is there anything fun to do anymore



  • yareth
    yareth Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I feel like in reading this thread, PWI is no longer the game as I remember it, back when expansions were novel and the game was only just beginning to start looking like pay-to-win, but still was enjoyable for those who didn't. Is it worth going back to now, for someone who simply wants to enjoy the pve?
  • Nrgy - Dreamweaver
    Nrgy - Dreamweaver Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    yareth wrote: »
    I feel like in reading this thread, PWI is no longer the game as I remember it, back when expansions were novel and the game was only just beginning to start looking like pay-to-win, but still was enjoyable for those who didn't. Is it worth going back to now, for someone who simply wants to enjoy the pve?

    Thats something I was wondering myself couple of time ago.
    I even tried to get back and play again after i've quit the game more than 6months ago . Answer for me was NO - there is no fun left, nothing that i could find now would make it fun anymore, everything related with fun in PW was gone.
    CASH ->>> SKILLS its what everything is about now.If you dunt trust any1 telling you that u should try and play for 2-3 weeks and post back here your thoughts.
    Nyway the only thing that still has a shadow of fun left in PWI it's the forum, although compared to how populated and fun was 1 year ago now it feels like a graveyard.
    Gluck on trying to have fun if u decide to play again !!! ... Persistence is futile.
  • Pervera - Lost City
    Pervera - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i'm surprised someone on LC is asking if there's anything fun to do....

    ROFL, that was excellent. xD
  • Geijutsuka - Lost City
    Geijutsuka - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The fact is PWI is dying due to what so many have said, instances nerfed, bh's, countless exp items sales and so on. People have been leaving months before and its only gonna get worse cause where is the fun factor. A successful game isnt one that has the best graphics or the best game mechanics it is one that has the best Fun Factor. Make it Fun you keep people interested in playing. Otherwise people will quickly burnout and servers will continue to be unpopulated. Sure they say servers are full of people, but 90% of those people are cat shops, afk pondering what to do in-game, or slaving away in Frost trying to be top level. But all we can do is watch and see what the Dev's do, cause if they don't do something bye bye PWI. LOL and all those people that have spent thousands of dollars on their chars, can play by themselves on an empty server if servers will even still be available to play on.b:chuckle
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    There should be more endgame content definately.

    But honestly I don't really mind the hypers, oracles, etc. I got my barb to 90 using hypers in FC and still manage to be one of the best geared non cashshoppers on my server. No this is not my first character and I have been playing since the release of open beta almost two years ago now, and I must say I never really enjoyed grinding at fishes for 4 hours to get 5%, maybe I'm lazy but meh.

    But yea, there should be more endgame instances other than like, TT, Delta, Warsong and Nirvana. Wouldn't really consider FC to be endgame instance. There's lunar but no one really runs it since you can just get the gear from packs.

    Should be more higher level instances, and more PvP options other than random world PKing which 9 times out of 10 turns out to be a who can bring more people or who can bring a guy that spends thousands of dollars on the game. I'm amazed that they had a perfectly good working tournament and rather than fix the one bug it had, they remove it completely. If everything in the game that had a bug was removed then the entire game should be shut down as almost everything has some sort of bug in it.

    Bring the tournament back, add more PvP content, add more challenging instances, and add more ways to make coin. Seriously as it is now there are like, 2 ways of making coins, merchanting and running TT. And with all the recent double drop events running TT has become unprofitable as well.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Seriously as it is now there are like, 2 ways of making coins, merchanting and running TT. And with all the recent double drop events running TT has become unprofitable as well.

    I disagree, the only way to make coin is merchanting or charging zen. They have ruined every other way.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Pegasi - Lost City
    Pegasi - Lost City Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    there are quite some events ppl could do if pwe would actually finally finish them. most of those events are ingame (not working) for a year+. if i remember correct there was said they would implant them in a couple months. guess in pwe ways a couple months is a year. if they would stop for once trying to make new stuff to make more money and started fixing/upgrading the old things/bugs im sure that would help alot already.

    and i agree that there should be just 1 bh a day. these days nearly all area's are quite empty. 1 april was my favo many ppl QQing about omg no bh, how am i gonna lvl ? how do i get xp ? what is grinding ? what am i gonna do ?

    if you think u need to be lvl 100+ to have fun trust me the lower levels are more fun u end up searching most time of the day to a bh squad to spend depending on the bh/squad sorta 0,5 ~ 1 hour+ to get bh #1 done and then hopefully to get bh #2 done with the same squad in a other instance (except rebirth bh). at 100 you have 2 bh's and getting a squad is 75% of the time a royal pain in the ****. the remaining time of the day u can spend on trying to improve ur gears/skills or mayby helping someone. (getting a squad for ur gears is usually also a pain in the ****)

    That red spot, that line; reminds me so much of my uncle. We don't call him 20 Minute Mike for no reason. "I'll be there in about 20 minutes" *gets off the phone* "Ok we have roughly 2 to 5 hours, go take your nap."
    When Saukey decides she can swim, I know I didn't get the DC pop-up again. Wish she swam when it matters.
  • Rillien - Heavens Tear
    Rillien - Heavens Tear Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I feel pretty much burnt out of this game; I barely log in anymore.

    I was around level 84 when BH came out. At that time "endgame" was 90-95, with people making demon/sage choices based on 89 skills because the others were not very obtainable unless you ran cube nonstop. TW factions recruited 80+, TT90 green weapons were the gold standard, and beautiful shards were far more common than flawless. TT3-3 could only be opened by a select few people and the instance was just starting to be done.

    I worked hard to farm my 90s gear. Prices hadn't dropped yet because there wasn't such a high number of farmers as there is now. It cost an arm and a leg; I don't cash shop much at all but I finally finished my full set of 90 green.

    The problem is that now, 90 gear is just as temporary as 60s or 70s, you can outgrow it quickly with the help of a few hypers and FCC. It's no longer an investment, and I have a feeling that it is valued lower now than the price I paid to farm it. TT99 is still highly expensive to make, but by the time I'd get to 99 I'm sure something even better than Nirvana will be introduced, making it just as worthless.

    I've capped this character because I don't want to face the endless farming and nothing to do. Sure it would be cool to finish out, get level 101, but it's not worth it for the lack of content.
  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited April 2010
    Was there any fun in this game to begin with? *snaps fingers* "Oh no he didn't..."

    TT/fb has always been boring, just stand there and dd all day.
    Grinding was never fun.
    PK was always about the rich people. All packs did was equalize it a little bit.
    Other instances basically were only for rich csers until they lowered the difficulty.
    Even cube would be undoable if it weren't for money/mirages from cs.

    Things only looked fun because they were new. b:quiet
  • Shinsen - Lost City
    Shinsen - Lost City Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I know i might get flamed by my post but w/e.

    1. I remember months ago when people were crying that lvling after like 90+ or 95+ became boring - basically wq, cs, 1 bh and grinding. So GMs gave you opportunity to lvl up faster: made changes in BH, gave oracles and xp stones. It was an optional way to lvl up if you were annoyed by the "real" game lvling. Noone forced you to buy any of this. I didn't and i really dont cry about how it's hard to lvl up or w/e.
    And now you cry about how easily you can get xp....How absurd.

    2. All you. who claim that there's nothing to do anymore (Frost got boring, TT runs got boring even more and so on) - you definitely have way too much time on your hands. Let's see. I am working/studying/living my rl player - i don't have so much time to do the runs all the time. So i don't have to **** about how the game became boring. I agree, that new dungeons or event are welcomed, but it's not THAT desperately needed imo. The issue is not only in game, but also in you as well. Go outside or do something else rather then siting near pc logged into a game and cry how bored you are.

    3. Stop living with the past. It sounds so lame when someone says "oh i remember when lvl 90 was soo far away and hh90 gear was thought as end-game gear....". This game is alive more then a year and you still expect that lvl 90 will be something unbelievable ??? Everything improves. Even these player that at the start were lvl 60 (which was a big lvl ) - they didnt stopped lvling so it's obvious that sooner or later the lvl cap increases. I also remember when i was jealously looking at lvl 70+ players when i was low lvl. So what. Time passed. We all need to look forward.

    Anyway, if you would play whenever you feel you want to play for your entertainment, but not for maxing your lvl or to become NR1 in the server, you wouldn't get bored that much, i think.
    Personally I play because i have friends in here (some RL friends too) and because im not willing to be the best, get the best gear, cos for that i need more time or money. Some players are stronger, some weaker then me and that enought for me to enjoy the play.
  • Rillien - Heavens Tear
    Rillien - Heavens Tear Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The general point was that they have implemented many features that make leveling to 100 quite easy, but once you get to that point there is an absence of things to do.

    I don't think anyone was disputing that these new leveling aids were nice for 90+ players that previously had to grind endlessly for each % due to the EXP curve, but BHs start at level 40, when grinding is still fairly easy and there are quite a few quests (or at least quests can help you get 30-70% of your level, and moderate grinding or a crazy stone gets you the rest). Hypers can be used at any level, and oracles starting at 30 as well, though those mobs are at least difficult to kill if you're the same level as them...

    Point is, they're rushing people to get to a point where there isn't any new game content. It's the problem that's creating so many players that reach the point and then say "okay what can I do now?" There's no need to rush, which means there wasn't really a need to implement the new dailies.

    IMO if they just raised BH and hyper level requirements it might solve a lot of the problems that people are mentioning.

    Also it's fun to get nostalgic sometimes b:surrender
  • Lylfo - Dreamweaver
    Lylfo - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    It used to be lonely up there but the hyper stones allow more people to reach higher levels =more squad related stuff you can do.

    If you think the game is boring after awhile, it's up to you what you want to do next. Some might value social interaction more by joining a family faction ,starting a faction to help others or even farming for the "end game" gears like nirvana. Of course, you can just quit and return later when there are more updates. Rerolling is nice too as it allows you to experience a different side of the game.

    Is there anything fun? Yes there are. Its up to you to find them and define what is "fun". When you can't find any reason to stay, perhaps, its time for you to try another game.
    Thanks Chillum for the nice Sig.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Shinsen - Lost City
    Shinsen - Lost City Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Point is, they're rushing people to get to a point where there isn't any new game content. It's the problem that's creating so many players that reach the point and then say "okay what can I do now?" There's no need to rush, which means there wasn't really a need to implement the new dailies.

    I might disagree with you here ;)

    THEY are not rushing people to lvl up faster, the people are rushing themselves. It's like the corrupt idea that if you get lvl 100+ - you will be leet player (despite the fact that you still have hh90 gear heh). The only thing that is useful to get lvl 100 is to be able do nirvana/or BH that gives decent reward now. But after all, char lvl is nothing if you're not satisfied with the game or you got bored of it. I kinda agree with Lylfo - if you don't see anything interesting ingame, maybe it's time to try a new one or atleast make like 1 month "vacation".
  • Kazamatt - Dreamweaver
    Kazamatt - Dreamweaver Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If there's someone to blame for game being boring, it's us. I'm not pointing anyone particular tho, we all get caught. If there was just one person you like, who started to level using all possible ways to be higher level as fast as possible, then you were under pressure to be able to still hang out with those you like. I lost many friends that way, thanks to hyper and triple bh. Because I refused to join them in that rat race. On the other hand it's all about impatience too. One of my friend said: "I don't want to level once a month". And what's wrong with that? No one knows the answer.

    The only solution they can implement to the game now is more end-game content and stuff not obtainable via wallet. Something like... khem, "soulbond", from other MMORPG. Something you will want to get. And of course, they have to promise first that they will NEVER EVER sell it in packs, otherwise people will just wait to buy that new stuff.

    Or... Or maybe PWI playerbase became lazy? Before I quit I heard all the time:
    - oh, let's do <something>!
    - nah, not worth it....
    Seriously? Isn't the point of the game to... I don't know, play it? Do things for fun? You've got Real Life to worry about things being worth doing.

    Peace to all of you, I had great times reading you all on the forum, really long time. Don't look at my join date, it just shows when I decided to say something myself (and as you noticed, my english sucks, so... you know why I never really joined your discussions).
  • Lyzzern - Lost City
    Lyzzern - Lost City Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I find basically the same problem. After I do my BHs, which is the only daily I do, I want to do something fun, like a FCC, a Rebirth or a TT run but even with 20-30 people online in guild, when I invite people for one of those they mostly just don't answer so I end up spending my game time looking for members for a run, farming, RPKing and doing world quest.
    The game has turned to a cash shop game and most don't play it for fun but to get the ohsogreat 3 digits. Meh, I'm moving to Forsaken World once it's in CB, hopefully I'll be able to play a pure fun game until it turns to a CS game like all PWE games.
    Asoteric Runewolf just pwned you b:victory

    (Yet another player who has quit this game :>; See you in Forsaken World)
  • BloodyVampie - Heavens Tear
    BloodyVampie - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    xarrlot wrote: »
    No, unfortunatly, there is not.

    This game has lost its challenge when packs / easy lvling came, I even tried starting over again (like the 5th time now) and I still find it boring. If you ppl blame me, it means you dont even know what PWI looked like a year ago or so. It was the best MMO I have ever played, now ppl dont even care about gears, yesterday I passed by a lvl6x wearing 3x gears unrefined / unsharded , not to mention farming.

    So basicly this game nowadays is like: Start over -> Quest till you hit 35 or eat Scarlet fruits -> Oracle II -> Tideborn quests / keep oracling -> If you are lucky, you might get a GV squad If not, oracles ftw -> Ok awesome I oracl'ed till 85 -> FC -> FC -> FC -> Ok finally im lvl 95 now I can use my OP gear that it came on my packs ^^ -> If youre on a PvE server, then I would say TW -> In case youre on a pvp server, PK -> Man Im bored. -> Man Im bored. -> Man Im bored. -> *Uses tele* Ok everyone it was so nice playing with you all, but I am quitting, and no I am not giving away any stuff see ya. -> Logs -> *Quits*.

    Welcome to the new generation of Perfect World International, but who cares? We, ppl who were the first ones to play this game, are the only ones complaining, So why would they give a ****? New comers have no idea about what happened on this game, but still I will never, EVER forget these days, It was so, so, so, so facking fun to play . .

    i agree well im not there yet but this char is older than 1 year. and its been more like fun back then, since my wiz was my first char and very hard to lvl back then (all the grinding), but when u hitted lvl 60 or somethin, it was like " wooow" somethin new interesting.
    then i started a 2nd char (archer) and hitted 80 in like 4 weeks just doin all the BHs, if i ran out of quests ive done dragon quest (since i didnt sell my dq items [archers dont need that many skills for PvE{ -> no lack of money }]) and i just thought .... wtf?

    i needed like 6 months to get my wiz to lvl 80 and now my archer hitted that in like 1 month?

    ya was more fun in the good old days.

    same with gear now, tt 90 was like super endgame equip and these days i feel like trash cause i "only" got tt 90 gear.
  • Rillien - Heavens Tear
    Rillien - Heavens Tear Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I might disagree with you here ;)

    THEY are not rushing people to lvl up faster, the people are rushing themselves. It's like the corrupt idea that if you get lvl 100+ - you will be leet player (despite the fact that you still have hh90 gear heh). The only thing that is useful to get lvl 100 is to be able do nirvana/or BH that gives decent reward now. But after all, char lvl is nothing if you're not satisfied with the game or you got bored of it. I kinda agree with Lylfo - if you don't see anything interesting ingame, maybe it's time to try a new one or atleast make like 1 month "vacation".

    True. No one is required to use their easy leveling tools. I pretty much refused them, and watched quite a few people outlevel me, and I was okay with that. I just wonder sometimes why they introduced things like multiple BHs for level 50 players, though, or if they considered the effects it would have on people. Because it's hard to resist the level-up-faster bug if you want to be semi-competitive in the game. For those who want to play more than just casually, there is an increased pressure to do these dailies, and an increased number of people busy all the time with instances as a result. And yeah, sometimes a "vacation" is the best bet, but I still think their changes to the leveling system could have been better thought out.
  • Pervera - Lost City
    Pervera - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I just wonder sometimes why they introduced things like multiple BHs for level 50 players, though, or if they considered the effects it would have on people.

    For the same reason why they were selling gear in packs. lvl40 players will not buy packs with end game gear and no one would buy packs with 3* gear or molds.
    Game improvement would be great with all those speed leveling stuff cause there would be a reason to farm any high and mid level stuff due to need of gear but it was rather not what they were aiming for.
  • WaffleChan - Sanctuary
    WaffleChan - Sanctuary Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    well, i discovered something i can enjoy, the thrill of a fight with PQ. today was my first one, found people actually doing it luckily. squadded up, and came in second place, despite the well geared 100s being there. was in 5th, but provided a huge chunk of DD on tanso.

    just a heads up, get some guildies together for PQ, its fun!
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I still level slow. b:surrender The only problem I have is that all I do is FC and MQ; occassionally BH79 with my husband (we duo it.)

    The only time I'm having fun in FC is if the squad is talkative or we're talking on Vent.
  • Reivi - Sanctuary
    Reivi - Sanctuary Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The only time I'm having fun in FC is if the squad is talkative or we're talking on Vent.

    be it Vent, skype or any other live mean of discution, the game is always funnier.

    But, not all people speaks the same language with the same capabilities.

    The problem is, the only games with implemented live speaking features dont get to use it.; its more of a gadget

    You will only really use live speak if you re in a big Faction doing TW, or some other big event.. or amongst friends.
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • GothicAngeI - Heavens Tear
    GothicAngeI - Heavens Tear Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Meh cant edit avi


    You know the funs lacking when you HOPE for a bad BH100 squad ... just to add a bit of excitement and unpredictability b:chuckle
  • _kaela_ - Raging Tide
    _kaela_ - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If you're playing a GAME of all things and you've spent x amount of time/dollars on it and you're complaining it's not fun (anymore), then it's time to turn off your computer and go outside.

    I've lvl'ed my main up to lvl 60, and I did it the hard way, no oracles whatsoever. I have fun with ALL my chars, and that's including grinding and quests.

    I think the problem is too many ppl level up TOO FAST and that's why the game gets boring too quickly for them. Instead of taking your time and going through the motions everyone wants to be the best at the game RIGHT NOW. It's the impatient and lack of discipline that would make any activity boring to you ppl after awhile.

    Meanwhile, many of you have poured thousands of hours and (some of you) hundreds of dollars into this game. I'm sure the developers of this game are having the type of fun with your money you failed to have apparently.

    If you're rambling that it's "boring" then don't spend anymore time on it. Go elsewhere. Find another activity you can pour money into and hours of your life until you call that boring too.

    lol pathetic.b:chuckle
  • sennosuke
    sennosuke Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If you're playing a GAME of all things and you've spent x amount of time/dollars on it and you're complaining it's not fun (anymore), then it's time to turn off your computer and go outside.

    I've lvl'ed my main up to lvl 60, and I did it the hard way, no oracles whatsoever. I have fun with ALL my chars, and that's including grinding and quests.

    I think the problem is too many ppl level up TOO FAST and that's why the game gets boring too quickly for them. Instead of taking your time and going through the motions everyone wants to be the best at the game RIGHT NOW. It's the impatient and lack of discipline that would make any activity boring to you ppl after awhile.

    Meanwhile, many of you have poured thousands of hours and (some of you) hundreds of dollars into this game. I'm sure the developers of this game are having the type of fun with your money you failed to have apparently.

    If you're rambling that it's "boring" then don't spend anymore time on it. Go elsewhere. Find another activity you can pour money into and hours of your life until you call that boring too.

    lol pathetic.b:chuckle

    been there, done
  • GothicAngeI - Heavens Tear
    GothicAngeI - Heavens Tear Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    I've lvl'ed my main up to lvl 60, and I did it the hard way, no oracles whatsoever. I have fun with ALL my chars, and that's including grinding and quests.

    I think you will find most players who are posting (myself included) leveled are mains the old way aswell.

    Its not lack of game content people have an issue with pre-100 there is plenty of that. Its lack of Endgame content (You are lucky if you even get 1 new quest per level and thats the least of the content worries)

    PWI is adding means for players to reach Endgame quicker and easier but not adding content to keep them entertained once they are there.
  • _kaela_ - Raging Tide
    _kaela_ - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    sennosuke wrote: »
    been there, done

    lol NOT!b:chuckle Nice try though. I struck a nerve I see. If the game is boring, then stop playing it. Let us "lowly" non-oracle using pre-100 ppl that socialize and still have fun with the game do so, and you can go do....whatever is it that you do.
  • Pervera - Lost City
    Pervera - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If you're playing a GAME of all things and you've spent x amount of time/dollars on it and you're complaining it's not fun (anymore), then it's time to turn off your computer and go outside.

    I've lvl'ed my main up to lvl 60, and I did it the hard way, no oracles whatsoever. I have fun with ALL my chars, and that's including grinding and quests.

    I think the problem is too many ppl level up TOO FAST and that's why the game gets boring too quickly for them. Instead of taking your time and going through the motions everyone wants to be the best at the game RIGHT NOW. It's the impatient and lack of discipline that would make any activity boring to you ppl after awhile.

    Meanwhile, many of you have poured thousands of hours and (some of you) hundreds of dollars into this game. I'm sure the developers of this game are having the type of fun with your money you failed to have apparently.

    If you're rambling that it's "boring" then don't spend anymore time on it. Go elsewhere. Find another activity you can pour money into and hours of your life until you call that boring too.

    lol pathetic.b:chuckle

    Idk, it looks like majority is bored and dissapointed but you are not. Don't know now whom to belive. If I had a reason to think youre not the one that will enjoy tic-tac-toe for entire life I would trust you more. Sorry, no bonus.
  • _kaela_ - Raging Tide
    _kaela_ - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Idk, it looks like majority is bored and dissapointed but you are not. Don't know now whom to belive. If I had a reason to think youre not the one that will enjoy tic-tac-toe for entire life I would trust you more. Sorry, no bonus.

    The majority are bored and disappointed but I'm not? So, because I have the sense to play a game I enjoy, and the others don't have the sense to leave a game they no longer enjoy instead of QQ'ing about nothing, no bonus for me? How sadb:cry

    lol what a jokeb:chuckleb:chuckle
  • Kazamatt - Dreamweaver
    Kazamatt - Dreamweaver Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The majority are bored and disappointed but I'm not? So, because I have the sense to play a game I enjoy, and the others don't have the sense to leave a game they no longer enjoy instead of QQ'ing about nothing, no bonus for me? How sadb:cry

    lol what a jokeb:chuckleb:chuckle
    The point is to NOT leave the game, but to make it more fun, obviously. If they said that it's not fun anymore, it shows that they are concerned about it features. That's why your idea "you're not satisfied - turn of your computer" is really a bad one. Those people play the game long time and they are aware of changes ruining gameplay, and all you have to say is "oh well". Maybe one day you'll find some changes disturbing, but it looks like you're preffering passive way of fixing problems. And usually... That won't work.