WTB better players
First story short, I don't care about the forums. If people want to say their useless opinions, or flame, feel free.
I have been playing PWI for over a year on 2 pve servers and 2 pvp servers, and I have to say what a disgrace of a community. The people back then and some good players back then were really good players. It was really fun back then, but yet I seen on the forums people complaining about leveling too slow, I really laughed at this idea that they were complaining. It is part of MMORPGs, they should of dealt with it. Though there are some good players. More on PVE servers, honestly.
But now, people are too focused on these useless things and they cling to this highly fail things which absolutely killed the quality of the players. I find it so hypocritical of people like Reds Rose and Michael_dark telling people "oh bh breeds noobs" or "this game is easy enough as it is." when they themselves are doing it. I find it funny because of them people bashing on people power leveling while they are doing the same thing. See the irony in this?
The players have no idea how to play their class. It is like they just care about PVP, why not play Unreal Tournament or some kind of shooting game and skip levels instead? They are bragging too much about what they have and what level their characters are, but they have no idea how to play their class. Is this a plague to the good players struggling not to quit?
These people even fail at trolling on the forums now, like Okeano for example. Seriously, why is endgame so important, yet its all screwed up? Endgame have turned into a useless quarrel. There is far too much useless posts, such as "5aps toons," "best pvp class," "most useless skill you have," "best damage you have," bringing on just bragging and complaints. Is this really necessary? You know you forum people ruined the most quality of the players and people should not be listening to you people anymore. Some of my friends are right and I saw your favorite former forum troll WC "do not listen to the forum's lies" on Heavens Tear. There is no such thing as skill anymore. Being level 100 matters and having so-called mediocre equipment.
I'll escape, I don't really like to post, you can see my post count so low, but I do read the forums from time to time. I like to read, but I just find it utterly funny most of the time. Why the new forums are just a laughing stock to ingame. I am actually finding the fact that even the bad players now are even more experienced that the people on the forums.
To the GM's, I apologize if this is flame bait. I just wanted to give a word to these people. I will just keep silent now.
Before I start, I'd like to say that I'm responding to the community, not to this guy, as I don't expect him to read/reply.
Firstly, why this guy thinks he can just cry on the forums to people he doesn't care for about subjects he doesn't seem to understand baffles me. Y'know, this is called GENERAL DISCUSSION for a reason for a reason. Y'can't just post your thread and then claim to stay silent afterwards.
Why is it that we always make "playing your class" an issue? A lot of people use the term "hyper noob" for players who powerlevel using hypers (probably combined with +exp events). I thought that we were supposed to enjoy video games in our own way. I mean, if I can make an effective MAG Blademaster (hypothetically), then I should be praised for being able to manage playing with such an unorthadox build, not banned from all squads because I'll be a "fail" BM.
Posting topics like "Best pvp class" or "pls help me get to 5aps" are what the forums are for. Sure, some may seem silly and pointless, but it's part of what makes up our community.
You guys know what my real concern is? I think I'm one of the few "True gamers" on pwi. Now let me define what I think a true gamer is. It isn't necessarily someone who does all of their quests and thinks Bounty Hunts and FC is a waste of time. It isn't necessarily someone who prides on being 90+ with the best end game gear. I feel I am a true gamer because I log into PWI to have fun. I can enjoy every aspect of the game, and I don't complain just because someone who started last week is level 100. I don't find it "unfair" when someone spends (literally) thousands of USD getting warsoul weapons. I mind my business. When I played my playstation, I wasn't worried about anyone but myself, and that's because I only played 1 player games ^_^
I have an employee who, whenever I chew her out, she has to point fingers at someone elses faults. It seems it's never her fault. Well the way I see it, for those of you who "rage quit" because of "morons who don't know how to play" or "GMs who only care about money" I say it's YOUR fault you can't enjoy the game. It's YOUR fault because you have forgotten what made you continue playing PWI from levels 1-40.
I knew really good leaders. I was in 3 or 4 factions. I stayed comitted to Feral (first faction i joined) until it fell to pieces because everyone lost that "lvl 1-40 feeling" as I like to call it. It was all QQ about GMs greed, reducing the DQ items and hyper noobs ruining FC runs (which is understandably frustrating at times). I followed a friend from Feral to another faction she started, which didn't meet the exact same demise, but as a leader she did abandon her people for similar reasons.
Maybe I'm just blissfully ignorant.
I log into PWI and powerlevel (at least ever since lvl 80) because I want to someday lead a faction based soley on helping new players lvl 1-40 or something like that. People should always have "that guy" to depend on for advice, a little extra hand with their bosses, or what have you. I think it's a pretty legit end game goal that we can all agree on. I know I'm probably not the only guy who said this, and you factions leaders out there are probably ready to say "Star, trust me, it's a noble idea but you will get tired of it really fast". I just want to give it a shot.
I am Starflair. I FC religiously to level. I've stopped questing ever since level 50 (with the exception of quests with item rewards, and challenges, Culti, etc.). I'm not a forum troll, I try my best to interact and input. I play PWI because I think the fashion is cool and I love running dungeouns and helping newbies. I don't care about expensive boutique items, I don't care that I'm "handicapped" by "rich" players. I'm a badass blademaster with mediocre equipment, but I play my class like a pro and I look foreward to squadding with you if you're in Dreamweaver. Thanks.0 -
Starflair - Dreamweaver wrote: »Before I start, I'd like to say that I'm responding to the community, not to this guy, as I don't expect him to read/reply.
---[Shortened for quoting purposes]---
I'm a badass blademaster with mediocre equipment, but I play my class like a pro and I look foreward to squadding with you if you're in Dreamweaver. Thanks.
I wish I was on Dreamweaver now ...0 -
First story short, I don't care about the forums. If people want to say their useless opinions, or flame, feel free.
I have been playing PWI for over a year on 2 pve servers and 2 pvp servers, and I have to say what a disgrace of a community. The people back then and some good players back then were really good players. It was really fun back then, but yet I seen on the forums people complaining about leveling too slow, I really laughed at this idea that they were complaining. It is part of MMORPGs, they should of dealt with it. Though there are some good players. More on PVE servers, honestly.
But now, people are too focused on these useless things and they cling to this highly fail things which absolutely killed the quality of the players. I find it so hypocritical of people like Reds Rose and Michael_dark telling people "oh bh breeds noobs" or "this game is easy enough as it is." when they themselves are doing it. I find it funny because of them people bashing on people power leveling while they are doing the same thing. See the irony in this?
The players have no idea how to play their class. It is like they just care about PVP, why not play Unreal Tournament or some kind of shooting game and skip levels instead? They are bragging too much about what they have and what level their characters are, but they have no idea how to play their class. Is this a plague to the good players struggling not to quit?
These people even fail at trolling on the forums now, like Okeano for example. Seriously, why is endgame so important, yet its all screwed up? Endgame have turned into a useless quarrel. There is far too much useless posts, such as "5aps toons," "best pvp class," "most useless skill you have," "best damage you have," bringing on just bragging and complaints. Is this really necessary? You know you forum people ruined the most quality of the players and people should not be listening to you people anymore. Some of my friends are right and I saw your favorite former forum troll WC "do not listen to the forum's lies" on Heavens Tear. There is no such thing as skill anymore. Being level 100 matters and having so-called mediocre equipment.
I'll escape, I don't really like to post, you can see my post count so low, but I do read the forums from time to time. I like to read, but I just find it utterly funny most of the time. Why the new forums are just a laughing stock to ingame. I am actually finding the fact that even the bad players now are even more experienced that the people on the forums.
To the GM's, I apologize if this is flame bait. I just wanted to give a word to these people. I will just keep silent now.
I'm sorry but i really dont understand what you're trying to say or who you're actually flaming.
Why are you bashing on players like Reds and Micheal, that both been playing for 2 years and pretty much grinded their mains to 100?
You say people in general now are bad players and focus on useless thing. What might that be? They focus on getting 100+, 5.0 and Nirvana gear maybe? Yeah thats useless b:shutup.
Than you're complaining about people wanting to PvP mainly. Best way to lean you're class is actually to PvP. Most pve you can do only using 10% of you skills bar lol. Facing other players is way harder than facing mobs.
Of course the player quality has gone down a bit, people hit 100+ in a few weeks. They dont stick around after that to learn either, they quit because nothing to do and they dont wanna sell their car for endgame gear. I liked the game more 1.5-2 years ago as well. PWI now feels like a Fast food restaurant or something. Its like in/out Frost/BH and Nirvana and click packs. But thats nothing new.0 -
I find it rather funny when people complain about how hyper/bh/etc has "ruined" the game by making it too easy to level. As if zhenning (aoe grinding) and rebirths taught everyone how to be ultra-pro. Spamming hyper fc's may be faster than the old school ways, but really how many hours of repeating the same routine of gather mobs and aoe does it take to master a class?
I was here before BHs, blah blah. I remember when BH first came out my (and my friends) reaction was "yay! a squad quest in an instance! we can learn to work together in instances now without waiting for someone's FB to come along." Strange how I thought BHs would teach people to play their class BETTER at the time.
The QQ about people being able to buy good gear and high levels is funny too. In most P2P MMOs you can just buy a high level account from an old player (or overseas leveling sweatshop) and in F2P if there is no advantage to be gained by spending RL money no one will. It is not impossible to farm your own gear, just takes a bit longer and requires you to have friends. Make friends, join a good faction, be helpful to others, forget the rush to "endgame"; there isn't much great there anyway, look at all the 100s QQing about nothing to do.
I plan to farm all my endgame gear, as I have done with all my gear so far. I'm not worried that in a year or more when I finally have most of it better things will be available and the cash players will already have them; in fact I hope it's that way, it means that people will still be spending money so there is a game for me to play.
If FC and BH isn't fun for you don't do it. This game isn't a competition (on PvE servers anyway) it's a place to have fun with friends. And if it is a competition.... why not go slow and learn to play well? With decent (stuff you can farm) gear and some skill you can beat the people with the uber gear that got to 100 without knowing what most of their skills are for.
Remember, it's all about the fun. If it's not fun for you beacuse of how others play, either re-think what "fun" is for you, or kindly leave.
(and yeah, the new TT makes it hard/impossible to farm SOME gear at level, this should be fixed, but the general discussion forum is not the place to get the dev's to listen. until they fix it, try the legendary chest armor till you reach a level to farm GBAs, TT90 chest is great but it's not absolutely necessary...)All the world's a game,
And all the men and women merely gamers:
They have their wipes and their rezzes;
And one man in his time plays many alts.0 -
While I kind of agree with michael and red's point of view that just doing bh and frost will stun your growth as a player, I still don't think that is what ruined this game... I will as I have always said that the anniversary and all of its relative packs have. I played this game since closed beta off and on and I missed the days when having a lunar weapon was sort of like an honor...not many people had...not many people were willing to take the time and effort to farm it... you couldn't just buy it easily... now anyone can spend $1000 and get end game gear...they tried to fix that with nirvana, which you had to farm, but still in the end people can spend some money and get all the mats they need...that is what killed people's ability more than anything...
I am not going to say that all cash shoppers aren't good players because there are some that really are. I am not going to blame them for spending there hard earned cash...it is their money they have that right... I have spent money on wings and stuff. I am also far from the best cleric out in lost city, and according to several players I am fail...but I don't have to be a award winning chef to know the difference between good and bad food...nor do I have to be Joe Satriani to tell the difference between great guitar playing and mediocre.
I blame the makers for letting it get that imbalanced though... there was enough good in this game to make actually try the closed beta and continue into the open one... but also enough bad to make me understand why I don't mind p2p games also...Like all games it isn't perfect and the things I enjoy keep me coming back and playing... in the end I don't quite agree with the TC... it is a game marketed to casual players not to hardcore mmos...but one thing the company did do was show how f2p can make money... and other companies are taking notice... the company is doing what it was meant to do... make money...0 -
Jette - Lost City wrote: »While I kind of agree with michael and red's point of view that just doing bh and frost will stun your growth as a player, I still don't think that is what ruined this game... I will as I have always said that the anniversary and all of its relative packs have. I played this game since closed beta off and on and I missed the days when having a lunar weapon was sort of like an honor...not many people had...not many people were willing to take the time and effort to farm it... you couldn't just buy it easily... now anyone can spend $1000 and get end game gear...they tried to fix that with nirvana, which you had to farm, but still in the end people can spend some money and get all the mats they need...that is what killed people's ability more than anything...
Hey Jette. I know we don't personally like each other much, but that's ok.... I totally agree with you. I remember what it was like partying with X and just being amazed at his lunar bow... Now it's nothing special... and then they put in Nirvana which looked like it was going to be something for long-term farming, until they put it in packs a few weeks later. Now they're selling Rapture crystals in the bidding hall. The shame. WTB> The good old days. b:surrenderI post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Michael_dark - Lost City wrote: »Hey Jette. I know we don't personally like each other much, but that's ok.... I totally agree with you. I remember what it was like partying with X and just being amazed at his lunar bow... Now it's nothing special... and then they put in Nirvana which looked like it was going to be something for long-term farming, until they put it in packs a few weeks later. Now they're selling Rapture crystals in the bidding hall. The shame. WTB> The good old days. b:surrender
oh definitely...and despite that you aren't on top of my most like people lol you are also someone I would consider good at their class who spends money...you and Boba-Fett are the two I think of when it comes to BMs... and yes nothing like X in his lunar bow before everyone else had it... he was a beast0 -
Jette - Lost City wrote: »oh definitely...and despite that you aren't on top of my most like people lol you are also someone I would consider good at their class who spends money...you and Boba-Fett are the two I think of when it comes to BMs... and yes nothing like X in his lunar bow before everyone else had it... he was a beast
lol, just like in your last recruitment thread, I said I don't like you, but at least I know I can trust you. In instances, or pretty much in any matter... I know you wouldn't **** someone over, even if you didn't like them. RIP Ominous.
BTW, I actually hadn't spent money in a long time, I farmed most of what I have now. Wait, I actually did just spend some money... on FEAR 2. b:chuckle
b:avoidI post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Thrashbarg - Dreamweaver wrote: »I find it rather funny when people complain about how hyper/bh/etc has "ruined" the game by making it too easy to level. As if zhenning (aoe grinding) and rebirths taught everyone how to be ultra-pro. Spamming hyper fc's may be faster than the old school ways, but really how many hours of repeating the same routine of gather mobs and aoe does it take to master a class?
I was here before BHs, blah blah. I remember when BH first came out my (and my friends) reaction was "yay! a squad quest in an instance! we can learn to work together in instances now without waiting for someone's FB to come along." Strange how I thought BHs would teach people to play their class BETTER at the time.
The QQ about people being able to buy good gear and high levels is funny too. In most P2P MMOs you can just buy a high level account from an old player (or overseas leveling sweatshop) and in F2P if there is no advantage to be gained by spending RL money no one will. It is not impossible to farm your own gear, just takes a bit longer and requires you to have friends. Make friends, join a good faction, be helpful to others, forget the rush to "endgame"; there isn't much great there anyway, look at all the 100s QQing about nothing to do.
I plan to farm all my endgame gear, as I have done with all my gear so far. I'm not worried that in a year or more when I finally have most of it better things will be available and the cash players will already have them; in fact I hope it's that way, it means that people will still be spending money so there is a game for me to play.
If FC and BH isn't fun for you don't do it. This game isn't a competition (on PvE servers anyway) it's a place to have fun with friends. And if it is a competition.... why not go slow and learn to play well? With decent (stuff you can farm) gear and some skill you can beat the people with the uber gear that got to 100 without knowing what most of their skills are for.
Remember, it's all about the fun. If it's not fun for you beacuse of how others play, either re-think what "fun" is for you, or kindly leave.
(and yeah, the new TT makes it hard/impossible to farm SOME gear at level, this should be fixed, but the general discussion forum is not the place to get the dev's to listen. until they fix it, try the legendary chest armor till you reach a level to farm GBAs, TT90 chest is great but it's not absolutely necessary...)
Because BH has made a different mindset, that people don't understand what the older people mean by learning their class through grinding.
We didn't learn something new every hour when grinding, and could easily go 20 hours learning absolutely nothing new. But, every so often, something would happen different that would require a different action than normal. And as an idea, people would know EXACTLY how much their health should drop at certain points, how quickly mobs should be dieing, whether something is likely to die in the next skill or whether a bit more damage would be needed just by looking at the health bar. No numbers were needed, simply the sheer amount of times would make the differences stand out.
By messing around with these noticed differences, people got a better feel for breaking outside their normal set routine, and trying to recreate something beneficial that happened. Or tryign to prevent a near wipe due to getting too many sac mobs that spawned at once.
For me it was my cleric going into the center of a spawn point and surviving as mobs respawned everywhere around me in 3D. No charm, no healing until below 300 health. You really think a BH could teach mob avoidance and such anywhere near as good as those kinds of circumstances? Not a chance in hell. It's the solo grinding that made it so I never had a mob or patrol sneak up on me in FBs while doing healing. And swapping targets repeatedly made it a cakewalk to debuff the boss, heal the tank, and DD the boss with ease. The multi-role is the only way I could find to make FBs (not BHs, but of level FBs) at all interesting.
So if you think we are talking about grinding for 10 or so hours will teach you to master your class, we're not. Early on you'll learn a heck of a lot, but the subtle nuances are things that could easily take 20, 50, or 100 hours of grinding to find out. But exploiting that discovering enough of those mechanics and using them together made the skill difference very noticeable when everyone gets together for the group instance runs. And since grind was the main vehicle back then, those hours were put in by all the early players.
So you're right in that a couple hours of grind won't teach you anything more about your class in all likelihood. But only because of the time limit implied in your statement. And that's what makes Michael and Rose right as well.Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura
Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx
:NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.0 -
Telarith - Sanctuary wrote: »Because BH has made a different mindset, that people don't understand what the older people mean by learning their class through grinding.
We didn't learn something new every hour when grinding, and could easily go 20 hours learning absolutely nothing new. But, every so often, something would happen different that would require a different action than normal. And as an idea, people would know EXACTLY how much their health should drop at certain points, how quickly mobs should be dieing, whether something is likely to die in the next skill or whether a bit more damage would be needed just by looking at the health bar. No numbers were needed, simply the sheer amount of times would make the differences stand out.
By messing around with these noticed differences, people got a better feel for breaking outside their normal set routine, and trying to recreate something beneficial that happened. Or tryign to prevent a near wipe due to getting too many sac mobs that spawned at once.
For me it was my cleric going into the center of a spawn point and surviving as mobs respawned everywhere around me in 3D. No charm, no healing until below 300 health. You really think a BH could teach mob avoidance and such anywhere near as good as those kinds of circumstances? Not a chance in hell. It's the solo grinding that made it so I never had a mob or patrol sneak up on me in FBs while doing healing. And swapping targets repeatedly made it a cakewalk to debuff the boss, heal the tank, and DD the boss with ease. The multi-role is the only way I could find to make FBs (not BHs, but of level FBs) at all interesting.
So if you think we are talking about grinding for 10 or so hours will teach you to master your class, we're not. Early on you'll learn a heck of a lot, but the subtle nuances are things that could easily take 20, 50, or 100 hours of grinding to find out. But exploiting that discovering enough of those mechanics and using them together made the skill difference very noticeable when everyone gets together for the group instance runs. And since grind was the main vehicle back then, those hours were put in by all the early players.
So you're right in that a couple hours of grind won't teach you anything more about your class in all likelihood. But only because of the time limit implied in your statement. And that's what makes Michael and Rose right as well.
I think this explanation is what most older players are trying to say. Nice post. I remember those moments while grinding as well.
Not that BH is 100% evil, but back then, there was also an incentive for competitive players to run FBs for the rep and extra exp, so arguably there were just as many instances run, only under a different name.
At the same time, old game is over, it's adapt or quit now. And I admire all the players who are attempting to keep the original spirit alive.0 -
ey no hate on forumzb:dirtyb:kiss
and Michael.. carebear and suck up on the proz don't make you become one of the goodiesz in the groupzb:bye0 -
RPKers did not have to look around for someone to PK since they were all out of SZ leveling the old way.
Now they are cuddle in the center of Arch.tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.0 -
Actually RPKers can gather up and camp the frostcover city entrance or HH/NV entraceb:pleased or MQb:dirtyWQ/OHT Daily..
Patrol like Mapster did in 20080 -
Calvin - Lost City wrote: »ey no hate on forumzb:dirtyb:kiss
and Michael.. carebear and suck up on the proz don't make you become one of the goodiesz in the groupzb:bye
Calvin, I'm pretty sure I watched you die to normal mobs in fb51! I'm pretty sure I've watched you die in every instance we've been in together! b:chuckle
You also had the "I died to Wadzio" room in vent. So you're not one to talk. lolI post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Calvin - Lost City wrote: »Actually RPKers can gather up and camp the frostcover city entrance or HH/NV entraceb:pleased or MQb:dirtyWQ/OHT Daily..
Patrol like Mapster did in 2008
Would make for an interesting thing; between killing people flying in, try and see if anyone can kill people using TP stone to get in before it switches em through to the instance. A new take on quickdraw if it works.Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura
Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx
:NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.0 -
Michael_dark - Lost City wrote: »lol, just like in your last recruitment thread, I said I don't like you, but at least I know I can trust you. In instances, or pretty much in any matter... I know you wouldn't **** someone over, even if you didn't like them. RIP Ominous.
BTW, I actually hadn't spent money in a long time, I farmed most of what I have now. Wait, I actually did just spend some money... on FEAR 2. b:chuckle
FEAR 2 is an awesome game, can't wait for fear 30 -
Jette - Lost City wrote: »FEAR 2 is an awesome game, can't wait for fear 3
Sad thing is, PWI kinda sucked me in, so I've a bit of catching up to do. Yes, it's amazing. I was surprised to see that the name dispute was resolved... last I had heard Project Origin wasn't going to be #2. Very pleased!I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
(/)_-) It recently came to my attention that the Oracle, BH, CS, WQ, and Hyper stones are not to blame for all the fail of the game. I had to look back quite a way to see it, but there's been fail from before I started playing, in early '09. People who never learn their classes, regardless of how much they play or are told.
Yes, I knew a light armor cleric that preferred flipping to healing. I even knew a cleric with insane power that refused to heal. Ever. And I have seen heavy armor clerics at either end of the skill spectrum. One even used polearms to fight.
I've seen HA, AA, and LA wizards of varying degrees of fail. And, no, I won't say mine was the blazing success so many people say it was.
I have seen barbs that didn't know how to tank, refused to tank, or just couldn't tank to save the party multiple wipes. Even seen a barb go full STR and call himself a pro tank.
My opinion is that there are foolish people that joke around, arrogant people that refuse to learn, and stupid people that never will. The fools are the ones that have FUN with their fail. The arrogant ones refuse to admit they fail. And the stupid ones don't realize they fail.
The better the player, the less likely you will hear complaints about their game play. Anyone tried to talk to you about your inabilities, lately?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
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