Event Fail?



  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    in pq chapter 1 (at least) there is no seperate ranking between classes
    yes, you can see your ranking among your class but being #1 barb doesnt give you anything
    that's the reason there are hardly any kitties in pqb:chuckle

    (well, there was a barb once that was #3 while i was #4 but i have a feeling that he was in squad)

    Maybe I should have separated. Overall the system works like PQ.

    Main difference...since ppl need specifics --> you are competing against others in your class.

    The random points make a huge difference = anyone can "win."
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Islamey - Dreamweaver
    Islamey - Dreamweaver Posts: 586 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This event isn't affirmative action. It was made in away so everybody wins. You people are so quick to condemn an event just because you lost.
    You QQ when the devs give you something, then you QQ when the devs don't give you something.
    The chillum is sometimes referred to as a chalice, based on a quote from the Biblical book of Deuteronomy. Thanks and praises are offered to Jah before smoking the chillum.
  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This is the best event to date so far.

    90% of the time I'm in top 5 and get lots of nice stuff like socket stones, mirages, flawless shards, 1 to 5 mil coins from cards. Think I made over 15 mil from the event so far just in raw coins b:cute

    I'm not one of the top 5 assassins on the server by far atm, yet I still get nice bonus, if you play it right it can be possible :P

    A thing to mention:

    There's no such thing as Kill Steal here, it only matters how much damage you do on a mob. Even if you land only 1 hit you still get contribution when mob dies... but very low of course, and you get full when you DD the mob to death only by yourself.

    That's why it's unfair to a lot of other classes. Low damage classes get ripped off on this event, even if they put everything into it. This event is rigged for DD classes.
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • Brigid - Harshlands
    Brigid - Harshlands Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    That's why it's unfair to a lot of other classes. Low damage classes get ripped off on this event, even if they put everything into it. This event is rigged for DD classes.
    100k XP, 20k SP, and a training esoterica for 10-15 minutes of farming herbs is "getting ripped off"? It's not hard to get the minimum amount for a Common Gift Pack. Seriously, there's no way to actually LOSE the event if you actually try.

    Also, again, prizes are awarded based on your ranking within each class. Thus, the first place veno doesn't have to beat the first place fist BM. The first place veno just has to beat the second place veno. Sure, if said veno squads with a strong DD, they can leech off them and finish far ahead of the other venos, but that typically comes at the cost of lowering the DD's ranking.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    100k XP, 20k SP, and a training esoterica for 10-15 minutes of farming herbs is "getting ripped off"? It's not hard to get the minimum amount for a Common Gift Pack. Seriously, there's no way to actually LOSE the event if you actually try.

    Also, again, prizes are awarded based on your ranking within each class. Thus, the first place veno doesn't have to beat the first place fist BM. The first place veno just has to beat the second place veno. Sure, if said veno squads with a strong DD, they can leech off them and finish far ahead of the other venos, but that typically comes at the cost of lowering the DD's ranking.
    Yea so if you're a low DD class like a barb your screwed if other barbs squad with high DD classes like fist BMs.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    this event is practically the same as all the other **** they do

    those who payed tons of irl cash to get the best gear get the results and the rewards, where as everyone else is left to rot

    pretty typical of a free to play game

    I love this event :D
    - the lag fest at starting npcs...

    Lol my wife loves it too. This event is making her rich. She comes in 1st EVERY SINGLE DAY, it's funny as hell since she keeps beating by atleast 2k points other ppl that have CS ed +10 & so on gear that's much better than hers lol.

    -.- She's even beating me QQ b:chuckle Well I'm happy with my 4th place extasies & sockstones today.

    Yea so if you're a low DD class like a barb your screwed if other barbs squad with high DD classes like fist BMs.
    O.o go solo? Why you need a squad?
    + You are ranked BY CLASS. In the top Left corner when you take event quest you get a little icon. Press on it. & you'll be able to see your rank by ALL or each class.
    That's why it's unfair to a lot of other classes. Low damage classes get ripped off on this event, even if they put everything into it. This event is rigged for DD classes.
    ROFL Techno why are u QQing?? You're an archer... isn't that like HIGH DD? b:chuckle

    I always go on barb to this event & get much better rank than when I tried on cleric or archer (though got 10 rewards with him as well, but didn't know how to check rank so no idea what spot I took).

    Thats you failing, not the event.
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    this event is practically the same as all the other **** they do

    those who payed tons of irl cash to get the best gear get the results and the rewards, where as everyone else is left to rot

    pretty typical of a free to play game

    Yeah, I with totally badass CS weapon, aka Cudgel of ancient alloy +2 with beautiful amber shard, have been rank 2 barb like 5 times in a row. And no, I don`t squad, I go solo and got 8,5k points last nite, not too bad imo. I`m prolly breaking my personal record on second event today, I should, if I don`t fail something :). My points is that you can do well in event even if you don`t CS too much/squad with high DDs.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Bosk - Sanctuary
    Bosk - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Bosk's Minimalist Guide to the Summer Festival Event (Nien Beast Attack)

    This is information I have gleaned from other forum posts or the PW Database or just from playing in the event. I have done the event 8 times as of this writing and hope to do many more.

    Two misconceptions I would like to dispell:

    1. "You have to be High Level to Win."
    - You have to be over level 50, but other than that, any level can do well in this event.
    - I won my first reward before I was level 66.

    2. "You have to be DD Class to Win."
    - Since Ranking is by Class, everyone is only up against others of their same class.
    - I am a Barbarian ... total Tank Class ... rarely do much above 8k damage and usually my critical hits do less than 5k (in Tiger mode).

    Reward Limits:
    I do not know where the rewards end ... probably everyone under 40th for their class gets something. There is a requirement written in the quest information during the "The Heroes" Phase that suggests total contribution must be over 2000* points. So far as I know for certain, this is the only qualification given to the minimum required to win a reward. Of course, it only makes sense that the better you rank, the better the reward.

    [* NOTE: In fact, I have seen other people get rewards for total points below 2000. The PWDATABASE says the limit is 1000. Some players have told me it is 1500. If you have extra info, let me know.]

    Quest Phases:
    As I understand it, these are the steps required to get contribution and a reward in this Event:

    1. Before 4 PM and 9 PM Server time every day, go to one of the three crossroads in Archosaur. The Elder of Astral Light will show up there slightly before the hour. The locations are:

    North Elder (552, 679)
    West Elder (527, 653)
    South Elder (552, 627)

    Also, by the North Elder is the Furnace and Ritual Desk. The Furnace can give you a buff if you have at least one Incense of Fortune. I do not know what the Ritual Desk is for.

    2. Click on Astral Elder and click on "Spring Turbulence" to accept his Festival Invitation (item in inventory)

    3. Click on Astral Elder AGAIN and accept the "Nien Attack" quest. This sometimes takes a few seconds before it appears, so if you do not see it, press Back to refresh the screen or close it and reopen it.

    4. Start doing the quests (more about this below).

    During the event, you can click on the SCROLL ICON next to the words Nien Attack to see the top 7 ranked players and your own rank. You can scroll the list down to see the top 20. You can click on the icons at the top to see the best scores of each class and of ALL classes.

    The SCROLL ICON is to the left of the Nien Attack Quest Log which starts out in the upper right side of the screen (if you have not moved it).

    5. Progress through the 8 Phases (periods) of the event.

    Phase 1: Minions of Nien
    Contribution comes from killing Minions, mining Trinity of Winter: Pinetree and NPC quests

    Invading Nien Minions (Found outside the south wall of Archosaur)
    Stalking Nien Minions (Found outside the west wall of Archosaur)
    Prowling Nien Minions (Found outside the north wall of Archosaur)
    Click the scroll icon to see your rankings.
    Here they come! Let's exterminate these atrocities!
    In this stage, you can get Trinity of Winter: Pinetree.

    Phase 2: Temporary Relief
    Contribution comes from NPC Quests

    It's still too early to celebrate. The minions may be under control, but you've got bigger problems.

    Phase 3: Fighting Goes On
    Contribution comes from killing Captains, mining Trinity of Winter: Bamboo and NPC quests

    The Nien Minions may be under control, but bigger problems have shown their faces.
    Nien Captains have arrived and have taken control of the areas to the north, west and south of Archosaur.
    We need all available warriors to eliminate them.
    The northern captain is located past the northern gate.
    The western captain is located past the western gate.
    The southern captain is located past the southern gate.
    In this stage, you can get Trinity of Winter: Bamboo.

    Phase 4: Upcoming Challenge
    Contribution comes from NPC Quests

    We praise the great warriors! You have protected our homes!

    Phase 5: Slay the Nien Beasts
    Contribution comes from killing Nien Beasts, mining Trinity of Winter: Plumtree and NPC quests

    With great rage and hostility, the Nien Beasts have attacked our cities. We need to stop them!
    Go to Archosaur, City of the Plume, Etherblade City, City of the Lost, and City of Raging Tides to stop the Nien Beasts.
    In this stage you can get a Trinity of Winter: Plumtree.

    Phase 6: Final Relief
    Contribution comes from NPC Quests

    Warriors! You have defeated the Nien Beast and protected us all.

    Phase 7: The Heroes
    Contribution comes from NPC Quests and a Random "Bonus" at the end of the phase

    Let's get prepared for the presence of the ultimate warrior.
    Now, all the participants will be randomly given a contribution value within 60 seconds.
    The range of the random contributions is 1 to 1000.
    After the random contribution is given, your reward will be given via the Mailboxes according to the rankings.
    Players that have less than 1000 contribution won't get a reward. [It might be 1500 or 2000.]
    Click the scroll icon in quest tracking menu to see your contribution.
    Go to the Mailbox in every town to receive your reward.
    This reward will only wait you for 5 minutes.

    Phase 8: Reward in the Mailbox
    No more Contribution points are awarded

    Now please go to the Mailbox in each town to receive your reward.
    You have to take your rewards within 5 minutes or you will miss it.

    6. When Phase 8 starts (Title reads "Reward in the Mailbox") go to ANY mailbox and click on "Quest Related" then on "Nien Attack - The Heroes" and finally on "Confirm". This will start a quest to put a reward item in your inventory based on your class rank.

    If you try this too soon, you get the following message:

    Now you will be randomly given a bonus contribution value.
    Please come back for rewards after 1 minute.
    If you missed the reward of this round, please trash your quest, and participate again at next chance.

    You should only see that message until Phase 7 (The Heroes) is complete. Once Phase 8 (Reward in Mailbox) starts reopen the mailbox and try again.

    7. Once you have clicked on Confirm, check your inventory for a Reward Pack. I am not 100% certain, but I believe you must open (right click on) the packs before the timer runs out on the event. If anyone can confirm that either way please let me know.

    8. Once the Festival Invitation timer expires, the event is over.

    Quests and Contribution Points

    There are many ways to get Contribution points for this event:

    1. Nien Attack: The Battle Quest
    During certain phases, different monsters can be killed to earn contribution points.

    Phase 1: Minions
    Invading Nien Minion: Level 75 Unknown at this time
    Stalking Nien Minion: Level 75 Unknown at this time
    Prowling Nien Minion: Level 50 Contribution 1 - 10 points

    Phase 3: Captains
    There are 3 Nien Captains outside each of the three walls of Archosaur
    Total Contribution is shared by all players who are active in slaying the monsters
    Actual total is unknown

    Phase 5: Nien Beasts
    There are 5 Nien Beasts outside each of the five main cities
    Total Contribution is shared by all players who are active in slaying the monsters
    Actual total is unknown

    Once the Minions portion is over, you stop getting Contribution for Minions. Same with Captains, although usually all the Captains are killed before this happens.

    2. Trinity of Winter: Mining Quest Items
    Mine the Trinity of Winter plants during their active Phases.

    Phase 1: Pinetree - Pinetree Shade - Right Click for 50 Contribution Points
    Phase 3: Bamboo - Bamboo Shade - Right Click for 100 Contribution Points
    Phase 5: Plumtree - Plumtree Shade - Right Click for 150 Contribution Points

    These items might also be available during Phases 2, 4, 6 and 7.

    3. NPC Quests
    Visit Princess Jianning (558, 700), Chu the Pretty Lady (549, 612) or Fei (512, 662) to get NPC quests.

    Princess Jianning can give the following Quests:
    Visit the People
    Trial(s) of Patience

    Chu the Pretty Lady can give the following Quests:
    Spring Greeting
    Trial(s) of Patience

    Fei can give the following Quests:
    Trial(s) of Patience

    Quest Details:
    Visit the People
    Activate this quest from Princess Jianning.
    Recieve this quest reward from either Chu the Pretty Lady or Fei.
    Receive a Medium Gift Envelope (timed 5 minutes) and Incense of Fortune (timed 5 minutes)
    Right Click the Medium Gift Envelope to earn 150 Contribution Points
    Right Click the Incense of Fortune to earn 10 Contribution Points

    Spring Greeting
    Activate this quest from Chu the Pretty Lady.
    Recieve this quest reward from either Princess Jianning or Fei.
    Receive a Medium Gift Envelope (timed 5 minutes) and Incense of Fortune (timed 5 minutes)
    Right Click the Medium Gift Envelope to earn 150 Contribution Points
    Right Click the Incense of Fortune to earn 10 Contribution Points

    Trial of Patience
    Activate this quest from Princess Jianning, Chu the Pretty Lady or Fei.
    Choose a time limit:
    1 minute to earn a Small Gift Envelope (timed 5 minutes) worth 40 Contribution Points
    3 minutes to earn a Medium Gift Envelope (timed 5 minutes) worth 150 Contribution Points
    5 minutes to earn a Large Gift Envelope (timed 5 minutes) worth 300 Contribution Points
    Recieve the appropriate gift envelope from the Elder of Astral Light AFTER the required time
    Right Click on the Envelope to recieve the contribution Points

    - Each quest requires a slot in your Quest Log. It is possible to have 9 (or more) quests at one time.
    - Contirbution Points are only awarded upon opening (right clicking on) the rewards, so you need space in inventory as well.
    - Each quest can be taken AT THE SAME TIME as other quests, however not from the same NPC.
    - It appears that an Incense of Fortune (10 Contribution Points) is also awarded for Trial of Patience quests. If you can time it right and have lots left at the end of the event, you can cash them in at the furnace for a buff. The buff lasts 15 minutes for each incense cashed in. (My best so far is an hour.)
    - DO NOT use the Cube of Fate portal to return to Archosaur. Entering ANY Instance will cancel your Festival Invitation and you will end up with nothing. Since many people use the portal through room 1 of the Cube of Fate to get back to Archosaur from the other cities, a lot of people get kicked from the event right at the end.

    Known Rewards:

    - Common Gift Pack (1)
    - Full Reward Pack (10)
    - Heavy Reward Pack (10)
    - Laced Reward Pack (?)
    - Rich Reward Pack (10)
    - Spring Festival Gift Pack (contains 10 Tiger Head Gift Packs) (?)

    If you have additional details, please share them.

    My Event Stats so far are:

    Level 65 - 67 Barbarian:
    - 3 times in top 20 (14th, 12th, 15th)
    - 4 times in top 30 (21st)
    - 7 times in top 40 (37th, 34th, 32nd)
    - My highest rank at any time was 1th (lasted for almost a minute!)

    Rewards so far:
    - 4 Common Gift Packs
    - 30 Rich Reward Packs (10 each time)

    Cashed in, this gave me:
    - 4 x (100,000 XP and 20,000 SP)
    - 3 Training Esotericas
    - 1 Fantasy Fruit (5,000 XP and 1,000 SP)

    - 30 x (15,000 XP and 3,000 SP)
    - 3 Desolation Orbs (200,000 XP and 40,000 SP)
    - 10 Socket Stones
    - 6 x 3 Mysterious Chips
    - 10 x 3 Mirage Stones
    - 1 Flawless Garnet Shard

    (If memory serves.)

    Total XP: 1,455,000
    Total SP: 291,000

    All that for having a couple hours of FUN!

    Edit: Known Rank Rewards:

    Rank 7 Reward is ten Heavy Reward Packs!
    Rank 10 Reward is ten Heavy Reward Packs!
    Rank 12 Reward is ten Rich Reward Packs!

    Other items:
    Ten Full Reward Packs (seems to be for ranking between 15 and 20).
    Everyone gets at least 1 Common Reward Pack so long as they earn the minimum contribution.

    For a while, the screen would say "Mission Complete" when you picked up your reward in time. Lately, however, it is displaying 4 Chinese characters instead. Likely this will be fixed in an upcoming release.

    Good Luck!
    Dante: "Cute is a relative term."