How is this possible ?

grimreaperhc Posts: 0 Arc User
edited December 2010 in General Discussion
~Post edited due to content found offensive by some players~
Post edited by grimreaperhc on


  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    plain and simple, this guy sucks? I had a BH run in 51 once with a BARB that had his FB.... HE WAS 51! and HE TANKED IT FINE. lol

    Edit: wait 80 VENO and he couldnt' take Wyrv? b4 i beefed up my walker i ALMOST had it..... figured i'd be able to at 80 lmao hmmmm

    but w/e Wyrv's a wimp now.
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    He's about as skilled as your BM is hairy, 'nuff said.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    This is why I'm so unamused over some of the people playing this game now.

    I was soloing my BH59's on my Veno, wined, without anyone with me at all. Took forever, but I got molds, and I didn't have to put up with whining from squadmates.

    I keep seeing squads SPAMMING for Barb for BH59, when they have a wiz and bm in squad already. have the BM tank all the mobs, and the wiz tank the bosses. Is that really so hard to understand?

    Speaking of failed high level characters... Some people in my faction and my 58 BM needed Eyes of the Krimson Beyond today. So we asked my 100 Sin friend to help. He had something come up, and went afk for an hour. So, a 101 Sin came and tried it. He got 2 shot, by Krimson. You're joking? He told us to find a tank and left.

    I then asked someone I know, a 101 Archer, if he could do it. He 3 shotted Krimson.

    Really, was it that hard to do? Come on.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Grim, we really have to meet up in-game sometime...I could show you how a real tank operates. b:mischievous

    Dreamweaver seems to be falling into the depths of the aps craze now, even after it held out the longest of all the servers, I think. It's sad to see, but expected...and now people hyper all the way up to the higher levels, can't play their characters, and then have to call on the "only people who can help them", the -int fanatics.

    Meh...not my business. b:chuckle
  • Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear
    Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I personally think that the dude was lying. Anyone that claims to have several high level characters that doesn't know even the basic of how the game operates in terms of level and damage output is a liar or just stupid. But I really think he is lying.

    As for DW and the APS craze, try being a BM and getting anywhere on DW for months now I've been passed over for BH and FC and what not for better interval BM at my level. Sadness, but such the reason I don't play my BM anymore. DW lacks a lot in player-kindness, IMO. Bah humbug. >.>!
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
  • Prophete - Dreamweaver
    Prophete - Dreamweaver Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I see only two explanations:
    1) He is a noob and a liar, and this toon is his highest one.
    2) He was confusing Wyvern with some other boss. (harpy wraith lol)
  • Dakuken - Dreamweaver
    Dakuken - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    "I can't keep aggro >.<" in the screen shot you're supposed to be tanking in xD

    Also.. it's a shame people can't play their class, I tank Wyvern on my other BM while he was level 61 and it went just fine. I've tanked quite a few things actually, hell I could solo FB59 at around 75 (excluding Drake, fire DoT hurts). Damn hyper babies >.>

    (checks my achievements, notes going from 40 to 70 in 3 days, leaves thread) D:
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I tanked Wyvern in BH51 on both my archer and my sin. On the two toughest bosses to tank in 51, BM's do fine provided they get heals. Hell, they even can sit there and phys marrow and do fine as long as they keep aggro. While that certainly reeks of failure on a cleric's end, my experience is BH squads tend to be more skilled today than yesterday. The fails always stand out more while the smooth runs tend to be forgotten.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Im guessing he just lied because he didn't need Wyvern for BH and didn't feel like helping with it. Its not even possible to wipe at Wyvervn with a 9X party unless you're a complete tool. But the barb missed the fact that you guys done Wyvern before with a lower lvl party, so the stuff he said just made him look like a noob. Thats probably why he suddenly hurt his ankle and had to leave, didnt wanna stay for all bosses.

    Barbs often exaggerate how hard bosses are just to get out of tanking >_>
  • Ao_Ren - Lost City
    Ao_Ren - Lost City Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I had a similar but completely opposite thing happen (just keep reading), I was running my FB...69? 79? One of them, all we had was several -int sins and a -int BM, everyone thought we couldn't tank the boss (hell I didn't even know, I haven't run the instance in ages), we took the boss down in seconds and everyone just continued on and didn't say a word, I even asked and everyone was just completely silent lol, most funny instance run ever cause even while everyone, including the BM said that we'd all die, the BM was actually running up and luring the boss and we were still saying we'd die even when we were fighting it... (Guildies, gotta love 'em.)
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Poorly geared players I guess would make it possible for people to fail, or just mistakes mounted on another mistake. ;/

    That or maybe he was thinking of polearm in 69 instead. =x I don't know. (which I tanked polearm at 5k hp, at lvl 86ish on my bm) (after looking at the picture that doesn't seem to be the case. ;/ =x

    At that level someone in the squad should have seen that their was something they were doing wrong, I have seen 8x archers tank wyvern with the right cleric healing them. Nevermind seeing tank type barbs do it while they were half asleep/drunk. =x (knowledge is power, wyvern is the first bh boss, that has a real bad curse that might make the tank need to be purified every once in a while.) One other thing I notice with a lot of bhs is that very few clerics/tanks seem to know that if the tank doesn't turn wyvern, the cleric with maxed ranged ironheart can stay out of wyvern's aoe.... or at least they could when I last healed on my cleric which was like 8 months ago. =x lol

    Either way I would suggest avoiding squading with him again as the sole tank if at all possible. (I know actual tank barbs are hard to come by, but sometimes if they don't know how to play their character/adapt to bosses and tank/kill a boss like they should, then well... yea avoiding them might be the best thing to do.)
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Guh, I really hate those silent runs.

    But yeah - a good BM can tank pole with a single cleric. Surprised the heck out of me, and out of a couple of clerics theat they were willing to try it, and that it worked.

    Wyvern is a pretty hard boss for its level. But yeah, 80 should be plenty high enough. I'd not like to be pet-tanking itin the 60s though.
  • Dakuken - Dreamweaver
    Dakuken - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Im guessing he just lied because he didn't need Wyvern for BH and didn't feel like helping with it. Its not even possible to wipe at Wyvervn with a 9X party unless you're a complete tool. But the barb missed the fact that you guys done Wyvern before with a lower lvl party, so the stuff he said just made him look like a noob. Thats probably why he suddenly hurt his ankle and had to leave, didnt wanna stay for all bosses.

    Barbs often exaggerate how hard bosses are just to get out of tanking >_>

    They also exaggerate repair costs.. which is why I'm glad I can tank most instances if needed, just because I hate hearing "My repair bill will but super duper high! My charm ticks too much!" or whatever other lame excuse they have. Bugs the hell out of me...

    Also, Gwen, I heard that Zanryu guy is pretty friendly if you give him teles :P
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Nothing to do with gear or level.

    I was tanking Wyvern from 60 on my barb in BH's with (no joke at all) a claw build barb with base vit of 5... in quest reward and NPC gear...with lv50 quest axes. Very easy boss. Turn the boss around to avoid frontal aoe's on the squad and cleric either BB's or IH + puri with ranged DD.

    Barbs have it a lot easier than BM's, especially with a BM in squad, because they can stack aura+tiger form+vanguard along with both of their HP buffs and have invoke handy if the **** ever hits the fan.

    Only reason a good barb should ever die on a bh boss is a poor cleric.
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Turn the boss around to avoid frontal aoe's on the squad and cleric either BB's or IH + puri with ranged DD.

    Nope - it will shoot behind as well. It's the same range aoe as farren though - casters should be able to stand outside of it.

    Having a cleric makes it pretty easy though, you're right about that :)
  • WraithTanker - Sanctuary
    WraithTanker - Sanctuary Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hi guys,

    I had the strangest BH run for a few months and I decided to share it with you.

    We've formed a BH squad, then got into the cave and found out that one of the guys still has a tab for Wyvern. Then the tank, level 64, told him to find a better squad because we wont be able to kill Wyvern. When I saw this I was like 'huh?!wtf?', I asked him what makes him think that we wont be able to kill it and then I got that answer :
    He is saying that he had a lot of 80+ chars and they failed to kill Wyvern with them b:shocked
    I told him that my BM was able to tank Wyvern with only one cleric, around lvl 63-64 my BM had around 3 K hp and 4 K phys defence, and he still didn't believe me that we will be able to kill it.
    Just a screen shot I keep from lvl 61 of my BM :
    Yes, I`m tanking.

    A few minutes later he left the squad, saying that his wrists are broken, and we were forced to look for a tank in the middle of the instance.

    So my question is plain and simple : How come a player that ran with so many high lvl chars, which is speaking that they MUST be experienced, thinks that we can't kill Wyvern ? I spoke with a friend about it and he thinks that this might be a consequence of the hyper exp stones. I am on the same opinion because this is saying that obviously some people don't know how to play their chars. Your opinions ?

    I find people like that on my veno alt all the time. This is what I do

    Any level 11 skills( dont say sage or demon say level 11)
    Do you have TT99 (if he says all ask for the set bonus)
    Are you 5 aps? (if no ask what their aps.)
    What was your bh?

    and other questions till i know he is real
  • Aeternus - Raging Tide
    Aeternus - Raging Tide Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    GrimReaper tricked this poor cleric into having butt smexb:cry


    Uploaded with
  • Torsay - Sanctuary
    Torsay - Sanctuary Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I as a cleric can tank wyvern and heal/purify myself while rezzing the lowbies around that are wondering why I just dont BB.

    That guy has no idea what is a level 8x barb able to tank.

    EDIT: could be that their cleric didnt know purify
  • Keliska - Raging Tide
    Keliska - Raging Tide Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    o.o -.-;

    lvl 65 All skills BM with default Vit can tank Wyv. A fail Cleric uses BB and not IH with Purify when needed. I have seen some pull this off tho.

    If you are barb tanking use flesh ream as often as you can and beast ... (um the cancel channeling attack) every 5 of Wyv's attacks.

    Why cancel then? The debuff and AoE attack happens every 5 attacks. :P
    Venomancers/Clerics rock![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

    Alt main: Traydor_Styx - RT - 96
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    a lvl 8x-9x party getting wiped by wyvern and able to beat it by getting a lvl 99 sin?

    LOOOOOOOOOOOLOLOLOL~! is this dude high or is he a complete tard? what a good joke and pro troll.

    any decent lvl 6x non squishy player can tank wyvern.
  • Katzyn - Sanctuary
    Katzyn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,270 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    EDIT: could be that their cleric didnt know purify

    Yeah, could be...lord knows how many times I've heard facmates saying their cleric didn't know about using purify in bh 69, so...

    Still...kind of sad. Needing really high level players to complete such a low bh...I know Wyv is a PITA, but wow...

    Also, rofl at the screenie on the last page. XD
    Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
    Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
    ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
    Proud wifeh of Yudai <3
    ~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    GrimReaper tricked this poor cleric into having butt smexb:cry


    Uploaded with

    Ahh, that guy is gonna be scarred for life D:
    Haha, kidding :)

    But for real, I laughed reading how the barb said "yeah maybe with 6 clerics" XD
    Wyvern was easy for me even when I was a lowbie doing that BH. Clerics should know to stay out of the aoe range, since it obviously hits hard.
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • Yishuin - Sanctuary
    Yishuin - Sanctuary Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    k so quick reply of the actual situation :

    1/ beginners rely too much on high lvl squad to do the job a regular squad could do = beginners don't learn experience = big noob when they finally reach high lvl

    2/ a lot of high lvl now are high because of hyperxp : grind on hyperxp, fcc on hyperxp. I don't call that experience.

    3/ its a dead end. Almost all the ancient players with real experience of the game quit cause of : packs, hyperxp, others things.

    4/ so almost all end game players are end game thanks to hyperxp, packs. To say it shortly : cash shop. Well all of us don't need to be smart to understand that credit card doesn't give you IG experience.

    Conclusion : game is screwed and the vicious circle will be hard to stop.

    P.S. : this thread is not a flame thread about PWE politic about packs and hyperxp. Its just the actual state of the game we can all see now.
  • grimreaperhc
    grimreaperhc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    GrimReaper tricked this poor cleric into having butt smexb:cry


    Oh my b:shocked What is this guy doing with the poor cleric ?! :O
    OH WAIT .... I can explain it! ... actually I can't lol xD
    By the way, here's another from a better angle :
    Yea, posted from the guy in front of me lol ... it was fun, my faction members were like "OMG WTF GRIM?!!?!'' when they came in xD

    So, thanks everybody for the replies. About the purify - will you believe me if I tell you that I've seen only 4 or 5 clerics actually purifying at Wyvern ? >.>

    Yishuin, I`m agreed with you on some of the points, but the game is not screwed. People are **** themselves with the use of hyper exp stones. You will never believe me how many WC messages saying 'DONT FC WITH XXXXX BECAUSE HE'S A NOOB' I've seen ... actually I`m sure you have some idea, I doubt that this is happening only on Dreamweaver. The trick is to play your char until at least lvl 70 ( at least for me this is a level at which you should have enough experience, not in instances like FC of course, but still you should know what to do, where and when to do it, it's almost the same at all instances, isn't it ? ) and then you can hyper if you want to.
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Guessing the guy was talking out of his backside to get out of tanking.

    That level 5x barb should manned up and done it just to prove him wrong. Certainly not that hard so long as your cleric knows what button purify is on.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Kataguruma - Harshlands
    Kataguruma - Harshlands Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Lol Grimm, the guy speeks like my GF's mother! She just doesnt believe anything even when we show her!!!
  • Mendolin - Sanctuary
    Mendolin - Sanctuary Posts: 1,092 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    why make a thread about this? so you can humiliate the guy even more?

    back in feb of 2009... i was a nub too- i had to kill chin in shattered jade shore and some high level cleric came to kill it for me if i healed him, back then... i never used IH.. i used purehearted and of course he died, that high level taught me about the heals and i paid attention and thought i was an idiot

    this was my first mmo... i knew nothing about gaming and now... i am one of the best on my server, i can solo heal for harpy wraith for example

    back then people were willing to help each other, make each other feel comfortable with nto knowing things sometimes and now we make threads calling each other hyper noobs? we have no one to blame but ourselves... kinda dissapointed in this thread
  • Kataguruma - Harshlands
    Kataguruma - Harshlands Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Oh my b:shocked What is this guy doing with the poor cleric ?! :O
    OH WAIT .... I can explain it! ... actually I can't lol xD
    By the way, here's another from a better angle :
    Yea, posted from the guy in front of me lol ... it was fun, my faction members were like "OMG WTF GRIM?!!?!'' when they came in xD

    So, thanks everybody for the replies. About the purify - will you believe me if I tell you that I've seen only 4 or 5 clerics actually purifying at Wyvern ? >.>

    Yishuin, I`m agreed with you on some of the points, but the game is not screwed. People are **** themselves with the use of hyper exp stones. You will never believe me how many WC messages saying 'DONT FC WITH XXXXX BECAUSE HE'S A NOOB' I've seen ... actually I`m sure you have some idea, I doubt that this is happening only on Dreamweaver. The trick is to play your char until at least lvl 70 ( at least for me this is a level at which you should have enough experience, not in instances like FC of course, but still you should know what to do, where and when to do it, it's almost the same at all instances, isn't it ? ) and then you can hyper if you want to.

    HAppens a lot with some classes! Noob tank, fail sins and cleric damage dealing instead of healing happens a lot these days XD
  • grimreaperhc
    grimreaperhc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    why make a thread about this? so you can humiliate the guy even more?

    back in feb of 2009... i was a nub too- i had to kill chin in shattered jade shore and some high level cleric came to kill it for me if i healed him, back then... i never used IH.. i used purehearted and of course he died, that high level taught me about the heals and i paid attention and thought i was an idiot

    this was my first mmo... i knew nothing about gaming and now... i am one of the best on my server, i can solo heal for harpy wraith for example

    back then people were willing to help each other, make each other feel comfortable with nto knowing things sometimes and now we make threads calling each other hyper noobs? we have no one to blame but ourselves... kinda dissapointed in this thread

    I`m sorry, but I don't see how exactly am I humiliating him in case all the names are removed ?

    I understand to be noobish in the beginning of 2009, but now with all the high lvls and guides around ?

    I've also been receiving tips from higher levels, and I keep on receiving such, and also been giving tips to lower levels, I think that you're not right about 'back then when people were willing to help each other', there are still people who are helping each other.

    I guess everybody so far was right that the guy was just trying to avoid tanking.

    Thanks for the replies.

    Edit : Sorry this reply sounded really harsh. Don't mean to offend you in any way.
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    All I can say is this:

    "Welcome to the new generation of Perfect World International Players."
This discussion has been closed.