


  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hmmm, interesting. Didn't think you would get a thread without my 2 cents, did you?

    On Zhadi. I don't believe you are deleting your account, and noone else really does either. But, the best way to be proven wrong is to never log back on. In which case we win anyway.

    Brilliant, no?

    On Elusive's bid There were a dozen reasons for bidding where we did. I didn't make the decision, of course. As I've said many times, I'm a follower not a leader. But it made sense to me in alot of ways.

    First, Darkside and Nemesis were having some fun TW up around 1k, and I thought it would be interesting to see how that came out. I totally figured Darkside was going to lose one week and I was flat out wrong. Crashing that party didn't seem to be in the interests of the server.

    Second, I always said that I didn't think the server was big enough to split into 4 or 5 competitive TW factions, so some consolidation will have to happen. Darkside/Nemesis duking it out on one end, and us on the other seemed to me to be a good way of consolidating some of the factions and recreating a bit of the Narla/Impulse - North/South rivalry that many of us remember as being so fun.

    Third, yes, oh yes, it did give some personal satisfaction, call it a grudge if you want, to make Ascend go through Elusive to get anywhere. But it also would have provided us with a fairly certain 2 TW's every week: us attacking north and defending from Ascend.

    Fourth, for the apoth. There are no detection pots available on the server for the most part, so we want that apoth. See, the majority of us in Elusive actually pk, so those pots may mean more to us than others. Fine. But don't overlook that as a reason to bid where we did. Ironguards were coming out of Darkside in catshops all around Arch. We didn't need 1k.

    On people leaving Elusive due to "boredom" I didn't leave anywhere because I was bored - well, narla a long time ago, but thats another matter entirely. Proski ASKED me if I wanted to go to Darkside to TW. And I don't need a formal invitation to go help my buddy Bdoomed if Elusive doesn't need me. So to paint this as Proski losing members because he didn't know what he was doing is just you all showing your ignorance. He didn't lose anyone. In fact, the reason I still follow Proski around for now IS because, of all the people on the server, he DOES seem to play - not for ego, not to conquerer the map, not to have the best gear, not to start drama, blah, blah, blah - but to find a new way to have fun and keep the game fresh and interesting.

    Shifting between factions to help adjust the power on the server a little to avoid the "big red" syndrome that has plagued our server and nearly every other seems to me to be the right thing to do. And I think more should do it.

    On Zulusive Yes, this is for fun. Since Ascend is no more, I suppose we need to move to try to make sure we have 2 tws every week, if not more. Again, nothing wrong with this. In fact, other factions have done it before us without nearly this much hoopla, as I am sure Zhadi and Co. probably recall.

    On a final note: I am not at all that certain which factions on the server Zulu/Elu-sive can or will beat. But I don't need to in order to figure out where makes a good or bad place on the map, etc, etc, etc.

    I don't TW to win.

    I TW for fun.

    Win, lose or draw.

    I know everyone SAYS that, but then they win and strut, peacock and preen over it, regardless of whether or not it was an even match.

    P.S.- Oh, hows that ubiquitous and fun pk, Agent and Ara? Haven't seen you around lately, like I knew I wouldn't b:chuckle What's 'amatter, too many barbs, bms and sins? Too many people ganking you? Or just not enough robes for you to gank?

    I love it when history proves me right, don't you all?
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Tivas - Archosaur
    Tivas - Archosaur Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Jesus , thank you Riah for trusting me im out....b:bye
  • AgentPotato - Archosaur
    AgentPotato - Archosaur Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Looks like Santa Claus isn't all that busy yet...

  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    you disband your faction rather then try and take land from waiheke and Phoenix to get to nemesis seems stupid and wasted from that point of view .___. you have no idea if TW vs them would be fun or not i wanna try and go up against waiheke they look like a good untouched faction. and no one told you guys to bid there in the first place. Looking at all this i have to think Uphiri is right you thought with your ego and went after acsend to harassed them and because they disbanned before you could prove anything you got bored and rather then "slowpoking" your way you migrate to a new faction.

    Well then look forward to you bid next week Elusive

    Actually, my barb is in Waiheke this week, to help em with TWs for weekend. I`m not the only one of Elusive who went there to have fun, with both sides knowing it`s only 1 week thing, then we`ll be off. But point being, I can tell you pretty much exactly what waiheke could throw against Elusive, it wouldn`t be much of a fight and Nix, well had long TW against Waiheke, won but not that much stronger. With members of Elusive on waiheke this week, it`ll be interesting to see if we can turn the tables so to say if not, at least it`ll be more fun for everybody. I doubt any other leader would be supportive with that sort of idea, bringing more fun to everyone participating cause frankly, we joined the underdog.

    All about egos hurt/grudge/etc. I ask you, is there ever absolutely pure act of anything? You can try to find it anywhere, there is not I tell you, there is always something to taint it. So we can only talk about the major reasons behind the actions, would you think we`d "lock ourselves" on the map for silly grudge when Proski doesn`t care what drama happened hour ago. Was it Elusive who was behind the fake bid on Waiheke 2 weeks back? I think not, logic dictates that the butthurt are on different direction.

    I`m still wondering what is the higher goal for slowpoking trough map? We are not about the map control, we are about fun, we got the stealth apos we needed, what more is there to get? Mirages? Some fame owning those territories? Might be but heck, I dont really care, it`s more of the way of thinking of somebody who is "about promoting competetive TWs" and yet actions speak highly against him. I wont back down from comment but I ask you, for your own sake, dont make me explain myself, truth can be rather ugly.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hmmm, interesting. Didn't think you would get a thread without my 2 cents, did you?

    On Zhadi. I don't believe you are deleting your account, and noone else really does either. But, the best way to be proven wrong is to never log back on. In which case we win anyway.

    Brilliant, no?

    I didn't delete him. I was going to. Friends told me it would be stupid to just delete something I worked so hard on. And they're right. I was just very upset at PWE in general when I started deleting Zhadi. There were still 3 days left to delete and I cancelled. I logged on last night to see if I'd find anybody PK'ing at west. Thought I'd have some fun, but I saw nothing. Anyway....

    Congratulations, BLOOD... you won.. o.O I didn't delete.
    Want a cookie? Maybe a Boom-A-Ring?
    P.S.- Oh, hows that ubiquitous and fun pk, Agent and Ara? Haven't seen you around lately, like I knew I wouldn't b:chuckle What's 'amatter, too many barbs, bms and sins? Too many people ganking you? Or just not enough robes for you to gank?

    I love it when history proves me right, don't you all?

    Agent and Ara never said it to you, because you're not important to them tbh. But they did tell me and they did write on Ascend's Forums that they are quitting the game. They only occasionally log on out of boredom, and to TW with Immunity.

    So much for just "defending yourself". Lol, once again you come on forums when nobody calls for you just to be yet another snore with your illogical arguments that are only backed up with your own egotistical belief that you're highly intellectual and we're all just a bunch of ignorant kids b:sleep
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    What is wrong with this server???

    Proski and zhadi trash talk to each other????

    We were all elusive now they look like they wanna kill each other???

    I dont understand nothing........

    Zhadi gonna delete his archer after spend 1000000dollars on it???

    Wtf is going on can somebody explain to me?????

    Ps: fufu b:dirty

    Just because two people were friends once doesn't mean they will always be friends.
    There are personal reasons behind that which I refuse to talk about anymore. It's really stupid and not worth mentioning. He has his side, I have mine. Nobody will agree. So let's just learn to disagree.

    I WAS going to delete it, but got asked by a few close friends not to delete it. Anyway, the reason I WAS going to delete it was for THAT exact reason. I was very upset that I spent so much on my rank 8 and I worked my *** off for it... and suddenly, it's worth nothing. I can just as easily spend 70 dollars now for rank 8 on another LA class and transfer the gear I already did have... and voila: I have another character just as good as Zhadi without ever having to spend a fraction of what I did before. Hell, even rank 9 costs less than what I spent for rank 8.

    It's a shame how PWE's greed has destroyed this game. Not only is it difficult to make money ingame, there is no such thing as money runs for Nirvana, TT, Lunar, etc., but they screwed the heavy cash shopping community who had already spent money for rank 8. Now, all there's left to do is is spend more money to get rank 9. I was so happy with my build. Just needed to nirvana my leggings and I was completely done (I even had the Uncannies, I was just waiting for some stupid sales to go away so I could buy Chienkungs to transfer sockets with ingame coins... but AH gold is 900k-1mil, yet another reason why non-cash shoppers can't get anywhere... Now my hard work and Cash Shopping.. It's worth 70 dollars to everybody else. It really is quite a shame to see a rank 8 wizard world chatting, and asking where they can get their Rank 8 Boots and Necklace. Same when you go on runs with people 90+ who are oblivious as to what some of their skills are called.

    Anyway, let me break it down for you all:
    Chest: Rank
    Legs: Rank
    Weapon: Rank
    Feet + Wrists (For TB): Rank
    Necklace: Packs
    Belt: Packs
    Cape: Packs
    Rings: Packs and/or Rank
    Helmet: Packs

    But Zhadi, there are people who want TT99 ornaments for the interval.
    Yay? And how much will you make out of that?
    Not everybody Cash Shops, Zhadi, so not everybody gets those.
    So you plan to get money out of those people who don't cash shop? How? How will they have money?
    Zhadi, some people still want Nirvana.
    Good luck on this server. Even before this, it was difficult getting Nirvanas ran because there aren't enough people. I'm not gonna bash you Mizandry, this is just an example: I remember a while back when Mizandry was getting her Nirvana stuff she opened God knows how many packs so she could get Rapture/Uncanny chests because there JUST wasn't any for sale.

    Key (for the impaired aka BLOODMYSTIC):
    People's Arguments
    Zhadi's Argument

    Anyway, Tivas, ^ those are just a few of the reasons that I left the game.
    Who knows, maybe I'll return again some day but I'm never spending a single dollar to charge again. Thx PWE.
  • Uphiri - Archosaur
    Uphiri - Archosaur Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    you disband your faction rather then try and take land from waiheke and Phoenix to get to nemesis seems stupid and wasted from that point of view .___. you have no idea if TW vs them would be fun or not i wanna try and go up against waiheke they look like a good untouched faction. and no one told you guys to bid there in the first place. Looking at all this i have to think Uphiri is right you thought with your ego and went after acsend to harassed them and because they disbanned before you could prove anything you got bored and rather then "slowpoking" your way you migrate to a new faction.

    Well then look forward to you bid next week Elusive

    yay finally a post that doesnt see things so blindly but then again ur not in elusive or zulusive or whatever the hell they choose to call themselves now. btw just wanted to say that the whole zulusive thing with the blue and black characters is very creative i had never seen anything like it before. oh and thx wnbperson for not replying to my question just shows you were wrong but ur too stubborn to admit it. u got trolled buddy.
  • BigFIuffy - Archosaur
    BigFIuffy - Archosaur Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    i don't understand why this is a thread. I might not be pro troll and write 1 page on why im right, but if you don't like how elusive runs things go to nemesis. Ill cya in tw. b:bye
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I think not, logic dictates that the butthurt are on different direction.

    Now THIS, I love. I couldn't have said it better myself.
    I was just very upset at PWE in general when I started deleting Zhadi.

    Why? Because you paid money for something out of the cash shop that is now cheaper? Join the club. My weapon is a damn paperweight now, you don't see me qq'ing about it or rq'ing.

    But then again, I don't have an ego problem that keeps me from playing a game if I'm not the best.

    Nobody wanted you to quit the game, zhadi. They wanted you to quit being a ****.
    But they did tell me and they did write on Ascend's Forums that they are quitting the game. They only occasionally log on out of boredom, and to TW with Immunity.

    What? But why? Boredom? To hear them tell it, there was all kind of fun pk going on without me. Just loads of it.

    You guys just make this too easy.

    So much for just "defending yourself". Lol, once again you come on forums when nobody calls for you just to be yet another snore with your illogical arguments that are only backed up with your own egotistical belief that you're highly intellectual and we're all just a bunch of ignorant kids b:sleep

    I never said I don't give my opinions, limp brain. I said I don't trash talk in pk unless someone else starts. And I don't.

    But I will ALWAYS correct someones falsehoods on these forums or otherwise when I see them. Its a pet peeve of mine. Liars in general, and people who believe their own lies in particular. I don't need anyone to call for me to do that, and have never pretended that I did.

    And if me pointing out the lies and deception and delusion you spout, and it makes you feel childish and ignorant, well I doubt that's as much my doing as yours.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Why? Because you paid money for something out of the cash shop that is now cheaper? Join the club. My weapon is a damn paperweight now, you don't see me qq'ing about it or rq'ing.

    But then again, I don't have an ego problem that keeps me from playing a game if I'm not the best.

    1. You're comparing your TT99 weapon to my rank 8. Mine cost me thousands.. yours cost you hundreds. Mine now costs under 100 dllrs. Yours... still costs hundreds.
    2. I didn't JUST quit for that reason, you either:
    a) are simply too old and need spectacles cuz you didn't read ANY of post number 37,
    b) have problem reading, and i dont mean that because of the lack of vision, maybe
    you're just not a good reader,
    Key (for the impaired aka BLOODMYSTIC):
    People's Arguments
    Zhadi's Argument
    Maybe I should start doing this more often and thoroughly so that there's no problem for you to understand.. then again.. you'll skip right through it and continue with ur assumptions.
    c) you don't have anything else to argue against me so you just have to find a way to
    go back to calling me arrogant.
    Nobody wanted you to quit the game, zhadi. They wanted you to quit being a ****.

    QQ, did I hurt your feelings, BLOOD?
    What? But why? Boredom? To hear them tell it, there was all kind of fun pk going on without me. Just loads of it.

    You guys just make this too easy.


    It was fun at times, yes. But unlike you, we have our own reasons for playing. We are not all alike, BLOOD, and you need to stop making that sad assumption. We play for our friends. Trash talk that all you want, it doesn't matter.

    I never said I don't give my opinions, limp brain. I said I don't trash talk in pk unless someone else starts. And I don't.

    Funny how your statements change daily just so you don't get proven wrong.
    But I will ALWAYS correct someones falsehoods on these forums or otherwise when I see them. Its a pet peeve of mine. Liars in general, and people who believe their own lies in particular. I don't need anyone to call for me to do that, and have never pretended that I did.

    YOU talking about people beliving their own delusions and lies is like cutting down a tree and proceding to stand on the stump as you give a speech about conservation. This whole thing is getting old now. I forgot how you're the know-everything on the server. I should ask you for your opinion and advise next time I think about quitting a game. You're the only one who knows how to make a just and sound decision. Everybody else is stupid.
    And if me pointing out the lies and deception and delusion you spout, and it makes you feel childish and ignorant, well I doubt that's as much my doing as yours.

    You give yourself too much credit.
    IDGAF what you claim to point out. Everything you say is stupid in my personal opinion and that's why it's so fun to argue with you. Just want to see what your next argument will be to give me a good laugh.
  • Tivas - Archosaur
    Tivas - Archosaur Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Just because two people were friends once doesn't mean they will always be friends.
    There are personal reasons behind that which I refuse to talk about anymore. It's really stupid and not worth mentioning. He has his side, I have mine. Nobody will agree. So let's just learn to disagree.

    I WAS going to delete it, but got asked by a few close friends not to delete it. Anyway, the reason I WAS going to delete it was for THAT exact reason. I was very upset that I spent so much on my rank 8 and I worked my *** off for it... and suddenly, it's worth nothing. I can just as easily spend 70 dollars now for rank 8 on another LA class and transfer the gear I already did have... and voila: I have another character just as good as Zhadi without ever having to spend a fraction of what I did before. Hell, even rank 9 costs less than what I spent for rank 8.

    It's a shame how PWE's greed has destroyed this game. Not only is it difficult to make money ingame, there is no such thing as money runs for Nirvana, TT, Lunar, etc., but they screwed the heavy cash shopping community who had already spent money for rank 8. Now, all there's left to do is is spend more money to get rank 9. I was so happy with my build. Just needed to nirvana my leggings and I was completely done (I even had the Uncannies, I was just waiting for some stupid sales to go away so I could buy Chienkungs to transfer sockets with ingame coins... but AH gold is 900k-1mil, yet another reason why non-cash shoppers can't get anywhere... Now my hard work and Cash Shopping.. It's worth 70 dollars to everybody else. It really is quite a shame to see a rank 8 wizard world chatting, and asking where they can get their Rank 8 Boots and Necklace. Same when you go on runs with people 90+ who are oblivious as to what some of their skills are called.

    Anyway, let me break it down for you all:
    Chest: Rank
    Legs: Rank
    Weapon: Rank
    Feet + Wrists (For TB): Rank
    Necklace: Packs
    Belt: Packs
    Cape: Packs
    Rings: Packs and/or Rank
    Helmet: Packs

    But Zhadi, there are people who want TT99 ornaments for the interval.
    Yay? And how much will you make out of that?
    Not everybody Cash Shops, Zhadi, so not everybody gets those.
    So you plan to get money out of those people who don't cash shop? How? How will they have money?
    Zhadi, some people still want Nirvana.
    Good luck on this server. Even before this, it was difficult getting Nirvanas ran because there aren't enough people. I'm not gonna bash you Mizandry, this is just an example: I remember a while back when Mizandry was getting her Nirvana stuff she opened God knows how many packs so she could get Rapture/Uncanny chests because there JUST wasn't any for sale.

    Key (for the impaired aka BLOODMYSTIC):
    People's Arguments
    Zhadi's Argument

    Anyway, Tivas, ^ those are just a few of the reasons that I left the game.
    Who knows, maybe I'll return again some day but I'm never spending a single dollar to charge again. Thx PWE.

    I told you back then to go to LC or HL and reroll when i saw that u add 4 vit stones on your gear.....

    I got rank 8 on my sin.

    TT99 boots and feet and lionheart belt/neck for less than 60mil and i didnt farn nothing no even the chests mats wich worth 5k each...

    About rank yes zhadi kinda sucked for you but then again since u like to be power geared, try rank 9 bow now.....

    But then again waht for this server is empty..... you werent the only one who got fked i was too i spend a lot of money too for nothing here.....
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    yay finally a post that doesnt see things so blindly but then again ur not in elusive or zulusive or whatever the hell they choose to call themselves now. btw just wanted to say that the whole zulusive thing with the blue and black characters is very creative i had never seen anything like it before. oh and thx wnbperson for not replying to my question just shows you were wrong but ur too stubborn to admit it. u got trolled buddy.

    Actually, there was no question on your reply, though I admit, I cant bother reading what you write too closely. I really cannot understand your arguments, you got none or they are just absurd, I rather not waste my time thinking million and 1 different scenarios where your input might have any value as I`m yet to find one. We all play for our own reasons, all do things for our own reasons, I myself cannot speak for Proski so I couldn`t confirm anything you said about his motives, that my friend would be absurd.

    I actually wonder how rolling Ascend is related to Proski`s statements, in any way? Yeah, he made misjudgement for assuming Ascend could provide proper TWs being blocked there, leaving them only option to attack us, they chose to disband. And yet I find those stealth apos worth the trouble we saw getting em. Proski is about fun TWs but frankly, Elusive or Zulusive these days does PK a lot, sin apos do make that more appealing, which might bring more fun to everybody. I myself frankly dont care do we kill ppl in TW or open PK, what`s the difference anyways?

    Could you actually provide anything relevant into your butthurt QQ or let`S call it trolling, to keep you "winning the argument". I stated, there is no such thing as pure act of anything, when stating that something didn`t affect the decision, it`s ment to say it`s irrelevant compared to the real reasons. Anybody who expect it to mean anything more just lacks brains of a normal human being. I still challenge you to name 1 act that is pure act of something, if that is impossible to you, why shouldnt we just ignore you and your useless input? As you seem to be arguing against the scenario I stated, would you be able to find none, what would that make you look like? Just think about it.

    Nobody has yet told me what is the higher purpose of slowpoking trough map, when the first interesting TW could be expected over a month into future. Mirages, fame, free teleports. Apos we wanted, we already got, state me one solid reason why shouldnt we just jump where we want to. Name even a one. Does the lack of those reasons make you right of making a bad choice in the start to get there on a map? No, there are several valid reasons why it was good decision to to do what we did.

    Ps. If you wont be replying anything even halfway decent argument, I`ll be just scrolling over your posts. Would I want misguided opinions with no real arguments, I`d go visit kindergarden, at least kids are cute.

    Edit: About the author of the thread, having somebody make off topic comment and get responses for it, yeah, he was totally baited there, lol.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • King_Gabriel - Archosaur
    King_Gabriel - Archosaur Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    daum.. you guys PK here too ? o.o b:chuckle .. im not here to invovle in any conversation or anything lol i just wanna say chill guys b:pleased
  • Tamias - Archosaur
    Tamias - Archosaur Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    /Proski hey guarantee me that Zulusive can beat Nem and I'll dump my upcoming R9 Mystic in there.

    ...b:shocked sht wc.
    The Dealer at your service b:cute
  • Anri_Rose - Archosaur
    Anri_Rose - Archosaur Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hey guys feeling lazy right now , anyone wanna give me the gist of this thread or tell me if its worth a read :)
    BTW Miss you guys b:cute
    Where have all the mages gone. Long time casting.
    Who altered my siggy im
    kinda scared b:shocked
  • GenericBrand - Archosaur
    GenericBrand - Archosaur Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The point of this thread? Of course it's to discuss why there are so many fail BH19 squads on this server.

    Wasn't it obvious in the first post? b:scorn
  • Kirkitsune - Archosaur
    Kirkitsune - Archosaur Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The point of this thread? Of course it's to discuss why there are so many fail BH19 squads on this server.

    Wasn't it obvious in the first post? b:scorn

    go back to farming, genny
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Nevuhmind Girlfriend, it aint worth breakin a nail over
  • GenericBrand - Archosaur
    GenericBrand - Archosaur Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    go back to farming, genny
    But there's maintenance D; surely I can take a break for that.

    Actually, nevermind. More sales = more farming. No break for me... ever? b:cry
  • Anthemyra - Archosaur
    Anthemyra - Archosaur Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    b:shocked OMG! u still talk about this?

  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You're comparing your TT99 weapon to my rank 8. Mine cost me thousands.. yours cost you hundreds. Mine now costs under 100 dllrs. Yours... still costs hundreds.

    tt90 soul edge - 13m
    gold mats
    illusion springs--16m
    icebourn stones-72m
    over 298m coin

    at 400k gold, thats what, $745? Just for weapon?

    And don't get me started about the 4 sockets and gems in my TT90 pants.

    And your weapon is just cheaper now, not obsolete. And you have the chest, legs, and ring, and half the rep for Rank 9

    A Rank 8 wizard weapon UNREFINED and UNSHARDED has more mattk than my weapon.

    So again, you still have what for all intents and purposes is the best archer weapon in the game, with armor, and ring, and rep. I have a paperweight.

    Sure, people that are willing to spend $1500 in game NOW will have better gear. But you had better gear 6 months ago by spending that THEN. And people that are willing to pay $1500 6 months from now will undoubtedly have better gear in the future. Its the nature of the game.

    2. I didn't JUST quit for that reason, you either:
    a) are simply too old and need spectacles cuz you didn't read ANY of post number 37,
    b) have problem reading, and i dont mean that because of the lack of vision, maybe
    you're just not a good reader,

    Maybe I should start doing this more often and thoroughly so that there's no problem for you to understand.. then again.. you'll skip right through it and continue with ur assumptions.
    c) you don't have anything else to argue against me so you just have to find a way to
    go back to calling me arrogant.

    I saw all your contrived excuses. I just don't believe them. Neither does anyone else.
    QQ, did I hurt your feelings, BLOOD?

    I'm a miserable geriatric, remember? I have no feelings.
    It was fun at times, yes. But unlike you, we have our own reasons for playing.

    Yes, I have other people's reasons for playing b:lipcurl

    Anyone else able to follow this?
    We are not all alike, BLOOD

    Sadly, yes, yes you are.
    Funny how your statements change daily just so you don't get proven wrong.

    Um, I'm nothing if not incredibly and annoyingly consistent.

    Speaking of statements changing, I wonder how long until you and Agent join Nemesis and become mango's buddies . . . .

    Statements changing indeed. Just remember: you heard it here first folks . . . .
    YOU talking about people beliving their own delusions and lies is like cutting down a tree and proceding to stand on the stump as you give a speech about conservation.

    Oh yeah? Well, talking to you is like, er, like walking up a hill only to find out there is a tree up there, with a rainbow, and a leprechaun laughing and singing a song that sounds like something that you might remember but can't, and then realizing that your really sleeping but your mom forgot to wake you up for school and you have no clean underwear and . . . .

    THAT'S what its like talking with you.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    tt90 soul edge - 13m
    gold mats
    illusion springs--16m
    icebourn stones-72m
    over 298m coin

    at 400k gold, thats what, $745? Just for weapon?

    And don't get me started about the 4 sockets and gems in my TT90 pants.

    You wanna talk money?
    My total value for rank 8 (yes, I kept track of the ingame coins spent on it): 723mil
    +10: I don't remember. Don't feel like doing the math. A lot, though.
    Garnet Gems: 30mil'ish +2mil from sharding.
    12 Vit Stones: 17mil each. 204mil. Sharding them into the gear... another 12mil.
    4 socketing cape(original 3 sockets), wrists(original 2 sockets), legs(original 2 sockets), feet(original 2 sockets): cape 22mil. wrists 28.6mil. feet 28.6mil. legs 28.6mil. < and i dont even use those leggings. I use the rank ones. I was gonna wait for a chienkung stone sale or for gold to go down before Nirvana'ing those TT99 and transferring 4 sockets but gold never fell down when it was 800k. In fact, it went up more.
    Citrine Gems on rank top: 12mil Each 48mil.
    Point is... Sure... I'm not the most undergeared... but that's cuz I paid for it.. What I paid for most, though, was the rank 8, and that is what's worth nothing now. That was the last straw, I've had plenty of reasons for a while for wanting to quit. I'm not asking you to agree with my reasons, I'm just stating I had reasons. Not excuses.
    And your weapon is just cheaper now, not obsolete. And you have the chest, legs, and ring, and half the rep for Rank 9

    For me it wasn't about being the best, tbh aesthetic value > power value for me ingame. I got rank 8 cuz not many people had it. And now everybody does. I got a goldmane in the beginning of the server for 60mil and I happily paid that much cuz it was the only one. I farmed my *** off for 3 weeks to get some lvl 60 DQ wrists that nobody else had.. I went all out spending money I probably shouldn't have spent irl for that rank 8... and now it's worthless.. That is why it's upsetting to me. Again, I don't expect you to agree.
    A Rank 8 wizard weapon UNREFINED and UNSHARDED has more mattk than my weapon.

    No... No it does not. In fact, you have 2k more Magic Damage on both your low end and high end M Attack.
    So again, you still have what for all intents and purposes is the best archer weapon in the game, with armor, and ring, and rep. I have a paperweight.
    No, I do not. Best archer weapon in the game atm is Rank 9. I have rank 8.
    I do not use the ring, I use lunar ring. I prefer 50% accuracy over 1% crit and +23 P Attack.
    Sure, people that are willing to spend $1500 in game NOW will have better gear. But you had better gear 6 months ago by spending that THEN. And people that are willing to pay $1500 6 months from now will undoubtedly have better gear in the future. Its the nature of the game.

    Agreed. It's the nature of the game, and that was the reason I find no reason to spend cash on it anymore.
    I saw all your contrived excuses. I just don't believe them. Neither does anyone else.

    Call them excuses if that makes you feel better, they were actual, logically thought out reasons. If you fail the comprehend the logic, it's not my fault. And you're not everyone else, nor can you speak for them. Actually, Tivas posted a little big ago completely agreeing. I'm not saying that gives me credibility cuz he agreed, all I'm saying is that you can't speak for everybody.
    I'm a miserable geriatric, remember? I have no feelings.

    Yes, I have other people's reasons for playing b:lipcurl

    Anyone else able to follow this?

    No, I don't follow this.
    Sadly, yes, yes you are.

    I was referring to being the same as you. We are totally different, the only thing that makes us similar is that we both love to argue and won't admit when we're wrong.
    Um, I'm nothing if not incredibly and annoyingly consistent.

    Consistent of staying here on forums, yes. Consistent about what you say, that's a different story. You're not too annoying, you give me something to look forward to when I'm bored out of my mind and I'm not out.
    Speaking of statements changing, I wonder how long until you and Agent join Nemesis and become mango's buddies . . . .

    Statements changing indeed. Just remember: you heard it here first folks . . . .

    You don't have too many years to wait, old man. Don't count on it.
    Oh yeah? Well, talking to you is like, er, like walking up a hill only to find out there is a tree up there, with a rainbow, and a leprechaun laughing and singing a song that sounds like something that you might remember but can't, and then realizing that your really sleeping but your mom forgot to wake you up for school and you have no clean underwear and . . . .

    THAT'S what its like talking with you.

    I wasn't talking about what it's like talking to you... just called you a hypocrite if you didn't understand...

    But... wow... I honestly.. just don't know what to reply to this.. ._.
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    What I paid for most, though, was the rank 8, and that is what's worth nothing now.

    No, you still have better gear than anyone not willing to put $1500 into the game, same as you did back then.

    You don't get it, other than Rank 9, you still have the best gear. Better than 99% of everyone else in game.

    99% of people will have Rank 8, which is FAR better than my gear now almost regardless of how they refine or shard it.

    "Worth nothing"? Again, only if your ego means you have to have the best in order to play. Which is what I said in the first place.
    For me it wasn't about being the best, tbh aesthetic value > power value for me ingame. I got rank 8 cuz not many people had it. And now everybody does. I got a goldmane in the beginning of the server for 60mil and I happily paid that much cuz it was the only one. I farmed my *** off for 3 weeks to get some lvl 60 DQ wrists that nobody else had.. I went all out spending money I probably shouldn't have spent irl for that rank 8... and now it's worthless.. That is why it's upsetting to me. Again, I don't expect you to agree.

    Well, nooone else has g10 gear with incomparable shards in it either, but I didn't see you running after those.

    Noone running around in a pink feather outfit either.

    You didn't get them to just be unique. You did it to have the best. And now you feel like your just one of the masses and your ego can't handle it.
    Agreed. It's the nature of the game, and that was the reason I find no reason to spend cash on it anymore.

    And it was the nature of the game when YOU cash shopped rank 8. You find no reason now but you did then? What reason was that.

    I think I've pointed that out enough for everyone.
    Actually, Tivas posted a little big ago completely agreeing.

    Someone who quit the server agreed with you quitting the server? Amazing.

    He didn't quit the game. Sorry, but that's a bad example.

    And he didn't quit over the cash shop, he quit because this server sucks. Had you done that, there would be little to discuss.

    But you didn't. You geared up to be the BMOC, and then when it turns out that you aren't top dog anymore, you have to pout and quit. Try to cover it up with aestethics if you wish. We all know the truth.
    I was referring to being the same as you. We are totally different, the only thing that makes us similar is that we both love to argue and won't admit when we're wrong.

    I'm rarely wrong, because if I don't know what I'm talking about I b:shutup.

    And I admit when I am wrong.

    Glad you admit what your faults are, however. Pity you aren't man enough to change them.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    No, you still have better gear than anyone not willing to put $1500 into the game, same as you did back then.

    You don't get it, other than Rank 9, you still have the best gear. Better than 99% of everyone else in game.

    99% of people will have Rank 8, which is FAR better than my gear now.

    "Worth nothing"? Again, only if your ego means you have to have the best in order to play. Which is what I said in the first place.

    I do get it. I know my gear is some of the best gear on this server, I never said it wasn't. I understand that. The reason I quit is not because others have better gear than me.. It's because Rank 8 literally... is worth 70 dollars.... compared to what I spent, it's nothing.
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I do get it. I know my gear is some of the best gear on this server, I never said it wasn't. I understand that. The reason I quit is not because others have better gear than me.. It's because Rank 8 literally... is worth 70 dollars.... compared to what I spent, it's nothing.

    Yes, and many of us sold gold on this server over the past year for 400k coins. And now, we could have gotten more than twice that!!!!!!!

    We should all quit. Its so unfair. My mommy promised me life would be fair, but it isn't!!!!
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Yes, and many of us sold gold on this server over the past year for 400k coins. And now, we could have gotten more than twice that!!!!!!!

    We should all quit. Its so unfair. My mommy promised me life would be fair, but it isn't!!!!

    Probably should.
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    No, you still have better gear than anyone not willing to put $1500 into the game, same as you did back then.

    You don't get it, other than Rank 9, you still have the best gear. Better than 99% of everyone else in game.

    99% of people will have Rank 8, which is FAR better than my gear now almost regardless of how they refine or shard it.

    "Worth nothing"? Again, only if your ego means you have to have the best in order to play. Which is what I said in the first place.

    Well, nooone else has g10 gear with incomparable shards in it either, but I didn't see you running after those.

    Noone running around in a pink feather outfit either.

    You didn't get them to just be unique. You did it to have the best. And now you feel like your just one of the masses and your ego can't handle it.

    And it was the nature of the game when YOU cash shopped rank 8. You find no reason now but you did then? What reason was that.

    I think I've pointed that out enough for everyone.

    Someone who quit the server agreed with you quitting the server? Amazing.

    He didn't quit the game. Sorry, but that's a bad example.

    And he didn't quit over the cash shop, he quit because this server sucks. Had you done that, there would be little to discuss.

    But you didn't. You geared up to be the BMOC, and then when it turns out that you aren't top dog anymore, you have to pout and quit. Try to cover it up with aestethics if you wish. We all know the truth.

    I'm rarely wrong, because if I don't know what I'm talking about I b:shutup.

    And I admit when I am wrong.

    Glad you admit what your faults are, however. Pity you aren't man enough to change them.

    just went back and read that you actually wrote more AFTER the other posts.
    took you that long to think up an illogical argument or was it just ur alzheimers at work?

    Edit: I'd argue it, but I've pointed out plenty of times what the truth was.
    You just think you're right. You think you know me. You think you know my motives, my reasons. It's pointless to argue because you'll just call me a liar and the chain starts over again. It's getting old now. But... old is Ok with you... I'm bored. Later.
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    b:sleep eh? what? sorry, musta dozed off there for a second.

    and again, i love how you use old as an insult, when there are plenty of older people that play this game - some even (gasp*) older than me b:quiet

    But if you'll excuse me, I'm off to spend more of your social security on this video game.


    Shoulda saved that rank 8 $ for your retirement, ijs . . . .
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    b:sleep eh? what? sorry, musta dozed off there for a second.

    and again, i love how you use old as an insult, when there are plenty of older people that play this game - some even (gasp*) older than me b:quiet

    But if you'll excuse me, I'm off to spend more of your social security on this video game.


    Shoulda saved that rank 8 $ for your retirement, ijs . . . .

    I should have consulted you before spending on rank 8.
    Next time. Ty, gramps.
  • XPuLsEoFHeLL - Archosaur
    XPuLsEoFHeLL - Archosaur Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited December 2010