...I guess where ever that started was before I joined this board, because you were ALWAYS that way, since I've been here. It's tiresome and irritating talking to you, so I rarely do it now. The responses you get from some of us, is more provoked by you than anything. Want it to stop? Then stop behaving the way you have been around here, other wise it's just gonna continue.
I wont deny you know what you're talking about, but damn do you carry yourself terribly.0 -
It almost seems like you're looking to get banned, as i cannot understand how a person with a healthy intelligence would continue to miss the point comments such as this profit no one, and are certainly not welcome by the MAJORITY of us. Yes, majority, i can only think of one poster that supports your behaviour, while on the other hand there are certainly many of us who have expressed growing sick and tired of your posting.
I know i won't miss you when enough people report you even our so called mods will be forced to take action... b:bye0 -
MANray_ - Sanctuary wrote: »It almost seems like you're looking to get banned, as i cannot understand how a person with a healthy intelligence would continue to miss the point comments such as this profit no one, and are certainly not welcome by the MAJORITY of us. Yes, majority, i can only think of one poster that supports your behaviour, while on the other hand there are certainly many of us who have expressed growing sick and tired of your posting.
I know i won't miss you when enough people report you even our so called mods will be forced to take action... b:bye
You're breaking US law you hypocritic donkey. You think you can provoke then tattle tale?Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.0 -
You're breaking US law you hypocritic donkey. You think you can provoke then tattle tale?
I've broken no laws and in fact i already did report you for your threats of wrongful prosecution you moron. The FACT is you post to no other purpose than to harrass, bully and annoy other posters, and that i stand up to you doesn't make me guilty of anything.
Go **** yourself sweetheart. b:chuckle0 -
While I'll readily agree that tweakz does his fiar share of trolling and flaming, it seems prudent to point out that in this thread, at the very least, he had valuable input until others started flaming him.
Call him out on trolling if you must, but at least do it in response.0 -
He wasn't being trolled. People addressed the points he had brought up (is what i did) which is exactly what a posting forum is for. He's the one that readily resorted to insult those who disagreed with him. I understand you're trying to be fair Mauntille but go back and read just what is it exactly that happened on this thread. People have a right to disagree, to use insults and threats to impose your views is a very different thing.
Edit; And just to get it straight, Tweakz is a bully. If no one will answer his posts for fear of being insulted then he gets his views to remain unchallenged and imposes his opinion through force and not debate. There's a reason there are forum rules to prevent this, but absent any actual modding he can flaunt them with impunity.0 -
I was referring to xxxdsmer's post as the start of the trolling; before that tweakz and others were contributing valuably.
I'm well aware that he can be a bully. I may not have been posting for very long, but this account has been around since Oct '08 and I've been reading these forums since its creation. I've seen many posters come and go and I watched as many of the current regulars first got their feet wet.
From what I've seen, tweakz made valuable posts for a long time, then descended into a life of trolling or flaming (whether out of boredom, frustration, or other reasons only he can say), and now in the last couple days back to valuable posts. Maybe it's just me, but I'd prefer for someone with as much experience as he has to provide value. Sure he's opinionated and comes off strong, but at least in the last day or two it seems like his trolling is reactionary instead of provocative. I'd hate to see him revert to only trolling because some ignore his valuable posts and only argue with his flames.0 -
i know but still ALOT of people dont wanna listen to tweakz anymore he has basically downgraded himself from a usefull information source to being a real jerk0
I don't mean to turn this into an argument itself Mauntille, but i did go back and reread the whole thing and it was Tweakz that got the namecalling started... As usual... Because he got upset about me shooting down his pet theory that the DQ price drop was actually something good. And as knowledgeable as he may be he is also dishonest, his argument was not only made in the condescending and insulting terms that he's become acostumed to using (and which NONE of us is required to endure) but is based on a fallacious premise. Did he actually expected me to prove that most players were unhappy with the DQ price reduction? If the relevant threads in General discussion and countless complaints voiced in WC over this are not enough for him, what should i do? Waste a couple of days conducting a poll trying to prove a point in a controversy the DQ point system has now rendered moot? Has Tweakz ever actually gone on record conceding a point?
Let me say it again, his arguments are dishonest. He has proven again and again an unwillingness to debate the issues and no other intent but to further his own petty agenda.0 -
That may be true, but the thought behind my initial post was that a troll stays a troll through feeding. tweakz has proven to be a half troll, going back and forth between being useful and flaming. Feeding his flames only worsens the problem.
I don't in anyway condone his trolling, but I also dislike seeing people bash on him worse than 1-3 Soul Banisher hits my herc. He may have been the first to call names here, but it's debatable whether that was the initial stone.
In regards to his post about the DQ nerf, I happen to agree with him on many points. Simply because he holds an often less than popular view on things doesn't mean that all his posts are flames.0 -
Mauntille - Heavens Tear wrote: »That may be true, but the thought behind my initial post was that a troll stays a troll through feeding. tweakz has proven to be a half troll, going back and forth between being useful and flaming. Feeding his flames only worsens the problem.
I don't in anyway condone his trolling, but I also dislike seeing people bash on him worse than 1-3 Soul Banisher hits my herc. He may have been the first to call names here, but it's debatable whether that was the initial stone.
In regards to his post about the DQ nerf, I happen to agree with him on many points. Simply because he holds an often less than popular view on things doesn't mean that all his posts are flames.
I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one... Although i will mantain his actual contributions have become exceedingly rare and that the animosity against him he has to a large extent cultivated.
I really don't understand why you think it debatable that he's not responsable for this situation or that he's being treated unfairly. I myself, many times over, gave him every chance to engage in dialogue and he did not fail to disapoint each and every time. To me there is a larger issue at stake here, as i've often expressed i don't condone an environment that so aggressively discourages any deviation from an elitist min-maxing standard, nor to a forum that discourages free discussion. I've been around the forums since 08 myself and i will say i dread thinking how many useful members this community has lost because of posters such as Tweakz. Obviously you've somehow missed his pouncing on lowbies asking innocent questions.
As for the DQ nerf, while i don't agree with any of the points Tweakz brought up i'll admit there might be something to be said on the subject and would gladly discuss that with you, or any other poster willing to actually engage in dialogue.0 -
Mauntille - Heavens Tear wrote: »In regards to his post about the DQ nerf, I happen to agree with him on many points. Simply because he holds an often less than popular view on things doesn't mean that all his posts are flames.
I'm an engineer. There are times when that sort of absolutist view is useful, even necessary. The laws of physics aren't going to step aside just because you don't like that they say your bridge is impossible to build. But for a game which people play for fun?
I think farming is a waste of time when cat shopping is so much more effective. But if you have fun farming, I'm not going to tell you that you're doing it wrong. The whole point of this game is to have fun, and if unlike me you get that from farming instead of cat shopping, no argument I make about why cat shopping is better is going to matter. If you end up becoming more effective but have less fun in a game, you've defeated the whole purpose of playing the game.
That's why god mode is such a letdown in most games. The best way to beat the game is quite often not the best way to have fun with it. If you browse the general forum, you'll see that in droves. Scores of people who've optimized their build and faction so they can steamroll the opposition in TW complain daily that TW is boring and dead.0 -
Solandri - Heavens Tear wrote: »It's not that he often holds a less-than-popular view on things. In fact I'd say the majority of the time he is right. The problem is he tends to hold an absolute view on things. He's right, and if you disagree you must be either an idiot or incompetent. The concepts of individual preference and different priorities seem to be alien to him.
Review your own posts Solandri and see that this statement applies to yourself, only you're very often wrong. It wouldn't be so annoying if you were actually right most of the time, but it gets annoying when I have to continually defend my position against dishonest numbers propaganda that leave out pertinent data. Just recently you declared that 5aps was broken as a fact, and had nothing to back up that statement. Same with ManRay: He comes here and argues just to argue, annoy, and harass and now plays the victim and wants moderator help. Who allowed the hostile atmosphere here since the days that donkey TearValerin opened every post with "you're an idiot"? Everyone in this thread is complaining about me is guilty of trolling, flaming, inciting, provoking, but you know what they say about finger pointing. The hostility here bothered me when I started. It still does but I chose to fit in. This is the way the forum has been run, the way it's being run and the way it will probably continue to run. None of the people complaining here sent me a pm asking me why I was mean to them. -Know why? -Because they started the hostility.
Instead of whining, flaming, trolling and being your hypocritic selves: try living up to your own standards if you really care. I don't. I gave up on this forum's atmosphere long time ago but I respect those who respect me. I have a lot of respect for Brael who puts you guys and me to shame.Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.0 -
Instead of whining, flaming, trolling and being your hypocritic selves: try living up to your own standards if you really care. I don't. I gave up on this forum's atmosphere long time ago but I respect those who respect me. I have a lot of respect for Brael who puts you guys and me to shame.
I'll say it again, you're dishonest. I've seen you go after lowbies with no more than a handful of posts to their name, and yet you dare spout that tripe about respect... For someone who continually accuses others of hipocrisy it really is you who should be trying to live up to his own standard. What you say about me is not even honest, you're merely aping what i've stated about you on this very thread. Because unlike you i've admited to mistakes and even apologized (especially when it was hard to do so) when it was proven to me that i had been wrong. I'm probably the only poster on this forum that's actually used math to prove himself wrong... And the reason is some of us actually care about the truth, not about being right.
You've taken on posters such as Solandri and Desdi that have repeatedly proven friendly and helpful, whatever mistakes they may have posted (and i can't remember any) were honest, which is more than can be said about you...
You say you respect Brael, but he was able to hold civilized debate which is an ability you have lost long ago, and he was able to make a point without showing contempt or disrespecting those who disagreed with him. It's funny you should bring Tearvalerin up because he's in the same league as you and me (i'll admit) regardless of intentions. At least i'm trying (even if i'm not always succesful) to mend my ways, you seem to almost pride yourself in being a jerk...
The reason no one pms you is that you'd probably use such messages as "proof" that you're being harrassed. Have you ever seen how this forums work without you? Because even with Tear and me posting there was hardly any flaming while you were away.0 -
MANray_ - Sanctuary wrote: »I'll say it again, you're dishonest. I've seen you go after lowbies with no more than a handful of posts to their name, and yet you dare spout that tripe about respect... For someone who continually accuses others of hipocrisy it really is you who should be trying to live up to his own standard. What you say about me is not even honest, you're merely aping what i've stated about you on this very thread. Because unlike you i've admited to mistakes and even apologized (especially when it was hard to do so) when it was proven to me that i had been wrong. I'm probably the only poster on this forum that's actually used math to prove himself wrong... And the reason is some of us actually care about the truth, not about being right.
You've taken on posters such as Solandri and Desdi that have repeatedly proven friendly and helpful, whatever mistakes they may have posted (and i can't remember any) were honest, which is more than can be said about you...
You say you respect Brael, but he was able to hold civilized debate which is an ability you have lost long ago, and he was able to make a point without showing contempt or disrespecting those who disagreed with him. It's funny you should bring Tearvalerin up because he's in the same league as you and me (i'll admit) regardless of intentions. At least i'm trying (even if i'm not always succesful) to mend my ways, you seem to almost pride yourself in being a jerk...
The reason no one pms you is that you'd probably use such messages as "proof" that you're being harrassed. Have you ever seen how this forums work without you? Because even with Tear and me posting there was hardly any flaming while you were away.
^^ this is just another example of this guys constant harassment and personal attacks.b:byeBe kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.0 -
^^ this is just another example of this guys constant harassment and personal attacks.b:bye
LOL, the irony...
Edit; Here's what you do if you don't want me addressing you on this PUBLIC forum. Don't mention my name and avoid controversy. Otherwise you should be packing your bags sweetie...0 -
MANray_ - Sanctuary wrote: »It almost seems like you're looking to get banned, as i cannot understand how a person with a healthy intelligence would continue to miss the point comments such as this profit no one, and are certainly not welcome by the MAJORITY of us. Yes, majority, i can only think of one poster that supports your behaviour, while on the other hand there are certainly many of us who have expressed growing sick and tired of your posting.
I know i won't miss you when enough people report you even our so called mods will be forced to take action... b:bye
Who are you thinking of hope it is not me everything was going fine in this thread untill xxxdsmer posted in it?Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.0 -
Alphae - Lost City wrote: »It's like a 7th grade girl's bathroom in here.
It kinda is. =_=
Hush up or take it to PMs, please.
Back on subject - I, too grinding on the Shrunchkins a LOT at that levels. The DQ they dropped made it well worth-while. Plus, if you collect herbs, there is a really awesome area of Shrunchkins, where there's a tons of herbs, and a few ult-sub mats too, hahaha. I'd have to go find the can PM me if you're interested in it, lol.Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
Proud wifeh of Yudai
~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~0 -
TY Katz for your help i would love tog et the coordinates
your just about the only person to notflame/troll and ACTUALLY be helpfull (unlike others who fight over little things) ill be sure to PM you TYVM!b:thanksb:victory
0 -
Katzyn - Sanctuary wrote: »It kinda is. =_=
Hush up or take it to PMs, please.
Back on subject - I, too grinding on the Shrunchkins a LOT at that levels. The DQ they dropped made it well worth-while. Plus, if you collect herbs, there is a really awesome area of Shrunchkins, where there's a tons of herbs, and a few ult-sub mats too, hahaha. I'd have to go find the can PM me if you're interested in it, lol.
West end of the road through Kings Feast, if I'm thinking of where you mean.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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