Dont have anymore patience to be cleric



  • CureMermaid - Dreamweaver
    CureMermaid - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Dont put 50 points in vit. Thats silly. 1 HP point - 10 HP. How many times do you think youll live with 10-20 HP per level. Now put those points on magic and heal yourself stronger. THATS a plan. Always start with cyclone. Slows the enemy down. Max your Iron Heart as fast as you can, use plume shell against phy mobs. Magic mobs wont hurt you. Get a physical belt instead of a magic belt, same with necky.

    To the moron above, come play with the 90+ clerics on HT. We would love to put you back in your place. Matter of fact I had 2 nixs, BM, barb, and archer hitting me last night. Kited a wizzy for about 5 minutes with him losing.

    I am full magic (less than 5K HP) 2.5K p def (unbuffed) and know how to use my skills and charms. I have a veno too. Much less fun in my opinion. At least healing a person their is a risk to the party. Healing herc by my self is meh.

    Clerics are no ones "slaves". You want to run your BH well? you need a cleric, want to do FF? need a cleric, want to do tt/hh? need a cleric. Have your wizzy heal through polearm next time you think we are your slaves. And if you **** me off I don't leave, that lets you replace me. I sit right down as soon as you hit that boss, and watch us all die.

    I use a mixture on my armor of citrines are garnets. I need the citrines because with no gear on I have less than 2K HP. And I use the garnets to keep my pdef up.

    My final tip? Get a good genie. Earthquake saved me in my low levels, pushes the mobs off you. We are one of the only classes without a push back skill.

    Amen. She/he need learn how use his/her skills...
  • RainbowVidel - Sanctuary
    RainbowVidel - Sanctuary Posts: 1,316 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    When it comes to playing a healing class, I have a lot of experience. 4 years on GW, now got a 68 cleric on here. Patience wise, I'm more tolerant than most..... but only to an extent. Here's an example.

    Last night, my cleric was helping out a veno friend of mine in fb39. Other squad members were a bm, barb and a second cleric about 11-12 levels higher than me (I'll name him cleric2). The bm and barb were doing everything they can to kill every single mob in sight, even though it was not necessary. A short time in, I got to noticing their faction name was "KILL ALL". That explained a lot already. The 70 bm was its leader. Anyways, they often tended to split up and attack different mobs instead of focusing on just one. This got themselves killed more than once, espeially when I pulled heal aggro trying to save their sorry butts. Couldn't heal them and shake the mobs off me at the same time.

    But what about cleric2, you ask? Although he did help with healing some, he preferred attacking more than healing. Back to the bm and barb..... after a while, I got fed up with it and got on to them about their actions. But they were like "hey, lighten up". I'm trying to make things easy on us and they wouldn't listen. As much as I wanted to leave because of those two idiots, I stayed only because of my veno friend counting on me for help. We did manage to finish the fb and I'll be sure never to squad with anyone of that faction ever again.
  • LadyVvall - Sanctuary
    LadyVvall - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I love my cleric...
    I don't like people. The sooner you can accept that, the sooner we can all go on with our insignificant lives.
  • Nudefoxy - Lost City
    Nudefoxy - Lost City Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    heh i dont know how u play but i leveled my cleric during double experience week to 40 very fast and without dying(how did i do it, i grinded on mobs that hit u with magic attack and not physical), i also bought gears with at least 2 sockets and put phys def shards into them. clerics maybe not very entertaining but they a fear in the hearts of our enemies when we hit 90+.
    the only problem with a cleric is its the most expensive class to play, because when u start getting to a bh 51 thats when people will ask for bb(although if u not a noob u dont need it there) and thats a money pit right there, my cleric is 62 right now and i stoped leveling him for simple reason, no one in raid is paying for my pots and i cant simply afford to pay 100k+ to buy pots every few days. the positive side is that u can get into any party without a problem.
    so if u got the money to spend go with cleric if not go with veno first, since they are the money grinders.
  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    My first cleric was pretty easy to level, using the tricks learned on that one my second was stupidly easy to level. Mobs were lucky to hit once before dieing, using the after-cast cancel combo trick. I stayed pure magic and leveled plume shot and cyclone to level, to constantly spam the two for high DPS + slow. In short if someone is having trouble, I can honestly say it's because they are bad. Either they did an improper build, or just don't know the tricks for PWI to boost their damage. But yes, it's them that is bad: not the class.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • Oscars_SOUL - Lost City
    Oscars_SOUL - Lost City Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    lol pure aint the only way 2 go sure faster killing is good but ppl play different
    i myself prefer taking many many more hits on my cleric then just 2.
    i might deal less damage but i have a genie such as extreme poisen and own debuff
    mag and phy so i dont really lose that much damage.

    i also have a charm for hp and mp i dont do much bh tho well not yet stopped when i reached 80 on my cleric cos ppl talk about pure robe user stats so i am doing dailys and hiper so i aint losing lol they ARE anyways hope ppl will talk less and more cleric will maybe do more random bhsb:chuckle cos i aint helping jerks anymore