[Server Maintenance] 8-5-10 DONE!



  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    What's RPK? :o

    Random PK.

    And if devs think this will spur more action, how many lower factions will even bid on a land for possibly 140 mirages or whatever?
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Fliiick - Heavens Tear
    Fliiick - Heavens Tear Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    +12 orbs in packs...
    Mirages that, if sold at NPC price, equal 3/10 of the original land income...
    No refunds from TW wins/lost bids....


    Everyone thought you ruined the game by bringing out packs, but this is the nail in the coffin.

    Was fun everyone b:bye
    ~Almost original Tao member~
    Former Tao Director

    IGN: Fliiick
    Cleric 100
    Currently Radiance
  • Egaenil - Heavens Tear
    Egaenil - Heavens Tear Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    LOL why every1 QQ about tw system now? I'm we ALL knew it's coming
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"wink wink"
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Maybe TW for fun rather than the money Smokey ?

    TW's not fun if you don't have money.

    GG b:bye
  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Filter circumvention is a banable offence - Ary
  • dirtycar74
    dirtycar74 Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Not until I have (a) enough coin; and (b) someone I can honestly say is a match to me and my playing style.

  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hey guyz dun worry!

    If we give PW even more of our $$ and buy enough warsouls, maybe they won't completely **** over PvE too!

    ... owait... b:chuckle
  • Egaenil - Heavens Tear
    Egaenil - Heavens Tear Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    LOL thatss wat i thought when i 1st saw it too XD
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"wink wink"
  • zelts
    zelts Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    -- - WOW OMG. . +1000 on the New changes for TW.. That should teach those greedy greedy disgusting people to play for fun rather than do it to become even richer.. Great one PW!! b:victory
  • The_owner - Lost City
    The_owner - Lost City Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    LOL GM'S YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST EVER!!!!! b:victoryb:laughHah! Because now you GUYS have literally given me the chance to say this:

    "Guys don't QQ cuz what GM'S say go"

    ^ I have been told that so many times, it gets so frigging annoying!

    God... I love you guy so much. b:laugh

    Haha my immaturity is done. Back to normal me. ^_^
  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    LOL thatss wat i thought when i 1st saw it too XD

    PWE just owned his **** off lol
  • Alliptica - Raging Tide
    Alliptica - Raging Tide Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i've never gotten married in game bcuz they dont allow **** marriages :(

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Asheera - Raging Tide
    Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    TW is dead, the irony since you said it will be more "competitive" and **** now.

    Nobody will bother to TW except the heavy cashshoppers who can afford charms without caring about the costs.

    Great way to kill the game since TW was one of the only things interesting going on for most people. After you're losing half or more of the population and your sales don't wonder why and remember this post.
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Charmless tw FTW :D

    Damn I'm glad I don't participate
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I have never TW'd. Ever. I had been considering joining a TW faction for fun, but for the most part I wanted to stay out of the huge drama and QQ fest that TW typically ended up being.

    However, even with my lack of any TW experience, I can see how this is going to seriously **** the game over.

    1) The new bidding system is the biggest pile of **** I have ever seen. Secret bids? You're basically asking every faction to make a guess at a good bidding price and hope that they get it right. What's worse is that you now can't be refunded on this money.

    I appreciate you didn't code this, but do me and everybody else a favour: tell the devs they officially suck at finding solutions to this game's issues.

    First it was decomposing your gear that was nerfed.
    Then it was DQ that was nerfed.
    Now it's TW that's been nerfed.

    What's next? Mobs stop dropping coins altogether because god forbid a bot's farming monsters for coins?

    2) Mirages for owning a land? Seriously. Rank IX gear I can understand, but mirages?

    You understand that this is basically asking for people to bid anywhere up three, four times the amount of money they're going to get to fight for a land in the first place? Seriously?

    The devs need a damned IQ test, because this is idiocy beyond their typical standard. I foresee a large number of factions dropping out of TW because of this change. Guess who else this screws over, by the way. It screws you as the company over, because you're about to see a substantial drop in the number of people charging zen. Who needs charms now? Hell, you've just brutally destroyed TW, I can even see people not bothering to refine their gear heavily any more because TW is no longer something they will be doing.

    This change doesn't affect me. I can carry on playing like nothing much every really happened. But I really pity everybody else who this does effect, and I would like to congratulate the devs on proving what a bunch of morons they all are.
  • Conavar - Heavens Tear
    Conavar - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    TW's not fun if you don't have money.

    GG b:bye

    Only the top landholding factions on each server made anymoney from TW . The other 90% of ppl were losing money each week to have fun ... Now looks like the last 10% will be joining them .. and they are going to QQ till the cows come home. b:shutup
  • Umbra - Raging Tide
    Umbra - Raging Tide Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    TW is dead, the irony since you said it will be more "competitive" and **** now.

    Nobody will bother to TW except the heavy cashshoppers who can afford charms without caring about the costs.

    Great way to kill the game since TW was one of the only things interesting going on for most people. After you're losing half or more of the population and your sales don't wonder why and remember this post.

    I love you.
    Skyrim, ok. b:dirty
  • OIdpop - Heavens Tear
    OIdpop - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    b:laugh i love it i love it! Never liked TW anyways due to its unbalanced nature.
    This game is like washing hair with shampoo... Rinse and repeat if desired.
    Proud owner of many mains.101 bm,101 seeker,101 demon sin,100 sage sin,101 archer,101 barb,100 cleric,100 wiz( first toon since sept 08 finally made it in 2013)newly added mystic 100 HA,72 psy.
  • SugarPrinces - Sanctuary
    SugarPrinces - Sanctuary Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I dont even TW and i dont understand why they did this, it makes no logical sense whatsoever.. u *bid* to attack a territory controlled by whatever faction, if some other faction leader outbids you, you lose your factions money and have to explain to all your members that contributed that "Oh i'm sorry, your 2mil donation to TW has been stolen by the server cuz we were outbid, now we have to raise more money and bid again if we wanna tw"... and uhh, 300 mirages for a reward really?? at 10k per mirage this doesnt seem to me to be even close to the "FactionX has paid xMil coins to declare war on FactionY's territory of.." i regularly see broadcasted.. assuming that your territory is even one of the random ones selected for the reward.. i think all this is gonna acomplish is makin lvl3 facts not even wanna tw anymore, and the territory map will remain as-is, be it mostly dominated by one faction as it is on my server, or whatever. PWI i love you but, this seems highly illogical to me, tho i may be wrong and this may have some sort of benefits i cannot see as of yet.. i certainly hope so, i was kinda lookin forward to tryin out a tw when i reach the proper level.
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    b:quiet PWI devs are secretly working for a rivaling company & are trying to make us quit b:shocked
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Maybe TW for fun rather than the money Smokey ?

    money is a nice incentive, i dont tw for it, never have. it ruins a factions incentive to bid, and buy charms etc. bidding wars are over. buying charms for it are over. you're a smart guy. your just trolling me. dont let those new additions corrupt your organization.

    in all likelyhood the devs just handed even more of an upper hand to enrage, which isnt good for competition, or fun tw, or for their bottom line. its pretty clear they want to chase people away from TW just in time to catch them with forsaken world.

    i'd say its a pretty crappy strategy, since history repeats itself, anyone going from pw to fw can just expect the same deal in 2 years. Press "O" to access the boutique.
  • Alliptica - Raging Tide
    Alliptica - Raging Tide Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    the only reason you should be mad about the TW changes is if your greedy. back when i was in Varden i was making 500k a week from tw but it wasnt fun getting rolled in 5 mins every time. now im in a noob tw guild that dont hold any land but we may be attacking this week and its not for the money, its for the fun of it.

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    the only reason you should be mad about the TW changes is if your greedy. back when i was in Varden i was making 500k a week from tw but it wasnt fun getting rolled in 5 mins every time. now im in a noob tw guild that dont hold any land but we may be attacking this week and its not for the money, its for the fun of it.

    Do you go through 3 platinum charms a TW? Oh, you don't? Good now you can proceed to gtfo b:bye
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    the only reason you should be mad about the TW changes is if your greedy. back when i was in Varden i was making 500k a week from tw but it wasnt fun getting rolled in 5 mins every time. now im in a noob tw guild that dont hold any land but we may be attacking this week and its not for the money, its for the fun of it.

    & now you'll proceed to get rolled in 5 mins, won't get the 500k & lose your bid money :D Have fun b:cute
  • LovesToPlay - Heavens Tear
    LovesToPlay - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I got married on April 25th to an Archer char name ... AL ... it has been a wonderful experience. The quests were a bit of a struggle at first until we found our nitch. As long as we don't trade lead or die we usually get it done in a timely manner. The other couples are pleasant and I even give buffs to them. I do recommend it if you find a great grinding partner. Who knows maybe some of our alts will marry each other.
  • Conavar - Heavens Tear
    Conavar - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    money is a nice incentive, i dont tw for it, never have. it ruins a factions incentive to bid, and buy charms etc. bidding wars are over. buying charms for it are over. you're a smart guy. your just trolling me. dont let those new additions corrupt your organization.

    Not trolling at all .. I agree the new bidding system totally sucks **** but the new pay system is great.

    Edit: But the bidding does mean the dominate faction cant just chuck money to force a bid they want (well they can but they will quickly run out of money)
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Those of you saying that you should TW for fun and not be greedy:

    I have never received a cent of TW pay in my entire game life. I have never been purchased a charm, given pots, or compensated in any way for my TW expenditures. What's more, I have spent my own cash on charms, etc., in order to TW. I really, really enjoy TW.

    But I would never, EVER ask my faction to throw away the sums of money it takes to TW without ANY chance of getting it back EVEN IF THEY WIN just for "fun."

    THAT, if anything, is selfish and greedy.
  • mysticalx
    mysticalx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Dear PW Dev's,

    You guys are **** where ever you went to game developing school is beyond me. I'm sure I speak from ALMOST everyong who tw's that you have just ruined TW completely. What were you thinking making mirages our tw pay and rank gear? I don't care abour rank gear 1. RANK is to hard and expensive to get so **** that I'd rather have TT gear and I'm sure other people would as well. ARE you guys totally on major drugs? Did you even ask yourself how this IDIOTIC change would ruin your game because I was looking forward to Forest Ruins now I'm looking forward to quitting! 3/4 your update may be good but that 1/4 that you guys made bad is going to make that 3/4 nothing cause I'm sure lots of people are about to quit your game.
    Bye pw it was fun while it lasted.b:bye
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The new TW pay "incentive" will show who is TWing for the fun and who was in it for just the money.

    I expect the TW scene to slowly rot away now.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Riney - Raging Tide
    Riney - Raging Tide Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The new TW pay "incentive" will show who is TWing for the fun and who was in it for just the money.

    I expect the TW scene to slowly rot away now.

    As I swoop in and steal territories.
    xRiney - League of Legends. TwilightSparkle / Rarity - Path of Exile closed beta. Dark_Marine - Firefall

    Proud brony.