Is this the Game ive been looking for?

misterdeadserious Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2010 in General Discussion
Hello Community! First of all, my English isnt the best, alltough we should be able to understand each other, at least i hope so. So if theres anything wrong with my Gramma, try to ignore it - Im tired of this "Uh Duuh, learn English!" ****.

Since im a bit tired of my Ps3 Games, i want to start a Mmorpg again. Flyff, Requiem, Cabal, Archlord...I had Hello Community! First of all, my English isnt the best, alltough we should be able to understand each other, at least i hope so. So if theres anything wrong with my Gramma, try to ignore it - Im tired of this "Uh Duuh, learn English!" ****.

Since im a bit tired of my Ps3 Games, i want to start a Mmorpg again. Flyff, Requiem, Cabal, Archlord...I had them all, but all of them couldnt satisfy me, except Requiem, which was destroyed by a Update.

So, next Month i get my Hands on a new PC, which allows me to enjoy Perfect World at "Full Power". I already played Perfect World, but only for arround 5 Minutes because of massive Laggs. Im not new in the MMO Genre, so i know the concepts and terms of a Mmo -We can talk from Geek to Geek if you want in this Way ;D

Anyways, im getting way off topic, so heres my Questions about Perfect World.

1) A Perfect Balance is impossible in a Mmorpg, we all know that. But is the Balance at least tolerable here? I prefer PvP and Dungeons, and if im starting to play active, become good etc, it would **** me off getting my **** kicked by some Noob playing a Overpowered Class, also i dont want to see one Class all the Time, like in Cabal Online..Class A, Class A, Class A, Class A, Class B, Class A, Class C...You get the Idea.

2) Features. All the Mmorpgs talk about there million Options and Features, but in Fact it all comes down to one Thing : Grinding. Not to say i have a Problem with Grinding/Farming, im used to it. But i want to do other Stuff too, and not only Duels with other Players or Guild Wars. I want nice, challenging and rewarding Dungeons, Raids and Stuff. I know thats much to ask for in a Free Game, but Archlord got a few, Requiem did it right, so Chances are this Game does it right too.

3) The Classes should fit into the Mmorpg Genre. Every1 who played Cabal Online, will know what i mean. Healer, Tank, Damage Dealer...Thats the 3 "Sections" i want to have. Not to play them by myselfe, just to have a good Multiplayer. Whats the Reason to play a MMO if you can do everything solo.

4) Cash Balance is often a Problem too. If i like the Game, and play it a lot, i dont mind spending a few Bucks into it. But not more than once. As in Flyff, its impossible to get good Stuff without spending real Money into it..A lot. What kind of Advantage do the Cash Players have here?

So, thats the Big 4 Questions, enough for now. I hope you could understand everything, and help me.

Greetings, Mister Dead Serious
Post edited by misterdeadserious on


  • misterdeadserious
    misterdeadserious Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    2) Features. All the Mmorpgs talk about there million Options and Features, but in Fact it all comes down to one Thing : Grinding. Not to say i have a Problem with Grinding/Farming, im used to it. But i want to do other Stuff too, and not only Duels with other Players or Guild Wars. I want nice, challenging and rewarding Dungeons, Raids and Stuff. I know thats much to ask for in a Free Game, but Archlord got a few, Requiem did it right, so Chances are this Game does it right too.
  • C/LLlE - Heavens Tear8
    C/LLlE - Heavens Tear8 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    1) A Perfect Balance is impossible in a Mmorpg, we all know that. But is the Balance at least tolerable here? I prefer PvP and Dungeons, and if im starting to play active, become good etc, it would **** me off getting my **** kicked by some Noob playing a Overpowered Class, also i dont want to see one Class all the Time, like in Cabal Online..Class A, Class A, Class A, Class A, Class B, Class A, Class C...You get the Idea.
    1 word: "Assassins." Check the "Most Hated Class" poll, you'll get a fair idea of why.
    2) Features. All the Mmorpgs talk about there million Options and Features, but in Fact it all comes down to one Thing : Grinding. Not to say i have a Problem with Grinding/Farming, im used to it. But i want to do other Stuff too, and not only Duel

    Grinding has mostly been replaced by daily quests and events. "Bounty Hunter" gives you loads of exp, and at 80+ you'll probably spend a lot of time running Forgotten Frostlands (alternately known as Frostcovered City), as it's been converted into one big EXP factory.

    As for earning coin... grinding has been replaced by Merchanting, which is the game of "put stuff in your player shop and go AFK for a few hours." Naturally it's a little more complicated, but not by much.

    3) The Classes should fit into the Mmorpg Genre. Every1 who played Cabal Online, will know what i mean. Healer, Tank, Damage Dealer...Thats the 3 "Sections" i want to have. Not to play them by myselfe, just to have a good Multiplayer. Whats the Reason to play a MMO if you can do everything solo.

    We call them Cleric, Barbarian, Everything-Else. Although these days, a few endgame tanks are "5aps" (5 attacks-per-second) fist/claw users. Their ridiculous damage output makes it impossible for a natural tiger-form barbarian tank to keep aggro, so 5APS tank builds start to become the goal at level 99-100.
    4) Cash Balance is often a Problem too. If i like the Game, and play it a lot, i dont mind spending a few Bucks into it. But not more than once. As in Flyff, its impossible to get good Stuff without spending real Money into it..A lot. What kind of Advantage do the Cash Players have here?

    ...Run. Just run, run like the hounds of hell are after you. This game will suck you dry, and unless you're either a massively successful merchant or enormously wealthy, you are nothing but ground meat in PvP/TW encounters.

    And word of advice for the road: don't mention other MMOs, speaking their names is forbidden around here (house rules, not mine).
  • misterdeadserious
    misterdeadserious Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Thanks for the fast Response. I edited my first Post, somehow i did work this Time, so ignore my second Post.

    I dont mind about this Player Shop, in fact, i prefer it over a Ingame Warehouse.

    About the PvP :

    I guess here are Assassins too, and it seems there a bit to strong either. Could you tell me more about this? I dont know anything about the Classes, i know that some1 told me to play as a Archer, since they where "Allrounders" but im not sure, also its been a While since my last Login.

    My perfect personal Class would be using either 2 Weapons at once, or a Xbow/Bow. I like Summoners very much too, but not AS much. Same goes for Mages. I wish to focus 70-80% on PvP and PK, but i dont want to be Dead in less than 5 Seconds in a Dungeon/PvE too. Somekind of Hybrid would be nice.

    Edit :

    Geez...Another Game with that "Spend real Money and you will be da King". Well, even if its sad, but i will eventually prefer PvE over PvP than. Or do i have the same Problems in PvE too? Have i any Disadvantages of not doing PvP?

    Edit 2 :

    Ah, didnt knew that. Sorry, i wont say any other Names again ;D
  • C/LLlE - Heavens Tear8
    C/LLlE - Heavens Tear8 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Yeah, sorry to say PWI's been "Free to Play / Pay to Win" for almost a year now.

    I'm not a "Pay to Win" type so I avoid PvP personally, but if you want to know about all the PvP hate on Sins, this pretty much sums it up here. They can stun/freeze-lock you into helplessness, and if you survive or break out, they just stealth and disappear for another chance to gank you. Of course, by extension, my opinion on PvP might be questionable so I'll refrain from any advice on the matter.

    As for class: There's no specific "skill set" for dual-wielding. Weapons come in a variety of flavors, some dual, some single, but it's more the class of weapon that matters than whether you use one or two hands for it. Axes/Hammers deal high damage but have slow attack rates, fists/claws are the opposite, most everything else is in between. Magic weapons don't affect how quickly you can cast (unless they have a "-% Channeling" ability on them), so their only difference is in damage spread (high spread = high peak damage, but lower minimum too, vs. a narrower and more consistant range).

    For most things, it's far easier to build for PvE survival than PvP, but I'd say if you can survive PvP you'll do just fine PvE.
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Eh, in short...if you want to be a successful PvPer, you'll either need to spend more time farming for coin to get your end-game gear or just Cash Shop for it.

    It IS possible to farm for it, but you'll spend more time doing that than actual PvP due to the Devs nerfing drop rates. But, IMHO the major Cash Shoppers have a monopoly in the PvP area of PWI. So take that as you will. :/
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • misterdeadserious
    misterdeadserious Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Allright, i think i will ignore PvP, and focus on PvE - Just to give it a Try. I checked out a few Gameplayvideos, and i atm i prefer Archer. Bows look quite good, Skills either. Any Pros and Contras about Archer?
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    so, pretty much everything you listed is a HUGE problem here b:chuckle
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Archers are typically squishy, as they're a LA class. Magic mobs aren't so much a problem for them, but when facing melee it doesn't take much for them to die. And a lot of mobs in the 60+ range are typically both.

    At end-game, they're some of the most powerful classes. And even those not typically major CSers do pretty good in PvP.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • misterdeadserious
    misterdeadserious Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Sounds like the perfect Class for meb:laugh

    Not the best Class, not the worst...I like that. The Melee Problem doesnt bother me either, as long as i can kill them. Also, its refreshing to quest in a Mmorpg.

    What about the Dungeons? Any Raids here?
  • Conavar - Heavens Tear
    Conavar - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Play a sin .. Then you wont have to spend stupid amounts of RL money to be effective in PvP
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    to the OP, im telling u this for ur own good, avoid this game...seriously, if u have some cash to spend, ull start off spending some, then maby a lil more...and a lil more, even if u dont have alot of cash irl, it somehow sucks it away anyway untill, like me, u eventualy think ** it, not spendin anythin else and the game gets insanely boring cos of the jacked up prices of EVERYTHING.

    one major way for non cash shopers to make money around 1-85 id say, (apart from merchanting) was grinding for DQ (dragon quest) items, they drop from mobs quite often at low lvls, then the drop rate goes to hell at higher lvls, anyway that was a good money making way if u had patience to grind some, instead they nerfed the npc selling price by 20% which was a god awful idea, if u generaly like to play mmos, and i mean properly, this game is defiantly not for u, the game is filled with pvp insane ego air heads that think there some sort of god and will begin to anoy u on world chat and forums.

    what makes a game, is being out in the open world, grinding, questing and i suppose, pk, all of this died on the game ever since they introduced BH (Bounty Hunter), where at level 40, you get your 1st set (which barly any1 does cos theres not that many lowbies to do em) where u simply kill a boss in a level 29 dungeon, then hand it in, and do it another 2 times where the exp is abit lesser each time, but its still alot of exp, every 10 levels u go to another dungeon 10 lvls higher, because the exp is so much, theres no need to grind, grinding feels like an epic waste of time now...cos basicly it is.

    to make it worse, the PWE cash hungry beasts introduced hyper stones, people mainly activate the x12 exp bonus and go into a place called FC at lvl 80 mainly, the exp here is insanly stupid, u can get from 80-90 in 1-2 week if u just do it about 2 odd times a day, when it used to take maby 2-4 weeks of alot of grind, in which lvl 90 was considered near end game high lvl, now its just (oh look, another lvl 90),

    cash shopers can almost *insert credit card for gear* now because of the stupid packs that have been made, also, GMs here dont listen to the players, ever, look at all the QQ/troll/flame threads about, and the stickys at the top, they just put them there to *pretend* to listen, and if u look through them, theres barly a single GM response and they have been there for ages.

    i suggest u wait till this winter when the next Gen of MMOs come out, this game is deing out slowly, barly anymore newbies coming in, granted there is a hell of alot of players still, a **** load quit/semi quit/trolling forums/game because of the *love they once had for the game* and hate to see a once good game now insanely boring, alot of players just use this game as a big chat room.

    i cud spend ages here explaining all the stupid things that are killing this game off and w/e, but not much point i named the main ones, oh i also forgot about packs, there the main abomination of this mmo (check my sig, and alot of others with similar *pack* pictures).

    on a last note, when 1st playing this game, ull think uve found ur *dream?* mmo, till u realy notice theres barly any1 about doing quests and such and find out slowly all the things that have ruined the game, its just a repetetive cash sink dungeon mmo now.
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • misterdeadserious
    misterdeadserious Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I will check out Sin as well as i will check out Archer, but im not into that "Pick a Class and dominate". I like to win because i know how to play my Class, but - unfortunaly - this has became very rare in Mmorps.
  • Admante - Dreamweaver
    Admante - Dreamweaver Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    To a new player, I'd say this game is pretty good. There's no before and after comparison of the game for them. There's plenty to keep someone engaged in PWI but all the rage in forums drown that out. It's well deserved rage though.
  • Legend - Raging Tide
    Legend - Raging Tide Posts: 392 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'd recommend to go play a private server or another version of pw, Perfect World itself is a beautiful, fun and complex game but this version haz been tainted by greed.
  • misterdeadserious
    misterdeadserious Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I see. Thanks to all of you, as for i know i cant test it, but i trust you ;)

    As soon as i get my new PC, i will check it out, and come again to torture you with my bad English b:chuckle
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I see. Thanks to all of you, as for i know i cant test it, but i trust you ;)

    As soon as i get my new PC, i will check it out, and come again to torture you with my bad English b:chuckle

    somewhere i diddnt think u bothered to read my wall-o-text, or legends small paragraph, we both said what we said for ur own benefit b:lipcurl

    ah well, enjoy PW whilst u can.
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • misterdeadserious
    misterdeadserious Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    somewhere i diddnt think u bothered to read my wall-o-text, or legends small paragraph, we both said what we said for ur own benefit b:lipcurl

    ah well, enjoy PW whilst u can.

    Dont worry, ive read youre Text ( But i saw it after my last Post ), thats why i will test it not start to be active. - You probably right, i know exactly what you mean, in some of my old Games, it was the same exact Reason why i stopped playing. But Adam also got a good Point, i cant compare it to the "good old times" since i haven played back than. Even though im pretty sure i wont play it for long ( You have a very good Point as well ) i just want to check it out.
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Another thing you might want to take note of: If you ever have a problem with the game (such as a glitch), figure out a way to work around it, but DON'T expect help from the GMs. Most of the time they won't respond, and in the rare occasions they do, their only advice is "*shrug* I don't know", and they'll leave you hanging.

    They're vastly underqualified for their job title.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • XEmpressX - Heavens Tear
    XEmpressX - Heavens Tear Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I will check out Sin as well as i will check out Archer, but im not into that "Pick a Class and dominate". I like to win because i know how to play my Class, but - unfortunately - this has became very rare in Mmorps.

    lol, its rare in this game now also, all the oracle/hyperEXP nubs boosting up to high levels and not knowing what each class is meant to do in instances.

    Seriously, this game used to be awesome about a year ago when i started. Then slowly the devs started introducing "packs" that shot up the gold price. I thought "ok", no probs, im not a cash shopper anyways, no big deal. What it did was shoot the price up of EVERYTHING! Even mats and such, now they are ridiculous prices. i mean, come on, 12k for concentrated glue to make mid lvl weapons? GTFO! Crazy i tells ya!

    Then, they went and dropped the price (and IMO the drop rate) of DQ items, which for most non cash shop people, were their bread and butter. Now you don't get s**t for the few that actually do drop. They blamed this on the botting and gold farming that was happening in the Chinese version. OK, so why change it on ours? There was none (or hardly any) botting happening, why did we have to be punished for their crimes? The GM's said that we would be given something to make up for this drop in price, 4 months later.......still waiting. What does this tell you? The devs don't give a f**k about their customer base, so why would you give them ANY of your hard earned money.

    This is my first and last wall of text post, please take heed, leave now, save your life.

    Maybe wait for Forsaken World to come out, when that starts it may be sane in the beginning, although from what PWE has learned from this game, there will be packs/hypers.oracles from the start, and only the uber rich are going to do any good in this game also. As others have stated, free to play, pay to win. No way around it. And trust me, in games like these, the only people that win are the ones that hold the bank account you're paying $$ into.
  • JiEunxD - Archosaur
    JiEunxD - Archosaur Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Well, I'll just say that this game is dying, so I would avoid it if I were you. The beginning is fun, but as you hit the 50's, you're gonna become more cash shop dependent, and thanks to the stupid TW changes, there is no point in going endgame. So... avoid, avoid, and avoid this game if you do not want to spend a bunch of money on a dying game.

    Free to play, pay to enjoy until the playerbase drops to 9000 (Not even over 9000).
    List of my territory war videos:
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  • xixiri
    xixiri Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    NO, for PVE, you don't need epic stuff and spend a crapload of dollars - UNLESS you are impatient. I personally NEVER spent real money on this game. Took me 3 months to save up for the epic cash shop pet (Hercuels) for my Veno INGAME. Took a long time, but I did it. xD It was 66mil. You can save up for ANYTHING, if you are patient. And don't let the 66mil scare you away, there are relatively cheap PVE classes (Archer, Psychic, BM) and even Veno if Legendary pets are not your goals (there are many good free pets). Just don't buy aerogear for 20mil+, you can get a maxed speed one for only 3-4mil, don't buy fancy stuff and lots of fashion at low lvls, and you won't have money problems for PVE. b:victory Have fun!
  • JiEunxD - Archosaur
    JiEunxD - Archosaur Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    xixiri wrote: »
    NO, for PVE, you don't need epic stuff and spend a crapload of dollars - UNLESS you are impatient. I personally NEVER spent real money on this game. Took me 3 months to save up for the epic cash shop pet (Hercuels) for my Veno INGAME. Took a long time, but I did it. xD It was 66mil. You can save up for ANYTHING, if you are patient. And don't let the 66mil scare you away, there are relatively cheap PVE classes (Archer, Psychic, BM) and even Veno if Legendary pets are not your goals (there are many good free pets). Just don't buy aerogear for 20mil+, you can get a maxed speed one for only 3-4mil, don't buy fancy stuff and lots of fashion at low lvls, and you won't have money problems for PVE. b:victory Have fun!

    But the question is, did you actually enjoy merching and working for 3 months or have you just did it because you were addicted to the game?
    List of my territory war videos:
    ht tp://
  • FinalFatex - Harshlands
    FinalFatex - Harshlands Posts: 2,427 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I would tell anyone who want's to start a new MMO to wait for Forsaken Worlds because PWI is in some trouble atm and I have a feeling that there will be a mass exodus when FW is released.
    ~~Blood Red since 30~~
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    1) A Perfect Balance is impossible in a Mmorpg, we all know that. But is the Balance at least tolerable here? I prefer PvP and Dungeons, and if im starting to play active, become good etc, it would **** me off getting my **** kicked by some Noob playing a Overpowered Class, also i dont want to see one Class all the Time, like in Cabal Online..Class A, Class A, Class A, Class A, Class B, Class A, Class C...You get the Idea.

    2) Features. All the Mmorpgs talk about there million Options and Features, but in Fact it all comes down to one Thing : Grinding. Not to say i have a Problem with Grinding/Farming, im used to it. But i want to do other Stuff too, and not only Duels with other Players or Guild Wars. I want nice, challenging and rewarding Dungeons, Raids and Stuff. I know thats much to ask for in a Free Game, but Archlord got a few, Requiem did it right, so Chances are this Game does it right too.

    3) The Classes should fit into the Mmorpg Genre. Every1 who played Cabal Online, will know what i mean. Healer, Tank, Damage Dealer...Thats the 3 "Sections" i want to have. Not to play them by myselfe, just to have a good Multiplayer. Whats the Reason to play a MMO if you can do everything solo.

    4) Cash Balance is often a Problem too. If i like the Game, and play it a lot, i dont mind spending a few Bucks into it. But not more than once. As in Flyff, its impossible to get good Stuff without spending real Money into it..A lot. What kind of Advantage do the Cash Players have here?

    So, thats the Big 4 Questions, enough for now. I hope you could understand everything, and help me.

    Greetings, Mister Dead Serious

    1) Pretty damn well balanced. Just my opinion, but I think generally each class will have two other classes it finds tough, and then the others are all fair game. For instance, as a Psychic I find fights against Clerics and Wizards to be a bit more difficult.
    Generally assassins will be regarded as overpowered. Really, they're not; it's just they play an extremely annoying and frustrating style of PVP for their opponents: they just wait in stealth until you're distracted and then they attack you.

    2) There's not much grinding to PW, thankfully. You can get to level 40 by doing all the quests given to you. After that, you can get to level 80 by doing BH (bounty hunter) quests, where you kill a dungeon boss for lots of EXP. From 80 to 100 you do Frostcovered City runs, which just has good EXP opportunities. Cube of Fate is also nice at 90+. Leveling like this, you can level as fast as a level a day to as slow as a level a week, if you only do the quests listed above.
    Not too much variety though, but maybe I say that because I've done every dungeon 1000 times now. There's various FB runs (neccesary), Twilight Temple runs (used to get good gear), Lunar Glade runs (also for gear), Gamma runs, Cube of Fate runs (various purposes), Frostcovered City....

    3) Healer = Cleric
    Tank = Barbarian
    DD = everyone else

    Veno also holds a decent spot as a general "puller" (to pull quest monsters out of a dangerous crowd), though anyone with a Zeal genie can do this now.
    Blademasters sometimes act as tanks, as do Assassins. More often so in the higher levels.
    Wizards and Psychics can also act as secondary healers, though one Psychic/Wizard alone usually won't be able to keep the tank alive. Their heal spells can come in handy though.

    4) Lolololololololl oh wow, Flyff...
    I don't think you could ever find a game that demands as much cash shopping as Flyff. If you find one, I'll give you a medal.

    Having said that, I'm level 99 and I haven't used the cash shop yet. I have the best level 90 gear and my level 99 weapon, but I WILL have to work hard and save up for my 99 armor.
    Perfect World has a very interesting economy where paying bills is hard. You CANNOT waste coin in this game if you don't plan on using the cash shop. Although money may be tight and stressful though, you should be perfectly capable of paying all your "bills" in game without using the cash shop if you use your money wisely.

    Other than that, I'd just mention that the majority of the people on these forums are VERY pessimistic and will probably tell you that this game is the spawn of Satan. Just ignore the overly-dramatic posts in this thread and try to read the ones that provide ACTUAL info.
    I'd also warn you that at low levels, expect to do a lot of walking. New characters spend a lot of time traveling between quest locations; this gets easier as you level and have money for a mount/better flying gear/to pay for teleporter fees.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • misterdeadserious
    misterdeadserious Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Allright, looks like playing Perfect World isnt such a good Idea..Thanks for the Warning. Too bad im starting to like the Community here b:tired
  • xixiri
    xixiri Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    But the question is, did you actually enjoy merching and working for 3 months or have you just did it because you were addicted to the game?

    Yes, I enjoyed it, because I was lvling my Archer while I was collecting coins (Archer was my first main and made the Veno when I got the Herc), so it wasn't boring at all. It was a very good feeling to reach my goal and I'm proud because I earnt my Herc with a hard work. (: I live in a poor country, so cannot waste money on pixels. =/ But, to be honest, I was and I am still addicted to PWI, thanks to the dailies and my friends. ^.^

    Sorry for my bad English.
  • misterdeadserious
    misterdeadserious Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    1) Pretty damn well balanced. Just my opinion, but I think generally each class will have two other classes it finds tough, and then the others are all fair game. For instance, as a Psychic I find fights against Clerics and Wizards to be a bit more difficult.
    Generally assassins will be regarded as overpowered. Really, they're not; it's just they play an extremely annoying and frustrating style of PVP for their opponents: they just wait in stealth until you're distracted and then they attack you.

    2) There's not much grinding to PW, thankfully. You can get to level 40 by doing all the quests given to you. After that, you can get to level 80 by doing BH (bounty hunter) quests, where you kill a dungeon boss for lots of EXP. From 80 to 100 you do Frostcovered City runs, which just has good EXP opportunities. Cube of Fate is also nice at 90+. Leveling like this, you can level as fast as a level a day to as slow as a level a week, if you only do the quests listed above.
    Not too much variety though, but maybe I say that because I've done every dungeon 1000 times now. There's various FB runs (neccesary), Twilight Temple runs (used to get good gear), Lunar Glade runs (also for gear), Gamma runs, Cube of Fate runs (various purposes), Frostcovered City....

    3) Healer = Cleric
    Tank = Barbarian
    DD = everyone else

    Veno also holds a decent spot as a general "puller" (to pull quest monsters out of a dangerous crowd), though anyone with a Zeal genie can do this now.
    Blademasters sometimes act as tanks, as do Assassins. More often so in the higher levels.
    Wizards and Psychics can also act as secondary healers, though one Psychic/Wizard alone usually won't be able to keep the tank alive. Their heal spells can come in handy though.

    4) Lolololololololl oh wow, Flyff...
    I don't think you could ever find a game that demands as much cash shopping as Flyff. If you find one, I'll give you a medal.

    Having said that, I'm level 99 and I haven't used the cash shop yet. I have the best level 90 gear and my level 99 weapon, but I WILL have to work hard and save up for my 99 armor.
    Perfect World has a very interesting economy where paying bills is hard. You CANNOT waste coin in this game if you don't plan on using the cash shop. Although money may be tight and stressful though, you should be perfectly capable of paying all your "bills" in game without using the cash shop if you use your money wisely.

    Other than that, I'd just mention that the majority of the people on these forums are VERY pessimistic and will probably tell you that this game is the spawn of Satan. Just ignore the overly-dramatic posts in this thread and try to read the ones that provide ACTUAL info.
    I'd also warn you that at low levels, expect to do a lot of walking. New characters spend a lot of time traveling between quest locations; this gets easier as you level and have money for a mount/better flying gear/to pay for teleporter fees.

    Argh, well balanced, not that good balanced, Cash requiered, not requiered, fun to play, not fun to play...Stop confusing me! XD
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Allright, looks like playing Perfect World isnt such a good Idea..Thanks for the Warning. Too bad im starting to like the Community here b:tired

    DON'T listen to those stupid warnings. People are just being ridiculous.

    Check the forums and you'll see people are ALWAYS negative about this game.
    Just try the game for yourself and see if you like it. Personally I will say it's the only MMO I've played where PvE was actually a challenge here and there, the only game that made managing money a challenge and didn't just say "k here's 40mil, go buy all the potions, skills and repairs you could possibly need" and where the PVP doesn't have one completely dominant class.

    Just try the game for yourself. The people who post on these forums are the most negative people in the community.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • XEmpressX - Heavens Tear
    XEmpressX - Heavens Tear Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    lol, they couldn't even scratch up 100,000 people for their facebook competition, in my books, thats a fail. must have been pretty embarrassing.

    @ Longknife - not pessimistic - realistic. Just trying to save one more soul from being torn asunder. Shame its too late to save yours.....ijsb:victory
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Allright, looks like playing Perfect World isnt such a good Idea..Thanks for the Warning. Too bad im starting to like the Community here b:tired

    The community is pretty solid (a few trolls, but that's to be expected) and the game can be fun, especially with friends you make along the way. The problem is that a lot of changes are being made that's making the game harder to not depend on the cash shop at end-game, than it used to be.

    And with the player base starting to dwindle a bit, it's becoming evident that PWI may have about another year, at best, before it becomes a ghost game...unless the devs put something back to make it interesting again.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
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