WHO said that Arch server SUCKS?



  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Wasn't there something in the ToS saying that when determining the "awesomeness" of daggers on a PvE server, that 2/3 of the adds need to be disregarded?
  • Naivety - Harshlands
    Naivety - Harshlands Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Wasn't there something in the ToS saying that when determining the "awesomeness" of daggers on a PvE server, that 2/3 of the adds need to be disregarded?

    I think it was about gear in general, considering every single piece of PvE in the game can be done with a little skill and a full TT90 set.

    Its easier with better gear of course but still.... Eh, doesnt seem worth the effort for pure PvEing. Especially when its up to other people whether you can attack them or not. (People wont fight for grind spots if you cant attack them, theyl just carry on and its who PvEs hardest gets the zone.... Sucks :/)

    ---All opinion of course, I detest PvE servers as a PvP liker (I put lover originally but... not true, I PvE as much as I PvE, I find it fun, I just dont like being unable to kill people who **** me off or take my mobs and stuff), but your brags over gear dont mean **** to me, cos I can kill anyone I please on my server and start some PvP fights or get my PvE area alone, all you can do is kill people who definitely want to fight :(
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    kill anyone you say Naivety?
    My lvl 53 sin challenges you in combat, today, 11:00 Central time, Silver Pool.
    Dont bring armor
    Be there or be square b:angry
  • Naivety - Harshlands
    Naivety - Harshlands Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    kill anyone you say Naivety?
    My lvl 53 sin challenges you in combat, today, 11:00 Central time, Silver Pool.
    Dont bring armor
    Be there or be square b:angry

    Im there, sitting in the water burning off a few red hours.

    At time of writing tho, its 05:23AM here in the UK and im about to hit the deck, so mebbe next year hey? b:chuckle
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I suppose a cleric wouldnt care about the adds of a nirvana dagger seeing how an NPC dagger could kill you b:chuckle

    Considering he only has 4k HP, he'd be dead if I caught him out of stealth.

    But I was more commenting on the fact that these dags are on, well, a PVE server. If these were on LC or HL, they'd be scary.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    so mebbe next year hey? b:chuckle

    a whole year to train? b:victory

    wait...i only got tomorow b:shocked

    please tell me you is afk, that will make victory so much easier b:cute
    and your not charmed right?
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    he'd be dead if I caught him out of stealth.

    lolwut? I'm pretty sure sins dont even leave stealth during their own weddings, so that argument is void b:shutup

    besides, a good sin doesnt need 2hp if they can chain stun at all...
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I have 2x barbs with more hp than you...
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    el oh el, someone manages to craft one of the best pairs of daggers in the game, and all people can say is 'your server sucks'....

    Are oh ef el (am I cool now?). Your server sucks.
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    b:shocked Nice daggers, a bit jealous, but I`m still happy with my r8 junk b:laugh
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    The reason why the newbie servers suck is simply because almost half (if not more) of their high levels are hyper-babies. Nobody is ever impressed with a hyper-baby, no matter how pretty their gear is, or how fast they can drop a 10x barb. They still threw money at the game to take the easy route, whereas most high levels in LC and HT did not, simply because they're the oldest servers, and were here back when the game wasn't nearly as simplistic.

    Very little can impress people anymore simply because everything can be solved with a little money thrown at it.

    .....no matter how shiny your daggers are....your server still sucks. It's not YOUR fault of course, that's just the way it is....so don't feel bad.
    One person who is somewhat impressive won't stand out in a crowd full of dummies...ijs.
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2010
    They still threw money at the game to take the easy route, whereas most high levels in LC and HT did not, simply because they're the oldest servers, and were here back when the game wasn't nearly as simplistic.

    So nice of you to include Dreamweaver, Harshlands, and Sanctuary in your server list. HT and LC are, what, 6-8 months older than the 3 I mentioned?

    Anyway all of you, be nice. Just because somebody doesn't think the way you do doesn't mean you need to put them down for it. He made nice daggers, so he came onto the forums to brag about it. Granted, he could've put it in his own server subforum, but he didn't. (For future reference, please do so. b:thanks)
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    So nice of you to include Dreamweaver, Harshlands, and Sanctuary in your server list. HT and LC are, what, 6-8 months older than the 3 I mentioned?

    You and I both know how much further ahead Lost and Heaven's Tear were than the others when they came on....most of the folks who had played since the beginning were already pretty decent levels when the other servers started coming up.

    I haven't seen you online lately btw....you been busy....or do you just not WC as much as you used to? :<
  • Tigriss_o - Raging Tide
    Tigriss_o - Raging Tide Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Look what you've made me become!b:cry

    I'm sowwy. *Gives fate a cookie* Feel better now?b:cute
  • NightRage - Raging Tide
    NightRage - Raging Tide Posts: 1,582 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I did.

    Having favorable stats on a weapon doesn't make your server suck any less.
  • XxZavxX - Raging Tide
    XxZavxX - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    The reason why the newbie servers suck is simply because almost half (if not more) of their high levels are hyper-babies. Nobody is ever impressed with a hyper-baby, no matter how pretty their gear is, or how fast they can drop a 10x barb. They still threw money at the game to take the easy route, whereas most high levels in LC and HT did not, simply because they're the oldest servers, and were here back when the game wasn't nearly as simplistic.

    Very little can impress people anymore simply because everything can be solved with a little money thrown at it.

    .....no matter how shiny your daggers are....your server still sucks. It's not YOUR fault of course, that's just the way it is....so don't feel bad.
    One person who is somewhat impressive won't stand out in a crowd full of dummies...ijs.

    Claiming seniority in a video game mostly likely means your face is pockmarked from zits, and you have tape holding your glasses together.
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2010
    You and I both know how much further ahead Lost and Heaven's Tear were than the others when they came on....most of the folks who had played since the beginning were already pretty decent levels when the other servers started coming up.

    I haven't seen you online lately btw....you been busy....or do you just not WC as much as you used to? :<

    I work 3 jobs (including this one), so my free time is severely diminished. Also, you must have missed the [Eye of Observation] WC spree I had with some random people the other day. It was fun!
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Nice hp and PVE server OP
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    This thread just made me laugh.

    All the people who said that hyper was such a good thing and no it totally didn't breed a really dumb generation of players have just been proven so terribly wrong.

    On that note; nice PvE server you got there. I've seen barbs less than a quarter of your level with more HP, BTW. You might want to look into that if you were actually considering using those daggers for the PvP they should be used for.
  • Tigriss_o - Raging Tide
    Tigriss_o - Raging Tide Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    I work 3 jobs (including this one), so my free time is severely diminished. Also, you must have missed the [Eye of Observation] WC spree I had with some random people the other day. It was fun!

    Hmmm A mod spamming WC. This is why I love PW the mods and GM are real people and not just robots. BTW during the hour B4 maint do the announcers still mess with the people in world chat? I remember one day someone was spouting off in WC and the GM doing the announcement said that person likes getting PMs and that everyone should PM that person now.b:laugh
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I remember one day someone was spouting off in WC and the GM doing the announcement said that person likes getting PMs and that everyone should PM that person now.b:laugh

    lmao i remeber this b:laugh
  • Tigriss_o - Raging Tide
    Tigriss_o - Raging Tide Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    lmao i remeber this b:laugh

    LOL that was back in first year. I left right after the anniversary mount. I rotate between games to keep from getting bored. I must say PW changed alot wile I was on another game. One big change is my old account was **** wile I was gone and I lost it when I came back.
  • Berserker_ - Dreamweaver
    Berserker_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    nice Hp bro
  • SaiIorMoon - Lost City
    SaiIorMoon - Lost City Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    The reason why the newbie servers suck is simply because almost half (if not more) of their high levels are hyper-babies. Nobody is ever impressed with a hyper-baby, no matter how pretty their gear is, or how fast they can drop a 10x barb. They still threw money at the game to take the easy route, whereas most high levels in LC and HT did not, simply because they're the oldest servers, and were here back when the game wasn't nearly as simplistic.

    Every thread I read I see you in there talking down on every person, whether they're asking a simple yes or no question or showing off a peice of gear. I'm not sure what happened, maybe you're brother made you sit on a broom or something but seriously, grow up? I don't even see how you can say that the majority of high lvls on the servers aren't hyper babies...Everyone hypers now, get over it. When i stopped playing my archer at lvl 95 over a year ago, just when bh came out there weren't many 10xs, and every one knew who they were as soon as you saw their name in "nearby players." When i came back everyone you click is 100+. I myself went through my 80s and now half way through my 90s with people who are now what you would say "high levels." I wouldn't even say 20% of the server was 100 or higher until they came out...
  • Gigglesnort - Lost City
    Gigglesnort - Lost City Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I didn't read through all of this because I need to know if that really says that there are 28 people online.
  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    gratz on the daggers b:victory
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • RoidAbuse - Sanctuary
    RoidAbuse - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    What's up with people saying "IJS"? I find it kinda annoying.

    Cool bro, dagger.

    I'm pretty awesome.. IJS.
    Making "non-trash-talkers" show their true color. RAGE ON! b:laugh
  • Ms_HopToIt - Sanctuary
    Ms_HopToIt - Sanctuary Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Whats so great about those daggers..... doesnt double 0.05 interval just equal 0.1 single interval?

    why did i even ask... of course it does. >.> (calculator told me that)
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    So nice of you to include Dreamweaver, Harshlands, and Sanctuary in your server list. HT and LC are, what, 6-8 months older than the 3 I mentioned?

    Anyway all of you, be nice. Just because somebody doesn't think the way you do doesn't mean you need to put them down for it. He made nice daggers, so he came onto the forums to brag about it. Granted, he could've put it in his own server subforum, but he didn't. (For future reference, please do so. b:thanks)

    Sanctuary actually came out 1 month after LC and HT, just pointing it out. b:surrender

    LC and HT came out roughly Sep 08, and Sanc October 08 or so. I remember I had just started when the Sanctuary server came out a few weeks before the Halloween event in 08.
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Every thread I read I see you in there talking down on every person, whether they're asking a simple yes or no question, or showing off a piece of gear. I'm not sure what happened, maybe your brother made you sit on a broom or something, but seriously, grow up. I don't even see how you can say that the majority of high levels on the servers aren't hyper babies...Everyone hypers now, so get over it. When I stopped playing my archer at level 95 over a year ago, just when bh came out, there weren't many 10xs, and everyone knew who they were as soon as you saw their name in "nearby players." When I came back, everyone you clicked was 100+. I myself went through my 80s and now halfway through my 90s with people who are now what you would say are "high levels." I wouldn't even say 20% of the server was 100 or higher until they came out...

    Oh look, another one of those "This is me, pretending to be mature" lurkers, who seems to have never paid attention in English class. How ironic that someone should tell another person to grow up when they type as if they were in the seventh grade.
    The worst part of it all is, that English is my third language.

    No, the majority of the High levels on most servers USED to not be Hyper Babies. This was back before hypers. If you had been there, you would have known just how many of them there were. I'm talking about back in the days where if you were my Psychic's level, you were considered pro. I don't, however, consider anybody who uses hyper stones 'babies', but rather certain groups of people who do insist on using it when there is simply no need.
    Now, I can understand 70-100. Those levels have always been quite slow.
    I could understand 80-100. Anybody who has ever been there knows how it is.
    I could totally understand 90-100, because those levels are so painful, that I myself have saved up a total of 30 Hyperstones in my Psychic's bank simply for the occasion.

    But there's a HUGE difference between the Hyper Babies in other servers, and the Hyper Babies in Raging Tide and Archosaur. The difference being....most of the servers were here BEFORE Hypers, and those who reached endgame got there WITHOUT help.....whereas most of the high levels on the new servers have not. In fact, when the servers first came out, most people went and sold one of their their kidneys to get to level 100. It's simply the initiative to be the best by throwing money at the screen and watching it take effect.
    This is why so very few people have respect for high levels coming out of the newer servers, simply because many of them didn't work as hard as we did when our servers came out. You could consider it jealousy, if it pleases you, but I don't think many who feel this way would appreciate it.

    Yeah Dan, I think you're right.....I remember Sanctuary mostly because of the Halloween Event where I was shaking my head and thinking "WTF is this supposed to be?"
    Looking back, I have to say I should have been more grateful for that.....at least it was better than what we've got now...much like the Christmas Trees.....

    D: I miss the christmas trees. I'd rather have them than the snowmen, to be quite honest, at least they looked nice....unlike the snowmen, who are simply nothing more than genie food dispensers and chatbox spammers. It's rather annoying in my opinion. b:surrender