Milyen Our Beloved Leader



  • DaCage - Sanctuary
    DaCage - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    LOL Wtfux! This made me laugh so hard b:laugh And for the record, I don't have **** but I has something (or someone) better than **** :p ask Mendy what I has b:chuckle

    Time for breast implants!!
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I did it! I finally found out why Milyen had to fail leading Nefarious (or any other major faction). This is 100% scienced based on experiences of the past and bla bla *snoar* ...
    errr what did I was to say?

    Ah yes to explain the reason it is necessary to compare:
    1. Legendary breakdown under Asterelle after owning a fair part of the map. Leader was winged elf archer. Leader's **** were rather small. Leader failed.
    2. Nefarious breakdown under Milyen after owning the whole map. Leader was winged elf archer. Leader's **** were really really small. Leader failed.

    Let's forget about the minor influencing factors of greed, loyality, a server wide tw gank and so on and so on... the only thing that matters are ****.
    And ofc haircolour! Asterelle was a redhead, Milyen's hair have been black (or very dark brown I can't tell exactly). This means the only natural haircolour a leader should have is blonde.

    --> If you want to run a major TW faction, don't create a winged elf archer.
    --> If you already have an archer, use a makeover to give her/him larger ****.
    --> To eliminate any remaining risk of possible breakdown, make no winged elf at all and be a BM. But don't go fists cause when they nerf it there will be a lot of ragequit.

    Let's take a moment to think about the consequences of what I found out for Regicide:
    1. The leader is no elf -> good
    2. The leader is a BM -> very good
    3. The leader has no **** -> not good
    4. The leader is blonde -> good (I'm blonde too, wanna marry?)
    5. The leader can learn from the mistake of owning too much land and share -> maybe good?

    Thank you very much for your attention. Any donations are to be given to the monkey please.

    I thought I was the readhead b:scorn . Ast was orange lawl !

    But out of all this I take that a blond leader with big **** would be win .

    *votes Quilue to lead a faction*
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Jiblet - Sanctuary
    Jiblet - Sanctuary Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i am on no ones side... ask both of them lol, ask the many others of sanctuary that i have befriended (controversial or not).

    This is quite true. However, as I type this Dan is on the back side of her and I'm at the front!
    i choose to see the good in people- end of story. all i said was that you should let it go :/ try to enjoy the game for what it is

    Almost true - she chooses to see the good people "in her"

    edit: i choose to see the good in people UNTIL they prove to be an ignorant idiot- in which they just become a hopeless dissapointment to me and all that is man-kind ROFL b:surrender i has lame sense of humor

    How can Mendy talk about man-kind?? Actually, how can she talk at all?? GET BACK TO SUCKING ON MY NIPPLES WENCH!!!
  • Bearish - Sanctuary
    Bearish - Sanctuary Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    seriously "TheDaniel" go crawl back to wherever you're from. If you didn't see it personally, don't assume wedge got tons of coins laying around. He converted most of his coins to tokens then traded it into oracles to lvl his psychic. Those oracles were split between me and sugarcupcake. For your information, he only got 2 characters that are higher than lvl 80 ;). That just show how much you know about please until now, I only see you spread bunch of information that got nothing to back it up. Oh and I'm sorry that I didn't go nirvana with you...whoever you are xD. I only go nirvana with my friends (ghost, bear, wyborn, angelring, i eat fish...) and sometime with random squad. Hell if you ask roidabuse...he would tell you if i farm nirvana or not since my squad raptures sold it to him.

    Oh what do you mean by big reaction lol...I was just telling facts so haters like you know you have no idea what the heck you were talking about. I seriously sense some jealousy in your it's like you were QQ about why the person getting these stuff weren't you :O. Anyway, once again I on your main plz mr./ms. alt :). This will be my last post replying to you until you post on your main ;). I be better off talking to a rock than talking to haters like you especially an alt one :p.

    i can be witness, saru do go nirvanna a lot and farmed his gears
  • Cocobelle - Sanctuary
    Cocobelle - Sanctuary Posts: 960 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I thought I was the readhead b:scorn . Ast was orange lawl !

    But out of all this I take that a blond leader with big **** would be win .

    *votes Quilue to lead a faction*

    Will you come back to Sanctuary if Quiqui leads a faction? b:chuckle