Do you still like FTP MMORPG?



  • Nahktuul - Archosaur
    Nahktuul - Archosaur Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This is my first F2P MMO, and I can safely say it will be my last. Ive played if for the past 1.5 years because I like the graphics, the storyline...but the economy and way things are done/not done is just beyond frustrating.

    I will also never play another PWE MMO after I wrap this one up.
    PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)
  • Logan_Morgan - Lost City
    Logan_Morgan - Lost City Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Free to Play; Pay to win.

    that sums up PW in a nutshell and no i wont play another ftp MMO.

    but at least its fun :P
  • Bux_Bragg - Heavens Tear
    Bux_Bragg - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    Hell yes. I still browse PWI forums but I quit this year cuz my main kept getting trashed by pk'ers. That, and everyone seems to wanna level to 50 in a minute and a half, leaving you in the dust. >.> I miss the game tho...
    Civic VTec... Mankind's greatest acchievement
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I think my sig agrees with the original poster. o-o

    I really do agree that this game has seriously become a 'f2p' p2w game as others have mention before me.

    It is quite sad when all the company cares about is making money, while the people who struggle to stand toe to toe with others are left in the dust, and will be lucky to ever catch up to others. D:

    EDIT: I seriously doubt this will be my last f2p game that i'll play but if I ever download a game, and see that there is a cash shop/boutique item mall, i'll immediately take a hammer and smash my computer to pieces... not really, but I will turn the other way, and run like hell after I uninstall it, ESPECIALLY if it is by pwe. <<

    Also I have played other f2p games, one in particular that also had a p2p (no item mall) option, different servers and all, and I believe it is still one of the cheapest games that you can pay to play. I will refrain from mentioning on the forums, some of you may not like it due to the graphics, or already played it and didn't like it, or grew tired of it. Either way the game was fun for quite some time, like 3-4 years of good game play imho, but this one been her for about a year and a half and seriously thinking about trying to find another game to play.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Free to Play; Pay to win.

    that sums up just about every F2P in a nutshell and no i wont play another ftp MMO.

    but at least its fun :P
    Corrected that for you.
  • WizardCraft - Harshlands
    WizardCraft - Harshlands Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Me not. I would rather pay ~20$ every month and have equal chances for all players to get gear based on my(their) hard work, than just buy it from item mall.
    Yesterday I was in dragon temple event. I'm almost lv. 101 and I have no chance to survive. 1 player still killed me always and always. So I checked his gear. Of course all gear +10 with nirvana pants. All gear filled up with +2 def shards. And weapon +12 shimbaranco.
    Conclusion? You don't have chance to survive and have fun at the end of game without HARD cashshopping. I'm kinda sad. I lost more than year and 1/2 playing this game. I think my time here is gonna end soon.b:cry

    I would rather not see you crying in every topic. b:bye
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    This game takes the approach of product sales IRL. When a new model comes out, the old one becomes cheap to make room for the new products. My lap top 6 years ago costed 1.4k (actually we got a coupon for half off), 5 years later, I got a much better lap top for 500 bucks. However, people seem to expect something different in this game, why?

    Because computers and cars are what you use. You buy the damn product and you use it for years. You don't care if a new model comes out because you will use what you have for years to come; you don't care if your model got cheaper because if you wanted a cheaper product, you would have bought the model from the previous year.

    Not so with in-game gear, especially endgame gear. In-game, people always want the best because they are directly competing with each other. Suddenly, a sale like this does make your investment obsolete. You tried to be better, you worked hard to be better, and now you're not just because of a sale. An analogy would be someone weight training to become stronger, then a year later steroids become legalized. Can you see the difference? A sale does cheapen your efforts here because you were investing for competition. This is why people are upset here while they wouldn't be upset IRL when sales happen.

    This is also why I'd say PvE servers fare better than PvP servers with the approach this game is taking. A lot of people on PvE servers might not PvP at all, they just play for fun. Who cares about endgame gears? I assassinated Jewelscalen on my archer, and it was fun because it was my own little adventure. I don't spend, I don't farm hard because I have fun with what I have. With that said, I can understand how PvP servers take a much more dramatic hit than PvE servers. I can believe Michael_Dark when he says that his server took a hit and needed to recover, i can believe people when they say faction mates are leaving and quitting the game, even though my faction here on Sanctuary isn't decreasing in numbers over this sale. There is clearly a conflict between this game's original intended audience and its intended audience now. That is why people are upset.

    I hope that everyone can find their game. I hope the people that leave can find something more fair for their competitive nature; I hope the people that stay won't make purchases that they will regret.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • SteelStar - Heavens Tear
    SteelStar - Heavens Tear Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I voted no. I will not play another F2P MMO. However, I will never play a P2P MMO either. My point, this is my first and last MMO. When it's over, it's over.

    This! b:surrender
    It's a game and I'm proud to be a stupid fail demon barb!
    My EPIC Fail Demon Barb has 40k/48k HP and my stat points are as follows:
    VIT 552 STR 310 DEX 60! b:surrender
  • Maisha - Dreamweaver
    Maisha - Dreamweaver Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    After glancing at some posts and flipping around pages, I had came to PWI from WoW, but WoW wasn't my first MMO. True this game cannot be compared to WoW, I feel it has some imbalanced areas, which is why I choose not to PVP. Now with this new change, I agree with most people who are complaining about the Rank 9 gears/weapons and I feel soon enough, people wont want to play this game, end-game wise.

    Over the past year and half that I've been on PWI, the first and foremost change I didn't like was the anniversary packs keep returning in different names and forms. This was when I felt the game was ruined, economically, and imbalanced gear-wise, as well as book skills that could be bought from tokens. It's not F2P at that point because people were paying to be godly and not to mention, I've run into some squads who had gear/pet "requirements", else I cannot play with them.

    Secondly, besides FC, Nirvana runs, TW, BH, PvP, and small events at end game as of now, what else does PWI offer for high lvls? I've been waiting for over a year and there are so little to few contents were added and not to mention, major bugs that weren't taken into concern for are still around! Bugs like the rubber band had killed my cleric many times while grinding. How is that fair for me to the disadvantage of towning and lose exp or lose a GS because of the glitch?

    Some people had said friends being an issue of not leaving the game. Well to be frank and honest, how can one be true friends with you if they don't have any other way it to keep in touch besides emails they don't even respond to? This is the only reason why I'm not leaving the game... it's people who don't have the guts to use programs like MSN or AIM. Come on, there are free resources out there to keep in touch; just a couple of clicks and doesn't require you to go away from your computer or open your wallets.

    All in All, I've spent over thousands of IRL money for this game, and I've stuffed enough of my money into PWE's wallets. Thinking back, I could have bought so many other things that I wanted on my wishlist with that amount of money, or played years worth of WoW again. Either way, I think I was more entertained on other games than I was on PWI.

    My vote was yes because I believe there are F2P games that aren't horrible. I am playing Lord of the Rings Online as of my current main game. It's not that bad being a F2P game from a P2P, although there are p2p options, but none of these options were "Pay to be godly".
    I quit PW and all its games it had to cater to me. I'm off playing a better pay-to-play game where I experience no glitches, no spamming LF squads, lose stuff in PK mode, lose exp on death or anything for cheaper price than what I paid for here. However, I'll still be lurking around pwi forums from time to time. Quit Date: March 4, 2011 RIP my beloved characters. b:bye
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Oh god, another necro. /health mask
This discussion has been closed.