*facepalm* stupid squads



  • Mournbringer - Sanctuary
    Mournbringer - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    IDK, as a BM if anything goes wrong I usually happily take the blame. if cleric dies its my fault for not grabbing agg from mob/mobs, if tank starts to go I try to grab agg to stall his death, basically I consider it my job to die if it will save the party. Find yourself a good BM, we find comfort in the familiar panic of grabbing all of the mobs, knowing we are about to die b:victory
  • StreamElf - Sanctuary
    StreamElf - Sanctuary Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I was doing a bh69 with a bm, barb and 2 venos i think.
    Anyway, the one playing the barb usually not played it, so she couldn't get the timing right to interupt Pole's AoE.. I got oneshot by it and went to town, the barb and bm died too, only the venos were alive. While they knew everyone else was dead they just killed the boss (he was like at 5% of his life when we died). They didn't even say sorry for killing the boss and just ran off doing other stuff.

    But on the other hand, i've met a lot of awesome people. We were doing a fb39 and we had a 81 barb (i think, he could be a lvl higher), a 89 bm, a 56bm, a 39 psy and me.
    So the barb was like: "Can i please tank Farren + adds without heals =D",... well why not? If he dies my rez is lvl 10 and he wanted it xD But he didn't die and we killed the boss very fast. Then we went on. I asked the barb if he wanted to tank calcid+adds+bombs without heals. He did this and we also killed those very fast. Note, the barb was uncharmed, only relied on pots and genie heals. Then we came to Triocs room. So, since i wanted him to die now (he's a good friend, we were just playing around a bit), i asked him to tank Trioc + adds + the other mobs in the room. He was like: why not? and started gathering them. Everyone was just watching him, i made a screenie and after the screenie he died xD He didn't care that he died and was just laughing with us. I rezzed him and we killed Trioc very fast. Was one of the most fun and fastest fb39s i've ever had b:victory
    8x Cleric (Sanctuary)
    6x Veno (Sanctuary)
    5x Assasin (Harshlands)
    3x Archer (Sanctuary)
  • ChaoticLove - Sanctuary
    ChaoticLove - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Actually,when you're the Cleric,things like this are far more noticiable on a DD's Side like a BM/Wiz.
    I've meet a lot of people in squad that seem to play individually and not as squad members,they only care to get their heal then keep killing stuff till they're at boss,and these kind of people don't even notice if someone that its not supposed to get agro on a BH like the Cleric or a Wiz on Physical Mobs,they keep going ahead blindly.

    This may sound exaggerated,but its true,my Brother got a lv. 9x BM that BARELY notice his own Hp bar(b:surrender),even with the entire squad wiped behind him,he won't notice until they get him too.

    On the opposite,as Cleric you must have 6 eyes,one on every squad member,including yourself,you must be aware of everything,like the Psy loving to agro stuff without even kiting and get surprised if they Physical Mob on a BH kill him in 2 shoots,or the barb that run on a group of mobs while you are healing the BM killing another group.

    You wanna play this game relaxed?,pick a Veno or a BM,don't start this game as Cleric,Cleric need to have a general Knowledge of other class's skills,its good to have one as Alt to further understand squad mechanics.I found myself giving advices on a Barb in bh69,telling him to Invoke while iam reviving a squad member,and/or spamming alacrity of the beast to try to cancel boss skills,funny thing is,I don't even have a barb alt b:surrender.

    My veno used to be my main, I went on my cleric and made it my new main cuz it was more fun. But I just feel like people need to pay attention better

    If I'm insane, why does that matter?
    Making fun of me for being insane,
    is like me making fun of you for being normal.

    Veno 7x (Sanc.)
    Veno 5x (Harsh.)
    Cleric 4x (Sanc.)
    Cleric 3x (Sanc.)
    Bm 2x (Sanc.)
    Archer 2x (Sanc.)
    Psy. 1x (Sanc.)
  • Krisnda - Lost City
    Krisnda - Lost City Posts: 1,465 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    In cases where the squad is rude to you, do NOT rez the ones being rude.
    This, period. if they are being jerks to u, u dont have to rez them u already lost exp, let them lose some too >:). But if you are nice, i guess u could rez them (i wouldnt though lol).
    A good moderator should:
    - Have the computer skills necessary to handle forum-related tasks (Web skills, basic programming)
    - Be patient to handle all sorts of requests
    - Be level-headed to keep discussions and some petty squabbles in check.b:cool
  • DarkDelusion - Lost City
    DarkDelusion - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Lol! Funny. I have to say one thing though. Barbs are usually jerks :P No offense.

    Lion - Have a huge ego and are usually rude. Guess thats why they made a lion barb in the first place? Damn idiots. b:angry I HAVE YET TO MEET A NICE BARB LION >:O

    Tiger - Friendly, yet sometimes like to tune me out or anyone in squad. I find them to be pros at PWI +.+

    Wolf - Very friendly, sometimes stupid, and funny. Or maybe I'm just thinking of that one sexy barb.
    b:surrender b:kiss b:laugh

    Well this is what I experienced while playing PWI with barbs. Maybe I'm just always with the wrong crowd of barbs. Soooo anyone else experienced something different? :D
  • Omnicon - Dreamweaver
    Omnicon - Dreamweaver Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think whats worse then a fail squad is hearing the horror stories from other players about clerics who don't have IH at lvl 70+.

    I came to the realization today that it's clerics that don't seem to care about the class. That give use better clerics a bad name.

    I was in a squad for bh69 today to get my culti for nob and pole. We had 3 barbs, myself, a psy and a BM. One of the barbs was asking that we get a second cleric. But I assured him that I had clericed these dudes plenty of times even tho I am lower level. (first time I ever did I was in my late 50s I believe anyway.)

    By the end of it all. The barb apologized to me in doubting my ability to play my class and it was all good.

    Later that day, my marshal was in a bh59 squad and he was telling me about the cleric I was mentioning before. In there 70s without IH. My marshal is a barb, but he's a very decent one. But he could hardly stay alive at drake because of the heals from the other cleric. Constantly Well-springing. This cleric also complained that they actually had to heal.

    I love played the cleric class. Love knowing that I can bring someone back to life. (wouldn't it be nice if we could do that in real life?) But I start losing faith when I hear all these stories and then get treated like I dont know what I'm doing in random squads.

    (ok this was all mindless ramble. I'm tired, I think I had a point somewhere in there lol)

    ~ Omni
  • AnimaBlanc - Sanctuary
    AnimaBlanc - Sanctuary Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    It's sad to say that in many squads alot of people think they are invincible with a cleric there and that the entire squad revolves around them.
    I say this from a cleric's wife point of view.

    So many squads we were in ended up in disasters because every squad member ran off left right and center all yelling and screaming "HEALL!!" as soon as they had attacked something.
    Not really realising that even though, in his case, he has quite the insane mag build and a low channeling time, it STILL takes time for him to reach them.
    People need to realise it's usually not the cleric's that are fail, it's their own sense of understanding.
    All you need is something to believe in. -Solar_one. <-- <3 mah snoockums, mah hubby, mah eberyfing. :3

    Lag; You think yours is bad ? It took Jesus 3 days to Respawn !
    "Current games aren't -games- anymore, just light shows operated by win buttons, lol."
    "ah sh*t, were gonna die!.... but it's still cool!" -INTMDATOR
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    In FC just now...

    We're heading to sleep boss...after a partial wipe at slash boss 'cause barb tried to cancel. So...they didn't kill the harpy and barb somehow still has aggro on it. He says "relog and add me" I assume to force log to get the harpy to go away. So...he goes out of the boss room to the room before it then comes back in the room with the harpy still on him and shouts for me to heal him 'cause he's like almost dead. Of course, my heals didn't heal him quick enough and he dies thus I get the harpy on me.

    You'd think the smart thing to do would be for someone to get the ******n harpy off of me ASAP...nope. I have to say it like five or six times before the sin decides to kill it. Meanwhile, barb is shouting at me to res him...yeah, dude. I TOTALLY have time to res you inbetween healing the BM tanking the boss and myself so the harpy doesn't ****ing kill me. Boss dies. Barb rages and leaves party.

    We move on. EXP room boss dies and the BMs split off to lure the mobs. Mobs die except for harpies. Once again, I have to shout at them to get it off of me. Of course, one of them also activated heads during this time so they're all busy killing the heads and I'm kinda sitting there in blue going "WTF???" until the sin again comes to kill off the harpy.

    I need to start charging random FC parties like one or two res scrolls per run. This is ****ing ridiculous.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Mekkhala - Lost City
    Mekkhala - Lost City Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    LOL today I did a bh39 with a sin and a wiz that thought they knew everything. Even tho they were new to the game and didn't know what "9x" or "genie lure" meant. (yeah, wizz didn't know you could use genie skills <facepalm> We had to tell him skills were under his genie)

    So then we got to kaboomers and the wiz was getting aggro every other mob. He had **** gear and barely over 1200 hp, so he died...alot. I mean one blast took almost all his hp. He didn't even kite- he just stood there yelling for heals while getting pummeled. We had 2 clerics and we couldn't keep him alive.

    So, he and the sin started yelling at us to "heal"...while we're both spamming them as fast as we can. The other cleric pointed this out and the sin's response? ''So heal faster!" We told them thats not possible, and the wiz told us "he could heal faster than we could." (oh right, his long-*** channel heal is sooooo much faster than 2 clerics >.>) he then tells us "our job is to save them nomatter what."

    At the end a lvl 85 veno joined and it went smoothly since the noobs were in awe of this "really really hi lvl" and let her kill the mobs. I then found out the wizz still didn't understand how bh works. He thought you did the ENTIRE dungeon 3 times, so he hadn't even turned in his bh#1 yet. I decided it was time to switch to my main and left the squad.

    Why do noobs think they understand how cleric works? They start playing a game, dont even know how to use a genie or how bh works, but they think they can tell somebody else how to play their class? "Heal faster?????"

    Ahhh I feel better. its nice to rant sometimes...
  • Mekkhala - Lost City
    Mekkhala - Lost City Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    In FC just now...

    We're heading to sleep boss...after a partial wipe at slash boss 'cause barb tried to cancel. So...they didn't kill the harpy and barb somehow still has aggro on it. He says "relog and add me" I assume to force log to get the harpy to go away. So...he goes out of the boss room to the room before it then comes back in the room with the harpy still on him and shouts for me to heal him 'cause he's like almost dead. Of course, my heals didn't heal him quick enough and he dies thus I get the harpy on me.

    You'd think the smart thing to do would be for someone to get the ******n harpy off of me ASAP...nope. I have to say it like five or six times before the sin decides to kill it. Meanwhile, barb is shouting at me to res him...yeah, dude. I TOTALLY have time to res you inbetween healing the BM tanking the boss and myself so the harpy doesn't ****ing kill me. Boss dies. Barb rages and leaves party.

    We move on. EXP room boss dies and the BMs split off to lure the mobs. Mobs die except for harpies. Once again, I have to shout at them to get it off of me. Of course, one of them also activated heads during this time so they're all busy killing the heads and I'm kinda sitting there in blue going "WTF???" until the sin again comes to kill off the harpy.

    I need to start charging random FC parties like one or two res scrolls per run. This is ****ing ridiculous.

    Squad with my main I kick morons who abuse the cleric for their own failings b:pleased
  • GirlBadger - Lost City
    GirlBadger - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    b:surrender I'm a temperamental cleric, and I don't know a lot of other clerics like this. But from what I've read there are lots. maybe just none that i've personally met, or maybe a rare few on my server...

    These are my complaints:

    1. I have cleric-itus. Meaning that i go stir crazy when my duckies (meaning a squad i'm not thoroughly disgusted with) aren't at full health. And when they get lower than half health i feel like i'm gonna flip. Especially if it's the good kinda barb that knows how to keep aggro and keeps the rest of the squad from dying.

    2. Suicidal sins and dumbass barbs are the worst. Not that all sins and barbs are like this. But the ones that run out of range and use their speed boost and what not and leave me, the cleric, so far behind i can't get to them in time and then gripe about "where's the cleric". OH god. i hate them. Clerics are slow as molasses in winter. It's not our fault, but RELAX DX. They're all gungho and ready to go, without taking into consideration the rest of the squad. I hate it. hate it...

    3. Aggro thieves. mainly: Wizards and Psychics. I hate when they steal aggro so much. probably because they're so squishy and lack physical defense. If it's a magic mob that doesn't have mana drain, i don't worry so much, but it's still annoying and i hate giving them the added magic attack buff cause it makes it more likely they'll take aggro. v_v maybe if they would time their attacks better i wouldn't get chewed out for "letting them die"

    4. MY NAME IS NOT CLERIC. i don't know how many times i have to say that to a squad, mainly to the barb, that if they don't learn to use my name, i'm going to let them die. And i'm serious about it too, which they don't get~ I give them 3 chances though. Like baseball :D 3 strikes, you're out. b:angry

    5. well actually that's all i can think of for now.

    I rarely get lucky enough to be in a squad with a veno or archer. But i've never had a dumb veno in a squad, and only once a stupid archer. BM's, in my experience, don't go too far ahead, and always come back to save the squishies.

    I love the BH51 cave actually.
    I rarely use BB for wyvie, even if they ask for it. If there's more than one cleric, then fine. What i hate about bh51 is when we get Zimo.
    One time, my bh51 squad went for Zimo and there were two clerics. The other cleric kept yelling at me to do my job because she was chasing after the barb and i was keeping the slowpokes alive cause the barb decided to skip a few moving mobs. Well when we all caught up with the barb, the cleric was using wellspring surge T_T I asked her why she was using that instead of IH when the barb is at half health. "it's faster and uses less mp." I told her IH is better because it gains more health, she told me mind my own business~ So me, a temperamental cleric, started getting annoyed. Because she kept using it. After a while idk wtf happened but psychic and barb died, the other cleric sat there while i was keeping the veno and the sin alive. And then she had the gal to yell at me for not reviving the barb or psychic, she even said "stupid cleric, do your job!" Well.. i was flabbergasted for a minute, then i was like, "excuse me *****, what class are you again?" the psychic laughed her *** off~ Then the cleric left the squad after that, we didn't even make it to the boss yet, and then the barb pked her. b:chuckle

    Ahhh. but yeah. i love being a cleric sometimes. i have the power to say who lives or dies or gets to come back to life, and i relish it b:victory

    this is a really long post D:
  • TexanTank - Raging Tide
    TexanTank - Raging Tide Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Ikr? I get called the tank all the time...oh wait.
    Did a BH39 run with another barb 6 levels higher then me he asked to tank I said cool I'm fine with side tank/DD but guess he was a kid or something only used true form to run and never used flesh realm so told the cleric in PM to stay by me but what he do?
    Run with the other barb they went the wrong way pulled tons of aggro and ran it back to me.
    Oh course it was the bomb mobs so I pulled all the aggro cleric ran because he didn't want to die and the 2 ranged DD's killed 2 of them at the same time getting me killed.
    Cleric leaves squad for another one so did the DD's.

    Took me all day to just get my stacked BHs done with.
  • GenericBrand - Archosaur
    GenericBrand - Archosaur Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    4. MY NAME IS NOT CLERIC. i don't know how many times i have to say that to a squad, mainly to the barb, that if they don't learn to use my name, i'm going to let them die. And i'm serious about it too, which they don't get~ I give them 3 chances though. Like baseball :D 3 strikes, you're out. b:angry
    I agree with most of what you said, especially this bit. When talking about the cleric that's fine to call them cleric. But if you are addressing them directly and calling them cleric, that is just flat out rude imho. I always use names >,< I have yet to see a player named cleric. I tried to make a character called cleric, too. Wanted to make it a barbarian but the name was taken :(

    I've been in my fair share of craptastic squads. Oh how I wish I hadn't seen some of those horrors. But on the other hand, I've seen what CAN (and might possibly again) go wrong so I can prepare for the next encounter. My "favorite" one is when one or two people continue on in a BH squad and skip mobs that the rest of the squad will have to deal with. If you have to wait for the mobs to move in a certain position/time your run/run up a wall(lol)/whatever then maybe you should wait for the rest of the squad so you can kill what's in your way and you all can proceed without an issue o.o

    People rarely seem to want to work together for the common goal. Or maybe I'm just jaded b:cry
  • MeIony - Dreamweaver
    MeIony - Dreamweaver Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    People rarely seem to want to work together for the common goal. Or maybe I'm just jaded b:cry

    No... that's just how society is these days b:surrender

    b:cute I <3 my Haxxie c:
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    +1 to the wall of text from GirlBadger
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • GodRaiden - Raging Tide
    GodRaiden - Raging Tide Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Most of the players are getting good at 80+ that is.
    Becouse I've met so many noobs who wipes squad and clerics below 70.
    I'm 66 cleric but I had a alt cleric 80 before long time and I know what to do
  • Asahide - Harshlands
    Asahide - Harshlands Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Woa I really had Fun Reading this Well i might Bore u all but I kinda try to learn to be a Cleric , But i pretty know how to be a dder And il tell u theres a Big diference on Many Stuffs First of all Mosltly ALL dds Know they are dds Like barb knows they barbs so Well in my case i manage a Sin lev 100 and i have an 60 cleric alt ;B
    Most dds Just Are lazy and they wanna keep atacking ang go afk i guess
    for my goodnees i learned a few things :P u cleric should tell dds they suck as dds also
    1- i kinda always run near the cleric just in case Till all aggros got on barb ,bm i rather die that get cleric dead so i keep close to him so if he get agros i aoe and fine
    2-as a DD i know i will steal agro so like cleric bring mana pots Well i rely on Charm , hp pots , Sparking ,genie skills ,Apoth pots Etc ... So Well any decent dd can keep inmune at least 10 seconds If tank does not steal agro in that time well we blame tank :P (that brings me to the point dds just wanna keep atacking and be afk)
    3- If We die For our on SAKE and stupidness we should just keep quiet , Lol i found in a fun way those who just complain about dieng cuz bad cleric always complain of die for "lag" if it was an ovious error or cuz somthing otherwordly happened I guess if they complaiint when they die alone questing or so

    and Believe me at 90+ is not like we all know 100% how to use our class WE believe that they do like another day i found a "pro Sin" he told himself pro sin that he didnt know if he canceled chanelling in Slash boss in fc he swipe all team .... And after i told him he not was like ohh thanks for saying he was like I did it all times same and never happened anything bad , :P i guess that for cleric sake is like others saying with my cleric that wouldnt happen ;3 then they should go with their clerics b:laugh
  • StreamElf - Sanctuary
    StreamElf - Sanctuary Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Oh wow, i just did a fcc. The previous cleric was a fail they told me, so that's why they wanted me to help. So i run up to the rest of the squad, buff and heal them all up and use IH on the barb. While i was still casting my first IH he rushed into a group of mobs, so i got them all on me. Luckily the psy and bm were clever enough to get them off me, but the barb continued to run. So i was healing the psy and bm (especially the psy) while someone screams that i have to go to the barb, since he was dying. While we were busy with killing this group of mobs he ran forward and aggroed them all untill the boss. So i ran all the way to him, but i couldn't heal him fast enough and he died. Luckily we had 2 bms so the other bm tanked them all and pulled us through. I rezzed the barb. Then we did the boss, the bishops one. So almost everyone was just on auto attack and didn't kill the bishops, except for the psy and 1 bm. But since they lacked attack they didn't kill them fast enough so we had multiple bishops on us. Needless to say, all my heals got interrupted by them. So everyone died except for me. I ran away while the barb was screaming Rez me!. I couldn't come very far and died too.
    Then i ran all the way back (already getting annoyed by the barb, and i was there for 5 minutes) and rezzed them all. We did the boss again and this time everything went fine. One of the bms had dc or faked it (he didn't come back xD) so we got a wizzie. Well we ran to the place where the mobs began and waited there for the wizzie. While waiting i was talking to my friend. Then suddenly the barb rushed in and i saw someone running to the mobs. So i immediatly ran after them, but wasn't quick enough (yay for the bishops standing there T.T) and the barb died. After him the bm, veno, psy (who tried to take them away from me) and finally i died. I started cursing the barb for rushing and him being fail, just because he was. But i forgot he was the one who had lead because he invited the wiz. So he kicked me and told me that i was the one that was fail lmao. I told him that he shouldn't have rushed and just should have waited for the wiz to come. Well and i told him some more stuff that i'm not gonna repeat here b:chuckle He told me that he had another cleric who was much less fail than i was and stuff. So i kept pestering him with the fact that he was the one at fault and that he just didn't want to admit it. He told me it was going much better with the other cleric and stuff. But he didn't know that i was in the same faction as the psy and bm who told me a different story XD They didnt even want me to ask them how many times they died.
    I feel sorry for them though. But i just laughed at the barb who told me that i was fail XD I told him that i could solo heal fb69 my very first time, that in my first fcc run no one died, that i can solo heal bms on both nob and pole, and all that because i am fail of course XD
    Too bad that i died 2 times because of the barb, but well, i feel more sorry for the ones that stayed in the squad with him.

    But don't worry, normally the barbs i meet are much less fail than this one XD
    8x Cleric (Sanctuary)
    6x Veno (Sanctuary)
    5x Assasin (Harshlands)
    3x Archer (Sanctuary)
  • Asahide - Harshlands
    Asahide - Harshlands Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    But don't worry, normally the barbs i meet are much less fail than this one XD

    Woaaaaaa D; i totally understand u Brings me to mind The 1 Fc Fail barb i met The Mighty Dex Barb Who Told Us he didnt wanted to tank but to be a Fist DD... He didnt Even had like 8-9k life in TF and buffed -.- i nearly hit 8k buffed I hate to depend so Much on barbs for fcs and that If u put in Wc looking for tank a barb messages u keeps u waiting then he comes up to this -.- We just used him to buff and bm did al tanking job
  • Kyrael - Dreamweaver
    Kyrael - Dreamweaver Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    As my time on my sin I've seen many a fail squad... Too many to list here. But since this is on the clerics forum I'll post regarding my cleric. o:

    Yesterday my cleric, whom I've been leveling lately to get experience with more classes, got to lv40 and picked up her first BH. Qingzi~~ Well, I knew there was a nice chance I'd get killed a couple times from suicidal DDs, careless tanks, etc., but as I slowly put together a squad (I refused help from high levels in my faction so I could learn to play better, as did one of the sins I squadded with) I decided that the players I was with so far seemed fairly competent. Sadly, not many people really needed Qingzi right then, so our squad wound up with me (lv40 cleric), two sins (41 and 55), and another cleric (50).

    At this point I wasn't worried at all. Two clerics should definitely be able to keep the two sins alive in this instance. Nothing should go wrong.
    Obviously something did since I'm posting here. <.< >.>

    Both of the sins were very competent. They pulled exploding mobs away from the groups before taking them on to avoid accidental boom-boom deaths, knew when to take how many mobs, etc. The cleric, on the other hand... was obviously suicidal. b:shocked Not something I'd seen much. Suicidal BMs and sins, even barbs, yes, but not clerics. He charged into the groups of mobs in the corners of the towerling's room for some reason, and then screamed for heals. Uhm, heal aggro? No thanks. I'd rather pick you up from your dead feet than go to town to get you up. And also, you're a cleric. Heal yourself. So he died before the sins could grab aggro from all three mobs, then raged at me for not healing. I pointed out that I was busy keeping our DDs alive, and that if you aren't going to put up Plume Shell or cast IHs on yourself while you're standing in a bunch of physical mobs, you're just asking for death.

    It happened again, with no death the next few times, and then we reached Qingzi's room. The cleric offered to pull Qingzi without aggroing all the other mobs in there since we had no barb, and we all reluctantly agreed (with me being ready to res him again... b:surrender ). So he grabs Qingzi, I tell the 55 sin to grab him and stack a few IHs, and the second cleric... Well, apparently he'd done more than just pull Qingzi, he'd shot off few attacks, so the sin's Knife Throw (and subsequent attacks) didn't get aggro. The cleric kept running away from us. And running. And running. So... he died. Somehow I managed to res him while keeping the sin alive (jumpy HP bar scared me as res chanelled, but it was going well), and when he stood up.... he did nothing else. Buffed himself and sat to meditate. Uh, gee, thanks, I appreciate your help keeping the squishy fishy alive. Then somehow Qingzi started smacking the sin harder, and she died. Other cleric stands up, starts attacking. Second sin dies despite my IHs. Other cleric dies, and while he's dying I res sin 1, then Qingzi comes after me. I IH myself a few times and pop Plume Shell (no idea if Qingzi is magic or physical, but it couldn't hurt), hoping the sin can re-aggro, but I die and then the sin does.

    After the 50 cleric rages some (we try to explain to him that running AWAY from us means we can't exactly help him) and refuses to release to res everyone, I'm forced to release, I come fix everyone up, and then the cleric leaves. Good riddance. The 55 sin eventually goes to her main veno (8x) and we breeze through the dungeon.

    End result: suicidal cleric wipes squad, I attempt several times to keep everyone alive, and I get a couple DDs that I know are competent on my FL. b:bye

    EDIT: Oh geez. Wall of text. I'm sorry to whoever bothered to read all of that. b:surrender
  • Blood_Panda - Raging Tide
    Blood_Panda - Raging Tide Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    BB wayvern = fail

    unless you trust the tank's tanking ability to take on wyvern's hit with amplify damage. which the incident wouldnt occur.
    its generally a bad idea to BB.

    if sin want to attack.. get a bow. or sit that one out.
    if bm want to attack.. suntra himself.

    the 20x20x20 situation.. will depend on what skill the barb use..

    normal earthfist or some other skill like impact.

    I believe if it is impact.. you can actually begin to heal.
    again.. this can be solve with communication with your tank.

    Build a rapport.. build a good party.
    Build Aiming for : pwcalc.ru/pwi/?char=99d12b053ed06fe9
    Retired : pwcalc.ru/pwi/?char=a798089d5502e95b
    17k hp since level 92.. now @ 13k Hp on 100
  • Mpfi - Sanctuary
    Mpfi - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I'm reminded of something _Pale had posted, and stuck with me. She had listed 10 rules for a cleric, but 2 of them really stuck with me.

    1. I am here to save your LIFE, not your CHARM.

    2. If you die due to your own stupidity, you go to town.

    I have been called a fail cleric for letting a barbs charm tick. I have also been called a fail for debuffing bosses, or throwing in an occasional attack. A TRUE good cleric knows when to heal, and when they can attack.

    When I go into a squad, if it is with people that I don't know, I EXPECT it to be a fail squad. I will do my best, but once I see signs of fail, I tend to hold back more and just heal. I also look for the first opprotunity to get out of there.

    With as many cash shoppers out there, there is more and more people that are getting to be high level FAST, but not really knowing how to play their class. I have been on squads (on my assassin mostly) with clerics that oracled their way up and didn't know what they where doing. You try staying alive with a level 90+ cleric healing you with PUREHEARTED. She didn't know that IH STACKED, and thought it was a fail skill (a 90+ cleric with level 1 IH = FAIL of epic proportions).
    "If people get any more picky about their squad makeup, there's going to be a fashion requirement in order to join squads."
    Reliea - Sanctuary
  • sonecka
    sonecka Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I hate when the Tanker lose the aggro, and cleric begin the game "who got the aggro?".
    And the people begin to scream "heal me !!11!".
    Many times I wish to let the people die, but I heal because I'm a good guy b:victory
  • Missa_Mae - Dreamweaver
    Missa_Mae - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    lols i know how ya feel, tho my cleric also lvl 69, shes quite evil, but at wyvern it happened to me the same thing, so i decided to just heal and purify much easier, and to squad heal the casters and to wellspring the close up peepsb:victory
    As for fail, tell em to take a candle and stick it up their asses cause you have no intention of risking your own tushy for people who cant playb:faint
  • Klizzahrd - Lost City
    Klizzahrd - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    The funniest thing is when somebody dies near the end of a boss fight...you rezz them....but they're so busy spamming REZZ REZZZ REZZ REZZ in chat they don't notice....and they miss the boss when they could've gotten up.

    I'm not sure why I find that funny. Guess I'm just evil.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Want a story of true fail?

    It's starts with bh69 + brig in bh79.
    So joined a squad (bm lv79, barb lv81, other cleric lv82, wiz lv81) and went to do bh69 (wined)
    No trouble there what so ever, everyone was stacked it went fast and even I lured n00b and pole without any difficulty.
    Pyro was next and bm dc'd but the barb just kept aggro until bm comes back (poor barb and his repairs Q_Q) ok but pyro is dead and no biggie, off to bh79.......

    Here joins a lv78 veno in need of 20x3 so we went unwined, did sty, holi, cleared all the mobs till 3 chambers before brig and linus without a hinch.
    Then we got lill to hasty and made a party wipe (not cause someone failed, just lured way too much mag mobs for zhen too barb and bm to live trough) nothing special "release corps" just dou bigger eyes then we could handle.

    Now I forgot to mention that only barb and me needed brig, so after the wipe veno looked in her quest log and saw she was done, she said ty and left followed by her apparently friends bm, wiz and cleric. Nothing you can do all tho barb and me were like "not now xD".

    Well off i go to arch to buy teleacoustics and search for other members....well this is where the fail starts.
    "Wtf bh79 unwined!"<----them "like yeah 80% of it's clear so I don't see a prob"<---me
    ^Well after few min managed to get 2bm's lv90+, veno lv95 and another cleric lv86.

    Should be even easier then with previous squad right?......well wrong.
    Other cleric = no healing what so ever
    Veno quited after she realized that obviously it's unwined and after screaming my charm is ticking (she had a herc but she tanked not herc) while i fight to keep barb and 2 bms alive when they each bounce aggro on multiple mobs.....the other cleric stand there casting few attacks and doing nothing.....

    Ok so veno left i was like "with hell with her lets move on", so we moved on to the chamber before linus, aggro pounce keepin them and my self alive (barb was the only one that actually wanted a live cleric so he kept everything away from me)...we lived but in my head I was screaming "FAIL!!!"

    Ok now the real fun starts Linus/Brig chamber...remember all the nice mobs? Specially the wooden poison ones?
    The first mob dead...good start, but after that like hell, every BM had 2-3 mobs on them barb had too and me also since the bm's managed to aggro every single mob on the left side including the poison ones standing with Linus( dont ask how).
    Fighting to live and keep everyone alive including the other cleric who actually casted 3 times AoE heal (yay for her).
    Now the break trough...the other cleric decide's to not even purify her self and rather she went to DD.
    Poison on me just after 2 stacks did 600dmg, now you can guess what it did to 2 bm's and barb after multiple stacks.
    Poped concentrated orb and went "SoR, purify, WS, SoR, purify, SoR, purify, WS...and ect" getting hit since they did not have aggro on all of them and for some reason the bm's all went to his side making me actually have to run back and forth to be able to heal them and keep em alive....other cleric run out of mana and stand there idle....

    BUT we lived and killed them....now the boss....aggro pounce, keep em all alive, other cleric found the IH button but unfortunately she kept healing the wrong person for most of the times (+1 on the effort, tho i wished she found the purify button a while back when peeps had literally no HP to go with)

    Barbs last pm "good job"

    Now can someone explain why cant a simple fb cave go smoothly? Better question why can lower lv's do a better job and better team play then higher lv's with awesome gears b:cry

    FACTS (gear wise)
    My original party members had carp gear including the barb
    New party really had uber gear 4 their lv



    Oh edit:
    I expected to meet higher lvs with more skills after not playing 4 months ( I mean u do the same thing over and over and over again)
    /end rant
  • SolSong - Heavens Tear
    SolSong - Heavens Tear Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I've decided and have told squads if your squishy and your HP hits 1/2 or less and I'm not going to have time to heal I will expel you. If you steal aggro then you better be able to tank it.

    I've started playing hard ball. If you can't watch your damage and you can't have pots on you to help protect you...you either die and I'll rez when able or if I have time (those lovely 2 or 3 shot squishies) I'll expel you and heal when I can. If you run off before buffs then not my problem I'll buff when I can.

    I had a 99 sin in BH89 drop squad after the following: their HP got to 50% (threw a heal at that point) and they're like why aren't you healing me (this is the section on the way to EA just after the first to rangers). I'm like I'm the only cleric I have a barb that's tanking I threw a heal when it was safe to do so. I'm watching the HP bars of 5 people in this squad. They dropped squad after that conversation. The squad contained several other chars that were pulling aggro as well.

    I love how some people think they're the ONLY important person in squad and the cleric should be concentrating just on them. My opinion health of the squad wins over the health of one in a multi-mob situation.
  • Manakel - Lost City
    Manakel - Lost City Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I was doing my BH 29 on my cleric, I was 48 at the time. My squad was a 4x veno, 53 BM, and 47 BM. I thought there would be no problems... I was wrong.

    Everything went ok until we got to the boss. We buff, I stack IH, BM goes in. after a few seconds the Veno steals aggro, dies. I rez/heal. stack a few more IH on the 53. I decide to throw in a plume and a WT to help speed things up a bit. I do so, throw out 2 more IH- then two more plumes and HOLY **** I HAVE AGGRO. I was charmed, which saved me. I stack IH on myself, and after 10 seconds when the BM fails to regain aggro I decide to just tank it myself. (thank God Qingzi was using his magic attack instead of the melee)

    <insert charm ****, pot spamming, equipment breaking, and several 1% hp moments>

    I burned 80k off my HP charm, 60k off my mana charm, all my equipment was low resistance- two pieces broke, used several dozen charms, but by God I made Qingzi my *****.
  • Qinnlenlea - Archosaur
    Qinnlenlea - Archosaur Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Ummmm.........is this like a verson from twilight zone? I have dealt with these squishy minded people SOOOO many times. Even a posted rant of when I asked for a rez scroll beforehand to save these numb minded people only to be met with drama and disdain and even a ban from a guild.

    'Flip' to those that don't like it.

    From here on out I'll not ask for those scrolls as it's only a waste of font to think that people care what the cleric goes throuogh. But I also hope the group likes LFC when I leave the group for their stupidity which contrary to popular belief is an incurable desease.
  • Kahurangi - Sanctuary
    Kahurangi - Sanctuary Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Ah BH51, fun times! Facepalm indeed.

    One time doing a BH51 run, there was me (on my Archer alt), barb, cleric, bm, and sin. The barb refused to be buffed, would pull more than one group of mobs but would not hit them all.... so lots of healer aggro as you can imagine. Despite the healer and myself trying to explain the mechanics of healer aggro, he blames the cleric for making his charm tick, and for me and the sin stealing aggro off of him (we were picking off the mobs that were making a beeline for the cleric cos of aforementioned healer aggro). The barb then says he's going to get a level 90+ cleric who knows how to play their class properly (jeeze). So we ended up ditching the squad, even after all that the cleric thought he was to blame somehow :(