Save the Venomancer Class



  • GHealz - Archosaur
    GHealz - Archosaur Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    This is so ridiculous.

    I'm usually a lot nicer on the forums, but come on. "Boohoo, new class gets pets." Big friggin' deal. One aspect an entire class does not make. Granted, pets are venomancers' big deal, but they also do a lot more, and a lot more with said pets. So, wow, you actually have to share a game feature with another class at a more hindered degree. Spoiled. Rotten.

    And this noise about, "Wahh, we solo junk but it takes so looong QQ." Good God, are you serious? You're going to say that, because it takes you a long time, that makes it fair to others who can't? Is it better to not be able to do it at all, or to take a long time doing it?

    What this seems to stem from is a bunch of people riding on the venomancer fame of "I don't even need a squad," and feeling their high pedestal threatened by a new class. It's a different flavor, people. It's not replacing anything. Clerics will always be the best at healing, barbarians will always be the best at tanking, and venomancers will always be the best at
    feeling entitled.

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Tempest FTWb:bye
  • Melindasa - Raging Tide
    Melindasa - Raging Tide Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    This is so ridiculous.

    I'm usually a lot nicer on the forums, but come on. "Boohoo, new class gets pets." Big friggin' deal. One aspect an entire class does not make. Granted, pets are venomancers' big deal, but they also do a lot more, and a lot more with said pets. So, wow, you actually have to share a game feature with another class at a more hindered degree. Spoiled. Rotten.

    And this noise about, "Wahh, we solo junk but it takes so looong QQ." Good God, are you serious? You're going to say that, because it takes you a long time, that makes it fair to others who can't? Is it better to not be able to do it at all, or to take a long time doing it?

    What this seems to stem from is a bunch of people riding on the venomancer fame of "I don't even need a squad," and feeling their high pedestal threatened by a new class. It's a different flavor, people. It's not replacing anything. Clerics will always be the best at healing, barbarians will always be the best at tanking, and venomancers will always be the best at feeling entitled.

    well said,but pitty some peeps can't understand this b:cute
    Any statement of yours should I consider invalid unless you add ''turtle'' among your lines b:mischievous
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    This is so ridiculous.

    I'm usually a lot nicer on the forums, but come on. "Boohoo, new class gets pets." Big friggin' deal. One aspect an entire class does not make. Granted, pets are venomancers' big deal, but they also do a lot more, and a lot more with said pets. So, wow, you actually have to share a game feature with another class at a more hindered degree. Spoiled. Rotten.

    And this noise about, "Wahh, we solo junk but it takes so looong QQ." Good God, are you serious? You're going to say that, because it takes you a long time, that makes it fair to others who can't? Is it better to not be able to do it at all, or to take a long time doing it?

    What this seems to stem from is a bunch of people riding on the venomancer fame of "I don't even need a squad," and feeling their high pedestal threatened by a new class. It's a different flavor, people. It's not replacing anything. Clerics will always be the best at healing, barbarians will always be the best at tanking, and venomancers will always be the best at feeling entitled.
    I agree in a way, Seeker seem pretty powerful at least the one I played on PW-CN. So BM's might have a competitor for tanking, but who cares we can always use more tanks / healers. So having a Mystic around to rez buff the cleric and another option for a tank is rather nice imo.
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • Yulk_owns - Lost City
    Yulk_owns - Lost City Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Do something in the next patch for the veno ...i dont know wat...but do something...else once the mystic arrives u might as well delete the Veno class data b:cry . Already none of the new players (who use cash etc) choose veno its become weak and useless......I heard abt physical immune bosses being added in instances...that might help....and a new battle pet....common u will make a LOT of money with a new battle pet...Nix and Herc are outdated now :/ .......

    IDK, is hello kitty online good for you? Serious... Veno weak? Inb4everyclassbesidesBMandassassinweak

    Again with the OP pets being "outdated" what? you want barbarian armor on your pets too?
    Wizards didnt ask to be deleted after psychics.

    You can still oneshot me with your flesh ream skill really easily, venos dont need any new pet.

    This is why I always skip venoes in fights
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • X_Castgurl_X - Dreamweaver
    X_Castgurl_X - Dreamweaver Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    ...You freaking crazy venos...

    Read about..3 pages and I was like "mkay...enough is enough."

    First of all:

    You know what mystics remind me of? (And yes I am a f'n nerd for saying this but this is SOMEWHAT true) they remind me of a knocked up version of the red mage from final fantasy...they can do it all, but NEVER as good as the originals.

    Will Mystics replace clerics: Hell f'n no. Can they purifly? Can their heals stack?? Can they carry their skills, spam their freaking skills without feeling the need to pot the mp pots every damn minute? Don't get me wrong, their heals would help but I'd take a cleric over a mystic on a high level instance any damn day.

    Will they replace Wizzies: rofl, lmaoooooo NOOOOO. Wizzies AND psychics are the glass cannons of pwi. I feel bad when a squad doesn't take a freaking wizzy or psy on a TT run or FC you guys have any idea how much damage those suckers can do on a pure build AND on high levels?!

    Now to the most important one *cough*
    Will they replace ve ~ WHY AM I EVEN TYPING THAT QUESTION?!

    Shesh people! Venos have been around for a looong time now, and there was a point when a bunch QQ'd about us bc of our so-called op bs. Venos are a very balanced class. They can DD (not as well as, let's say a pure wiz, but still enough to help) They can debuff (ampies anyone?) They can pass chhhiiii, chiiii people. In TW, their role is one of the most important ones (in my eyes)

    Purge. What does this lil thing do?
    Makes most of your target's buffies go "Weeee klsdflm buh BYE" *disappears*


    They can solo most instances in pwi. Yeah the herc's crazy expensive now but once you have it, raise that sucker up to your level and you're good to go. Better then sitting there and CS a freaking BM, Sin or Barb with facking my opinion.

    Mkay seriously folks, they won't be REPLACING them, they're just be more eye catching to new players and even to old ones for a while.
    Just wait it out lmao.

    -Casty b:victoryb:thanksb:bye
    A Fantasy is something that one should enjoy.
    Although a Fantasy is harmless, it is only that in the eyes of the blind.
    Although a Fantasy is enjoyable, it can become repetivie and sickening to the mind and soul.
    When one gets sucked into a Fantasy, one day they wake up;
    They wake up and's time to awaken from the Fantasy.
    - - - Woke up from this Fantasy on Oct. 2010 - - - b:bye
  • Spiritforge - Harshlands
    Spiritforge - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    the venos arent being replaced. the mystics have only 4 monsters to summon while venos can catch almost any pet they want. in my book, the venos are still #1 in battle pets. the reason people might pick mystics over venos is because of the gender lock on venos and barbs.
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i love both the mystic AND veno classes. no way the mystics can replace anyone. to me, mystics are more of a supplament support class, you have a mytstic and a cerlic in your party and i suspect that runs that would normally be hard would be MUCH MUCH easier.

    even the strongest of mystic pets can't seem to take more than a few hits mine is only level 33 so i can't say for sure if this will change at higher levels.

    i think ppl think the mytics are better than venos is cos they seem to be a combo of phy, cerlic, and veno. they have the fast channeling of phycics, able to heal (altho nowhere nere as good) like a cerlic and debuff as well, and use pets. as someone said, myrtic are a sort of jack of all trades, master of none. they are a handy backup to have.
  • turg14
    turg14 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
  • rianna121
    rianna121 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I play both veno & mystic. They both have their strengths & weaknesses. The main thing that irritates me is the endless grinding to lvl your veno pet, when with mystic just re summon &'s the same lvl as you >.>

    I do agree that they need to have a sale on battle packs, hell anything that would help to rebalance the screwed up economy of's gotten completely insane!
  • poopipoop
    poopipoop Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    It would be neat if Venos could put armor and weapons on their pets.

    i agree tha would be best and very fair not only tha a venos swimming mastery has no effect? why charge venos 1k coins and 800 spirit to get it if it does nothing venos are suffering alot they need something b:cry
  • Lady_buffer - Heavens Tear
    Lady_buffer - Heavens Tear Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    i'm surpised this thread is tstill going on lol. anyways venos could use some changes but they are hardly endanger of being replaced.

    considering the fact that they have a freakin skill tree solely got phy damage, they really should have a melee weapon, maybe one with soe amount of mag attack power so they could make use of their pet heal. some of their attack skils could them haave like 50% of weapon base damage or something. it's a double knockout in that reguard. they have no goot weapons for that tree nor any good skills besides amp and purge.
  • CoconutGirl - Lost City
    CoconutGirl - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    i'm surpised this thread is tstill going on lol. anyways venos could use some changes but they are hardly endanger of being replaced.

    considering the fact that they have a freakin skill tree solely got phy damage, they really should have a melee weapon, maybe one with soe amount of mag attack power so they could make use of their pet heal. some of their attack skils could them haave like 50% of weapon base damage or something. it's a double knockout in that reguard. they have no goot weapons for that tree nor any good skills besides amp and purge.

    ye tha woe awesome but wth is swimming mastery for and why they charge u for a no effect skill tha is dumb tha skill should be something else like being able to equip melee weapon and able to change to fox form tha would be awesome but tha be to powerfull maybe charging alot to buy the skill like ur lv100 skills tha be really good i think so b:laugh