Reminiscenting good old days



  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Maybe better you not read it. The truth hurts I hear . . . .

    Probably just a rumor though.

    What faction are you in again? What week is it? Have them attack Narla or Impulse if your not just in it for easy prey for your chicken.

    naaa i read it lol, im neither a cashshopper or OP so it dosnt really appeal to me, as for TW, i dunno about you but im only ever in TW for easy prey for my chicken TW lost its competitive edge after impulses mass lead switch and loss to Narla. So im just enjoying what fun i can have in PK/ TW before i runoff into the sunset for a new pvp server b:victory

    the perfect story dont you think.

    Oh btw seen as you've been bluename thoughout this entire server and ive never seen you white you cant really comment on others pk and cashshopping.
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • worldsanctuary
    worldsanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    naaa i read it lol

    Knew you read it, of course.
    Im neither a cashshopper or OP

    Sure. You got to 101 so quickly running fc without hypers. And that +8 budda's leaf you were running around with dropped from Drake I suppose. Save your delusions for someone else. I have plenty of my own already.
    Oh btw seen as you've been bluename thoughout this entire server and ive never seen you white you cant really comment on others pk and cashshopping.

    Have been white, even red, just not often. Not much at all, no.
    TW lost its competitive edge after impulses mass lead switch and loss to Narla.

    Impulse loses to Narla in a nearly 2 hour TW and its "not competitive"? Exactly my point. The OP players that qq the most don't really seem to want competition, they want to beat weaker opponents. I just don't get why you are surprised when less and less of them bend over for you.

    And don't act like you dont' want to pk people lower than you. At 101 that is pretty much all there is, isn't it. And you, like others, sure went out of your way to get there sooner than any others. Which is pretty much my point.

    I don't need to pk to comment on what people say anymore than one apparently needs a brain to speak. Your proof of that.

    And the fact that you came to this, a PvE server, and are already set to leave for a new server, for the most part prooves me right. Either your an idiot for picking the wrong server, or your an idiot for coming here thinking there will be alot of pk.

    And as for leaving, you have been leaving, and back, and leaving, and back, for weeks and weeks and weeks now. What a fn Diva you are.

    Do us all a favor and delete, instead of pretending to be relevant. If you were really after what you claim to be after, you would have rolled on a PvP server. But I guess that would have slowed your progression to 101 too much, and maybe offered you the competition you claim to seek.

    You'll have to excuse me. Your words drip with so my hypocrisy, I have to find my mop.
  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Knew you read it, of course.

    Sure. You got to 101 so quickly running fc without hypers. And that +8 budda's leaf you were running around with dropped from Drake I suppose. Save your delusions for someone else. I have plenty of my own already.

    Have been white, even red, just not often. Not much at all, no.

    And don't act like you dont' want to pk people lower than you. At 101 that is pretty much all there is, isn't it. And you, like others, sure went out of your way to get there sooner than any others. Which is pretty much my point.

    I don't need to pk to comment on what people say anymore than one apparently needs a brain to speak. Your proof of that.

    And the fact that you came to this, a PvE server, and are already set to leave for a new server, for the most part prooves me right. Either your an idiot for picking the wrong server, or your an idiot for coming here thinking there will be alot of pk.

    And as for leaving, you have been leaving, and back, and leaving, and back, for weeks and weeks and weeks now. What a fn Diva you are.

    Do us all a favor and delete, instead of pretending to be relevant. If you were really after what you claim to be after, you would have rolled on a PvP server. But I guess that would have slowed your progression to 101 too much, and maybe offered you the competition you claim to seek.

    You'll have to excuse me. Your words drip with so my hypocrisy, I have to find my mop.

    i like reading mass troll posts.

    i got to 101 becouse i was in every FC run there was, and "back in the day" there was hardly enough people to even put a FC Squad together. you seem to also think that people who apparently Uber level have to have cashshopped, which is false. See i was the highest veno all though the server which allowed me to do things others couldnt for example TT Farming (good profit) and Farming Miniworld bosses without compitition (Mega Monies). these things means ive never had to CS, and incase you forgot when Leaz quit he GAVE his stuff away, so 3 guesses were i got the +8 budda from.

    This thread is about pvp in the first week or three of server, fights you was never there for so you have no say on what you think they were. who cares if your white or red now back then when mass CS'ers such as yourself didnt rule pvp it was down to skill, which was ALOT more fun then pvp these days. THATS what this thread is trying to portray, how pvp was before CS and Levels was involved and i gautentee you ask ANY player who played at server start and pvp'd and they will same the exact same thing.

    go open more packs & south. good day b:kiss

    P.S. I said i was quitting once, not "back and forth" like leaz was, and yea im still around but thats becouse im hanging on for either forsaken world, or a new pvp server. so im sorry if i got you upset by lieing and sticking around. have a cookie mr troll.

    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • worldsanctuary
    worldsanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i like reading mass troll posts.

    incase you forgot when Leaz quit he GAVE his stuff away, so 3 guesses were i got the +8 budda from.

    Didn't forget, never knew if you paid for it or received as a gift. In all honesty, doesn't matter much to my point, unless you think "cash shopper" refers not to the gear but the act of swiping a credit card. So, a cash shopper gives you stuff for free and your not a cash shopper? Get the benefit without the taint? Interesting theory.

    Noone complains if someone cash shops charms, or fashion, or mounts. It isn't the cash coming into the game that people qq about, its the cash shopping of oracles/hypers and the gear, dummy, because it means if you don't cash shop those items and others do, you can't compete.
    This thread is about pvp in the first week or three of server

    No, this thread is about how good things were back then, as opposed to now, "first week or three of the server" when everyone (who didn't cash shop apparently, according to you) was level 60-70. Without cash shopping? Those mini bosses and TT farming really helped you level to 60 in 3 weeks, right? Give me a break. Noone believes you. I don't even have to rely on the posts from Proski and others (who I don't particularly know) who say you didn't pk back then with them anyway (week 1-3). If I do rely on their thus far uncontradicted statements, and apply your logic, you have no right to comment on this thread either. The reason you did is obvious, and the same reason I did: this thread is about how things suck now compared to then.
    THATS what this thread is trying to portray, how pvp was before CS and Levels was involved

    That's my point exactly. THERE WAS NO PVP "before CS was involved", because CS was involved from day 1. There were lines 10 deep at the oracle spots day 1, you know it, I know it, and (most importantly, and the reason for this post) is that I know that you and all the rest know it. So to sit here and remember the good old days "before CS was involved", on this server, your either delusional or just plan untruthful. There were people charging gold left and right from DAY ONE on this server, by the dozens, and most of the ones with the sad faces here were doing it.
    P.S. I said i was quitting once, not "back and forth" like leaz was, and yea im still around but thats becouse im hanging on for either forsaken world, or a new pvp server. so im sorry if i got you upset by lieing and sticking around. have a cookie mr troll.

    Again with the self delusion. You said (TO ME PERSONALLY) that you were quitting when you were selling off that budda's leaf. Then, after you sold it, you said (TO ME PERSONALLY) that you were staying after all. That was a few weeks ago, maybe less. NOW, on this thread, you say you are leaving just as soon as a pvp server comes along. That is twice that I know about personally. Forgive me if you didn't do it once or twice that I don't know about.

    Yes, go to a new server or a new game, where you can cash shop faster than anyone else and be OP for a few months if it makes you feel good. Just do us all a favor: when people get tired of pvp against you, or when they finally catch up to your level of cash shopping, save us all the qq about how it's not the same and your going off to greener pastures. A few of your comrade may, but most of the server (trust me) couldn't care less.
  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Didn't forget, never knew if you paid for it or received as a gift. In all honesty, doesn't matter much to my point, unless you think "cash shopper" refers not to the gear but the act of swiping a credit card. So, a cash shopper give you stuff for free and your not a cash shopper? Get the benefit without the taint? Interesting theory.

    No, this thread is about how good things were back then, as opposed to now, "first week or three of the server when everyone (who didn't cash shop apparently, according to you) was level 60-70. Without cash shopping? Those mini bosses and TT farming really helped you level to 60, right? Give me a break.

    haha i love that first part. So according to you unless someone earns everything they have, anything thats unaccounted for such as gifts means the person is a cashshopper, even if they havent spent a penny on there toon. even more Interesting theory...

    and it was about cashshopping AFFECTING PK, not level. I Was doing minibosses @ level 43 and them with hyper gave over 60k exp each, 60 Activates per Hyper, sounds like mega CS dosnt it. But as for getting to level 43 you got me... i MUST of CS'ed that becouse as we all know hitting level 43 is just. impossible. unless you CS level 43 is just out ofd reach, questing and group grinding just isnt enough right.

    oh uuuh becouse your the kind of person who wouldnt understand the last sentence ill close the tag for you. b:surrender
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • AgentPotato - Archosaur
    AgentPotato - Archosaur Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think the both of you are some of the most cynical people I know tbh. Other than myself. b:surrender
  • worldsanctuary
    worldsanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    haha i love that first part. So according to you unless someone earns everything they have, anything thats unaccounted for such as gifts means the person is a cashshopper, even if they havent spent a penny on there toon. even more Interesting theory...

    I am saying, yes, that person has some nerve qq'ing about cash shopping. If the logic escapes you, well, I can't say that I'm surprised.
    and it was about cashshopping AFFECTING PK, not level.

    When 6x and 7x's camp the oracle spots and pk anyone white named, cash shopping levels DOES affect pk. Again, this is the point which is apparently lost on you.
    60 Activates per Hyper, sounds like mega CS dosnt it.

    So you admit now that you CS'd levels, we are now only talking about the degree to which you did it? I'll take that as an admission and end it there. I will not pretend to know HOW MUCH you cash shopped. I think your admission simply proves my point that you did CS levels.
    we all know hitting level 43 is just. impossible. unless you CS level 43 is just out ofd reach, questing and group grinding just isnt enough right.

    Hitting it with the speed on a new server that most of you did? Yes, it is not possible without CS, as you've admitted. And group grinding without hypers? I suppose it is possible, and I'm sure some did it on this server sometime. However from day 1 I saw maybe 4 wc's for zen parties, and 400 qq'ing that noone did zen parties b/c everyone was doing oracles. You, I'm sure, were the sole exception on the entire server. Of course we believe you.
    oh uuuh becouse your the kind of person who wouldnt understand the last sentence

    I have a 9x wiz on sanctuary that I CS charms for and that's it. I never even hypered FC. So yea, I did all the rest.

    On Arch server? Nope. Oracle and Hyper'd clevehands till 80 then FC'd the rest of the way. The difference between you and me is that, unlike you, I don't pretend to have done anything different, or qq that the people that didn't do it as much or as successfully won't go white named to let me BT them, or say that I'm leaving for a new PvP server as soon as I can so hopefully I can rinse and repeat the process even faster and noone will have any choice but to fall under the weight of my credit card. Which, by the way, if you did do only "light" CS'ing (whatever that might mean), I just wish I could be there to see someone like AztecGod at level 70 week 1 come in and wipe your zen party. Personally, however, I don't belive it. I think you will be the one swiping and wiping. And qq'ing once again that that server is dead when people quit that b/c, with unrestrained pk in questing areas, the only way to even play is to level quickly with cash.
  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    im bored arguing with people who cant admit there wrong, its tiresome. potato is right too.

    but ill give you alittle epeen boost then blood, yes i got a free item, so yes im a cashshopper. Changing the subject slightly then how much have you spent blood? $2000? $3000? shame you never put all that wasted cash to use and pk. b:cry

    btw, dont get into a argument with icezicle or proski, with the amount off bullcrap you post you'd fill up the forums arguing with em with your wall of text posts.
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • worldsanctuary
    worldsanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think the both of you are some of the most cynical people I know tbh. Other than myself. b:surrender

    Cynical? Nah.

    Greatly enjoy putting people in their place who think they are so smart and everyone else is so dumb that they can say anything they want you to believe to make themselves look better and the power of their scarey super genius intellect will make you believe it?

    but ill give you alittle epeen boost then blood, yes i got a free item, so yes im a cashshopper. Changing the subject slightly then how much have you spent blood? $2000? $3000? shame you never put all that wasted cash to use and pk. b:cry

    my epeen? For someone that doesn't pk, or really flaunt their gear, I guess itsn't not that big. Maybe I don't have anything to compensate for irl, ijs.

    Using cash shopped gear means you really have no standing to complain about it, that is my point. And you admitted to CS'ing levels, which again was my point, but now I repeat myself.

    Last I counted (I don't like to do that, its saddens me) was more than a month ago, was $1,300 or so, more than I paid for my first car. I'm sure its more now, but only for orbs so maybe $300 more or so. I make good money buying and selling gear, tokens, etc. I was going to do same here as sanctuary originally, but I was being out leveled so quickly, and there was no real market early on to trade in, I bought packs for tokens for oracles and got a cloudcharger. I couldn't shard that with flawless and +3 it, or pair it with that kind of gear, so I decided to waste some cash. Sorry if you expected me not to answer, but again, I don't really have anything to hide.
    Changing the subject slightly then how much have you spent blood? $2000? $3000? shame you never put all that wasted cash to use and pk. b:cry

    I didn't come here to pk, I came here to TW. And I didn't cash shop from day 1, so I would have just been fodder. I'm sure I will pk eventually, and even did a very little this week (nothing big, sneak attack 1 shots on people who were probably much lower level than me, but a little bit of back and forth the second time with _Seven). Forgot I was pink and was killed by the guards. Twice.

    My PK skills are actually quite poor, but I'm sure will get better. They couldn't get worse.
  • Katanyia - Archosaur
    Katanyia - Archosaur Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Min? WTH? What's up with you today? You and Proc have a personal issue between you I'm unaware of? Because this is definitely sounding personal b:surrender
  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Min? WTH? What's up with you today? You and Proc have a personal issue between you I'm unaware of? Because this is definitely sounding personal b:surrender

    b:sad i dunno kat, i think hes buttsore he never got that rap chest from me so he wants to humiliate himself by typing long **** boring posts like it matters or affects anything.

    BTW GET ON D: lets play our archers.
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • INovaI - Archosaur
    INovaI - Archosaur Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The only thing that really sticks in my mind are the 2 hour fights between impulse and asuras at Oracle 2 and hidden orchid.Also had a few good 1v1s with Nahk and Klaxn. I think there was a couple times we pvped Narla at silver pool in the beginning, but it didnt last long as nahk was like EVERYONE BLUE NAO! which is when soochi joined. overall there wasnt a whole lot of PK, alot less then most of us wouldve liked. Anyways im headed to the new pvp server, provided it actually comes out. Maybe something special planned (sup ascii)... Mostly in it for the "glory moments" tho. Heres hoping to a good 2-4 weeks of fun pk on the new server before cash shoppers and fc kill it b:thanks
    People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.
  • worldsanctuary
    worldsanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Min? WTH? What's up with you today? You and Proc have a personal issue between you I'm unaware of? Because this is definitely sounding personal b:surrender

    I've just had it with people that qq about pk on our server. And especially people that say they are leaving and come back, then say they are leaving, etc. GTFO if you don't like it and spare us the drama.

    I don't have anything against him personally. Alot of these idiots probably believe the same as him, he was just the first to reply with the "you don't pk you can't comment" bs.

    PK in this game (and particularly this server, given the transplants we have here) is about cash shopping. And on this server it was from day 1.

    And Proc, no butt hurt here. If I wanted the rapture that badly, I would have paid what you asked for it. Ask Kat, I pointed her to one a few days ago in cat shop for 70m. I want one, but until I know I can get 2, I can use my coin to make too much money to have it tied up for 6 months in a rapture chest I won't be able to use for who knows how long until I get another one. You know this is the reason I didn't buy it from you because I told you the very same thing then. Again, maybe you think people will believe it whether its true or not. I, for one, will not.

    Like I said, I have nothing to hide. If I was pissed about a rapture chest, I would say so.
  • Silest - Sanctuary
    Silest - Sanctuary Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Reminiscing about days long past is the road to online depression >_>. They wont come back, so move on.
  • Martiin - Archosaur
    Martiin - Archosaur Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I don't understand why you are looking in my direction =( I tried to read most of your posts but I have a short attention span.

    Cashshop to the top...your kidding right? I am an arcane veno that has my highest refine at +3 cause I got lucky with mirages. My average refine is +2 and highest sharding is immaculate...I farmed my "event gear" during the time where I would sell antenna's for 2m+ each and farm well over 20 a day. Rings 40m each, cape 35m, weapon 25m + friends help and helm was a gift.

    I have spent as much as proc...$0. But also fighting lower levels? Sorry I am constantly asking a white name I don't know their level and if its lower then 90, I walk away. I feel no pleasure in killing lower levels only if this was a pvp server. Cause if we roll lower levels here they might never go white again. But in pvp server, they have no choice b:chuckle

    This thread is gone off in tangents and il stick with proc and all the zhen crashing, fish crashing, world quest ganking, and zerging in west as our prime. Its what i think we would have wished would be achieved here but its just not the same circumstances.

    Reading katanyia's post, you know its fine missing out on that. You still login and im sure you enjoy yourself since you continue to. So its no need to be discouraged. Csers will always be frowned upon by those who refuse to take the time to buy something to accomplish anything in a longer period of time. People spend money on hobbies, your no different. Stick to your play style, and if you get a scroll of tome, call me b:dirty

    *edit* so i got bored and read more posts. I will add that I used "cashshopped" material funded by another person. So by your logic I have csed and well I don't see why I should be ashamed of that. I would spend money on the game but I simply can't. After spring semester I will have my B.S. in Civil engineering and I have a firm in mind, if I get hired, yes I will gladly spend some extra cash on here. Till then im your neighborhood poor college student. BTW anyone attend Penn State here? We should meet up for some beers and talk about one shotting people as pickup lines.
    (anonymous) "If pwi brings out rank sale again, I will def increase my spending limit." Marketing, learn it, master it, and after that stop complaining about it.
  • _Kazamir_ - Archosaur
    _Kazamir_ - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    o.o soooo muuuccchhh QQQQQQQQ!!!!

    its these things that keep me entertained :D

    *passes the popcorn around*

    by the way...out of random why is there less PK now then there was back when it was just me, fluff, ghostz and nahk and occasionally Kiaxn vs. the world?
  • Tivas - Archosaur
    Tivas - Archosaur Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Martin dont i know that the good all days in pk lasted 2 days and where made by the ones who oracle since day oneb:chuckleb:chuckleb:chuckle
  • _Ghostz_ - Archosaur
    _Ghostz_ - Archosaur Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    omg i miss playing with you guys so much, it kinda sucked that i lost my internet, then i had to buy a laptop so i could get wireless connection (though its a piece of **** till i get my internet back) but how has it gone tho this reminiscenting thread is kinda telling me not so well lol
    Just don't. This is your final warning.
  • Must - Lost City
    Must - Lost City Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Going bad ghost really really bad.........
  • _Ghostz_ - Archosaur
    _Ghostz_ - Archosaur Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ah man well... theres always a pvp server to go to *sigh* they need to make the new one... because if i go on HL and they come up with that server im gonna be pissed lol.

    But back to the good ol days.

    I remember when Proclivity was squishy and i loved killing him (HA Veno ftl QQ lol) and when Wasted and Pinkaboo would always fly in a group waiting for pk to happen (Leaz would buff from SZ).

    I remember when people believed Impulse was all powerful because they went white named at 30 and acted like no one else did ( i did that to but i was in stealth all the time and killed and disappeared before anyone knew i was there)

    I remember our epic Hidden Orchid fight where it was Narla (Me, Kaz, Naht, Kiaxn, and BIG FLUFF) vs Asuras vs Impulse and we held off our little fort house which i bet was the most epic pk on this server to date

    I remember when Soochi left Narla and we were fighting at OT and i made her drop her TT 60 weapon (When not many people had them if any and we all roflstomped on vent)

    I remember when Narla was having a Guild pk event and it was crashed and made one h*ll of a pk party lol.

    I remember when I was chilling With Naht when he was grinding to hit 70+ and proski drops and tries to kill him (not knowing i was there) and we flew around trying to get him with his flying gourd lol.

    I remember when the lines were 10 deep at Oracle 1 and would always end in pk wars (I met illuminious over there when we were pking each other then stopped and attacked other people and we were friends ever since lol)

    I remember the first day of the server about 2 hours into it Impulse was already made and recruting and all my guild members said wth on vent haha

    I remember when ULMOS hit 70 before most people hit 40 and was walking around with his calams and everyone feared him like he was LU BU or something (Dynasty Warriors reference lol) and in pk i would just stealth when i saw him

    I remember me and Kiaxn in SP and taking out Impulse with only 2 strong (People came when it was almost over tho QQ) lol

    This server though small in length and population sure made due with some dedicated pvp players, though we were few we packed alot of fun into this PVE server and ill miss that. Though i hated how people waited till 8x with cs gear to pvp but eh who cares ;)
    Just don't. This is your final warning.
  • BigFIuffy - Archosaur
    BigFIuffy - Archosaur Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    o there you are ghostz i thought you had just gone stealth for the past 4 months lolz whats up
  • _Ghostz_ - Archosaur
    _Ghostz_ - Archosaur Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    lost my internet, cable, and phone all in one day bro it was depressing lol but this summer been great, did some crazy sh*t haha whats been up with u my furry friend
    Just don't. This is your final warning.
  • BigFIuffy - Archosaur
    BigFIuffy - Archosaur Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    not much just pking whenever im on other then that normal summer ****. Missing the days of explaining to BeingHope what morning wood is and our first impulse tws.
  • XCableX - Archosaur
    XCableX - Archosaur Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    He lost Cable. QQ : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • Lylise - Archosaur
    Lylise - Archosaur Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I renember, the day where shomehow I became the lead of a bunch of kids, oh damm good old days.... lol
  • Nahktuul - Archosaur
    Nahktuul - Archosaur Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ghostz is noobz. b:laugh

    Fluffers, pm me, so I can act secretive-like about why your the leader of another guild.
    PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)
  • _Ghostz_ - Archosaur
    _Ghostz_ - Archosaur Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    LMAO Fluff ah man those were the good ol days right there, and NAHKTUUL there is my friendly neighborhood Gamestop Manager lolb:chuckle
    Just don't. This is your final warning.
  • Nahktuul - Archosaur
    Nahktuul - Archosaur Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    LMAO Fluff ah man those were the good ol days right there, and NAHKTUUL there is my friendly neighborhood Gamestop Manager lolb:chuckle

    hahahahahahahaha.....I wish >.< that would be a killer job

    I thought you had dropped off the face of this planet, yo :P
    PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)
  • _Ghostz_ - Archosaur
    _Ghostz_ - Archosaur Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    lmao i kinda was it was horrible, I lost my internet as i when i went to DC for 2 days and came back along with my phone and cable it was a gut blow lol. But then I got outta the house cuz i was pissed and ended up having a good summer haha what u been up to, Ic you resigned haha
    Just don't. This is your final warning.
  • Nahktuul - Archosaur
    Nahktuul - Archosaur Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    yeah, school, is a ***** lol
    PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)