TT drops



  • Daikataro - Dreamweaver
    Daikataro - Dreamweaver Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Plain and simple, why we tanks (yes, we, i'm a BM tank) and our lovely clerics take the first picks?

    a) Try and make any instance without a tank or without a healer, we are needed and always on the front line
    b) We spend way more than DDs, tank on repairs cleric on mp, venos have very cheap magic skills and a pet that does most of the damage on [?] bosses, archers can use woven fang arrows (1 coin a piece) since 95% of their damage comes from the weapon they use and their char build, non-tank BMs just auto-attack with melee and maybe use HF every now and then, wizzys are probably the only class that uses more mana, but they can just cast low mana consuming skills

    Moreover, a tank and a cleric share the same task: protect the rest of the squad, when someone screws up and pulls one too many mobs who gets them off the back of the DDs? the tank, and who prevents the DDs from dying or resurrects them? the cleric does, DDs have it easy since all they have to do is follow around and attack once tank gets aggro, their armor doesn't take more than a few hits from stray mobs, their weapon maybe loses a couple resistance points because they're supposed to attack and maybe they consume some pots, but with the CHEAP juanxio you can make out of tokens, it really even is a considerable expense? it takes about 700 coins per juanxio in average, and each one of those restores 5k mana, that's almost 10 mana points restored per coin spent! WAY better coin/mana ratio than NPC regular potions, but have you heard about "cheaper repairs" for tank? we're stuck with whatever the NPC charges us

    We're at the front line, we keep the team safe and we keep the instance doable, as a direct result we spend more and it's only logic that we expect to be able to get 1st choice on mats, i've landed in a couple squads where "everything is sold and split equally among the team", so the archer who spent 3k and did barely anything will get as much as me who spent 60k in repairs and tanked? that doesn't sound right; oh and as a BM tank i count both as a tank AND as a powerful DD, since my aggro is based solely on raw damage, so i'm elegible for 2 picks then?

    The drop system for TT is not based on "what is equal, carebear", it's based on how much you spent and how much you contributed to the squad, stuff like this is what makes cleric/BM duos start to just clear TT by their own, or BM/archer/veno soloing TT squad instances, want a particular item? farm what you can get and sell it to buy what you can't, and if someone is kind enough to give up on their expensive mat choice to give it to you BE THANKFUL, we're not obligated to give you a mat "just because you need it", it's something we choose to do because we're kind enough, that is why i stopped doing it, people just took the mat like it was my obligation to let them have it just because i don't need it to craft a piece of gear, running TT for coins is just as valid as running it for gear
    Originally Posted by frankieraye: To say that would be a lie, because in regards to the DQ problem, it's something that we're honestly still working on, and something that we believe we can fix.

    (8)Don't stop! believing! hold onto that feeling!(8)
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If you can DD and tank at the same time, more power to you. I don't think repair expenses warrant rights to an extra 500K worth of mats, but hey that's just me. It's not about what is equal; especially in higher level instances, the difference in value between mats is simply too large to share fairly, in which case always doing the tank/cleric/DD split would mean you'll never get your DDs geared. It's up to your squad/friends/faction to decide what is fair to do in TT, but I never join pickup TTs just because of you greedy tanks and clerics.
  • Rule - Heavens Tear
    Rule - Heavens Tear Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Plain and simple, why we tanks (yes, we, i'm a BM tank) and our lovely clerics take the first picks?

    a) Try and make any instance without a tank or without a healer, we are needed and always on the front line
    b) We spend way more than DDs, tank on repairs cleric on mp, venos have very cheap magic skills and a pet that does most of the damage on [?] bosses, archers can use woven fang arrows (1 coin a piece) since 95% of their damage comes from the weapon they use and their char build, non-tank BMs just auto-attack with melee and maybe use HF every now and then, wizzys are probably the only class that uses more mana, but they can just cast low mana consuming skills

    Moreover, a tank and a cleric share the same task: protect the rest of the squad, when someone screws up and pulls one too many mobs who gets them off the back of the DDs? the tank, and who prevents the DDs from dying or resurrects them? the cleric does, DDs have it easy since all they have to do is follow around and attack once tank gets aggro, their armor doesn't take more than a few hits from stray mobs, their weapon maybe loses a couple resistance points because they're supposed to attack and maybe they consume some pots, but with the CHEAP juanxio you can make out of tokens, it really even is a considerable expense? it takes about 700 coins per juanxio in average, and each one of those restores 5k mana, that's almost 10 mana points restored per coin spent! WAY better coin/mana ratio than NPC regular potions, but have you heard about "cheaper repairs" for tank? we're stuck with whatever the NPC charges us

    We're at the front line, we keep the team safe and we keep the instance doable, as a direct result we spend more and it's only logic that we expect to be able to get 1st choice on mats, i've landed in a couple squads where "everything is sold and split equally among the team", so the archer who spent 3k and did barely anything will get as much as me who spent 60k in repairs and tanked? that doesn't sound right; oh and as a BM tank i count both as a tank AND as a powerful DD, since my aggro is based solely on raw damage, so i'm elegible for 2 picks then?

    The drop system for TT is not based on "what is equal, carebear", it's based on how much you spent and how much you contributed to the squad, stuff like this is what makes cleric/BM duos start to just clear TT by their own, or BM/archer/veno soloing TT squad instances, want a particular item? farm what you can get and sell it to buy what you can't, and if someone is kind enough to give up on their expensive mat choice to give it to you BE THANKFUL, we're not obligated to give you a mat "just because you need it", it's something we choose to do because we're kind enough, that is why i stopped doing it, people just took the mat like it was my obligation to let them have it just because i don't need it to craft a piece of gear, running TT for coins is just as valid as running it for gear

    Agressive...defensive...rude... methinks he likes the drops going to him. Pretty good reason to find a system to work around this guy.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    We all have the ability to sell ourselves if you are of value. I typically grind near a boss and am asked daily to help kill it. Tired of self sacrificing very profitable grind time, I started asking for coin to kill it for them. So far no one declined to pay and even thanked me.

    I don't know about LA, but I got more bang for the buck from Legendary AA. For Wizzies that mostly DB (no -ch benefit), the Legendary weapons are decent. Sure TT90 AA is better but I'm talking bang for the buck! You don't get the -ch, the +m/s and the coin left over to bring those equips up to snuff. While the people with TT90 are running around with little to no decent shards and a mere +2-3 refine, I've got +5-6 and Perfect or better shards, and am able to out run and out gun. I've been asked if I ever plan on upgrading my equips.. well yeah but going straight for second stage Nirvana / Rank 8 rather than wasting coin on equips that wouldn't be better without heavy investment. I've got the 2nd stage Nirvana sleeves 4 sockets with DoT's and +5 so far and still use my Sleeves of the Sea Captain frequently! b:victory

    Point is: DD's who don't get as good a cut can just use Legendary. Let the tanks have higher expenses w/o you if it bothers you.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ahhh... reminded me of the white named tank who got frozen while walking over to pick up the only gold mat of the run. And the witty archer who procceed to walk over and pick up the said gold mat. The archer soon found himself alacritying over several hands only to look back to see a dead barb. Its a happy ending when the archer and his 3 other ball less dd buddies sits around a camp fire around town of arrivals to split the spoils of day's pillage.

    The moral of the story... **** over enough people and eventually you'll run into someone with balls.... and then pay back is gonna be a *****.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Vienna - Dreamweaver
    Vienna - Dreamweaver Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'm a cleric and don't do TT's, only if friends ask me for help. But for myself, i rather buy mats in AH, or even better whole armor.... ( even cheaper ). If you farm even cheap mid mats > in 1h you will farm more coins in ultimative substances as you can earn as cleric or whatever in a TT run. I have no idea why Dmg dealers running 2h in a tt for 100k ?. lol, and dont blame greedy clerics & tanks, blame Perfect World Entertainment, they have create this wonderful economy not clerics or tanks.
  • Asheera - Raging Tide
    Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    b) We spend way more than DDs, tank on repairs cleric on mp
    I don't know about clerics but lmfao at tanks who exaggerate about the repair costs, some even stack up on multiple runs so they can see a big number on repairs later and say "woah"

    Repairs are incredibly low even less than the sub costs for a tank, don't tell me BS because I tanked my fair share of 3-1s and other TT bosses (including most bosses in 3-2 and 3-3 up to Emperor excluding Giant Beast which we do last and hits like a truck)

    But oh well we had a barb in squad once who DEMANDED first pick after the 3-1 run when a high level DD tanked instead. That guy didn't want any mats and left at end, then tank started saying how he deserves first pick. Shows how spoiled are tanks and clerics tbh.
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'm a cleric and don't do TT's, only if friends ask me for help. But for myself, i rather buy mats in AH, or even better whole armor.... ( even cheaper ). If you farm even cheap mid mats > in 1h you will farm more coins in ultimative substances as you can earn as cleric or whatever in a TT run. I have no idea why Dmg dealers running 2h in a tt for 100k ?. lol, and dont blame greedy clerics & tanks, blame Perfect World Entertainment, they have create this wonderful economy not clerics or tanks.

    I think you mixed up a few people's post. I said you CAN'T burn 100K+ in a TT AS A CLERIC unless your party is severely underlevel or stupid. Nowhere did I say a DD would burn 100K or even spend 2 hours in a TT. And no one blamed greedy clerics and tanks for the economy. I blame greedy clerics/tanks for why I refuse to do random pick-up TTs. Please get your information straight.

    And yea tanks need to quit pity seeking with their repair bill costs. Yes it's bigger than your other party members' but no it's not huge enough a difference to cry about. If your party is nice (read: you don't try to **** them over), they'll give you DQ/equip drops to make up for it. You don't need the gold mat to make up for your pitiful repair cost.
  • AngelOfLies - Heavens Tear
    AngelOfLies - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i dont like doing tt, i dont like spending 2-4 hours when i could be grinding or farming. if i tt i do it with friends, that agree to help. most of the time its herc venos, and i usualy sub, or supply the subs (when i had to do 2-2 for lion claws, i just gave the subs to the veno tanking, wasnt right lvl to sub) but i only get first pick, and the drops becuase they dont want them, dont need them, and they dont care. i stopped doing tt because of the idiots i come across. but if the barbs and cleric charge u to tank/heal, then want first pick i'd suggest u just grind/farm to get the mats out of ah, do it with ppl who will give u the mats u need after the run, or just reroll on a different server
    Avatars: Name-Class-Lvl-Server-Guild-Activeness

    AngelOfLies-Cleric-90 Sage-no guild-Not currently Active
    _CatGirl_-Veno-80-No Guild-Not Currently Acitve
    BlindingEdge-Seeker-6x-No Guild-Main
    DrawtheWaves-Sin-5x-No Guild-Active Alt
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    All those greedy barbs/cleric who demand first picks... you better hope archers don't catch wind of your scheme during bh metal.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Rawthorne - Heavens Tear
    Rawthorne - Heavens Tear Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    All those greedy barbs/cleric who demand first picks... you better hope archers don't catch wind of your scheme during bh metal.

    It's faster and easier now a days to have everyone gang up on the boss and stop w/ the whole "archer solo tanking metal boss while he's glitched on someone else." Ever since jone's blessings came out it's been a piece of cake to do it this way now.

    On topic to OP/this thread.....the reason the majority of the ppl on the server USED to do the whole subber/barb/cleric/dds used to be cuz the cost was outrageous at first. Don't gimem the bs about 50-70k repair costs = 1st pick. Here's WHY we used to do the drop order the nubs still wanna follow:

    When HT server ppl started doing 2-3 there were barbs burning through an entire gold charm and occasionally almost 2. Me as a cleric would burn a gold mp charm in 2 runs of 2-3 w/ skipping/rushing parts of it; when we didn't obviously my costs went up and end up w/ 50-80k in repairs and not to mention the numerous ga's/rez scrolls I'd have to use cuz of ppl doing stupid things. Meanwhile the "dds" back then would be nonstop auto-attacking afk on each and every damn boss w/ their +1-2 grade 9-10 wpns. At times when I didn't use mp charms I was buying 100 level 80 mp pots or more a day f/ TOA. Now THAT IS WHY IT USED TO BE THAT WAY (drop rules); BARBS/CLERICS HAD HUGE COSTS INVOLVED THAT NO ONE ELSE CAME CLOSE TO! But eventually ppl got better gear and learned how to do tt better and our costs involved plummetted. For example I recall when it required 2 clerics (1 bb) on wurlord just for the chance the barb to survive. Now a days I just spam IH on a tank and SOR/Wellspring if they get too low. Mp candy came out which plummeted every magic user's costs (except for the thick headed ones who stubbornly continued to use mana charms). Genies also made things easier for a variety of ways. Now a days we also have +30 blessings which make everything die faster; thus lowering cost/time involved for all.

    So yah that was the history of why it used to be that way (drop order). Does ANY of that apply today? Only if you go w/ complete nubs. I can do an entire 3-3 as a solo cleric w/ no overpowered -int users healing and dding and end up using on average of 5-10 mp candies (mp regen gear/cloud eruption ftw) which on avg takes me 2.5->3hrs so tell me how the hell a cleric in 2-x/3-1 who spends at most an hr in there should be crying for 2nd pick cuz of "costs." On the other hand all you dd's who btch and moan....stop being lazy asses on each and every damn boss autoafkattacking and aggroing mobs you don't need w/ your +1-3 wpns. DD's like that...I tend to go off on and never take them again on tts (most tts I do nowadays are 100% = share money runs).
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    It's faster and easier now a days to have everyone gang up on the boss and stop w/ the whole "archer solo tanking metal boss while he's glitched on someone else." Ever since jone's blessings came out it's been a piece of cake to do it this way now.

    It still really depends... at the min it would still need a claw user, a half competent archer and an average party to pull it off. Otherwise charm ticks would be involved... and we all don't want that.

    And yes... back in the day tt runs takes hours to complete and would need 2 clerics just to survive certain bosses. And in raw's cause... a 2nd cleric is required cause the ****er had level 1 rez until like his 90s... lol.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I HAVE a cleric that I played back when those "costs" were uber high. The only difference was I went through maybe 3 concentrate orbs instead of 2.

    Yes, I admit when DDs afk when they're not supposed to and their macro breaks it's really annoying, but I haven't seen anyone ***** and moan about anything that doesn't warrant a ******** and moaning. We live in NOW, not in the past, and as you said it costs much less now than before, which was not that much from the start. I don't know why you singled out DDs for aggroing mobs you could have avoided, because any class is just as likely to run facefirst into a mob as DD classes. If you're talking about pulling aggro off bosses, well a DD's job is to do damage, so we do that, and if the DD is stupid or arrogant enough to pull it intentionally, that's his/her problem, which has nothing to do with the way sh*t clerics/tanks treat other people.

    In fact, quite often when I am doing bosses with well-geared people the cleric is afk-macroing, not the DDs.

    I'm fine with clerics who treat other people fairly and don't have their nose in the air. If they give me a vibe that says they picked their class so they could be wanted and loved, to hell with them. I know enough good clerics to be picky and I treat them well. You reap what you sow.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    1st pick for them is to compensate what they spent aswell as the time they spent tanking/healing whilst alot of the times, the DDs go afk and come back wanting drops, ill agree its a fked up system, blame that on PWE for making stupid over priced repair bills and insane MP consuming skills.

    That's greedy and archaic. I guess to be expected from a nub server where people can get away with ripping people off like that. Everyone spends their time doing the instance together and if you think your time is worth more than anyone esle's, pull that stick out of yoru ****.

    Everyone has expenses of playing their class, if they don't like it they shouldn't play.

    A good DD party keeps everyone's cost down, and also makes a run go faster, making more runs in the same amount of time possible. People tend to like to rip them off because they can be easily replaced, but their time is the same time that you do. As a cleric, you can just afk heal macro, and justify your pick order because you have mp expenses... that's idiotic. Far more justifyable if you're 60 and running 1-1, but at 90 and running 1-3, 2-2, 2-3 and 3-1, that's just being egotistical and greedy.

    At 90 your MP costs are insignificant. 3 tokens buys 50 5000mp pots. If you go by pick order, cleric should be last. If you're sage, the cost of running is even cheaper. Spirit's Gift anyone?

    The greed of self-righteous clerics, barbs and venos can be astounding.

    Plain and simple, why we tanks (yes, we, i'm a BM tank) and our lovely clerics take the first picks?

    The drop system for TT is not based on "what is equal, carebear", it's based on how much you spent and how much you contributed to the squad,

    You're an idiot. And probably in a horrible faction. And most people probably don't want to run with you. And the people that do probably deserve to run with a tool like you.

    If I take a veno just to debuff and amp a boss, they get an equal split, because they've come and done their job just as they were expected to. I don't care what your costs are, you don't deserve more than an equal split just because you can tank or just because you can heal. I''m glad I'm in a large faction because fools like you don't get voted in.

    You'll end up being one of those high levels in a **** guild only so you can take advantage of the less intelligent and less experienced players. Or you might actually join a decent faction but you'll end up being the guy begging for people to help open for you and getting mostly silence because everyone will know or figure out you're a greedy toad and laugh at you behind your back.

    (most tts I do nowadays are 100% = share money runs).

    That's the best way to roll. You get a large pool of people that will trust you and are willing to go back on more runs. You do more runs, you make more money, everyone is happy. Nobody thinks twice when you ask if you want, or if you're asked to go because equal split isn't just fair, it's respected. People see the greed of people with weird or extravagant drop rules and they're only done out of greed or stupidity or a combination of both.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear
    Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Wtf is the point in running TT as a DD class?

    Make a veno, buy a hurc >.>
    *Semi retired*
  • Rawthorne - Heavens Tear
    Rawthorne - Heavens Tear Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    It still really depends... at the min it would still need a claw user, a half competent archer and an average party to pull it off. Otherwise charm ticks would be involved... and we all don't want that.

    And yes... back in the day tt runs takes hours to complete and would need 2 clerics just to survive certain bosses. And in raw's cause... a 2nd cleric is required cause the ****er had level 1 rez until like his 90s... lol.

    I do my bhs w/ my wifey w/ I think 2.3ish -int or something so nah a insane -int gear user isn't req'd. We make sure everyone is full chi b4 starting, I use WOP/prestack the tank b4 going in and bbing NEXT to tank. I have abs domain ready if tank's charm about to tick (I also tell them to use invoke if need be) and our wizzie is always 2nd to abs domain IF NEED BE. been doing it that way for quite a while now and only seen tank's charm tick maybe 1-3x total (each time they never invoked to prevent it). As long as you pour on damage in the 2 minutes you have to safely kill him you are fine. The wifey also uses the bm aoe which lowers their attack along w/ hf to make it safer.

    Ahh the days when I was the leader of the Metal Mage/fail cleric society w/ my level 1 rez...good times indeedb:laugh. DD's knew to be on their best behaviour
    w/ me around if they valued their expb:victory But alas after my 79 culti I finally had the spirit to get level 10 rez and nowadays I'll just tell dds to die if they do something stupid (like rushes in 3-x) and I'll rez them w/ my sage rez.
    I HAVE a cleric that I played back when those "costs" were uber high. The only difference was I went through maybe 3 concentrate orbs instead of 2.

    Yes, I admit when DDs afk when they're not supposed to and their macro breaks, but I haven't seen anyone ***** and moan about anything that doesn't warrant a ******** and moaning. We live in NOW, not in the past, and as you said it costs much less now than before, which was not that much from the start. I don't know why you singled out DDs for aggroing mobs you could have avoided, because any class is just as likely to run facefirst into a mob as DD classes. If you're talking about pulling aggro off bosses, well a DD's job is to do damage, so we do that, and if the DD is stupid or arrogant enough to pull it intentionally, that's his/her problem, which has nothing to do with the way sh*t clerics/tanks treat other people.

    In fact, quite often when I am doing bosses with well-geared people the cleric is afk-macroing, not the DDs.

    I'm fine with clerics who treat other people fairly and don't have their nose in the air. If they give me a vibe that says they picked their class so they could be wanted and loved, to hell with them. I know enough good clerics to be picky and I treat them well. You reap what you sow.

    Aesthor you know me; do I EVER afk auto anything on runs? I was referring to the nonstop 3-x runs i do when silly dds aggro mob we are attempting so rush by. If I aggro them on accident (rarely do) I sleep/holypath/charger orb away. A dd aggroes them most of the time when I'm the one smart enough to watch the minimap before jumping and won't rush headlong into even more mobs to "save" them. True tanks do it as well but typically 4 dds/run while 1 tank/1cleric per run I go on so it obviously happens more to dds then tank/myself.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Most TTs I do these days are random drops, not how I would perfer to do it but w/e I guess it's fair, though I'd rather sell mats and split coins.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    Aesthor you know me; do I EVER afk auto anything on runs? I was referring to the nonstop 3-x runs i do when silly dds aggro mob we are attempting so rush by. If I aggro them on accident (rarely do) I sleep/holypath/charger orb away. A dd aggroes them most of the time when I'm the one smart enough to watch the minimap before jumping and won't rush headlong into even more mobs to "save" them. True tanks do it as well but typically 4 dds/run while 1 tank/1cleric per run I go on so it obviously happens more to dds then tank/myself.

    If you don't like being generalized, then don't do it to others. If anyone was stupid enough to attack a mob while rushing, they deserve to die. If anyone accidentally aggro'd a mob when you're sneaking around that's their loss, not yours. And no, it's not always DDs. Everyone walks past = everyone has that risk and it's how the player plays (and sometimes the lag/crappy computer), not the class s/he plays that matters. I don't give a damn if you individually do it or not but people, INCLUDING CLERICS, do stupid things, and I've seen them do it, so you're not convincing me otherwise. I already said I don't p.u.g. TTs because of clerics/barbs who are dumb in the head so unless you're dumb in the head and demand first pick at TTs you didn't sub you don't need to get defensive. Yes, there are TERRIBLE DDs out there, but I don't take it personally when ppl complain about runs taking forever because of AFK DDs or w/e.
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    All those greedy barbs/cleric who demand first picks... you better hope archers don't catch wind of your scheme during bh metal.

    I have still yet to see smb hax on that boss.

    b:bye I pref staying away from tts lately. Last full 3-3 dropped 1 aura & rest OHT lol b:embarrass
  • Ranfa - Dreamweaver
    Ranfa - Dreamweaver Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You'd have to be literally broke to consider TT repair bills "expensive". My repair bill for 2-2/2-3/3-1 are usually around 70k. And those are 2 man runs.

    If I can get 400-500k worth of mats just by spending weeny 70k on repair then I will gladly tank any TT. My Cleric spends way less than 50 MP foods per run (if you are spending more than that, you either have a really fail squad or you are one of those Clerics who think spamming IH can get you by). That is less than 30k. Actual repair bill is less than 3k. And you want the most prestige mats for it?

    When I run TTs for faction members I split the drops according to value. No class BS, no lvl BS, no tank/cleric BS. Everyone gets equal share. If it's not a coin run then I run it until everyone has what they need.

    As a low level BM I always ended up with the crappiest mats, sometimes nothing at all in random TT squads. I despise the system, and I would never go with a TT squad that wants to go by it.
  • Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear
    Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Plain and simple, why we tanks (yes, we, i'm a BM tank) and our lovely clerics take the first picks?

    a) Try and make any instance without a tank or without a healer, we are needed and always on the front line
    Honestly.. Make a squad w/o a DD, just tank and cleric. Now hf killing arma boss b:bye
    The drop system for TT is not based on "what is equal, carebear", it's based on how much you spent and how much you contributed to the squad, stuff like this is what makes cleric/BM duos start to just clear TT by their own,

    That's bs what you say here. Yes, bm + cleric is a nice combo when it comes to most things, but you ain't going duo because you contribute most in the squad or w/e other reason you say, but only to get more from the drops/split. Less ppl = more wealth to you and that says it all.
    *Semi retired*
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Honestly.. Make a squad w/o a DD, just tank and cleric. Now hf killing arma boss b:bye

    I have no problem solo-tanking Illusion Lord... If I had about 2k hp more I wouldn't even need a cleric, however I always appreciate the help and I have no problem splitting the share if he drops. I just want him to drop. lol
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear
    Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I have no problem solo-tanking Illusion Lord... If I had about 2k hp more I wouldn't even need a cleric, however I always appreciate the help and I have no problem splitting the share if he drops. I just want him to drop. lol
    not saying no1 can do it alone, but it's gonna be more time consuming and therefore "your" own costs are also gonna be higher. this guy seems to think that a dd's contribution to a tt squad is insignificant compared to a tank/healer. which i say is bs =P
    *Semi retired*
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    not saying no1 can do it alone, but it's gonna be more time consuming and therefore "your" own costs are also gonna be higher. this guy seems to think that a dd's contribution to a tt squad is insignificant compared to a tank/healer. which i say is bs =P

    Oh I totally agree. I can do him solo in about 10m. If the ep dies, I can stay alive long enough for them to fly back from town... but I'd rather do it with friends and help them prosper too.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Pyrya - Archosaur
    Pyrya - Archosaur Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ok so i did a little testing. I ran 1-2 on my BM and my barb to test the repair costs. Tactic on my BM was using fist until 2 sparks > HF/extreme poison combo > cyclone heel > repeat, and i used shadowless kick to cancel when i could. On my barb i just purely tanked, reamed and alacrity to cancel, that was it. Fully repaired all my equips before going into both. Barb came up with a 64k repair bill (i didn't stop for logistics), and used maybe 2 mana pots. BM had a 32k repair on fist, 6k on axes, 10k on equips, I used maybe 10 mana pots and wasted about 30k genie stamina, not to mention a few charms ticks on last boss.

    May sound like I'm exaggerating but I'm not. Barb got 2 broken armor, and BM got a framework. Hows that fair?