ThaClick vs Nagare

Dizzy - Lost City
Dizzy - Lost City Posts: 166 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Twilight Temple (West)
Kami should do a land trade with Nagare so Click can share a border with them and start some epic TWs. You all know Maiya would love 5 weeks straight of 2.5 hour TWs with former Harvester members to decide the fate of The Harshlands.

It'll be like old times b:laugh

(and i also want to record it for practice making epic videos like Transcend >_>)

Every time someone replies on an alt to someone, you know they scared.

Faction History in Order:
RageQuit, Hate, Darknes, RedHawk, NoAngels, FightClub, Harvester, Peerless, FinalOath, Koi, ThaClick.
Post edited by Dizzy - Lost City on


  • Aydamn - Lost City
    Aydamn - Lost City Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Hah, I have fond memories of those TWs. Lot easier to stay up until the small hours when it's the summer though, has to be said. :X
  • combatx
    combatx Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    you guys are lucky you have fond memories of tw

    all i remember is pandora and column screaming, multiple gold charms burning, and towards the end, playing against my friends
    I don't know if anything that I say is standard human nature. or if it matches up perfectly with some pathetic subculture. or that it fits the psychological profile of someone in need of this specific form of something.
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I actually like sleep, thank you very much. :>
  • Apocalyptart - Lost City
    Apocalyptart - Lost City Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I actually like sleep, thank you very much. :>

    b:laughb:chuckle Maiya hates TW
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    b:laughb:chuckle Maiya hates TW

    just long ones :P
  • Esque - Lost City
    Esque - Lost City Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    combatx wrote: »
    you guys are lucky you have fond memories of tw

    all i remember is pandora and column screaming, multiple gold charms burning, and towards the end, playing against my friends

    those were the days... 3 defenses in 1 night, 2-3 hour wars agains GuardianZ...
    Allnighte - knn read pwdatabase laio, rank6 weap needs all of the badges la.
    rank8 laio just la needs laio rep la

    Naevo - o wait dis be pw-my-en? ding dong la
  • Apocalyptart - Lost City
    Apocalyptart - Lost City Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    those were the days... 3 defenses in 1 night, 2-3 hour wars agains GuardianZ...
    b:angry this thread is only about Nagare and ThaClick GFTO >:Ob:cute
  • Dizzy - Lost City
    Dizzy - Lost City Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Btw Nagare pass this video onto Jungleboy.

    I figured he'd appreciate it. The opening scene is as good as textbook on how to stun-lock.

    Every time someone replies on an alt to someone, you know they scared.

    Faction History in Order:
    RageQuit, Hate, Darknes, RedHawk, NoAngels, FightClub, Harvester, Peerless, FinalOath, Koi, ThaClick.
  • Moranine - Lost City
    Moranine - Lost City Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Pointless Thread is Pointless
  • Aydamn - Lost City
    Aydamn - Lost City Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Btw Nagare pass this video onto Jungleboy.

    I figured he'd appreciate it. The opening scene is as good as textbook on how to stun-lock.

    "i need faster sword"
    Truer words have never been spoken.
  • Michael - Harshlands
    Michael - Harshlands Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Nice vid, but why after pdef debuffing a magic marrowed BM would you cyclone, and wield thunder? (1:16-1:25 in the vid), you did 19 and 600 damage (true emptiness from the BM) whereas 2-3 plume shots would have taken him out completely especially with his pdef that badly debuffed. Otherwise it was very very good pvp, and you did an amazing job of keeping clear of the extras while focusing on 1 target at a time.
  • phillydip
    phillydip Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Nice vid, but why after pdef debuffing a magic marrowed BM would you cyclone, and wield thunder? (1:16-1:25 in the vid), you did 19 and 600 damage (true emptiness from the BM) whereas 2-3 plume shots would have taken him out completely especially with his pdef that badly debuffed. Otherwise it was very very good pvp, and you did an amazing job of keeping clear of the extras while focusing on 1 target at a time.

    Blame it on the A..a..a.alcohol
  • Dizzy - Lost City
    Dizzy - Lost City Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Would it really...?
    I think you're underestimating Jungleboy's survivability or just plain overestimating my damage. I was just trying to scare him so he'd leave my little sin sidekick alone cause without triple spark, nothing I could have done was going to leave a dent in Jungleboy.

    Every time someone replies on an alt to someone, you know they scared.

    Faction History in Order:
    RageQuit, Hate, Darknes, RedHawk, NoAngels, FightClub, Harvester, Peerless, FinalOath, Koi, ThaClick.
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    i wana pvp against JB one of these days when he decides to equip a charm >:
  • __AsHRAcK__ - Lost City
    __AsHRAcK__ - Lost City Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited March 2010
  • Serinregis - Lost City
    Serinregis - Lost City Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Nice vid, but why after pdef debuffing a magic marrowed BM would you cyclone, and wield thunder? (1:16-1:25 in the vid), you did 19 and 600 damage (true emptiness from the BM) whereas 2-3 plume shots would have taken him out completely especially with his pdef that badly debuffed. Otherwise it was very very good pvp, and you did an amazing job of keeping clear of the extras while focusing on 1 target at a time.

    Does everyone use lvl 10 magic marrow?
  • Ignation - Lost City
    Ignation - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yay! i see myself in this Vid wooot xD

    -.- night not to remember...too much cigs...too much dying...

    but i had plenty of fun b:laugh

    Thanks for the action Dizzy xD

    Edit: kept getting keeled by ur Sin sidekick Q_Q he hurts >.<
    "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
  • BattleFairy - Lost City
    BattleFairy - Lost City Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    NAGARE THREAD woo woo
    The Swarm is imminent...
  • Ieeemap - Lost City
    Ieeemap - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    dang guys still play this!??!
  • Lilasian - Lost City
    Lilasian - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I actually like sleep, thank you very much. :>

    Right on Mai b:cute I perfer my sleep then sitting at my laptop seeing laggy graphics
  • MasterPerian - Lost City
    MasterPerian - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Sleep > Coins > Skills > Wars.

    spent $10 on SMS and I get 1 Venomancer b:cry
    What can you expect from filthy little heathens? Their whole disgusting race is like a curse. Their skin's a hellish red they're only good when dead they're vermin, as I said and worse. They're Savages! Savages! Barely even human. Savages! Savages! Drive them from our shore! They're not like you and me
    which means they must be evil we must sound the drums of war! They're Savages! Savages! Dirty redskin devils! Now we sound the drums of war!
  • Aydamn - Lost City
    Aydamn - Lost City Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Perian @ pro necrob:avoid
  • Susamajii - Lost City
    Susamajii - Lost City Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    JungleBoy was fun to fight :)

    Shout out to Tributeb:bye
    Push me,
    And then just touch me.
    Tilll I get my,
  • Lingzi - Lost City
    Lingzi - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    b:angry nagare will winn
  • XTryToBeaTMe - Lost City
    XTryToBeaTMe - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Right on Mai b:cute I perfer my sleep then sitting at my laptop seeing laggy graphics

    b:victory i with you 2
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Lifes like a movie , Just make sure your the lead role in yours b:cute
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    2)Sleep is for people who can't live off of mountain dew and red bull b:avoid

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • XTryToBeaTMe - Lost City
    XTryToBeaTMe - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Yay! i see myself in this Vid wooot xD

    -.- night not to remember...too much cigs...too much dying...

    but i had plenty of fun b:laugh

    Thanks for the action Dizzy xD

    Edit: kept getting keeled by ur Sin sidekick Q_Q he hurts >.<

    Yea Swaggers a Beast XD b:laugh
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Lifes like a movie , Just make sure your the lead role in yours b:cute
  • Dizzy - Lost City
    Dizzy - Lost City Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Yea Swaggers a Beast XD b:laugh

    He's talking about the 8x sin in the vid I posted earlier in this thread. I'm Svvagger's sidekick, not the other way around b:surrender

    Every time someone replies on an alt to someone, you know they scared.

    Faction History in Order:
    RageQuit, Hate, Darknes, RedHawk, NoAngels, FightClub, Harvester, Peerless, FinalOath, Koi, ThaClick.
  • TheBishSlap - Lost City
    TheBishSlap - Lost City Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    how can you make epic videos of tw as an ep your job is to heal so your team DDs if you do otherwise w/o like a +10 or better weapon you deserve to be slapped
    im jahailad and i cant change my avatarQQ
  • Dizzy - Lost City
    Dizzy - Lost City Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    how can you make epic videos of tw as an ep your job is to heal so your team DDs if you do otherwise w/o like a +10 or better weapon you deserve to be slapped

    That's a good question...

    Wow that's a good answer.

    Whoever it is hiding behind BishSlap should be a Kamisama recruiting officer. You get to spend all day telling people begging to join that they haven't cash shopped enough and will never catch up and be eligible based on their equips.

    No worries, lots of people will continue to beg each day no matter how much like trash you treat them.

    Every time someone replies on an alt to someone, you know they scared.

    Faction History in Order:
    RageQuit, Hate, Darknes, RedHawk, NoAngels, FightClub, Harvester, Peerless, FinalOath, Koi, ThaClick.