

    I'm the leader of 5-mage party(and 1 veno) in tw.

    I 1-shot just about everythig.

    I've solo'd fully buffed, 40k hp barbs, in tw.

    I stun on a level near-equelevant to bms, because I'm dark. demon?

    I am a 'wizard'; and I do believe I am wanted.

    clap clap. still ur single target dps is equivalent or even lower to a deicide +3 5aps bm
  • XXKerriganXX - Sanctuary
    XXKerriganXX - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    5 mages and 1 veno squad in tw? b:shockedb:shocked

    nuff said
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited January 2011
    things are different in pvp, don't suppose you know anything about that? with genies, bms are lucky to even stunlock - and that's all they got going for them.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Disagree as to Frost. Frost is perfect for arcane wizards...just perfect. In fact, in my experience, high frosting comes very close to art beauty. Good barbs love good wizards and visa versa. It's amazing to see a talented squad of barb, bm, sin, sin/archer/veno, cleric, and wiz in frost.

    I simply cannot understand why so many master wizards believe they are useless in frost.

    There are some requirements for the wizard though. CE and Holy Path are two. Frost is a chi eating machine. If you cannot manufacture enough chi in frost, then you really will be useless. If you cannot run the halls to stay with, or ahead of, the front line, you will be compromised. I would also recommend that you carry a couple of speed powders for those times when you need Holy Path but your genie is recharging.

    Always use those inactive moments to rebuild your chi for the ult aoe. When you are obliterating a barb's mob mass before the cleric arrives, then you will understand what I mean. When a master 102 barb says he is no longer a tank but a lawn mower, then you will know what I mean.

    Fortify on your dungeon genie is also a plus. There will be moments when your ult will not wipe out all mobs and you will draw aggro. A fortified ironguard is the solution to this problem. It gives plenty of time for the squad to arrive and dispose of the remainder before you get into trouble.

    Now I recognize the 5 aps issue and the fact that a small squad of these well geared bm's and sins can buzz through Frost np. It's cool to watch. And, usually all I have to do is However, there is nothing in the PWI world (that I've seen) that matches a master dungeon barb at work in Frost. Just nothing can compare. And, a good Wizard let's that kind of barb operate to the utmost of his/her potential without huge repair bills at the end.

    Peace out you crazy wizards. :)

    When you figure out that any class can one shot the mobs, you'll understand why we suck in pve/frost. Squads don't need help with mobs, our dps blows so we are nearly useless against the bosses. Our buff is lame at best.. so how are we "helping" our party. Any half competant party could finish a frost without you in the same time and get more exp.
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  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    No you're useless go roll another class

    Haha i was just joking man,calm down...

    or was i?...

    there is a faction called The_Truth on our server
    its a christian fanatics faction, they are taking over the internets!, and yes thats random!

    5 mages and 1 veno squad in tw? b:shockedb:shocked

    nuff said

    Prof is playing on a other game version! they dont have other classes yet :(
    i like potato
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited January 2011
    utopia has had tideborn for quite some time..

    our names are cooler, btw. sorcerers = psychics, rogues = assassins, nirvana = samsara
  • Pearlwood - Lost City
    Pearlwood - Lost City Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    When you figure out that any class can one shot the mobs, you'll understand why we suck in pve/frost. Squads don't need help with mobs, our dps blows so we are nearly useless against the bosses. Our buff is lame at best.. so how are we "helping" our party. Any half competant party could finish a frost without you in the same time and get more exp.

    I have that figured out, Adroit. But, that doesn't cause me to understand that we "suck in pve/frost." lol Quite the contrary.

    What I'm really hearing is the complaint that we're not irreplacable in frost anymore. That's different from not being "wanted." And that argument could be extended to any class for a frost squad. No class is irreplacable for frost, except maybe the cleric in a traditional squad. No BM, no problem....look to the wizard's MS stun. No Barb, no problem....find a BM that can pull. No sin, well the bosses may take longer, but so what? No barb and BM can't pull....well...go to the wizard. (yes I have had to actually pull the big room before).

    So the question you ask should be rephrased to: How can my party help me? (because you can do all of it anyway...and yes it's nice to have help)

  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I have that figured out, Adroit. But, that doesn't cause me to understand that we "suck in pve/frost." lol Quite the contrary.

    What I'm really hearing is the complaint that we're not irreplacable in frost anymore. That's different from not being "wanted." And that argument could be extended to any class for a frost squad. No class is irreplacable for frost, except maybe the cleric in a traditional squad. No BM, no problem....look to the wizard's MS stun. No Barb, no problem....find a BM that can pull. No sin, well the bosses may take longer, but so what? No barb and BM can't pull....well...go to the wizard. (yes I have had to actually pull the big room before).

    So the question you ask should be rephrased to: How can my party help me? (because you can do all of it anyway...and yes it's nice to have help)


    We offer nothing to a squad. Our dps sucks.. Our dph isn't needed.. Our buff is lame. At least other classes have useful functions. Venos can purge, amp, ability to transfer sparks, and have a herc which has decent dps.. Interval chars have high dps which makes bosses go faster.. Barbs have buffs and devour, the list goes on. Why would a squad ever bring a wizard if another equally geared/skilled class also wanted to go.
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  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    assasins replace clerics
    i like potato
  • Pearlwood - Lost City
    Pearlwood - Lost City Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    We offer nothing to a squad. Our dps sucks.. Our dph isn't needed.. Our buff is lame. At least other classes have useful functions. Venos can purge, amp, ability to transfer sparks, and have a herc which has decent dps.. Interval chars have high dps which makes bosses go faster.. Barbs have buffs and devour, the list goes on. Why would a squad ever bring a wizard if another equally geared/skilled class also wanted to go.

    They do it with me all the time, so I don't know what to say. Except just do it. Tonight's great frost squad brought me to 100 and the Nature Talker (2 socket). So I'm talking to nature now with 505 magic, all because of frost. :) So I must have been doing something right.
  • HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver
    HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    They do it with me all the time, so I don't know what to say. Except just do it. Tonight's great frost squad brought me to 100 and the Nature Talker (2 socket). So I'm talking to nature now with 502 magic, all because of frost. :) So I must have been doing something right.
    GZ to lvl 100 and rank 8 first of all but i guess the thing adroit wanted to point out was:

    FC mobs ( the ones you pull except Harpys and some single Gatekeeper mobs) got ~50-80k hp so if you run FC with a decent geared Squad 2 BMs and 1 Psy or Archer will kill the mobs with their first blow so the pull might be dead before you set up your DB or just after your DB has ticked the first time. So you are not really needed for AoE pulls. Your Ultis wont be used since their use would be too chi consuming not even on the bishop groups so what's left would be the boss fights. Here any phys attacker will outdmg you due to the higher DPS and so you will lag behind as DD.

    Nevertheless on lower FCs with bad geared people who need some time to kill the groups you as a wiz will become the main tank in the squad because your DB deals constant dmg
    but then the remaining question is a) is your bm skilled enough to stun so you wont die because wiz isnt made for Tanking due to low hp and b) is the Time of your Expel long enough to resist the hits of the mobs

    greetz harm0wnie
  • Pearlwood - Lost City
    Pearlwood - Lost City Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    GZ to lvl 100 and rank 8 first of all but i guess the thing adroit wanted to point out was:

    FC mobs ( the ones you pull except Harpys and some single Gatekeeper mobs) got ~50-80k hp so if you run FC with a decent geared Squad 2 BMs and 1 Psy or Archer will kill the mobs with their first blow so the pull might be dead before you set up your DB or just after your DB has ticked the first time. So you are not really needed for AoE pulls. Your Ultis wont be used since their use would be too chi consuming not even on the bishop groups so what's left would be the boss fights. Here any phys attacker will outdmg you due to the higher DPS and so you will lag behind as DD.

    Nevertheless on lower FCs with bad geared people who need some time to kill the groups you as a wiz will become the main tank in the squad because your DB deals constant dmg
    but then the remaining question is a) is your bm skilled enough to stun so you wont die because wiz isnt made for Tanking due to low hp and b) is the Time of your Expel long enough to resist the hits of the mobs

    greetz harm0wnie

    Ty. But, I've done a 100 Frosts. I never use DB except in the big room to zhen the heads. And, I keep no defensive skills on my dungeon genie except Holy Path (no expel, no AD). I always have the chi I need to ULT AOE the pulled mobs, because of CE6. Even with high level and well geared people I can usually get the shot in before the other squad members have time to one shot the mobs. If they can beat me to it....great. It just saves me chi for the next shot. For me, it is about A O E on the mobs usually with lvl 11 MS (some BT is used too).

    **** DB. This ^ is how u do it. :)

    p.s. Oh and up to this point, I've done it with 4500 HP after buffs, and 7000 pdef after buffs. The only time I die, usually, is when I get lazy against Slasher and he catches me channelling an ult.
  • Arganoth - Lost City
    Arganoth - Lost City Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Sadly i've heard many ppl say wizzys are unwanted now...... I wonder if PWI is going to make wizzy's just a bit more useful than before...seeing that aps are taking over Wizzy's
    usual job of DD.

    Go away noob.
  • Arganoth - Lost City
    Arganoth - Lost City Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    clap clap. still ur single target dps is equivalent or even lower to a deicide +3 5aps bm

    DREAD! I guess we should all measure and compare our APS (****) sizes as the definitive, ultimate reason for existing as a mage.
  • Pearlwood - Lost City
    Pearlwood - Lost City Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    DREAD! I guess we should all measure and compare our APS (****) sizes as the definitive, ultimate reason for existing as a mage.

    I could care less about APS as a mage. 169k across the board is what I like to see.
  • Lolomgwtfbbq - Lost City
    Lolomgwtfbbq - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    We are wanted in TW.. and that's pretty much it. We can hold our own in pvp (except vs good sins), and really the only pve related thing we are still wanted in is GV. From nirvana to HH to end game frosts and just about any instance you can think of, we are nearly useless.
    Disagree as to Frost. Frost is perfect for arcane wizards...just perfect. In fact, in my experience, high frosting comes very close to art beauty. Good barbs love good wizards and visa versa. It's amazing to see a talented squad of barb, bm, sin, sin/archer/veno, cleric, and wiz in frost.

    I simply cannot understand why so many master wizards believe they are useless in frost.

    There are some requirements for the wizard though. CE and Holy Path are two. Frost is a chi eating machine. If you cannot manufacture enough chi in frost, then you really will be useless. If you cannot run the halls to stay with, or ahead of, the front line, you will be compromised. I would also recommend that you carry a couple of speed powders for those times when you need Holy Path but your genie is recharging.

    Always use those inactive moments to rebuild your chi for the ult aoe. When you are obliterating a barb's mob mass before the cleric arrives, then you will understand what I mean. When a master 102 barb says he is no longer a tank but a lawn mower, then you will know what I mean.

    Fortify on your dungeon genie is also a plus. There will be moments when your ult will not wipe out all mobs and you will draw aggro. A fortified ironguard is the solution to this problem. It gives plenty of time for the squad to arrive and dispose of the remainder before you get into trouble.

    Now I recognize the 5 aps issue and the fact that a small squad of these well geared bm's and sins can buzz through Frost np. It's cool to watch. And, usually all I have to do is However, there is nothing in the PWI world (that I've seen) that matches a master dungeon barb at work in Frost. Just nothing can compare. And, a good Wizard let's that kind of barb operate to the utmost of his/her potential without huge repair bills at the end.

    Peace out you crazy wizards. :)

    Wow im sorry but both of you....really....
    i can solo the whole frost by myself and i dont know too many100+ that run with a full squad unless they dont no ppl that can solo the instance. Mages are useless unless u make them usless to yourself. Same goes for any class

  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    wizzies are wanted in rebirth, early frost,TW, and they're used/tolerated in bh and late frost (wizzies do win at 1 shoting mobs but meh you only need to 1 shot em once and theres 6 squad members dps is mroe usefull past a set point)
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Wow im sorry but both of you....really....
    i can solo the whole frost by myself and i dont know too many100+ that run with a full squad unless they dont no ppl that can solo the instance. Mages are useless unless u make them usless to yourself. Same goes for any class


    Nice BR
    Not seeing the point of your post..
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  • HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver
    HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Ty. But, I've done a 100 Frosts. I never use DB except in the big room to zhen the heads. And, I keep no defensive skills on my dungeon genie except Holy Path (no expel, no AD). I always have the chi I need to ULT AOE the pulled mobs, because of CE6. Even with high level and well geared people I can usually get the shot in before the other squad members have time to one shot the mobs. If they can beat me to it....great. It just saves me chi for the next shot. For me, it is about A O E on the mobs usually with lvl 11 MS (some BT is used too).

    **** DB. This ^ is how u do it. :)

    p.s. Oh and up to this point, I've done it with 4500 HP after buffs, and 7000 pdef after buffs. The only time I die, usually, is when I get lazy against Slasher and he catches me channelling an ult.

    My main prob here is that i dont have enough chi to launch one of my ultis in every pull and the last time i used my MS it was mainly to provide a 2nd stun on the nasty bishop groups but the main reason why i still would prefer DB over Ulti is that i doubt my ultis will make more than 20-25k on the mobs while my DB lvl 10 with sage fire mastery ticks ~10-12k also so after 2 ticks i end up with the same dmg. Maybe with a rly good weapon like your rank 8 things look different but atm a single MS + Hailstorm wont do enough dmg to kill the mobs
  • Pearlwood - Lost City
    Pearlwood - Lost City Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    My main prob here is that i dont have enough chi to launch one of my ultis in every pull and the last time i used my MS it was mainly to provide a 2nd stun on the nasty bishop groups but the main reason why i still would prefer DB over Ulti is that i doubt my ultis will make more than 20-25k on the mobs while my DB lvl 10 with sage fire mastery ticks ~10-12k also so after 2 ticks i end up with the same dmg. Maybe with a rly good weapon like your rank 8 things look different but atm a single MS + Hailstorm wont do enough dmg to kill the mobs

    I just got rank 8. Went thru the 90s with a lvl 12 lunar pataka, refined 7. Great little wep. You do need a decent weapon to do it my way, but you don't have to have the Nature don't give up. As to chi, get CE on your genie. (Without CE, you probably should stick to DB and a purely secondary role.) You should use undined MS on most all the mob pulls, but there are a couple where BT is the way to go. At your level, with a decent wep, your damage should be sufficient for the job. If you don't get all the mobs and draw aggro, then pop an invincibility powder (sutra power orb is the best for the price) and the squad should quickly clean up the remainder. Never use your genie for something like expel or AD, that's a mistake. In frost, use your genie purely for CE (chi), amping your ult, and Holy Path (to keep up with the squad).

    Kick up the aggression a notch and u may surprise yourself. :)
  • Hosi - Heavens Tear
    Hosi - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i always kill the mobs before others get a chance or finishes for them if i run too slow lol...
    a whole big room pull, one HF and my sage BID finishes all the mobs...i love being wiz btw...most of the barbs i run with loves me as wiz :)

    we are rare! and speical!b:pleased
  • warcrafte
    warcrafte Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    all i hope is that seeker s aoe doesn t replace us in gvs anyways i think it ll replace archers more cuz we deal more aoe domage than archers (did u even see an archer taking agro in gvs with a wizard aoeing near him?) anyways if they make aps 3 i think with r8 wep wizards won t be really **** dders like ppl say with a critical i can actually take agro from 2-3 aps bm
    as for pvp new classes aren t relly hard 2 kill (for wizards ) mystic shouldn t be 2 hard 2 one shot with bt and as for seeker well it s like a bm w/o mag morrow so i think it won t really be a problem andd if they fix sin stealth matter game would be balanced again cuz if a sin attaks u especially with r8 AD is 2 shot 2 evade the stun and expel is just delaying death so a genie skill could fix that maybe .....
    idk i heard things about 101 skills is that true? i hope it is.... but i think it s kinda impossible
    well at least after all efforts i made 2 get 2 lvl 100 i hope they make some changes
    also would like some advice for surviving and killing a stealthed sin if there are any.....
    hope genesis is nice for wizards .....cuz we are totally heading 2 extinction
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    it will be even worse after expansion
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Avriel - Harshlands
    Avriel - Harshlands Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    My god you people are so depressing. Pearlwood seems to be the only person here NOT slitting his wrists. The only useless wizard is one who doesnt know wtf he/she is doing. Yes other classes may outshine the average wizard, but BIDS is still the coolest looking ulti ever, and no stupid fish class can take that from me! b:chuckle
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    My god you people are so depressing. Pearlwood seems to be the only person here NOT slitting his wrists. The only useless wizard is one who doesnt know wtf he/she is doing. Yes other classes may outshine the average wizard, but BIDS is still the coolest looking ulti ever, and no stupid fish class can take that from me! b:chuckle

    good luck getting in squads because BIDS looks cool.
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