Tideborns + Rebirth 0.o



  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Read before u go bashing posts. I did not specify which skills was lacking for which Rebirth. I kept things general. And furthermore my point was that Tideborns are lacking skills to compete in Rebirths.

    Back at yas. I stated most posting was about Gamma, in which 79 is not going to break things one way or another as most of them stand. Celestial is not influencing them yet, nor 100 skills. In Delta, where celestials do come into play somewhat, level 100s still are not going to be a deciding factor on whether or not to bring someone, nor will having celestial skills. Those are always nice extras, but not going to bar someone from getting a group or beating the instance. And the only one I even mentioned in my post for being a non-factor, was the 100 skill.

    I know what the tideborns are trying to do in this thread, rehash an old complaint about not having their skills yet. The problem is they are trying to fit it into a specific subject that really doesn't match up with it very well. I don't know if they hope by sheer number of situations, no matter how flimsy, they can make the need seem that much more desperate, but it comes down to this:

    1. New race, while it has been tested in small group, was released for larger scale testing by the people using them. Different regions will find different exploits that the Devs will possibly need to tweak for balance issues.

    2. Until they see how the current skills and builds work within the whole confines of the game, it will be difficult for them to make extra ability adds that work with the heaven/hell theme, and also don't further destabilize balance too much. It will take time and further testing off of the data they are receiving from our playing.

    3. Anyone who didn't realize this would mean they are playing a class that isn't fully developed, when we already knew they didn't have celestials, really has no reason to gripe. Maybe they hoped it would be faster, since they didn't think through all the steps required in fleshing the classes out, but it is in no way the GMs, admins, or Devs fault. The people chose to test the class out.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    As a Psychic, I have these skills presently:

    AOE type:

    SandBlast Burst: Deals Damage + accuracy debuff.

    Glacial Shards: Deals damage + chance to freeze movement

    Earth vector: Deals damage + chance to stun (higher chance than Glacial)

    Red Tide: Deals damage + chance to bleed by soul force (pretty impressive at lvl 1 with zimo bleeding 3k * 3 times)

    Aqua Cannon: Deals damage + chance to slow (Last defence)

    In theory, Psychic teamed with a mage in RB squad, the latter would DB while Psychic AOE accordingly so as not to pull aggro. The flexibility would be the Psychic being able to adjust aggro, just like what Hamsta has mentioned earlier in this thread.

    Edit: I have tested all these AOEs in BH with the assistance of a very good BARB from Tao. I will still need to test further to see what type of damage it will do at lvl 70 plus range.

    But Chaining AOE can be scary as you may not know which mob decides to come after you instead.
  • Gyarados_PT - Sanctuary
    Gyarados_PT - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I think most people go after what others say and dont have a stop to think what can we do with what we have and how good players can be. Psychics can do some things real good in gammas. I am a Psychic and i can tell you what we can do there.
    - Continues Silence buff on Barb, that help him not take too much damage at once.
    - Vigor buff on Barb, more healing, and fast charm kick.
    - Healing aoe, good for double waves, gives 30% of mag of user+1000 HP during 15 sec.
    -Psychic will, gives immunity of physical damage to himself in case of taking too much agro and cures himself from all debuffs.
    -All our aoes do something to the enemy, freeze them, accuracy fall, stunt , bleed equals to our soul force and retaliation.
    -We have a high attack and defense buff soo we can change our defense and attack levels in a second, soo we can go arcane and still be light armors at once.
    Soo i am saying that we can replace someone, only that we have something to offer to gammas. Just putted this post cause of some people, especially venos, (not speaking bad about them, have a lot of great friends and helpful venos), spreading lies about going with Psychics and that they dont do anything and dont have nothing to offer, maybe they went with bad players or just feel we are trying to take their place.
    Soo next time first see what all players can offer before speaking something just because the others say so.
    Ty for reading and sorry if i offended someone cause it wasn't my intension.