Proof that Lost City has a Heart



  • LesBionic - Archosaur
    LesBionic - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Normally I just browse the forum, but this thread had conveyed such a powerful message after reading it, so...

    Picture this:

    "A" died, and the PW players who knew him either virtual or real life went to meet "A" in real life for his funeral. They see his body rest in peace. Even though most does not know him much, they will still offer their sincere prayers, condolence, and some really close friends may even cried. It is just human nature.

    Now picture this again:

    Another group of PW players arrived to the scene. They decided that making fun of a dead person is cool. So they will say things like (quote some examples mention):
    "Hey just use a rez scroll!", "Some cleric quick rez A!" etc
    In more extreme cases, as portrayed in one of the Youtube links, these players will crash into the funeral, knocking all the mourners unconscious, dragged the body out, and declared they had PK "A" to death. Again, it is human nature. (And yes, it really happens in real life, especially if the deceased is really well hated by gazillions of people)

    Now, the griefers think that they can say or do anything they want as they know they are entitled free speech. What they do not think much is that the mourners will RETALIATE fiercely. Likewise, mourners will expect everyone to at least be serious when visiting a funeral, but apparently not cause there will definitely have people like the griefers. This can happen in real life already, so as in a game where there is no wall to stop anything at all. It is unfortunate, but it can happen.

    Forum is a powerful indicator of one's behavior. Even if the players are cloaked behind a virtual world, the words they type, the virtual emotion portrayed, the actions they take (PK camping anyone?) can at least outline their characteristic minimum. If you can display such attitude in the forums or in games, no one will be surprised if you are actually displaying them in real life. The mourners show that they have a HEART, as the thread title says, and they will at least act as human with emotions in real life. The griefers... I leave that to themselves.

    There, at least I try to stand in between and show both sides how they will act. Mind you this is just an opinion, not a fact, and you do not need to reflect that this is an opinion.
  • Shaanti - Lost City
    Shaanti - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    If Midnight died you wouldn't care?

    pls no keel Obama ._.
  • Almon - Lost City
    Almon - Lost City Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Hell, if i died and people said things like;

    Should've used stone barrier

    Should have slept the car before it got close

    Should've used a res scroll

    Oh shiit did he have a doll? What did he drop?

    I would be chilling in hell/heaven/Valhalla/Afterlife/ laughing my **** off.

    but more than likely i would be Rotting in a coffin because all religions are bull shiit.

    I know this is kinda an old threat or whatever, but... I totally agree with this.
    Sad enough to say, alone we can barely light a match, but together we can burn this place down
  • Xtacy - Lost City
    Xtacy - Lost City Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Xtacy -

    Your thinking works for you based on your belief system. Which if i remember correctly states death as an unconscious state for all people. That an unconscious state will only be "lifted" when the second coming happens, meaning until that time there is no Heaven or Hell as some do believe.

    Now....not to get into a religious discussion, however...each individual will think how they want and deal how they want with death.

    Who is it to tell one person HOW they should or shouldn't deal?

    ^ This is the issue. EVERYONE should have kept their mouths shut and let things be. Let those mourn how they want to mourn and let those who do not like it keep their mouths shut for once in the history of LC.

    Arguing with each other on something such as death will go no where considering everyone will believe as they will and believe what do do based on a number of things.

    You're right, people that don't care should not talk about it at all. The reason I even decided to say anything was because I read it and saw the people that were mourning over it were making it seem like the others were bad people for making jokes about it. I know they don't care but if they did that is a method of getting through a hard time. Laughing at it...

    Try laughing at your issues in life one day. And not just a fake one a real one. (I'll repeat that they may not have cared about wolf but still)

    You are pretty good at this thing I like to call hypocrisy, I must not act like I know the kind of person you are yet you seem to be incapable of practicing what you preach.

    No one has to cry over the death of someone close to you and if your belief is that you will see that person again in some sort of afterlife I'm sure it makes the sadness much easier to suppress. For people with no religion or belief in the afterlife the notion your spouse/parent/child/best friend not being apart of your life ever again usually makes them sad.

    While making fun of the deceased is wrong, no one is making as big of deal as you are making it out to be. As rose said, everyone's view of death is subjective, just like many things around in the world, and the majority of beliefs bring a sad and happy part to death. The sad part is usually displayed in mourning and a funeral/memorial to celebrate that person's life. The people who make fun of the deceased only do so behind the safety of their monitor where they can say anything they want with reasonable anonymity. Again, the opinion of if people took it too far is simply an opinion and when you try to belittle people's opinion you start portraying the image of a ****.

    Odd why you don't see people trolling the friends of the deceased in real life yet it's so prevalent on the internet.

    hypocrisy? I highly doubt that. I've studied almost every personality from different types of people and that helps me read what people are thinking or how they feel through their words even when written. I also use it to get girls; that's where I even started learning about it.

    I'm a christian and I do not believe I will see the people I knew that died ever again. I believe I won't even remember a thing. If I did how is it possible for me to enjoy heaven when I know more than half of my friends will be burning in hell.

    In all honesty I'm not a "hardass" that doesn't get sad over things. I just know how to deal with them better than most. I ended this thread a while ago. So bringing these matters to my attention is a meaningless effort.

    Side Note: Lets stir sht up!

    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup
  • Moranine - Lost City
    Moranine - Lost City Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You *******s need to stop ruining my thread with your useless bull**** and spam. This was meant to be a memorial thread because all the others were locked because ppl are idiots and don't know how to get passed forum rules.

    You all suck for ruining this thread. DIAF